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Veganism Thoughts (animal vs plant protein)


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2017
(Probably this should go in the health forums, but I think people should be aware of this if you’re vegan)

I was reviewing the work of Jorn Trommelen, a muscle protein synthesis scientist from the Netherlands. He had some interesting studies on the difference in quality from animal sourced proteins and plant sourced proteins. What was found overall is that there is verifiable and provable differences in quality to animal and plant proteins, with animal proteins being superior.

The interesting thing is when it comes to vegan lifters and vegan athletes, they brag about their records and such, but who cares? They almost have to have their own category for strength records and athletic records in general because they can’t compete with athletes consuming animal foods.

The initial implications are that if you’re training, you should include animal proteins in your diet for max benefit. If you’re not training, who cares? But I was thinking on it and it does matter, even if you’re not training. The reason is your body is built up from the food you consume, continuously being recycled, and if we know plant proteins are overall inferior and they’re all you’re consuming, this will have an effect and it’s not good. It’s the same with eating junk in general. Low quality isn’t good and you’ll have problems over time.

It’s been discussed before, but it’s something to think about if you needed another reason to avoid veganism. Long term it is unhealthy and will leave you in a weakened state. When looking to care for your body, quality is important and animal foods NEED to be included. How much will depend on your lifestyle.

I’ve worked on many small organic animal farms, and I can say if the ethical dilemma is fueling the lifestyle change, perhaps find a local farm in your area and visit it. An honest facility should have no problem showing curious community members around and if you find the place to your liking, support them and make your animal product purchases local only.

*Link to source material. https://youtu.be/4YgvtVKW3m8
I was told spiritually to stop eating meat several years ago. Perhaps... Meat eating = Karma. Makes sense.
JQC67 said:
I was told spiritually to stop eating meat several years ago. Perhaps... Meat eating = Karma. Makes sense.
Veganism is totally unhealthy, and no meat eating = karma makes totally no sense that’s just some new age crap that degenerates like pushing to feel spiritual or something, meat is needed by the body and has positive spiritual effects too like grounding.
Please avoid getting advices by degenerate new agers and get your facts from here.
JQC67 said:
I was told spiritually to stop eating meat several years ago. Perhaps... Meat eating = Karma. Makes sense.
Told that by who?

Everything = karma. Karma means "action" and it is the same as cause and effect, or the flow of time. Every action that you ever do is some kind of karma.
Animal cells are similar to our cells already, so it is easy to digest them and change them into a form we can use. Plant cells can be hard to digest, especially things like cellulose we can't dissolve, and they are more different from ourself so needs to be more work done to get it into a form we can use. Like if you eat an egg, that is easy to digest into your cells because it is a giant cell almost the same as ours. But if you eat a cellery, what is your body gonna do with that? :lol: Very different from our own cells.
JQC67 said:
I was told spiritually to stop eating meat several years ago. Perhaps... Meat eating = Karma. Makes sense.
Mageson said, that the Ayurvedic texts state: “For the nourishment and promotion of the body, no food is better than meat.”

There’s a spiritual component to meat as well that shouldn’t be overlooked. With it working on different areas of the soul. Plants as well. They serve different purposes. Plant proteins aren’t bad, but if it’s all you’re consuming it’s going to cause problems. Animal proteins are essential.

And it’s not just about the digestion of the proteins, but simply they're higher quality. It’s not just a matter of them being the same amino acids in a plant food or animal food. It’s more than that. The quality factor is the key. As well, higher quality meat, is better than low quality meat. Long term veganism is failz.
There are so many mentally unstable vegans that I encounter, it makes me think that their diet is lacking essential nutrients
Every Vegan I have met, are thin, with a dull complexion, weak looking and lackong some kind of vigor. Yes, they are missing out on many vital nutritiinal compounds. They think they are healthy but they are not. The people I know who used to be vegan or even vegetarian admitted that they started to feel sick and malnourished when they took on the diet.

