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The New Normal


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2019
The New Normal

You probably hear it on your TV every morning while watching the news, the same old mantra: "This is the new normal", "Lockdowns are the new normal", "This deadly pandemic is the new normal", "Martial Law is the new normal", "Being arrested for walking your dog is the new normal"

I know the vast majority of you have heard the phrase "Tell a lie often enough, and it will be believed" at least once in your lifetime. The jewish lugenpresse call this the new normal, because they want it to be the new normal, it's that simple. Tyranny is the new normal, the second great depression is the new normal, gun grabs are the new normal...At this point, the media has preached so much about the "new normal", that the vast majority of normies nationwide and worldwide, as well as some of our own forgot what the old normal is. Well, let me remind you.

The old normal used to be humanity as a whole advancing towards Godhood to reach our full potential as the children of Father Satan and our Gods. The old normal used to be that race mixing was almost unheard of. The old normal used to be when we worked for a living, regardless of our trade the importance to both the individual and the collective society was recognized. The old normal used to be that drug addiction, the unhealthy sexualization of society, and all around degeneracy was unheard of, even though alcoholism is nothing new. The old normal used to be that cultures, kingdoms, city-states, were homogeneous and maintained their respective traditions until wiped away by war or revolution against a tyrannical king. The old normal used to be that the catholic church and other religious institutions didn't dictate the laws of Europe.

Where did the sense of normalcy go? How can we restore our society after centuries, decades of constant subversion on account of the jews? This is why performing the Final RTR is important, because when it comes to manifesting our goals on a metaphysical level, the energies we put into this ritual trickle down, dimension by dimension until our goal is realized. It's impressive when you look at the facts that we've been performing the Final RTR among other rituals for 5 years, when it took the jews over 2000 years to force humanity into debt slavery, taking away our spiritual resolve, taking away our power, and putting us in chains in both a metaphorical and oftentimes literal sense.

Our enemy does not believe in mercy. Our enemy does not believe in the rule of law, not even the laws they have published for us because being a jew evidently makes you exempt from committing acts of human rights abuses, genocide, biological warfare, and everything else forbidden by the Geneva Convention. This is why we must continue our actions with no mercy whatsoever, because if we show mercy, we have already lost. But if we fight with the anger of a thousand deaths, with the radiating power of a thousand supernovas, with the light of a thousand suns, and our inherent resolve against suffering brought upon us by the jews, and their reptilian masters then victory is as expected as the sun rising in the East.

The enemy wants to call the current state of the world the "new normal", and I take this phrase not only as propaganda, but also as a personal insult because if the reptilians, greys, and jews have never invaded Earth, and humanity was still united with our Gods, and all of our endeavors towards immortality and Godhood were achieved, then the old normal would still be normal.

Victory or Valhalla, my friends!
Hail Satan!
Hail the Gods of Hell!
The phrase itself is so dumb. Like it was definitely decided on in some council. It’s like a “nice” way of saying, get used to it. I want to say they said this a lot after 9/11 too, but I was young then and I may be mistaken.
Libra said:
The phrase itself is so dumb. Like it was definitely decided on in some council. It’s like a “nice” way of saying, get used to it. I want to say they said this a lot after 9/11 too, but I was young then and I may be mistaken.

"Hello, I'm from the American Government! Disease, Unemployment, Bullshit! We know that Covid-19 have been hard for you in these Troubling Times™, but it's been hard for us too, kind of. Due to this catastrophe, we've been forced to take action. Introducing our updated pandemic policy: Get Fucking Used To It!

With Get Fucking Used To It, we commit to letting the states continue draconian and thinly-veiled totalitarian measures, and then brainwash you into wanting even more civil liberties taken away. Get Fucking Used To It: Sponsored by Bill Gates, the Democratic Party, George Soros, The ADL, AIPAC, Apple, Facebook, Google, and a fuckton of other faceless corporations :).

Get Fucking Used To It: The way we engineer our evil techno-dystopia, and then blame your favorite strawman, President Donald Trump!"

(This message has been approved by the Government of the People's Republic of China)
ShadowTheRaven said:
The New Normal

You probably hear it on your TV every morning while watching the news, the same old mantra: "This is the new normal", "Lockdowns are the new normal", "This deadly pandemic is the new normal", "Martial Law is the new normal", "Being arrested for walking your dog is the new normal"

I know the vast majority of you have heard the phrase "Tell a lie often enough, and it will be believed" at least once in your lifetime. The jewish lugenpresse call this the new normal, because they want it to be the new normal, it's that simple. Tyranny is the new normal, the second great depression is the new normal, gun grabs are the new normal...At this point, the media has preached so much about the "new normal", that the vast majority of normies nationwide and worldwide, as well as some of our own forgot what the old normal is. Well, let me remind you.

The old normal used to be humanity as a whole advancing towards Godhood to reach our full potential as the children of Father Satan and our Gods. The old normal used to be that race mixing was almost unheard of. The old normal used to be when we worked for a living, regardless of our trade the importance to both the individual and the collective society was recognized. The old normal used to be that drug addiction, the unhealthy sexualization of society, and all around degeneracy was unheard of, even though alcoholism is nothing new. The old normal used to be that cultures, kingdoms, city-states, were homogeneous and maintained their respective traditions until wiped away by war or revolution against a tyrannical king. The old normal used to be that the catholic church and other religious institutions didn't dictate the laws of Europe.

Where did the sense of normalcy go? How can we restore our society after centuries, decades of constant subversion on account of the jews? This is why performing the Final RTR is important, because when it comes to manifesting our goals on a metaphysical level, the energies we put into this ritual trickle down, dimension by dimension until our goal is realized. It's impressive when you look at the facts that we've been performing the Final RTR among other rituals for 5 years, when it took the jews over 2000 years to force humanity into debt slavery, taking away our spiritual resolve, taking away our power, and putting us in chains in both a metaphorical and oftentimes literal sense.

Our enemy does not believe in mercy. Our enemy does not believe in the rule of law, not even the laws they have published for us because being a jew evidently makes you exempt from committing acts of human rights abuses, genocide, biological warfare, and everything else forbidden by the Geneva Convention. This is why we must continue our actions with no mercy whatsoever, because if we show mercy, we have already lost. But if we fight with the anger of a thousand deaths, with the radiating power of a thousand supernovas, with the light of a thousand suns, and our inherent resolve against suffering brought upon us by the jews, and their reptilian masters then victory is as expected as the sun rising in the East.

The enemy wants to call the current state of the world the "new normal", and I take this phrase not only as propaganda, but also as a personal insult because if the reptilians, greys, and jews have never invaded Earth, and humanity was still united with our Gods, and all of our endeavors towards immortality and Godhood were achieved, then the old normal would still be normal.

Victory or Valhalla, my friends!
Hail Satan!
Hail the Gods of Hell!

Hail Satan!
Memetic psyop it's pretty obvious.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
