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Occult War


New member
Feb 27, 2022
I live in Hungary.
A friend show me youre page, and we have a website Thuletide 666 where is translated in hungarian language many your publications such as: Thora Reversihg Ritual.
I was so glad, that exiting such things in our country, because in actually in Hungary is a juwish-gipsy aliance guverne controled state. I'm afraid they want making this in every Europe, and orand the world.
I1m maked TRR evry day. Was good. I feel how I am freed the juws suffocating squeeze.
But, after 7 day they (juws and gipsys) noticed me, and beging the offesive attach against me.
When I meditating I visualized a head such was teht a aliens in movies. Evrithing they watched me.
In may dreams in night I see more rabbis with kippa on head, and dressed up blue cloth.
In this momnet I feel a very hard energy in right hand such as electric shock 230 V ˘. I wake up, amd every night have insomnia. Horribly slandeing me some people.: - You bich hungarian. I now will be kiled, and eliminated this world.
I talk this case with may friend, baut he did not know how I protect may self.
I think writing a topic about this case here, in Joy of Satan forum.

I hoppe you give me something answer about this.
May english is not very correct, please forgive me.
They have as much power as you give them, you need to ignore them and do void meditation. Also build a strong aura of protection.
Can you link your website here? It's nice that you're taking initiative to translate, but please go through the proper channels, got through the High Priest and other translators first, so your work can be verified and put onto the JoS website.

I dont know our stance on sites not affiliated with the JoS that have altered our material, you could get into legal trouble possibly.

I say "altered" because translators work as a team to verify the accuracy of their work. If your translation is poor or outright wrong, then it's dangerous for new practitioners.

Aquarius said:
They have as much power as you give them, you need to ignore them and do void meditation. Also build a strong aura of protection.
Thank you very much youre answer. We are in hHungary is a few satanist, who is are in contact with JoS. Is a lott aof people who is called youreself satanist is juws, and gypsis, because, they want to stealing this knowwlage, that using against us. Thay are in freemasonary, in AMORC, Antroposohy, Teosophy or in OTO member. That we are opposite a very deep initiated layer of gypsis, and juws. Juws in actually are bred gypsis in Hungary. First, want to changing all population in our country, after the new gipsy popukation, thet colled herself hungarian, going in Germany and the evry Europian country. And no less in USA, and the Amercan Continent. Charle Chapline was gypsi, Elvis Presley was gypsy. For many years now making an alaiance between gypsys and juws. May be Tetragrammaton, that is alains, greens they asked this.

Absolutly I bigan now the 40 day meditation program. Today is, the 5 day. And I began make yoga asana in everymorning and evning. I have more power, and they attacks is mor powerless.

Hádész said:
Aquarius said:
They have as much power as you give them, you need to ignore them and do void meditation. Also build a strong aura of protection.
Thank you very much youre answer. We are in hHungary is a few satanist, who is are in contact with JoS. Is a lott aof people who is called youreself satanist is juws, and gypsis, because, they want to stealing this knowwlage, that using against us. Thay are in freemasonary, in AMORC, Antroposohy, Teosophy or in OTO member. That we are opposite a very deep initiated layer of gypsis, and juws. Juws in actually are bred gypsis in Hungary. First, want to changing all population in our country, after the new gipsy popukation, thet colled herself hungarian, going in Germany and the evry Europian country. And no less in USA, and the Amercan Continent. Charle Chapline was gypsi, Elvis Presley was gypsy. For many years now making an alaiance between gypsys and juws. May be Tetragrammaton, that is alains, greens they asked this.

Absolutly I bigan now the 40 day meditation program. Today is, the 5 day. And I began make yoga asana in everymorning and evning. I have more power, and they attacks is mor powerless.

