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My Chakras were swapped with someone elses


New member
Jun 5, 2022
I know people don't like me very much in this forum and think I'm a jew when I'm not, but I really have no where else to turn and have no idea how to solve this problem. I dont even trust this forum honestly but I need help, I can't take this anymore. In september I became more spiritually empowered and began a munka working and started getting extreme attacks. I also learned how to clear chemtrails using meditations and had some weird stalking situations happen.

Someone spoke to me about archons and I have been getting attacked by them since september, i had a situation where I woke up to one beside my bed one day. It's gotten really bad, and to my horror I found out that someone I thought was my friend went to see a witch doctor and swapped our chakras so she has mine and I have hers, so she has my karma and I have hers, and she has been living as me since 2018. I thought she was just obsessed with me and wanted to be like me because she copies everything I do, never thought it was this extreme but I got confirmation that its true.

So i tried doing a working to get them back, and I got them back at first I even felt them go back in and suddenly I felt like myself for the first time in a while, and my throat chakra was cleared and I was writing how I use to write for example. Then I got attacked by a bunch of entities.

Also my parents swapped my sisters disease into my body somehow. When I was younger doctors found a disease in my sisters leg, and it magically vanished and my parents stopped talking about it. I've had weird health issues for 7+ years now and found out recently that i have the disease my sister had, and they put it in my body so she won't have it? My ex who is from nigeria told me this witchcraft is possible and people can even steal your destiny from you. i didn't believe him until now. Which makes me realize my parents aren't who they say they are.

I also tried doing soul retrival and I saw entites and being holding fragments of my soul and many other souls hostage in these weird dungeons in the astral realm and keeo having nightmares where I get the living shit beat out of me in these dungeons.

I just don't know whats going on anymore, why has everyone been so cruel towards me since I was a kid and do this evil stuff. Christianity scares me because if I pray to jesus it feels like im being fed on, but satanism has only made my life worse too and people in this forum constantly accuse me of being someone im not and a jew.

How do I get my chakras back that have been stolen from me? How can I remove this disease my parents somehow scapegoated into me and out of my sister?

I don't want to be trolled or attacked either otherwise I just won't respond this time. I didn't know stuff like this was real, but if telekenisis is real and other metaphysical abilities then I understand and hope people do not mock or bully me because the chakras currently in my body are not mine and someone elses.

Which explains why things have been bad since for a while now, and suddenly my life is different. Its literally liek we swapped lives and then i talked to a mutual contact and they are clearly involved because they started laughing and said "maybe she did a soul swapping spell using the soul sister bracelet she gifted you"
kalikat said:

You are dealing with hyperactive sensitivity and believing things which cannot happen to you, such as swapping chakras. In reality you are safe and not subject to these crazy events, despite what you think you have sensed.

It is best that you stay away from Christianity or anything similar. Instead, focus on grounding yourself and staying calm.

If you are dedicated to Satan, then none of this crazy stuff will happen to you, as he would prevent it.

Nobody wants negativity on this forums, but if you start attacking Satanism like last time, then it is natural for people to become hostile in response.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=397721 time=1667653092 user_id=21286]
kalikat said:

You are dealing with hyperactive sensitivity and believing things which cannot happen to you, such as swapping chakras. In reality you are safe and not subject to these crazy events, despite what you think you have sensed.

It is best that you stay away from Christianity or anything similar. Instead, focus on grounding yourself and staying calm.

If you are dedicated to Satan, then none of this crazy stuff will happen to you, as he would prevent it.

Nobody wants negativity on this forums, but if you start attacking Satanism like last time, then it is natural for people to become hostile in response.

I wasn't attacking satanism, people were literally attacking me calling me a jew and saying im some man named one wire and also accusing me of being other people. Sorry, but if both christians and satanists are evil towards me wtf is going on.

People are hostile in general in this forum, all I see is bullying and hostility from the same members towards other people here and thats why I avoided this forum in the first place.

I know you don't believe it, but I didn't believe it either. Yes, the woman did swap my chakras with hers and paid some witchdoctor to do it. This would probably explain why people in this forum hate me for no reason, because I went from being liked and very popular to hated everywhere I go, which is a trait she HAD

I'm telling you it's true, I didn't believe it either but we have literaly swapped places. she acts just like me, dresses like me. She even stole my hair!??! I never had alopecia and started having my hair fall out, and then I did a return to sender and my hair stopped falling out and she was crying on social media that her alopecia came back??

She talks like me now, writes like me now, and has been living MY LIFE. I have her writing style and other things that do not belong to me, and people shes associated with basically admitted there was a soul transferring spell

This type of magic is indeed real and I need it to stop.

Please explain how a non contagious disease magically disappeared from my sister and s now in my body when I didn't have it originally. shes fine, and i have all her symptoms.

i need a solution and need this targeting to stop. someone keeps doing blackmagic so my apartment sets on fire too and I kep pushing it out and then my neighbours almost burn their places down. This is too many times to be a coincidence.

I dont deserve this.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=397721 time=1667653092 user_id=21286]
kalikat said:

You are dealing with hyperactive sensitivity and believing things which cannot happen to you, such as swapping chakras. In reality you are safe and not subject to these crazy events, despite what you think you have sensed.

It is best that you stay away from Christianity or anything similar. Instead, focus on grounding yourself and staying calm.

If you are dedicated to Satan, then none of this crazy stuff will happen to you, as he would prevent it.

Nobody wants negativity on this forums, but if you start attacking Satanism like last time, then it is natural for people to become hostile in response.

Since becoming a satanist my life has gotten drastically worse. Sorry but I've done the dedication to satan twice and my life has been in shambles since. i went from financially well off to extreme poverty. People treat me like shit worse than before I was a satanist. Nightmares all the time. spiritual warefare on steroids. Break ins into my apartment. Stalked by occultists in the music industry. Endless list of bullshit that isn't in my head or made up, its real. These people can literaly astral project into your dreams, this woman attacked me on ig and then answered my question after saying she makes so much money because she astral projects into peoples dreams and tell them to buy her products.
kalikat said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=397721 time=1667653092 user_id=21286]
kalikat said:

You are dealing with hyperactive sensitivity and believing things which cannot happen to you, such as swapping chakras. In reality you are safe and not subject to these crazy events, despite what you think you have sensed.

It is best that you stay away from Christianity or anything similar. Instead, focus on grounding yourself and staying calm.

If you are dedicated to Satan, then none of this crazy stuff will happen to you, as he would prevent it.

Nobody wants negativity on this forums, but if you start attacking Satanism like last time, then it is natural for people to become hostile in response.

