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What makes a spiritual astrology chart?

Nov 27, 2019
Like how many placements/aspects are needed for one to be considered spiritually gifted or capable. Sure, there is Scorpio stelliums and stuff, but Hitler himself only had about 3-4 strong placements + a few supporting aspects and he achieved divinity, the same to a lesser extent can be said of Himmler.

Just curious if anyone has any input.
unnamed satanist said:
Like how many placements/aspects are needed for one to be considered spiritually gifted or capable. Sure, there is Scorpio stelliums and stuff, but Hitler himself only had about 3-4 strong placements + a few supporting aspects and he achieved divinity, the same to a lesser extent can be said of Himmler.

Just curious if anyone has any input.
There's countless ways this can appear. Hitler had a yod (shows a fated life) with Pluto at the apex, driving the energy of the yod. Pluto rules power, and it was also in the 8th house of power, and also the occult. Neptune was also involved, Neptune here indicated indicate spiritual talent and much psychic ability. Pluto was also on a critical degree if I remember correctly (4 of Gemini), showing that it was very special.

I'd say look at the chart ruler first. Is it in the 8th house or making aspects with planets like Pluto or Neptune? A prominent Neptune can often give a degenerate but it can also indicate much psychic ability, from a previous lifetime in the occult.

12th house placements can also indicate natural psychic ability. Lydia also mentioned Cancer being strong in the chart can indicate an ancient soul as Cancer rules the past. Water signs like Pisces and Cancer aside from Scorpio can indicate the same. There was a White lady I was talking to randomly on some platform as I had seen her post some interesting things about her abilities. She can see spirits and communicate with them astrally (not into drugs), and she's always had the ability since childhood. She had a Cancer stellium in her 1st house. Cancer placements are also common in the charts of psychic people like the renowned remote viewer Ingo Swann (Pluto prominently placed in conjunction with the Moon in Cancer in his 12th house).

Look for yods and whether the planet at the apex suggests anything to do with the occult; in the 8th house, 12th house and so on.

Look for fixed stars like Alphecca which indicate spiritual talent. Scorpio or 8th house stelliums. I had an ex with like four or five planets in Aquarius in her 8th house, including the chart ruler. She was strongly into the occult and very psychic. Though she wasn't ready to get into Satanism at the time. Also kind of a sex freak :lol:

Mercury rules the mind and when in aspect with Pluto, Neptune or in the 8th or 12th houses, you can also expect some level of psychic ability.

I am certain I have barely exhausted the ways spiritual talent can appear in charts. Sometimes, one develops it by practicing yoga in their life or certain martial arts like Qi Gong. So it may not necessarily appear strongly in their chart. I am sure someone like Kino Macgregor (a yogi who's been recommended by Lydia on the forums lots of times) has come to have a powerful aura and good intuitive abilities from the years of doing consistent yoga.

Try this, Google ten or twenty famous spiritually gifted people in history. Study their charts and see what you find. Start with the people used in the Stargate project like Ingo Swann and Lyn Buchanan. Look at Tesla's chart, Hitler, Himmler, and so on. Astrology is best learnt by experience.
Blackdragon666 said:
unnamed satanist said:
Like how many placements/aspects are needed for one to be considered spiritually gifted or capable. Sure, there is Scorpio stelliums and stuff, but Hitler himself only had about 3-4 strong placements + a few supporting aspects and he achieved divinity, the same to a lesser extent can be said of Himmler.

Just curious if anyone has any input.
There was a White lady I was talking to randomly on some platform as I had seen her post some interesting things about her abilities. She can see spirits and communicate with them astrally (not into drugs), and she's always had the ability since childhood. She had a Cancer stellium in her 1st house.
I forgot to mention, this lady also had her Uranus and Neptune in the 8th house, adding to the psychic abilities. Cancer was rising with the ruling Moon, Sun and Mercury in conjunction in Cancer.
Blackdragon666 said:
unnamed satanist said:
Like how many placements/aspects are needed for one to be considered spiritually gifted or capable. Sure, there is Scorpio stelliums and stuff, but Hitler himself only had about 3-4 strong placements + a few supporting aspects and he achieved divinity, the same to a lesser extent can be said of Himmler.

Just curious if anyone has any input.
There's countless ways this can appear. Hitler had a yod (shows a fated life) with Pluto at the apex, driving the energy of the yod. Pluto rules power, and it was also in the 8th house of power, and also the occult. Neptune was also involved, Neptune here indicated indicate spiritual talent and much psychic ability. Pluto was also on a critical degree if I remember correctly (4 of Gemini), showing that it was very special.

