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The military, new generations - reply to Dahaarkan


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
Academy of the Dragon, Dinas Ffaraon
Dahaarkan said:
What would be very useful for people to have access to is real spiritual knowledge and the habit of meditation and spiritual practices for self betterment. Men should entertain and voice their thoughts. Not be turned into soldiers that follow orders without question.

Watched too many jewlliwood films, have we?

Jews like to complain that the recent generations of goyim are too "undisciplined", "whiny" and "weak". When in reality our youth is simply rejecting and protesting the bullshit reality they are born into. Which is better than submitting to and accepting it as previous generations did.

Is that what is happening? Is it not that they, on average, care more about partying, poisons and endless indulgence that building and developing their lives? Is it not that they, on average, understand less and less about respect and depth as generations pass? Is it not that they, on average, care less and less about everything and everyone as generations pass?

If I had to described the trend of each new generation with three adjectives, I'd use: more indulgent, more shallow, more carefree.

What are they actually rejecting? Responsibility. Toward themselves, their possessions, other people.

What are they NOT rejecting? The jewish brainwashing that is spearheading their regression process. They comply more and more to what the kikes actually teach them: how NOT to live life. The great majority of younglings does NOT question the enemy agenda. They fully embrace it. 10k genders, 10k sexual orientations (ever hard of skoliosexual?), jews not to be questioned, ONE race, etc.

It's no wonder jews constantly want to push everyone to stay offline and away from anything connected to the internet. The internet is the key to their undoing.
It is also the key to their success, considering the amount of lies they have put stacked against one truth and how they relentlessly and mercilessly persecute dissidents like us.

The glorification of military is misplaced. Is it really such a necessary component of a nation. Gentiles are by design charitable and peace-loving. It is the jews who create the issues that lead to wars and the fabricated necessity for a military.
Militaries have always existed. A warrior class has always been the second top-most class in all Gentile societies before the kikes even landed on this planet. Their role was to protect the citizens from threats, internal and external, which is not what most militaries are doing now. The warrior class included law enforcement, fire brigade and lawyers too. Criminality was not 0 but it was very low indeed. Scum always exist, golden age or not. Denying that would be denying duality, reality itself.

I don't understand why it is so great to have a place where men are whipped into submission and obedience. Perhaps if these men hadn't had their free spirit crushed in favor of "discipline" and absolute obedience, some of the worst war crimes in history wouldn't have happened. The world has enough highly militarized Israeli golems terrorizing gentiles.
Stop watching jewish media and actually gain some experience of the military. Read the Mein Kampf. Even our Antichrist itself wanted 1 year of compulsory military service for men, after high school. Hitler's Youth was also built along the lines of the military, with ranks, a pyramidal structure, drills, discipline, etc.

The "growth" one can expect from military institutions one can gain through meditation, self-reflection and dedication to self-betterment.
No, it cannot be gained only from that. It depends on the person. Many families, which should be the prime deliverer of education, are neglectful or outright abusive. Many teachers, who are supposed to be the second deliverer of education, do not do their jobs properly either.

How many people need periodic visits to the dentist because they do not brush their teeth, eat too many sugars and drink too much coffee? (especially male)

How many people people become overweight because they have no measure when eating?

How many people drink alcohol?

How many people smoke/vape tobacco?

How many people do recreational drugs?

How many people (especially male) neglect their hygiene?

How many people neglect their physical bodies, such as doing too little or no physical exercise?

How many people neglect their minds, such as by doing mindless activities throughout their spare time?

How many people do not consider that each and every of their action does not affect only them but affect everyone else by proxy?

The answer to this question show a destructive trend as we move forward with each generations.

Do you live in a bubble?

Who are you to even contradict our Antichrist about military service?
We need men who have the inner tranquillity of being calm and collected as during a Battlefield, and the hardness of character to carry out all the tasks that are required of them in any case.

"Im a Man. That's my Job." should be on your mind. A divine being who transcends the material world and all of its emotions and associations. You can achieve that which you have set out to achieve. With enough grit and struggle, you can achieve anything as Adolf Hitler learned in the military. He was a grifter Artist at one point and he came out a Military hardened veteran who became the leader that society needed him to become. At some point you have to take responsibility and do what is required of you for your highet calling.

This post by Daharkhaan is a very good case study to understand where this came from. This is in a classical sense an externalization of the inner disharmony and opposition to Nature that Liberalism and Leftism expounds.

In the last century, Aldous Huxley wrote brave new world where he said that they were going to put chemicals in the water, get the population cooked up on various drugs ,and tell them what to think and do by a glowing screen. What he actually meant ws the "TV" and now smartphones.

In the 1960s the CIA conducted various experiments with Drugs, psychological warfare and started preparing the Cultural warfare model that was first tested in Japan to make men weak and effeminate. This was investigated by the Chinese because they we're trying to do the same in China.

In this period the CIA started the Feminist cultural revolution to destroy the family structure, and allow big corporations to tax the remaining 50% of the population and get even more shekels.

During the same period, the Rockefeller foundation issued a periodical calling for the Sterilization of men and to make them like women ,as a way to end war. We notice this now where it's estimated that along the same trajectory that we are going with the chemicals in the Water and hormones in the processed food and microplastics that men will be unable to have children in 2045 naturally.

And all this is extrapolated in the psychological sense in the weakness of character and lack of understanding of the world, and celebrating weakness as a Jewish inversion of reality and an Afront to our Aryan God.

We all know that after a certain point, a child must become a man or a woman and start taking responsibility for their lives and act upon a path to achieve that which is required of him by society.

The first facet of taking responsibility for your life is to admit your own infallibility and accept your mistakes, learning from them. At that critical juncture, he seeks out men or women more experienced than him and learns from them.

But due to the inversion of reality and the Subversion of hormones in the biology, what's happening is that you are being told that actually being undisciplined, being weak, being fat ,and accepting anarchism and disorderliness is all good and well.

The weakness of the American system was that is wasn't strong and orderly enough to prevent the subversion of the jews and that it didn't have the critical antisemitism that is always required for the preservation of the natural order.

In life you have to accept truths that may be uncomfortable when you were young. Some people are more intelligent than you, some are more wise than you, some are more charismatic than you, and any no of things.

