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Rune Working Selfexpression, Improvement suggestions welcome


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2018
From this post: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=74467


As, Ar, Wynn,Madr (Norwegian spelling) x 111 reps (vibrated in one breath)

In a positive and healthy way for me, I express my self in the most beneficial way for me, now continuously and forever x 18 reps

I did not include other people in the affirmation as I think this is not necessary, if you express yourself in the most beneficial way for you.

I would start this working on the summer solstice for maximum effectiveness (avoid void off course moon).

see SS Calendar (depending on your location): https://jos-astro.com/#/

Good luck in your endeavours.


JERA (Year)
Germanic name: Gaar (Jera) [Click here for the MP3 audio.]
Gothic: Jer
Norse: Ár
Anglo-Saxon: Ger (Jara)
Icelandic: Ár [Click here for the MP3 audio.]
Norwegian: Jara, Ar

#12. Jera is a rune of cycles and is symbolic of the harvest where the efforts of planting and work in the fields are rewarded with crops. Ar represents the cycles of change. Life cycles, lunar cycles, the cycles of the seasons and changes. Ar is in contrast to Iss where everything stops. It signifies the return of the Sun and brings action. Ar symbolizes a vortex of cycling energy; the eight-fold wheel of life, the point inside of the circle, which is the glyph for the Sun meaning regeneration. When used in magickal operations, it can bring a reversal of personal fortunes. Like the Tarot Card, the Wheel of Fortune, Ar can reverse circumstances so misfortune is replaced with luck and visa-versa. Rune of patience and awareness, moving in harmony with natural cycles. This rune is excellent for working with nature and is a rune of fruitfulness. Ingwaz is the seed planted, Berkano is the earth that receives it and Jera is the growth and the harvest. A rune of long term planning and persistence and ensures the success of plans. This rune is also helpful as it serves as a guide in the correct timing of rituals, especially initiation. When used in black magick, this rune can bring the worst possible aspects of an individual’s wyrd to manifest and develops the forces of self-destruction. The stone is moss agate.

In white magic it can do the reverse.


Germanic: Aza (Ansuz) [Click here for the MP3 audio.]
Gothic: Ansus
Norse: Óss, Áss
Anglo-Saxon: Aesc, (Os, Ac)
Icelandic: Óss, Áss [Click here for the MP3 audio.]
Norwegian: As

#4. Rune of the power of speech, destroys tyranny; “Your spiritual force sets you free” Order, the opposite of chaos, creative inspiration, magickal oratory ability and to persuade others and audiences through speech. Opens channels of self-expression and overcomes obstacles of every kind. Used in removing bindings. Assists in enhancing one’s psychic and magickal abilities. Also used for work in invocations. Used with Lapis Lazuli in working to communicate with Demons.


Germanic: Uuinne (Wunjo) [Click here for the MP3 audio.]
Gothic: Winja
Norse: Vend
Anglo-Saxon: Wynn
Icelandic: Vin [Click here for the MP3 audio.]
Norwegian: Wynn

#8. Wunjo is a rune of honors and rewards. Our efforts are rewarded. Vend is bliss merging with light. Authority, respect and strength. This rune is excellent for banishing depression. Helps to unite family members and mend friendships. Breaks down barriers between one’s self and others. When directed for black magick, this rune can be used to instill overconfidence and trust of the wrong things in others, leading to their downfall. Vend is also a rune of healing as it binds the healing of the mind with the healing of the physical self. Wards off diseases. Good for working with the heart chakra. Topaz enhances this rune as well as rose quartz. Good for raising confidence and self-esteem.


Germanic: Manna (Mannaz) [Click here for the MP3 audio.]
Gothic: Manna
Norse: Maðr
Anglo-Saxon: Mann
Icelandic: Maður [Click here for the MP3 audio.]
Norwegian: Madr

#20. Rune of logic and the left side of the brain. Used for enhancing intellect and strengthening the memory. Helps one to gain more knowledge of one’s self which is essential in working magick. Amethyst

Fuchs said:

I wish I replied sooner because I see you planned on starting during the summer solstice.

Ansuz is the most directly related to self-expression, although the others may help indirectly. I would trade Mannaz for Gebo or Ehwaz. Jera is ok, but it might be better to either drop it, or switch it for Sowilo. Wunjo is fine.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=368819 time=1656007282 user_id=21286]
Fuchs said:

I wish I replied sooner because I see you planned on starting during the summer solstice.