I'd say look at the chart ruler first. Is it in the 8th house or making aspects with planets like Pluto or Neptune? A prominent Neptune can often give a degenerate but it can also indicate much psychic ability, from a previous lifetime in the occult.

12th house placements can also indicate natural psychic ability. Lydia also mentioned Cancer being strong in the chart can indicate an ancient soul as Cancer rules the past. Water signs like Pisces and Cancer aside from Scorpio can indicate the same. There was a White lady I was talking to randomly on some platform as I had seen her post some interesting things about her abilities. She can see spirits and communicate with them astrally (not into drugs), and she's always had the ability since childhood. She had a Cancer stellium in her 1st house. Cancer placements are also common in the charts of psychic people like the renowned remote viewer Ingo Swann (Pluto prominently placed in conjunction with the Moon in Cancer in his 12th house).

Look for yods and whether the planet at the apex suggests anything to do with the occult; in the 8th house, 12th house and so on.

Look for fixed stars like Alphecca which indicate spiritual talent. Scorpio or 8th house stelliums. I had an ex with like four or five planets in Aquarius in her 8th house, including the chart ruler. She was strongly into the occult and very psychic. Though she wasn't ready to get into Satanism at the time. Also kind of a sex freak :lol:

Mercury rules the mind and when in aspect with Pluto, Neptune or in the 8th or 12th houses, you can also expect some level of psychic ability.

I am certain I have barely exhausted the ways spiritual talent can appear in charts. Sometimes, one develops it by practicing yoga in their life or certain martial arts like Qi Gong. So it may not necessarily appear strongly in their chart. I am sure someone like Kino Macgregor (a yogi who's been recommended by Lydia on the forums lots of times) has come to have a powerful aura and good intuitive abilities from the years of doing consistent yoga.

Try this, Google ten or twenty famous spiritually gifted people in history. Study their charts and see what you find. Start with the people used in the Stargate project like Ingo Swann and Lyn Buchanan. Look at Tesla's chart, Hitler, Himmler, and so on. Astrology is best learnt by experience.
You are amazing!
Beyond what was said I also want to mention Sagittarius and the 9th house. A lot of people who have this sign or Jupiter prominent are very interested in beliefs and care a lot about honesty and finding the truth. This sign rules religion for good or bad. It kind of often is Sagittarius and Jupiter type energies that creates a pushiness in many strongly religious people and insisting they are right all the time. Saturn in this sign obviously is often bad if the person grows up in a religious home even a strong soul might struggle to get free of it. It used to state on the JOS site and maybe a line should be added again that this is a lot of the strongest and most radical Bible thumpers and fundies.

Not all people with stuff in this sign are even into it at all some are materialistic and party lifestyle but a lot of spiritual and people into the occult as well.

Scorpio and of Course Pisces and the 12th and 8th house are the other two signs and houses related to them that could give a strong interest in the occult.

Cancer connects one to their roots or past so they will be interested in the ancient past and Gods more so.

Not everyone even with something in all three of these is into spirituality or the occult though. I knew someone with 4 things in Pisces one of them at 9 degrees Pisces that was the most deep in xtian I ever met. I do not know what house it was in though cause I don't have their birth time but me guessing Saturn was in their 5th house from the description and that they may be Virgo or Taurus Ascendant.
Capricorn also this is the most wise and deep of the earth signs in my experience. This also is a sign depicting Satan like Aquarius. Especially if someone has an outer planet in it as well or something near Vega (on the JOS site is a typo it says Wega on the fixed stars and degrees site where everyone else calls this star vega) that kind of changes the go along with the status quo energy of it.

Bad luck is almost always the downside of this sign but it can be changed with meditation.
Korpi said:
Small question about the Yod. What if the apex is one of the Moon's Nodes?
With yods, the apex planet has to be a planet or the ascendant. If it's a Node, then look at how tight the orbs are. When planets are in a tight aspect that ties in with the nodal axis, this is something special someone is born with or a fated event.
Blackdragon666 said:
Korpi said:
Small question about the Yod. What if the apex is one of the Moon's Nodes?
With yods, the apex planet has to be a planet or the ascendant. If it's a Node, then look at how tight the orbs are. When planets are in a tight aspect that ties in with the nodal axis, this is something special someone is born with or a fated event.
An example of this is, say Mercury is at 20° of Virgo and Uranus at 21° of Scorpio. The North Node is in a tight quincunx aspect with both from 20° of Aries, making a yod. You wouldn't treat this as a normal yod, but as a sextile aspect lining up with the nodal axis. In this particular case this can indicate a genius.

