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Hong Kong Is Teaching Us

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Sep 19, 2017
The situation in Hong Kong is that Hong Kong exists within a nation that is essentially an Orwellian dictatorship with full military power, information control upwards to a 99.98%, no freedom of speech, a ranking system that ranks citizens like cattle and imprisons people for accidentally passing on a wrong street light.

All surrounded by the control and the military of said nation, with nowhere to really escape to. People over in China two blocks away from the border don't even know what is going in to Hong Kong thanks to the Great Firewall of China.

In China what is also happening is that except of punishments from crimes, and Sauron's Communist Eyeball looking at you 24/7, and by "you", we don't mean "you" amongst other people, but "YOU" as an individual human being numbered within a ranking system. In other words, one is being constantly 'evaluated' by those in power of whether or not one is a good citizen, and if one is not, they find themselves either punished or in the public board of shame, where they are shamed for an extended period of time, depending on what kind of crime they have committed.

The whole thing about the Chinese, the whining on Huawei's "Spying" and all the related, is that the Chinese are doing in more grotesque manner, what the NSA and other agencies have been doing casually for at least 60 years. The moral panic on this is that by miracle, in the West, we still don't get every door busted for every comment written online just yet, and that there is no public board of shame.

But this is the only thing that is yet to happen in the West. Everything else is rapidly happening - people are already dragged into courts for 'offensive posts' in facebook, or because they made the wrong meme, which was seen by like 10 people online.

Indeed, we have lost our ability to speak our minds online within the context of our own societies. This started from the supposed "Far right" and now has consumed virtually the whole Right wing. Even the most mediocre, idiots of the system, are being absorbed into this and thrown under the bus, totally unpersoned. In all respects they experience exactly what a dissident would experience in China, minus the beating until their brain leaves out of the skull. But don't worry, the generations they have infested with violent Marxism will make sure we're getting there sooner or later, unless they are stopped in their tracks.

The last generation which has some perception of the "Red White and Blue" and knows what a "Constitution" is, is slowly giving in to a Marxist rainbow color mob that has no consciousness other than infinite gibs and throwing it's political opponents off of wheelchairs, as they proudly did to a disabled person not long ago. This is how upright and strong these people are. It took 5 Marxist apes to take down a single person from a wheelchair with an opinion that was "right wing" in a video that leaked months ago.

The strength of the Marxist mob however was never in it's straight forwardness, honesty, or any other form of redeemable quality. They always were natural subversive elements, no different than ticks and other viruses, and since logical points always escaped them, public discourse, or military confrontation, are things they always hated. It's a well known fact the Soviet Union was totally cucked and in shrieking fear from a retaliation from the Western countries such as the United States. So they invested all their powers instead in subversive, large scale propaganda, to take out the West from the inside. What they always loved is slimy and aggressive propaganda, it's a historical documentation here.

In regards to all things that China is being blamed [and rightfully] about, in regards to surveillance, mass control, and the related, all of this exists privately and below the radar, but we aren't that far behind the Orwellian obvious dictatorship. It's just that now those holding the radar such as mega companies, are merely fed up and they feel like this grip is being challenged, so we have obvious crackdowns in the West. As far as the invisible aspect of this is concerned, with NSA coupled with Israel and a few other countries, the situation is far gone. China is a child when it comes to this, it's just the Chinese are far more blunt in how they have went about it, because they are Communists and they don't want to keep a false pretext going and try to deceive by appearances.

The appearances game in the West is also starting to become obsolete, and the enemy is losing their patience. This is why you have such brutal and obvious censorship now, because they feel like they are getting nowhere, this has to happen for their agenda to advance. Yet, due to the nature of the Western World and it's founded ideals, the yids cannot go full throttle like the Chinese [just yet] to impose on the West what the people in Hong Kong are now revolting about, which is a military/industrial/information/legal complex of total dictatorship.

In the West we now have the Industrial complex ready [notice how industries like Youtube censor free speech, or how Twitter and others claim to be "private companies", aka, they can do as they see fit, and the same goes for Google], we have the Information complex which is already in place [Surveillance and espionage], and what remains is the total corrosion of the Legal system, and then to bring in the military and to connect all of this.

Indeed we may be better off than Hong Kong, but we are accelerating towards the same direction. Due to the clauses of malforming the minds of people politically, the same minds behind states like China, ie, Communists, have devised propaganda and warfare on the West for many decades.

The West was bound to lose this war the moment it began, as simply, Communists have an advantage in information war by default, since they are radicals, and since their nations are propaganda machinery focused only on one specific thing, while their enemies are "Open societies" and espouse values of "Freedom", which allow them to be infiltrated, subverted, and malformed.

Now there are some people in Hong Kong, and they know the Chinese Sauron state knows everything about them their phones are bugged, and that they may possibly die from what they are doing. It's also known and obvious that the United States is also behind the Hong Kong revolts, and indeed, this is not being hidden, but quite expected. However, we on ourselves aren't really that better, but the fact that other people come to help to us for freedom, should make us understand a few things or two.