Since becoming a satanist my life has gotten drastically worse. Sorry but I've done the dedication to satan twice and my life has been in shambles since. i went from financially well off to extreme poverty. People treat me like shit worse than before I was a satanist. Nightmares all the time. spiritual warefare on steroids. Break ins into my apartment. Stalked by occultists in the music industry. Endless list of bullshit that isn't in my head or made up, its real. These people can literaly astral project into your dreams, this woman attacked me on ig and then answered my question after saying she makes so much money because she astral projects into peoples dreams and tell them to buy her products.

The reason why your life has become worse is only because you yourself are not solving the problems in your life.

You run away from the reality before you, making excuses and delusion in your own mind as a form of escapism, then try to blame Satan for all that is wrong with you because at any cost you attempt to rescind responsibility for yourself.

Your life is to be lived by you, your problems solved by you, your faults addressed by you, your delusions quelled by you.

You have done nothing of the above, or even attempted to any of it. You just whine and cry forever and then wonder in confusion why your life is not getting better.

People have given you a lot of good advices, yet have you ever listened or attempted to follow any of them?

The answer is no.

What you face in your life now, is the result of the seeds that you have sown.

It is the result of your personal negligence, your weakness, your willful ignorance, your delusions, your endless escapism and your habits of never being responsible for yourself.

Satan does not live our lives for us. When we dedicate, he helps us like a teacher helping a student understand things, or like a parent educating their child on the right things to do in life to be a healthy and functional adult.

If you never listen to a single thing, of course nothing changes. You can dedicate a million times and nothing would change.

Because what you need to do is to acknowledge the problems in your life and ACT to solve them.

Do that for once and your life can begin to improve.

The last thing you need is to further drive yourself insane by making up endless delusions and other lies victimizing yourself in imaginary situations.

All of these things you make up like people astral projecting into your dream to influence you, swapping chakra's, living your life, etc, are not possible.

You have made them up in your mind and you have done so in your attempts to run away from your problems and play the eternal victim.

Take responsibility for yourself and stop feeding your endless weakness and escapism.

Live in reality, not in your own imaginary bubble.

Hail Satan!
Henu the Great said:
kalikat said:
I dont deserve this.
No, WE do not deserve you creating another drama of your self victimization and blatant nonsense. Go away, stop wasting our time.

See prove my point once again, you gues are so agressive and verbally violent for no reason. If other people are victimizing you, saying to someone they are self victimizing is victim blaming.

If im not putting myself in these situations and it's other peopels doing, it isn't self victimization. This is gaslighting.

based on your responses im certain you guys are involved with stalking me, because this is not normal at all the amount of hostility you show me.
VoiceofEnki said:
kalikat said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=397721 time=1667653092 user_id=21286]

You are dealing with hyperactive sensitivity and believing things which cannot happen to you, such as swapping chakras. In reality you are safe and not subject to these crazy events, despite what you think you have sensed.

It is best that you stay away from Christianity or anything similar. Instead, focus on grounding yourself and staying calm.

If you are dedicated to Satan, then none of this crazy stuff will happen to you, as he would prevent it.

Nobody wants negativity on this forums, but if you start attacking Satanism like last time, then it is natural for people to become hostile in response.

Since becoming a satanist my life has gotten drastically worse. Sorry but I've done the dedication to satan twice and my life has been in shambles since. i went from financially well off to extreme poverty. People treat me like shit worse than before I was a satanist. Nightmares all the time. spiritual warefare on steroids. Break ins into my apartment. Stalked by occultists in the music industry. Endless list of bullshit that isn't in my head or made up, its real. These people can literaly astral project into your dreams, this woman attacked me on ig and then answered my question after saying she makes so much money because she astral projects into peoples dreams and tell them to buy her products.

The reason why your life has become worse is only because you yourself are not solving the problems in your life.

You run away from the reality before you, making excuses and delusion in your own mind as a form of escapism, then try to blame Satan for all that is wrong with you because at any cost you attempt to rescind responsibility for yourself.

Your life is to be lived by you, your problems solved by you, your faults addressed by you, your delusions quelled by you.

You have done nothing of the above, or even attempted to any of it. You just whine and cry forever and then wonder in confusion why your life is not getting better.

People have given you a lot of good advices, yet have you ever listened or attempted to follow any of them?

The answer is no.

What you face in your life now, is the result of the seeds that you have sown.

It is the result of your personal negligence, your weakness, your willful ignorance, your delusions, your endless escapism and your habits of never being responsible for yourself.

Satan does not live our lives for us. When we dedicate, he helps us like a teacher helping a student understand things, or like a parent educating their child on the right things to do in life to be a healthy and functional adult.

If you never listen to a single thing, of course nothing changes. You can dedicate a million times and nothing would change.

Because what you need to do is to acknowledge the problems in your life and ACT to solve them.

Do that for once and your life can begin to improve.

The last thing you need is to further drive yourself insane by making up endless delusions and other lies victimizing yourself in imaginary situations.

All of these things you make up like people astral projecting into your dream to influence you, swapping chakra's, living your life, etc, are not possible.

You have made them up in your mind and you have done so in your attempts to run away from your problems and play the eternal victim.

Take responsibility for yourself and stop feeding your endless weakness and escapism.

Live in reality, not in your own imaginary bubble.

Hail Satan!

Actually it is all possible, this is 1000% gaslighting because ont he website there are so many meditations that people would say isn't possible.

Example, soul splitting and splitting your soul into an animal, is impossible. Yet there is a meditation to teach it on the website. Vampires, are supposed to be fiction yet high prestiess maxine posted some information on it.

I knew people would gaslight me, so I screen recorded the woman admiting shes a witch and she astral projects into peoples dreams.

you guys are psychopaths that victim blame people. These are not delusional issues I created on my own, these are serious issues that are happening irl.

How did my sisters disease magically disapear from her body and is not in my body? But im making this up?

Nah you guys are psychopaths and gaslighting people on this forum. This is clearly a nefarious organization and you guys target people they act like ur doing nothing wrong.
VoiceofEnki said:
kalikat said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=397721 time=1667653092 user_id=21286]

You are dealing with hyperactive sensitivity and believing things which cannot happen to you, such as swapping chakras. In reality you are safe and not subject to these crazy events, despite what you think you have sensed.

It is best that you stay away from Christianity or anything similar. Instead, focus on grounding yourself and staying calm.

If you are dedicated to Satan, then none of this crazy stuff will happen to you, as he would prevent it.

Nobody wants negativity on this forums, but if you start attacking Satanism like last time, then it is natural for people to become hostile in response.

