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The New Era


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2019
Those here, have been chosen for a mission. The true Chosen of God. Not one of us, stumbled upon this place by accident. For if we did, we would have left, as it is for those not of us, have done. You were pulled here, by the will of Satan, because he chose you. Now if we stop and think about that for a minute. Why out of everyone in the world, would he choose you? The only logical answer, is that there is something special about you. There is something that distinguishing you, from the rest of the world.

You are a powerful soul, from an era, long lost. Perhaps, right now, at this moment, you cannot see that strength. Perhaps you ask yourself, why me? But the God of Gods, does not make a mistake. He saw in you, what maybe, no one else has. Our lives for the last thousand years, has been that of suffering. We have lived, and we have died, in await of our Gods.

What small feat we have been able to accomplish, we gave our entire lives for. There is no telling how many fates we have fallen. How many times, we have burned alive at the stake. All to bring us to this new conjunction, born without the memories, of what it is, we have done in the past. Satan came back to us, as he has done every life time. He has shown himself to us, reborn into a world, without memories, fearful perhaps of never learning the truth again. Yet he fulfills his promise, that he makes to us, before we are reborn.

We come back to the Temple of Satan. This time on a new platform, that exists on the internet. Uncertain of who we are, or what we are suppose to remember. Full of internal conflict, for the lives that we still hold within us. The Hatred for the enemy, as everything we held dear, we lost. For the countless pain and misery, inflicted upon us. Yet after all this time, we finally have reached the end. As we look into the sky, even now the Swastika Sun of truth, Rises in the distance.

As if the twilight before a storm, Beelzebub Prepares his Thunderbolts. The Gods, who have loved us for longer then we can imagine, affix their Armor, In preparation for an all out war. Ashtaroth the queen of Heaven slams her spear of truth, into the ground. No Longer shall her day of Easter be stolen. She Shall unleash the powers of Hell.

No longer shall Beltane be for anything other then Bel, Beelzebub, and the May Queen. Who shall unite together in solidarity of purpose. The enemy shall shake in fear for their trepidation, of what is to come. Even those who are completely stupid, will do so. For in this Darkest hour, our Gods shall emerge. Glorious and conquering, they will level all that stands in their midst.

Those of us here, are the hare bringers of not only the Anti Christ, but of the Gods themselves. The Strength that they see in us, we must now see in ourselves. We are not the down trodden and the weak. We are the Elite of this earth. For all that we have suffered, and all which we have sacrificed. We have brought about this storm. A storm that they cannot stop. As they try to save the Economy, and enslave the earth with technology. We have defeated them at every turn.

They were prepared to do all of this, and shut down the internet, five years ago. Yet they were stopped at every turn. Now, we have uncovered the tools to destroy their power by fifty thousand times that of what we were doing. Now we will sit back, and enjoy our tea, as the world loses its mind. No idea what is happening. They cling to their false God, that they can no longer go to church to praise. Now, they shall see what the world was like for us, all these years. Alone, no where to worship, no one to talk too, nothing to do, left to just wander.

Now we shall see how they like it as the power flips in favor for us. Where we get everything. Where we are no longer harassed by the enemy, Aliens bothering you, Jesuits attacking, witnesses at your door. They can go sit in their home and cower. The Aliens are being destroyed, and even the jews do not risk attacking us as much anymore, as one can simply do a 15 minute ritual, and all their curses be thrown back onto them.

Even when we were doing the Final RTR, they fought back, as they got slapped with their own curses, until one could feel a breaking point. Where they no longer wished to throw curses, just to have them stick back in their own Aura. Now the Churches are empty, every week they lose tremendous power. Every Sunday, is reclaimed by Sol Invictus. Soon we release, how to destroy the Barrier and much more. Remember we were promised by Satan, that the things that came out next, would change everything.

Well no longer, is the period of change everything, mean one or two Church officials go to prison. Already, we have Europe, fighting off the Menace, that they were so stupid as to provide for us. Where, over 3,000 thousand Priests have been convicted, Even top Catholic Officials, where Giant media Moguls went into a burst of flames. So to change everything, from this point. Means its time to start winning for real.

We will have a Reich in the next Decade. Winning for us at this point, is no longer, a few people go down, or things spiritually get better. Winning for us now, is total World Change. Where a new Governmental system comes forth. Say Good bye to Merkel, Putin and Trump. Our True Leaders shall emerge, and take their seats.

The Return of the Roman Empire is upon us. This time Bigger, then before it fell. Our Leader, who has stuck with us Century to Century, who has now become a God. Shall take place as our Emperor. Our Leader will be an immortal God, with no life Limit and no term limit. The Reforms for Humanity, for the next few centuries, will be the drastic return to the Pagan world.

In just Ten or so years, of having returned to power and defeating our enemies. Which will then be taken as a complete physical form, by Elite Aryans. We will be ready to welcome our Gods back. Do you realize the significance of what you are doing, right this moment? It would have been hard back in 2015 to see where we would be in 2020. Or even harder in 2010. But in just 5 years of RTR, most of which was getting them out, and then doing them multiple times a day, to getting the 666 meditation. To where we got the 42 and 72, end of 2015.

Two years, 2016 and 2017 were spent basically doing them, once we got set up. 2018, was spent doing Shema and bringing out the final RTR. 2019 was the first year, we did what we aimed to do in the beginning. But everyone at the time, thought we would be doing RTRs like we were doing in 2015 for the next 20 years. One guy even told me in 2016, I just need to take 5 years, get my life together and then I will do RTRs.

Whereas the entire time spent doing them was, three and half years. Except for the 2 rituals we did once in 2014, I am not counting. In 2015 we saw a huge influx of people. The Gods, did not bring as many people before that time, as there was no point. To sit around and talk forever and speculate as those of us who got here in 2005, had done. We waited a Decade, just to get strong enough, to start doing real damage.

Once the true fight was on, Satan reached out to his warriors in mass. During the same time, we also got an influx of infiltrators. They Fought to stop us at ever turn. But Together, we annihilated their power, to the point, it cursed them. What power that helped them, was gone. They have suffered more then we know for this. One all of a sudden got fat, and couldn’t get it off. Another I know had to have a brain surgery, where she was made retarded.

The power that swung in their power, not only didn’t anymore. But they were cursed beyond reason. The Curses of 8 Billion returning to a few million. From this point, we have already pretty much Desolated all of their power. After we hit two years of Final RTR, going a yom kippur to yom kippur cycle, and then going through Samhain and Yule a third time, what power do you think they will have left?

Within the next five years, just think where we will be. That’s six and half years of doing final RTR, and whatever else that comes out, in the next five years. We will be one year into the Pluto in Aquarius, and thus the physical manifestation of The Age of Aquarius. We will be having a president that won the 2024 Election, lets say after four more years of Trump. Who will be someone from our side, majorly.

We attracted Trump back in 2016. With less than two years of RTRs. Imagine, who we will attract by 2024, after everything we have done. We will be living in a completely different world by 2025. Now once our Leaders, form the Reich and start doing everything. They will in essence, take all the work off our hands, and be running things, regardless of us. They will provide a safe haven for us.