You can see something similar in the chart of Evangelos Katsioulis, a Greek psychiatrist.
Mercury in a tight square with his Uranus. In his case, they lie within 2° of his ascendant/descendant axis. He has an IQ of 198.
To quote HPS Maxine, "In some cases, the linked planets can also indicate something one is born with such as a special talent or an anomaly. I knew a woman who had an IQ of over 185 and she had an exact Mercury/Uranus square linked with her ascendant degree, making this personal. People born on that day would have the tight Mercury/Uranus square, but when an aspect links to one‟s ascendant, chart ruler or midheaven and the orb is under 1 1/2 degrees, it becomes personal."

The degree of the nodal axis, the angles and the chart ruler are special and any planets or even house cusps that lie within 2° can indicate something special, especially if it's two or more planets.

mercury_wisdom said:
You are amazing!
Thanks brother. I always give credit to HPS Maxine and her phenomenal work in Astrology. Probably the greatest Astrologer of modern times.
Thank you for the double response!
Highly insightful and easy to understand, I appreciate it.
Blackdragon666 said:
An example of this is, say Mercury is at 20° of Virgo and Uranus at 21° of Scorpio. The North Node is in a tight quincunx aspect with both from 20° of Aries, making a yod. You wouldn't treat this as a normal yod, but as a sextile aspect lining up with the nodal axis. In this particular case this can indicate a genius.
As to the above example, what if the nodal axis was on a fatal degree. Would that inversely indicate a cognitive disability of sorts, or something else entirely?
mercury_wisdom said:
You are amazing!

Yes, I fully agree here.
He is amazing!
Korpi said:
Thank you for the double response!
Highly insightful and easy to understand, I appreciate it.
Blackdragon666 said:
An example of this is, say Mercury is at 20° of Virgo and Uranus at 21° of Scorpio. The North Node is in a tight quincunx aspect with both from 20° of Aries, making a yod. You wouldn't treat this as a normal yod, but as a sextile aspect lining up with the nodal axis. In this particular case this can indicate a genius.
As to the above example, what if the nodal axis was on a fatal degree. Would that inversely indicate a cognitive disability of sorts, or something else entirely?

Yes the degree is also very important. I have a friend with her ruling Venus at 29° in an exact aspect with Neptune at 29°. Her nodal axis is also at 29°. That lady can really sing and compose, so much talent. 29° can indicate a special talent and with Venus or Neptune it can be artistic talent (some very gifted singers like Shayne Ward and Katy Perry have their Neptune at 29°), but when you have both these planets at that degree, this becomes even more unique. Add the nodal axis and it's one in extreme talent (she really is extremely talented).

So the degree matters a lot.
Blackdragon666 said:
Korpi said:
Thank you for the double response!
Highly insightful and easy to understand, I appreciate it.
Blackdragon666 said:
An example of this is, say Mercury is at 20° of Virgo and Uranus at 21° of Scorpio. The North Node is in a tight quincunx aspect with both from 20° of Aries, making a yod. You wouldn't treat this as a normal yod, but as a sextile aspect lining up with the nodal axis. In this particular case this can indicate a genius.
As to the above example, what if the nodal axis was on a fatal degree. Would that inversely indicate a cognitive disability of sorts, or something else entirely?

Yes the degree is also very important. I have a friend with her ruling Venus at 29° in an exact aspect with Neptune at 29°. Her nodal axis is also at 29°. That lady can really sing and compose, so much talent. 29° can indicate a special talent and with Venus or Neptune it can be artistic talent (some very gifted singers like Shayne Ward and Katy Perry have their Neptune at 29°), but when you have both these planets at that degree, this becomes even more unique. Add the nodal axis and it's one in extreme talent (she really is extremely talented).

So the degree matters a lot.
In the earlier example, if the degree is malefic, it can bring out the uglier sides of Uranus. Say loss or separation from a loved one if Mercury rules any person in the native's life. The high intellect can still be there but there will be something else ugly to the aspect. Look to the houses ruled by Uranus and Mercury in that case, and the houses they are in.

