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Using Sowilo for weight loss?


Nov 4, 2017
Im a few days into using the Sowilo rune for weight loss. I vibrate it 80 times and affirm 8 times "The energy of the rune sowilo is speeding up my body's metabolism in a healthy and positive way for me"

I thought I should use the Sowilo rune for this kind of thing, but does anyone else have any suggestions about using other runes for this? Which rune could I use to target body fat all by itself?
It’s a special kind of rune, called diet :p
Yes, proper food intake and exercise are the physical ways of losing weight physically.

If you have an imbalance somewhere, SOWILO can be used to heal problems, helping out..but it's no magic bullet. Otherwise, runes to give energy for exercising and the impetus to actually get up and go, will/might help.
Ignisalas said:
Im a few days into using the Sowilo rune for weight loss. I vibrate it 80 times and affirm 8 times "The energy of the rune sowilo is speeding up my body's metabolism in a healthy and positive way for me"

I thought I should use the Sowilo rune for this kind of thing, but does anyone else have any suggestions about using other runes for this? Which rune could I use to target body fat all by itself?

You can also check this out:


If you combine this with a proper and healthy diet you will eventually see the results you desire.
I don't know why everyone in here when it come to diet they say to not do magick, why? Magic can help in so many way, for example if your metabolism is making you fat then a working could change that or it could change other things like make you really stick with a diet. What i'm trying to say is that a working is useful in many ways. Doing both diet and a working it's the best, not everyone has a willpower to do a diet and a working could give him that. Hope i'm clear enough.
because people, myself included, think that magic is the cure-all for physical things..i wish i could just do magic itself and that be enough, but most things need fixing on multiple levels/planes..
Adrellis said:
because people, myself included, think that magic is the cure-all for physical things..i wish i could just do magic itself and that be enough, but most things need fixing on multiple levels/planes..
I understand but of course only magic is not the cutez like i said magic and doing something phisicaly is the best.
You need to work both on the spiritual, mental and physical. Otherwise, it won't work or it will be too weak or slow and you'll give up eventually. That's why a physical approach is also included when replying to posts. As for losing weight, one shouldn't think about that. What is to lose is excessive amounts of fat, not weight overall. Weight is made of lean mass and fat mass. Fat mass is body fat; lean mass is bones, muscles and the rest. If you lose muscles, you become weaker. and certainly no one wants to lose bones.
Aquarius said:
It’s a special kind of rune, called diet :p

What's the point of this answer?
I would obviously think Ignisala considered diet and food for loosing weight, and is asking for Magickal help.

So back to the main question, apart of Runes, I would add that Air element seems helpful to speed up metabolism, as it generally "speeds up" nervous processes and consequently energy consumption. Also empowering the Troath chakra, as it's linked to the tyroid gland and the Air elements itself, may increase metabolism.
Go slow with that, as too much Air will make you overactive or nervous.

Last advice, might be obvious anyway, simply walking on daily basis (or, better, practicing an aerobic sport wiith mid-low heart rate) for at least 30 minutes, helps boosting metabolism.
Gerecht Ror said:
Aquarius said:
It’s a special kind of rune, called diet :p

What's the point of this answer?
I would obviously think Ignisala considered diet and food for loosing weight, and is asking for Magickal help.

So back to the main question, apart of Runes, I would add that Air element seems helpful to speed up metabolism, as it generally "speeds up" nervous processes and consequently energy consumption. Also empowering the Troath chakra, as it's linked to the tyroid gland and the Air elements itself, may increase metabolism.
Go slow with that, as too much Air will make you overactive or nervous.

Last advice, might be obvious anyway, simply walking on daily basis (or, better, practicing an aerobic sport wiith mid-low heart rate) for at least 30 minutes, helps boosting metabolism.
I always say the same when I see this question, maybe she thinks that all she can do is a magickal working and poof she lost weight, maybe not either way it’s not negative to remind people of the physical part of it.
The Uruz rune can be used to improve athletic performance and you can do a magical job to help you lose weight,along with proper diet and exercise.
You can use an affirmation similar to this one: "in a safe and healthy way I am losing my excess of weight and body fat"
Aquarius said:
Gerecht Ror said:
Aquarius said:
It’s a special kind of rune, called diet :p

What's the point of this answer?
I would obviously think Ignisala considered diet and food for loosing weight, and is asking for Magickal help.

So back to the main question, apart of Runes, I would add that Air element seems helpful to speed up metabolism, as it generally "speeds up" nervous processes and consequently energy consumption. Also empowering the Troath chakra, as it's linked to the tyroid gland and the Air elements itself, may increase metabolism.
Go slow with that, as too much Air will make you overactive or nervous.