Since becoming a satanist my life has gotten drastically worse. Sorry but I've done the dedication to satan twice and my life has been in shambles since. i went from financially well off to extreme poverty. People treat me like shit worse than before I was a satanist. Nightmares all the time. spiritual warefare on steroids. Break ins into my apartment. Stalked by occultists in the music industry. Endless list of bullshit that isn't in my head or made up, its real. These people can literaly astral project into your dreams, this woman attacked me on ig and then answered my question after saying she makes so much money because she astral projects into peoples dreams and tell them to buy her products.

The reason why your life has become worse is only because you yourself are not solving the problems in your life.

You run away from the reality before you, making excuses and delusion in your own mind as a form of escapism, then try to blame Satan for all that is wrong with you because at any cost you attempt to rescind responsibility for yourself.

Your life is to be lived by you, your problems solved by you, your faults addressed by you, your delusions quelled by you.

You have done nothing of the above, or even attempted to any of it. You just whine and cry forever and then wonder in confusion why your life is not getting better.

People have given you a lot of good advices, yet have you ever listened or attempted to follow any of them?

The answer is no.

What you face in your life now, is the result of the seeds that you have sown.

It is the result of your personal negligence, your weakness, your willful ignorance, your delusions, your endless escapism and your habits of never being responsible for yourself.

Satan does not live our lives for us. When we dedicate, he helps us like a teacher helping a student understand things, or like a parent educating their child on the right things to do in life to be a healthy and functional adult.

If you never listen to a single thing, of course nothing changes. You can dedicate a million times and nothing would change.

Because what you need to do is to acknowledge the problems in your life and ACT to solve them.

Do that for once and your life can begin to improve.

The last thing you need is to further drive yourself insane by making up endless delusions and other lies victimizing yourself in imaginary situations.

All of these things you make up like people astral projecting into your dream to influence you, swapping chakra's, living your life, etc, are not possible.

You have made them up in your mind and you have done so in your attempts to run away from your problems and play the eternal victim.

Take responsibility for yourself and stop feeding your endless weakness and escapism.

Live in reality, not in your own imaginary bubble.

Hail Satan!


Clearly the advice you guys give is meant to destroy someones life and not help it, i keep having people in the astral realm call me a dirty jew which is crazy because my dad is fucking german??

What the fuck is wrong with you people
kalikat said:

Clearly the advice you guys give is meant to destroy someones life and not help it, i keep having people in the astral realm call me a dirty jew which is crazy because my dad is fucking german??

What the fuck is wrong with you people

Satanism is not only about meditation. It is about living your life like a responsible person, taking care of yourself and elevating yourself.

You aren't responsible for yourself, you don't even attempt to elevate yourself and you definitely aren't acknowledging your problems and trying to take care of them.

That is why your life is going to shit.

Because you are living in away which causes this to happen.

When I mention advices, I mention not only any meditations given, mostly I mention life advice that was given to you.

Such as to ground yourself, to move to a different place from where you live now because you are threatened by people in your city.

You never even try to do simple things like that.

How can your life improve if you willingly stay in the sewer?
kalikat said:
Actually it is all possible, this is 1000% gaslighting because ont he website there are so many meditations that people would say isn't possible.

Example, soul splitting and splitting your soul into an animal, is impossible. Yet there is a meditation to teach it on the website. Vampires, are supposed to be fiction yet high prestiess maxine posted some information on it.

I knew people would gaslight me, so I screen recorded the woman admiting shes a witch and she astral projects into peoples dreams.

you guys are psychopaths that victim blame people. These are not delusional issues I created on my own, these are serious issues that are happening irl.

How did my sisters disease magically disapear from her body and is not in my body? But im making this up?

Nah you guys are psychopaths and gaslighting people on this forum. This is clearly a nefarious organization and you guys target people they act like ur doing nothing wrong.

You don't even understand what things like Soul splitting are.

There is no point explaining to you, because you need to ground yourself first to even be able to grasp the simple concepts of Spiritual Satanism.

You conflate the very real things written with your own delusions and in your mind all the reality becomes a complete fantasy land and ultimate delusion.

That too is on you.

The first step for you to experience change and improvement in your life is to acknowledge your delusions.

You need to begin to live in reality instead of the imaginary fantasy land you shackle yourself to.

Break free from your self imposed delusions. Shatter your self equipped shackles.

Open your eyes to reality.
kalikat said:

Nobody wants another Satanist to suffer, but people are hostile because you attacked us even after we spent a whole thread trying to help you.

It is impossible for someone to swap chakras with you without killing you, same with swapping your hair and stuff like that. That is why I think this is a product of your mind more than reality. That is just my honest opinion and not to gaslight you.

If what you say is totally true, then this situation is basically beyond any advice or help anyone could give. However, I don't think that is the case, because you seem exceptionally paranoid and anxious.

If you start believing all sorts of bad things, including that your meditations do not work, then you will ruin yourself. Instead of this, focus on cleaning and empowering your lower chakras, which will restore your grounding, sense of calm, and confidence. Then you will have a stable platform to do more magic without all of this crazy stuff happening.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=397757 time=1667660908 user_id=21286]
kalikat said:

Nobody wants another Satanist to suffer, but people are hostile because you attacked us even after we spent a whole thread trying to help you.

It is impossible for someone to swap chakras with you without killing you, same with swapping your hair and stuff like that. That is why I think this is a product of your mind more than reality. That is just my honest opinion and not to gaslight you.

If what you say is totally true, then this situation is basically beyond any advice or help anyone could give. However, I don't think that is the case, because you seem exceptionally paranoid and anxious.

If you start believing all sorts of bad things, including that your meditations do not work, then you will ruin yourself. Instead of this, focus on cleaning and empowering your lower chakras, which will restore your grounding, sense of calm, and confidence. Then you will have a stable platform to do more magic without all of this crazy stuff happening.


As soon as I did a return to sender, my hair stopped falling out and she was crying on social media that her alopecia that she thought she cured came back, which is hair falling out and balding.

Telekenisis shouldnt be real but joy of satan teaches how to do that. If telekinesis is real, how is this shit not real? I didn't believe it was possible either but sadly it is, and you guys are clearly lying and trying to dimish the issue.

You guys clearly want me to suffer and the fact i have people attack me in the astral realm calling me a filthy jew when i dont have a drop of jewish blood in my body is suspicious. The onyl people that call me jew is you guys.
VoiceofEnki said:
kalikat said:
Actually it is all possible, this is 1000% gaslighting because ont he website there are so many meditations that people would say isn't possible.

Example, soul splitting and splitting your soul into an animal, is impossible. Yet there is a meditation to teach it on the website. Vampires, are supposed to be fiction yet high prestiess maxine posted some information on it.

I knew people would gaslight me, so I screen recorded the woman admiting shes a witch and she astral projects into peoples dreams.

you guys are psychopaths that victim blame people. These are not delusional issues I created on my own, these are serious issues that are happening irl.