There are very few people who can do veganism and really survive on it, but even thats just tight roping it and it is only because of the convenience of modern living that they are able to survive.
HPS Shannon said:
Every Vegan I have met, are thin, with a dull complexion, weak looking and lackong some kind of vigor. Yes, they are missing out on many vital nutritiinal compounds. They think they are healthy but they are not. The people I know who used to be vegan or even vegetarian admitted that they started to feel sick and malnourished when they took on the diet.
Some are skinny and frail, but many actually gain weight on it. They constantly eat because they’re not being nourished properly and can’t stop eating. This is something that can seem surprising, but it is true. I lived in a small community of primarily vegans last year, and many were over weight and constantly eating. As well, I left the community and ended up living with some friends who just made the vegan transition, ironically. About six months in they both gained significant amounts of weight. The funny things is even with the weight gain they still took on the frail look you mentioned. Weak and listless.

I personally don’t believe, even with supplements a vegan can maintain health longterm. The reason is food isn’t just of physical value. It has spiritual value as well. The two are linked and when one is malnourished on one side, they are on the other side as well.

Many also aren’t 100% vegan. And if they claim they are, often it’s a lie. In the community I lived, sometimes they’d weirdly confide in me. They’d say, okay I’m gonna eat this egg sandwich don’t tell anyone. And id say I don’t care, eat what you want. Bla bla. Strange people...
I hope I don't get judged too hard for my past stupidity but I was vegetarian for two years and vegan for another two (for the animals). It wasn't that bad because I made sure to eat properly and enough, so I wasn't too malnourished, but it surely stunted my spiritual development. After reading one of the HP post on vegetarianism a few weeks ago I finally understood why I was progressing so hard with my kundalini and couldn't raise it properly.
It's weird how I feel liberated in a sense, not to be vegan anymore. 10/10 would never do it again.
Veganism is a form of social marxism. It's basically ideological eating to goy people up. It was created to simply kill as many people as possible and create an industry based on suffering both for vegan products and a hospital medical system to earn shekels.

Vegetarianism as long as it includes meat is perfectly fine. For many people eating a recommended 75-90% non-meat and 10-25% meat is a great diet. Unfortunately not all people respond the same way and some are genetic freaks that can consume 50/50 albeit if your eating 50% meat your probably exercising-working out vigorously and using the meat, protein.

So vegan = marxist crap, vegetarian = marxist crap(usually because they push the plant side), but vegetarianism with a bit of meat = perfectly fine.

Really having meat a tiny bit per week works perfectly fine. We don't need to consume high meat like royals in feudal era dying at 30ish due to cancer and other ailments.

Think of it like Hitler, vegetarian but consumed some meat from time to time and some meat broth as well.

And for JQC67 you really need to study the JoS more both the NS and SS side of things. We recommend meat as it is sattvic(most powerful food) and very important for our diet. Obviously not to only consumption, as eating plants is VERY good but some meat is required to "lubricate the body so to speak".
Gear88 said:
Veganism is a form of social marxism. It's basically ideological eating to goy people up. It was created to simply kill as many people as possible and create an industry based on suffering both for vegan products and a hospital medical system to earn shekels.

Vegetarianism as long as it includes meat is perfectly fine. For many people eating a recommended 75-90% non-meat and 10-25% meat is a great diet. Unfortunately not all people respond the same way and some are genetic freaks that can consume 50/50 albeit if your eating 50% meat your probably exercising-working out vigorously and using the meat, protein.

So vegan = marxist crap, vegetarian = marxist crap(usually because they push the plant side), but vegetarianism with a bit of meat = perfectly fine.

Really having meat a tiny bit per week works perfectly fine. We don't need to consume high meat like royals in feudal era dying at 30ish due to cancer and other ailments.

Think of it like Hitler, vegetarian but consumed some meat from time to time and some meat broth as well.

And for JQC67 you really need to study the JoS more both the NS and SS side of things. We recommend meat as it is sattvic(most powerful food) and very important for our diet. Obviously not to only consumption, as eating plants is VERY good but some meat is required to "lubricate the body so to speak".

I agree with this. The healthiest people on earth tend to eat a diet of 20 percent animal products (usually fish or dairy, not red meat) and 80 percent plants (which does not consist of fucking kale, usually this means starches).

However I'd say children need more than a tiny bit of meat and dairy whatever the case. The vegan program is really detrimental to them the most. Meat is important for powering the immune system and the more children end up with assaults on it the more they end up stunted because the body is allocating resources that could be used for growth for fighting things off. Vegan children look horrific and vegans in general tend to get colds and such a lot more.