So we have at most say a Decade left of work, or perhaps shorter. Perhaps five years. So when you realize that the last Battle is upon us. The last fight, the last upheaval. Before everything is taken off our plate. Where we become a God and war hero. Who gets rewarded for the service that they performed, during this time.

What do you want your legacy to be? What do you want the last five years of fighting to be like? Some may argue, well that's not in totality. We may have do things even the next five years after that. This may be true, but what are we going to have won in the next five years? Where are we going to be? It will be a whole new approach of even fighting by then. You think were going to still be doing Final RTR? After six and half years?

Come now, One can argue around certain points. But the gist of what I am saying should be fully realized. We are in the last true march for freedom. Do you want to be like the people who sat around the last few years, and didn’t do the RTRS. Or even if you did, when you know it ended and had a purpose, don’t you kick yourself that you didn’t do more? I spent 10 hours a day doing RTRS, Everyday for the month of October 2017. I was in between jobs. Other days I didn’t do any. I kick myself, I would have fought harder, had I known it was coming to a close.

Now with the RTR, we have twenty six thousand members. Say one thousand people, decide I am not going to do the Final RTR today. That is a thousand RTRs that could have been done that day. Lets say you do your Final RTR and you think, I could do a second one. Well lets say five thousand people do their one RTR a day, and if they would just do that one more and make it two. That would be extra Five thousand RTR done that day.

As Gentile Warriors of Hell, we march on. Closing in on the end. The End of one Era and the beginning of another. Now the question urges on, what are we going to do with this time we have left? Should we see it for what it is? A time to give our all, and change everything?
I do think the enemy may be exposed and dealt with in 2024/2025 and then the world will start to breathe, maybe the Earth will be contacted by the God's and start working with them, who knows. This is just speculations on my part but I do think this may happen.
Man, you actually almost made me cry there Aldrick. Tears of joy that is...beautiful words my friend.

Oh, and by the way, loved the 2 new chapters. Having everyone in the group be "outlaws" after meeting up with HPS Shannon, Centralforce the herbalist, etc. :D

You obviously put a lot of thought into this epic story. You might not recognize me from the old yahoo groups, but it's cool to have someone like you who's been around for even longer than me write something like this.
Beautiful post!

My mom told me she had a dream i was in a green Nazi uniform and sent me a picture of what it looked like, with all the medals and such. i believe it was a vision from the gods of what could be for me. i WILL make it happen.

Hail Satan
Aldrick said:

Thank you very much brother! A very powerfull message! Hail Satan and all the Gods! Hail Hitler! Hail to our brothers and sisters!
I think peace would feel very unnatural to me.

It's honestly an uncomfortable thought that eventually we may entirely be without war and enemies... at least until the next garbage species and souls comes along. But in that time ensuring security suffices.

Whoever I was in personal relation to Satan is something to still be remembered, but above all else about my soul I do know some things for absolute certainty: War, combat and security are my roles and purpose, nothing is more blatant to me than this. As far as warrior souls go I could never see myself as anything less.

We're built to endure hardship, made to withstand and outlast. The capability and drive to fight, survive through the worst of the worst and rise above is made as our very foundation. Other kinds of souls can definitely be capable of doing these things, but it is not their natural state. We don't need to make a conscious effort to be this way, this is who we are, we are the prime force of forces because it's the role we've been made to fulfill.

You don't make someone with pyrophobia to be a fire fighter, you don't make something with the inability to swim to become an aquatic athlete. If you're going to have a soul for any specified role, you want them to naturally excel at that role, you want them to be able to handle it, to love and enjoy it, to thrive in it. In war and battle you have to destroy, and you very well may have to kill, you'll have to ruin, inflict pain and suffering and you'll likely have to be violent... and for that to be your full-time role, job and practically basis of your existence, you have to love doing it.

This is why warrior souls are very fiery in personality, can endure through terrible things and recover, be strict or harsh, revel in destruction especially of our enemies, may lack in certain emotional connectivity, have more tendency to violence than others, etc, etc.

It is needed to be what we are and to withstand what we do.
I like a lot of what you say this was a nice sermon. I was doing online warfare the other day on a site I like going to sometimes spreading the truth. On there was an obvious Jew who pretended to be a Satanist but was using Jewish curse words literally and she said I will destroy your soul that made me mad I didn’t even say nothing to her. Anyways she cursed me I felt it but a couple final rtrs and some cleansing and I was fine and my aura clean again. So we do have the upper hand. What you said reminded me of this.

Also it reminds me of this song I wanted to share with someone for awhile


This guy is describing the human condition exactly as it is and how we are being fed upon by the enemy (the light) I actually find this group interesting in a lot of their songs he always has angels and heaven in a negative light and one of his songs is a covert dissing of xtianity. If you meditate you should be able to figure out the meaning of it. He seems to know the truth and blatantly warns against the enemy in subliminals in several songs such as Anthem of The Angels. Maybe this is something some Satanists might like not sure what side he’s on though.

I think the style of this fits nicely with your sermon.

The other thing we have to remember is we are actually lucky in another way. I believe some of the older souls from the ancient times were lost to the enemy because they decided to turn against Satan and our Demons in an irreversible way. I base that on some personal observations over the years. Some of us may also be chosen who are newer souls and that’s great as well they are here to learn.

We are lucky to still be here we resisted and at the very least never fully went on the enemy side or we wouldn’t be here. That’s something to be proud of. I still have some memories from the Pagan times I am really happy it will be returning soon. We are special if we are here.

I liked what you said. I feel like we entered the New Era near the beginning of this year. Satanic energies began to overtake enemy energies somewhat at that time. It’s so much cleaner now it’s unbelievable. This is great but we shall not stop till the enemy is gone forever.
Silent Sword said:
Man, you actually almost made me cry there Aldrick. Tears of joy that is...beautiful words my friend.

Oh, and by the way, loved the 2 new chapters. Having everyone in the group be "outlaws" after meeting up with HPS Shannon, Centralforce the herbalist, etc. :D

You obviously put a lot of thought into this epic story. You might not recognize me from the old yahoo groups, but it's cool to have someone like you who's been around for even longer than me write something like this.

Glad you liked it. :) were you known as silent sword?
Sabazios said:
Aldrick said:
Those here, have been chosen for a mission. The true Chosen of God. Not one of us, stumbled upon this place by accident. For if we did, we would have left, as it is for those not of us, have done. You were pulled here, by the will of Satan, because he chose you. Now if we stop and think about that for a minute. Why out of everyone in the world, would he choose you? The only logical answer, is that there is something special about you. There is something that distinguishing you, from the rest of the world.

You are a powerful soul, from an era, long lost. Perhaps, right now, at this moment, you cannot see that strength. Perhaps you ask yourself, why me? But the God of Gods, does not make a mistake. He saw in you, what maybe, no one else has. Our lives for the last thousand years, has been that of suffering. We have lived, and we have died, in await of our Gods.

What small feat we have been able to accomplish, we gave our entire lives for. There is no telling how many fates we have fallen. How many times, we have burned alive at the stake. All to bring us to this new conjunction, born without the memories, of what it is, we have done in the past. Satan came back to us, as he has done every life time. He has shown himself to us, reborn into a world, without memories, fearful perhaps of never learning the truth again. Yet he fulfills his promise, that he makes to us, before we are reborn.