Ansuz is the most directly related to self-expression, although the others may help indirectly. I would trade Mannaz for Gebo or Ehwaz. Jera is ok, but it might be better to either drop it, or switch it for Sowilo. Wunjo is fine.

I think mannaz is important for intelligence and memory these things are needed if you want to express yourself better everyday, more intelligence more memory better chance to expand your expression.

Jera I think could change if you would have said something negative but the rune influence you so you say something good istead. Thanks for mentioning ansuz. If one realy want to max out on that they could do 2 workings one with ansuz combination one with the other runes.

I did not it was just a repost from the post:

SeguaceDiSatana said:
quotet you so you may see the reply from Blitzkreig
Oh, what a coincidence!
I also started a working for that purpose.

I started it sort of like a munka, on a Sunday, waning Pisces moon, good for endings (Aquarius would have been even better but oh well).

I use Anzus for 90 reps and then affirm x9: "The energies of Anzus rune liberate me and absolve me from all the beliefs, the fear and any and all obstacles that prevent me from freely expressing myself, from believing in my powers and from living my life the way I desire to, now and forever, in a positive way for me".

The truth is that I have a lot of potential to freely express myself but I recently realized that I choose not to, to an unnatural degree. I pondered about it deeply and further realized that there is a subconscious fear that prevents me from doing so; hence the working.

I don't know if three runes are necessary when Anzus is dedicated solely for this purpose.
Fuchs said:
I think mannaz is important for intelligence and memory these things are needed if you want to express yourself better everyday, more intelligence more memory better chance to expand your expression.

Yes, it can be related, but it is less than Ansuz. You could also make the point for other runes as well, like Sowilo boosting confidence, Nauthiz making one more grounded, and so on. However, these are better done as separate workings if the person really needs these other characteristics.

If your affirmation was to improve your ability to intelligently communicate, then sure, I would include Mannaz + Ansuz. However, many people have multiple areas in their soul, in regard to self-expression, which could be generally improved by Ansuz. So there is usually plenty of "work" to be done.

Yagami Light said:
Oh, what a coincidence!
I also started a working for that purpose.

I started it sort of like a munka, on a Sunday, waning Pisces moon, good for endings (Aquarius would have been even better but oh well).

I use Anzus for 90 reps and then affirm x9: "The energies of Anzus rune liberate me and absolve me from all the beliefs, the fear and any and all obstacles that prevent me from freely expressing myself, from believing in my powers and from living my life the way I desire to, now and forever, in a positive way for me".

The truth is that I have a lot of potential to freely express myself but I recently realized that I choose not to, to an unnatural degree. I pondered about it deeply and further realized that there is a subconscious fear that prevents me from doing so; hence the working.

I don't know if three runes are necessary when Anzus is dedicated solely for this purpose.

Sounds good, especially based on what you mentioned in the other thread about certain fears.

I did something related to my emotional stability and expression. I carried it out a little over 80 days before deciding to switch to something else, although I am sure it would have continued to prove useful.

It made me much more happy and willing to share things with others, including regular information, but also laughter and emotions. Before, I would be too guarded or sensitive.

In my opinion, you should also carry your working out even 80 or 120 days. For me, it felt like multiple different issues were being addressed. I could tell when one was "solved" because I wouldn't have any more karmic backlashes related to it.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=369076 time=1656103987 user_id=21286]
Fuchs said:
I think mannaz is important for intelligence and memory these things are needed if you want to express yourself better everyday, more intelligence more memory better chance to expand your expression.

Yes, it can be related, but it is less than Ansuz. You could also make the point for other runes as well, like Sowilo boosting confidence, Nauthiz making one more grounded, and so on. However, these are better done as separate workings if the person really needs these other characteristics.

If your affirmation was to improve your ability to intelligently communicate, then sure, I would include Mannaz + Ansuz. However, many people have multiple areas in their soul, in regard to self-expression, which could be generally improved by Ansuz. So there is usually plenty of "work" to be done.

Yagami Light said:
Oh, what a coincidence!
I also started a working for that purpose.

I started it sort of like a munka, on a Sunday, waning Pisces moon, good for endings (Aquarius would have been even better but oh well).

I use Anzus for 90 reps and then affirm x9: "The energies of Anzus rune liberate me and absolve me from all the beliefs, the fear and any and all obstacles that prevent me from freely expressing myself, from believing in my powers and from living my life the way I desire to, now and forever, in a positive way for me".

