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Important Warning Ebola The Jewish Plot For Martial Law

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Important Warning Ebola The Jewish Plot For Martial Law

The situation on the American border with the hundreds of African migrants that appeared from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, is dangerous. The DRC is undergoing an Ebola crisis that is out of control and raging across the nation. The Jewish owned mainstream media has been lying, its been claiming the migrants are not infected with Ebola. They based this false claim of a meaningless 21 day period that Ebola did not appear in them. And upon the claim they gave them screening for Ebola. And they passed the screening.

Ebola is scientifically documented to stay in a person for years after they contracted it and there are cases in Africa of such individuals infecting others. The case of a women who had survived Ebola and was herself immune to the illness, but A YEAR AFTER she was cured, still infected four others with it. A person can become a carrier of Ebola, which means they themselves are immune but still carry the Ebola plague and can infect others with it.

The screening is not testing. The case of Dr. Craig Spencer, an American doctor who treated Ebola victims in Africa, when he returned to America he was screened and was stated to be clear. Not even a week later he came down with Ebola. He was carrying it when he passed the screening. So what good is the same screening given to hundreds of people coming from Ebola plague zones going to be.

Ebola can also take months to appear in a person infected with it. Which means the danger of a person infecting hundreds of others is a serious possibility. How many of the African migrants are infected and have not developed symptoms yet.

What is even more dangerous is the hundreds of these possible Ebola carriers where all bused into Houston Texas, and 90 percent of them have vanished, they didn't show up for their asylum hearing. Hundreds others where bused across the nation possibly infecting who knows how many innocents.

Something revealing was mentioned on Fox News, the journalist mentioned these African migrants are all carrying rolls of American hundred dollar bills on them, where did they get that kind of money? And where did they get the money and assistance to travel across the oceans to Southern America and then across numerous nations within South America to get to the southern border of America. That is expensive and most people can not afford a vacation to Mexico. This situation has all the signs of the same Jewish run migrant NGO, operations out of Africa to Europe. Because the Jews are attempting to send a pandemic into America to bring about chaos and social collapse. The Jew, George Soros who is behind the NGO's into Europe, stated in a 2015 interview that the plan was the collapse of America from within and the declaration of Martial Law and the creation of a dictatorship. A major pandemic will achieve such within the American nation.

This comes at the time the Jewish ADL is attempting to shut down the First Amendment and Fourth Amendment, along with the appointment of the Jewish, anti-Semitism Czar that is funded by Zionist billionaire Jew, Sheldon Adelson, who got major political appointees to the White House as well. It will be from this office that the arrest and execution lists of the Goyim who are charged with anti-Semitism will be issued under the Jewish marital law state. Just like the Jews did in Russia when they created the Jewish Bolshevik martial law state. Think of what a marital law state under Chabad Kushner, Adelson and other Jewish Rothschild's agents will be like, just like it was in Russia. How long will they keep Trump around if he does not go along with such?
If the situation is that bad with Ebola, then one can only further assume that the 8000+ migrants that enter Europe per day during the height of illegal migration in the year (Of which there is not even screening) and many of which come from vitally problematic areas, it's safe to make the assumption that the birth of some sort of Ebola outbreak is not impossible at all.

Watching on shows and other things one sees endless cases where the media is pushing this of some sort of disease outbreak and the chaos that follows, with the oppressive government at the center of this.
This is high-time to be spamming the Final RTR, to make sure that whatever happens will be working out in our favor.

I also remember Maxine stating a while ago to prepare for some kind of disease outbreaks in the future, as well as predictions of my friends that 2020 will likely be filled with such things.
Shael said:
This is high-time to be spamming the Final RTR, to make sure that whatever happens will be working out in our favor.

I also remember Maxine stating a while ago to prepare for some kind of disease outbreaks in the future, as well as predictions of my friends that 2020 will likely be filled with such things.
I'm sure that Father Satan will protect us and our loved ones but we need to put that aura of protection (Returning curses 1 and 2 ;) ), the Final Rtr and be super careful.
luis said:
Shael said:
This is high-time to be spamming the Final RTR, to make sure that whatever happens will be working out in our favor.

I also remember Maxine stating a while ago to prepare for some kind of disease outbreaks in the future, as well as predictions of my friends that 2020 will likely be filled with such things.
I'm sure that Father Satan will protect us and our loved ones but we need to put that aura of protection (Returning curses 1 and 2 ;) ), the Final Rtr and be super careful.

