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Queen Boudicca.


Mar 19, 2020
I don't see so many topics about her here. I heard she called upon Andras in battle against her foes.
I was curious about any opinions on her. She sounded like a very powerful warrior. I was reading up about her recently.
RavenSky666 said:
I don't see so many topics about her here. I heard she called upon Andras in battle against her foes.
I was curious about any opinions on her. She sounded like a very powerful warrior. I was reading up about her recently.

This won't exactly answer your question, but I remember years ago, when I was like 6-7 or 8 years old, I was watching TV, a kids show in my language. It told about Queen Boudicca and I loved EVERY second of it! It was so interesting!!

The same happened with the story of Alexander the Great! I feel blessed to have seen these beautiful cartoons shown to me when I was little. It inspired me! ^^
And now that I know more about these magnificent people, it makes me feel amazing!!

I hope someone more knowledgeable about this topic can answer you!!

This was honestly a surprise to me to see this topic as I have searched about Queen Boudicca a day or so ago. It's a nice coincidence!

Hail Satan! Hail Andras!!!
NameHere said:
This won't exactly answer your question, but I remember years ago, when I was like 6-7 or 8 years old, I was watching TV, a kids show in my language. It told about Queen Boudicca and I loved EVERY second of it! It was so interesting!!

The same happened with the story of Alexander the Great! I feel blessed to have seen these beautiful cartoons shown to me when I was little. It inspired me! ^^
And now that I know more about these magnificent people, it makes me feel amazing!!

I hope someone more knowledgeable about this topic can answer you!!

This was honestly a surprise to me to see this topic as I have searched about Queen Boudicca a day or so ago. It's a nice coincidence!

Hail Satan! Hail Andras!!!

Thank you for responding! I have always loved reading about our powerful gentiles, especially our powerful white gentiles It fills me with pride for my race. When I read about the greatness, the achievements, the battles they fought, It fills me with strength and determination. We descend from the Gods themselves so It is only natural for our race to be one of strength, determination, creative talent and beauty. I know we can once again all return to our individual roots and be the Gods and Goddesses we are meant to be. I am deeply passionate about history. Long ago as a kid I read about Queen Boudica. Years later now I was interested and began to read up on her some more. I also enjoyed reading about Alexander the Great! when I was a kid I was very inspired by Greek mythology, and stories, and Greek figures, I had many books about it! I loved it! I still do.
RavenSky666 said:
NameHere said:
This won't exactly answer your question, but I remember years ago, when I was like 6-7 or 8 years old, I was watching TV, a kids show in my language. It told about Queen Boudicca and I loved EVERY second of it! It was so interesting!!

The same happened with the story of Alexander the Great! I feel blessed to have seen these beautiful cartoons shown to me when I was little. It inspired me! ^^
And now that I know more about these magnificent people, it makes me feel amazing!!

I hope someone more knowledgeable about this topic can answer you!!

This was honestly a surprise to me to see this topic as I have searched about Queen Boudicca a day or so ago. It's a nice coincidence!

Hail Satan! Hail Andras!!!

Thank you for responding! I have always loved reading about our powerful gentiles, especially our powerful white gentiles It fills me with pride for my race. When I read about the greatness, the achievements, the battles they fought, It fills me with strength and determination. We descend from the Gods themselves so It is only natural for our race to be one of strength, determination, creative talent and beauty. I know we can once again all return to our individual roots and be the Gods and Goddesses we are meant to be. I am deeply passionate about history. Long ago as a kid I read about Queen Boudica. Years later now I was interested and began to read up on her some more. I also enjoyed reading about Alexander the Great! when I was a kid I was very inspired by Greek mythology, and stories, and Greek figures, I had many books about it! I loved it! I still do.

That's really cool!

Greek mythology always fascinates me as well.
When I think about it, I've seen a lot of education greek mythology cartoons, it's interesting.

Speaking of our ancestors.
About a month or two ago, I had a very wonderful experience come from within.

I was studying HPS Maxine's sermons and then went outside to meditate and do F-RTR's.
I felt the enemy playing with my emotions and thoughts, trying to distract me, etc., and I started to feel such immense hatred for them. I felt like the gods and our white gentile ancestors stood by me as I angrily said to the enemy: "I am NEVER backing down! I am NEVER going back to where I was! You have NO power over me! I AM going to advance and when I do, I am going to destroy, every, single, one of you filthy freaks! You're gonna fucking wish you were NEVER born!!"

And it damn right worked. I meant what I said. The enemy backed away, tried to attack me again, but I banished them. I did the F-RTR and directed my anger towards enemy destruction as I did this.

I felt and kind of like "saw" the Gods proudly looking at me and smiling.

I am EXTREMELY proud to be a white Gentile!
I am EXTREMELY proud to be Father Satan's descendant, just like our brothers and sisters in Satan!
I feel EXTREMELY thankful to our ancestors for giving us a fighting chance!!!

NameHere said:
That's really cool!

Greek mythology always fascinates me as well.
When I think about it, I've seen a lot of education greek mythology cartoons, it's interesting.

Speaking of our ancestors.
About a month or two ago, I had a very wonderful experience come from within.