How did my sisters disease magically disapear from her body and is not in my body? But im making this up?

Nah you guys are psychopaths and gaslighting people on this forum. This is clearly a nefarious organization and you guys target people they act like ur doing nothing wrong.

You don't even understand what things like Soul splitting are.

There is no point explaining to you, because you need to ground yourself first to even be able to grasp the simple concepts of Spiritual Satanism.

You conflate the very real things written with your own delusions and in your mind all the reality becomes a complete fantasy land and ultimate delusion.

That too is on you.

The first step for you to experience change and improvement in your life is to acknowledge your delusions.

You need to begin to live in reality instead of the imaginary fantasy land you shackle yourself to.

Break free from your self imposed delusions. Shatter your self equipped shackles.

Open your eyes to reality.

This is called gaslighting. again please explain how a non contagious disease disappeared out of my sisters body and is now in my body?

The website talks about mind reading, moving things with your mind, invoking fire from your fucking hands, entering animals bodies, vampires, all sorts of mythological shit but im crazy?

Nah u guys are definitely invovled in me being stalked this is not normal.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=397757 time=1667660908 user_id=21286]
kalikat said:

Nobody wants another Satanist to suffer, but people are hostile because you attacked us even after we spent a whole thread trying to help you.

It is impossible for someone to swap chakras with you without killing you, same with swapping your hair and stuff like that. That is why I think this is a product of your mind more than reality. That is just my honest opinion and not to gaslight you.

If what you say is totally true, then this situation is basically beyond any advice or help anyone could give. However, I don't think that is the case, because you seem exceptionally paranoid and anxious.

If you start believing all sorts of bad things, including that your meditations do not work, then you will ruin yourself. Instead of this, focus on cleaning and empowering your lower chakras, which will restore your grounding, sense of calm, and confidence. Then you will have a stable platform to do more magic without all of this crazy stuff happening.

You know whats wild, i did empower and balance my lower three chakras. I felt great. Then september a bunch of tendrils attacked me from multiple sources , destroyed my aura I worked hard on, then fucking drained me dry and those people to this day arre attacking and destroying me using my power they drained from me.

You guys always lowkey give away you guys are involved in whats going on with me. This is evil.
kalikat said:
This is called gaslighting. again please explain how a non contagious disease disappeared out of my sisters body and is now in my body?

The website talks about mind reading, moving things with your mind, invoking fire from your fucking hands, entering animals bodies, vampires, all sorts of mythological shit but im crazy?

Nah u guys are definitely invovled in me being stalked this is not normal.

You make excuses after excuses. Change comes from within, it starts with yourself.

So what if someone is spiritually attacking you?

Many of us have experienced things far worse.

Your issue lies with the fact you eternally victimize yourself, and never take action to solve the issues you have.

Don't cry and whine, but act to save yourself.

That is how an SS handles problems in their life.

That is how you solve problems in your life.

Why did you stop building your AoP? It doesn't matter if people attack you or not, that is all the more reason to continue building your AoP with more dedication and will.

The delusion I mentioned is related to the title of this post, as well as all the paranoia you speak about.

People stalking you, what have done to solve it?
What actions have you taken to protect yourself or escape this situation?

You exacerbate the issues in your life, and accuse all except yourself of the shit you find yourself in.

Leaving things for a long time, whining about them and making excuses, that is how you ended up where you are.

The only way to solve this is to stop whining and act to solve your problems one step at a time.

Seek help from authorities, move to a different place, protect yourself with means taught on the JoS.

When encountering an obstacle, don't run away. Fight through it until you succeed.

Never make excuses.

All change starts with you.
VoiceofEnki said:
kalikat said:
This is called gaslighting. again please explain how a non contagious disease disappeared out of my sisters body and is now in my body?

The website talks about mind reading, moving things with your mind, invoking fire from your fucking hands, entering animals bodies, vampires, all sorts of mythological shit but im crazy?

Nah u guys are definitely invovled in me being stalked this is not normal.

You make excuses after excuses. Change comes from within, it starts with yourself.

So what if someone is spiritually attacking you?

Many of us have experienced things far worse.

Your issue lies with the fact you eternally victimize yourself, and never take action to solve the issues you have.

Don't cry and whine, but act to save yourself.

That is how an SS handles problems in their life.

That is how you solve problems in your life.

Why did you stop building your AoP? It doesn't matter if people attack you or not, that is all the more reason to continue building your AoP with more dedication and will.

The delusion I mentioned is related to the title of this post, as well as all the paranoia you speak about.

People stalking you, what have done to solve it?
What actions have you taken to protect yourself or escape this situation?

You exacerbate the issues in your life, and accuse all except yourself of the shit you find yourself in.

Leaving things for a long time, whining about them and making excuses, that is how you ended up where you are.

The only way to solve this is to stop whining and act to solve your problems one step at a time.

Seek help from authorities, move to a different place, protect yourself with means taught on the JoS.

When encountering an obstacle, don't run away. Fight through it until you succeed.

Never make excuses.

All change starts with you.

You keep avoiding the question. HOW did a incurable and non contagious disease magically disappear out of my sister and is not in my body? She used to limp, then stopped. Now I limp. Please, explain this.
VoiceofEnki said:
kalikat said:
This is called gaslighting. again please explain how a non contagious disease disappeared out of my sisters body and is now in my body?

The website talks about mind reading, moving things with your mind, invoking fire from your fucking hands, entering animals bodies, vampires, all sorts of mythological shit but im crazy?

Nah u guys are definitely invovled in me being stalked this is not normal.

You make excuses after excuses. Change comes from within, it starts with yourself.

So what if someone is spiritually attacking you?

Many of us have experienced things far worse.

Your issue lies with the fact you eternally victimize yourself, and never take action to solve the issues you have.

Don't cry and whine, but act to save yourself.

That is how an SS handles problems in their life.

That is how you solve problems in your life.

Why did you stop building your AoP? It doesn't matter if people attack you or not, that is all the more reason to continue building your AoP with more dedication and will.

The delusion I mentioned is related to the title of this post, as well as all the paranoia you speak about.

People stalking you, what have done to solve it?
What actions have you taken to protect yourself or escape this situation?

You exacerbate the issues in your life, and accuse all except yourself of the shit you find yourself in.

Leaving things for a long time, whining about them and making excuses, that is how you ended up where you are.

The only way to solve this is to stop whining and act to solve your problems one step at a time.

Seek help from authorities, move to a different place, protect yourself with means taught on the JoS.

When encountering an obstacle, don't run away. Fight through it until you succeed.

Never make excuses.

All change starts with you.

Also how in the world do you even know I stopped doing the AOP. There we go again with the subtle hints you guys are involved. I knew posting on here was a bad idea. I will go back to praying to "the one true God" whoever that is and try to have hope and faith there will be a miracle.