In that natural order of the caste system which is present in human biology, a leader must lead people in their lives as a CEO manages his company and a Mother manages her children. That doesn't mean that the element of freedom isn't there.

Adolf Hitler always stressed that anyone be allowed to do everything that they wanted economically in the perfect society that he was trying to create. But ideological opposition is unnecessary and most certainly once the leaders have approved a conclusion there must be no more discussion and we must follow that conclusion as our duty to the Motherland or the race.

As the Fuhrer is the leader and the ideological head of the nation so is a man ,the leader of his wife amd so is his wife the leader of the children. Qnd thst is how the world worked, till the marxists created mass disinformation and subversion.

The basic point is that they want disorderliness and and a lack of structure in society because it's easier to protect their ego. They can always rationalize their weakness as a sign of specialty.

What this creates is a permanent underclass of worthless scum who think they're special because they're rationalizing their uselessness as something out of the norm and as a confrontation to societal order.

We need Hardened men trained in militia tactics and firearms, "with nerves of steel and Agility to improvise as a Greyhound " ,like Adolf Hitler put it to win the struggle that is coming. We don't need emotional pussies who have taken zero action in their lives,and have problems seeing things through. We need unity and absolute loyalty and the fanaticism of following through on all orders. Like the perfect efficient machine working in unison.

Have you ever imagined how beautiful Human synchronicity is when the men build a skyscraper all working in unison ,doing their own duties. There's a leader issuing orders, a manager managing things, an architect doing the measurements, a working piling rocks and mixing cement, a crane operator, an operations manager.

Humans have the ability to do wondorous feats working with efficient Dictatorial leadership and loyalty to the cause beyond material comfort. The whole world will rise under the Fuhrerprinzip after we've seen what Democracy's end is ,in this Generation.

Once you're dedicated to a cause you must see this through thick and thin no matter how worse the situation gets. That is what character is ,as an opposition to weakness and material conformity.
Beautiful post. You pretty much but the nail on the head.

Reading Mein Kampf (original) really goes a long way understanding many things including a military ran by a spiritually advanced person(s). In the book I can feel Hitler's anger towards incompetence of the leaders of His Nation. I love how He saw His brothers in arms pretty much as decent people who deserve better leadership.

Us SS men, *thru information, SAFE and legal manners*, have to teach the men of this world the true way to be. Also lead by example. This pacifist shit or brutal ape like behaviour is NOTHING BUT JEWISH INFLUENCED NONSENSE. Any one who disagrees needs a lot of deprograming.

Not much more I can add here since you articulated the point very well and Jack's response is very decent too.

P.S. I finished the Art of War recently and even in there there's examples of how good a General should be to his men. Gave examples of one General who would hang and eat with his men BUT they respected him enough thru his great leadership to *always* do as they were told and they would do it without question because of the love and complete respect they had towards their General. This is a beautiful thing in my eyes.

Respect, responsibility and discipline is very needed in today's world.
Stormblood said:
Who are you to even contradict our Antichrist about military service?

I do not follow without question, you know this. You cling so much to the past that you fail to notice the reality of present day. Your golden age did not last and your pagan structure for civilization did NOT survive.

Things change, the world changes, and so must we change. In this day and age, where people have access to information and communications world-wide and industry creates resources in overabundance, there is no reason for gentile nations to go to war. Remove the jews and it all falls into place.

The only wars that happen now are in the interest of the jews and benefit them alone. The warrior mentality is perverted into turning men into golems for the jews. Sure, I've never been in the military, nor do I have intentions of serving jews in their terrorist campaigns.

And maybe I don't have the reality of what it's like to be a part of it. But I know what it brings, and so do you.

Such glorification of military. Where is your country's military when muslims rape and murder your women and children in your own borders?

Jacking each other off in delusions of virtue and glory?

At best the military is called to terrorize and oppress their own citizens, which they do without question. So I ask, what's the point of you?

One could argue a military is always a necessary component, and sure, with revision and re imagining, and more autonomy, I'd be inclined to agree. In it's current state it's an abomination. The world's greatest military powers openly serve the jews and go to war with their enemies.

What I see more and more is the youth rejecting their reality of abusive work-lives and the decay of society. Sure, they get caught up in other problems and traps, but it's a step in the right direction. It's the same rebellious instinct that brought you here, only they didn't find their way yet.

The reason these people behave like this is they see themselves trapped in poverty and misery with no way out, so they give up, because they lack the tools and knowledge to pull themselves out. Military does not magically solve this.

One can moan about the virtues of military and belittle men who are not a part of it. The workers are the lifeblood of a nation and should be the highest regard. Not self important jack offs who eat up the state's resources and when shit hits the fan, don't lift a finger in defense of the citizens and borders they are meant to protect.

Where was the fucking military when muslims invaded europa and terrorized her people. Where's the fucking military as this infestation grows and consumes our nations and our people? Crushing and jailing any who speak out against the invaders?

You only take up arms to destroy the enemies of the jews. The "great warriors", who are in reality dogs on a tight leash that are only let out to act in accordance to jewish interests. The military is a joke.

Responsibility, inner strength and discipline are all qualities that men can learn without the military, I did it, and thus so can anyone. My opinion remains the same, the military in it's current state is a joke.
Unrelated but I'd like to thank Stormblood for being the only person in this forum who can spell my name correctly
Dahaarkan said:
The Golden Ages lasted tens of thousands of years. This jewish digression is the blink of an eye in comparison to Ancient Egypt, Sumer, the Vedic Empire. Its structure worked unchanged for most of its duration, ensuring prosperity and advancement.

Everything now is perverted, not just the military. What labourers do to stop the mass invasion? They bend their knees and pray to rabbi jeboo to bring more. Those who understand the threat, if only partially, they still bow to rabbi jeboo, asking him to save them. They keep abusing their families with xtard nonsense. It's the same at every level of society.

Military training does not turn anyone into gollum, enslaved to Sauron's ring. Talk to virtually any military man and you'll see. The majority, unfortunately, fails to see the value of the teachings and, after the hardships of training are over, for the most part sink back to the old anti-life and anti-human habits. I already talked about the bad side of the military in the other topics. You only need to use the search function to find it.