There is no need to panic, but there is a total need to keep the RTR going and to do protections and everything as stated, to be on the safe side.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
Shael said:
This is high-time to be spamming the Final RTR, to make sure that whatever happens will be working out in our favor.

I also remember Maxine stating a while ago to prepare for some kind of disease outbreaks in the future, as well as predictions of my friends that 2020 will likely be filled with such things.
I'm sure that Father Satan will protect us and our loved ones but we need to put that aura of protection (Returning curses 1 and 2 ;) ), the Final Rtr and be super careful.

There is no need to panic, but there is a total need to keep the RTR going and to do protections and everything as stated, to be on the safe side.
I agree and i really think its something that i don't want to see happens but at least i know that me and my loved ones will be protected at least through this...
Shael said:
This is high-time to be spamming the Final RTR, to make sure that whatever happens will be working out in our favor.

I also remember Maxine stating a while ago to prepare for some kind of disease outbreaks in the future, as well as predictions of my friends that 2020 will likely be filled with such things.

Satan, Lilith and Azazel have been talking about pandemic plague for years, also economic collapse.

Don't wait or slack off. Work on your AoP at least once a day. Engrave it into your soul.

Regarding viruses, etc, prevention is essential. Once the virus takes a hold, it is much more difficult to stop it.

Two supplements taken together work wonders in strengthening the immune system and preventing viruses, etc, from taking a hold.
Take together:
1,600 mg Echinacea
900 - 1,000 mg Astragalus root

The above is only a guide, and a suggestion. Elderberry capsules also work well in strengthening the immune system.

The powers of the mind work often along with taking supplements and such. Satan heals holistically, not just one aspect of healing, but treating the body, the mind and the soul together.

The Jews at the top know they no longer have a future. Given their spiteful hateful nature, they will take as many as they can with them. They also have a history of and even admit to brutalizing their own.

2020 doesn't look like a very good year for the US astrologically. Also, if there are any people here who work for National Security, be very aware of the transiting Saturn station, August through October of this year. Saturn will be stationing 14 degrees, squaring the US Saturn at 14 degrees in Libra. The US will be very vulnerable at this time. For further information, check out 9/11.
Saturn was stationing at 14 degrees of Gemini. Other planets tied in.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Shael said:
Two supplements taken together work wonders in strengthening the immune system and preventing viruses, etc, from taking a hold.
Take together:
1,600 mg Echinacea
900 - 1,000 mg Astragalus root
I'm assuming this should also help generally with overall health as a strong immune system facilitates good health.
I will get these supplements asap and try them out. Thank you for sharing this, HPS Maxine :)
It never ends with these damn jews, I'm so glad I struggled for freedom before I even realized the severity of the situation, keep it up guys, we're almost finished!

In all seriousness though the Aura of Protection is a jack-of-all master-of-all form of protection. It's generalized to protect one against just about anything and everything so long as the power, time and energy put in suffices to sustain.

If you have energy to spare and/or are willing to put in the work to raise energy for such, I would also suggest protecting your home or living residence as well, clean everything thoroughly on a daily basis and ensure that your home is protected on a spiritual level.
Ebola reeks of a being an artificially-created disease. It's highly fatal but can barely survive outside a host, is highly lethal and highly mutable, AND can stick around inside a host for years? Add to that the first recorded outbreak is only in the 70's and it seems far too perfect of a biological time-bomb.
A video of this Sermon
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
[Saturn will be stationing 14 degrees, squaring the US Saturn at 14 degrees in Libra. The US will be very vulnerable at this time. For further information, check out 9/11.
If this is the case then Israel and the jewish government inside US must be preparing for a heavy attack like 9/11 and most probably blame Iran for it to engage US in a war with Iran and potentially start WW3.
Now with the agressive censorship it will be easier for them to cover their guilt and to propagate in all the media that Iran is guilty for whatever they will potentially do. We need to be very very careful because most probably it will be predicted.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Shael said:
This is high-time to be spamming the Final RTR, to make sure that whatever happens will be working out in our favor.

I also remember Maxine stating a while ago to prepare for some kind of disease outbreaks in the future, as well as predictions of my friends that 2020 will likely be filled with such things.

Satan, Lilith and Azazel have been talking about pandemic plague for years, also economic collapse.

Don't wait or slack off. Work on your AoP at least once a day. Engrave it into your soul.

Regarding viruses, etc, prevention is essential. Once the virus takes a hold, it is much more difficult to stop it.

Two supplements taken together work wonders in strengthening the immune system and preventing viruses, etc, from taking a hold.
Take together:
1,600 mg Echinacea
900 - 1,000 mg Astragalus root

The above is only a guide, and a suggestion. Elderberry capsules also work well in strengthening the immune system.

