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The "Exploding Head" Phenomenon, Sleep Problems - Self-doubt And Its Treatment


Active member
Oct 27, 2021
[email protected]
In our lives, we often have chaotic situations that can get stored up in our minds or subconscious. The later "reflections" of these can lead to problems and need serious attention, as they can complicate not only our Spiritual life, but also our daily life.

Not to mention the fact that they can also impair the quality and content of our sleep.

The phenomenon that prompted me to write this post stems from my personal experience, to raise awareness and help those who suffer from similar problems. It will have little to do with Sleep Paralysis, but it will be all the more significant.

This inexplicable and sometimes surreal phenomenon, like a 'head explosion', occurs just as we are about to fall asleep.

In short, when we are already completely tired and half asleep, we are suddenly awakened in terror by a monumentally high and powerful frequency sound that is happening inside our heads. This can be alarming and it scared me as it was previously unknown to me.

It feels as if someone is screaming at the top of their lungs in your ear for a second or two.

For me, for example, it was as if I was watching a TV show and the man there was consulting and what he was saying was perceived as above normal frequency, so I took it as shouting. Another surreal sound that came out I couldn't make out because it sounded so chaotic, like someone talking incoherently.

These lasted only a second or two, but were all the more frightening for an individual who had never experienced anything like this before. Triggers include stress, hectic daily life, irregular lifestyle, etc. There are no signs of illness or disease.

There are purely psychological causes.

It happened to me three times in a row in one night, two I understood somewhat, the third I didn't understand at all. I was surprised, because it had never happened before, and afterwards I had so many symptoms that my ears hurt. The shouting in the mind affected the ears, and that's strange.

For prevention I can recommend avoiding stress, Fire Breathing, Bhastrika, Rune Vibration, life without anxiety, avoid the depression, Yoga, Meditation. Although I do all, it still came up for me.

When it happens, you go to sleep delirious because you're afraid it will happen again. This can manifest itself in sleep deprivation, irregular sleep, and is something to avoid. If it happens, there is nothing you can do about it, simply nothing. Worry is the worst thing in this situation.

The phenomena that are happening in the world today, or in our environment, or just within us, can manifest themselves after a while in stress or sheer lethargy. A paradigm that is systematically guided and fed by Christianity, in which we are constantly told that we must live our lives 'for God'.

"Jewsus" died for our sins - a typical Jewish attack. This claim has more substance than the average person would assume. "For our sins" is an allegory that suggests that Gentiles are all sinful and bad, and that this whole phenomenon is unconscious.

It is like saying that Gentiles are sinful because they exist.

The fact is that the fictional "Jewsus" never belonged to us Gentiles, he was always just a weapon against the Gentiles. The goyim, of course, faithfully worship this fiction and subconsciously energize the phenomenon itself, and it fuels "Jewsus" to this day. Christianity is nothing more than a vile congregation of destructive morality and vileness.

Where only bad things meet, good things never come out.

Jewry has always worn a disguise, and its weapons are deception and subconscious manipulation. We have to exist in a society where we are told how insignificant we are, that our existence hardly matters, that you can't be unique because then you don't belong to the fashionable crowd.

Stress and negative emotions build up and become physical manifestations after a while. One of these is the phenomenon of "head explosion". I don't know how many of you have experienced it, but it also falls into the category of sleep disorders. It's not like Sleep Paralysis, or like Conscious Dreaming.

Self-doubt is one of the biggest problems that can haunt you psychologically.

They don't value themselves enough, they feel hopeless, so the chaotic circulation of energy can lead to depression and from there the decline of the person can start. I don't deny it has happened to me, more than once I have planned to kill myself and end it all.

The problem with me is that I don't think about the consequences. I'm the kind of person who, if I set my mind to something, I do it, but if I fail, I suffer. Then after a while I come to terms with it, but it's a bad time because then I think about these phenomena.

Even if I kill myself, (I've tried as a SS but somehow never succeed), the enemy would be happy, because a SS is died. I don't know what my fate will be here, I don't know how far I will get, but if I can help even one or two people with my writings, that is constructive. You can hate me, you can love me, you can wish me dead, it is my choice after all.

I do not want to leave SS because I feel that I am important and needed here.

If you don't have the confidence, then take countermeasures. If you don't like yourself, your body, or you're not symmetrical somewhere, or it's just a problem with your appearance - don't be discouraged. You're as special as me, as anyone else here. Everyone has their own essence.