For one, the Chinese people have been subjected to what America was sworn to fight for many decades. Now, you have strange people espousing Communism and wearing the hammer and sickle, and legitimately believing that this is a great way to go about their lives. Endless historical examples did not suffice apparently, not even the fact their own country opposed Communism more than any other country, and gives them, faults aside, the best quality of life worldwide.

It's insane that people over in Hong Kong apparently understand the words of "Democracy" and "Free Speech" more than some entitled kid in an American University, that literally wants to censor evil people who offended their emotions.

We have to protect our freedoms and Hong Kong is teaching us this very thing. We can also see the beginning of what is going to happen if we don't, in China.

China at this point has managed to become an example to avoid in regards to any sort of freedom, it's a nation which is escalating further than Orwell. It should be used as a measure on how much our own democracy is failing. And the more years go, it's not like we are moving away from this example, but drawing closer and closer to it.

The Chinese police of thought, we have the ADL for this. The Chinese censorship media we have Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, the list goes. The databases of people being profiled, we have Facebook again. Exactly as the Chinese state has fake news outlets that keep people ignorant, we have BBC, CNN, MSNBC, and all the related outlets, owned and serving specific interests. In regards to the social ranking system of China, we don't have a "Board of Shame", but we have all sorts of punishments for people who dare to speak their mind.

The Chinese 0.1% of claimed elites are on our end of the world the Jews, people one is not allowed to criticize, and who use all the above means to keep the population enslaved. In regards to the hit squads, these aren't yet quite formed, but it's happening, we have the Anti-Fa and numerous other subversive elements. The re-education camps in the West are not required as the Jews have ensured every church, university, and place of learning, is as it in essence such center as it is, breeding people that are literally instructed to ruin the nations that gave them life and freedom, in contrast to even their own interest.

The fact we aren't full China is a good thing, but we aren't far off either. And as people in Hong Kong today have stopped giving a fuck and they are burning the place alive, every person in a position of power who is not insane should ask themselves what is going to come of these modern plantations when a people who has been instructed or at least learned a time of freedom, is exposed to said dictatorship.

Any reasonable leader or citizen should understand the Communism and China-ization process has to reverse itself right now, before it is too late and all the world we have built is going to burn into ashes. In the very same way some people in Hong Kong have stopped giving a fuck about all the industrial and military complex that wants to enslave them, so will people soon do that in the West, ran over by illegal migration, adject poverty or financial stuckedness, and to put a cherry on the pie the inability to even vent their lungs about it online.

The good news is that the more the West is being moved towards the China-ization process, the more enemies the subversive Communist minded folk is created, eventually only digging their own hole, like Stalin, Trotsky, and many other said individuals have done in history. Indeed, they are doing everyone a favor by what they are doing. They are creating freedom aware citizens who will not care about torture, death, or any other form of penalty falling upon them. They are creating freedom fighters who will go the extra mile without any fear, in contrast to how this was done before the crackdowns, which was the "slow boiling of a frog".

Indeed, the more evident this process becomes, it may be more trying, but it's all in the end for the better, so people should not despair. We could avoid all of this while we have the time, and before the time of no return, which is approaching more and more when nothing is being done.

Is our world ready to pay the backfire of such events? Why do we even have to go down this hole as a world or as a society? Simply because the jews said so?

Do we want our Western world to become in the future only a giant Hong Kong, fighting a revolutionary and maybe hopeless world towards enslaving behemoths?

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This is a really important post, It should be put in the library.

Btw. Is Behemoth a Jewish creation? :p
You know the worst part of it is that there are many people that think Stalin amd Trotsky was great people :? Also why you seperate the "Antifa-fa"from the Communists .They are doing nothing different from them :|
Anti-Fa are Communists they all follow Marxism and the Anti-Fa are lead by members of the American Communist Parities.
Νίκος said:
You know the worst part of it is that there are many people that think Stalin amd Trotsky was great people :? Also why you seperate the "Antifa-fa"from the Communists .They are doing nothing different from them :|

Where did I separate them exactly? In your mind probably. Please read carefully.
Fucking Great post im sure it will end up in the library, I want to turn this one into an audio file. I may have time to do so when I get off work
6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:

I apologize for my ignorance.
I did a quick rundown on Wikipedia, and there was a lot of info about Behemoth from Jewish writings.
When I scrolled the gods section, I've overlooked the mention about Behemoth--there is not much written about him, only a small note, so it is hard to miss.
Thanks for pointing out my mistake.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Νίκος said:
You know the worst part of it is that there are many people that think Stalin amd Trotsky was great people :? Also why you seperate the "Antifa-fa"from the Communists .They are doing nothing different from them :|

Where did I separate them exactly? In your mind probably. Please read carefully.
The Chinese 0.1% of claimed elites are on our end of the world the Jews, people one is not allowed to criticize, and who use all the above means to keep the population enslaved. In regards to the hit squads, these aren't yet quite formed, but it's happening, we have the Anti-Fa and numerous other subversive elements.
I was referring in this part.I have many Antifas and communists in my school and I cam ensure that the Antifas are the dogs of the Communists.There one and only difference is that the antifas only do the dirty work for th (fighting with the police and doing vandalisms).
Vaal said:
6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:

I apologize for my ignorance.
I did a quick rundown on Wikipedia, and there was a lot of info about Behemoth from Jewish writings.
When I scrolled the gods section, I've overlooked the mention about Behemoth--there is not much written about him, only a small note, so it is hard to miss.
Thanks for pointing out my mistake.