Last advice, might be obvious anyway, simply walking on daily basis (or, better, practicing an aerobic sport wiith mid-low heart rate) for at least 30 minutes, helps boosting metabolism.
I always say the same when I see this question, maybe she thinks that all she can do is a magickal working and poof she lost weight, maybe not either way it’s not negative to remind people of the physical part of it.
You are right, just like even if you do a money working for 6473737373 days if you don't get the fuck up and go out and talk to people and try to do something money it's not going to magicaly materialize on your lap :lol:

You just should have worded it differently.
Good thing is it's almost winter that will make it easier. It's healthy to be cold sometimes if it isn't too much, it's healthy to shiver. Shivering converts the stored white fat into brown fat which is the active version. The brown fat is then burned to warm you up. The problem with white fat is it can't really be used it's more really long term storage, but the brown fat can be directly used up. So getting cold in the winter, cold showers, things like this help. This also releases huge amounts of vitamin D into your body that was also saved in the fat, which you need in the winter this works to prevent you from getting sick. I lost about 40 pounds in a few months and this is a big part of what I did. Also I wear much less clothes than most people do in the winter and I end up being so much healthier than many people, don't get sick in the winter like lack vitamin D does to most people. It's cold at first, but your body gets more and more used to it every time you go in the cold until you can wear almost nothing when it's less than freezing and it doesn't bother you. This is probably the fastest way I know to lose weight. I recommend everyone to try this because it really does so much to boost your health, but if you don't already have a big excess of body fat you should be eating a lot of fat to make up for it.

Also gives a huge boost to my soul strength. Walking around basically mostly naked around 0 degrees Fahrenheit because the body adapts to supplying that much power, and then when you go inside in warm surroundings the body still continues producing that extreme level of power but now instead of heat all of this power goes straight into expanding your soul. :D Get inside and after a few minutes of sitting down you feel the biggest blast of soul power explode through your body into your aura. :D I'm not sure if all races can do this, obviously it's unnatural for an African, but if you're Nordic Aryan you're made for doing this. Obviously don't get any frostbite you need to adapt into doing this over a few weeks, be careful not to get too cold. But everytime you get cold the body adapts more to it so you can comfortably handle a colder temperature next time. Avoid the sicknesses that most people get in the winter, they don't know how much help this does for your health.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Good thing is it's almost winter that will make it easier. It's healthy to be cold sometimes if it isn't too much, it's healthy to shiver. Shivering converts the stored white fat into brown fat which is the active version. The brown fat is then burned to warm you up. The problem with white fat is it can't really be used it's more really long term storage, but the brown fat can be directly used up. So getting cold in the winter, cold showers, things like this help. This also releases huge amounts of vitamin D into your body that was also saved in the fat, which you need in the winter this works to prevent you from getting sick. I lost about 40 pounds in a few months and this is a big part of what I did. Also I wear much less clothes than most people do in the winter and I end up being so much healthier than many people, don't get sick in the winter like lack vitamin D does to most people. It's cold at first, but your body gets more and more used to it every time you go in the cold until you can wear almost nothing when it's less than freezing and it doesn't bother you. This is probably the fastest way I know to lose weight. I recommend everyone to try this because it really does so much to boost your health, but if you don't already have a big excess of body fat you should be eating a lot of fat to make up for it.

Also gives a huge boost to my soul strength. Walking around basically mostly naked around 0 degrees Fahrenheit because the body adapts to supplying that much power, and then when you go inside in warm surroundings the body still continues producing that extreme level of power but now instead of heat all of this power goes straight into expanding your soul. :D Get inside and after a few minutes of sitting down you feel the biggest blast of soul power explode through your body into your aura. :D I'm not sure if all races can do this, obviously it's unnatural for an African, but if you're Nordic Aryan you're made for doing this. Obviously don't get any frostbite you need to adapt into doing this over a few weeks, be careful not to get too cold. But everytime you get cold the body adapts more to it so you can comfortably handle a colder temperature next time. Avoid the sicknesses that most people get in the winter, they don't know how much help this does for your health.

I'll gladly do it, but that would make me end up in the hospital. Kidney problems + bladder problems.......
Aquarius said:
Gerecht Ror said:
Aquarius said:
It’s a special kind of rune, called diet :p

What's the point of this answer?

The point is it works. But then I should clarify some things.

"Dieting" NEVER works. That's because with dieting you are temporarily modifying your eating habits with a set goal in mind, which can seldom be characterized as "healthy." Most people who are "dieting" either give up on the way or when they think they've achieved their goal. That usually happens because the "diet" was centered around calorie control and physical exercise. When the hotfix stops, the weight comes back with a vengeance.

A real diet is a way of eating, not a temporary fix. What animal counts calories and jogs for one hour every day? Dogs can eat as much as you give them and then lay in the sun for the rest of the day, without fattening. That of course if you're feeding them real meat, not soy pellets.