We come back to the Temple of Satan. This time on a new platform, that exists on the internet. Uncertain of who we are, or what we are suppose to remember. Full of internal conflict, for the lives that we still hold within us. The Hatred for the enemy, as everything we held dear, we lost. For the countless pain and misery, inflicted upon us. Yet after all this time, we finally have reached the end. As we look into the sky, even now the Swastika Sun of truth, Rises in the distance.

As if the twilight before a storm, Beelzebub Prepares his Thunderbolts. The Gods, who have loved us for longer then we can imagine, affix their Armor, In preparation for an all out war. Ashtaroth the queen of Heaven slams her spear of truth, into the ground. No Longer shall her day of Easter be stolen. She Shall unleash the powers of Hell.

No longer shall Beltane be for anything other then Bel, Beelzebub, and the May Queen. Who shall unite together in solidarity of purpose. The enemy shall shake in fear for their trepidation, of what is to come. Even those who are completely stupid, will do so. For in this Darkest hour, our Gods shall emerge. Glorious and conquering, they will level all that stands in their midst.

Those of us here, are the hare bringers of not only the Anti Christ, but of the Gods themselves. The Strength that they see in us, we must now see in ourselves. We are not the down trodden and the weak. We are the Elite of this earth. For all that we have suffered, and all which we have sacrificed. We have brought about this storm. A storm that they cannot stop. As they try to save the Economy, and enslave the earth with technology. We have defeated them at every turn.

They were prepared to do all of this, and shut down the internet, five years ago. Yet they were stopped at every turn. Now, we have uncovered the tools to destroy their power by fifty thousand times that of what we were doing. Now we will sit back, and enjoy our tea, as the world loses its mind. No idea what is happening. They cling to their false God, that they can no longer go to church to praise. Now, they shall see what the world was like for us, all these years. Alone, no where to worship, no one to talk too, nothing to do, left to just wander.

Now we shall see how they like it as the power flips in favor for us. Where we get everything. Where we are no longer harassed by the enemy, Aliens bothering you, Jesuits attacking, witnesses at your door. They can go sit in their home and cower. The Aliens are being destroyed, and even the jews do not risk attacking us as much anymore, as one can simply do a 15 minute ritual, and all their curses be thrown back onto them.

Even when we were doing the Final RTR, they fought back, as they got slapped with their own curses, until one could feel a breaking point. Where they no longer wished to throw curses, just to have them stick back in their own Aura. Now the Churches are empty, every week they lose tremendous power. Every Sunday, is reclaimed by Sol Invictus. Soon we release, how to destroy the Barrier and much more. Remember we were promised by Satan, that the things that came out next, would change everything.

Well no longer, is the period of change everything, mean one or two Church officials go to prison. Already, we have Europe, fighting off the Menace, that they were so stupid as to provide for us. Where, over 3,000 thousand Priests have been convicted, Even top Catholic Officials, where Giant media Moguls went into a burst of flames. So to change everything, from this point. Means its time to start winning for real.

We will have a Reich in the next Decade. Winning for us at this point, is no longer, a few people go down, or things spiritually get better. Winning for us now, is total World Change. Where a new Governmental system comes forth. Say Good bye to Merkel, Putin and Trump. Our True Leaders shall emerge, and take their seats.

The Return of the Roman Empire is upon us. This time Bigger, then before it fell. Our Leader, who has stuck with us Century to Century, who has now become a God. Shall take place as our Emperor. Our Leader will be an immortal God, with no life Limit and no term limit. The Reforms for Humanity, for the next few centuries, will be the drastic return to the Pagan world.

In just Ten or so years, of having returned to power and defeating our enemies. Which will then be taken as a complete physical form, by Elite Aryans. We will be ready to welcome our Gods back. Do you realize the significance of what you are doing, right this moment? It would have been hard back in 2015 to see where we would be in 2020. Or even harder in 2010. But in just 5 years of RTR, most of which was getting them out, and then doing them multiple times a day, to getting the 666 meditation. To where we got the 42 and 72, end of 2015.

Two years, 2016 and 2017 were spent basically doing them, once we got set up. 2018, was spent doing Shema and bringing out the final RTR. 2019 was the first year, we did what we aimed to do in the beginning. But everyone at the time, thought we would be doing RTRs like we were doing in 2015 for the next 20 years. One guy even told me in 2016, I just need to take 5 years, get my life together and then I will do RTRs.

Whereas the entire time spent doing them was, three and half years. Except for the 2 rituals we did once in 2014, I am not counting. In 2015 we saw a huge influx of people. The Gods, did not bring as many people before that time, as there was no point. To sit around and talk forever and speculate as those of us who got here in 2005, had done. We waited a Decade, just to get strong enough, to start doing real damage.

Once the true fight was on, Satan reached out to his warriors in mass. During the same time, we also got an influx of infiltrators. They Fought to stop us at ever turn. But Together, we annihilated their power, to the point, it cursed them. What power that helped them, was gone. They have suffered more then we know for this. One all of a sudden got fat, and couldn’t get it off. Another I know had to have a brain surgery, where she was made retarded.

The power that swung in their power, not only didn’t anymore. But they were cursed beyond reason. The Curses of 8 Billion returning to a few million. From this point, we have already pretty much Desolated all of their power. After we hit two years of Final RTR, going a yom kippur to yom kippur cycle, and then going through Samhain and Yule a third time, what power do you think they will have left?

Within the next five years, just think where we will be. That’s six and half years of doing final RTR, and whatever else that comes out, in the next five years. We will be one year into the Pluto in Aquarius, and thus the physical manifestation of The Age of Aquarius. We will be having a president that won the 2024 Election, lets say after four more years of Trump. Who will be someone from our side, majorly.

We attracted Trump back in 2016. With less than two years of RTRs. Imagine, who we will attract by 2024, after everything we have done. We will be living in a completely different world by 2025. Now once our Leaders, form the Reich and start doing everything. They will in essence, take all the work off our hands, and be running things, regardless of us. They will provide a safe haven for us.

So we have at most say a Decade left of work, or perhaps shorter. Perhaps five years. So when you realize that the last Battle is upon us. The last fight, the last upheaval. Before everything is taken off our plate. Where we become a God and war hero. Who gets rewarded for the service that they performed, during this time.

What do you want your legacy to be? What do you want the last five years of fighting to be like? Some may argue, well that's not in totality. We may have do things even the next five years after that. This may be true, but what are we going to have won in the next five years? Where are we going to be? It will be a whole new approach of even fighting by then. You think were going to still be doing Final RTR? After six and half years?

Come now, One can argue around certain points. But the gist of what I am saying should be fully realized. We are in the last true march for freedom. Do you want to be like the people who sat around the last few years, and didn’t do the RTRS. Or even if you did, when you know it ended and had a purpose, don’t you kick yourself that you didn’t do more? I spent 10 hours a day doing RTRS, Everyday for the month of October 2017. I was in between jobs. Other days I didn’t do any. I kick myself, I would have fought harder, had I known it was coming to a close.