I was studying HPS Maxine's sermons and then went outside to meditate and do F-RTR's.
I felt the enemy playing with my emotions and thoughts, trying to distract me, etc., and I started to feel such immense hatred for them. I felt like the gods and our white gentile ancestors stood by me as I angrily said to the enemy: "I am NEVER backing down! I am NEVER going back to where I was! You have NO power over me! I AM going to advance and when I do, I am going to destroy, every, single, one of you filthy freaks! You're gonna fucking wish you were NEVER born!!"

And it damn right worked. I meant what I said. The enemy backed away, tried to attack me again, but I banished them. I did the F-RTR and directed my anger towards enemy destruction as I did this.

I felt and kind of like "saw" the Gods proudly looking at me and smiling.

I am EXTREMELY proud to be a white Gentile!
I am EXTREMELY proud to be Father Satan's descendant, just like our brothers and sisters in Satan!
I feel EXTREMELY thankful to our ancestors for giving us a fighting chance!!!


That sounds like a truly wonderful experience! Our Rtrs do wonders at awakening our souls and getting in touch with our roots!. I used to live at home with my parents but I moved out and started living on my own, and once I did, I was able to really do more things like daily rtrs, and rituals. etc, so the enemy worked very hard trying to bring me down and depress me. the more I increased my Rtrs, they tried to break me and to distract me with their mental attacks. but during my Rtrs one night, I had this awakening within myself, it felt like a strong golden fire, a deep burning flame that had been reignited and I felt this sudden rush. I felt then like a warrior, as if I was getting in touch with a side of me I haven't really experienced before, in this life. And I felt then like I had changed and started to become the warrior I am meant to transform into. And I felt this immense surge of inner power. I used it to overcome those attacks and push forward with my Rtrs. I find it easier after then to fight off enemy mental attacks. they don't often harm me like they used to. It is like something forever changed within me and now I have the strength to go forward. I am so thankful for the Help that Father and the Gods give us, and these opportunities from them and our Hps, to fight, and do the Rtrs, and things like Group Rituals. It really does good for the soul.
RavenSky666 said:

That sounds like a truly wonderful experience! Our Rtrs do wonders at awakening our souls and getting in touch with our roots!. I used to live at home with my parents but I moved out and started living on my own, and once I did, I was able to really do more things like daily rtrs, and rituals. etc, so the enemy worked very hard trying to bring me down and depress me. the more I increased my Rtrs, they tried to break me and to distract me with their mental attacks. but during my Rtrs one night, I had this awakening within myself, it felt like a strong golden fire, a deep burning flame that had been reignited and I felt this sudden rush. I felt then like a warrior, as if I was getting in touch with a side of me I haven't really experienced before, in this life. And I felt then like I had changed and started to become the warrior I am meant to transform into. And I felt this immense surge of inner power. I used it to overcome those attacks and push forward with my Rtrs. I find it easier after then to fight off enemy mental attacks. they don't often harm me like they used to. It is like something forever changed within me and now I have the strength to go forward. I am so thankful for the Help that Father and the Gods give us, and these opportunities from them and our Hps, to fight, and do the Rtrs, and things like Group Rituals. It really does good for the soul.

That sounds truly beautiful!!

I am glad to hear you had such a powerfully wonderful experience!
It's truly wonderful what the F-RTR has brought to us. It feels amazing to finally be able to get free and become what we were meant to become in the first place!!

Have you ever felt like that F-RTR frees your "wings"?
Do you ever see them big or small or something? Like as if the more you imagine moving them, the more the pleasurably experience it sends through out your whole being! :)

Sorry, I'm getting carried away, haha.

Hail Satan! Hail Sorath!
NameHere said:
That sounds truly beautiful!!

I am glad to hear you had such a powerfully wonderful experience!
It's truly wonderful what the F-RTR has brought to us. It feels amazing to finally be able to get free and become what we were meant to become in the first place!!

Have you ever felt like that F-RTR frees your "wings"?
Do you ever see them big or small or something? Like as if the more you imagine moving them, the more the pleasurably experience it sends through out your whole being! :)

Sorry, I'm getting carried away, haha.

Hail Satan! Hail Sorath!

I am unsure if it was because of the Rtrs and other workings, a sign, or just my imagination, but yes! I once had a vision of myself with black wings interestingly enough. they were not outstretched fully but starting to. I took it as a sign from Father that He was with me in that moment and that I was progressing and starting to get better. I had this feeling of uncertainty if my workings,meditations and etc were actually doing anything. and then I had that vision. It certainly made me feel better! :D
RavenSky666 said:
NameHere said:
That sounds truly beautiful!!

I am glad to hear you had such a powerfully wonderful experience!
It's truly wonderful what the F-RTR has brought to us. It feels amazing to finally be able to get free and become what we were meant to become in the first place!!

Have you ever felt like that F-RTR frees your "wings"?
Do you ever see them big or small or something? Like as if the more you imagine moving them, the more the pleasurably experience it sends through out your whole being! :)

Sorry, I'm getting carried away, haha.

Hail Satan! Hail Sorath!

I am unsure if it was because of the Rtrs and other workings, a sign, or just my imagination, but yes! I once had a vision of myself with black wings interestingly enough. they were not outstretched fully but starting to. I took it as a sign from Father that He was with me in that moment and that I was progressing and starting to get better. I had this feeling of uncertainty if my workings,meditations and etc were actually doing anything. and then I had that vision. It certainly made me feel better! :D

That's actually really nice!!!

Did you also feel like a pleasurable feeling coursed through your whole being?

Father Satan is wonderful!

Hail Satan!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
