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Issue about some members here that don't help own people.


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2019
Ciao to everyone.

Today I am in the mood to write something that I think should be addressed, or, at least, a guide.

We Italians are quite numerous, but in the Italian section of the forum, we are in one portion of total, and with that portion, we are not always able to answer questions*, despite the great and wonderful work of some of the members of this portion.

What bothers me is that I see Italian members [living in Italy by their own admission], the other portion, spending more if not all time here at the international section, acting as if the Italian section did not exist.

This is just an example I bring from the Italian section, but I think it applies to other sections as well.

My question is that how this should be addressed? I am not saying to go to the other end i.e. to abandon the international section, but to give us a hand from time to time so that we can reduce the workload of those who have to suppress the “shortages”. [even if there is no shortages, it is a duty, a matter of principle]

To me it is obvious and a banal thing to lend a hand to your own people because you live in the same environment so at the end, it’s in your own interest. But these members, I don't know, I guess they don't understand? A refuge from reality? Issues of inferiority? Shame of their own people? Hatred of their own people? Or just do they think that being a Satanist puts them above the conception of the people/community they live in? Or are they in the inferior state, so they should be guided?

How should this problem be addressed?

*Not able to answer the questions, not in the sense that they are difficult questions, but in the sense that they are questions that there is an answer that an average member can answer, but that no one does for various reasons.
Cfecit said:
My question is that how this should be addressed? I am not saying to go to the other end i.e. to abandon the international section, but to give us a hand from time to time so that we can reduce the workload of those who have to suppress the “shortages”. [even if there is no shortages, it is a duty, a matter of principle]

It should be addressed exactly how you are doing it, because a simpler explanation is a lack of prioritization or discipline of members, rather than a complex psychological undertone.

Therefore, continue to spread awareness of this issue, and the people who post questions should themselves repost their questions, both within the Italian community, or even within the international community, until they get the answer they need.

By making the issue known, it draws attention and action towards its resolution.
Cfecit said:
Ciao to everyone.

Today I am in the mood to write something that I think should be addressed, or, at least, a guide.

We Italians are quite numerous, but in the Italian section of the forum, we are in one portion of total, and with that portion, we are not always able to answer questions*, despite the great and wonderful work of some of the members of this portion.

What bothers me is that I see Italian members [living in Italy by their own admission], the other portion, spending more if not all time here at the international section, acting as if the Italian section did not exist.

This is just an example I bring from the Italian section, but I think it applies to other sections as well.

My question is that how this should be addressed? I am not saying to go to the other end i.e. to abandon the international section, but to give us a hand from time to time so that we can reduce the workload of those who have to suppress the “shortages”. [even if there is no shortages, it is a duty, a matter of principle]

To me it is obvious and a banal thing to lend a hand to your own people because you live in the same environment so at the end, it’s in your own interest. But these members, I don't know, I guess they don't understand? A refuge from reality? Issues of inferiority? Shame of their own people? Hatred of their own people? Or just do they think that being a Satanist puts them above the conception of the people/community they live in? Or are they in the inferior state, so they should be guided?

How should this problem be addressed?

*Not able to answer the questions, not in the sense that they are difficult questions, but in the sense that they are questions that there is an answer that an average member can answer, but that no one does for various reasons.
Thank you for bringing this up.

I also noticed that foreigners just come to the english forum and leave their own forums pretty desolate, even if there are good posts there from non english speakers. Also, not every foreigner understands english so if they find JOS and their language's forum is dead, I wonder what effect that might have. I think this also creates the empty restaurant effect.
What I'm more worried about is that there won't be much Hungarians here on the forums to even write questions there.

Another thing is that because the JoS itself is English mainly, probably most people learned spirituality in English and not in their own language. That might make it "weird" to talk about spirituality but in your own language. This might make people just use the main forums and talk in English.

What I think is that this will solve itself. When the local JoS websites will be completely complete, and there will be excellent translations (I'm not saying that this doesn't exist already, but definitely not for every language) Than people will be learning from there, and than the community grows with people learned JoS on their own language, this will make these forums more popular.

They really should focus on making content on their own language, so that the above can happen faster.

What I think is that every country should do a awakening ritual for their own. The aim here is to embrace Nationalism. Just as the white race awakening ritual, there should be a Awakening Italians, Awakening Germans, Awakening Chinese, Awakening Hungarians, etc.. But this completely up to y'all. When the Hungarian community grow, along with my understanding, I do want to make such ritual (with other advanced SS preferably) and with HPHC agreement.
AFODO said:
What I think is that every country should do a awakening ritual for their own. The aim here is to embrace Nationalism. Just as the white race awakening ritual, there should be a Awakening Italians, Awakening Germans, Awakening Chinese, Awakening Hungarians, etc.. But this completely up to y'all. When the Hungarian community grow, along with my understanding, I do want to make such ritual (with other advanced SS preferably) and with HPHC agreement.
This is covered by 'awakening' two of the main races, the Blacks and the Whites. There is no need to do separate rituals for nations as nations consist of people.