Now with the RTR, we have twenty six thousand members. Say one thousand people, decide I am not going to do the Final RTR today. That is a thousand RTRs that could have been done that day. Lets say you do your Final RTR and you think, I could do a second one. Well lets say five thousand people do their one RTR a day, and if they would just do that one more and make it two. That would be extra Five thousand RTR done that day.

As Gentile Warriors of Hell, we march on. Closing in on the end. The End of one Era and the beginning of another. Now the question urges on, what are we going to do with this time we have left? Should we see it for what it is? A time to give our all, and change everything?

Thank you very much brother! A very powerfull message! Hail Satan and all the Gods! Hail Hitler! Hail to our brothers and sisters!

You're welcome. Satanic Blessings to you.
Ghost in the Machine said:
I think peace would feel very unnatural to me.

It's honestly an uncomfortable thought that eventually we may entirely be without war and enemies... at least until the next garbage species and souls comes along. But in that time ensuring security suffices.

If our universe is infinite then i'm pretty sure it also holds infinite possibilities, and challenges to overcome. So i think that people like you are definitely essential for civilizations to survive.
Taurus said:
Beautiful post!

My mom told me she had a dream i was in a green Nazi uniform and sent me a picture of what it looked like, with all the medals and such. i believe it was a vision from the gods of what could be for me. i WILL make it happen.

Hail Satan

Actually. I can see that. Lieutenant Brigadier....of the tank division. Mortar Blast.

Now I'm seeing flowers. I cant see anything else. That was strange. In order for me to see that... oh yeah our souls are connected. We must have knew each other then.

Interesting. Its sorta like Demons, most you strain to feel, while the ones your connected too, their power comes right in.

Huh. I never had this happen. Where I tried to look at a username, and actually feel the person behind it.

Normally I need a face. Or did the Gods send it. Either way that was cool. I really saw you then. That is like dead on, in my intuition. A war Hero, who has joined us here, to fight again.
Aldrick, you surprised me. This is beautiful.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. This is the reason I get up every morning. This is the reason I breathe and live. To see ourselves build this Satanic world once again.

Thank you, once again.

Hail Satan! Hail all the glorious Gods and Goddesses of Duat! Forever!
Hey, thanks for writing this.
I am glad to see a wellwritten piece.

Anyway, I wanted to say that even though Im having good days.. somewhere Im still feeling pain. I dont know what caused it as it seems to have been with me for a long time most probably longer than this life.
I was wondering if anyone might have any tips or clues on how to lessen that..

Also does anyone else feel the effects of this moon? Short nights rest etc. Im feeling a tad bit more emotional than usual but actually I do not mind that.
Almost about to cry.

What motivates me everyday are some quotes i read around here like-

One rtr a day keeps the juden away kinda thing.
And then after that one i feel really close to is-
If everyone ( all SS) did the RTRs the Gods would be back in a day or a week ( I am not sure about it exactly but it does happen to be something like that). And after that its just RTRs on RTRs - 4-6 easy.

Your piece is wonderful. If my english were any better I would have used some better words to describe how i feel.
Many times we forget that Renaissance people were artists ( warriors) . It does us make us feel good to write something out and this is EPIC.

❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️( spammed this too xD)
Ghost in the Machine said:
I think peace would feel very unnatural to me.

It's honestly an uncomfortable thought that eventually we may entirely be without war and enemies... at least until the next garbage species and souls comes along. But in that time ensuring security suffices.

Whoever I was in personal relation to Satan is something to still be remembered, but above all else about my soul I do know some things for absolute certainty: War, combat and security are my roles and purpose, nothing is more blatant to me than this. As far as warrior souls go I could never see myself as anything less.

We're built to endure hardship, made to withstand and outlast. The capability and drive to fight, survive through the worst of the worst and rise above is made as our very foundation. Other kinds of souls can definitely be capable of doing these things, but it is not their natural state. We don't need to make a conscious effort to be this way, this is who we are, we are the prime force of forces because it's the role we've been made to fulfill.

You don't make someone with pyrophobia to be a fire fighter, you don't make something with the inability to swim to become an aquatic athlete. If you're going to have a soul for any specified role, you want them to naturally excel at that role, you want them to be able to handle it, to love and enjoy it, to thrive in it. In war and battle you have to destroy, and you very well may have to kill, you'll have to ruin, inflict pain and suffering and you'll likely have to be violent... and for that to be your full-time role, job and practically basis of your existence, you have to love doing it.

This is why warrior souls are very fiery in personality, can endure through terrible things and recover, be strict or harsh, revel in destruction especially of our enemies, may lack in certain emotional connectivity, have more tendency to violence than others, etc, etc.

It is needed to be what we are and to withstand what we do.

I definitely get where you’re coming from. Everyone is so eager for the war to end and to stop doing RTRs, which I can see where they’re coming from. But I love doing the RTRs. I actually think I might develop a sense of emptiness and slip into a depression once we inevitably stop doing them. I guess we’ll just have to go out of our way to make personal enemies in our personal lives if we want to continue waging spiritual warfare. Maybe some kind of working to attract a rival / nemesis for the purpose of cursing them with black magick.
Great post bro Aldrick, it's time for me to increase the RTR xD

Ghost in the machine, I think when the war is finished and the time for "peace" comes would be the same as the time for rest (maybe healing too), advancing, expanding and empowering our selves all this will be on the rise because we will have more time for our selves to do that till the next war comes from other species as you said. There will alway be a war at some point because in the universe there will always be a virus, parasites or similar life forms so there will be war but there will be a time of peace too as when the first war started on the physical plane then there was a time of peace then the second war started then a time of peace was again, something like that xD
Excellent, very motivating, let's follow the path to our victory.
Ghost in the Machine said:
I think peace would feel very unnatural to me.

It's honestly an uncomfortable thought that eventually we may entirely be without war and enemies... at least until the next garbage species and souls comes along. But in that time ensuring security suffices.

Whoever I was in personal relation to Satan is something to still be remembered, but above all else about my soul I do know some things for absolute certainty: War, combat and security are my roles and purpose, nothing is more blatant to me than this. As far as warrior souls go I could never see myself as anything less.

We're built to endure hardship, made to withstand and outlast. The capability and drive to fight, survive through the worst of the worst and rise above is made as our very foundation. Other kinds of souls can definitely be capable of doing these things, but it is not their natural state. We don't need to make a conscious effort to be this way, this is who we are, we are the prime force of forces because it's the role we've been made to fulfill.

You don't make someone with pyrophobia to be a fire fighter, you don't make something with the inability to swim to become an aquatic athlete. If you're going to have a soul for any specified role, you want them to naturally excel at that role, you want them to be able to handle it, to love and enjoy it, to thrive in it. In war and battle you have to destroy, and you very well may have to kill, you'll have to ruin, inflict pain and suffering and you'll likely have to be violent... and for that to be your full-time role, job and practically basis of your existence, you have to love doing it.

This is why warrior souls are very fiery in personality, can endure through terrible things and recover, be strict or harsh, revel in destruction especially of our enemies, may lack in certain emotional connectivity, have more tendency to violence than others, etc, etc.