The powers of the mind work often along with taking supplements and such. Satan heals holistically, not just one aspect of healing, but treating the body, the mind and the soul together.

The Jews at the top know they no longer have a future. Given their spiteful hateful nature, they will take as many as they can with them. They also have a history of and even admit to brutalizing their own.

2020 doesn't look like a very good year for the US astrologically. Also, if there are any people here who work for National Security, be very aware of the transiting Saturn station, August through October of this year. Saturn will be stationing 14 degrees, squaring the US Saturn at 14 degrees in Libra. The US will be very vulnerable at this time. For further information, check out 9/11.
Saturn was stationing at 14 degrees of Gemini. Other planets tied in.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

They’re already saying there’s bubonic plague in Los Angeles, California
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Shael said:
This is high-time to be spamming the Final RTR, to make sure that whatever happens will be working out in our favor.

I also remember Maxine stating a while ago to prepare for some kind of disease outbreaks in the future, as well as predictions of my friends that 2020 will likely be filled with such things.

Satan, Lilith and Azazel have been talking about pandemic plague for years, also economic collapse.

Don't wait or slack off. Work on your AoP at least once a day. Engrave it into your soul.

Regarding viruses, etc, prevention is essential. Once the virus takes a hold, it is much more difficult to stop it.

Two supplements taken together work wonders in strengthening the immune system and preventing viruses, etc, from taking a hold.
Take together:
1,600 mg Echinacea
900 - 1,000 mg Astragalus root

The above is only a guide, and a suggestion. Elderberry capsules also work well in strengthening the immune system.

The powers of the mind work often along with taking supplements and such. Satan heals holistically, not just one aspect of healing, but treating the body, the mind and the soul together.

The Jews at the top know they no longer have a future. Given their spiteful hateful nature, they will take as many as they can with them. They also have a history of and even admit to brutalizing their own.

2020 doesn't look like a very good year for the US astrologically. Also, if there are any people here who work for National Security, be very aware of the transiting Saturn station, August through October of this year. Saturn will be stationing 14 degrees, squaring the US Saturn at 14 degrees in Libra. The US will be very vulnerable at this time. For further information, check out 9/11.
Saturn was stationing at 14 degrees of Gemini. Other planets tied in.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Not to be mean or anything, but taking the same herbs for a long time will affect and change your system and possibly cause problems in the long run.

Also, there is also Sambucus Nigra, the blossom and the berries also have anti-viral properties, and boosting the immune system.
"Antiviral (Mostly through the hemaglutinineproteïn SAN III, that hemagglutinine - the lecitine through which a virus binds to a host cell and penetrates - inhibiting of various virusses, under which Herpes, Influenza A and B; also through the the RIP's -Ribosome Inactivating Proteins- that the ribosomefunction and so the proteïnsynthesis required for the reproduction of influenza -, parainfluenaza-, rhino-, corona- and adenovirusses slow down; also through the anthocyana that stimulate the production of cytokines through the monocytes; through flavonoïds, vit C and A)"

There should be other options as well to combat virusses.

I remember looking up ebola and it seemed it could be transferred by bats. I also remember a vague mention that similar diseases may have been around through and before the middle ages, just with another name.
And that herbal remedies that were used for those diseases may still work today.

Also the info about Astragalus is interesting, I hadn't read on that one before. Seems to be useful for very serious illnesses, such as cancer, HIV, Multiple sclerosis, burnouts and a few others.

Plantago lanceolata could be used in treating things such as lung infection and flu and is written to be anti-bacterial (not antiviral though).. The story associated with this plant, is from the travellers and explorers from the colonial times, when it was called 'white mans foot' in the usa..

Garlic, often used with infections too.

Essential oils could be used as well. Either in a burner, in the air, or use it to treat a person internally with an essential oil, but it is basicly a concentrated extract of a plant. A few drops should be enough.
The dose for babies and children are way way lower. Don't apply this to them without consulting someone.
Also, if you apply essential oils on the skin or take them internally you always need a carrier. On the skin it could be a few drops (about 20max) in 100 ml of olive oil i.e. , internally a few drops on a sugarcube or mixing it with a spoon of honey. I would suggest not to treat any babies or children under 5 y old with essential oils (internally), giving them too much is too easy at this age.

