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Spirit Animals


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2018
3. I think that HP HoodedCobra said once that animals can represent our strongest desires, not with this words but I can't remember exactly. This means that animals are dominated by one type of energies like a dominant chakra?

So as not to derail and take off topic another post I will create it as a new topic but above is where I got this from.

So is there a page on the JOS about this or somewhere where it lists the types of animals and what kind of desires or traits they represent.

Animals I have been attracted too so far as seeing them as symbolic of something with myself.

Black Widow Spider

I used to like to use the Tiger when I was younger as a symbol for the Antichrist or spirit against Israel (don't ask where I got this stuff from I thought it represented the angel of darkness Lebanon who would destroy Israel I talked like that cause I grew up in church didn't know anything about SS then) but I would draw it on paper each day in school and look at.

Black widow I was always attracted to for some reason I saw one behind my house in the grass when I was younger of course my parents and someone with them was scared when I showed them that and said maybe you shouldn't play back here but I found it fascinating.

The cat I more see as a personality type or representing inner desires in some way. That may be the easiest go find.

None of this stuff is referring to any of that furry stuff btw so don't go on about that lol 😂 I am thinking more in some sort of spiritual thing about my spirit or representing traits or ancestral memory. Something about the cat represents that and my roots I sense.
slyscorpion said:
3. I think that HP HoodedCobra said once that animals can represent our strongest desires, not with this words but I can't remember exactly. This means that animals are dominated by one type of energies like a dominant chakra?

So as not to derail and take off topic another post I will create it as a new topic but above is where I got this from.

So is there a page on the JOS about this or somewhere where it lists the types of animals and what kind of desires or traits they represent.

Animals I have been attracted too so far as seeing them as symbolic of something with myself.

Black Widow Spider

I used to like to use the Tiger when I was younger as a symbol for the Antichrist or spirit against Israel (don't ask where I got this stuff from I thought it represented the angel of darkness Lebanon who would destroy Israel I talked like that cause I grew up in church didn't know anything about SS then) but I would draw it on paper each day in school and look at.

Black widow I was always attracted to for some reason I saw one behind my house in the grass when I was younger of course my parents and someone with them was scared when I showed them that and said maybe you shouldn't play back here but I found it fascinating.

The cat I more see as a personality type or representing inner desires in some way. That may be the easiest go find.

None of this stuff is referring to any of that furry stuff btw so don't go on about that lol 😂 I am thinking more in some sort of spiritual thing about my spirit or representing traits or ancestral memory. Something about the cat represents that and my roots I sense.

hmmm. to be honest with you I am very suspicious of the mere validity and authenticity of these " spirit animals" . I used to believe in them and such. but i need to do more research and perhaps ask Hooded Cobra or someone else. either way, I myself have felt the strongest attraction to the Dragon and the Snake. i also personally do not recommend you to go and read their " meanings" off of any website on google, cuz EVEN if there is authenticity to this discipline of spirit animals it is most probably twisted and filled with nonsense junk, another form of corrupted knowledge by the kikes. .... on another note, something tells me that the animals represent levels of the soul(?) while advancing or different aspects of it. overall i suggest asking high priest about this.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
slyscorpion said:
3. I think that HP HoodedCobra said once that animals can represent our strongest desires, not with this words but I can't remember exactly. This means that animals are dominated by one type of energies like a dominant chakra?

So as not to derail and take off topic another post I will create it as a new topic but above is where I got this from.

So is there a page on the JOS about this or somewhere where it lists the types of animals and what kind of desires or traits they represent.

Animals I have been attracted too so far as seeing them as symbolic of something with myself.

Black Widow Spider

I used to like to use the Tiger when I was younger as a symbol for the Antichrist or spirit against Israel (don't ask where I got this stuff from I thought it represented the angel of darkness Lebanon who would destroy Israel I talked like that cause I grew up in church didn't know anything about SS then) but I would draw it on paper each day in school and look at.

Black widow I was always attracted to for some reason I saw one behind my house in the grass when I was younger of course my parents and someone with them was scared when I showed them that and said maybe you shouldn't play back here but I found it fascinating.

The cat I more see as a personality type or representing inner desires in some way. That may be the easiest go find.

None of this stuff is referring to any of that furry stuff btw so don't go on about that lol 😂 I am thinking more in some sort of spiritual thing about my spirit or representing traits or ancestral memory. Something about the cat represents that and my roots I sense.

hmmm. to be honest with you I am very suspicious of the mere validity and authenticity of these " spirit animals" . I used to believe in them and such. but i need to do more research and perhaps ask Hooded Cobra or someone else. either way, I myself have felt the strongest attraction to the Dragon and the Snake. i also personally do not recommend you to go and read their " meanings" off of any website on google, cuz EVEN if there is authenticity to this discipline of spirit animals it is most probably twisted and filled with nonsense junk, another form of corrupted knowledge by the kikes. .... on another note, something tells me that the animals represent levels of the soul(?) while advancing or different aspects of it. overall i suggest asking high priest about this.

