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Reiki The True System

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Reiki The True System

There has been an attempt to Christianize Reiki this started with Hawayo Takata the Japanese American who made her own changes to Reiki that included adding numerous lies about Usui the Japanese founder of the Reiki system.

Takata's major lies about Usui's non-existent Christian belief:

That Usui was the principal of Doshisha University were he also worked as a Christian minister. There is no record of Usui ever working at Doshisha University and thus no evidence he ever taught a single sermon on Sunday and no evidence he was ever a Christian. The opposite is true he was well known to be a follower of the Japanese Pagan system. [1]

That Usui studied Christianity at the University of Chicago:

The University of Chicago which was founded in 1891 had no record in their archives from 1891 onwards of Usui being enrolled. While Usui did travel to America he never attend the University of Chicago. [2]

Takata simply made up the whole thing all the stories of Usui and Christianity are her creations this is openly acknowledged by researchers on the subject. She attempted to Christianize Reiki to make it more marketable to a Judeo-Christian, America.

Takata's teacher was a Japanese individual named Hayashi who met Usui around 1924. The situation was Usui had already been teaching Reiki from some reports from around 1908 or earlier. Hayashi dropped the spiritual focus of Reiki and focused on a more materialistic approach and this was the mentality that went into the west via Takata. After this Takata removed more spiritual teachings from the system. Hayashi also was not trained by Usui that long and its doubtful he went far within Usui's inner circle. The dropping of the spiritual focus by Hayashi and the altering of it by him then was further altered and corrupted and also corrupted with Christianity by Takata. This is what is taught today.

Usui himself taught Reiki with the focus of obtaining Satori which is spiritual enlightenment. That was the point of Reiki as Usui himself openly stated. Usui taught his students a system of mudra's, mantra's, pranayama's, asana's, banda's and meditative focus they had to practice extensively before he would even train them in level one. Usui also initiated his students with shaktipat and would test them by sitting in a room with them with both of them in a meditative state in which he would send them telepathic information if they couldn't obtain this or a high enough level of such they didn't move up to his inner circle. Usui was highly psychic and known to practice divination and other forms of psychic arts.

Usui did travel to mount Kurama and did obtain a Satori experience however this experience was a telepathic communication with Soten/Sonten Kurama. He was given information. Usui mentioned the top of his head opened with energy from the crown and he was given telepathic visions of information. Soten rules mount Kurama. Usui was also given a major transmission of Shaktipat by Soten Kurama and his spiritual abilities were enhanced by this experience.

Usui stated the goal of Reiki was using Reiki which means spiritual fire/serpent fire to clear the blockages in the etheric body to allow for spiritual purification to take place to obtain the Satori state. This is Buddha Suddha in the east the purification of the nadis and chakras for raising the Kundalini energy to the crown to obtain enlightenment.

The Reiki mediations from Usui that are still known in Japan are revealing the one is to bring down white gold light from the crown into the Hara point and charge the Hara and then expand this white gold light outwards through the whole body and aura. The Hara point in the east is the gate to the sushumna were the three serpent nadis arise from. This point is charged with Reiki energy in the east to send a wave of fire up the spine through the chakras and nadis to purify and transform the three bodies while opening the gate for the serpent to raise. This Reiki technique is a Kundalini meditation that survived. It also cleans the soul which is of major importance in Kundalini practice.

The second symbol of Reiki the Sei Hi Ki is a Bonji a Sanskrit seed mantra of the Hrih mantra. This was revealed upon higher initiation to Usui's, students.[3] The Hrih mantra is the mantra name and energy of the Goddess Kannon in Japan who is the Kundalini Goddess and rules the number 33 the number of the spinal vertebrae the serpent must pass through to reach the crown. The Hrih mantra is for the purification of the energy body in Kundalini yoga. Hrih is the mantra of the Kundalini Devi. And the symbol of the Goddess Kannon are in the temple of Soten Kurama at mount Kurama.

The Goddess Kannon is Lalitha in Hinduism who is the Goddess Lilith. And Soten Kurama is Satan in Japan.

The word Reiki in Japan is also a name of Soten Kurama.[4]

Usui was a Kundalini Guru who from reports of those who knew him had Siddhi's and Usui was teaching Kundalini yoga to his students and working to psychically open them up and develop the Siddhis within them. Reiki also means Siddhi Power in Japanese. Usui was working with Satan and the Demons.