This is not how the world should be.

This entire society breeds sociopaths and machevellianism and I want no involvement. I just want to be happy and be left alone. Other humans are the bane of my existence. I have no fear in my heart, but hell is other people.

The craziest part of this is I created a mantra that I take back my power, and refuse to be anyones victim. Who wants to be a victim, yet here I am. Everywere you turn is some gatekeeper trying to oppress you and dim your shine.
kalikat said:

Nobody from JoS is trying to attack you. We don't have explanations for how certain things happen in your life, but we can give basic advice here.

Work on your lower chakras again and do your AOP and cleaning. You are stronger than whatever tendrils or stupid witches. If you let your mind run wild with negative thoughts and emotions, this invites problems. Working on the lower chakras and associated energies resolves this.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=397774 time=1667666850 user_id=21286]
kalikat said:

Nobody from JoS is trying to attack you. We don't have explanations for how certain things happen in your life, but we can give basic advice here.

Work on your lower chakras again and do your AOP and cleaning. You are stronger than whatever tendrils or stupid witches. If you let your mind run wild with negative thoughts and emotions, this invites problems. Working on the lower chakras and associated energies resolves this.

Great idea however sadly, my chakras are in someone else's body right now despite peoples denial and/or gaslighting this doesn't happen. I will try to find a solution or just pray because i've lost all hope at this point. I'm mentally checked out like people wanna destroy me, do it. Done. My heart is past broken.
kalikat said:
I know people don't like me very much in this forum and think I'm a jew when I'm not, but I really have no where else to turn and have no idea how to solve this problem. I dont even trust this forum honestly but I need help, I can't take this anymore. In september I became more spiritually empowered and began a munka working and started getting extreme attacks. I also learned how to clear chemtrails using meditations and had some weird stalking situations happen.

Someone spoke to me about archons and I have been getting attacked by them since september, i had a situation where I woke up to one beside my bed one day. It's gotten really bad, and to my horror I found out that someone I thought was my friend went to see a witch doctor and swapped our chakras so she has mine and I have hers, so she has my karma and I have hers, and she has been living as me since 2018. I thought she was just obsessed with me and wanted to be like me because she copies everything I do, never thought it was this extreme but I got confirmation that its true.

So i tried doing a working to get them back, and I got them back at first I even felt them go back in and suddenly I felt like myself for the first time in a while, and my throat chakra was cleared and I was writing how I use to write for example. Then I got attacked by a bunch of entities.

Also my parents swapped my sisters disease into my body somehow. When I was younger doctors found a disease in my sisters leg, and it magically vanished and my parents stopped talking about it. I've had weird health issues for 7+ years now and found out recently that i have the disease my sister had, and they put it in my body so she won't have it? My ex who is from nigeria told me this witchcraft is possible and people can even steal your destiny from you. i didn't believe him until now. Which makes me realize my parents aren't who they say they are.

I also tried doing soul retrival and I saw entites and being holding fragments of my soul and many other souls hostage in these weird dungeons in the astral realm and keeo having nightmares where I get the living shit beat out of me in these dungeons.

I just don't know whats going on anymore, why has everyone been so cruel towards me since I was a kid and do this evil stuff. Christianity scares me because if I pray to jesus it feels like im being fed on, but satanism has only made my life worse too and people in this forum constantly accuse me of being someone im not and a jew.

How do I get my chakras back that have been stolen from me? How can I remove this disease my parents somehow scapegoated into me and out of my sister?

I don't want to be trolled or attacked either otherwise I just won't respond this time. I didn't know stuff like this was real, but if telekenisis is real and other metaphysical abilities then I understand and hope people do not mock or bully me because the chakras currently in my body are not mine and someone elses.

Which explains why things have been bad since for a while now, and suddenly my life is different. Its literally liek we swapped lives and then i talked to a mutual contact and they are clearly involved because they started laughing and said "maybe she did a soul swapping spell using the soul sister bracelet she gifted you"

As far as you should be concerned, the chakra aren't literally transferable. It's possible perhaps that an advanced psychic vampire had drained your chakras and filled them with negative energy, but considering you didn't know that I'm sure this is an issue regarding psychosis (you're probably just crazy).

The entities known as "archons", assuming you'd like to assume they exist I'm not sure they do, aren't the kind of entities that would fuck with you in the way described. Advanced entities will often never involve themselves with humans, it's why you almost never hear about attacks from reptillians directly. The cases where reptillians are involved often are far more severe than "waking up to one in your bed", which only a weak worthless entity/thoughtform would ever bother to do. Every confirmed case of a reptillian attack resulted in physical injury, not just borderline trolling. Archons are supposed entities above most reptillians in the enemy hierarchy, if they actually exist and wanted you to die they'd quickly do so.

If this "witch doctor" was powerful enough to do the things you accuse them of doing, you wouldn't be able to easily reverse it. If your chakras were so easily recovered, they were easily taken from you and this phenomenon would be far more common than just this once. I don't really care what ridiculous proofs you think confirm this story, there's no basis.

The simple fact that you'd pray to jebus while also being "aware" (hardly) and attempting to pursue spirituality only further proves how clueless and foolish you are. I won't humor your delusions, reject these truths if you feel required to. Raise above or further sink into madness, that's on you.
Have you ever been diagnosed with Psychosis, Schizophrenia, or Manic personality disorder? If not you should go see your doctor immediately.
kalikat said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=397757 time=1667660908 user_id=21286]
kalikat said:



You guys always lowkey give away you guys are involved in whats going on with me. This is evil.

LOL now its REALLY obvious you are just here for trolling and nothing else.
You are not being really as slick as you think you are.
Your whining and sob-story is completely made up and you are only here to "prove" that somehow everyone here is evil, the advice doesn't work etc.
And now you are saying that somehow we are the ones to blame for some imaginary problem, and that the real solution is turning to the "One God"? come onnnnnnnn is that the best you dumbasses can do?

You are laughable. You, Love666, GoyveyII, and all other weirdos. All laughable, useless, and absurd little creatures.
kalikat said:
Henu the Great said:
kalikat said:
I dont deserve this.
No, WE do not deserve you creating another drama of your self victimization and blatant nonsense. Go away, stop wasting our time.

See prove my point once again, you gues are so agressive and verbally violent for no reason. If other people are victimizing you, saying to someone they are self victimizing is victim blaming.

If im not putting myself in these situations and it's other peopels doing, it isn't self victimization. This is gaslighting.

based on your responses im certain you guys are involved with stalking me, because this is not normal at all the amount of hostility you show me.