Some of the Gods have animals that represent them so I am not completly sure this is bunk.
You know what a dragon actually was btw if it was a living animal. I have wondered about that. I thought it was just a symbol for the Kundalini.
Two years ago during my dedication ritual a black cat walked into my house. I sat in front of the open door, then suddenly a cat was standing in my door and looking at me so intensely. It felt hypnotising. I think it represented my GD, as he symbolically entered my life. Few days later I met him during my meditation.

When I looked for a new house last year, there was a house I really wanted to buy, then suddenly I saw a dead rat on the floor. I had a very bad feeling and I immediately know it’s better to look for something else. Later that day I got some very bad news about that house.

Last one was a snail sticked on the bottom of my mug. The word death came to my mind immediately. It appeared a few times and always felt shocking for no reason. I thought it must be some kind of enemy attack or something really bad will happen soon. In that week an important friendship ended. It was very painful for me.

I see these animals as messengers of a turning point in my life. But not just messengers they usually carry some kind of teachings as well. I think they are relate to spirit animals in some ways.
In the question I was referring to HP HoodedCobra's example about a bull that can represent tha anger that must be controled. Based on this I thought that bulls can have a stronger base chakra, this is why I asked. I remember when I was a kid we grew up a bull and he was really calm. I was peting him like a dog, lol, but when he was forced to move or attacked he was had pure anger. Funny how animals treat people like how they treat them. For me he was a gentle bull, for my dad he was a dangerous bull and he was rigid and a bit agressive around him

When I was a kid I was wondering wich animal I would prefer to be and that was a tiger. I also remember that in the kindergarden a boy just gave me a pice of copper for no reason. I just liked it and put it in my box with valuable things, I still have it. That two were signs that Agares is my GD, here animal is tiger and her metal is copper
Dark Blue Eye said:
In the question I was referring to HP HoodedCobra's example about a bull that can represent tha anger that must be controled. Based on this I thought that bulls can have a stronger base chakra, this is why I asked. I remember when I was a kid we grew up a bull and he was really calm. I was peting him like a dog, lol, but when he was forced to move or attacked he was had pure anger. Funny how animals treat people like how they treat them. For me he was a gentle bull, for my dad he was a dangerous bull and he was rigid and a bit agressive around him

When I was a kid I was wondering wich animal I would prefer to be and that was a tiger. I also remember that in the kindergarden a boy just gave me a pice of copper for no reason. I just liked it and put it in my box with valuable things, I still have it. That two were signs that Agares is my GD, here animal is tiger and her metal is copper

beautiful story.

I've also found its common for some animals that are known for aggression to almost always give children a pass like the animal itself is more tolerant because it realizes, a child doesn't know any better.
slyscorpion said:

finally have a little time to reply. So I certainly think that animals one is attracted too can say a lot about the inner workings of the mind and soul. ( I was actually thinking of writing a story at some point, with a hidden Satanic message where in that story animal spirits would somewhat coincide with guardian daemons, where at advanced levels the characters could change into them.) for example my two favorite animals are the deer/Stag and the Fox representing my need for stability and creativity.

thinking about black widows one symbol sticks out, the hourglass. An hourglass represents a work that must be completed in a timely manner lest you face the consequences. a funny thing that I realized is that daemon sigils that have the I or male aspect of the soul, they kinda look like hourglasses with an emphasis on the flow of.

I can see a connection between symbols, but I think you should be the one to figure it out. Its far more rewarding when you find the information yourself. try searching about spiders look for stuff that sticks out. took me like 20-30 minutes to find some rather interesting stuff.
btw spiders are my second favorite insect only slightly losing to dragonflies.

have good day, cursing the enemy. :twisted:
ChaosBringer666 said:
slyscorpion said:

finally have a little time to reply. So I certainly think that animals one is attracted too can say a lot about the inner workings of the mind and soul. ( I was actually thinking of writing a story at some point, with a hidden Satanic message where in that story animal spirits would somewhat coincide with guardian daemons, where at advanced levels the characters could change into them.) for example my two favorite animals are the deer/Stag and the Fox representing my need for stability and creativity.

thinking about black widows one symbol sticks out, the hourglass. An hourglass represents a work that must be completed in a timely manner lest you face the consequences. a funny thing that I realized is that daemon sigils that have the I or male aspect of the soul, they kinda look like hourglasses with an emphasis on the flow of.