The truth is that I have a lot of potential to freely express myself but I recently realized that I choose not to, to an unnatural degree. I pondered about it deeply and further realized that there is a subconscious fear that prevents me from doing so; hence the working.

I don't know if three runes are necessary when Anzus is dedicated solely for this purpose.

Sounds good, especially based on what you mentioned in the other thread about certain fears.

I did something related to my emotional stability and expression. I carried it out a little over 80 days before deciding to switch to something else, although I am sure it would have continued to prove useful.

It made me much more happy and willing to share things with others, including regular information, but also laughter and emotions. Before, I would be too guarded or sensitive.

In my opinion, you should also carry your working out even 80 or 120 days. For me, it felt like multiple different issues were being addressed. I could tell when one was "solved" because I wouldn't have any more karmic backlashes related to it.

I thought like if your selfexpression expands then you normaly automaticaly communicate more intelligent at least I think so, there is no way to max it out without increasing your intelligence. As the gods when they state something there messages have most off the time different deeper layer off understanding. Statements like this are not possibel without great intelligence and memory. I see these as examples for best selfexpression possibel.

Like: "Darkness is light turned inside out" - BAAL ZEBUL

I still struggle to understand karma, what do you mean about karmic backslashes?

Your input is much appreciated, thank you Blitzkreig
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=369076 time=1656103987 user_id=21286]
Sounds good, especially based on what you mentioned in the other thread about certain fears.

I did something related to my emotional stability and expression. I carried it out a little over 80 days before deciding to switch to something else, although I am sure it would have continued to prove useful.

It made me much more happy and willing to share things with others, including regular information, but also laughter and emotions. Before, I would be too guarded or sensitive.

In my opinion, you should also carry your working out even 80 or 120 days. For me, it felt like multiple different issues were being addressed. I could tell when one was "solved" because I wouldn't have any more karmic backlashes related to it.

Oh, I am very happy for you! :mrgreen:
I am also very guarded with other people.
Yes, as long as I see that I need more than 40 days (most likely) I will continue it. Although I want to do other workings too, such as money etc. I will see when the time comes.

A first experience I had with this working was a few days ago when I had to go to a job trial for the second day in a row. The job was okay, but it's something very new to me. And while going there I was almost *trembling* with fear and stress.
It is the first time that this happened to me and I don't believe it was because of the nature of the job but because of the working. I will basically have to learn and manage this place on my own but I had never felt such an anxiety before. I tried doing void etc, but I still felt like this. (I wasn't spiritually connected to anyone at that moment either)

When I got there, the feeling left quickly.

I think the timing is interesting, as I will need to truly believe in myself and my abilities in order to do this job, otherwise I won't be able to.

By the way, something else that had helped me in the past was with self-hypnosis.

Fuchs said:
Fuchs, you might find it interesting as well.

Every morning after I woke up, I sat on my bed and got into a trance/relaxed completely. I visualized gold in my aura and then affirmed something along the lines "My mind, my thoughts and all the cells of my body constantly stengthen my self-improvement and my development now and forever, in a positive way for me".

I had actually done this to stop making negative thoughts. It didn't help with those thoughts so I stopped it at the 28 days mark. HOWEVER, I soon noticed that whenever I had to do a task that was difficult, instead of being anxious or stressed about it, I started looking at it like a challenge and became excited as I wanted to overcome it!

This was an eye opener for me regarding the power of self-hypnosis and I surely intend on doing it again after I finish with this working.

So accordingly, one could try to reinforce certain parts of themselves through self-hypnosis instead of a working. (Thought I still prefer workings to overcome certain things)
Fuchs said:
I thought like if your selfexpression expands then you normaly automaticaly communicate more intelligent at least I think so, there is no way to max it out without increasing your intelligence. As the gods when they state something there messages have most off the time different deeper layer off understanding. Statements like this are not possibel without great intelligence and memory. I see these as examples for best selfexpression possibel.

Like: "Darkness is light turned inside out" - BAAL ZEBUL

I still struggle to understand karma, what do you mean about karmic backslashes?

Your input is much appreciated, thank you Blitzkreig

You are not wrong, it is just that you and I have different ideas of what self-expression means. For the purpose of transforming yourself, from a mechanical standpoint, I like to isolate certain concepts so that they can be easily addressed with magic. So when you asked me about self-expression, I was thinking more along the lines of direct communication with another person (where your intelligence is held constant).