*Hard not to miss
The situation is the Communist Party of China know the entire world is watching and they don't want another Tianamen square. And with the trade war going it would work against them on many levels if they have a repeat of the last time. But they also don't want to bow to the protests and appear weak and lose face. They have been attempting to throw out the agreement they had with Hong Kong for years and put the controls on them. However the Hong Kong people were not raised in a Communist system and don't want such.

The reason the enemy does not like protests is because they understand they act as major public rituals against their system and this starts to causes a psychic wave effect everywhere that starts to bring them down and put forces into motion that threaten them. This is why under Communism the regime media lies to the point of insanity to the public. Its a ritualistic occult form of magic to impress the psychic forces they want into the mind to program and direct the forces of the mass mind to uphold the system on the psychic level.
When the police refused to protect the Trump, Libertarians at Berkley because they wanted Anti-Fa to be able to attack them. The Libertarians were organized into a defense force and they drove the Anti-Fa off very quickly. The situation is Anti-Fa is used to thug but then to allow the regime police to arrest any Nationalists for defending themselves against Anti-Fa, that is the real method in which they are used. This allows the Jewish regime to arrest their enemies in a clever manner and then use their control of the system to imprison and destroy Nationalists.

Anti-Fa understand they will be turned loose when arrested by the system as they always are. Most Anti-Fa members and leaders are all racial Jews. Tucker Carlson interviewed one of their leaders a strange looking giraffe Jew. When Anti-Fa groups have been arrested, unmasked and identified they always turn out to be almost all racial Jews.
Hong Kong is indeed teaching us a lot. In some regards too however, what the state and government power does not accomplish, a brainwashed people themselves often step in and create this sort of climate themselves. Something you talked about just now was the attack on the wheelchair guy, and this was bad enough. However in the context of America I'm quickly starting to see something interesting in that marxist mob is even starting to cannibalize itself. I'll quickly touch upon a story I heard yesterday that few people here would have heard about yet.

Yesterday, a fairly young games developer killed himself. He was a fairly successful independent developer, having made a fairly popular game known by the name "Night In The Woods". The basic jist of the game's narrative was mostly about the failure of capitalism in middle america and how many small "rust belt" towns have been left behind to rot and be forgotten after the mining boom had come and gone. The developer himself was a leftist, perhaps not as extreme as many others, but still undeniably was. This did not save him from what happened next.

A particular woman (who was the center of the infamous "GamerGate" scandal several years ago) accused this man of sexual and emotional misconduct when they were dating a near decade ago, before he had any success. Not even rape, mind you. She simply aired all their dirty laundry to the twitter mob, and the nature of their toxic relationship. Of course, she didn't reference any of her own toxicity and provoking, simply framed him as a villain and was done with it. Now for context.

This woman, as I said, was part of a scandal several years ago, in which she slept with multiple journalists for positive reviews on her own game. This kicked off an internet storm over journalism standards in this industry, and the media quickly portrayed this as "all gamers are angry incels who hate this poor innocent woman." She quickly turned this into donations, book sales, and clout, gathering an army of angry white knights. Of course, time passed, her relevancy faded, and the moment her donations dropped to near nothing, she waited until this developer announced he was working on a sequel to his game and launched her allegations, framing them as "rape". As I said, these allegations did not go to the police, or to the news, she announced them straight to twitter and galvanized what she knew full well was her mob of psycho SocJus Warriors who'd eat such a person alive. Of course, there was no evidence or proof of her claims either, apart from just her word.

Overnight, the game dev's friends, coworkers and even his family turned on him. He was removed from his own project by his "friends" who abandoned him for their own political gain. With no future ahead of him, his passion destroyed, and socially isolated, he naturally ended his own life. Due to a claim with no proof. Ontop of this, he was already mentally ill and in therapy himself anyway.

In the aftermath of course, people have revealed quite a lot about this woman's nature. It was obvious from the GamerGate scandal several years ago, but more dirt on her was exposed now. Her own parents exposed her supposed "childhood abuse" lies in her book (as she grew up in an affluent liberal area), her role in the suicide of another individual, her harassment of a gay man who wouldn't have sex with her, and her potential connections to a particular (((Think-Tank))) and cyberbullying forum.

This doesn't matter much now of course, because the guy's already dead. The internet of course, is nipping at her heels, but mainstream media is already making her out to be the victim of another GamerGate attack mob. Simple fact of the matter is, this guy would still be alive if not for her accusations.

