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The Date And Time When Humanity WIll End

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Ludwick said:

With much desperation reserved only for times nearing May 2040,
~ Ludwick

Everything is open and there is no "time where it will all be ruined". These are all nonsense predictions going on for approximately ever sincee the dawn of civilization. Jews do this constantly as well as they have a messianic syndrome and subconsciously hate civilization so they want it to just end.

Further, they lie to humanity that civilization ends due to "Sin", which is in general, disobedience to their decrees. Civilization however ends for more technical reasons, such as not following natural laws, the laws of the Gods, and in general, the path that life arrays in front of us, many times very evidently.

It doesn't take much brain to understand that if a civilization does not procreate to replace it's members, it will degrade or collapse. That does not have to do with the idea of a sin, but it has to do with deviant foolish and irresponsible behavior. Can civilizations end in this way? Yes, they can. Have they ended like this? They have. But they can end in a million other ways. Can we avoid these millions of other ways? We certainly can. But it takes learning, effort, and maybe even trial and error.

Civilizations end all the time, likely unpredictably, and constantly doing predictions doesn't mean anything. Also, chances are low for this and then other civilizations are born. The more advanced a civilization, the lower the chances, yet the battle of life goes on. While there is always a chance this or a million other things "could" happen, they generally don't happen.

Natural calamity might end a civilization partly or wholly, and then people rebuild. There is no vanity in all these efforts, it's the way of evolution of species. And it's also the price of having to pay for life to exist. In a sense this risk is normal; same as it's normal to have all these threats in our immediate environment all the time.

Civilization is just managing this chaos of natural life where life can end abruptly and without good reason. It's an attempt of species in alliance to master the problems of life. And that's a very good thing. The universe fights us to survive and so we must fight. It doesn't do it constantly or out of evil reasons however, it just "does".

There is no "set year" for all of this to end. And even if a part of human experience ends another one goes normally. So there is no end. Civilizations rise and fall but life keeps going and rebuilds itself. There is no final end, unless where life is all over. Then the universe will generate life again essentially in its own due course. The universe does not exact active vengeance on species, but it carries on it's events, and when beings are ready, they can survive or fail at it, and life goes on.

People who say it "Ends" on a specific day are mostly just doing this all the time, are attention whoring, and they are giving doomsday prophecy for nonsense needs such as "proving Christianity" or other fears and other bullshit. When it all would end, nobody would truly now. And even then not all of it ends.

Even if life was to end tomorrow, we would have to do what we have to do. Therefore any "it's going to end" scenario is just fear and bullshit. If you also survive in a bunker with some military grade food still life won't have any meaning in there. The element of danger in life has to be approached with honesty, because this is how life is at the core level; death and danger are correlated with it.

Fear that it's all going to end is a constant carrot by the enemy religions so that people run scared all the time, including also a false aftermath of eternal hellfire when it all "finally happens". Spirituality and understanding the multidimensional aspect of the spiritual universe makes a human being understand there is more; here also in this very important earth and elsewhere. Life exists all over the universe, on the material level it's a bit more scarce and distanced. But existence will go on. There is no "definite end" and no "set amount of time".

There is no "date and time" where humanity will end. There are trying astrological and other times, fallouts, natural disasters, or likely nothing at all for thousands of years; or massive changes in climate [climate change is most a marketing hoax] that happen constantly. Still, humanity exists for what is approximately half a million years simply on this earth or more in it's present form. There is not going to be an end. Life exists elsewhere, it will keep going.

The major thing our Gods try to show us is how to elevate spiritually, become formidable civilizations, but above all ascend into higher levels of consciousness to ensure our quality existence, but also survival. Spiritual Satanism is not about idle fear.

Even if I knew it all ends tomorrow for me I would still do my best today; wisdom frees us from the snare of constant fear, death, and the need for an ultimate doomsday or the threat of a hellfire to advance, to behave, or to exist. In Spiritual Satanism we are connected with the eternity within, even in a fleeting way, and this is a most important realization in our lives and existence.

Thank the Gods, we are given that. Let others be the ones who are constantly scared constantly of the end of death; death or an end will "eventually" arrive. We must be the ones that are constantly in respect of the miracle of life.

Lastly, this cowardly nonsense that some "spaceships" and other things will come to save us, I know these things exist, and might happen. They might indeed come and we might be that lucky in the end. I have just chosen superior faith in the Gods to not care what comes and what doesn't. I will do whatever I can in this or the other scenario. We will do what we have to do anyhow.

