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Why are some people so negative


New member
Jan 11, 2024
Why are there some extemely negative and mean people in this world. Also, why has Xianity, Islam, and Jeudaism been allowed to propagate and destroy humanity for so long?

I just don't get it and really want to make a bettrr world where this evil no longer plagues us.

👑Hail Satan👑
Why are there some extemely negative and mean people in this world. Also, why has Xianity, Islam, and Jeudaism been allowed to propagate and destroy humanity for so long?

I just don't get it and really want to make a bettrr world where this evil no longer plagues us.

👑Hail Satan👑
The timeline of the gods is not the same as our timeline. A few thousand years is not a very, very long period of time for them.
There is no "allowing" situation here.
Why are there some extemely negative and mean people in this world. Also, why has Xianity, Islam, and Jeudaism been allowed to propagate and destroy humanity for so long?

I just don't get it and really want to make a bettrr world where this evil no longer plagues us.

Hail Satan
They are failiures many times. This is not to shame them or vent on them, it's just how it is. When you're an unhappy loser, you start hating the idea of anyone being happy and having any kind of luck. So you spread negativity to bring others down to your level. Communist type of envy. "If I cannot have it, no one can."

Others are just born dickheads oftentimes.

Repressed anger can lead one to develop evil tendencies, too.
There are a lot of reasons. Mostly stemming from people being, for the most part, trapped in an animal level of consciousness and cut off from or disinterested in the gods. I think being at this level opens them up to being influenced by negative energy.

If they are like animals, their sole impetus in life is the self and selfishness.

They can also have hangups, which makes them spiteful. Not that they deserve any sympathy for the most part(unless they are repentant).

There are some downright pure evil people in this world aside from the jews. The source of their evil is a mystery. Gertrude Baniszewski being an example of one of the most horrible people I have ever read about.
Thank you for all of the answers guy's. It is really good data for me to ponder. I am trying to find a way to change this world for the better.

The bad jews and the communist filth most certainly are a big part of it too. Also, it is good to know that for the Gods 1000 years is considered short, it makes sense why things go as they do then. However, if I ever become a God I plan to change much of that greatly as I am permitted by father Satan.

👑🐉☀️🔥Hail Satan Forever🔥☀️🐉👑
Most people think Satan is evil, maybe he is maybe he isn't, let me explain you something. Satan conscious (the ego and persona) isn't evil or ill at bad, no he just wants to spread love and have good intentions to the world, but his personal unconscious (Shadow persona and Anima (Female side)) is evil. He knows them very well i think he is the most aware of the true self that walks on earth, he got the biggest shadow persona and a bitch of a Anima. Bad things happen to him and the world around him, but he ain't what that shit, that not his choice, thats the state of mind were the personal unconscious is connected to: the collective unconscious. You can't expierence good times when you don't know any bad times you can't have joy and pleasure without pain and suffering.
Like Adolf Hitler was a good speaker Satan now is a good listener. Like AH had all the power a ego could imagine, Satan now has all the freedom a ego could imagine.
You see where there is good there is also bad, Love evoL(ution).
Nice guy always high, dance wtih the devil. 666 i live this shit, you can see it in my eyes.
Most people think Satan is evil, maybe he is maybe he isn't, let me explain you something. Satan conscious (the ego and persona) isn't evil or ill at bad, no he just wants to spread love and have good intentions to the world, but his personal unconscious (Shadow persona and Anima (Female side)) is evil. He knows them very well i think he is the most aware of the true self that walks on earth, he got the biggest shadow persona and a bitch of a Anima. Bad things happen to him and the world around him, but he ain't what that shit, that not his choice, thats the state of mind were the personal unconscious is connected to: the collective unconscious. You can't expierence good times when you don't know any bad times you can't have joy and pleasure without pain and suffering.
Like Adolf Hitler was a good speaker Satan now is a good listener. Like AH had all the power a ego could imagine, Satan now has all the freedom a ego could imagine.
You see where there is good there is also bad, Love evoL(ution).
Nice guy always high, dance wtih the devil. 666 i live this shit, you can see it in my eyes.

You are highly influenced and confused from the ideas of the LHP which represent a low scale of egotism and they don't represent the full facts about the whole of Lucifer and the Gods. Please read the Joy of Satan with an open mind so you can unleash your actual potential versus the ideas you mention here.
You are highly influenced and confused from the ideas of the LHP which represent a low scale of egotism and they don't represent the full facts about the whole of Lucifer and the Gods. Please read the Joy of Satan with an open mind so you can unleash your actual potential versus the ideas you mention here.
and who made you high priest cant remember doing that?
and who made you high priest cant remember doing that?

The Gods, the heirs of their organization and my superior consciousness & efforts.

Other than that please re-educate yourself or you can continue living in your own delusional state. Good luck.
I also think, many people are empty and damaged, and they intermingle with and link to jewish negative vortexes of energies, becoming influenced in their behaviour - and feeding them. Same process as xianity, islam, for other typical jewish "fields" like sexual assault, crime, deceiving, egopathic infriority to crush others, etc.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
