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How did you discover the joyofsatan page?

National-Satanist said:
Stormblood said:
beareroflightandtrth83 said:
Rune and Ogham can be connected. Ogham alphabet looks to be based on rune Is(ᛁ). Oír(ᚖ) is similar to rune Jera(ᛄ). Eabhadh(ᚕ) is related to Hagal(ᚼ). Muin(ᚋ) looks like Nauthiz(ᚾ)!

I think my biggest issue with all these alphabets is that they have different pronunciations and suited for certain bloodlines. For an example, the Ogham is suited for people in Celtic culture or having ties to Celtic lands. It is very hard for me to use the runes in context with my bloodlines because as far as I know that as mythology goes the runes directly come from Odin and I don't like mixing all these different deities and alphabets but I study it anyway to get an overall perceptive on Satan and who he may be in the Celtic Pantheon. (I think He has been equated with Cernunnos or Lugh?) I hope that makes sense. I stick strictly to what I am comfortable and familiar with. For an example I am mostly Welsh, and secondary I do have Irish and some Scottish so I stick with mostly Welsh and Irish. (Primarily Welsh).

So you can only imagine why I am deeply involved in Celtic mythology and culture. So much information been obscured and there is plenty of books and sermons mentioning hinduism and deities like Shiva or Enki or egyptian gods and goddesses but I havent ran across much of Celtic ones.
Reckoned666 said:
My mother had a strong influence on me, compared to my father, and it's clearly noticeable in my astral chart.

She is a devoted Christian, however she belongs to quite a different confession - they abided Sabbath, same as joos and had some other niche traits.

So I went to church until I was age of 7, then due to her heavy influence I gave in and started going to church again at age 15, for the sake of peace with her. After I started going to church she was much more mentally stable and out relationship was great. However, even though I believed in Christ-lie, there was something holding me from fully committing there. Something really deep in my soul, on a spiritual level. And I couldn't get rid of it - the act of being „born again“ was impossible for me. I had the appearances of kindness, love and other values, but deep down I felt like I wasn't a christian, for some reason.

I was quite an active member of the church, even had the chance to preach sermons, both in local congregation and nation wide. But I still felt lacking. Some teachings made sense, theologically, like the concept of hell was different from the traditional - it was rather just the act of destroying all evil, after the 2nd coming and final judgment etc. But at one point I started to think, what if God is evil and Satan is actually good? Yes, that makes more sense. Satan was blasphemed to oblivion and there are a lot of lies made about him.
It came to me, that in reality roles are reversed. That jeeboo god is a filthy disgusting liar who doesn't give jack shit about humanity. When the realization hit, I just typed how to sell your soul or some other stuff related to Satan. I wanted to contact him, and find out what's going on. Due to x-tian programming, I felt immense fear. But I continued to go forward ignoring that. And I found JoS. Skimmed through it, and decided to try getting into void state, summoning Beelzebub and asking Him some questions. Since I thought going to Satan would be too hardcore.

So I sat down, meditated for an hour (it was void meditation with controlled breathing for 6 inhale, 6 hold and 6 exhale). But here was already a nifty coincidence. I started to meditate at 2 am sharp. And told myself I'll stop at 3 am, but without counting or looking at the clock. So I meditated, turned phone screen on - and guess what time it's? 3 am. Then I visualised sigil, said the prayer and waited. I felt immense fear at that moment. And then an immense presence. I relaxed for a bit, and heard a hissing sound. Inside my room. But it wasn't threatening, but I still got a bit shocked cause I didn't expect that. After that, I went to sleep.

Three days after that were out of this world. I had the most amazing energy. I had insomnia for 3 nights straight. In that time mostly I studied JoS at night. Animals were coming out of nowhere to say hi to me. A lot of people gave me intense but friendly eye contact. Later I read that those are signs of contacting a Demon. Also I had a lot of telepathic communication - like what to do, what no to do, what to expect of all this, etc. It was incredible. And so my journey began. Alas, I could only dedicate in my Astral temple. Since my grandpa is always at home (he has a severe dementia, so he never leaves home, etc), but I heard my parents planning to give him a ride to his friends grave to visit, so I'll be left home alone for 3 hours or so and then I'll do dedication by blood.

Also when I dedicated in my Astral temple I had a vision that Satan appeared and then there were two lines of Gods next to him vertically as an approval, so that felt nice and ever since then I feel like this is it, my soul is connected to the Creator at last.

Whenever I think of ancient gods am so stunned by their beauty but whenever I even think of connecting to one of them I start freaking out over the possibility of being a kike without having solid proof for that
Back during the end of 2009, I was suddenly interested in Father Satan for some reason (can’t remember exactly, it was combination of factors that made me search for Him, I was also very disappointed in world, and therefore disappointed in “god”. Then, I googled a lot, and I stumbled upon Joy Of Satan. There was definitely some kind of presence telling me to back off, every time I visited that page, but something in me kept returning, and just kept reading. More I did, stronger this feeling inside me grew, the feeling that I “found something very important”.