Great, best of luck with your advancement.
Hádész said:
I live in Hungary.
A friend show me youre page, and we have a website Thuletide 666 where is translated in hungarian language many your publications such as: Thora Reversihg Ritual.
I was so glad, that exiting such things in our country, because in actually in Hungary is a juwish-gipsy aliance guverne controled state. I'm afraid they want making this in every Europe, and orand the world.
I1m maked TRR evry day. Was good. I feel how I am freed the juws suffocating squeeze.
But, after 7 day they (juws and gipsys) noticed me, and beging the offesive attach against me.
When I meditating I visualized a head such was teht a aliens in movies. Evrithing they watched me.
In may dreams in night I see more rabbis with kippa on head, and dressed up blue cloth.
In this momnet I feel a very hard energy in right hand such as electric shock 230 V ˘. I wake up, amd every night have insomnia. Horribly slandeing me some people.: - You bich hungarian. I now will be kiled, and eliminated this world.
I talk this case with may friend, baut he did not know how I protect may self.
I think writing a topic about this case here, in Joy of Satan forum.

I hoppe you give me something answer about this.
May english is not very correct, please forgive me.

You need to build a protective aura around yourself, with proper reinforcement. AoP is still relevant enough for purity after RTRs. VOid Meditation is also nice and useful in chaotic situations. Cleansing the Soul is also necessary, as that is one of the purposes of this Path, to cleanse the soul so that you can start a new life with Satan and the Gods.

These can come from past manipulation or "fear mongering". Satan's People are protected, so these unfortunate attempts by the enemy are the equivalent of half a carton of ice cream already on the ground. The best method to counter such attacks is Void Meditation, or focusing on Satan.

Negative dreams can also come from chaotic living. You can say affirmations to yourself before falling asleep, such as - "I am completely safe and protected, always and in everything, in a way that is comfortable for me" x4. You can also protect yourself with Runes, or drinking herbal tea before bedtime can be helpful.

It is possible that some destructive energy connected to your aura is causing this for you. Daily Aura Cleansing, Aura Strengthening, Defence Meditation, AoP and Void Meditation are required.
Thank you for many answers, because in present in Hungary we are making bittered war for aur homland.
In present in Hunagry is 90% of population is gypsy or jew. Now gypses in cristian congregations called themselves god's chosen people, and exist very lot children, that was brought up by jewish parents. I think they are second order jews, but gypses about this don't have anye knowelage. Jews are used them they world domination plans.
Remainder hungarian people of 11 millon residents alaso runing away out of country on direction of Austria, Germany, but tey don"t know, that, the brawn crowd of people is going after them.
I think we are a dead nation, but the remander can still merge anather white people, and any gentile people, whose in present don1t has alainace whith jews. Why Hungary is, the first in the natons, that desroyed it, the jews? - Becase is the problame in we. We are a week nation, We are not able to hold together. Don't helping eachather. Jews headquarters in Europe is in Budapest or JudaPest. Under the Budapest is a big data center, that give datas from the CERN. Sors György also coming in the Capital of Hungary regularly. Everythig beginig in 19 's century, when the jews bying all parlament and senators, whith the guvern. Making human sacrifices in Tiszaeszlár, and the many anathor cities, about which we don't any informations.
Gemans in the in the first half of 20 's century they knew exactly, that the jews making more alainaces, with the onather brown peoples, for the genocide the white race. Thay want the destroy it, the jews, and gypses. Making because they not sufficient number for the to occupy the any world.

Why making a strong avarage, after, the WW II, why hunting nazis? - Kommunist party maked more villainy not yet exist any averagers from the gentailes.

Hádész said:
Thank you for many answers, because in present in Hungary we are making bittered war for aur homland.
In present in Hunagry is 90% of population is gypsy or jew. Now gypses in cristian congregations called themselves god's chosen people, and exist very lot children, that was brought up by jewish parents. I think they are second order jews, but gypses about this don't have anye knowelage. Jews are used them they world domination plans.
Remainder hungarian people of 11 millon residents alaso runing away out of country on direction of Austria, Germany, but tey don"t know, that, the brawn crowd of people is going after them.
I think we are a dead nation, but the remander can still merge anather white people, and any gentile people, whose in present don1t has alainace whith jews. Why Hungary is, the first in the natons, that desroyed it, the jews? - Becase is the problame in we. We are a week nation, We are not able to hold together. Don't helping eachather. Jews headquarters in Europe is in Budapest or JudaPest. Under the Budapest is a big data center, that give datas from the CERN. Sors György also coming in the Capital of Hungary regularly. Everythig beginig in 19 's century, when the jews bying all parlament and senators, whith the guvern. Making human sacrifices in Tiszaeszlár, and the many anathor cities, about which we don't any informations.
Gemans in the in the first half of 20 's century they knew exactly, that the jews making more alainaces, with the onather brown peoples, for the genocide the white race. Thay want the destroy it, the jews, and gypses. Making because they not sufficient number for the to occupy the any world.