Nobody is that obsessed with you in this forum as to of all things stalk you. You have serious paranoia issues and may need to see a therapist.
kalikat said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=397774 time=1667666850 user_id=21286]
kalikat said:

Nobody from JoS is trying to attack you. We don't have explanations for how certain things happen in your life, but we can give basic advice here.

Work on your lower chakras again and do your AOP and cleaning. You are stronger than whatever tendrils or stupid witches. If you let your mind run wild with negative thoughts and emotions, this invites problems. Working on the lower chakras and associated energies resolves this.

Great idea however sadly, my chakras are in someone else's body right now despite peoples denial and/or gaslighting this doesn't happen. I will try to find a solution or just pray because i've lost all hope at this point. I'm mentally checked out like people wanna destroy me, do it. Done. My heart is past broken.

Please get professional help for your mental health. You really need it for your own well-being and that of others in your life. The mind when unwell can make your life a living nightmare.
If your chakras were swapped (not possible).... you would already be dead.

Please also learn what the word gaslighting means. It doesn't mean disagreement. It means abuse, systematic abuse by someone perpetrating domestic violence or torture.
Hey Kalikat, you are safe here with us, please don't take all the fuss personally. As you could see, we take what we do here extremely seriously and try to protect our work and community in the best way we can, hence the numerous negative reactions you've received on your posts.

Satan and The Gods do not hate you and nor do we, and I believe that the way in which you initially approached the community is the main reason for all the hard answers you've been getting, since the way you expressed your concerns and fears has had a chaotic and combative air to it. This easily leads to misinterpretations, confusion and other things.

kalikat said:
Someone spoke to me about archons and I have been getting attacked by them since september,


And to my horror I found out that someone I thought was my friend went to see a witch doctor and swapped our chakras so she has mine and I have hers, so she has my karma and I have hers, and she has been living as me since 2018. I thought she was just obsessed with me and wanted to be like me because she copies everything I do, never thought it was this extreme but I got confirmation that its true.


Also my parents swapped my sisters disease into my body somehow. When I was younger doctors found a disease in my sisters leg, and it magically vanished and my parents stopped talking about it. I've had weird health issues for 7+ years now and found out recently that i have the disease my sister had, and they put it in my body so she won't have it? My ex who is from nigeria told me this witchcraft is possible and people can even steal your destiny from you. i didn't believe him until now. Which makes me realize my parents aren't who they say they are.

Could you please ask yourself the following questions:

1. Is this "someone", that has been revealing all these shocking things to you lately, the same person as the "witch doctor"?
2. For how long has this "someone" been mentoring you so far?
3. Has she also been talking about you possibly being Jewish, a messiah or any kind of chosen holy person?
4. Would you say this someone is a person you could describe as your/a savior? Or someone that put meaning into your life, or who 'showed you the light'?

I also tried doing soul retrival and I saw entites and being holding fragments of my soul and many other souls hostage in these weird dungeons in the astral realm and keeo having nightmares where I get the living shit beat out of me in these dungeons.

I just don't know whats going on anymore [...]
Since you've prayed many times before, you should be used to this, so please proceed with citing the following prayer:

Prayer to Satan for Protection

"O Mighty Lord Satan, by whom all things are set free, I cast myself utterly into thine arms and place myself unreservedly under thy all powerful protection. Comfort me and deliver me from all of the hindrances and snares of those who wish to harm me, both seen and unseen.
Visit justice and vengeance upon those who seek my destruction. Render them powerless and devastated. Direct their malice to return upon them tenfold and to destroy them who would resent my being.
Fill my soul with thy invincible power, strengthen me, that I may persevere in my service, and act as an agent of thy works and a vessel of thy will.
This I ask in your name, almighty and ineffable Lord Satan who liveth and reigneth forevermore.
Ave Satanas"

Do this as many times as you feel and until everything calms down. Also, it goes without saying that you should remove that person from your life entirely, this means no more song inspirations, no more youtube banners from her and no more listening to her preaching. If the tattoo on your chest is inspired by her or was her idea, look for a way to get rid of it.

Did those dungeons, in which the fragments of your soul were kept and where you got tortured, look any similar to these? Could you point out any similarities?

How do I get my chakras back that have been stolen from me? How can I remove this disease my parents somehow scapegoated into me and out of my sister?

I don't want to be trolled or attacked either otherwise I just won't respond this time. I didn't know stuff like this was real, but if telekenisis is real and other metaphysical abilities then I understand and hope people do not mock or bully me because the chakras currently in my body are not mine and someone elses.

Which explains why things have been bad since for a while now, and suddenly my life is different. Its literally liek we swapped lives and then i talked to a mutual contact and they are clearly involved because they started laughing and said "maybe she did a soul swapping spell using the soul sister bracelet she gifted you"

Your chakras are still in your body, they have not been swapped with your sisters'. As for the weird health conditions that appear out of nowhere and leave just as randomly, this has to do with your chakras and your soul indeed, not because of silly things like swapped chakras, which isn't possible, but as a result of your chakras, body, soul and energy being leeched of their energies over prolonged periods of time.

Examples are hair loss, low sex drive, insanely rapid fat loss, strong and fucked up sexual fetishes like incest/interracial/pedophilia for short periods of time, (lucid) dreams of being locked up or tortured, feeling cold the entire time, constant feeling of doom or as if one is being watched, great ego enhancement, rapid development of dark triad personality traits, recklesness etc.

Also, did any of those entities that tortured you share any similarities with these?


If yes, I suggest you to start preparing a Banishing Ritual as fast as possible.

By the way, this also means no more songs on 'human family', feminism or other dumb modern concepts your brain has been washed with, i.e acting ghetto and like a degenerate. You are not "indigenous" or some other cool word Bobby Lizardinovich&Mrs Wilderinovich came up with and changed their meaning as they saw fit, we are making nuclear missiles and not mudhuts nowadays, and as SS, we are trying to make it to immortality instead of out of the hood.

This doesn't mean you should replace everything you know about the world with "our brainwashing", this is meant as a warning to you to start thinking for yourself and start forming your own opinions, instead of adopting and regurgitating the opinions of other people, especially people that shed their skin when you're not looking.

The Standard Destruction Ritual for Revenge is to be used as well.

The Aura Of Protection is the thing you should be mainly focusing on from now on and perform it on a daily basis. Just so it gets in your head I will write this again. The Aura Of Protection is the thing you should be mainly focusing on from now on and need to perform it on a daily basis. Also How to Clean Your Aura.

Also, please read Spiritual Satanism for New People, Exposing Christianity and The Joy of Satan Website as if you were reading the winning numbers off a winning lottery ticket. What you don't understand, you can search for here on the forum, if it hasn't been spoken of before, you can create a thread.

Now is the time for you to take action, if you don't, and keep endlessly pitying yourself while doing nothing, you will have a psychotic breakdown after which you will be forced to live the rest of your life on antipsychotic meds you can't even pronounce the name of.