Why do you hate yourself? - ask yourself. Your soul will give you the answer. Don't think of yourself as a burden, a failure, but realistically and constructively as an evolving SS striving for Perfection. What others say, don't care. They are like that, thou are like this.

If you constantly worry about what others think, you will not live the life you want to live. You can do whatever you want, you can achieve whatever you want, but you're still going to be worrying about what other people think. Why is this important to you? Is it better to let others tell you what they think? You are worth as much as any other person.

The ignorance of opinions should not matter at all. You are the reason ignorance still exists and not died and you are the one who can bring people closer to understanding because you are a Satanic Soul. The fact that people are waking up is because of you. Know that You are fighting for humanity, even if they do nothing worthwhile.

Do you want to be controlled by the thoughts and opinions of others, or do you want to control yourself?

I experience it very frequently, just before I fall asleep and it makes me jump every time.
I wondered where it came from. Now I know :D thank you very much!

Now I have to dig to identify where it's going wrong and take the necessary steps.

However, these very loud but very short "screams" don't disturb me much, I have the sigils of Father Satan and my Guardian, under the pillow so I tell myself that I am absolutely safe and I fall asleep for good. I also repeat every night "I am always safe and totally protected" x 5 times, with the sigils on my heart, after having cleaned my aura.
sshivafr said:
I experience it very frequently, just before I fall asleep and it makes me jump every time.
I wondered where it came from. Now I know :D thank you very much!

Now I have to dig to identify where it's going wrong and take the necessary steps.

However, these very loud but very short "screams" don't disturb me much, I have the sigils of Father Satan and my Guardian, under the pillow so I tell myself that I am absolutely safe and I fall asleep for good. I also repeat every night "I am always safe and totally protected" x 5 times, with the sigils on my heart, after having cleaned my aura.

One thing to look into eventually is Traditional Chinese Medicine to rule out any other underlying health patterns that could be causing this as well.

I went through a long period when i was younger of very severe, crippling insomnia, with heart palpitations. It turned out the racing thoughts and mind I had were a result of very bad blood and yin deficiency. This went on for years until I started learning about how to rectify it.

I went and got acupuncture and herbal tonics which didn't help that much unfortunately, but studying and learning over time helped me understand in the long term how to achieve better health and rectify the bad health pattern.

Just something to always keep in mind.
Do you know anything about sleepwalking? I don't have such a problem, I'm just curious. Creepy.

Dreams can also be very creepy. A few years ago I had a horrible dream... I was in the backyard talking to a person there and I left him outside and went into the house, and in the living room this person was sitting on the couch watching TV. What a scare.
I have actually experienced the screaming inside the head before- it was awful. This and a few other unpleasant problems back when I practiced jew magic.

I used to do the pentagram rituals, middle pillar, vibrating jewish spells and angel names- and the result was something akin to schizophrenia. There was the occasional screaming experience, hearing voices at times, usually just undecipherable background chat but sometimes a voice would shout my name.

The strangest symptom though, was almost daily, when I tried to meditate or even sleep I swear I felt something hit on me on the head- not super hard but enough to be painful and jarring.

I quit all the ceremonial bs and started focusing on Spiritual Satanism a few years ago, and while my progress has been disappointing I haven't had anything scream or hit me on the head since. I understand now that every ritual I did, every Hebrew phrase I focused on was basically just charging the jews "mana pool" to not only be used against me but all humanity.
This can happen if you are not having enough oxygen. Your brain thinks that it needs more oxygen and you might suffocate, so it forces you to wake up immediately to save your life. It is much more likely to happen if you are in a strange position, or in a position where it is difficult to breathe. If it is difficult to breathe before you are asleep, it will only be much worse when the body is deeply relaxed and sleeping.
sshivafr said:
I experience it very frequently, just before I fall asleep and it makes me jump every time.
I wondered where it came from. Now I know :D thank you very much!

Now I have to dig to identify where it's going wrong and take the necessary steps.

However, these very loud but very short "screams" don't disturb me much, I have the sigils of Father Satan and my Guardian, under the pillow so I tell myself that I am absolutely safe and I fall asleep for good. I also repeat every night "I am always safe and totally protected" x 5 times, with the sigils on my heart, after having cleaned my aura.