Why making a strong avarage, after, the WW II, why hunting nazis? - Kommunist party maked more villainy not yet exist any averagers from the gentailes.


So your saying the Gypsy population has gotten bigger than the Host population or at least comparatively?

I've been under the assumption Gypsies are like 36% population of the State. Enough to swing a vote or election in their favor to continue shekelberging and shekelsteining operations. In fact Orban and company(I'm sure Gregory Schwartz a.k.a. George Soros would agree) they wanted to break off parts of Hungary to form a Gypsy nation.

So your saying in your neck of the woods, Gypsy population is far greater than what even certain alternative non-mainstream internet journalists are encountering?

I think 90% is exaggeration. Albeit are you talking about your city and location(do not mention your location). If so that is understandable. In certain places there are strongholds of people that makes it seem like your being dominated.

Still 90%? A bit much don't you think?(I'm not denying just curious on how you formed your statement).

Also just because someone has jewish-like features i.e. bigger features does not make them a jew. In fact even Gentiles can appear jewish. It's true those stereotype features do appear but many jews look completely white and may even act in non-jewish manners. Still I'd be careful with your area as there might be slavic people or Eastern-White people in your area.

You might believe they are all jewish and that is also something you gotta temper. Just because a xtian believes in jabus does not make them a jew. A spiritual jew i.e. in the soul, sure, but being a kike, you gotta draw the line.

Again just because jews look like their stereotype does not mean all are like that.

Even in eugenics just because a Nordic can be with a Nordic does not mean sub-race mixing is solved just by looks and phenotypes rather it requires extensive eugenics and anthropological investigations to understand the sub-races and whom they can reproduce with. Just because someone is Nordic looking or Dinaric does not mean it's cut and dry.

Same for the jews even facial features wise there are ones that don't look like that or perform surgery.

BTW about 75% of the gypsies are a jewish-trick kosher supervision species/race. But about 25% of them are Gentiles especially if they maintain their blood line. Remember many gypies like to kidnap children and often they are gentile and raise them to be a gyp.

But there is nothing gypy about the person. You should also check out some examinations on the Doctorial Thesis of Dr.Troost, female doctor. Who raised gypsies in NS Germany and came to the realization no matter how much education and training, they still remain gypsies. So you can't really remove the spiritual component of the gyps out of their system.

Gypsies indeed are jewish and hang around and receive shekels and support from them. Even considered a lost tribe according to Spanish Sephardic jew Avron Shimon a few years ago around 2018. Certain passages from Genesis and other sections show it.

So indeed you are correct Gypsies = Crappier jews who can't berg and stein shekels. Your absolutely correct that they are a corrosive, subversive element in society. Your personal understanding of them is something you realized and understood.
Thank you for answer Gear88.

The problem is, that in peresen changing hungarian population to gypse population.
Exist countys, where want to make autonomy because they think, that the teritory is theirs, exactly, that you said.