And this is the moral of the story. Whoevers reading this probably asked why I'm even relaying this story. Reason being is that, with the internet and society being the way it is now, we've gotten to the point we don't even necessarily need an Orwellian government to enforce thought-crime laws. Think about it, all it took was to completely destroy someone, and ultimately murder them, was a baseless accusation without proof. A claim, from someone who was already a liar, no less.

This is ultimately the result of Jew run media empires. What narratives are allowed to be circulated, and which ones are denied. Even if the government itself loses powers to enforce this state of living, money and megacapitalist corporations will still find a way to try and find a way force this climate, where people's innocence is irrelevant and you can be targeted by the mob at will. Why I told this story was because in this instance it didn't even matter what was "legal" or "illegal". The state didn't have to make up arbitrary new laws that this person broke. His guilt was decided by a corrupted court of public opinion. Our governments in the west may not be the same as China's in every regard. But the cunning and wily Jew will find other ways of making this state of existence so.

As always, you all know what to do.
Arcadia said:

Character murder is the favourite of the jews, the game developer was clearly a normal and sensitive person who couldn't take the intense shilling and character murder, and therefore, his life ended that way.

Indeed, the Marxist mob is self-cannibalizing. As for "Women" who remember they have been "raped" 15 years later when someone starts to make a buck, the fact that the legal system follows this absurdity, is just a joke. It's just an abuse of power.

Accusations are a serious type of thing. In some countries, accusing specific individuals of things they never did has severe legal implications, and one can rip someone apart based on this. This person was clearly sensitive and a good person and he collapsed under the weight of lies said against him, which is not unusual. And yes, this is how the Communist Marxist mob kills people, reputations, and does un-personing, without and 'more powerful' tools involved at all.

How can someone keep silent for 15 years, and only wait to do the claim after the person gets money? Oh yes, because it probably never happened and they only do this with the shekels.

The Marxist mob does not believe in 'innocent until proven guilty' but in 'guilty until proven innocent'. Everyone is a born anti-semite until they do a ritual dance of their whole life to kiss jewish ass. Even then they are always guilty until proven innocent. Mob Marxism works on the same pretext. Everyone is guilty and inferior, and since, accusations are enough to ruin someone.

The media loves character assasination because it gives them numbers from the unthinking goyim who follow along and crucify people before any verdict or proof is made. As such the jews play games of accusations. When Trump was elected they found all sorts of strange attacks who started to claim they were 'raped', or 'groped' women he never even met or had any meetings with.

What is the whole bible but a baseless accusation about Satan, one that was never really investigated? Just hearsay and bullshit, all day long. A total hoax.
The Marxist mob is a super bully mob. They are bullies because they are weak, and they conceal their motivations behind 'social justice' or other arbitary things they pretend to be the protectors or advocates of. So it's like "MUH SOCIAL JUSTICE", so let's unperson this guy. "MUH SOCIAL JUSTICE", so let's justify White extinction. "MUH SOCIAL JUSTICE" so let us censor every human being on hate speech charges. "MUH SOCIAL JUSTICE" so let's character assasinate random guys for arbitary reasons. "MUH WOMEN RIGHTS" so let's make false rape allegations to make a person commit suicide. "MUH GAY RIGHTS" so let's impose a new standard of pedophilia. "MUH FAT PEOPLE RIGHTS" so let's drag people onto courts cause they wrote a mean comment online.

It takes a huge amount of hate to espouse that all people of your nation have to be subjected to censorship just because someone offended you at preschool because you were fat or something. There is a lot of hate in these people, way more than they accuse of all the "Bigoted" people combined.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Chinese 0.1% of claimed elites are on our end of the world the Jews, people one is not allowed to criticize, and who use all the above means to keep the population enslaved. In regards to the hit squads, these aren't yet quite formed, but it's happening, we have the Anti-Fa and numerous other subversive elements. The re-education camps in the West are not required as the Jews have ensured every church, university, and place of learning, is as it in essence such center as it is, breeding people that are literally instructed to ruin the nations that gave them life and freedom, in contrast to even their own interest.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

As im listening to the mp3 file from the program i use balabolka, when the sentence "The Chinese 0.1% of claimed elites are on our end of the world the Jews, people one is not allowed to criticize"

the phrase people one is not allowed to criticize sounds strange, im american english maybe thats why, may i change to 'people for one are not' in the mp3 i want this to sound perfect to all those virgin ears out there
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The situation in Hong Kong is that Hong Kong exists within a nation that is essentially an Orwellian dictatorship with full military power, information control upwards to a 99.98%, no freedom of speech, a ranking system that ranks citizens like cattle and imprisons people for accidentally passing on a wrong street light.

All surrounded by the control and the military of said nation, with nowhere to really escape to. People over in China two blocks away from the border don't even know what is going in to Hong Kong thanks to the Great Firewall of China.