When you recognise the commander is giving you an objectively bad order, military law allows you to rally the rest of the troops and relieve your commander of duty, even using force/weapons if necessary. Let's also not forget that within the military there are factions as well, just as in civilian life. Not everyone supports the enemy agenda. Just like in the US military there are Biden and Trump (Drumpf) factions, so there are other organised factions.

Being in the military also does not mean you're going to war. Open a list of roles and you'll see that, except for infantry, artillery and cavalry, all other roles mirror virtually every civilian occupation. From photographers, to chefs, to human resources, to accountants, to athletes, to musicians, to lawyers and judges, etc. Many people have never been deployed because it is not part of their role. The difference is that you are expected to respect hierarchy and do your duty during working, unlike in civilian environments where the hierarchy is more malleable and casual; and that you work in an environment that challenges you at all levels (physical, mental, emotional, etc). Do not make the mistake of thinking being in the military is just handling weapons.

Also, not every military goes to war at all, whether it's for the kikes or not. There are neutral countries, countries that do not work with NATO, etc.

No rebellious instinct has brought me here. I've been Satan's soul since birth, as I never fitted in, I was never forced into anything either or even had to face any strong opposition while still a minor.

"Eat up the state resources". Resources are eaten up by everyone. It's only normal that one who does a riskier job, has more backing behind. Also, most Northern countries have a benefits system for civilian careers as well. It's just in the south such as Italy that they care so little about the population as to only give them a wage and a pension scheme.

Removing the kikes is exactly the only that needs to be done. That needs to happen at every level of society, military and civilian.

If you, I and other people accomplished something, it does not mean everyone is capable of doing it. Not everyone is facilitated by good Saturn placements and other good placements overall. Not everyone has what it takes to make hard decisions at all. Most people live more on the indulgent side and prefer to wallow in self-pity even when they understand they are doing themselves harm, rather than do something about it, channelling the shame and guilt they feel.

As Jack explained, people are socially and chemically engineered in a certain way. Most people are nothing more than placeholders nowadays. Discrimination works in reverse: instead of frowning upon and discouraging detrimental behaviours, people apply "forbearance" and other meek traits, while instead discriminating against and pushing away people who have their head on their shoulder because "they're no fun". Fun being the keyword that means "overly indulgent, weak, meek, focused only on partying and intoxicants, late nights, terrible food, and any nihilistic behaviour possible".
Dahaarkan said:
Stormblood said:
Who are you to even contradict our Antichrist about military service?

I do not follow without question, you know this. You cling so much to the past that you fail to notice the reality of present day. Your golden age did not last and your pagan structure for civilization did NOT survive.

Things change, the world changes, and so must we change. In this day and age, where people have access to information and communications world-wide and industry creates resources in overabundance, there is no reason for gentile nations to go to war. Remove the jews and it all falls into place.

The only wars that happen now are in the interest of the jews and benefit them alone. The warrior mentality is perverted into turning men into golems for the jews. Sure, I've never been in the military, nor do I have intentions of serving jews in their terrorist campaigns.

And maybe I don't have the reality of what it's like to be a part of it. But I know what it brings, and so do you.

Such glorification of military. Where is your country's military when muslims rape and murder your women and children in your own borders?

Jacking each other off in delusions of virtue and glory?

At best the military is called to terrorize and oppress their own citizens, which they do without question. So I ask, what's the point of you?

One could argue a military is always a necessary component, and sure, with revision and re imagining, and more autonomy, I'd be inclined to agree. In it's current state it's an abomination. The world's greatest military powers openly serve the jews and go to war with their enemies.

What I see more and more is the youth rejecting their reality of abusive work-lives and the decay of society. Sure, they get caught up in other problems and traps, but it's a step in the right direction. It's the same rebellious instinct that brought you here, only they didn't find their way yet.

The reason these people behave like this is they see themselves trapped in poverty and misery with no way out, so they give up, because they lack the tools and knowledge to pull themselves out. Military does not magically solve this.

One can moan about the virtues of military and belittle men who are not a part of it. The workers are the lifeblood of a nation and should be the highest regard. Not self important jack offs who eat up the state's resources and when shit hits the fan, don't lift a finger in defense of the citizens and borders they are meant to protect.

Where was the fucking military when muslims invaded europa and terrorized her people. Where's the fucking military as this infestation grows and consumes our nations and our people? Crushing and jailing any who speak out against the invaders?

You only take up arms to destroy the enemies of the jews. The "great warriors", who are in reality dogs on a tight leash that are only let out to act in accordance to jewish interests. The military is a joke.

Responsibility, inner strength and discipline are all qualities that men can learn without the military, I did it, and thus so can anyone. My opinion remains the same, the military in it's current state is a joke.

In your butt hurt stage you misunderstood and twisted everything Stormblood said.

He never defended the current state of the military. You can't generalize every military today either but here we are.

Your whole argument here is lying about what we are saying to bolster your own argument.

That's why you completely ignored many of his points and just went for insults. He only jabbed at you at the end but the 99% of his comment was pure logic and objective.

To save some time,
You're just going to make us talk in circles if you don't actually read what he wrote and think about it for 5 minutes in a critical manner and actually understand what was said.

You even acknowledge the jews perverting everything but yet didnt understand the main point. How? Lol

Then for you to insult our ancestors who fought valiantly against the enemy who is backed by powerful enemy E.T.s and fell honorably.... have you even read the Demon section and see what many of them are in charge of.

What do you think our Divine mission will call upon when Humanity reaches perfection? To just sit around all day being fat lazy Gods?

You're taking things into extremes. Over militaristic nations is a gross extreme just like soft bitches who turn the other cheek.

Why is nuance such an alien concept to people nowadays?
hailourtruegod said:
S. I finished the Art of War recently and even in there there's examples of how good a General should be to his men. Gave examples of one General who would hang and eat with his men BUT they respected him enough thru his great leadership to *always* do as they were told and they would do it without question because of the love and complete respect they had towards their General. This is a beautiful thing in my eyes.
In a book about the SS, I've read that basically SS Officers were like that, they didn't act like the typical army officer who looks down on lower ranks, they cultivated friendship and respect towards eachother and ate together.
"A sense of duty and doing good just for the sake of doing good because you're a man is such a toxic masculinity wet dream, heh, be like these good goys who watch a woman get beat and not just do nothing but close the door on her. That's the true way to be guys." -Dahaarkan, probably.