Yes, the source of this phenomenon may be rooted in what I have described. Insomnia, fatigue, stress and all that. But the fact is that it does not indicate a serious illness, it is purely psychological. Aura Cleaning also has a relevant role to play here, as you are cleansing yourself of impurities.
Sunny said:
Do you know anything about sleepwalking? I don't have such a problem, I'm just curious. Creepy.

Dreams can also be very creepy. A few years ago I had a horrible dream... I was in the backyard talking to a person there and I left him outside and went into the house, and in the living room this person was sitting on the couch watching TV. What a scare.

The dreams are interesting enough in themselves, I think, and they might be the central themes of my next book, but I'm not sure yet. The sleepwalking (I've had it) tends to cause a lot of energy circulation. When you fall asleep, your body is full of energy, and that can cause this phenomenon. Pre-bedtime Meditations, which greatly increase bio-electricity, can also produce insomnia or even sleepwalking during sleep.

Even caffeinated or sugary drinks before falling asleep may be involved. These can even have an effect while you are still asleep and give your body an energy boost. This is probably what happens to me, but sleepwalking can sometimes turn into funny incidents. I once packed up my plants while sleepwalking.
Spidersweb said:
I have actually experienced the screaming inside the head before- it was awful. This and a few other unpleasant problems back when I practiced jew magic.

I used to do the pentagram rituals, middle pillar, vibrating jewish spells and angel names- and the result was something akin to schizophrenia. There was the occasional screaming experience, hearing voices at times, usually just undecipherable background chat but sometimes a voice would shout my name.

The strangest symptom though, was almost daily, when I tried to meditate or even sleep I swear I felt something hit on me on the head- not super hard but enough to be painful and jarring.

I quit all the ceremonial bs and started focusing on Spiritual Satanism a few years ago, and while my progress has been disappointing I haven't had anything scream or hit me on the head since. I understand now that every ritual I did, every Hebrew phrase I focused on was basically just charging the jews "mana pool" to not only be used against me but all humanity.

This is a perfect example of the relationship between jews and foreigners. Come on people, pray to jewhovah! Long live jewsus clown the Savior! Thou is the Savior! Christianity as the arena for the salvation of the soul, where man is freed from his problems!!!

This is something normal and just the chakras opening and your soul energies flowing and opening.

Yes there is a lot of sound, yes it can be scary at first, days, months, years. But at one point you have to surrender and stop being scared and you'll see only your soul and energies flowering.

The blinding light can be accustomed as well as the sounds.

If you can keep your energies high everyday, you will feel an underlying fine electromagnetic energy from your toes to your whole body.

When sleeping and in certain timeframes, this energy is enough to open and you experiment your spiritual bodies in a more amplified way.

Do not think this is a mistake, something bad in itself.
It is quite the opposite.

In the same fashion you will and can become aware of the vibration in octaves of your body. Which in sleep will actualize and you will be only vibration.

With all of these states you need to meditate upon and enter without any fear. Fear is to be destroyed.

Yes dive in your head when it lights up with stable thought and emotion.

In absolutely the same way, the Serpent will hammer you with a lighting of nuclear volts in your tail bone. The same mechanism around the night time.


Brightspace666 why do you talk about suicide and what others think? Do you need to talk about this? I think you should relax about this and possibly talk about it with me if you like.

I fail to see why you are conflicted in these emotions, maybe we can resolve some of them.
I used to hear terrible screams and see scary atmospheres almost everytime i got stuck between sleep and awake. This always happened whenever i had a lot on my mind right before going to sleep. Its like my imagination took over my entire senses.
BrightSpace666 said:
Sunny said:
Do you know anything about sleepwalking? I don't have such a problem, I'm just curious. Creepy.

Dreams can also be very creepy. A few years ago I had a horrible dream... I was in the backyard talking to a person there and I left him outside and went into the house, and in the living room this person was sitting on the couch watching TV. What a scare.

The dreams are interesting enough in themselves, I think, and they might be the central themes of my next book, but I'm not sure yet. The sleepwalking (I've had it) tends to cause a lot of energy circulation. When you fall asleep, your body is full of energy, and that can cause this phenomenon. Pre-bedtime Meditations, which greatly increase bio-electricity, can also produce insomnia or even sleepwalking during sleep.

Even caffeinated or sugary drinks before falling asleep may be involved. These can even have an effect while you are still asleep and give your body an energy boost. This is probably what happens to me, but sleepwalking can sometimes turn into funny incidents. I once packed up my plants while sleepwalking.