In China what is also happening is that except of punishments from crimes, and Sauron's Communist Eyeball looking at you 24/7, and by "you", we don't mean "you" amongst other people, but "YOU" as an individual human being numbered within a ranking system. In other words, one is being constantly 'evaluated' by those in power of whether or not one is a good citizen, and if one is not, they find themselves either punished or in the public board of shame, where they are shamed for an extended period of time, depending on what kind of crime they have committed.

The whole thing about the Chinese, the whining on Huawei's "Spying" and all the related, is that the Chinese are doing in more grotesque manner, what the NSA and other agencies have been doing casually for at least 60 years. The moral panic on this is that by miracle, in the West, we still don't get every door busted for every comment written online just yet, and that there is no public board of shame.

But this is the only thing that is yet to happen in the West. Everything else is rapidly happening - people are already dragged into courts for 'offensive posts' in facebook, or because they made the wrong meme, which was seen by like 10 people online.

Indeed, we have lost our ability to speak our minds online within the context of our own societies. This started from the supposed "Far right" and now has consumed virtually the whole Right wing. Even the most mediocre, idiots of the system, are being absorbed into this and thrown under the bus, totally unpersoned. In all respects they experience exactly what a dissident would experience in China, minus the beating until their brain leaves out of the skull. But don't worry, the generations they have infested with violent Marxism will make sure we're getting there sooner or later, unless they are stopped in their tracks.

The last generation which has some perception of the "Red White and Blue" and knows what a "Constitution" is, is slowly giving in to a Marxist rainbow color mob that has no consciousness other than infinite gibs and throwing it's political opponents off of wheelchairs, as they proudly did to a disabled person not long ago. This is how upright and strong these people are. It took 5 Marxist apes to take down a single person from a wheelchair with an opinion that was "right wing" in a video that leaked months ago.

The strength of the Marxist mob however was never in it's straight forwardness, honesty, or any other form of redeemable quality. They always were natural subversive elements, no different than ticks and other viruses, and since logical points always escaped them, public discourse, or military confrontation, are things they always hated. It's a well known fact the Soviet Union was totally cucked and in shrieking fear from a retaliation from the Western countries such as the United States. So they invested all their powers instead in subversive, large scale propaganda, to take out the West from the inside. What they always loved is slimy and aggressive propaganda, it's a historical documentation here.

In regards to all things that China is being blamed [and rightfully] about, in regards to surveillance, mass control, and the related, all of this exists privately and below the radar, but we aren't that far behind the Orwellian obvious dictatorship. It's just that now those holding the radar such as mega companies, are merely fed up and they feel like this grip is being challenged, so we have obvious crackdowns in the West. As far as the invisible aspect of this is concerned, with NSA coupled with Israel and a few other countries, the situation is far gone. China is a child when it comes to this, it's just the Chinese are far more blunt in how they have went about it, because they are Communists and they don't want to keep a false pretext going and try to deceive by appearances.

The appearances game in the West is also starting to become obsolete, and the enemy is losing their patience. This is why you have such brutal and obvious censorship now, because they feel like they are getting nowhere, this has to happen for their agenda to advance. Yet, due to the nature of the Western World and it's founded ideals, the yids cannot go full throttle like the Chinese [just yet] to impose on the West what the people in Hong Kong are now revolting about, which is a military/industrial/information/legal complex of total dictatorship.

In the West we now have the Industrial complex ready [notice how industries like Youtube censor free speech, or how Twitter and others claim to be "private companies", aka, they can do as they see fit, and the same goes for Google], we have the Information complex which is already in place [Surveillance and espionage], and what remains is the total corrosion of the Legal system, and then to bring in the military and to connect all of this.

Indeed we may be better off than Hong Kong, but we are accelerating towards the same direction. Due to the clauses of malforming the minds of people politically, the same minds behind states like China, ie, Communists, have devised propaganda and warfare on the West for many decades.

The West was bound to lose this war the moment it began, as simply, Communists have an advantage in information war by default, since they are radicals, and since their nations are propaganda machinery focused only on one specific thing, while their enemies are "Open societies" and espouse values of "Freedom", which allow them to be infiltrated, subverted, and malformed.

Now there are some people in Hong Kong, and they know the Chinese Sauron state knows everything about them their phones are bugged, and that they may possibly die from what they are doing. It's also known and obvious that the United States is also behind the Hong Kong revolts, and indeed, this is not being hidden, but quite expected. However, we on ourselves aren't really that better, but the fact that other people come to help to us for freedom, should make us understand a few things or two.

For one, the Chinese people have been subjected to what America was sworn to fight for many decades. Now, you have strange people espousing Communism and wearing the hammer and sickle, and legitimately believing that this is a great way to go about their lives. Endless historical examples did not suffice apparently, not even the fact their own country opposed Communism more than any other country, and gives them, faults aside, the best quality of life worldwide.

It's insane that people over in Hong Kong apparently understand the words of "Democracy" and "Free Speech" more than some entitled kid in an American University, that literally wants to censor evil people who offended their emotions.