When I looked into your eyes, I didn't see a degenerate woman, nor a jew, but a girl that was deceived and scorned by an unfair world and turned into a punching bag.

Good luck Asliani, I believe in you.

Hail Satan!
kalikat said:
VoiceofEnki said:
kalikat said:
Since becoming a satanist my life has gotten drastically worse. Sorry but I've done the dedication to satan twice and my life has been in shambles since. i went from financially well off to extreme poverty. People treat me like shit worse than before I was a satanist. Nightmares all the time. spiritual warefare on steroids. Break ins into my apartment. Stalked by occultists in the music industry. Endless list of bullshit that isn't in my head or made up, its real. These people can literaly astral project into your dreams, this woman attacked me on ig and then answered my question after saying she makes so much money because she astral projects into peoples dreams and tell them to buy her products.

The reason why your life has become worse is only because you yourself are not solving the problems in your life.

You run away from the reality before you, making excuses and delusion in your own mind as a form of escapism, then try to blame Satan for all that is wrong with you because at any cost you attempt to rescind responsibility for yourself.

Your life is to be lived by you, your problems solved by you, your faults addressed by you, your delusions quelled by you.

You have done nothing of the above, or even attempted to any of it. You just whine and cry forever and then wonder in confusion why your life is not getting better.

People have given you a lot of good advices, yet have you ever listened or attempted to follow any of them?

The answer is no.

What you face in your life now, is the result of the seeds that you have sown.

It is the result of your personal negligence, your weakness, your willful ignorance, your delusions, your endless escapism and your habits of never being responsible for yourself.

Satan does not live our lives for us. When we dedicate, he helps us like a teacher helping a student understand things, or like a parent educating their child on the right things to do in life to be a healthy and functional adult.

If you never listen to a single thing, of course nothing changes. You can dedicate a million times and nothing would change.

Because what you need to do is to acknowledge the problems in your life and ACT to solve them.

Do that for once and your life can begin to improve.

The last thing you need is to further drive yourself insane by making up endless delusions and other lies victimizing yourself in imaginary situations.

All of these things you make up like people astral projecting into your dream to influence you, swapping chakra's, living your life, etc, are not possible.

You have made them up in your mind and you have done so in your attempts to run away from your problems and play the eternal victim.

Take responsibility for yourself and stop feeding your endless weakness and escapism.

Live in reality, not in your own imaginary bubble.

Hail Satan!


Clearly the advice you guys give is meant to destroy someones life and not help it, i keep having people in the astral realm call me a dirty jew which is crazy because my dad is fucking german??

What the fuck is wrong with you people

If you are really that much fucked-up.
Let me know few things first.
Have you ever visited any so called witch doctor ?
Your 3rd eye is active ?
Is anyone you know is involved in witchcraft ?
Do you have personal enemies that are after you ?
Have you ever told anyone about you are involved in Satanism ? Or in witchcraft ?
Are you dedicated to Father Satan via Ritual ?
Ever tried any spells or witchcrafts out of JoS ?

Answer these first...!
kalikat said:

Clearly the advice you guys give is meant to destroy someones life and not help it, i keep having people in the astral realm call me a dirty jew which is crazy because my dad is fucking german??

What the fuck is wrong with you people

Please understand that your situation is very unique and complex, which may explain the difficulties you are describing. Therefore, it is hard for us to give advice.

Satanism as a whole has produced massively positive circumstances for people, so we are very protective of it. At the same time, we try to remain sensitive to your suffering, but we cannot also pretend that our meditations do not work, either.

Due to the nature of your unique situation, this has led people to believe you were trying to troll, especially because you admitted to running back to Christianity and calling us mean names.

Beyond our advice, there is only so much we can do for you, unfortunately. Do your best to stay close to the Gods, such as meditating on them and their sigil. This is best way to deal with complicated situations, although it may take some time before it can be resolved.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=398296 time=1667896788 user_id=21286]
kalikat said:

Clearly the advice you guys give is meant to destroy someones life and not help it, i keep having people in the astral realm call me a dirty jew which is crazy because my dad is fucking german??

What the fuck is wrong with you people

Please understand that your situation is very unique and complex, which may explain the difficulties you are describing. Therefore, it is hard for us to give advice.

Satanism as a whole has produced massively positive circumstances for people, so we are very protective of it. At the same time, we try to remain sensitive to your suffering, but we cannot also pretend that our meditations do not work, either.

Due to the nature of your unique situation, this has led people to believe you were trying to troll, especially because you admitted to running back to Christianity and calling us mean names.

Beyond our advice, there is only so much we can do for you, unfortunately. Do your best to stay close to the Gods, such as meditating on them and their sigil. This is best way to deal with complicated situations, although it may take some time before it can be resolved.

I'm just tired of my life being a constant war. I have no reason to troll anyone on here. I dont enjoy arguing with people and being attacked, so why come on here knowing that its likely to happen?

I just want a better life and there to be a silver lining to all this bullshit, but im so traumatized from peple treated me so cruelly it's hard to leave my home and function properly. I'm tired. I stopped doing my meditations because whats the point if i build my self up strong just to be ganged up on again and attacked.

I am being stalked, and i want it to stop. It feels like a modern day witch hunt and im tired. i dont want to turn back to christianity but how can i be here also when no one likes me.
kalikat said:
I'm just tired of my life being a constant war. I have no reason to troll anyone on here. I dont enjoy arguing with people and being attacked, so why come on here knowing that its likely to happen?

I just want a better life and there to be a silver lining to all this bullshit, but im so traumatized from peple treated me so cruelly it's hard to leave my home and function properly. I'm tired. I stopped doing my meditations because whats the point if i build my self up strong just to be ganged up on again and attacked.

I am being stalked, and i want it to stop. It feels like a modern day witch hunt and im tired. i dont want to turn back to christianity but how can i be here also when no one likes me.

As others have said, it appears as though you may be getting attacked pretty badly. These sorts of attacks can come at you from all angles, including trying to make you think bad thoughts about Satan or your meditations. It is very important that you never give up on this because those are the very things which will help you.

If you doubt your magic, or you refuse to use it, then you are making yourself powerless. This is what any attackers would want of you.

By the way, confusion can happen under normal circumstances anyway, let alone being under attack. Yet, part of defeating such attacks is to anchor yourself to what you know is positive. For example, focus strongly on your chakras being safe, strong, and healthy within your own soul.

Just because you have disturbing thoughts about something does not make them true. You are allowed to stand up for yourself and be powerful in your own right. That is how you undo any of these spells or attacks, which is by directly fighting against it and refusing to believe what your attacks want for you.