Aquarius said:
hailourtruegod said:
S. I finished the Art of War recently and even in there there's examples of how good a General should be to his men. Gave examples of one General who would hang and eat with his men BUT they respected him enough thru his great leadership to *always* do as they were told and they would do it without question because of the love and complete respect they had towards their General. This is a beautiful thing in my eyes.
In a book about the SS, I've read that basically SS Officers were like that, they didn't act like the typical army officer who looks down on lower ranks, they cultivated friendship and respect towards eachother and ate together.

I believe I read some of that years ago in Satan's Library.

It's the way to go. I don't think I would of handled being treated like shit myself. I probably would came out angry af if I had to take that abuse but if my leader gave me respect while I pushed myself to the limit than theres nothing I wouldn't do to prove myself to be the best.
The people who think that we can somehow remove the jews from our societies are not only naive but fail to realize that the mind virus - liberalism Leftism, communism and the hundreds of thousands of different ideologies, theories and Jewish intellectual constructs still exist.

The possibility of peaceful revolution is simply not possible anymore. We are already knee deep in the fourth turning and they are desperately trying to engineer the collapse in such a way that they can control the next eon.

How are you going to peacefully remove the millions of migrants who are rushing to the border ?

How are you going to deal with the millions of migrants who are already inside the country ?

How are you going to deal with Communist China ?

They are going to put millions of migrants who have their homes destroyed due to massive hurricanes and tornadoes and violent climate weapons that are being released by the Globalists and will destroy their countries.

As they are inside the west ,they will be used as a battering ram to start a race war in the U.S and as bullies in Europe.

As the situation gets worse the U.N will be given control of the crisis and the U.N will close the borders.

Then they will release Bioweapons will a much higher kill rate that will start killing millions of people a day throughout the third world cleaning it all up in one small sweep.

The ones left will be forced into microchips ,being sterile and being patented creations of corporations.

That's always been the plan.

The only way to turn all of this around is to organize the struggle after the initial Economic collapse that is coming which will probably hit soon in a year or two. It could happen any moment now.

And if you think that the struggle will involve holding placards with "Please don't kill me Gates. " then you've totally lost it and are unaware of whats happening.

This is real and they're coming for all of us.

This civilization is too entrenched in Jewishness and it needs to be uprooted inside out. The New civilization must start after we've dealt with the jews in a final solution. There's no way we're going to stay together after they've killed millions of people.

Nothing of the Jewish civilization must go on into the next civilization of light. Nothing. It all needs to go and its long overdue.
hailourtruegod said:
"A sense of duty and doing good just for the sake of doing good because you're a man is such a toxic masculinity wet dream, heh, be like these good goys who watch a woman get beat and not just do nothing but close the door on her. That's the true way to be guys." -Dahaarkan, probably.


Such an autistic post. You're delusional if you think your nation's military will "do good" when it comes to protecting you and your nation's citizens. They would sooner bash your skull in for speaking out against the jews than act in defense of your citizens. But I suppose the "military" is simply absolutely virtuous and can do no wrong in your mind.
Stormblood said:

Military would be a valuable asset to a nation were it revised and restructured but as they are now they are useless. It's reached the point where we'd be better off with armed militias/groups than the standing military institutions solely controlled by the (((state))).

At least then men could take the initiative and actually do something of value when it comes to protecting their borders and citizens. As dangerously close as that is to anarchy, at this point it's a better option.

One can fantasize about the ideal military but this doesn't exist in this day and age. Of course I'd agree with having a military if it's revised and actually used for it's purpose which is defending a nation's borders and citizens. But until the military actually starts doing that it's a waste of resources.

You can claim there are factions within military that oppose the jewish agenda, but at the end of the day that agenda is carried out anyway. And we're running out of time if you have not noticed.

As for being required for personal growth, I'm not sure. I do agree it would be beneficial for many young men to at least spend a few months in the military, but at the same time I think there's others ways for young men to better themselves besides this, and with the military in it's current state, I'd rather not have men better themselves in other ways to be honest.
hailourtruegod said:
You can't generalize every military today either but here we are.

I can and I do. Until I see the military doing what it is designed to do, dismantling terrorist organizations such as antifa, pushing back muslim invaders, protecting it's citizens from criminals and degenerates, protecting their nation's borders etc etc, I will continue to oppose it's glorification.

Stormblood speaks of an ideal state of military where it is an actually valuable and necessary asset to a nation, this doesn't reflect the reality of the military in this day and age in my opinion.

I also spoke about militaries in general, not any individuals here, if you took offense over anything I've said that's on you.

Like I said in the other post, after revision and restructuring, and changes in leadership, I can definitely agree that the military is a necessary component of a nation. But in it's current state? It's a joke.

I look at things objectively, and how they are right now, not how they "could be" or "used to be". The military in it's current state is a disgrace and I don't think it should be as glorified as it is.

Also quote the lies.
Stormblood said:
Everything now is perverted, not just the military. What labourers do to stop the mass invasion? They bend their knees and pray to rabbi jeboo to bring more. Those who understand the threat, if only partially, they still bow to rabbi jeboo, asking him to save them. They keep abusing their families with xtard nonsense. It's the same at every level of society.

I'll reply to this bit separately, so you can understand my philosophy on this matter. The perverted state of military has reached a level of insanity that, not only do they not protect their citizens, but it goes as far as them being more likely to go against their own citizens for defending themselves.

If the worker class comes together to fight back (which they shouldn't have to in the first place) against the muslim infestation what is going to happen is they will be gunned down by the military that should exist to protect them from such.

You seem convinced that such orders would not be carried out but I have my doubts.

This is why I say, at this point we're almost better off without a military. And letting the masses come together and defend themselves, since the military shirks it's duties. This will inevitably happen in my opinion. A day will come when the jews will order these men to gun down their own desperate families and then we'll see if they truly defy such orders and relieve their commanders of their duties.
Jack is right a Paramilitary like the SA/SS is the way to go. If you remember in the times of the Third Reich the military wasn’t fond of the NSDAP and Hitler didn’t trust them or the police that’s why he created these groups because they would execute his will and the will of the people which is something the old institutions were unwilling to do.