It is needed to be what we are and to withstand what we do.
It does feel the like that sometimes. But as we are HIS army once he is back and we get our ranks , things will clear out.
That is what I always said too , any place , any war send me there , I fight for you :)
luis said:
I do think the enemy may be exposed and dealt with in 2024/2025 and then the world will start to breathe, maybe the Earth will be contacted by the God's and start working with them, who knows. This is just speculations on my part but I do think this may happen.
They will be back in 10 years.
Ghost in the Machine said:
You don't make someone with pyrophobia to be a fire fighter, you don't make something with the inability to swim to become an aquatic athlete. If you're going to have a soul for any specified role, you want them to naturally excel at that role, you want them to be able to handle it, to love and enjoy it, to thrive in it. In war and battle you have to destroy, and you very well may have to kill, you'll have to ruin, inflict pain and suffering and you'll likely have to be violent... and for that to be your full-time role, job and practically basis of your existence, you have to love doing it.

This is why warrior souls are very fiery in personality, can endure through terrible things and recover, be strict or harsh, revel in destruction especially of our enemies, may lack in certain emotional connectivity, have more tendency to violence than others, etc, etc.

It is needed to be what we are and to withstand what we do.

I don't mean to keep on hounding you, but your constant references to the elements sparks my interest :mrgreen:. To my understanding, there are sublimations of the water qualities among their vast intricacies which can be highly beneficial in war and combat as well as fire, particularly in relation to Scorpio and Cancer but the wastebin of Pisces also has some semblance of these mainly intuition and memory focused aptitudes. Moon-Mercury and Saturn/Neptune aspects are two lowkey, unexpected examples of Water aspects that can be beneficial in a combat scenario.

Lauri Törni is one example of a strong warrior soul who had almost equal parts water and fire, with a slight dominance of water and the tight Moon-Mercury aspect. Equal parts earth and air. He managed to survive the first and second attempted takeovers of Finland by the USSR, joined the SS and fought with the Germans when they advanced- becoming a commander and a German National, then when the war ended, enlisted in the US military after sneaking in a cargo ship and working there for a number of years. He fought and died finally in the Vietnam war involved in an unfortunate helicopter crash behind enemy lines, so was exhumed long after and buried as Larry Thorn, his American alias. All he knew and was built for was war.



Those with a lack of fire and earth I personally believe have an issue dealing with the direct-ness of war and a greater issue of fatigue and over stimulation from the stresses it brings. However, to mediate the natures of water/air: intuition, into that environment *IS* the upper-hand, or the element of surprise. To have mental and emotional focus, and to withhold from things when to your advantage.
Larissa666 said:
Aldrick, you surprised me. This is beautiful.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. This is the reason I get up every morning. This is the reason I breathe and live. To see ourselves build this Satanic world once again.

Thank you, once again.

Hail Satan! Hail all the glorious Gods and Goddesses of Duat! Forever!

Thank you sister. ^ ^

"They shall come and listen, and their spirits be filled anew."

"For in this fight, it will either be the Destruction of the Arya, or it will be the total destruction of Jewry!"

"No matter how grave the situation may seem, in the end we shall triumph!"

"They wanted this war. Well now they shall have it!!!"

Adolf Hitler
Aldrick said:
Silent Sword said:
Man, you actually almost made me cry there Aldrick. Tears of joy that is...beautiful words my friend.

Oh, and by the way, loved the 2 new chapters. Having everyone in the group be "outlaws" after meeting up with HPS Shannon, Centralforce the herbalist, etc. :D

You obviously put a lot of thought into this epic story. You might not recognize me from the old yahoo groups, but it's cool to have someone like you who's been around for even longer than me write something like this.

Glad you liked it. :) were you known as silent sword?

No, I've changed my name many times, for various reasons.

About this post of yours, I've often asked myself that question "why me?". "Why did the Gods choose me?". I've been told many times that I'm an old soul, but it wasn't until I became an SS that I actually realized what that meant. I think like most of us here, I've been with Satan and the Demons for a very long time.

A plus tard mon ami ( I know the "A" should have an accent, but not sure how to do that on my phone).
Aldrick said:
Those here, have been chosen for a mission. The true Chosen of God. Not one of us, stumbled upon this place by accident. For if we did, we would have left, as it is for those not of us, have done. You were pulled here, by the will of Satan, because he chose you. Now if we stop and think about that for a minute. Why out of everyone in the world, would he choose you? The only logical answer, is that there is something special about you. There is something that distinguishing you, from the rest of the world.

It was no accident that I stumbled onto Joy of Satan back in 2011. I was well-interested in learning the arts and practices of Satanism, and at the time I was a LaVeyan searching for something more. I've been asking myself the same question for years, "why me?" what quality could I possibly have that benefits the Gods except a high tolerance of energy and the focus to utilize it?

Aldrick said:
You are a powerful soul, from an era, long lost. Perhaps, right now, at this moment, you cannot see that strength. Perhaps you ask yourself, why me? But the God of Gods, does not make a mistake. He saw in you, what maybe, no one else has. Our lives for the last thousand years, has been that of suffering. We have lived, and we have died, in await of our Gods.

I've only recently begun to remember who I am after all these years of uncertainty. I chase power, nothing more, nothing less. And so, as I've done before, I will do it again except I will not allow my ego to overinflate like it has done before.

Aldrick said:
What small feat we have been able to accomplish, we gave our entire lives for. There is no telling how many fates we have fallen. How many times, we have burned alive at the stake. All to bring us to this new conjunction, born without the memories, of what it is, we have done in the past. Satan came back to us, as he has done every life time. He has shown himself to us, reborn into a world, without memories, fearful perhaps of never learning the truth again. Yet he fulfills his promise, that he makes to us, before we are reborn.

Small feats I've always overlooked. I wanted to be the guy responsible for a huge portion of changes in world politics, if not singlehandedly.

Aldrick said:
We come back to the Temple of Satan. This time on a new platform, that exists on the internet. Uncertain of who we are, or what we are suppose to remember. Full of internal conflict, for the lives that we still hold within us. The Hatred for the enemy, as everything we held dear, we lost. For the countless pain and misery, inflicted upon us. Yet after all this time, we finally have reached the end. As we look into the sky, even now the Swastika Sun of truth, Rises in the distance.

As if the twilight before a storm, Beelzebub Prepares his Thunderbolts. The Gods, who have loved us for longer then we can imagine, affix their Armor, In preparation for an all out war. Ashtaroth the queen of Heaven slams her spear of truth, into the ground. No Longer shall her day of Easter be stolen. She Shall unleash the powers of Hell.

But what say you about the members who have been on this forum and quit? They shall remain unnamed, but if they were not meant for this path then why did they come?

Aldrick said:
No longer shall Beltane be for anything other then Bel, Beelzebub, and the May Queen. Who shall unite together in solidarity of purpose. The enemy shall shake in fear for their trepidation, of what is to come. Even those who are completely stupid, will do so. For in this Darkest hour, our Gods shall emerge. Glorious and conquering, they will level all that stands in their midst.

Those of us here, are the hare bringers of not only the Anti Christ, but of the Gods themselves. The Strength that they see in us, we must now see in ourselves. We are not the down trodden and the weak. We are the Elite of this earth. For all that we have suffered, and all which we have sacrificed. We have brought about this storm. A storm that they cannot stop. As they try to save the Economy, and enslave the earth with technology. We have defeated them at every turn.