Any such beliefs as far as we are concerned cannot act in a form of entrapment. We are not Christians who wait for the "Second Coming". I cannot be sitting here all day in my mothers basement like a weakling waiting for anything else to come to save us or redeem anyone. That's not Christianity here.

I realized by leaving the cattle program, the real Saviors like the Gods, do preach us to believe in them but they preach also that we must save ourselves and others, by our own hand. That's what it means to save someone.

These disabling theories belong with the cowardly who "expect Jesus". Pay attention to what great fraud and hoax that is. It also highlights the weakness of these people in jewish hoaxes. We must not think like them, since we are not them.

A Spiritual Satanist has not much to expect, because one has the Truth already; the Gods will come but the Gods are also here, right now, right at this moment, available, there, their knowledge is here with us, waiting for us.

We are supposed to exist, to become better, to advance, to survive, to do what is good, to add value to the existence of others today, not tomorrow. What comes, we welcome it, but we are here to exist, not to sit on a bench waiting for things to get "better" or to "end", or to "begin anew". We exist for a very good reason; we ought make use of that existence.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Awesome sermon, its funny how all these other "religions" are so obsessed with ending the world isn't it? its a bit telling how self genocidal they all are.
Out of curiosity as someone who lives in England I have to assume things are going to get quite bad here as things ramp up, should I consider moving country? I have the means to do so, its just my government is 100% controlled by kikes and the we are outright being invaded by muslims en masse and we are the most overpopulated country on earth relative to our agricultural capacity, my country is unfortunately looking more and more like a pressure cooker and the kikes primary target for destruction, the sort of destruction that is indiscriminate and hard to avoid.
Any insights?
WoadWarrior said:
Awesome sermon, its funny how all these other "religions" are so obsessed with ending the world isn't it? its a bit telling how self genocidal they all are.
Out of curiosity as someone who lives in England I have to assume things are going to get quite bad here as things ramp up, should I consider moving country? I have the means to do so, its just my government is 100% controlled by kikes and the we are outright being invaded by muslims en masse and we are the most overpopulated country on earth relative to our agricultural capacity, my country is unfortunately looking more and more like a pressure cooker and the kikes primary target for destruction, the sort of destruction that is indiscriminate and hard to avoid.
Any insights?

Egypt and other civilizations have many times over in history reached a peak where the invasions, the looting, the moral norms, all started collapsing, with constant invasions and other problems. Eventually, strong people that are formed during these circumstances can and might try to reverse it, or one will have to leave. Chances are it can even be reversed and likely it will. If not, people migrate and fight elsewhere.

Nobody can tell you to leave a place, you'll see when it's time to leave it. In many places within the same Nation it can be unbearable and in others it's as if nothing happened. Britain is a very powerful Nation and should not be underestimated that much. Civilizations deal with massive pressures like this can still survive in the end.

I have full conviction Europe and the United States and many other places will survive the things that are currently heaped upon them, it's not the end. If it looks like the end it's because we humans are short sighted and we see only the present.

Without wanting to say "Sit on your asses and wait for saviors", there are ways these things happen. Eventually the Gods will not allow the tipping of balance to keep going indefinitely. However, that is not the case like Christianity where you literally just wait there for a lie, it's completely different, and it involves human activity, ethical action, power and so on, by us.

But instead of concerning ourselves with this and waiting on our couch, I believe we should preach instead full scale self development, bravery and action for everyone, and not docility and evasion of our responsibilities.

If situations are fatal or extremely dangerous, one has to move, for the future of their life and their children.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
i loved this one
knowing, understanding and remembering these things answers many questions, gives great relief and great strength
thank you ❤️
Thank you for the response, I have faith things will turn around I can clearly see my people are starting to wake up, I of course will continue to fight for them, its just such a shame my government is made up near entirely of traitors of the lowest order, they dont even allow legitimate opposition, if it were the people in charge my nation would be beautiful and I dont doubt one day I will see that.
The kikes really are an abomination for what they do, I truly dont understand why they dont just fuck off to pissrael and leave us all alone, well soon they will find out the error in their malice as justice for their innumerable crimes is delivered.
Thank HPHC,
Hail Father Satan Forever!
WoadWarrior said:
Out of curiosity as someone who lives in England I have to assume things are going to get quite bad here as things ramp up, should I consider moving country? I have the means to do so, its just my government is 100% controlled by kikes and the we are outright being invaded by muslims en masse and we are the most overpopulated country on earth relative to our agricultural capacity, my country is unfortunately looking more and more like a pressure cooker and the kikes primary target for destruction, the sort of destruction that is indiscriminate and hard to avoid.
Any insights?