Daraakan is right too the military should not be used to senselessly bomb other countries and invade them they should take the role of the CBP and handle everything on the southern border and fire upon those who cross illegally since they have the authority to do it.
Dahaarkan said:
hailourtruegod said:
"A sense of duty and doing good just for the sake of doing good because you're a man is such a toxic masculinity wet dream, heh, be like these good goys who watch a woman get beat and not just do nothing but close the door on her. That's the true way to be guys." -Dahaarkan, probably.


Such an autistic post. You're delusional if you think your nation's military will "do good" when it comes to protecting you and your nation's citizens. They would sooner bash your skull in for speaking out against the jews than act in defense of your citizens. But I suppose the "military" is simply absolutely virtuous and can do no wrong in your mind.

Are you actually retarded? You're calling me autistic but you keep on lying about what our argument is to bolster your stupid and flawed points. Do you really think anyone is falling for the same weak and mind virus type shit you're pushing here? The wise here are laughing at your ignorance but you rather tighten up your asshole and spurg out nonsense and not even contemplate the logical points being made. Sure I'm clowning you but the others are at least trying to make you understand in a respective manner.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

I'll dismantle your other reply when I get the time. In the mean time go read Mein Kampf to help you out of this inferior mindset of yours.

Oh you mean an organized unit that acts in a militaristic manner whether it's made up of people who served or regular workers? Wait doesn't that contradict Dahaarkan's own points?

I'm being facetious.

It's either military units or being peaceful that's the only solutions. Seeing that Dahaarkan is bashing ALL military by his own words then one can only assume that he's pushing this marxist turn the other cheek b.s.

Makes me wonder if he's even doing the RTRs since we also go at it in a spiritual militaristic manner.
Dahaarkan said:
Stormblood said:
Everything now is perverted, not just the military. What labourers do to stop the mass invasion? They bend their knees and pray to rabbi jeboo to bring more. Those who understand the threat, if only partially, they still bow to rabbi jeboo, asking him to save them. They keep abusing their families with xtard nonsense. It's the same at every level of society.

I'll reply to this bit separately, so you can understand my philosophy on this matter. The perverted state of military has reached a level of insanity that, not only do they not protect their citizens, but it goes as far as them being more likely to go against their own citizens for defending themselves.

If the worker class comes together to fight back (which they shouldn't have to in the first place) against the muslim infestation what is going to happen is they will be gunned down by the military that should exist to protect them from such.

You seem convinced that such orders would not be carried out but I have my doubts.

This is why I say, at this point we're almost better off without a military. And letting the masses come together and defend themselves, since the military shirks it's duties. This will inevitably happen in my opinion. A day will come when the jews will order these men to gun down their own desperate families and then we'll see if they truly defy such orders and relieve their commanders of their duties.

Prime example of cognitive dissonance or you just talk in circles to sound smart even though you're basically repeating what others have said but in your own words.

"Let's abolish the military but bring people together in a militaristic style unit." *facepalm*

I don't see any sane person here defending the degeneracy that some of current militaries have turned into. I say some because like I said you can't generalize all. It's childish.

You even ignored the fact that there's neutral nations who are good examples.

That's just one thing you blatantly ignored out of many point a given to you.
Dahaarkan said:
hailourtruegod said:
You can't generalize every military today either but here we are.

I can and I do. Until I see the military doing what it is designed to do, dismantling terrorist organizations such as antifa, pushing back muslim invaders, protecting it's citizens from criminals and degenerates, protecting their nation's borders etc etc, I will continue to oppose it's glorification.

Stormblood speaks of an ideal state of military where it is an actually valuable and necessary asset to a nation, this doesn't reflect the reality of the military in this day and age in my opinion.

I also spoke about militaries in general, not any individuals here, if you took offense over anything I've said that's on you.

Like I said in the other post, after revision and restructuring, and changes in leadership, I can definitely agree that the military is a necessary component of a nation. But in it's current state? It's a joke.

I look at things objectively, and how they are right now, not how they "could be" or "used to be". The military in it's current state is a disgrace and I don't think it should be as glorified as it is.

Also quote the lies.

You're starting to get it.
The military industrial complex is completely in the hands of the jews. All it takes is a little bit of research to find this to be true.

Comparing this to Hitler's army or the armies of ancient times that we're wiped away with the complex help of enemy ets is retarded.

Looks like we can all agree with this for the most part.
Dahaarkan said:
As for being required for personal growth, I'm not sure. I do agree it would be beneficial for many young men to at least spend a few months in the military, but at the same time I think there's others ways for young men to better themselves besides this, and with the military in it's current state, I'd rather not have men better themselves in other ways to be honest.

This is true. The American army doesn't recruit on merit anymore. So young men going into the army might do more bad than good at this moment in most western nations. They're one step away from outright pushing marxism if not already.

They have lowered the standards of how fit one needs to be to join the army. The other day I saw an overweight girl in military get up, she must have just gotten home from training or something, walking by with a big bag of McDonald's. I kid you not.

They made jump suits for pregnant women in the air force and the elites are calling anyone who criticizes this as being misogynistic.

If young men want to better themselves I would recommend volunteering as a fire fighter. That seems to still be a sane place.

Military and police institutions are denigrating in America and in the UK.

I myself as an SS have and anyone else here can learn thru books like Art of War, the way of the samurai by miyamoto or Mein Kampf etc etc. Watching videos and putting their skills into practice (the legal ones of course) and as long as they are proceeding with a SS view point than that should work enough in my opinion.

This is why it's important for us here to start informing other men how to act. Doing so in a safe and for the most part anonymous way. We're the only ones who can change these things around for the better.

It took me several tries to finally get this message thru. I should of tried better not to sperg out before lol but once I got my act together I started getting trouble sending this post. :roll:
Dahaarkan said:
And letting the masses come together and defend themselves, since the military shirks it's duties. This will inevitably happen in my opinion. A day will come when the jews will order these men to gun down their own desperate families and then we'll see if they truly defy such orders and relieve their commanders of their duties.

