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The Importance of Nutrition for Magnum Opus and Meditation

Jul 31, 2021
First, let me point out that the HP/HPS have touched on the subject of nutrition before, stating that you don't have to be a vegetarian or commit to a proper routine when pursuing Satanism and that overeating occasionally is okay ( and they are right ). However, when this is the norm, illnesses arise that can prevent us from achieving our spiritual goals, because the spiritual is part of the physical and vice versa.
Saying that overeating can cause disease, the reality is that under-eating, prolonged and regular fasting, and total veganism can also cause disease if these practices are misunderstood and executed without planning, knowledge, or foresight about what one is trying to achieve by engaging in them. Note that I am not judging those who choose to do any of the above, even if for personal, cultural or health reasons, but simply laying the groundwork for what I am about to reveal.
Personally, I have studied Chinese medicine and have unpacked the ancient knowledge of Chinese dietetics about Magnum Opus and other aspects of meditation and divination. (An important piece of information to keep in mind when reading the following is that opposite poles of energy (Yin/Yang) must always co-exist and that where there are abundant amounts of one, then the other must be reflected, just as the solidity of our physical bodies must be reflected in the ethereal nature of our aura). I apologize to all those without a bioscientific background; I will try to keep the language simple.
Essentially, the elements (the ingredients, not the magical elements) of the Magnum Opus at the beginning of the work are the secretion of the male and female elixirs of life from the Swadhisthana Chakra and the Soma Chakra (pineal gland). HPS Maxine Dietrich described quite significantly the pineal secretions (the drip of Amrita, which is basically melatonin in huge amounts. ).When we meditate on it, we direct Chii/Prana to the Soma Chakra, which stimulates the pineal gland, producing the opposite Qi which is the yin fluid (feminine energy) in the form of the melatonin hormone ( Amrita ). Normally this hormone acts to regulate the body clock and is naturally secreted by the pineal gland in response to darkness, and its secretion is inhibited by light. However, melatonin is found in such small amounts that
it can serve no other purpose than to regulate sleep. The female elixir has a calming effect and can enhance intuition and clairvoyance (passive practices). In the quantities it produces when meditating , Amrita acts to exert a powerful hormonal influence on the cells of the body, leading to the transformation of DNA and cell structure necessary for Magnum Opus.
When we focus on the Swadhisthana chakra, as Asian Qi Gong practitioners call it, the lower dantian also produces/secretes an elixir. I was confused about this because there are no specific glands or body structures there. The mechanism of action of the male elixir is that the condensation of Qi/Prana/Energy at this site draws to it the Yin (female) fluids and hormones of the adrenal glands (cortisol, glucocorticoids, aldosterone and androgens ) and possibly the pancreas although the involvement of the pancreas has not been made explicit, it makes sense that insulin and digestive enzymes of the pancreas are also involved as the male elixir can cause hunger when secreted. These hormones, when acting singularly, have stimulatory effects on the body and effect the conversion and release of energy from food and fat cells in the body
during normal physiological functions. When drawn together and combined, they act to very actively attract these hormones, as the high level of energy produced by sexual stimulation (Yang) must have a reflective aggregation of fluids (Yin), they create the stimulating and energizing elixir that allows for sufficient energy and the driving force of transformation that one undergoes when attaining spiritual perfection.
In the average person in the West, where highly processed foods are prevalent in the diet, meat tends to
come from animals that are exposed to high toxicity (so the meat itself can absorb this), and where the quality and variety of vegetables is lacking, the hormones needed to create elixirs can be of poor quality. Not to mention the overuse of pharmaceutical drugs used to maintain health and relieve any little aches and pains we may encounter.I'm not saying you should stop taking your medication without first consulting your doctor, I'm simply saying that it may take you longer or that or that you might encounter significantly more problems during your meditations. Typically, this type of diet will affect more
older people (45+), as their body no longer has the youthful quality of a person at 18, for example. Also, anyone who has abused alcohol, drugs or has been exposed to high levels of toxicity (such as exposure to DDT) for long periods of their life may be affected.
Where am I going with this? Short of giving everyone a magic bullet (which doesn't exist, as each of us is individual and has individual nutritional needs and requirements), I urge every SS seriously considering Magnum Opus or currently working on it to research good nutrition and actively engage in practices that encourage it. This can be as simple as eliminating processed foods or reducing the amount of them and increasing the number of nutritionally rich foods such as Spirulina (a seaweed usually available in powdered form), raw honey (most commercially produced honey is cooked, raw honey contains pollen, which may need to be avoided by those with pollen reactions), organically grown vegetables and organically raised and fed meat sources. For those striving for good results, good nutrition will enable your body to more easily produce better quality hormones, whose action on
your body's cells act not only to activate various processes within the cell, but the hormones themselves are then inactivated and used by your body as a form of energy and nutrition.
All humans on Earth are constantly generating the elixirs of life in their bodies, because the hormones in the bloodstream are
mix and interact with each other. This is essential for life and without it a human body could not survive. When we meditate on them and increase them, we increase the level and quality of the elixirs to the point necessary for the transformation of our bodies and souls, as happens with the work of Magnum Opus. The energy we use to do this (Chi/Prana) is the energy we learn to control with our mind, and it is the energy that permeates and directs that allows us to have power over the biochemical processes in our body.

Hail Satan !
Hail Enlil !
Siatris Ioholo said:

This is generally correct, but please add some paragraph spacing to your writing, otherwise, it is much harder to read through.

Unfortunately, we have to put up with some degree of pollution from the world around us, otherwise, we are forced to spend too much time nitpicking our food. It would be wiser to spend only 30 minutes on your meal and include extra meditation than to spend 1.5 hours hand-growing the perfect food.

That is not to say none of these things negatively impact our bodies. However, it would be wiser, as SS, to take steps to improve our vitality and resilience, such as through Sowilo, Uruz, and Nauthiz. Then, our body would be less hindered and better able to overcome these poisons in our food (and other negative lifestyle behaviors).

Furthermore, we can use Ansuz to free ourselves from these negative foods, and Fehu to give us the means to obtain high-quality ones.
Thank you, it's great to be able to connect the physical and spiritual processes. I had not considered how the energies from the chakras flow throughout the body through the blood. We hear alot about having a healthy heart, having healthy blood should be discussed just as much. The blood literally supplies the necessary nutrients to our entire body, allowing our cells to reproduce and regenerate.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
