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Why do anyone want to leave father Satan


New member
Jan 9, 2024
I was browsing the site, and once again, someone wants to leave. They're asking how they can undo the dedication, etc. Anyway, my husband said it's pretty bad out there, with people being just plain nasty and mean to each other. With everything going on, why leave Father Satan at a time like this?"
Confusion, and enemy attacks on the subconscious. These are the main reasons, though enemy alien attacks can only work when one is confused, otherwise they are rendered useless and even self-destructive for the jews.

Don't forget that most Wehrmacht generals were christians while the SS were Pagans. The SS stayed loyal and fought fiercely, while some Wehrmacht generals defected to the USSR and betrayed Germany in 1941-1942, causing Germany to eventually lose the war. Their doubts were created by rabbi curses thrown upon them, which made them disloyal to the Fuhrer.

Thus, to avoid "defecting" from the JoS, one must empower their soul, and keep studying.
I was browsing the site, and once again, someone wants to leave. They're asking how they can undo the dedication, etc. Anyway, my husband said it's pretty bad out there, with people being just plain nasty and mean to each other. With everything going on, why leave Father Satan at a time like this?"
Keep in mind that many of these posts saying they're leaving or the classic "pLeAsE deLeTe mY aCcOuNt" are just enemy trolls who do this with the intent of creating doubts and fear in the newest members.
Keep in mind that many of these posts saying they're leaving or the classic "pLeAsE deLeTe mY aCcOuNt" are just enemy trolls who do this with the intent of creating doubts and fear in the newest members.
I had never thought of that. Now it makes sense why there's always one of those messages popping out every few months.
I was browsing the site, and once again, someone wants to leave. They're asking how they can undo the dedication, etc. Anyway, my husband said it's pretty bad out there, with people being just plain nasty and mean to each other. With everything going on, why leave Father Satan at a time like this?"
It's usually because they read some slanderous enemy article about JoS or Satanism on the internet and believed it.
It's fear. Some believe you should fear your creator (god(s)), some believe you should love Them. Some people have a habit or preference of operating more on the spectrum of fear than on the spectrum of love, the two of which it is said all of our decisions and feelings emit from.

There is something to be observed in the degeneracy of, correct me if I'm wrong, but what I've observed to be, the spectrum of fear. It seems to be a state which is always in subordination to something else.

Co-operation can exist out of love or out of fear.

“He who would live must fight. He who doesn't wish to fight in this world, where permanent struggle is the law of life, has not the right to exist.”​

― Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

Submissive and passive behavior generally had ought to be equated with sin, in our Spiritual Satanism. Unless it is a ploy in part of a plan to subvert someone or something with greater action following it. Pretending to be hurt or playing dead, or feigning compliance, may lead to victory in the ultimate outcome, if you play your cards right. But never should one "lay down like a dog" as it is said, or be trampled on, by anything or anyone - that is not as father intended us to be. We instead are to be bright, brilliant, and shining creations - reflecting the light of the gods, if I dare say.

Live the life you want, but giving up will not get you your dreams or the rewards awaiting to be reaped in this life.

Truly, it is easier said than done.. but when we can agree upon all of this, we have something to fall back on and build off of. We then know where we are going.

Sometimes we need to be reminded of things. They should be written, indicted, printed, painted, stamped, stained, hewn, cut, carved, marked and engraved on things movable and immovable, lest we forget them.

Good wisdom is good wisdom, regardless of who holds it. They may taint it, but you might purify it again. Take what is useful to you, from everywhere and everything, and add it to your collection.

May understanding follow,

Hail Satan.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