The human digestive system is very flexible, but it's otherwise closer to canines than anything else. That's why animal products do not cause stomach bloating, and, compared to bowls of rice, you can eat several stakes without much effort. A healthy stomach pH can also dissolve bones easily (unless they're cooked).

The least that someone can do if they want to lose weight is to dissociate the consumption of carbohydrates from the consumption of fats. The better version would be to ditch the carbs completely. We weren't designed to eat processed grass and tubers.
Edelwise said:
Aquarius said:
Gerecht Ror said:
What's the point of this answer?

The point is it works. But then I should clarify some things.

"Dieting" NEVER works. That's because with dieting you are temporarily modifying your eating habits with a set goal in mind, which can seldom be characterized as "healthy." Most people who are "dieting" either give up on the way or when they think they've achieved their goal. That usually happens because the "diet" was centered around calorie control and physical exercise. When the hotfix stops, the weight comes back with a vengeance.

A real diet is a way of eating, not a temporary fix. What animal counts calories and jogs for one hour every day? Dogs can eat as much as you give them and then lay in the sun for the rest of the day, without fattening. That of course if you're feeding them real meat, not soy pellets.

The human digestive system is very flexible, but it's otherwise closer to canines than anything else. That's why animal products do not cause stomach bloating, and, compared to bowls of rice, you can eat several stakes without much effort. A healthy stomach pH can also dissolve bones easily (unless they're cooked).

The least that someone can do if they want to lose weight is to dissociate the consumption of carbohydrates from the consumption of fats. The better version would be to ditch the carbs completely. We weren't designed to eat processed grass and tubers.
Very well said:)
I'm someone that's comfortable eating a lot of meat, though should lay off the carbs/fats/oils and add fruits and vegetables in, but..how much meat are we designed to take in? I don't mind eating the stuff daily, good chunks of it, but there's a lot of disinformation (lies) on how much we SHOULD consume..
Adrellis said:
I'm someone that's comfortable eating a lot of meat, though should lay off the carbs/fats/oils and add fruits and vegetables in, but..how much meat are we designed to take in? I don't mind eating the stuff daily, good chunks of it, but there's a lot of disinformation (lies) on how much we SHOULD consume..

I'm not a dietician, but I think we should only put limits on plant foods and beverages. Plants are medicine, not food. On the other hand I don't see why I would want to limit the food. If I feel one morning that I should add five eggs in my omelet instead of two, I comply. It only makes me feel better in the end. The same goes for stakes, yogurt, tripe soup, or whatever.

I suspect there's a form of communication between the gut flora and brain. If glucose doesn't screw with it, it can really act as an indicator of what and how much we should eat. That's why I think that putting arbitrary limits is BS.

Okay, back to the RTRs.

Hail Satan!
Sieg Heil!
Adrellis said:
I'm someone that's comfortable eating a lot of meat, though should lay off the carbs/fats/oils and add fruits and vegetables in, but..how much meat are we designed to take in? I don't mind eating the stuff daily, good chunks of it, but there's a lot of disinformation (lies) on how much we SHOULD consume..

If I remember correctly what HP Mageson 666 said... He said that our diets should consist of 25% meat and the rest is vegetables.

Tho, if one has a link to that, please share it! Thank you!
I remember a bit of that..but it was 20/20/60 or 25/25/50, fruit/meat/vegetable respectively.

then i am eating too much meat, or rather, not enough of the other stuff. alright, thanks
I just put some ideas out there for people based on realistic information not trends or diet fads. However it seems that if you take processed food out of your diet you will do great.

Fire speeds up the metabolic rates in the east Agni rules this. However with diet consider health if you eat healthy you will not over eat. Processed food is full of excessive calories.

Stupid shit like the carnivore diet is the other side of the coin of veganism.
Get out of the way Tae Bo because the new and swastika awesome method of exercise that is sweeping the nation is Billy Bo. With Billy Bo you will learn how to rock for a full hour to the music of Billy Idol. This will take your level of Billy Idolatry to a whole new level. Learn how to properly give the Billy Idol fist in true Nazi style. Learn how to give the Billy sneer to Bronies, learn how to do all the powerful moves that send the freaks who Bro hoof, running.....Billy Bo with a rebel yell do more, more, more! Order now and receive a free book of Slothz Tales.
HP Mageson666 said:
Get out of the way Tae Bo because the new and swastika awesome method of exercise that is sweeping the nation is Billy Bo. With Billy Bo you will learn how to rock for a full hour to the music of Billy Idol. This will take your level of Billy Idolatry to a whole new level. Learn how to properly give the Billy Idol fist in true Nazi style. Learn how to give the Billy sneer to Bronies, learn how to do all the powerful moves that send the freaks who Bro hoof, running.....Billy Bo with a rebel yell do more, more, more! Order now and receive a free book of Slothz Tales.

Quick, someone make an 80s style commercial using this quote with Billy Idol music in the background. I personally would show a sloth doing all this as well. :D

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