We have to protect our freedoms and Hong Kong is teaching us this very thing. We can also see the beginning of what is going to happen if we don't, in China.

China at this point has managed to become an example to avoid in regards to any sort of freedom, it's a nation which is escalating further than Orwell. It should be used as a measure on how much our own democracy is failing. And the more years go, it's not like we are moving away from this example, but drawing closer and closer to it.

The Chinese police of thought, we have the ADL for this. The Chinese censorship media we have Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, the list goes. The databases of people being profiled, we have Facebook again. Exactly as the Chinese state has fake news outlets that keep people ignorant, we have BBC, CNN, MSNBC, and all the related outlets, owned and serving specific interests. In regards to the social ranking system of China, we don't have a "Board of Shame", but we have all sorts of punishments for people who dare to speak their mind.

The Chinese 0.1% of claimed elites are on our end of the world the Jews, people one is not allowed to criticize, and who use all the above means to keep the population enslaved. In regards to the hit squads, these aren't yet quite formed, but it's happening, we have the Anti-Fa and numerous other subversive elements. The re-education camps in the West are not required as the Jews have ensured every church, university, and place of learning, is as it in essence such center as it is, breeding people that are literally instructed to ruin the nations that gave them life and freedom, in contrast to even their own interest.

The fact we aren't full China is a good thing, but we aren't far off either. And as people in Hong Kong today have stopped giving a fuck and they are burning the place alive, every person in a position of power who is not insane should ask themselves what is going to come of these modern plantations when a people who has been instructed or at least learned a time of freedom, is exposed to said dictatorship.

Any reasonable leader or citizen should understand the Communism and China-ization process has to reverse itself right now, before it is too late and all the world we have built is going to burn into ashes. In the very same way some people in Hong Kong have stopped giving a fuck about all the industrial and military complex that wants to enslave them, so will people soon do that in the West, ran over by illegal migration, adject poverty or financial stuckedness, and to put a cherry on the pie the inability to even vent their lungs about it online.

The good news is that the more the West is being moved towards the China-ization process, the more enemies the subversive Communist minded folk is created, eventually only digging their own hole, like Stalin, Trotsky, and many other said individuals have done in history. Indeed, they are doing everyone a favor by what they are doing. They are creating freedom aware citizens who will not care about torture, death, or any other form of penalty falling upon them. They are creating freedom fighters who will go the extra mile without any fear, in contrast to how this was done before the crackdowns, which was the "slow boiling of a frog".

Indeed, the more evident this process becomes, it may be more trying, but it's all in the end for the better, so people should not despair. We could avoid all of this while we have the time, and before the time of no return, which is approaching more and more when nothing is being done.

Is our world ready to pay the backfire of such events? Why do we even have to go down this hole as a world or as a society? Simply because the jews said so?

Do we want our Western world to become in the future only a giant Hong Kong, fighting a revolutionary and maybe hopeless world towards enslaving behemoths?

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Nevermind you are in the As im listening to the mp3 file from the program i use balabolka, when the sentence "The Chinese 0.1% of claimed elites are on our end of the world the Jews, people one is not allowed to criticize"

the phrase people one is not allowed to criticize sounds strange, i'll change to are not in the mp3 i want this to sound perfect to all those virgin ears out there

my last post i was confused, I think you meant that the Jews are not allowed to be criticized, as in jews, a people One is not allowed to criticize. My bad for the mishap long day at work lol, i should be smarter than that.

MP3 of this article, with a sexy robot voice.i think it sounds pretty damn good for being artificially generated, if anyone is curious what i use its balabolka + Ivona amy british voice v. 1.6, i don't think its around anymore amazon or some other bought them out. I eventually plan to convert every article to mp3, might be a few months till then but im working on it slowly. as other things, but its time for me to go to bed, Goodnight SS family

Let us not forget what petty tricks did the Honk Kong police do, like dressing as protesters and creating violence for the police to have a half ass excuse to bit the shit out of them:
I seen videos where some police guy just taken the attention of a person who did nothing only to spray with gas in his eyes, i thought that they did this in the fear of the elites and that they need to respect their order but some thing its cleary that they hate freedom.
Btw: The yellow vest are still protesting in Paris even today but for some reason you will not see this on video, i barely found a recent video of that protest, and this video who was posted a day ago:
HP Mageson666 said:
Anti-Fa understand they will be turned loose when arrested by the system as they always are. Most Anti-Fa members and leaders are all racial Jews. Tucker Carlson interviewed one of their leaders a strange looking giraffe Jew. When Anti-Fa groups have been arrested, unmasked and identified they always turn out to be almost all racial Jews.
Tucker Carlson is a God. lol
How about those protests that happening in china right now will they give any fruits regards free speech and democracy or not? or this is another tool playing by enemy?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Marxist mob is a super bully mob. They are bullies because they are weak, and they conceal their motivations behind 'social justice' or other arbitary things they pretend to be the protectors or advocates of. So it's like "MUH SOCIAL JUSTICE", so let's unperson this guy. "MUH SOCIAL JUSTICE", so let's justify White extinction. "MUH SOCIAL JUSTICE" so let us censor every human being on hate speech charges. "MUH SOCIAL JUSTICE" so let's character assasinate random guys for arbitary reasons. "MUH WOMEN RIGHTS" so let's make false rape allegations to make a person commit suicide. "MUH GAY RIGHTS" so let's impose a new standard of pedophilia. "MUH FAT PEOPLE RIGHTS" so let's drag people onto courts cause they wrote a mean comment online.