I can see a connection between symbols, but I think you should be the one to figure it out. Its far more rewarding when you find the information yourself. try searching about spiders look for stuff that sticks out. took me like 20-30 minutes to find some rather interesting stuff.
btw spiders are my second favorite insect only slightly losing to dragonflies.

have good day, cursing the enemy. :twisted:

This is what I got from meditating on it and thinking about it. I don't see much Info anywhere on it though

Black widow to me meant facing the inner darkness letting go not being scared, merging with a partner. The black widow Consumes the mate at the end of the act. Symbolic of merging with someone, a focus on the hidden aspects of society things people fear but in the darkness you find light. When you are guided by this darkness you are set free because you become opposite of slave society you are guided to become free but mostly alone. The black widow is often more of a loner. May be into Gothic or dark themes.

Negative aspects of this symbology
One who deceives others and brings them into darkness in the negative a manipulator or liar or murderer. One who poisons or kills his or her mate.

Feminine energy mostly or a female but can be either sexes attracted to this symbol.

Rulers: Mainly Pisces type energy but a focus on Pluto themes.
My favorite animal is the Tiger. ( Makes me sad how their numbers have dwindled ) I also like Wolves and Crows/Ravens.
For me it is probably quite apparent, cats. And all cats of the feline family big and small.
slyscorpion said:
This is what I got from meditating on it and thinking about it. I don't see much Info anywhere on it though

Black widow to me meant facing the inner darkness letting go not being scared, merging with a partner. The black widow Consumes the mate at the end of the act. Symbolic of merging with someone, a focus on the hidden aspects of society things people fear but in the darkness you find light. When you are guided by this darkness you are set free because you become opposite of slave society you are guided to become free but mostly alone. The black widow is often more of a loner. May be into Gothic or dark themes.

Negative aspects of this symbology
One who deceives others and brings them into darkness in the negative a manipulator or liar or murderer. One who poisons or kills his or her mate.

Feminine energy mostly or a female but can be either sexes attracted to this symbol.

Rulers: Mainly Pisces type energy but a focus on Pluto themes.

actually if you didn't know, The only reason the female spider will kill the male is because it won't leave her alone :lol: the male keeps lifting the female until she sees him as an annoying food source since females are usually bigger this is most common with larger spiders. I have seen some smaller ones be smart and leave afterwards though.

you certainly have the symbolism of a black widow down, and I know your most interested in the black widow but your mind might be a bit narrowed. For example, Not all spiders are Black Widows, But all Black Widows are Spiders.
Shadowcat said:
For me it is probably quite apparent, cats. And all cats of the feline family big and small.

but no exclusive no.1 ?
Odins Animals are the ones I feel most favorite for me. Wolves and Ravens even have a unique bond in the wild, where Ravens have learned to befriend wolf cubs, and even some cases of protecting them, so they can grow up and eat their scraps when they're older.

The Noblest and the Wisest of the animals are too perfect.
ChaosBringer666 said:
slyscorpion said:
This is what I got from meditating on it and thinking about it. I don't see much Info anywhere on it though

Black widow to me meant facing the inner darkness letting go not being scared, merging with a partner. The black widow Consumes the mate at the end of the act. Symbolic of merging with someone, a focus on the hidden aspects of society things people fear but in the darkness you find light. When you are guided by this darkness you are set free because you become opposite of slave society you are guided to become free but mostly alone. The black widow is often more of a loner. May be into Gothic or dark themes.

Negative aspects of this symbology
One who deceives others and brings them into darkness in the negative a manipulator or liar or murderer. One who poisons or kills his or her mate.

Feminine energy mostly or a female but can be either sexes attracted to this symbol.

Rulers: Mainly Pisces type energy but a focus on Pluto themes.

actually if you didn't know, The only reason the female spider will kill the male is because it won't leave her alone :lol: the male keeps lifting the female until she sees him as an annoying food source since females are usually bigger this is most common with larger spiders. I have seen some smaller ones be smart and leave afterwards though.

you certainly have the symbolism of a black widow down, and I know your most interested in the black widow but your mind might be a bit narrowed. For example, Not all spiders are Black Widows, But all Black Widows are Spiders.

A lot of it is what it means to me. I thought about this symbol a lot. The way I said it sounds more cool and romantic though but true lol 

Of course I know there are other spiders. I am very hesitant to use this as a symbol for myself or anything. I kind of don't like spiders that well in general. This is more of a symbolism thing. My girl likes this symbol too.

I saw a brown recluse spider twice and a wolf spider. Didn't really like either got scared by it. Please note none of these three are common in my area. I only saw a black widow about 3 times one was when someone caught one and wanted it as a pet.

The wolf spider scared the shit out of my mom it was almost funny. It was this huge thing about the size of a quarter. She was like come down and help me get this out of our house when I was younger.

Brown recluse was in my bathroom under the counter area. I got a bad feeling about that one but I didn't know what it was till someone a year or two later posted an article about them finding several at the library and having to shut it down for a few hours to take care of it.

I was like that's the same spider I saw.