Sleepwalking is a really strange thing, I heard of a case where a guy drove a car in this state and went to a place, came home and went back to bed.

Thanks for the explanations.
NakedPluto said:
This is something normal and just the chakras opening and your soul energies flowing and opening.

Yes there is a lot of sound, yes it can be scary at first, days, months, years. But at one point you have to surrender and stop being scared and you'll see only your soul and energies flowering.

The blinding light can be accustomed as well as the sounds.

If you can keep your energies high everyday, you will feel an underlying fine electromagnetic energy from your toes to your whole body.

When sleeping and in certain timeframes, this energy is enough to open and you experiment your spiritual bodies in a more amplified way.

Do not think this is a mistake, something bad in itself.
It is quite the opposite.

In the same fashion you will and can become aware of the vibration in octaves of your body. Which in sleep will actualize and you will be only vibration.

With all of these states you need to meditate upon and enter without any fear. Fear is to be destroyed.

Yes dive in your head when it lights up with stable thought and emotion.

In absolutely the same way, the Serpent will hammer you with a lighting of nuclear volts in your tail bone. The same mechanism around the night time.


Brightspace666 why do you talk about suicide and what others think? Do you need to talk about this? I think you should relax about this and possibly talk about it with me if you like.

I fail to see why you are conflicted in these emotions, maybe we can resolve some of them.

Where do you want to talk? Via E-mail?
NakedPluto said:
This is something normal and just the chakras opening and your soul energies flowing and opening.

Yes there is a lot of sound, yes it can be scary at first, days, months, years. But at one point you have to surrender and stop being scared and you'll see only your soul and energies flowering.

The blinding light can be accustomed as well as the sounds.

If you can keep your energies high everyday, you will feel an underlying fine electromagnetic energy from your toes to your whole body.

When sleeping and in certain timeframes, this energy is enough to open and you experiment your spiritual bodies in a more amplified way.

Do not think this is a mistake, something bad in itself.
It is quite the opposite.

In the same fashion you will and can become aware of the vibration in octaves of your body. Which in sleep will actualize and you will be only vibration.

With all of these states you need to meditate upon and enter without any fear. Fear is to be destroyed.

Yes dive in your head when it lights up with stable thought and emotion.

In absolutely the same way, the Serpent will hammer you with a lighting of nuclear volts in your tail bone. The same mechanism around the night time.


Brightspace666 why do you talk about suicide and what others think? Do you need to talk about this? I think you should relax about this and possibly talk about it with me if you like.

I fail to see why you are conflicted in these emotions, maybe we can resolve some of them.

Anyway, yes, I talk about it more in posts, but it's all and all to tell people that it's not the right way and not to do it. The whole phenomenon of suicide is interesting to me in itself. Maybe it's some kind of subconscious effect, but I don't know what to make of it. I'm certainly not going to kill myself, but it's an interesting phenomenon for me.
BrightSpace666 said:
Where do you want to talk? Via E-mail?

Anywhere you like

BrightSpace666 said:
Anyway, yes, I talk about it more in posts, but it's all and all to tell people that it's not the right way and not to do it. The whole phenomenon of suicide is interesting to me in itself. Maybe it's some kind of subconscious effect, but I don't know what to make of it. I'm certainly not going to kill myself, but it's an interesting phenomenon for me.

I understand. I believe that the whole suicide subject is perceived falsely and purposefully idealistic in general. We can talk about this if you want.

Suicide is to be understood very realistically and brutal as it is. It is a desecration of own being and also it is something of desperation and whole negative things in life. It is horrible and nothing more needs to be added upon this characterization.

I think as it happens as well with the promotion and normalization of mental illnesses, this is promoted under a guise of help.

The problem, I believe, was never the prejudice against the discussion of this, neither the "judgment" of others as it is often used as an argument to open discussion about this in a "welcoming" way.

I believe fully that a very strong reaction against this is needed, and a full action of stopping this entertainment. Both in personal life's situations, in movies, in poetry, in art. The degree of insanity within this world is at a level, where a movie or a song, can be the motive of which something like this is acted upon, as a funnel of action.

The phenomena with suicide is simply a false one only by the way this is portrayed in the world. Suicide is extremely brutal and something that realistically cannot be assumed unto one self, except a very few cases of logic such as torture, in extreme cases.