Nobody can promise that your situation will get better overnight, but it will get better in proportion to the amount of energy work you do to fix it. Do not give up here!
The honest truth is that you're very mentally unstable. You should focus on doing a lot of cleaning and a lot of grounding meditations like void meditation, flame meditation. Nobody stalks you, it's a product of your mind drifting.
Aquarius said:
The honest truth is that you're very mentally unstable. You should focus on doing a lot of cleaning and a lot of grounding meditations like void meditation, flame meditation. Nobody stalks you, it's a product of your mind drifting.

ya bet, that's why i have a evidence bin of being stalked, have recordings of my laptop being hacked with someone writing a message on it, and have had people who practice the occult flat out say im being stalked "it's almost like you're being stalked".

kk bet lmao. you guys are such enablers and are just as bad as actual abusers.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=398312 time=1667905005 user_id=21286]
kalikat said:
I'm just tired of my life being a constant war. I have no reason to troll anyone on here. I dont enjoy arguing with people and being attacked, so why come on here knowing that its likely to happen?

I just want a better life and there to be a silver lining to all this bullshit, but im so traumatized from peple treated me so cruelly it's hard to leave my home and function properly. I'm tired. I stopped doing my meditations because whats the point if i build my self up strong just to be ganged up on again and attacked.

I am being stalked, and i want it to stop. It feels like a modern day witch hunt and im tired. i dont want to turn back to christianity but how can i be here also when no one likes me.

As others have said, it appears as though you may be getting attacked pretty badly. These sorts of attacks can come at you from all angles, including trying to make you think bad thoughts about Satan or your meditations. It is very important that you never give up on this because those are the very things which will help you.

If you doubt your magic, or you refuse to use it, then you are making yourself powerless. This is what any attackers would want of you.

By the way, confusion can happen under normal circumstances anyway, let alone being under attack. Yet, part of defeating such attacks is to anchor yourself to what you know is positive. For example, focus strongly on your chakras being safe, strong, and healthy within your own soul.

Just because you have disturbing thoughts about something does not make them true. You are allowed to stand up for yourself and be powerful in your own right. That is how you undo any of these spells or attacks, which is by directly fighting against it and refusing to believe what your attacks want for you.

Nobody can promise that your situation will get better overnight, but it will get better in proportion to the amount of energy work you do to fix it. Do not give up here!

why are u the only person on here thats actually a nice and decent human being.
Try finding someone who works with great entities and ask him/her to restore your chakras. I believe your story.
Yami666 said:
Try finding someone who works with great entities and ask him/her to restore your chakras. I believe your story.

It would be better for you to not believe him because it is not true. It is not at all possible for anybody's chakras to be replaced with someone else's. It is not at all possible for someone's chakras to be removed.

What is possible is for them to be so weak that you can't feel them, but they are still there. A person would not be able to live without the chakras. It also is possible for some evil thing to be draining his energy, which is why it would feel like it is all going to someone else.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Yami666 said:
Try finding someone who works with great entities and ask him/her to restore your chakras. I believe your story.

It would be better for you to not believe him because it is not true. It is not at all possible for anybody's chakras to be replaced with someone else's. It is not at all possible for someone's chakras to be removed.

What is possible is for them to be so weak that you can't feel them, but they are still there. A person would not be able to live without the chakras. It also is possible for some evil thing to be draining his energy, which is why it would feel like it is all going to someone else.

You know what, you guys think im crazy or lying but as usual i'm figuring it out myself. The bitch hired some fucking withdoctor from nigeria to do this bullshit to me. I had to do intense cleansing and rituals to get out of this, and still not done. I thankfully got back a bunch of fragments of my soul she stole from me, someone said that she paid someone to cast a soul transfer spell on a bracelet she bought for my birthday. I also got my hair back and it's no longer dropping out like crazy.

I have bitches in some some coven as well called the Order of The Rose stalking me and doing curses to try to destroy my life and steal from me, and I keep catching their members secretly following my social media accounts so had to shut them down.

The bitch is mad i took back my soul fragments, and my hair so now shes psychic attacking me 24/7 and found her friends stalking me in public. Also I managed to get my chakras back a few times but then I see with my minds eye entities steal them again, so they clearly have some entities working for them.

you guys say this type of shit isnt real, but i've met nigerians tell me there are witchdoctors that can steal a pregnant womans baby and put it in someone else's body, an theres spells people can do to steal your destiny.

Thanks guys!!! such wretched vile bullies - as always i'll figure it out my goddamn self. This forum is useless crap and you guys are hive minded, pack orientated bullies that need to gang up on people and gaslight them to feel powerful.

The wildest part was being called a jew when my family is from fucking Germany. My dad is blonde haired, blue eyed fucking aryan. Go figure.
kalikat said:

I am glad your situation is getting better. Keep up the returning curses, AOP, and detachment from any of these negative people. Do everything to stay away from these strange people. This is why we should not be public with our occult knowledge or background.

Whether someone can take your chakra or baby is irrelevant. The point is that you should always stay as positive as possible about your situation. If you think someone can happen, despite being dedicated and protected with an AOP, then you are creating weakness.

This is especially true for situations where you think your chakra or soul itself is being damaged; do not think such damaging things. Always envision your soul as clean, healthy, and protected in all ways.


As far as your relationship with this forum, please try to remember all the positive comments you did receive. Any relationships go both ways, so I appreciate if you do your best to not antagonize other people.

I understand that you felt like you were attacked unprovoked, but if you want this situation to get better than you must also seek peace and diplomacy here, not further aggression.

Please remember that we get attacked by all sorts of actual infiltrators and trolls all the time. If you have genuinely cooperative intentions, then so do we. Focus on that and not on any past misunderstandings.
It's simply another story where person comes around, makes a bunch of unrealistic claims and then bashes our congregation on whole as a side kick to the story. Like hello, could you be more obvious... At the very best of many options this person is severely confused, yet still has the audacity to make statements of our conduct. At worst... Well, let's not talk more about such "people".
Henu the Great said:
It's simply another story where person comes around, makes a bunch of unrealistic claims and then bashes our congregation on whole as a side kick to the story. Like hello, could you be more obvious... At the very best of many options this person is severely confused, yet still has the audacity to make statements of our conduct. At worst... Well, let's not talk more about such "people".

There is always this possibility here, or within other threads. I think it is better to stay civil and keep expression any solutions, as this works whether or not the person is trolling. In this case specifically, it also avoids the continuation of any conflict.

Although I do recognize that such strategies can be employed against JoS, I also know of genuine conflict within these forums which was equally destructive, such as what happened with Jack or FancyMancy. So I believe many could improve on their attempts at diplomacy, especially within the context of an online forum, where we have plenty of time to craft a good message.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