You are thinking very broadly, taking the entire individual into account. Yes, due to the definition of "self-expression", basically every aspect of an individual plays a role in their expression. Therefore, you can include someone's air abilities, but also every other ability as well. The Gods don't just have "Mannaz powers, but also "Sowilo powers", "Berkano powers" and so on, which all influences their self-expression.

But, when looking at more specific obstacles to your self-expression, this can be as simple as Saturn aspects to your Sun, Mercury, or Venus, which may make you reserved or feel like more effort is needed for success.

By using Ansuz to remove these, the energy of the Sun can flow more harmoniously with its Saturn aspects. In this example, the individual will still retain the positive characteristics of Saturn, like self-discipline, but will no longer feel like they have trouble expressing their opinion. That is the basic idea of removing negative karma from something.

As explained very well in this post on karma, by Ol Argedco, karma is like a force pushing you in a certain direction. This can be good, such as a force that grants wealth, or bad, where certain traumas are inflicted on you.


When someone attempts to remove negative karma, it has a tendency to reoccur in their life, usually in a minor form, for them to finally move past and resolve. In regards to wealth, this can be a sudden loss in wealth. With trauma or other emotional concerns, it may amplify certain emotional sensitivities. Yet, this only occurs temporarily, and that is why HPS Maxine has said to always continue workings until you get your result, no matter what.

Going further, someone who keeps themself clean, protected, and empowered will have a much easier time with any karmic backlash, as they would with any other negative energies. This could mean only losing $50, instead of losing $5000, as someone tries to remove negative karma pertaining to wealth.

In my personal experience, I have felt karmic backlash related to emotions which have generally felt like a minor situation was recreated within my life that amplified my feelings around the matter. Although annoying, it is actually a very small "price" to pay, relative to what the negative karma may have been creating against you before. I would go into more personal detail, but probably shouldn't for the sake of security.

With karmic backlash related to self-expression, someone may find that they feel especially limited on a certain day. Perhaps they felt that have made themselves look foolish with the wrong word or action. But, the next day, their soul is actually not as restricted anymore, since the karma has been further removed.

The important point with karmic backlash is to not get discouraged, but instead, recognize it as a sign of progress. Many times, the situations that you may find yourself in are almost "artificial" in nature. You may feel very upset over something, but in reality, this is just your soul being hypersensitive. Afterward, you will feel much better and less troubled by that problem.
Yagami Light said:
Oh, I am very happy for you! :mrgreen:
I am also very guarded with other people.
Yes, as long as I see that I need more than 40 days (most likely) I will continue it. Although I want to do other workings too, such as money etc. I will see when the time comes.

A first experience I had with this working was a few days ago when I had to go to a job trial for the second day in a row. The job was okay, but it's something very new to me. And while going there I was almost *trembling* with fear and stress.
It is the first time that this happened to me and I don't believe it was because of the nature of the job but because of the working. I will basically have to learn and manage this place on my own but I had never felt such an anxiety before. I tried doing void etc, but I still felt like this. (I wasn't spiritually connected to anyone at that moment either)

When I got there, the feeling left quickly.

I think the timing is interesting, as I will need to truly believe in myself and my abilities in order to do this job, otherwise I won't be able to.

By the way, something else that had helped me in the past was with self-hypnosis.

I am glad for you as well because this sounds like a minor karmic backlash where your fears were temporarily amplified. This is normal and a sign of progress. You can see my reply to Fuchs where I have written more about this.

Yes, it can be uncomfortable and perhaps hard to deal with. Usually, just do your best while it passes. In my experience with sad feelings, it has helped me to actually focus on them and then cry them out of me. This might help with other amplified feelings, but one should be careful not to let their feelings get out of control. Crying is not a big deal, but if someone was angry and decided to get violent, then obviously that is terrible.

In your situation, you could use earth energy, Isa, or Nauthiz, to calm yourself on a temporary basis, programmed in a positive way, of course. You may have amplified anxiety at a later date as well, but it should get less intense over time. It is interesting that your feelings left quickly, almost like you defeated your fears and passed the test.

Self-hypnosis can be useful, but it is not as permanent or useful as an actual spiritual solution. Hypnosis only goes to the mental level, whereas Ansuz goes all the way through your entire soul, as directed. If you spend 10-15 minutes hypnotizing yourself, then you might as well just do a working instead.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