Lets surmise this by a very simple logic and simplification. Over focusing on these aspects of life that are external, ie. suicide, are simply draining and deceiving your mind into a tunnel of decay. Suicide is decay and an outcome on very negative life factors. I can argue that someone who does this in great desperation does not posses any discerment as well, and this can be sustained by a spiritual view. Subjects like these imply the mind unto a forced limitation and rewiring your brain into negative expectancy.

Suicide is not logical, it is irrational. Therefore suicide as a subject cannot be entertained by logical faculties but that by emotions. As such the emotions can become an ego drive where it leads to very bad things. Control, and positives is needed. Optimism or at most a Stoic view.

Please do focus on the positives of life's as well. Suicide is of an extreme desperation and it is a product of disease, being a disease. Do not entertain diseases. I know people have empathy, but the greatest offense to life is being empathic with this subject or situations. Oppose this with great force, fight for life not for death.

In case of outside people, simple people - at the same time you cannot blame theirs context of life to that degree, a simple overcoming of "I need to fully comprehend this" is needed. Some aspects of some peoples life's are not to be understood or delved in.

And to add another remark with the above comments. I understand and this is a respectful approach to what others might take great offense in this, but regardless of what you feel ,try to understand and incubate what I said above in your life if there's a problem around this.
serpentwalker666 said:
One thing to look into eventually is Traditional Chinese Medicine to rule out any other underlying health patterns that could be causing this as well.

I went through a long period when i was younger of very severe, crippling insomnia, with heart palpitations. It turned out the racing thoughts and mind I had were a result of very bad blood and yin deficiency. This went on for years until I started learning about how to rectify it.

I went and got acupuncture and herbal tonics which didn't help that much unfortunately, but studying and learning over time helped me understand in the long term how to achieve better health and rectify the bad health pattern.

Just something to always keep in mind.

So these strange sounds appeared in the recent past. But you're right, maybe we should also look into that.

Traditional Chinese medicine is one of the fields I want to study in 2023 (I'm preparing my Project Book to present to Father Satan at the end of the year!)

BrightSpace's hypothesis, like Ol's and Nakepluto's are very different and yet, it could be a good fit for me. I don't know what to think anymore. Is it a symptom of a problem or the expression of a progression?

@BrightSpace, I am always touched when you talk about suicide and I think "why does this child of Satan want to disappear? "The world needs you. It doesn't make sense.
sshivafr said:
serpentwalker666 said:
One thing to look into eventually is Traditional Chinese Medicine to rule out any other underlying health patterns that could be causing this as well.

I went through a long period when i was younger of very severe, crippling insomnia, with heart palpitations. It turned out the racing thoughts and mind I had were a result of very bad blood and yin deficiency. This went on for years until I started learning about how to rectify it.

I went and got acupuncture and herbal tonics which didn't help that much unfortunately, but studying and learning over time helped me understand in the long term how to achieve better health and rectify the bad health pattern.

Just something to always keep in mind.

So these strange sounds appeared in the recent past. But you're right, maybe we should also look into that.

Traditional Chinese medicine is one of the fields I want to study in 2023 (I'm preparing my Project Book to present to Father Satan at the end of the year!)

BrightSpace's hypothesis, like Ol's and Nakepluto's are very different and yet, it could be a good fit for me. I don't know what to think anymore. Is it a symptom of a problem or the expression of a progression?

@BrightSpace, I am always touched when you talk about suicide and I think "why does this child of Satan want to disappear? "The world needs you. It doesn't make sense.

Whether I talk or write about suicide does not change the facts. I ask you not to feel bad about it, because I write these things so that people don't have to be in a state of mind to have these thoughts. Even if it doesn't sound like it, the intention is there. For example, if I cut my hand bloody or slit my throat, it still doesn't change the facts. I do my duty as an SS, and that's the point.
BrightSpace666 said:
Even if I kill myself, (I've tried as a SS but somehow never succeed)
And why would you?
You are such a beautiful soul, it would have been a great waste.

Then you would not solve the problems in this way, on the contrary you would make the situation worse and you would face more difficulties in the next life.

Many times suicide is idealised (Nakedpluto's comment explains it well), I remember idealising suicide as a way to freedom or as an excuse to live as I wanted, as if it were the last day.
But this perspective is false, when you enter SS you realise that suicide is something else entirely, any previous perspective is most likely an inllusion to which emotional ties are attached.

Anyway if you feel the need to talk or anything else, feel free to write me on protonmail. (the account is that of Verità)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