There are places in England which are more ideal to live in the event that goes down. London and the south-east in general is where it's the most bad with greater chance of absolute abandon in the event of societal breakdown. You should move to the north, the traditional working class towns and cities, just make sure they are safe in terms of crime and economic-wise first. Demographically its not changed much in a lot of places, only nominal with cities being worse off naturally.

If you already are there, unless you live in a specific area that's bad there is no reason for alarm right now. You have protection in your circumstances which other people in the country don't have. If you live in or around London you definitely need to get out but not to another country. There is definitely a fight to be had here.

I often don't tell people that I got fooled into BIble prophecy when they started enacting those vax passports or whatever, but when they all got lifted, then I knew that the "Bible prophecy" was of the enemy, and I wasted my time and took much spiritual damage.

First it was 2000, then 2012, then 2030, 2027, 2036 or whaever numbers they wanna pull out of their asses.

It's just natural that the world events will go through periods of peace and tumultousness.

Maybe the "nihilistic" humans will come to an end....or at least be reduced.
This is very well put as always. I've been wanting to explain this to a few close ones but found it impossible as they haven't got the information that we do and are duped into believing that the world is inevitably doomed. It does look bad, I'll give 'em that but with the knowledge that we're turning the tide and will eventually manifest the victory that is already ours, it certainly doesn't warrant the desperation that they feel.

Anyways, as a former doomsday prepper and someone who used to live in fear (which I'm still somewhat ashamed of) I'd like to thank you for helping me get rid of that fear with just a few words. It was a night much like any other some time ago but when I read what you replied to me after requesting deletion of my former account it dawned on me. I was filled with calm, wellbeing and joy and the fear was gone. So, again, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. A new life began that night making all that's about to happen possible.

Existence is Eternal meaning Consciousness itself is Eternal, it's Uncreated. It's creates forms out itself as, these forms evolve and go back into the fullness of Consciousness itself. Observe and you will understand,you will see this everywhere around you. A tree flowers , bears raw fruit,the fruit grows ,it ripens and is consumed whether by animals,humans or in of itself. It's an Eternal Cycle no beginning or end. The fruits a tree produces are not the exact same fruits ,it produced last year, it's the same specie of fruit but not exactly the same. These fruits are born ,grow and consumed. The same can be said of souls , worlds, universes.
Existence or Non-Existence is referred to changes in Maya. But Existence itself is Eternal meaning things go back into the fullness of Existence. Non -existence at the highest level doesn't actually exist. Existence, Consciousness ,Bliss is Eternal. If someone's physical sheath dies we say they no longer exist in the physical space,this is just change in Maya,the Physical space being the most changeable. But they as an individual soul haven't actually stopped existing. They have just transitioned into living fully in the Astral body. The problem is when people identify Pure Consciousness which is Eternal , Unchanging with the physical body. Some people actually have to be woken up in the Astral when they die, because they believe physical space is highest reality,so when their physical sheath dies they think , Existence stops. So they are woken up and told "no you are still existing". They often stay over their dead physical body,then they are woken up.
Consciousness is Eternal.
AAAGH!!!.. The number of times.. I have heard about this second coming of Christ Doomsday shit!... is Beyond countless... and these Christian idiots are beginning to sound more and more ridiculous.. with all of their doomsday shit... and we all know it's a bunch of bunk and bullshit.. And what aggravates me!...Is people still fall for that nonsense" to this very day!
And have know idea how things are going to take place..because..they're too blind to see what is going on around them to even pay attention to the signs! These idiots are too busy looking for a Heidi hole to stick their heads in like a bunch of pathetic ostriches...
WoadWarrior said:
Awesome sermon, its funny how all these other "religions" are so obsessed with ending the world isn't it? its a bit telling how self genocidal they all are.
Out of curiosity as someone who lives in England I have to assume things are going to get quite bad here as things ramp up, should I consider moving country? I have the means to do so, its just my government is 100% controlled by kikes and the we are outright being invaded by muslims en masse and we are the most overpopulated country on earth relative to our agricultural capacity, my country is unfortunately looking more and more like a pressure cooker and the kikes primary target for destruction, the sort of destruction that is indiscriminate and hard to avoid.
Any insights?