It takes a huge amount of hate to espouse that all people of your nation have to be subjected to censorship just because someone offended you at preschool because you were fat or something. There is a lot of hate in these people, way more than they accuse of all the "Bigoted" people combined.

People "the mob" 'judge' you wherever you go but you shouldnt be afraid of it.
Nowadays.. when you make one single mistake people tend to remember that for forever.

Growing up I was almost frightened and very concious about this stuff..
There are some very rude, very 'toxic' individuals whom may not all be jews, but they are not liked by people.

As a child if you do something wrong you get punished but sometimes parents or whoever can be so irrational that if you cant do something when youre 5 they still wont let you do it when youre 10.

Either getting nasty comments, gossip about you for no reason, when you are basicly almost like someone who recently moved to a new area so you dont know anyone but they speak badly about you behind your back.
It makes so sense for a child to be afraid of that.

I dont think that women in islam experience it any different, it is basicly already communism for them.

Also one thing, they say it is more common amongst women to try to pull each other down like that than it is for men.
Idk the truth of that but it is nasty in either way.
The Hill - Schumer seeks vote on bill reaffirming support for democracy in Hong Kong


Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) on Friday called for a vote on bipartisan legislation on Hong Kong when Congress returns as the city faces weeks of sometimes-violent protests by pro-democracy advocates.

“When the Senate returns, Majority Leader [Mitch] McConnell should quickly bring up for debate and a vote the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act. This is bipartisan legislation that will send a clear message to President Xi,” Schumer said in a statement, referring to the Chinese president.

The legislation, introduced by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) would require the secretary of State to issue an annual certification of Hong Kong’s autonomy. Protesters are worried that China is slowly eroding the "one country, two systems" principle by which Hong Kong has been allowed to maintain many of its more democratic features.

The bill would tie that certification to a 1992 law that gives Hong Kong special treatment in trade matters. It would also ensure the U.S. government does not deny visa applicants from Hong Kong if they have been arrested for taking part in non-violent protests.

“China’s tightening grip around Hong Kong to strangle democracy and dissent is a desperate act of a brutal authoritarian regime," Schumer added Friday. "For months now, the people of Hong Kong have taken to the streets to stand up for their democratic rights. The American people must continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of Hong Kong."

The top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sen. Bob Menendez (N.J.), also plans to prioritize the legislation when Congress is back in session, his office said in a statement Friday.

The pressure from Democrats comes as the city braces for another round of protests. Reuters reported on Friday that China rejected a proposal by Hong Kong's government to appease the protesters and end the standoff.

Protesters have taken to the streets for weeks in pro-democracy demonstrations. The protests were originally sparked by a bill that would have allowed the extradition of criminal suspects to China. Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam has declared the bill "dead," but the protests have continued over a host of other issues involving human rights and democracy in the city.

Reuters reported that China instructed Hong Kong's government not to give in to the protesters' demands.
I am telling you, this issue is more complicated than just "China = Communists = Jews"

Any time you see the words "Bipartisan Legislation" in the US Congress, the NormalSpeak translation is "Things Jews Overwhelmingly Want." The Jews want the Hong Kong riots, they want them to spread, and they ultimately want China to collapse. What do you think happens to the world if China collapses and the US doesn't?

There are way too many right-wing people dancing to CNN's tune right now on this one issue. Don't be a sucker.
No Chinese Ever Called Me Goy.
RoyBatty91 said:
I am telling you, this issue is more complicated than just "China = Communists = Jews"

Any time you see the words "Bipartisan Legislation" in the US Congress, the NormalSpeak translation is "Things Jews Overwhelmingly Want." The Jews want the Hong Kong riots, they want them to spread, and they ultimately want China to collapse. What do you think happens to the world if China collapses and the US doesn't?

There are way too many right-wing people dancing to CNN's tune right now on this one issue. Don't be a sucker.
No Chinese Ever Called Me Goy.

Yes, you remind me of these guys who were like living in Free Speech America, having full freedoms and all the abilities vested onto them by this country, and all they said during the USSR / US debate, is that both of them are "Jew controlled". How you can even compare this to China just shows how ignorant you are. Sure, things in the US are currently hard for us, that is correct. But they aren't as hard as you getting knocked senseless for crossing the street on the wrong light, just yet.

The Chinese regime is as jew backed and built one.