Then I was like oh fuck so glad I didn't get bitten by that.
GoldenxChild1 said:
My favorite animal is the Tiger. ( Makes me sad how their numbers have dwindled ) I also like Wolves and Crows/Ravens.

The Raven is a very spiritual animal. Even the animal itself when it's around it changes the energy to be different more clean and mystical I love it when they are around.

“Spirit animals” is a whole divination in itself, all of our gods/esses have an animal representation across all cultures, as well as companions. The meaning of them vary (obviously) but can be very deep and informative for us. In my time studying I’ve come to see that when they appear while meditating, in life, or just feeling drawn to them there is a certain quality or message, they are trying to bring our attention towards. A search on DuckDuckGo with any animal or insect name followed by symbolism will bring easy results, the website below is a very good site. Like all things these days they have christian influence but it’s pretty minimal.


Your meditation on spiders was pretty accurate.

If you are interested a good book to read is animal speak by Ted Andrews


I haven’t read it in years but there is little if any christian influence in it.

Perhaps one day on JOS there will be a section dedicated to animals and their symbolism, but I know there are plenty of other things that need to be done/updated.
Can the Tiger in some way be used as a symbol of allegiance to Satan or the Antichrist (Hitler) though. Maybe secretly.
slyscorpion said:
Can the Tiger in some way be used as a symbol of allegiance to Satan or the Antichrist (Hitler) though. Maybe secretly.

Possibly yes. Or have some sort of connection to Constellation Leo astrologically speaking. I wonder if astrozoology is a thing. Like say animal species categorized by certain zodiac signs. Like say Spiders and Scorpio etc.
Kevin Hernandez said:
slyscorpion said:
Can the Tiger in some way be used as a symbol of allegiance to Satan or the Antichrist (Hitler) though. Maybe secretly.

Possibly yes. Or have some sort of connection to Constellation Leo astrologically speaking. I wonder if astrozoology is a thing. Like say animal species categorized by certain zodiac signs. Like say Spiders and Scorpio etc.

How do you think this connects to the constellation of Leo just curious that is a Lion as symbology. I just remember when I was younger I used to draw a tiger image. There is a way to draw the word Anti and have an image of a tiger appear I used to do it all the time. It can be as simple as a small sketch with a pencil or more elaborate artwork.

Notice the word Anti see the a and then the body you really if you use dots could put that into an image of a tiger. Some people thought that was really cool.

I wanted to maybe use that symbol in the future for something.
slyscorpion said:
Kevin Hernandez said:
slyscorpion said:
Can the Tiger in some way be used as a symbol of allegiance to Satan or the Antichrist (Hitler) though. Maybe secretly.

Possibly yes. Or have some sort of connection to Constellation Leo astrologically speaking. I wonder if astrozoology is a thing. Like say animal species categorized by certain zodiac signs. Like say Spiders and Scorpio etc.

How do you think this connects to the constellation of Leo just curious that is a Lion as symbology. I just remember when I was younger I used to draw a tiger image. There is a way to draw the word Anti and have an image of a tiger appear I used to do it all the time. It can be as simple as a small sketch with a pencil or more elaborate artwork.

Notice the word Anti see the a and then the body you really if you use dots could put that into an image of a tiger. Some people thought that was really cool.

I wanted to maybe use that symbol in the future for something.

The fact that this is simple to create relatively speaking means it actually could be a symbol for something that catches on whether this or something else. I would think on a sign if someone used this symbol for something you would want a more realistic real tiger image but it can be drawn too.

Me personally I just wanted to be sure there was nothing blasphemous at all in this. I wasn't SS when I came up with that.
slyscorpion said:
Kevin Hernandez said:
slyscorpion said:
Can the Tiger in some way be used as a symbol of allegiance to Satan or the Antichrist (Hitler) though. Maybe secretly.

Possibly yes. Or have some sort of connection to Constellation Leo astrologically speaking. I wonder if astrozoology is a thing. Like say animal species categorized by certain zodiac signs. Like say Spiders and Scorpio etc.

How do you think this connects to the constellation of Leo just curious that is a Lion as symbology. I just remember when I was younger I used to draw a tiger image. There is a way to draw the word Anti and have an image of a tiger appear I used to do it all the time. It can be as simple as a small sketch with a pencil or more elaborate artwork.

Notice the word Anti see the a and then the body you really if you use dots could put that into an image of a tiger. Some people thought that was really cool.

I wanted to maybe use that symbol in the future for something.

Lions and Tigers are somewhat transposable with each other. they also behave as opposites. when a lion pride makes a kill the Alpha male will take it from the females and eat there fill first in most scenarios. When a male Tiger makes a kill often times the male will wait until the female and cubs are finished before they start eating, Completely opposite.

it's interesting if you draw connections to Hindu mythology.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