If there are problems with the mind, the third house and even Gemini in the chart can be afflicted, say by Saturn.
Blackdragon666 said:
Korpi said:
Thank you for the double response!
Highly insightful and easy to understand, I appreciate it.
Blackdragon666 said:
An example of this is, say Mercury is at 20° of Virgo and Uranus at 21° of Scorpio. The North Node is in a tight quincunx aspect with both from 20° of Aries, making a yod. You wouldn't treat this as a normal yod, but as a sextile aspect lining up with the nodal axis. In this particular case this can indicate a genius.
As to the above example, what if the nodal axis was on a fatal degree. Would that inversely indicate a cognitive disability of sorts, or something else entirely?

Yes the degree is also very important. I have a friend with her ruling Venus at 29° in an exact aspect with Neptune at 29°. Her nodal axis is also at 29°. That lady can really sing and compose, so much talent. 29° can indicate a special talent and with Venus or Neptune it can be artistic talent (some very gifted singers like Shayne Ward and Katy Perry have their Neptune at 29°), but when you have both these planets at that degree, this becomes even more unique. Add the nodal axis and it's one in extreme talent (she really is extremely talented).

So the degree matters a lot.

One in a million*
Blackdragon666 said:
Yes the degree is also very important. I have a friend with her ruling Venus at 29° in an exact aspect with Neptune at 29°. Her nodal axis is also at 29°. That lady can really sing and compose, so much talent. 29° can indicate a special talent and with Venus or Neptune it can be artistic talent (some very gifted singers like Shayne Ward and Katy Perry have their Neptune at 29°), but when you have both these planets at that degree, this becomes even more unique. Add the nodal axis and it's one in a million extreme talent (she really is extremely talented).

So the degree matters a lot.

I never knew, I thought it only had to do with endings. More often than not, I've scratched my head over it.
Your friend is truly special.
The most interesting placement I've seen thus far, belonged to the child of an acquaintance, who had 12th House Polaris and Betelguese in tight conjunction with the Ascendant, a tight Grand Trine in Water, and the nodal axis in tight aspect forming a Kite. There is more to be said, but I'm not sure how savvy it is to spill out another's chart in any great detail.
So long as I keep in touch with her, I'm curious as to the child's future.

Blackdragon666 said:
In the earlier example, if the degree is malefic, it can bring out the uglier sides of Uranus. Say loss or separation from a loved one if Mercury rules any person in the native's life. The high intellect can still be there but there will be something else ugly to the aspect. Look to the houses ruled by Uranus and Mercury in that case, and the houses they are in.

If there are problems with the mind, the third house and even Gemini in the chart can be afflicted, say by Saturn.

This reveals a great deal to me. I cannot well enough convey how much I appreciate your continued responses. I worried as to whether I may be pushing my luck. I have long mulled over one such similar placement, though far less prominent, and how it has manifested in the life.
Korpi said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Yes the degree is also very important. I have a friend with her ruling Venus at 29° in an exact aspect with Neptune at 29°. Her nodal axis is also at 29°. That lady can really sing and compose, so much talent. 29° can indicate a special talent and with Venus or Neptune it can be artistic talent (some very gifted singers like Shayne Ward and Katy Perry have their Neptune at 29°), but when you have both these planets at that degree, this becomes even more unique. Add the nodal axis and it's one in a million extreme talent (she really is extremely talented).

So the degree matters a lot.

I never knew, I thought it only had to do with endings. More often than not, I've scratched my head over it.
Your friend is truly special.
The most interesting placement I've seen thus far, belonged to the child of an acquaintance, who had 12th House Polaris and Betelguese in tight conjunction with the Ascendant, a tight Grand Trine in Water, and the nodal axis in tight aspect forming a Kite. There is more to be said, but I'm not sure how savvy it is to spill out another's chart in any great detail.
So long as I keep in touch with her, I'm curious as to the child's future.

Blackdragon666 said:
In the earlier example, if the degree is malefic, it can bring out the uglier sides of Uranus. Say loss or separation from a loved one if Mercury rules any person in the native's life. The high intellect can still be there but there will be something else ugly to the aspect. Look to the houses ruled by Uranus and Mercury in that case, and the houses they are in.

If there are problems with the mind, the third house and even Gemini in the chart can be afflicted, say by Saturn.

This reveals a great deal to me. I cannot well enough convey how much I appreciate your continued responses. I worried as to whether I may be pushing my luck. I have long mulled over one such similar placement, though far less prominent, and how it has manifested in the life.
Yes it does, but in predictive Astrology. A friend recently got fired when her 6th house cusp was at 29 degrees of Pisces in a lunar return. 29 degrees is a strong endings degree, especially with Pisces.

Betelgeuse on the ascendant can give a lot of wealth. An example is LeBron James.

A grand trine in water can give psychic ability, especially with Polaris also prominent.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