Reiki: Transmissions Of Light Volume 1 The History And System Of Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho, Robert N. Fueston. [1] [2]
Foundations Of Reiki Ryoho, Nicholas Pearson [3]
The Path Of The Dragon, Mark Amaru Pinkham [4]

This article goes into the subject as well:

Satan And Lilith Head God and Goddess Of Japan And The Far East

In the ancient Hindu texts of the east, Sanat Kumara who is Soten Kurama also spelled Sonten Kurama in Japan, states His name is AUM. This is the mantra name of Soten Kurama in Japan as well who is a pre Buddhist deity. Soten carries the trident which is the symbol of the AUM mantra in the east. The symbol of the Japanese culture which is called Kami-No-Michi, which means "The Way Of The Gods" in Japanese is the symbol of the sacred gate.

This gateway is shown originally always with two dogs on either side in Japanese culture and these are symbols of the gateway and the two sacred dogs on either side spells the mantra "AUN" in Japanese the AUM mantra is spelled AUN its also spelled as AUN in some of the Hindu tantra's. AUN or AUM is the name of Sanat Kumara or Soten Kurama. The symbol of Japanese culture is the symbol of the name of Soten Kurama. AUM is always the mantra name of the highest God in the east. Which is Satan.

This means that Soten Kurama is the head God of Japan. Sanat is also spelled Satan in Sanskrit the sacred language of Japan which all the sacred texts are wrote with. Sanat and Satan both mean the same word "Eternal" and Soten is also Satan this is from Sanskrit as all Japanese deity names are. Satanama is the name of the highest God in Sanskrit and it means "Hail Satan" its the five element mantra the Shabda mantra which comes out of the AUM mantra this shows that Satan is the original God of Gentile humanity and is still the highest God in the Far East where the original teachings of Satan and our Gods survived.

In the Temple of Soten Kurama are the symbols of the Goddess Kannon. Who is the Goddess Lilith the wife of Satan.

The Goddess Kannon also known as Kuan Yin in Japan is a well known pre Buddhist deity and is the most important Goddess in Japan. Kannon is the Goddess of healing and eternal life in Japan. The Saigoku Kannon Junrei is the Japanese sacred path which goes through western Japan this sacred travel path contains all thirty three Temples of the Goddess Kannon in the Kansi area. The Bando sacred travel also has 33 sacred sites in the Kanto area to Kannon and 33 temples of Kannon in the Kamakura area and 34 sites of the Chichibu sacred travel in the Saitama valley. There are over one hundred sacred sites to the Goddess Kannon in Japan. The Goddess Kannon is sacred to the Hijiri the Japanese Yogi's who lived in the mountains and were known to possess the Siddhi powers. They are famous as healers in Japanese culture. The 33 temples of Kannon of the Saigoku Kannon Junrei the most important of the sacred travel paths were built for the Hijiri and by them to facilitate the teaching of Kundalini Yoga what is called the Siddha Marga in India which is the Magnum Opus this path when completed in Hinduism generates the Kumara body which is the immortal and enlightened being. In Japan the Kumarabhuta or Monju relates to this practice the archetypical form of the perfected soul the term Kumarabhuta or Monju means "Eternal Youth" in Japan which is what Sanat Kumara means in India where Sanat Kumara is the God of Kundalini Yoga the Siddha Marga. The spiritual texts of Japan state that eternal life and physical immortality is the goal of Japanese spiritual practice. Kannon means Serpent Goddess the number 33 is the number of spinal vertebrae the Kundalini serpent must pass through to the crown chakra. Kannon is stated to take ones consciousness from the root chakra to the crown chakra and enlightenment in Japanese tradition.

Kannon is also called by the title of Chintamanichakra which is the Chintamani Jewel in Japan and the Goddess Kannon rules the thousand petal lotus of the crown chakra. Kannon's mantra is shown inscribed upon the image of the Chintamani in Japan its Hrih this mantra is wrote in Siddham which is the ancient form of the Sanskrit Brahmi script which the sacred writings in Japan are wrote with including mantra's. Kannon worship is stated to have come from India originally. The Chintamani is the drop of dew from the heavens which heals and grants all wishes in Japan and the Far East. This is the activated crown chakra the crown chakra connects to and activates the pineal gland in the east. Its considered part of the crown chakra. The Hrih mantra is the name of Kannon as Her mantra and thus the energy form of the Goddess. In India this mantra is Hrim which is the Suddha Shakti the purifying power and the mantra name of the Hindu Goddess Lalitha who is the Mahadevi the head Goddess of India and rules the crown chakra. Lalitha is Lilith.

