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Is Climate Change a Christian movement?

Apr 28, 2022
All this talk from the news about Climate change sounds like something that came from the Churches and Synagogues, what with their tendency to go after imaginary threats and evils to the world. I have a hunch that the Islamic leaders are complicit in this "lie*" as well, and together with the Rabbis, they seem to crafting some sort of unrealistic scientific theory, doing some shady atrocities behind the scenes while relaying the supposed "story" the rest of the world while.

* The lie I'm trying to define here is of a similar to vein to how COVID-19 was presented to the masses. It's a "lie" in the sense that it's a sort of thoughtform that the CDC and their affiliates tried to manifest through typical communication, if that makes sense.

Any thoughts on this issue?
As always, it's our pals over in Israel.

They push the climate change narrative to lower birth rates of white people amongst other things.

"Too many children = too many new carbon footprints, resources being used, global warming" etc., but this wonderful advice of course isn't given to the blacks or muslims or 3rd world immigrants who are the one's having the most children.
It’s not dogmatic it’s ideological, as it’s more of a neo-liberal globalist- communist movement. Yes, there are metallic particulates that go up in smoke that refract sunlight back down, but the (((world economic forum))) that controls the ‘green new deal’ and retarded serious B-B-BBiden’s build-back-better, are trying to use climate change to take away our rights. Stakeholder capitalism is the of how they do it, which is just a cover for communism.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