To prove my point for that you would have to know the old Hungarian facial features and the facial features of the Gypsies. We comes from the styep, that the turkies, but never was same bruwn our skins, thet thy are, and the cultural behavior, and our facial features is anather. See firstly kazakiens. Not Borat (Sacha Baron Cohen is a jew. Not because I want, but also is.). Arabiens, Islam funadamentals in Afganistan is Borat, not kazakiens. Very similar was hungarian fiatures.
I promise I finde pictures for evidences. Anather evidences is, that under, the comminst regim, wich was founded, and conroled, by jews, was the first plan, that integrating our society gypsies. Gypses not Indiens from India. Thay are a other nation. Let's get one thing straight what I'm talking about is not fanatical racism. I'll see a balck man, or a brown face man I I feel nauseous. Not abaut this I speak. Orban Victors father was a jew, and mother a rome/gypsy. Gyurcsány Ferenc a jew, that's what it says on his birth certificate. I could list our actors, sientist, and more. See Kern András, or Szentgyörgyi Albert, or Teller Ede, both jews. Not I say is realy jews. Why? We don1t have actries, or sientist? - There were a lot of people, and there would be many, but when the jews they took over control thrown out, elbowed out hungarians. See, Bólyai János, or Jedlik Ángyos, or Kempelen Farkas. Kempelen was lucky, because was freemason, in such an age, that freemasonary was controled bay jews in Vien, but, don't was any members jew. Bolyai János, was born in Kolozsvár in Transilvania, in present is Romania, after the Trianon peace dictate. He was not lucky, even though he was a brilliant mathematician.

That, problame is not it's not that we can't coexist with other species, taht is a minority nation in our country, but also is the problame, that jews in the name of integration breed, them. With lots of state aid and benefits for hight positions, where Hungarians are not allowed. It is the result of a systematic genocide which has been going on for many years. We sold out in about 100 years. This is not blind racism, this is a trend. This is why the flood of refugees was needed, it reinforces this tendency.

Who is roms/gypses? - I think there have connection with Jews, thet Kazaárs, who was a styep nations, that we was. Problame is, taht jews wnt to destrox it, totally any anather natons, and in order to do so many alaiances, even with blacks people in africa, but they are generally disliked. Jews maked slavery also. I think, that the roms is the situation is different. Gypses is also was created, by alain race - tetragramaton, that not same with aur crators. Roms in India, formed a separatly coloni in the periphery Ragastan. Thay have a little population, becase, they lifestyle due to its natural development, it cannot grow larger. Never was Raga in India or high ranking official. In very small numbers, they have integrated into Indian society to a negligible extent.
The paganism of Gypsies: - They have never heard of any Indian gods, Vedas or yoga. This is not me saying this, but a gypsy chemical engineer who researched his species.According to one story, they migrated from Inda because a bird told her that they were going to a land where there was only food and drink. According to another story, the Turks settled them in the empire as slaves, but they got fed up with it.From here, from the territory of Afghanistan and Iran, they immigrated to the territory of the old, great Hungary in Transylvania, today's Romania. The truth is that they first appeared in the 14th - 15th centuries in today's South Slavic areas.
In the 18 -19 sentury begining the first contacts from the jwes. Through selective breeding and communism, they managed to push the Hungarians out of their country for the first time.With this, I would like to warn everyone that we were the first, but not the last.

Na, but I'm happy about the meditation methods, I'm currently delving into them.

Here is some videos:
1. About romas today in India: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNUYGRn3W9Q&t=1403s
2. Caliostro - Vas a rosicrutian-freemason or egypitian-freemasonary. You should know that Egypt is just a label, it is actually Jewish magic with the Tetragrammaton. Not realy paganism is a fake. Serafina vas a rome/gypsy:
I apologize to everyone, this is the last one. I want to study spirituality here, not politicize, but I believe that these are also part of the truth.
What he is doing- (Cohen in Borat. Name Borat comes from barát = friend hunagrian words. He shooted the film a transilvanien gypsy colony in Romania, whose speking a litle hungarian. Not in kazakstan) is not only disgusting, but humiliating and demeaning to the Asian culture that once existed in Hungary as well. It is true that the Cossacks are not the same as they used to be, and neither are the Mongols, because the Soviet Union put their stamp on them. But a developing, working and environmentally clean nation, not destructive like the gypsies.
Hungary was also condemned by the European Union for not opening up the Gypsy colony and not providing aid. Its a lie. This is primarily propagated by the Jewish left said, with Soros György. They pay a lot of state aid, and even Gypsies do not contribute anything to the building of the country. Hungary is paralyzed and incapable of economic development due to the powerful and constantly growing Gypsy population. It is a kind of parasitic infection that was artificially induced by the Jews.Therefore, a large part of the Hungarian population was forced to go abroad. All this was done systematically. From the edge of the cities, the circle narrows inward into the villages and eventually squeezes the city.
Gypsies left for England in huge numbers at the beginning of the 21st century from Hungary. As soon as they appeared, the crime rate immediately increased enormously. They stole, looted, killed, littered and destroyed houses. Then the British government deported them back to us. And they threatened punishment if we didn't integrate them.
In present jews Gypsies are transported from Romania to England. And no one is demanding integration from Románia.
In every country where they appear, they reserve houses for themselves in villages. They don't pay for electricity, gas, or water. they attack the honest population. It is the same in the Czech Republic.

