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SUGGESTIONS? (Re: Miscegenation)


May 17, 2023
One of my daily rituals is to drink a toast to a different SS "Ritterkreuztraeger every day. Yesterday it was Albert Freiherr von Reitzenstein. Perusing his biography, I read that the Freiherr committed suicide in 1943 when it came out that he was carrying on a forbidden liasion with an ethnically Russian cook with his unit. The article implied that miscegenation being strictly forbidden was a large part of what impelled him to the act.

As at least some of you know, I married a Chinese woman. While this was nearly 20 years ago, before I corrected my race thinking, that still leaves me in a highly awkward spot. And I will be honest here. In what respect are East Asians inferior to whites? Intelligence is higher; public order is still taken for granted here. Julius Evola---80 years ago---was already sneering at the degree to which white Americans have become spiritually negroid. If anyone is losing by this bargain, it would seem to be my yellow neighbors, not myself.
It is not about inferiority. It is not about better or worse. It is about being a different species. Just like a cat does not have sex with a dog, a crow does not have sex with a seagull. The white, asian, and black species should not mix together.

Yes, we are all humans. But we are different subspecies. A lion and a tiger are similar enough that they can sometimes interbreed, but the offspring is always very sick and do not live long.
Xenophon said:
One of my daily rituals is to drink a toast to a different SS "Ritterkreuztraeger every day. Yesterday it was Albert Freiherr von Reitzenstein. Perusing his biography, I read that the Freiherr committed suicide in 1943 when it came out that he was carrying on a forbidden liasion with an ethnically Russian cook with his unit. The article implied that miscegenation being strictly forbidden was a large part of what impelled him to the act.

As at least some of you know, I married a Chinese woman. While this was nearly 20 years ago, before I corrected my race thinking, that still leaves me in a highly awkward spot. And I will be honest here. In what respect are East Asians inferior to whites? Intelligence is higher; public order is still taken for granted here. Julius Evola---80 years ago---was already sneering at the degree to which white Americans have become spiritually negroid. If anyone is losing by this bargain, it would seem to be my yellow neighbors, not myself.
About von Reitzenstein, there were probably two reasons as for why he committed suicide. While the accusations of miscegenation are one of them, the accusations of succumbing to the enemy were worse, considering how Germany was losing the war in the East. I don't think that the German High Command had much of a problem with him having just an affair, but him impregnating the Russian cook -whether by accident or willingly- would be an act of miscegenation, which, once again, was even worse in a time when Germany was losing ground against Russia in the East.

As for your own marriage, you should not feel guilty. You did not have the knowledge that you have now back then, and from my understanding you are still married, which means it is a functional marriage with genuine love. Don't divorce your wife, especially if you have had children together. But what you should do, is give your children the best knowledge they can and make them valuable members of society and, if they agree to it, of the JoS.
I disagree. If he was genuinely asking for help, he would have ended this cringe abomination by now and not be farming for sentimental excuses "wHy aRE aSiANs inFErior" - since no one here ever said that about muh Asians inferior (he probably feels his wife is some family animal I don't know). Not mixing bloods is just common sense. Don't know who this von Reitzenstein is, don't care, probably Allied propaganda to make White Russians antagonistic to Germans.
But if he wants to make up excuses and even comparing his lust life to some thing a White man had with a Russian woman and then blame other people to carry on his poor life choices, it is up to him and may he face Azazel's wrath in the afterlife incarnating him as a poor skin and bones negro - instead of farming validation and guilt tripping the JoS for telling him the truth over several posts. I mean do carry on with this and see what happens, it is good for any race to breed out their riff raff, just for the love of the Gods don't include us in your cringe life choices and stop asking the obvious.

White men who get into race mixing are some of the crigiest nerd niggers:

Ye Gods what unpleasant image. Yuck
One of my daily rituals is to drink a toast to a different SS "Ritterkreuztraeger every day. Yesterday it was Albert Freiherr von Reitzenstein. Perusing his biography, I read that the Freiherr committed suicide in 1943 when it came out that he was carrying on a forbidden liasion with an ethnically Russian cook with his unit. The article implied that miscegenation being strictly forbidden was a large part of what impelled him to the act.

As at least some of you know, I married a Chinese woman. While this was nearly 20 years ago, before I corrected my race thinking, that still leaves me in a highly awkward spot. And I will be honest here. In what respect are East Asians inferior to whites? Intelligence is higher; public order is still taken for granted here. Julius Evola---80 years ago---was already sneering at the degree to which white Americans have become spiritually negroid. If anyone is losing by this bargain, it would seem to be my yellow neighbors, not myself.
You cannot beat yourself up too badly for mistakes done in the past, plus society will make it hard for you to make corrections here unless you make up some sort of reason to divorce. Plus, you likely have bonds which you are unwilling to break, and so on.

Do you have any children? At least halt the miscegenation at this point. Maybe you could adopt a white child or donate/sponsor white children.
I disagree. If he was genuinely asking for help, he would have ended this cringe abomination by now and not be farming for sentimental excuses "wHy aRE aSiANs inFErior" - since no one here ever said that about muh Asians inferior (he probably feels his wife is some family animal I don't know). Not mixing bloods is just common sense. Don't know who this von Reitzenstein is, don't care, probably Allied propaganda to make White Russians antagonistic to Germans.
But if he wants to make up excuses and even comparing his lust life to some thing a White man had with a Russian woman and then blame other people to carry on his poor life choices, it is up to him and may he face Azazel's wrath in the afterlife incarnating him as a poor skin and bones negro - instead of farming validation and guilt tripping the JoS for telling him the truth over several posts. I mean do carry on with this and see what happens, it is good for any race to breed out their riff raff, just for the love of the Gods don't include us in your cringe life choices and stop asking the obvious.

White men who get into race mixing are some of the crigiest nerd niggers:


In the Philippines, they have this have this wierd cringe thing where old White dudes marry natives half their age range, and I've even heard that shit going on with Overseas Filipino women in the U.S. state of Alabama, of all places, because from what I've heard, White Southerners in the U.S. aren't friendly towards race-mixing so imagine my surprise hearing about this happening in a state where race-mixing isn't generally welcomed. Even within the same race, 50 year olds dating 20 year olds is a no-no in the moral sense, maybe it's legal, but still not morally right. Now throw in the race-mixing and it becomes worse, can't get better but can only get worse.

I gotta say, that Asian woman in the photo is quite attractive, and could, and should have been with a spiritually-affluent and healthy Asian man, which goes to state her lack of spiritual knowledge.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