Good luck with that. The majority of Millennials and Zoomers would call you a psycho for saying that. Everyone who does not spend all of their spare time conforming to:

• videogames
• recreational drugs and tobacco
• alcohol
• clubbing and nightlife
• Netflix/Disney+
• being an extreme pacifist and meek
• laziness, sleeping and giving 10% at best in non-nihilistic activies
• strong social media presence (instagram, tiktok, youtube, facebook, twitter...)
• bonds that have the depth of a flat dish

is considered a psycho by them, frowned upon and ghosted, kept at a distance. You need to be "chill/carefree/easy" or have any other rubbish/toxic/nihilistic mindset in order to amount to anything in their eyes. Giving more than 10% in anything in life is considered "being too serious" because life is only about fun. Conform. Comply.

It's much easier for a few units of the NPC military to rebel and form a paramilitary to get things done (those factions I was talking about) than for NPC civvies to get off their arse and start building a resistance. Even in the eventuality civvies somehow managed to pull something like that off out of pure randomness, most of them are fat-asses, severely physical unfit to the point that appropriate physical training for health reasons nowadays is considered to be 20/30 minutes of WALKING every day. Not jogging, not running. Fucking WALKING.

How much would these people last, I wonder, against people who train daily, sometimes twice a day, putting in both aerobic and anaerobic effort? How much would they last also considering their level of motivation and discipline, which makes them mentally and emotionally unfit/immature to be any militia. I wonder whichever comes around first: annihilation or giving up and go back to complying to enemy agendas.
Please, Dahaarkan. Keep ignoring:

• what I said about every area of society, civvie and military, being cucked
• the negative parts of the military which I highlighted in other topics

and making assumptions what various factions do or do not in the military.

This is exactly the mindset the left-wing has been pushing strongly. We are to the point that every libtard, especially GLBT and feminists, wants the military and the law enforcement to be completely dismantled. Ask any leftie. They will tell you it's unnecessary, because criminality only exists when it suits their agenda (i.e. BLM nonsense that does not match up to reality and antifa rubbish). Let's all plunge into a lawless society, yes, where the jungle rules.
Jack said:

Jack you should understand the delicate situation of these forums and be careful with what you post. To be clear I disagree with nothing of what you said but your last post is the kind of thing that could get the forums "legally" shut down.

Be careful with how you discuss the "removal" of the enemy and what you incite. Give them an inch and they will run for a mile.
Please discuss opposing views out of the schedule of warfare and in time of great psychic attacks. It is better for everyone involved and for sustaining our SS fiery nature in a more respectable way.
Stormblood said:
Jack said:

Who said this needs to be done peacefully? Who says there needs not to be both a strong belligerent and a strong subtle response?

Who says that removing kikes just means removing the jewish people and not their vermin from people's minds and souls?
I wasn't talking to you. The thing is i see all these wannabe Redpilled people who know a lot but are still deluded about change through electoral politics even though they belligerently stole that election in their face. They still haven't figured out that the era of elections are over.
Stormblood said:
Please, Dahaarkan. Keep ignoring:

• what I said about every area of society, civvie and military, being cucked
• the negative parts of the military which I highlighted in other topics

and making assumptions what various factions do or do not in the military.

This is exactly the mindset the left-wing has been pushing strongly. We are to the point that every libtard, especially GLBT and feminists, wants the military and the law enforcement to be completely dismantled. Ask any leftie. They will tell you it's unnecessary, because criminality only exists when it suits their agenda (i.e. BLM nonsense that does not match up to reality and antifa rubbish). Let's all plunge into a lawless society, yes, where the jungle rules.

I'm not ignoring them there's simply nothing to say because I don't disagree. When I say you glorify military I'm not implying you're blind to or ignoring it's flaws. Now as for dismantling military, it's too soon for this while the Chinese golem is still at large.

But the dismantling of military would actually be a good thing. Before you reply, read this post carefully.

Yes, the retarded left thinks it would benefit them, but in reality it would be dismantled only to create a power vacuum, and would rapidly be replaced by armed groups, most of which will likely oppose left ideology. This will put your claim of there being factions within military that oppose (((them))) to the test, and we'd see if they take advantage of the power vacuum it would create to take their nation back. They would have the training, equipment and manpower to do it, and who opposes them? Leftist queers?

Before long the military would be inevitably reformed and reborn, free of jewish control. Without the jew controlled military the people can take back their nations and defend themselves without being prosecuted.

The idea of the left creating a "lawless" society is a useful thing if you can see the big picture. If military and police does not exist, armed groups will replace them in this role of keeping law and order. Groups which unlike military and police, are not under direct jewish control.

Their anarchist dream of a lawless society doesn't last long, but it creates the power vacuum we need to take action and take our nations back. Again, the jewish golems must collapse before this happens, or we risk communist invasion while our military is reborn.
hailourtruegod said:
"Let's abolish the military but bring people together in a militaristic style unit." *facepalm*

I didn't put this into words because I figured it was obvious that the point of dismantling the military is that armed groups of citizens would then take over it's role and eventually reform the military from the ground up.

Given your emotional style of debating it's not surprising you didn't understand this from the start. It's not difficult to put this together...

The necessity for LAW and ORDER is inevitable in society. If state-controlled institutions are not present, groups will come together and police themselves. This is the whole point. Military and police are controlled by jews, groups of vigilantes are not.

You seem to be under the impression that I wanted the military dismantled to create some form of anarchist society and that was that. I want the military dismantled, and I do want anarchism to be a thing, so that we can take advantage of the power vacuum it creates and take our nations back under gentile control.

In chaos, the strongest prevail. It would be literally military trained boys and experienced gun owners vs leftist queers and furries, who hate guns and don't own any. It's hardly a fair fight, and I think we can guess which side wins such conflict.
We are nearing times when black and brown shirts will patrol the streets, arrest and beat up criminals and undesirables. Slang term could be street sweepers. Of course streer sweepers would also enter private establishments and such to make a clean up where it is needed. Biker gangs, mafia, right hand path organisations, all need to be purged.
NakedPluto said:
Please discuss opposing views out of the schedule of warfare and in time of great psychic attacks. It is better for everyone involved and for sustaining our SS fiery nature in a more respectable way.

They seem to be fine. Dahaarkan, Stormblood and Jack are on point with some added personal passions.

If it gets out of hand they should calm down, but if it continues the way it has done it should be fine.