This is why I see the crashing of the globalist economy as a good thing. Sure, it may affect our livelihood but it gives us a chance to establish a National Socialist economy in its place, without interdependence from hostile and rogue states like China or Iran.

Aldrick said:
They were prepared to do all of this, and shut down the internet, five years ago. Yet they were stopped at every turn. Now, we have uncovered the tools to destroy their power by fifty thousand times that of what we were doing. Now we will sit back, and enjoy our tea, as the world loses its mind. No idea what is happening. They cling to their false God, that they can no longer go to church to praise. Now, they shall see what the world was like for us, all these years. Alone, no where to worship, no one to talk too, nothing to do, left to just wander.

Now we shall see how they like it as the power flips in favor for us. Where we get everything. Where we are no longer harassed by the enemy, Aliens bothering you, Jesuits attacking, witnesses at your door. They can go sit in their home and cower. The Aliens are being destroyed, and even the jews do not risk attacking us as much anymore, as one can simply do a 15 minute ritual, and all their curses be thrown back onto them.

Even when we were doing the Final RTR, they fought back, as they got slapped with their own curses, until one could feel a breaking point. Where they no longer wished to throw curses, just to have them stick back in their own Aura. Now the Churches are empty, every week they lose tremendous power. Every Sunday, is reclaimed by Sol Invictus. Soon we release, how to destroy the Barrier and much more. Remember we were promised by Satan, that the things that came out next, would change everything.

"Every Sunday, is reclaimed by Sol Invictus." I sure hope you're not talking about Augustus Sol Invictus the Roman LARPer :lol: :lol:

Aldrick said:
Well no longer, is the period of change everything, mean one or two Church officials go to prison. Already, we have Europe, fighting off the Menace, that they were so stupid as to provide for us. Where, over 3,000 thousand Priests have been convicted, Even top Catholic Officials, where Giant media Moguls went into a burst of flames. So to change everything, from this point. Means its time to start winning for real.

We will have a Reich in the next Decade. Winning for us at this point, is no longer, a few people go down, or things spiritually get better. Winning for us now, is total World Change. Where a new Governmental system comes forth. Say Good bye to Merkel, Putin and Trump. Our True Leaders shall emerge, and take their seats.

We are at the point where the United States, which I believe to be the location for the next Reich, which cannot be referred to as the Fourth Reich but rather the American Reich, where "fourth" depends on the location being in Germany. However, it will be mightier than all other Reichs before it.

Aldrick said:
The Return of the Roman Empire is upon us. This time Bigger, then before it fell. Our Leader, who has stuck with us Century to Century, who has now become a God. Shall take place as our Emperor. Our Leader will be an immortal God, with no life Limit and no term limit. The Reforms for Humanity, for the next few centuries, will be the drastic return to the Pagan world.

Aaaaand I'm gonna stop you right there for a moment. The United States is the Roman Empire of the modern age. Same foundations, same philosophy, and ultimately the same fate if we don't end the multicultural nightmare that has plagued the South and West Coast especially. Even as far north as New York, it's been a terrible disaster for racial conflict and it's all orchestrated by the jew. We have however made do, and I'm proud of each and every one of you, especially the white people here for taking a stand and fighting for our right to exist.

Aldrick said:
In just Ten or so years, of having returned to power and defeating our enemies. Which will then be taken as a complete physical form, by Elite Aryans. We will be ready to welcome our Gods back. Do you realize the significance of what you are doing, right this moment? It would have been hard back in 2015 to see where we would be in 2020. Or even harder in 2010. But in just 5 years of RTR, most of which was getting them out, and then doing them multiple times a day, to getting the 666 meditation. To where we got the 42 and 72, end of 2015.

Let's see, if Maxine founded this organization in 2002, that would be 18 years that we've been doing this. However, only for 5 or so years we've had the RTR campaign and it's helped us tremendously more than any group effort preceding it.

Aldrick said:
Two years, 2016 and 2017 were spent basically doing them, once we got set up. 2018, was spent doing Shema and bringing out the final RTR. 2019 was the first year, we did what we aimed to do in the beginning. But everyone at the time, thought we would be doing RTRs like we were doing in 2015 for the next 20 years. One guy even told me in 2016, I just need to take 5 years, get my life together and then I will do RTRs.

Whereas the entire time spent doing them was, three and half years. Except for the 2 rituals we did once in 2014, I am not counting. In 2015 we saw a huge influx of people. The Gods, did not bring as many people before that time, as there was no point. To sit around and talk forever and speculate as those of us who got here in 2005, had done. We waited a Decade, just to get strong enough, to start doing real damage.

Once the true fight was on, Satan reached out to his warriors in mass. During the same time, we also got an influx of infiltrators. They Fought to stop us at ever turn. But Together, we annihilated their power, to the point, it cursed them. What power that helped them, was gone. They have suffered more then we know for this. One all of a sudden got fat, and couldn’t get it off. Another I know had to have a brain surgery, where she was made retarded.

The power that swung in their power, not only didn’t anymore. But they were cursed beyond reason. The Curses of 8 Billion returning to a few million. From this point, we have already pretty much Desolated all of their power. After we hit two years of Final RTR, going a yom kippur to yom kippur cycle, and then going through Samhain and Yule a third time, what power do you think they will have left?

Within the next five years, just think where we will be. That’s six and half years of doing final RTR, and whatever else that comes out, in the next five years. We will be one year into the Pluto in Aquarius, and thus the physical manifestation of The Age of Aquarius. We will be having a president that won the 2024 Election, lets say after four more years of Trump. Who will be someone from our side, majorly.

I believe Trump will win the 2020 Election. Bernie Sanders dropped out of the race leaving only Creepy Uncle Joe Biden. At that point, Trump already won by a landslide, and should he take action against China for the Coronavirus, He will have America's loyalty for the time being.

Aldrick said:
We attracted Trump back in 2016. With less than two years of RTRs. Imagine, who we will attract by 2024, after everything we have done. We will be living in a completely different world by 2025. Now once our Leaders, form the Reich and start doing everything. They will in essence, take all the work off our hands, and be running things, regardless of us. They will provide a safe haven for us.

So we have at most say a Decade left of work, or perhaps shorter. Perhaps five years. So when you realize that the last Battle is upon us. The last fight, the last upheaval. Before everything is taken off our plate. Where we become a God and war hero. Who gets rewarded for the service that they performed, during this time.

What do you want your legacy to be? What do you want the last five years of fighting to be like? Some may argue, well that's not in totality. We may have do things even the next five years after that. This may be true, but what are we going to have won in the next five years? Where are we going to be? It will be a whole new approach of even fighting by then. You think were going to still be doing Final RTR? After six and half years?

I want my legacy to be recognized as one of the key people for setting up and running the American Reich, or any one of the two. Even if I were like Horst Wessel, even if I've fallen in action but received tribute posthumously.

Aldrick said:
Come now, One can argue around certain points. But the gist of what I am saying should be fully realized. We are in the last true march for freedom. Do you want to be like the people who sat around the last few years, and didn’t do the RTRS. Or even if you did, when you know it ended and had a purpose, don’t you kick yourself that you didn’t do more? I spent 10 hours a day doing RTRS, Everyday for the month of October 2017. I was in between jobs. Other days I didn’t do any. I kick myself, I would have fought harder, had I known it was coming to a close.