Eric13 said:
Some are skinny and frail, but many actually gain weight on it. They constantly eat because they’re not being nourished properly and can’t stop eating. This is something that can seem surprising, but it is true. I lived in a small community of primarily vegans last year, and many were over weight and constantly eating. As well, I left the community and ended up living with some friends who just made the vegan transition, ironically. About six months in they both gained significant amounts of weight. The funny things is even with the weight gain they still took on the frail look you mentioned. Weak and listless.

I personally don’t believe, even with supplements a vegan can maintain health longterm. The reason is food isn’t just of physical value. It has spiritual value as well. The two are linked and when one is malnourished on one side, they are on the other side as well.

Many also aren’t 100% vegan. And if they claim they are, often it’s a lie. In the community I lived, sometimes they’d weirdly confide in me. They’d say, okay I’m gonna eat this egg sandwich don’t tell anyone. And id say I don’t care, eat what you want. Bla bla. Strange people...

'Raw Till 4' types of vegans who only eat sugary fruit and drink endless sugary drinks are infamous for putting on hundreds of pounds. Those who consume vegan processed food (extremely unhealthy) also tend to gain weight.

One of the major promoters of early veganism in the 1980s was interviewed on some channel and she said everyone she knew cheated in some form. She said now, people are less likely to cheat and the result is horrific.
HPS Shannon said:
Every Vegan I have met, are thin, with a dull complexion, weak looking and lackong some kind of vigor. Yes, they are missing out on many vital nutritiinal compounds. They think they are healthy but they are not. The people I know who used to be vegan or even vegetarian admitted that they started to feel sick and malnourished when they took on the diet.

There are very few people who can do veganism and really survive on it, but even thats just tight roping it and it is only because of the convenience of modern living that they are able to survive.

I also hear many of those vegans claim that transitioning to a vegan diet will make you feel weak and tired at first but eventually after a few weeks your energy levels go back up to a higher level. I've never been a vegan more that long so I wouldn't know if it is true. I guess its similar to when you get plastic ear surgery. For the first 60 days after surgery, your hearing is very weak. But after surgery, your hearing apparently becomes better than it was pre-operation. I know these analogies are a stretch im just trying to provide more context for all.

What do all of you think about eating raw meat in terms of health? I heard that us humans don't engage in raw diets much anymore because fresh meat is hard to come by and there can be bacteria issues.

Also has anyone ever heard of biophotons? I have this raw vegan dieter acquaintance who claims that fruits contain biophotons which helps raise your vibrational levels? Sounds like some new age poo....can anyone clarify?
Eric13 said:
HPS Shannon said:
Every Vegan I have met, are thin, with a dull complexion, weak looking and lackong some kind of vigor. Yes, they are missing out on many vital nutritiinal compounds. They think they are healthy but they are not. The people I know who used to be vegan or even vegetarian admitted that they started to feel sick and malnourished when they took on the diet.
Some are skinny and frail, but many actually gain weight on it. They constantly eat because they’re not being nourished properly and can’t stop eating. This is something that can seem surprising, but it is true. I lived in a small community of primarily vegans last year, and many were over weight and constantly eating. As well, I left the community and ended up living with some friends who just made the vegan transition, ironically. About six months in they both gained significant amounts of weight. The funny things is even with the weight gain they still took on the frail look you mentioned. Weak and listless.

I personally don’t believe, even with supplements a vegan can maintain health longterm. The reason is food isn’t just of physical value. It has spiritual value as well. The two are linked and when one is malnourished on one side, they are on the other side as well.

Many also aren’t 100% vegan. And if they claim they are, often it’s a lie. In the community I lived, sometimes they’d weirdly confide in me. They’d say, okay I’m gonna eat this egg sandwich don’t tell anyone. And id say I don’t care, eat what you want. Bla bla. Strange people...

Hahah those people are so full of shit. Its hilariously ironic how most vegans still buy products that try to mimic the taste and smell and texture of meat.

Most vegans are fat because a lot of junk food can still be vegan and most of these idiots are satisfied with whatever they eat as long as it is vegan, even if its bad for their health. I know this kid who just became a vegan. He told me all he eats is vegan tacos, vegan hamburgers, vegan hot dogs.......he also is so militant about it and tries to push it soooo hard. Poor loser I pity him

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