Same situation in France but worse, French teachers have been increasingly beaten up by the children of radical Muslims and delinquents since the end of confinement.
At home, we have been in a situation of civil war since 2018 (Yellow Vests) in Sous-France (Soufferring/Souffrance in French).
Brilliant HPHC, hope you enjoy these holidays my brother, a true pal and leader on here.

Take care mate.

How to establish a modern, just, powerful and beneficial state for all people, or rather, what is the ideal form of government?
Aristocracy, Monarchy, etc.

What do you think about societies and nations going to war?

Yours sincerely.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ludwick said:

With much desperation reserved only for times nearing May 2040,
~ Ludwick

Everything is open and there is no "time where it will all be ruined". These are all nonsense predictions going on for approximately ever sincee the dawn of civilization. Jews do this constantly as well as they have a messianic syndrome and subconsciously hate civilization so they want it to just end.

Further, they lie to humanity that civilization ends due to "Sin", which is in general, disobedience to their decrees. Civilization however ends for more technical reasons, such as not following natural laws, the laws of the Gods, and in general, the path that life arrays in front of us, many times very evidently.

It doesn't take much brain to understand that if a civilization does not procreate to replace it's members, it will degrade or collapse. That does not have to do with the idea of a sin, but it has to do with deviant foolish and irresponsible behavior. Can civilizations end in this way? Yes, they can. Have they ended like this? They have. But they can end in a million other ways. Can we avoid these millions of other ways? We certainly can. But it takes learning, effort, and maybe even trial and error.

Civilizations end all the time, likely unpredictably, and constantly doing predictions doesn't mean anything. Also, chances are low for this and then other civilizations are born. The more advanced a civilization, the lower the chances, yet the battle of life goes on. While there is always a chance this or a million other things "could" happen, they generally don't happen.

Natural calamity might end a civilization partly or wholly, and then people rebuild. There is no vanity in all these efforts, it's the way of evolution of species. And it's also the price of having to pay for life to exist. In a sense this risk is normal; same as it's normal to have all these threats in our immediate environment all the time.

Civilization is just managing this chaos of natural life where life can end abruptly and without good reason. It's an attempt of species in alliance to master the problems of life. And that's a very good thing. The universe fights us to survive and so we must fight. It doesn't do it constantly or out of evil reasons however, it just "does".

There is no "set year" for all of this to end. And even if a part of human experience ends another one goes normally. So there is no end. Civilizations rise and fall but life keeps going and rebuilds itself. There is no final end, unless where life is all over. Then the universe will generate life again essentially in its own due course. The universe does not exact active vengeance on species, but it carries on it's events, and when beings are ready, they can survive or fail at it, and life goes on.

People who say it "Ends" on a specific day are mostly just doing this all the time, are attention whoring, and they are giving doomsday prophecy for nonsense needs such as "proving Christianity" or other fears and other bullshit. When it all would end, nobody would truly now. And even then not all of it ends.

Even if life was to end tomorrow, we would have to do what we have to do. Therefore any "it's going to end" scenario is just fear and bullshit. If you also survive in a bunker with some military grade food still life won't have any meaning in there. The element of danger in life has to be approached with honesty, because this is how life is at the core level; death and danger are correlated with it.

Fear that it's all going to end is a constant carrot by the enemy religions so that people run scared all the time, including also a false aftermath of eternal hellfire when it all "finally happens". Spirituality and understanding the multidimensional aspect of the spiritual universe makes a human being understand there is more; here also in this very important earth and elsewhere. Life exists all over the universe, on the material level it's a bit more scarce and distanced. But existence will go on. There is no "definite end" and no "set amount of time".

There is no "date and time" where humanity will end. There are trying astrological and other times, fallouts, natural disasters, or likely nothing at all for thousands of years; or massive changes in climate [climate change is most a marketing hoax] that happen constantly. Still, humanity exists for what is approximately half a million years simply on this earth or more in it's present form. There is not going to be an end. Life exists elsewhere, it will keep going.

The major thing our Gods try to show us is how to elevate spiritually, become formidable civilizations, but above all ascend into higher levels of consciousness to ensure our quality existence, but also survival. Spiritual Satanism is not about idle fear.

Even if I knew it all ends tomorrow for me I would still do my best today; wisdom frees us from the snare of constant fear, death, and the need for an ultimate doomsday or the threat of a hellfire to advance, to behave, or to exist. In Spiritual Satanism we are connected with the eternity within, even in a fleeting way, and this is a most important realization in our lives and existence.

Thank the Gods, we are given that. Let others be the ones who are constantly scared constantly of the end of death; death or an end will "eventually" arrive. We must be the ones that are constantly in respect of the miracle of life.