Many informative points have been brought up, so they're also not wasting their time here.
Henu the Great said:
We are nearing times when black and brown shirts will patrol the streets, arrest and beat up criminals and undesirables. Slang term could be street sweepers. Of course streer sweepers would also enter private establishments and such to make a clean up where it is needed. Biker gangs, mafia, right hand path organisations, all need to be purged.

I've never had an issue with Bikers. If you're on the Pagans' good side, they'll treat you nicely. You don't wanna know what happens otherwise though.
Dahaarkan said:
Yes, the retarded left thinks it would benefit them, but in reality it would be dismantled only to create a power vacuum, and would rapidly be replaced by armed groups, most of which will likely oppose left ideology. This will put your claim of there being factions within military that oppose (((them))) to the test, and we'd see if they take advantage of the power vacuum it would create to take their nation back. They would have the training, equipment and manpower to do it, and who opposes them? Leftist queers?

The idea of the left creating a "lawless" society is a useful thing if you can see the big picture. If military and police does not exist, armed groups will replace them in this role of keeping law and order. Groups which unlike military and police, are not under direct jewish control.

Replying to the wrong parts. None of this " y u only quote out of context"

I genuinely believe that you objectively live in a bubble and I'll explain how,

The only lefties against guns are the upper middle class weirdos. Antifa and blm and the "not fucking around crew" which is made up of exclusively of anti-white black people who LOVE guns and target practice constantly.

There are videos of this. Mock them all you want for being cringe but the fact remains that they're not peaceful. They themselves have said violence is an option.

Then you have all the gang bangers who believe in white supremacy and that that it's keeping them down :roll: . The black panthers are still around and they're full blown black commies. I recently made a posts about marxist brainwashed military men and I have a few myself.

If you're convinced the freedom loving people will go against an easy opponent if things end up going that way then you're 100% factually wrong.

Maybe you didn't know and that's ok. It happens. Just pay attention.

in regards to your reply to me it's wild how you actually believe you being passive aggressive means you're not being emotional. It's like the xians who I politely disregard when they tell me jewsus luvs you over and over like a broken record with a fake smile over there face. Then act morally superior when I tell them to knock it the fuck off. Once I explain what passive aggressiveness is they get this stupid look on their face. Hopefully you'll realize what you're doing here but regardless im going to try to not respond insulting manner anymore even if you throw one back at me.

I'd like to see your reply to the first part I mentioned though. You have many good points but some are incredibly flawed and outright wrong and I just explained how.
hailourtruegod said:
I recently made a posts about marxist brainwashed military men and I have a few myself.

Oof what a typo.

"I recently made a posts about marxist brainwashed military men and I have * MET * a few myself."
hailourtruegod said:

Antifa and blm already operate freely and even without people coming together to defend themselves from them, they accomplish little beyond assaulting people on the streets and smashing a few stores. I didn't say they aren't violent. But they are largely incompetent.

These are the same clowns that got trashed 3 on 1 by a kid with a gun. They would stand no chance against organized armed groups of vigilantes.

Groups would have rose up to police themselves and purge gangs and antifa already if it were not illegal to do so. It's so bad in the U.S one can go to jail just for having a facebook group saying the wrong things.

In Europe a few groups like this already exist, although they can't do much being closely watched. Imagine what they could accomplish if military and police didn't keep them down.

This is very simple to understand especially in the U.S people are being pushed against the wall and the only barrier protecting these degenerates from desperate and angry citizens is their own police and military which openly permits terrorism within their own borders. All you did in this post is show how much of a defeatist you are. As the RTR's continue to dismantle enemy influence people will begin to rise up to defend themselves more and more.

You're whining a lot about the way I debate being passive aggressive but I'm not sure how else I can put obvious things. I have to break down basic things like how a power vacuum works, and half your posts are fostard style posts like complaining that I'm lying.

YoU aRe A lIaR! !

I told you to quote the so called lies and since there are none now you're whining that I'm passive aggressive.

Let's review your activity on this thread;

First post opened with "ur butthurt, ur liar", excellent post

Second post is a mageson style shitpost speaks for itself

Next post, "are u rarted?, stop lying ignorant", nothing of value as well

Then there's the posts where you demonstrate your smooth brain couldn't comprehend the basic concept of armed groups taking advantage of the power vaccum left by the military's theoretical dismantling, which I mean, lmao no comment.

At best you repeat what others said, at worst it's just whining and complaining about random bullshit.

Compare your shitposting to jack or stormblood's style of debate. Simple, to the point, informative. Your activity on this thread is comparable to a child whining and having a little piss on the floor while adults try to discuss things.

You have nothing of value to bring to the conversation, you and sitting on the fence agreeing or disagreeing with what I say and jumping around depending on what others say so you'll "look good".
ShadowTheRaven said:
Henu the Great said:
We are nearing times when black and brown shirts will patrol the streets, arrest and beat up criminals and undesirables. Slang term could be street sweepers. Of course streer sweepers would also enter private establishments and such to make a clean up where it is needed. Biker gangs, mafia, right hand path organisations, all need to be purged.

I've never had an issue with Bikers. If you're on the Pagans' good side, they'll treat you nicely. You don't wanna know what happens otherwise though.

I've heard there's good and bad crews. There were huge biker Trump rallies before the election. (Or should i say yuuuge). I'm not trying to get into Trump in this thread and just making a point that many of them seem like decent folk and just want to be in a frat type of organization or what have you.

There's some crews out there that are violent and operate as a mafia on Harleys. Many cases found in the news. The good ones obviously aren't heard of as much for obvious reasons.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Henu the Great said:
We are nearing times when black and brown shirts will patrol the streets, arrest and beat up criminals and undesirables. Slang term could be street sweepers. Of course streer sweepers would also enter private establishments and such to make a clean up where it is needed. Biker gangs, mafia, right hand path organisations, all need to be purged.

I've never had an issue with Bikers. If you're on the Pagans' good side, they'll treat you nicely. You don't wanna know what happens otherwise though.
Me neither, but many if not most bikers deal with drugs. Manufacturing and distributing. That is a pestilence.
Dahaarkan said:
hailourtruegod said:

Antifa and blm already operate freely and even without people coming together to defend themselves from them, they accomplish little beyond assaulting people on the streets and smashing a few stores. I didn't say they aren't violent. But they are largely incompetent.