Yes!! I kick myself for not doing more, because somehow I just didn't see the bigger picture of it. I always thought of the RTR as a countermeasure to cancel out jewish spells, and not reflect them back. I saw it as a defensive measure not an offensive measure until Cobra explained to me why it's both a defensive and offensive measure. I've always preferred to attack rather than defend.

Aldrick said:
Now with the RTR, we have twenty six thousand members. Say one thousand people, decide I am not going to do the Final RTR today. That is a thousand RTRs that could have been done that day. Lets say you do your Final RTR and you think, I could do a second one. Well lets say five thousand people do their one RTR a day, and if they would just do that one more and make it two. That would be extra Five thousand RTR done that day.

As Gentile Warriors of Hell, we march on. Closing in on the end. The End of one Era and the beginning of another. Now the question urges on, what are we going to do with this time we have left? Should we see it for what it is? A time to give our all, and change everything?

Thank you, Aldrick, very cool!
Aldrick said:
Actually. I can see that. Lieutenant Brigadier....of the tank division. Mortar Blast.

Now I'm seeing flowers. I cant see anything else. That was strange. In order for me to see that... oh yeah our souls are connected. We must have knew each other then.

Interesting. Its sorta like Demons, most you strain to feel, while the ones your connected too, their power comes right in.

Huh. I never had this happen. Where I tried to look at a username, and actually feel the person behind it.

Normally I need a face. Or did the Gods send it. Either way that was cool. I really saw you then. That is like dead on, in my intuition. A war Hero, who has joined us here, to fight again.

I once did a Ouija Board session years back, asking who I was exactly in a past life. It was confirmed that I was an officer of the Waffen SS. I never received any clarification on the rank, but all signs have pointed to Obergruppenfuhrer. Now the only question is, which Obergruppenfuhrer was I?
Ghost in the Machine said:
It's honestly an uncomfortable thought that eventually we may entirely be without war and enemies... at least until the next garbage species and souls comes along. But in that time ensuring security suffices.

There's still Greys and Reptilians to finish off, not just the kikes.

In war and battle you have to destroy, and you very well may have to kill, you'll have to ruin, inflict pain and suffering and you'll likely have to be violent... and for that to be your full-time role, job and practically basis of your existence, you have to love doing it.

I disagree. The military and warriors serve the purpose to protect your species, your race, you country. The focus on destruction and murder is about the lowest, densest aspects of Mars, not the highest and refined ones and it's how the kikes have the conditioned the world: to focus on the grossest manifestation, instead of working on sublimating and refining the energies. While it is natural to want to inflict all of those on a natural enemy, it doesn't mean that's the purpose of the military and warrior. Those only exist because all the species aren't as evolved as the Gods. If the universe was made exclusively by Gods, there would be no need for those manifestation. I believe you'll realise it too while growing.

In conclusion, warriors are much more than destruction, killing and pain. They are protectors of civilisation who do what's needed to keep people safe from other military powers.
Very inspiring post thank you so much for sharing. I'll admit sometimes I wonder if I'm making an impact and how someone like me is useful at all. I believe thoughts and feelings like that are attacks of the enemy, trying to make us blind to how powerful we are against them. United we are unstoppable. And we aren't alone. Coming on here reminds me of that. We all have a part in this, we all count, what we each do makes an impact. We all matter and we are all making a difference.
No matter what's going on in your life doing just one rtr a day is making a difference. Don't give up, don't give in, keep up the fight! Hail Satan!!
Usthepeople666 said:
luis said:
I do think the enemy may be exposed and dealt with in 2024/2025 and then the world will start to breathe, maybe the Earth will be contacted by the God's and start working with them, who knows. This is just speculations on my part but I do think this may happen.
They will be back in 10 years.
What makes you say so?
luis said:
Usthepeople666 said:
luis said:
I do think the enemy may be exposed and dealt with in 2024/2025 and then the world will start to breathe, maybe the Earth will be contacted by the God's and start working with them, who knows. This is just speculations on my part but I do think this may happen.
They will be back in 10 years.
What makes you say so?

Something made me feel this way :)
Stormblood said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
It's honestly an uncomfortable thought that eventually we may entirely be without war and enemies... at least until the next garbage species and souls comes along. But in that time ensuring security suffices.

There's still Greys and Reptilians to finish off, not just the kikes.

In war and battle you have to destroy, and you very well may have to kill, you'll have to ruin, inflict pain and suffering and you'll likely have to be violent... and for that to be your full-time role, job and practically basis of your existence, you have to love doing it.

I disagree. The military and warriors serve the purpose to protect your species, your race, you country. The focus on destruction and murder is about the lowest, densest aspects of Mars, not the highest and refined ones and it's how the kikes have the conditioned the world: to focus on the grossest manifestation, instead of working on sublimating and refining the energies. While it is natural to want to inflict all of those on a natural enemy, it doesn't mean that's the purpose of the military and warrior. Those only exist because all the species aren't as evolved as the Gods. If the universe was made exclusively by Gods, there would be no need for those manifestation. I believe you'll realise it too while growing.

In conclusion, warriors are much more than destruction, killing and pain. They are protectors of civilisation who do what's needed to keep people safe from other military powers.

Yes, protection, security and such of our kin is the foundation of who we are, I didn't mean to make it sound like destruction was, I was referring to the general whole as such being part of what may have to be done in regards to war. Satan has so recognized and stated that it's unfortunate that these things are necessary in this universe, but until it becomes so where it is not the case then these things are needed.

The gods have a very refined view of what is what, but they understand the universe is not all rainbows and kittens. As HP Cobra once said, the universe is built on a lot of mass death and sometimes this is from one evolved species to another. The universe has no moral compass, it just is. To protect and defend against this there is an order needed for the support and security of a community. And if you're going to be fighting off things that potentially utilize the lowest forms of morality and to bring fair gruesome and brutal justice, you need to be emotionally capable of it yourself to some degree.

Emotionally it's unfortunate, logically it's necessary.
luis said:
Usthepeople666 said:
luis said:
I do think the enemy may be exposed and dealt with in 2024/2025 and then the world will start to breathe, maybe the Earth will be contacted by the God's and start working with them, who knows. This is just speculations on my part but I do think this may happen.
They will be back in 10 years.
What makes you say so?

Sigil meditation :)
Ghost in the Machine said:
Stormblood said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
It's honestly an uncomfortable thought that eventually we may entirely be without war and enemies... at least until the next garbage species and souls comes along. But in that time ensuring security suffices.

There's still Greys and Reptilians to finish off, not just the kikes.

In war and battle you have to destroy, and you very well may have to kill, you'll have to ruin, inflict pain and suffering and you'll likely have to be violent... and for that to be your full-time role, job and practically basis of your existence, you have to love doing it.

I disagree. The military and warriors serve the purpose to protect your species, your race, you country. The focus on destruction and murder is about the lowest, densest aspects of Mars, not the highest and refined ones and it's how the kikes have the conditioned the world: to focus on the grossest manifestation, instead of working on sublimating and refining the energies. While it is natural to want to inflict all of those on a natural enemy, it doesn't mean that's the purpose of the military and warrior. Those only exist because all the species aren't as evolved as the Gods. If the universe was made exclusively by Gods, there would be no need for those manifestation. I believe you'll realise it too while growing.