I will try to underpin them with some yb videos.:
1. Kazakhstan in real: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IsoT5pawAg
2. Gypsy house bookings. Sorry, this is only in Hungarian. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJoL4tlUmi8
3. They agressive, because they know that everything is given to them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VT9OTSadyN8
4. The Czech police can still act hard against them, they haven't been called racist yet. ... Yet.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkmnp1QB_Ow it's true that the Czech police are a bit rude
Thank every body youre answers.
It's good, that is this page.
Have a lot good writtings.
I so happy, that I could get to know this solution and this line of occultism. :twisted:
Be careful.
I was running 369hz
While doing my RTRs
and got cursed by a shitstorm.
Hádész said:
I apologize to everyone, this is the last one. I want to study spirituality here, not politicize, but I believe that these are also part of the truth.
What he is doing- (Cohen in Borat. Name Borat comes from barát = friend hunagrian words. He shooted the film a transilvanien gypsy colony in Romania, whose speking a litle hungarian. Not in kazakstan) is not only disgusting, but humiliating and demeaning to the Asian culture that once existed in Hungary as well. It is true that the Cossacks are not the same as they used to be, and neither are the Mongols, because the Soviet Union put their stamp on them. But a developing, working and environmentally clean nation, not destructive like the gypsies.
Hungary was also condemned by the European Union for not opening up the Gypsy colony and not providing aid. Its a lie. This is primarily propagated by the Jewish left said, with Soros György. They pay a lot of state aid, and even Gypsies do not contribute anything to the building of the country. Hungary is paralyzed and incapable of economic development due to the powerful and constantly growing Gypsy population. It is a kind of parasitic infection that was artificially induced by the Jews.Therefore, a large part of the Hungarian population was forced to go abroad. All this was done systematically. From the edge of the cities, the circle narrows inward into the villages and eventually squeezes the city.
Gypsies left for England in huge numbers at the beginning of the 21st century from Hungary. As soon as they appeared, the crime rate immediately increased enormously. They stole, looted, killed, littered and destroyed houses. Then the British government deported them back to us. And they threatened punishment if we didn't integrate them.
In present jews Gypsies are transported from Romania to England. And no one is demanding integration from Románia.
In every country where they appear, they reserve houses for themselves in villages. They don't pay for electricity, gas, or water. they attack the honest population. It is the same in the Czech Republic.

I will try to underpin them with some yb videos.:
1. Kazakhstan in real: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IsoT5pawAg
2. Gypsy house bookings. Sorry, this is only in Hungarian. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJoL4tlUmi8
3. They agressive, because they know that everything is given to them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VT9OTSadyN8
4. The Czech police can still act hard against them, they haven't been called racist yet. ... Yet.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkmnp1QB_Ow it's true that the Czech police are a bit rude

This is all saddening. A few years back I looked into getting a job teaching in Hungary. The agency handling it---in the U.S.---screened applicants to make sure they were down with "diversity" and "inclusion." I.e., bringing in Africans and promoting sexual perversion. I liked Hungary during my travels too much ever to go back. What is happening is disgusting.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