Their job is to demoralize and cause mayhem as it has always been since their inception back in early 1900s Germany. Until it's time for the heavy work. Though I admit a lot of them are LARPing and won't make it far.

They operate as a sayanim decentralized network. Their low level work is on purpose so they don't have a reason to get arrested and do it to agitate others and look like victims afterwards. This is why they use soup cans, milkshakes, umbrellas water bottles etc or put their "press", disabled, women at the front lines. These tactics have worked well for them. They have tactics that are given to them by their leaders.

They do not "operate freely" whatsoever.

All the "random" riots were not random whatsoever. They were always planned and Andy Ngo's Twitter account has all the receipts on this.

I'm not going to spoon feed you everything. Go look at Andy Ngo's work on them. They are controlled but have many low level "leaders". All of them jewish. I have screenshots of Antifa vandalism with hebrew next to it. There's a prominent jew in Portland who walks around with that jewish scarf thing they wear. This is one of their "leaders". These are just a few examples. Not going to give you everything when you can do your own research like I have for the past several years.

(If one wants a good laugh there's a video of that jew I was talking about getting tackled to the ground and into a big puddle. Iirc he screams out he's jewish or something. Lol)

Instead of talking shit you could just take 15 minutes and research who's leading these different sects.

How long would Kyle last if each one of them had a gun and came at him all at once like the stupid zombies they are.

Him and his buddies were outnumbered that night but luckily were armed. Antifa know when and when not to bring their guns btw.

Also Kyle's buddies earlier that night said that they were on the side of Antifa and blm. They just weren't as brainwashed to let someone burn a gas station. The boogaloo boys hang out with blm and openly talk shit about the Proud Boys. This isn't a defense on the Proud boys as the boogaloo boys only see them as a right wing group instead of a fed op.

I hope I'm making myself clear because I'm literally giving you the details of the enemy's "decentralized" armies that you're ignoring completely or at least at a dangerous level while you advocate for suicidal ideas.

Do you also just mock the jews and dont see them as a threat because many of them are retarded?

Yes the RTRs and our online activism works but how does that diminish the reality of their danger. Be it far left militias or their jewish rulers at the very top.

You misinterpreted my whole post as you did with others at some point. The point was to show you you're wrong that a power vacuum would mean the good people will take over *easily*. Got it now?

This hasn't happened in the past either.

Look at Ukraine when the ussr fell. The mafia like people went to factories and told them that they now work for them and the factory owners had no choice but to say ok.

"Being defeatist". Lol

Would people rather be naive and think it'll all be candy canes and rainbows or have me tell you the truth to be aware and not to take things as lightly as you are. I'm not saying you're saying it'll be super easy but you are underestimating the millions of foot soldiers the jews have and will call upon the "leaders" of each sect to do what they want if it came down to it.

There's active antifa members in the ME right now as well. Guess pointing them out to my Brothers and how these far leftist active military experience at the moment is being defeatist?

Hey guys don't pay attention to the highest of the antifa sect that is fighting wars at the moment and that they HATE the West. :roll:

There was a planned communist take over in November of 2017 if older members remember. It was talked about in the old forums. They planned a communist take over that never took off thanks to our RTRs. They had tanks hidden in big garages in many downtown cities for fucks sake.

Guess we should ignore how they have the mainstream media and the biggest corporations on their side thus better propaganda abilities....

Nothing of what I said was "defeatist". You just took it the wrong way for some reason when all i was doing here was to show you in great depth how you were dead wrong about going against only "leftist queers".

Are you saying that you're still right about this?

Why do I have to remind you what you said? You're moving the goal post when someone points out how you're wrong and you had to forcefully agree with Stormblood one point (but still kind of disagree) and now degrading this whole thing into a shitfest after I'm doing my best to bring it into a regular convo.

Relax little buddy. Take a breather, ok?

Lastly, the point is to get rid of the jews from power completely. As long as they're there then they'll be able to push heavy violence in people regardless if they have a military or not.
Dahaarkan said:
Yes, the retarded left thinks it would benefit them, but in reality it would be dismantled only to create a power vacuum, and would rapidly be replaced by armed groups, most of which will likely oppose left ideology. This will put your claim of there being factions within military that oppose (((them))) to the test, and we'd see if they take advantage of the power vacuum it would create to take their nation back. They would have the training, equipment and manpower to do it, and who opposes them? Leftist queers?

Before long the military would be inevitably reformed and reborn, free of jewish control. Without the jew controlled military the people can take back their nations and defend themselves without being prosecuted.

The idea of the left creating a "lawless" society is a useful thing if you can see the big picture. If military and police does not exist, armed groups will replace them in this role of keeping law and order. Groups which unlike military and police, are not under direct jewish control.

Their anarchist dream of a lawless society doesn't last long, but it creates the power vacuum we need to take action and take our nations back. Again, the jewish golems must collapse before this happens, or we risk communist invasion while our military is reborn.

THe thing is that the kike worms are into the mentality of people. So, even by removing the military and the law enforcement, armed groups that arise would still be tied to them and could well discriminate against non-xtards too, as well as homosexuals, bisexuals, women and any category the bible bashes.

One has to consider there are advantages and disadvantages in both resolutions. I understand you prefer the abolitionist option, and I still prefer the timocratical option. Coups can be made in both ways.

Also, I am not so sure military and LE would start shooting any civilians if asked. Only the kikes and the racial traitors would do that, as there are certain limits as to what one is willing to do. Ordering to shoot civvies, subtly or not, is just pure madness.

I think there should be paramilitary associations in a SS society btw. Much like the HY, there should be an adult version for civvies and, in general, community involvement projects that bring people together down to the neighbourhood level to do meaningful things and to foster the pursuit of excellence, which is severely lacking in the enemy-dominated world, as you know. A chain of community care from the lowest to highest level needs to be established, if society is to prosper as a whole.

Some communities do that but only at the most basic provision: food, water, clothes. They are stuck at the root level, that of survival. That is incomplete, as there are many more things in life. Most other levels are neglected, and the indulgence level is turned completely toxic with negative peer pressure and marginalisation for dissidents.

Anyway, the main point is bold and underlined.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