Then, ultimately in the January of 2010, I dedicated. The rest is history, of course...
beareroflightandtrth83 said:
National-Satanist said:
Stormblood said:
Rune and Ogham can be connected. Ogham alphabet looks to be based on rune Is(ᛁ). Oír(ᚖ) is similar to rune Jera(ᛄ). Eabhadh(ᚕ) is related to Hagal(ᚼ). Muin(ᚋ) looks like Nauthiz(ᚾ)!

I think my biggest issue with all these alphabets is that they have different pronunciations and suited for certain bloodlines. For an example, the Ogham is suited for people in Celtic culture or having ties to Celtic lands. It is very hard for me to use the runes in context with my bloodlines because as far as I know that as mythology goes the runes directly come from Odin and I don't like mixing all these different deities and alphabets but I study it anyway to get an overall perceptive on Satan and who he may be in the Celtic Pantheon. (I think He has been equated with Cernunnos or Lugh?) I hope that makes sense. I stick strictly to what I am comfortable and familiar with. For an example I am mostly Welsh, and secondary I do have Irish and some Scottish so I stick with mostly Welsh and Irish. (Primarily Welsh).

So you can only imagine why I am deeply involved in Celtic mythology and culture. So much information been obscured and there is plenty of books and sermons mentioning hinduism and deities like Shiva or Enki or egyptian gods and goddesses but I havent ran across much of Celtic ones.

What percentage of modern day welsh has Germanic DNA
Kurat said:
When I was young kid, I was christian, my grandmother and grandfather washed my brain. But I had weak health and I felt that jesus do not help me. When I heard about northern crusades and how Christians were destroy our culture and kill our people, I return paganism. When was European migrant crisis, I became white nationalist, then i understood that even in Estonia almost all people are white, it is not all world and in USA and Western Europe white people are dying out. At beginning I was white nationalist who think that our only problem is black people and jews were OK and Hitler was bad. Then I understood that jews finance immigration and communism is made by jews. Half year ago I felt that I like Satan. Then I seach in internet that does exist satanists who are nationalists and then I found this wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neo-v%C3%B6lkisch_movements and there write that Joy of Satan exist.
When I started reading Joy of Satan I first read Exposing Christianity and it was so right, but I still had subconscious brainwash consequence that satanism is evil. Then I had dream when I went to my school but there was walls colored black and satanic atmosphere, school is place what remind me knowlege and nice people. This dream helped me turn satanism. Interesting, was this dream sent by demons?
Kurat said:
Kurat said:
When I was young kid, I was christian, my grandmother and grandfather washed my brain. But I had weak health and I felt that jesus do not help me. When I heard about northern crusades and how Christians were destroy our culture and kill our people, I return paganism. When was European migrant crisis, I became white nationalist, then i understood that even in Estonia almost all people are white, it is not all world and in USA and Western Europe white people are dying out. At beginning I was white nationalist who think that our only problem is black people and jews were OK and Hitler was bad. Then I understood that jews finance immigration and communism is made by jews. Half year ago I felt that I like Satan. Then I seach in internet that does exist satanists who are nationalists and then I found this wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neo-v%C3%B6lkisch_movements and there write that Joy of Satan exist.
When I started reading Joy of Satan I first read Exposing Christianity and it was so right, but I still had subconscious brainwash consequence that satanism is evil. Then I had dream when I went to my school but there was walls colored black and satanic atmosphere, school is place what remind me knowlege and nice people. This dream helped me turn satanism. Interesting, was this dream sent by demons?

Yes it is very likely the case, if this dream influenced you to become a Satanist.
I also received a dream with much Symbolism contained, and over the years everything was confirmed.

Our Gods communicate with their people, and call them back to their origins.
I left Islam when I was 11, but after a while I returned to Islam because of a terrible dream I had. Then I started to investigate things like telekinesis, but the magick was very fascinating for me. I was attracted to people like aleister crowley, eliphas levi and I was very interested in the temples in assasins creed. Later, I started to research organizations such as illuminati, masonry, and temples and I was deeply interested in satanism. then I started doing research in a theistic school of satanism other than jos and their ideas seemed incomplete and incomplete to me. I left after a few months between them and for a while I was interested in things like Kabbalah, Christianity, but satanism was still on my mind. and i'm not 100% sure but i started researching jos again at the twenty-three december (i wondered because jos meditations were praised on another site) i started researching jos and meditations and dedicated to 4 february 2021 (imbolc). And I realized that the religion and system I had been looking for years, was spiritual satanism and national socialism. :twisted:
I discovered JOS on someone's deviant art page back in December 2018. New years eve in fact. I was intrigued right away. I decided to do my own research and cross reference. It took me 8 months to decide to dedicate after that after piecing what I found with my own life experience together. I ended up dedicating at the end of August 2019. Best decision of my life.

In hindsight I think the Gods where trying to lead me here years earlier and I did not see then although I wish I did.
A jew was trying to get me to do blood sacrifice "to demons" and other disgusting Jewish practices and accidentally let slip something about JoyOfSatan which led me to the truth.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