In conclusion, warriors are much more than destruction, killing and pain. They are protectors of civilisation who do what's needed to keep people safe from other military powers.

Yes, protection, security and such of our kin is the foundation of who we are, I didn't mean to make it sound like destruction was, I was referring to the general whole as such being part of what may have to be done in regards to war. Satan has so recognized and stated that it's unfortunate that these things are necessary in this universe, but until it becomes so where it is not the case then these things are needed.

The gods have a very refined view of what is what, but they understand the universe is not all rainbows and kittens. As HP Cobra once said, the universe is built on a lot of mass death and sometimes this is from one evolved species to another. The universe has no moral compass, it just is. To protect and defend against this there is an order needed for the support and security of a community. And if you're going to be fighting off things that potentially utilize the lowest forms of morality and to bring fair gruesome and brutal justice, you need to be emotionally capable of it yourself to some degree.

Emotionally it's unfortunate, logically it's necessary.

Ghost in the Machine said:
Stormblood said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
It's honestly an uncomfortable thought that eventually we may entirely be without war and enemies... at least until the next garbage species and souls comes along. But in that time ensuring security suffices.

There's still Greys and Reptilians to finish off, not just the kikes.

In war and battle you have to destroy, and you very well may have to kill, you'll have to ruin, inflict pain and suffering and you'll likely have to be violent... and for that to be your full-time role, job and practically basis of your existence, you have to love doing it.

I disagree. The military and warriors serve the purpose to protect your species, your race, you country. The focus on destruction and murder is about the lowest, densest aspects of Mars, not the highest and refined ones and it's how the kikes have the conditioned the world: to focus on the grossest manifestation, instead of working on sublimating and refining the energies. While it is natural to want to inflict all of those on a natural enemy, it doesn't mean that's the purpose of the military and warrior. Those only exist because all the species aren't as evolved as the Gods. If the universe was made exclusively by Gods, there would be no need for those manifestation. I believe you'll realise it too while growing.

In conclusion, warriors are much more than destruction, killing and pain. They are protectors of civilisation who do what's needed to keep people safe from other military powers.

Yes, protection, security and such of our kin is the foundation of who we are, I didn't mean to make it sound like destruction was, I was referring to the general whole as such being part of what may have to be done in regards to war. Satan has so recognized and stated that it's unfortunate that these things are necessary in this universe, but until it becomes so where it is not the case then these things are needed.

The gods have a very refined view of what is what, but they understand the universe is not all rainbows and kittens. As HP Cobra once said, the universe is built on a lot of mass death and sometimes this is from one evolved species to another. The universe has no moral compass, it just is. To protect and defend against this there is an order needed for the support and security of a community. And if you're going to be fighting off things that potentially utilize the lowest forms of morality and to bring fair gruesome and brutal justice, you need to be emotionally capable of it yourself to some degree.

Emotionally it's unfortunate, logically it's necessary.

Don't worry about these things now xD.
Its just about being an army and protecting our Races in general.
Army's primary duty is to protect the borders ( in the sense in the seen today). So that the ones with knowledge about other aspects of spirituality and general development can work to better the lives of everyone in the society.
The armies we see on Earth are mostly corrupt and focussed on harassing ( we know who controls them).
With Us it is different, even after having the powers of being able to cause damage to people ( NON-SS) we dont do it if they dont bother us in ways that are bad to society in general.

Now I do understand the excitement knowing around this topic knowing the Gods are coming back and we will all be allotted ranks and such .
But seeing here , all warriors, all appear to be really balanced individuals ( apart from some spammers who I thought were SS but were later banned). So linking army with just destruction isnt a correct way to view it but rather the committment , honour , satisfaction it feels to be given to opportunity and trust from the GODS to carry on a task of such importance is what I call *perks* associated with this .
Take Care . :)
Hail Satan
Hail Gods Of Hell
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Hey, thanks for writing this.
I am glad to see a wellwritten piece.

Anyway, I wanted to say that even though Im having good days.. somewhere Im still feeling pain. I dont know what caused it as it seems to have been with me for a long time most probably longer than this life.
I was wondering if anyone might have any tips or clues on how to lessen that..

Also does anyone else feel the effects of this moon? Short nights rest etc. Im feeling a tad bit more emotional than usual but actually I do not mind that.

I was directed here by Seshat. She's telling me, that this is releasing from your soul, and a positive sign, you are advancing. Make sure that you do a Prayer for Satan to send your Guardian, when you are cleaning your soul. That they will help take the dirt. That anytime you need to have them help, they are willing to remove things.

I dont know if she is your guardian, but she really cares about you. Connecting with the Gods and working with a demon is crucial.
Aldrick said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Hey, thanks for writing this.
I am glad to see a wellwritten piece.

Anyway, I wanted to say that even though Im having good days.. somewhere Im still feeling pain. I dont know what caused it as it seems to have been with me for a long time most probably longer than this life.
I was wondering if anyone might have any tips or clues on how to lessen that..

Also does anyone else feel the effects of this moon? Short nights rest etc. Im feeling a tad bit more emotional than usual but actually I do not mind that.

I was directed here by Seshat. She's telling me, that this is releasing from your soul, and a positive sign, you are advancing. Make sure that you do a Prayer for Satan to send your Guardian, when you are cleaning your soul. That they will help take the dirt. That anytime you need to have them help, they are willing to remove things.

I dont know if she is your guardian, but she really cares about you. Connecting with the Gods and working with a demon is crucial.

The odd thing is, I haven't been doing as much on cleaning/empowerment etc - for months - Im not even having proper sleep all times but it seems that for some reason those circumstances might bring up thoughts and situations that I may have been subconciously dealing with all this time.
For some reason it seems to be more apparent now with all this going on, than it had been in the past.

I dont think I've been particurlarly interested in reading about her when I was reading the demon section so I had to look her up again.
Thanks for the reply, I hadn't expected something like this.
luis said:
Usthepeople666 said:
luis said:
I do think the enemy may be exposed and dealt with in 2024/2025 and then the world will start to breathe, maybe the Earth will be contacted by the God's and start working with them, who knows. This is just speculations on my part but I do think this may happen.
They will be back in 10 years.
What makes you say so?

Sorry for this.
I was getting attacked way too much to the point I was going crazy .
I dont really think this is correct.
Great article! And it inspires me to do even more and more RRT. I carry this mission with honor. To know the whole depth of what is happening in this world is painful and responsible, but I do not wish myself another life. Thank you for the wonderful inspiration.
Lavena said:
Great article! And it inspires me to do even more and more RRT. I carry this mission with honor. To know the whole depth of what is happening in this world is painful and responsible, but I do not wish myself another life. Thank you for the wonderful inspiration.

Thank you. :)

Got a question for you, testing my intuition to make it grow. Do you do ALOT of aura cleaning?

Because this intense light and power just shines off your account.
Oh yeah. I really do daily aura cleaning. For me it’s like taking a shower every day. You have really strong intuition. And thank you for feel me. :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