Lastly, this cowardly nonsense that some "spaceships" and other things will come to save us, I know these things exist, and might happen. They might indeed come and we might be that lucky in the end. I have just chosen superior faith in the Gods to not care what comes and what doesn't. I will do whatever I can in this or the other scenario. We will do what we have to do anyhow.

Any such beliefs as far as we are concerned cannot act in a form of entrapment. We are not Christians who wait for the "Second Coming". I cannot be sitting here all day in my mothers basement like a weakling waiting for anything else to come to save us or redeem anyone. That's not Christianity here.

I realized by leaving the cattle program, the real Saviors like the Gods, do preach us to believe in them but they preach also that we must save ourselves and others, by our own hand. That's what it means to save someone.

These disabling theories belong with the cowardly who "expect Jesus". Pay attention to what great fraud and hoax that is. It also highlights the weakness of these people in jewish hoaxes. We must not think like them, since we are not them.

A Spiritual Satanist has not much to expect, because one has the Truth already; the Gods will come but the Gods are also here, right now, right at this moment, available, there, their knowledge is here with us, waiting for us.

We are supposed to exist, to become better, to advance, to survive, to do what is good, to add value to the existence of others today, not tomorrow. What comes, we welcome it, but we are here to exist, not to sit on a bench waiting for things to get "better" or to "end", or to "begin anew". We exist for a very good reason; we ought make use of that existence.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Very good post!
High Priest Hooded Cobra 666, Thank you!

I never believed in the end of the world, which meant a complete, final end.

In my opinion, our civilization, especially in the United States, is supported by the Gods.

If you look from a technical point of view (from the point of view of reincarnation), then if the enemy destroyed a Civilization, then another Civilization will appear in its place, for example, if the enemy destroyed Ancient Egypt, the souls of the best (who will do justice) The gods will reincarnate these souls in Europe, in the Templar Order, if the enemy destroys the Templar Order, then the Gods will reincarnate these souls in the next era, for example in the XX century, in Nazi Germany, and so on indefinitely, until the enemy is destroyed!

I mean, if you are defeated and the enemy kills you, then physically death it is not a defeat, because the Gods can reincarnate souls in the next era, in a new physical body, in a new state, and when the enemy will is very, very small (in number), then completely destroying the enemy, the enemy will not be able to reincarnate, but our people SS will be reincarnated!
Same situation in France but worse, French teachers have been increasingly beaten up by the children of radical Muslims and delinquents since the end of confinement.
At home, we have been in a situation of civil war since 2018 (Yellow Vests) in Sous-France (Soufferring/Souffrance in French).

I have higher hopes for mainland Europe the governments there seem more resistant to kike corruption, I wish you the best and Satan's protection and guidance. I know England will win eventually but it can get a little anxiety inducing like watching a car crash, but our side will win I dont doubt it for a second.
It seems like all the judeo-bolsheviks(xtians, antifa, BLM the horde of enemies) is hellbent on proving xtianity. Like literally people pray for their doom.

The other day I'm kinda concerned sharing this. But I overheard a neighbor saying that in the year 2027 in about 3 years about a billion people will die. They were paying attention to a conspiracy theory which they believe is true that has popped up in a corner of the internet due to coof and other medical *honk honk* clown World shit.

Even though doom and gloom isn't gonna Armageddon the World. There will be situations whereby people will experience death, doom, and gloom.

Sheer fact is people are getting issues from coof vaccine, pollution, wars and whatnot. SO it seems that WAY.

But it's just like all the people on the internet and the memers and alt journalist. Don't buy into the black pill(Even though Abyssos mentioned the Black pill isn't what people think from pre-2014 era).

Like Styxhexenhammer666(Tarl Warwick) don't buy into the shit of the World ending or Trump losing or whatnot. Don't black pill yourself WE CAN make it through and improve this World. Especially with everyone paying attention to America as we are collapsing even immigrants state my life is better in Honduras or Equador or El Salvador. Speaking of El Salvador Bukele is radically improving his country and now with Javier Milel, and yes I know he is Ancap but man is that guy got a hell of a job to do. Like literally he said Argentina = broke, bankrupt.

Shit WILL hit the fan but we can come out stronger and better prepared. Look at the wars occurring in various parts people are glued to it. Look at Guyana another war on our Hemisphere from the 80s period last we fought.

As Tarl mentioned, War was used for Propaganda; now a days Propaganda is used for War.