Essential oils with anti-viral properties:
Ravintsara - Cinnamomum camphora ct 1.8 cineol (the 1.8 cineol is a compound of the essential oil. There are different compounds, some can be very irritating. Im not sure what the ct is for though - also antibacterial and hinders fungi)
Rosemary - Rosmarinus officinalis ct verbenon (antimicrobial; slows/inhibits/hinders virusses and kills bacteria - side note, rosemary stimulates the mind waking you up, but sometimes it has the opposite effect which depends on the person)
Eucalyptus - Eucalyptuss radiata var. radiata (immunestimulant, antimicrobial (antiviral, antibacterial), viral epidemics - I would not suggest taking this one internally for a long period of time. only when needed. caution be taken by epileptics)
Oregano - Oreganum compactum (Wide antimicrobial; bactery killing, fungi breaking, virus breaking, parasite breaking - it is a dermocaustic essential oil. Only apply very thinned. Not suited for baths)
Thyme - Thymus zygis ct linalol or Thymus zygis ct thymol (Antimicrobial -fungi breaking, antibacterial, virus breaking- antiparasitair; the thymol variation is irritating for the skin, only use in low doses, very thinned and for a short period of time. itsnotveryclearbutIthinkitmeansdonotuseincaseof liverinsuffientie whichbasiclymeanstheliverisntworkingproperly The linalol is fine in use, no description there)

There are others, but I thougth I may as well list a few useful ones here..
The Alchemist7 said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
[Saturn will be stationing 14 degrees, squaring the US Saturn at 14 degrees in Libra. The US will be very vulnerable at this time. For further information, check out 9/11.
If this is the case then Israel and the jewish government inside US must be preparing for a heavy attack like 9/11 and most probably blame Iran for it to engage US in a war with Iran and potentially start WW3.
Now with the agressive censorship it will be easier for them to cover their guilt and to propagate in all the media that Iran is guilty for whatever they will potentially do. We need to be very very careful because most probably it will be predicted.

Probably something to do with tisha bav the dome of the the rock the third temple and the Golden Gate Bridge.
This is the reason why the jews in Hollywood have been doing a lot of movies about world pandemics like the famous movie 28 days later, to embed it in the minds of the masses and try to materialize it.
This is important information. I will put together an article on herbal antivirals and antibiotics as well as more on staying healthy and protected.
Everyone pass this article around along with the Israeli War On America, article. The Jews are working around the clock to censor these topics, because its exposing them.
The enemy is flooding America with higher levels of migrants more then usual I think they are also doing this for 2020 and before the wall goes up.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Shael said:
2020 doesn't look like a very good year for the US astrologically. Also, if there are any people here who work for National Security, be very aware of the transiting Saturn station, August through October of this year. Saturn will be stationing 14 degrees, squaring the US Saturn at 14 degrees in Libra. The US will be very vulnerable at this time. For further information, check out 9/11.
Saturn was stationing at 14 degrees of Gemini. Other planets tied in.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
What do you think of the 2020 Pluto-Saturn conjunction? What should SS in the military do? It seems like something serious will go down in 2020. I'm enlisting in the military...
HP Mageson666 said:
Everyone pass this article around along with the Israeli War On America, article. The Jews are working around the clock to censor these topics, because its exposing them.

Are there any sources that ties the Jews or any of their henchmen into this, or any of their organizations / NGO's? Interviews, statements etc?

These are good to wield into comments, and other places, alongside JOS sources.
And what do you think of MSM (methylsulfonylmethane)?
I've read that it's miraculous because it cleans the body and saves energy that will be used to immunize the system.
TopoftheAbyss said:
And what do you think of MSM (methylsulfonylmethane)?
I've read that it's miraculous because it cleans the body and saves energy that will be used to immunize the system.
Now where did you read that?

bodybuilding.com said:
As a dietary supplement, MSM is used to help alleviate the pain and inflammation that can happen after exercise, as well as improve the ability to perform physical activity. MSM works primarily in an anti-oxidative capacity, decreasing accumulated damage from free radicals. It is a very small molecule and can readily move in and out of cells, allowing it to have a widespread effect in the body at the tissue and cellular level.[4]
Sourse: https://www.bodybuilding.com/content/your-expert-guide-to-msm.html

I took MSM regularly for some months. Didn't notice drastic differences with my lifting workouts.