In the Brahmanda Purana, Lalitha the Goddess Lilith states to Shiva upon their wedding:
"Remember that whatever I say or do is according to my own will alone. Whoever accepts me as his wife must also accept my complete independence."

The Goddess Lilith was the wife of the Sumerian Enki:

"Lilutu- whence derived the names of Lilith , Luluwa and others associated with the lily or lotus flower."[1]

"Lilith who became another young consort of Enki, known to the Hebrews as Samael -from Sama-EL: Lord of Sama in northern Mesopotamia."[2]

Samael is the name of Satan in Hebrew. This is where Samael and His wife Lilith in the Hebrew texts was stolen and corrupted from, Enki and Lilutu.

The Jewish texts also admit something:

Lilith states to the Jewish Elijah:

"Lilith stated: These are my names Lilith.....Kali..." [3]

Kali is the Hindu Goddess who is the consort of Shiva.

In Hinduism the Goddess who rules the Sri Yantra the most important yantra in Kundalini Yoga and represents the cosmic axis of Meru, is the Goddess Lalita who is Lilith further west. In Sanskrit the vowels are interchangeable the LLT can be Lalita, Lilutu or Lilith. Both rule the crown chakra. Lilith means lily or lotus the thousand crown lotus. Lalita rules the crown chakra in Hinduism. Lalita's consort is Shiva and the Sri Yantra is the union of both principals into the transformed soul.

[1][2]Realm of the Ring Lords, Laurence Gardner
[3]Tree Of Souls The Mythology Of Judaism, Schwartz
Shakti The Realm Of The Divine Mother, Vana Mali
Foundations Of Reiki Ryoho, Nicholas Pearson
The Serpent The Eagle The Lion And The Disk, Brannon Parker
The Truth Behind The Christ Myth, Mark Amaru Pinkham
While The Gods Play, Alain Danielou
The Chakras, Yogi Bhajan
Ayurveda And Marma Therapy, Dr. David Frawley, Dr. Subhash Ranade and Dr. Avinash Lele
Merging With Shiva, Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
HP Mageson666 said:
The Hrih mantra is the mantra name and energy of the Goddess Kannon in Japan who is the Kundalini Goddess and rules the number 33 the number of the spinal vertebrae the serpent must pass through to reach the crown. The Hrih mantra is for the purification of the energy body in Kundalini yoga. Hrih is the mantra of the Kundalini Devi. And the symbol of the Goddess Kannon are in the temple of Soten Kurama at mount Kurama.

The Goddess Kannon is Lalitha in Hinduism who is the Goddess Lilith. And Soten Kurama is Satan in Japan.
Thank you for sharing this information.

In the Book of Five Rings, Musashi mentions "praying to Kannon". Considering this article, it probably referred to work on the Kundalini, perhaps even the raising of the Kundalini.
I believe I know the book your mentioning the author is supposed to be German but looks totality Jewish and has a strange last name that might be somewhat tribe.

Ramier108666 said:
This came when I was looking into Reiki. There's a book claiming to be his original handbook on reiki. Is it legitimate?
HP Mageson666 said:
I believe I know the book your mentioning the author is supposed to be German but looks totality Jewish and has a strange last name that might be somewhat tribe.

Ramier108666 said:
This came when I was looking into Reiki. There's a book claiming to be his original handbook on reiki. Is it legitimate?

Good thing I didn't get it. Any suggestions by any chance HP Mageson? Reiki to me is something I want to learn, but as we both know knowledge has been scattered, destroyed or hidden.
Ramier108666 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
I believe I know the book your mentioning the author is supposed to be German but looks totality Jewish and has a strange last name that might be somewhat tribe.

Ramier108666 said:
This came when I was looking into Reiki. There's a book claiming to be his original handbook on reiki. Is it legitimate?
Reiki is just a name, you could call it power meditation too, and guess what, it’s in the meditation section of JoS.

Good thing I didn't get it. Any suggestions by any chance HP Mageson? Reiki to me is something I want to learn, but as we both know knowledge has been scattered, destroyed or hidden.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