The Asian people have other pressing issues than being racially awake, namely communism in its different forms so they are covered by other rituals, such as reverse torah rituals.

Also, in the last few years as our enemy has been weakened, we have had the opportunity to increase Satanic influence in other ways through God's rituals which help us even further.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=467612 time=1697304007 user_id=21286]

It should be addressed exactly how you are doing it, because a simpler explanation is a lack of prioritization or discipline of members, rather than a complex psychological undertone.

Therefore, continue to spread awareness of this issue[...]

Okay, but so strictly speaking, what exactly is to be done? It's easy to say that it's enough to pose "awareness" of this situation, because I'm afraid that the message would not reach the recipient, although this time I hope you being a JG, they will realize the issue?

Specifically there is an Italian member that the post ratio between the italian section and the rest of the forum, is about like 0.02%, yes you got it right, zero point zero two. To the context, he has the high number of posts, so the number of posts in the section is practically zero, even it has been over a year since the last post in the Italian section.

This is an incredible statistic in my view, in a negative sense, something that I think is not normal. The question is exactly how to approach people like him in this situation? Should I tag him directly and expose that person to the public square? This I wonder that I would have the opposite effect because not everyone reacts positively to an issue, in the sense that the situation could get worse.
Cfecit said:

There is no point in making things personal or attacking other members over this, nor is there much point in focusing on such statistics and using these to come to strange and unfounded conclusions.

Doing so, is sure to get the opposite reaction out of people. If this is how you act, nobody would want to listen or care about what you say, people would just go on with their day and ignore you, since nobody has time not care to accept such snide.

Just ask without any ulterior motives, in pure question, and nudge them kindly to post at the Italian forum, by making open posts and bringing attention to this in a neutral and amiable manner.

For example, a simple post like this would accomplish more than any of the snide and blame you try to insinuate:

"Greetings everyone, recently I have noticed there isn't a lot of activity on the Italian National forums, and I have noticed there are some Italian members who do not participate much on the Italian National forums.

As Italian SS, you are not obligated to post on our National forum regularly, and it is your personal choice to decide where on the forums you decide to be active.

That said, I believe it would benefit our Italian community if our Italian SS would visit our National forum more often, help answer the questions that are posted there which the currently active Italian members may not be able to answer, and revitalize our National forum by bringing more activity there, strengthening our Italian SS community.

If you have the time to visit the forums regularly, please consider visiting our Italian National forum too when you log in, so that our community may continue to grow and expand on all levels.

I hope to see my fellow Italian Brothers and Sisters on our National forum more regularly.

Thank you for reading, SS family!

Hail Satan!"

Do you see the difference?

The way you communicate impacts greatly how your message is received, and also the effectiveness of your message.

Consider that henceforth Cfecit.

i wonder why i never posted anything on the portuguese forum. :roll:
VoiceofEnki said:

Mind you, this is not a matter of nationality. The Italian language is already multinational, and more than likely in the future Italy will be divided into several states, because the current one stands on the fiat system that sooner or later collapses, like a big implosion.

The percentage is to give a picture of the situation. The proposition in which you gave, that is, writing without putting in the middle the people involved in the case, is, if I remember correctly, already done in the past and some have understood like Aquarius I think, he helped us and participated in the projects like the calendar translation, he posted more in English but I have no problem with him precisely because he has already contributed, "done his part" to italian language community and this is great.

The issue is that this system that you propose, is not always enough as it's as if they pretend that they have not read that "invitation", like this member.

Anyway it seems the best solution is to email him privately but I don't have his address. Will find.

nebu said:
i wonder why i never posted anything on the portuguese forum. :roll:

Bom dia, se sabe português, it's ideal to start contributing there, surely Egon and BlackOnxy will enjoy your company :) . We have as a goal at least one billion people who know about JoS (in their linguistic declinations, like "GdS" for Italian), and to achieve that goal, it will be easier if every community has a good base ;)
Cfecit said:
Anyway it seems the best solution is to email him privately but I don't have his address. Will find.

No, the best solution is for you to not privately seek to instigate anything with other members, because people are leaving solely to avoid the toxicity and snide you throw around unabated.

Therefore, take a page from what I wrote, and implement it in your social behaviors towards fellow SS if you don't want to remain a disharmonious factor on everything you are involved with.
Ok, I will also post my questions on the Italian forum. For the rest, when I have a chance to help, I have always looked at both the English and Italian forums.
VoiceofEnki said:
No, the best solution is for you to not privately seek to instigate anything with other members, because people are leaving solely to avoid the toxicity and snide you throw around unabated.

Therefore, take a page from what I wrote, and implement it in your social behaviors towards fellow SS if you don't want to remain a disharmonious factor on everything you are involved with.

You're talking to me as if you know me well -- don't jump to conclusions, thank you. If I would be like that, I would have already talked to him but as you see I'm asking for advice on how to proceed and your advice unfortunately doesn't work with him.

About email, you can rest assured, I am not that stupid ;) In fact, you gave me a very good idea, that I could write the email as a co-author with JG Blitzkreig. Ciao!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