We CAN do this! We can survive and carve out a superior World!

It might not be like us i.e. NS/SS but eventually people will begin to see stuff. Look at Milei he is basically AnCap(Anarchist Capitalist) I like how HP.Cobra mentioned Hitler came in a unique time and did things in his country that in our countries would seem counter intuitive. For example as The German Institute of Business stated "Directing Economy. Not quite planned but not quite fully free a balance something in the middle.

I know I'm one to talk as I dedicated and didn't do much in 20 years but lately doing my schedule and basic meditations. I FEEL better in fact everything feels better.

I don't know if people pay attention to this but does anyone feel the days feeling better? I noticed ever since Hamas attacked Israel even though it's controlled opposition and they used their own kikes as hostages to start WW3 or should I say the Iron Storm.

Does anyone feel like the World feels better? My friend does say an impending evil is coming something big. But I also feel like just for these past few weeks and months things feel better.

I'm not the only one right?
Umun said:
Anyways, as a former doomsday prepper and someone who used to live in fear (which I'm still somewhat ashamed of) I'd like to thank you for helping me get rid of that fear with just a few words. It was a night much like any other some time ago but when I read what you replied to me after requesting deletion of my former account it dawned on me. I was filled with calm, wellbeing and joy and the fear was gone. So, again, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. A new life began that night making all that's about to happen possible.


Bruh...tell me about it. I was this close to going back to Asia, but got fooled into wasting my money on doomsday preps. I feel the very shame you felt.

Now don't get me wrong...it's nice to have emergency preps and well-prepared arsenal but nowhere to the point of the doomsday community. They don't do or teach anything useful other than run to a cave and wait for some phsycho rabbi to rapture them after he murders all of their families, loved-ones, friends just for not being wannabe jews. They want us going back to the age of literal caveman.

If these doomsday groups were teaching people power meditation and what-not, well....there wouldn't be a need to preach a "doomsday" to begin with.

Hail Satan - Mankind's True Savior, other than thE God-self.

I never expected for a High Priest to respond to me, much less Hooded Cobra.

Also considering what destruction could mean in a more symbolic sense, the world as we know it is going to end but what it will end up as depends on what we do.
Destruction = Drastic change. (And not necessarily literal destruction)

The world as we know it isn't that great so regarding most of the "world" coming to an end, good riddance zog, you jew controlled bastard!

As for my goals, I'm still plan on leaving earth but for reasons unrelated to "apocalypse" and not only that, I might become a spaceship dealer lol.

Herr Cobra, I thank you and a few others for freeing me from an apocalyptic deadline but I still have semi-apocalyptic worry concerning the hordes of negroes and late-neolithics that jews-and-company can dispatch as front-line cannon fodder.
But atleast I can survive this zombie scenario considering how callous I became towards these helot races.
I don't hate brown races, but I do hold a ton of negative prejudice against them.

Think I should bring this up because of November 19, 2024 (Hello, Black Ops II kinda sorta maybe)

And speaking of Aquarian transits, I also have much interest in electromagnets and implosion because I believe implosion is divine but more on that later.

From a much relieved disposition,
~ Ludwick
Everything you said is true. The all of humanity, even for the individual, death does not come for them like some dramatic movie explosion. It is methodical, foreseen, the inevitable consequence of poor choices after more poor choices. At least the kind of death the sorts who are worried about some global catastrophe seemed so worried about. I don't know why death concerns them so, they deal with it every day. Dying a little more from their battered lives. They have no real hobbies, no real family or friends, they can barely enjoy or reflect on anything. Thoughtless sponge-forms of weed, gooning, and regret. That's no life for anyone. I'd pity them, but they'd just get defensive about it, they always do. Those who don't want to change, won't. So they die. They WILLINGLY walk right into "the lake of fire", to be eradicated ego and all. It's quite frightening to me how easy it is for someone to be so subjgutated, so prone to self humilation and denigration. It never occurred to them maybe they deserve better. But how could it? They never knew things like love, faith, reason, joy... And they had not even the inclination to desire to know.

When death like that comes for the whole of humanity. They will be thankful for it. They won't even resist, because what soul do they have left to resist with? They will own nothing, and be UNhappy...

You see it all the time. The only sin, is failure. Failure is eminent without higher consciousness.
Your sermons, as always, are a light for us, I will add from myself that observing everything that is happening in the world, a lot of bad things are happening but everything is going in the same direction of awakening, the sad thing is that not everyone will wake up
hail Satan

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