MSM is also given to horses to alleviate muscle and joint soreness.
thehorse.com said:
Riegel concluded that MSM provides significant anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects for horses in hard training. MSM has good palatability and no known side effects. “None of the 30 horses experienced any problems with it–no diarrhea, no allergic reactions, no abnormal blood chemistry,” Riegel says. “And while we weren’t able to quantify it, the trainers reported that the group three horses had better hair coats, faster, and healthier hoof growth, and quicker recoveries after exercise.”
In regards to the border. Crazy eyes AOC is riling up her supporters up to actually believe the centers where they hold captured illegal immigrants at the border are "concentration camps" as some here may have heard about. The escalation of the antifa attacks are gradually growing. Maybe not much in number of incidents but their tactics against people. They've went from blocking roads, punching innocent people because they believe they're Nazis, to "milkshaking" to now mixing milkshakes with cement then throwing it at people they disagree with and beating up people of color who are also part of the lgbt community but don't align with the left-wing. As with Andy Ngo.

In this recent article, https://www.vox.com/first-person/2019/7/1/18744204/guns-gun-control-anarchism "I’m a left-wing anarchist. Guns aren’t just for right-wingers." They call for the Left to arm themselves and start protecting minority communities.

Quick note, the second part of the title was changed. The second part originally said "it's time to reclaim guns from the right" instead of "guns aren't just for right-wingers". Idk what that means by they did it. Unless I'm missing something here.

Anyways, adding all the above one can only wonder if this is going to end up with the useful idiots at the border marching up to these centers. Armed. These people literally believe they're in DDay fighting Nazis. Many of them have said this themselves. LARPers is what they are. Delusional fools. All the while AOC and Ilham instigating them to get all emotional by making bizarre claims but carefully so that if something does happen they'll act like it's not their fault. This is the game they play. Which if a right winger was doing this they would be banned from Twitter long ago. AOC visiting the centers and claiming women are drinking from toilets even though the guards say they always have water for them. And now we have a story of a supposed "secret" Facebook group where 9500 border guards were posting pictures of dead illegal immigrants and making jokes about them. Sounds fishy? Especially on Facebook? And being a secret for allegedly 2 years? Doesn't matter to the crazed radical leftists. They hear about this and since they can't think for themselves they instantly believe it all.

Without making this much longer and jumping around. I'm wondering if this is a tactic the enemy will go to and it seems like it in my opinion but then why? My best guess would be a clash between the border control and antifa and that will be a green light for illegals to run through the border since all the focus would be at the clash.

Theres a lot going on lately. In this particular case we'll see if this does lead somewhere.
6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
Cowboy123 said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Satan, Lilith and Azazel have been talking about pandemic plague for years, also economic collapse.

Don't wait or slack off. Work on your AoP at least once a day. Engrave it into your soul.

Regarding viruses, etc, prevention is essential. Once the virus takes a hold, it is much more difficult to stop it.

Two supplements taken together work wonders in strengthening the immune system and preventing viruses, etc, from taking a hold.
Take together:
1,600 mg Echinacea
900 - 1,000 mg Astragalus root

The above is only a guide, and a suggestion. Elderberry capsules also work well in strengthening the immune system.

The powers of the mind work often along with taking supplements and such. Satan heals holistically, not just one aspect of healing, but treating the body, the mind and the soul together.

The Jews at the top know they no longer have a future. Given their spiteful hateful nature, they will take as many as they can with them. They also have a history of and even admit to brutalizing their own.

2020 doesn't look like a very good year for the US astrologically. Also, if there are any people here who work for National Security, be very aware of the transiting Saturn station, August through October of this year. Saturn will be stationing 14 degrees, squaring the US Saturn at 14 degrees in Libra. The US will be very vulnerable at this time. For further information, check out 9/11.
Saturn was stationing at 14 degrees of Gemini. Other planets tied in.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

They’re already saying there’s bubonic plague in Los Angeles, California

Was there amongst the wandering homeless communities in California a couple years back...this is true. Then they're hopping freight trains or busses with animals in their packs going back east and spreading it through the fleas and lack of hygiene. I otherwise see it in the drug communities and it goes unreported, of course. A strong AoP will undoubtedly protect against this, given ample attention. It's likely the only reason I fared as well as I did.

So now bubonic plague 2.0 building out of all places in the the richest countries of the world is purely disgraceful.

Is this legitimately a bubonic plague, like the real thing? Because if this is the case, among other things, it's probably only by protections done by the Gods that we haven't had an implosion of some sort of plague until now, which, despite of evolution of medicine, tends to happen anyway.

Cancer and things like AIDS have replaced plagues right now, so one can only imagine how strained things may be if things like a new bubonic plague come in place.
So instead of shutting everything down over Ebola, an illness that is actually deadly for the majority of people, they did it for CoVid, something that can barely kill the elderly. I guess this was our “pandemic” that we were warned about. What a joke!



Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