The fact that you lack information on the founding of China or they don't call you Goy doesn't mean the inspiration for Communism, or even "A successful Communist state" isn't there to inspire the reds.

I think better things happen when China collapses and the US doesn't, because China isn't going to come in and save you from jew gulags in the United States anyway. For one, Chinese people don't even get adequate pay and this is a great "inspiring" model for universal jewry as it is, and for the reds. They might as well be freed as if this spreads everyone is going to be gone. You do not seem to understand the chaotic difference in China and the US, even at the US's currently jew maimed state. The situation is mutually exclusive, each thing goes to it's own way.

A world without Communism would make China far better, both for the people of China and everyone else. Now, the argument that the United States is jew ruled and the related is well known, and a well steady reality, jews play both sides against the middle.

If you don't understand the difference between Communism and Democracy, then you have some history to study. During democracy, something might even change, but during Communism, not even the shirt of your gulag ever changes.

Better may not be ideal perfect, but better is...better.
HauptSturm said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Anti-Fa understand they will be turned loose when arrested by the system as they always are. Most Anti-Fa members and leaders are all racial Jews. Tucker Carlson interviewed one of their leaders a strange looking giraffe Jew. When Anti-Fa groups have been arrested, unmasked and identified they always turn out to be almost all racial Jews.
Tucker Carlson is a God. lol

I'm a bit ignorant on Tucker Carlson, mind explaining to us, what is he like? Good? Bad? Neutral?

Is it that he is simply a rational person and albeit in deep waters in the jewish controlled MSM but believes in his own cause.

I mean I recall years ago the episode of Family Guy, where death states a bullet hit Tucker Carlson in the head. During the time travel episode about Peter's 18 year self.

(I did put on search and there is 5-to-6 threads on him, all of them apparently good didn't read anything negative. If anything some of our members stated he might get thrown under the bus for his statements.)
Actually your wrong, this is simply political theatre for the American masses as due to Trump raising the issue about China the majority of American's are against Communist China now and its close to the election year, all the Democratic Party Jewish bosses have done is to give Communist China everything it wants and allow Communist China to rape America, economically and commit never ending espionage against American military and intelligence branches. The Clinton government was the worst the Democratic Party just allowed the Communist Chinese to take whatever they wanted in the way of military and technological secrets from America and President Clinton even gave North Korea, China's ally the nuclear reactors they used to build the nuclear weapons they wanted. This was done for Communist China. Obama continued on the same and now the Jews have put all their power behind Biden for running for President of America. The Communist Chinese gave the Biden family over a billion dollars and major holdings in China. And here Royboy is telling us somehow within all of this the Jews of the Democratic Party are against Communist China.

No Chinese Goy ever called Royboy a Goyboy, but the Jews that run Communist China....

RoyBatty91 said:
[I am telling you, this issue is more complicated than just "China = Communists = Jews"

Any time you see the words "Bipartisan Legislation" in the US Congress, the NormalSpeak translation is "Things Jews Overwhelmingly Want." The Jews want the Hong Kong riots, they want them to spread, and they ultimately want China to collapse. What do you think happens to the world if China collapses and the US doesn't?

There are way too many right-wing people dancing to CNN's tune right now on this one issue. Don't be a sucker.
No Chinese Ever Called Me Goy.
He is a noble man with a straight spine, one of the last journalists of his kind, who has decency of spirit and true analytical thought. Essentially he is one of the few journalists who have polished personalities and are not likewise to leftist robots that spew the same circles over and over again or who have Artifical Intelligence write their already robotic articles.

He is a respectable, objective, value driven person in a cesspool of media ignoramus. He's a true American.

The Gods are behind people like Carlson as he says the truth, but he definitely has many enemies. No wonder the jews did put this bullshit on their episode about him, they truly hate him because he has a spine.

Had more people a thinking process like Carlson and the balls to follow what free speech actually is supposed to be, journalism might actually not be looked upon as inferior and worthless as it is today. He is a diamond in the middle of endless scared cucks, and of course, he will get his share of slander as per usual, or even worse the subliminal stuff you mention here, as he is a danger to the globalist aka jewish agenda.

Gear88 said:
HauptSturm said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Anti-Fa understand they will be turned loose when arrested by the system as they always are. Most Anti-Fa members and leaders are all racial Jews. Tucker Carlson interviewed one of their leaders a strange looking giraffe Jew. When Anti-Fa groups have been arrested, unmasked and identified they always turn out to be almost all racial Jews.
Tucker Carlson is a God. lol

I'm a bit ignorant on Tucker Carlson, mind explaining to us, what is he like? Good? Bad? Neutral?

Is it that he is simply a rational person and albeit in deep waters in the jewish controlled MSM but believes in his own cause.

I mean I recall years ago the episode of Family Guy, where death states a bullet hit Tucker Carlson in the head. During the time travel episode about Peter's 18 year self.

(I did put on search and there is 5-to-6 threads on him, all of them apparently good didn't read anything negative. If anything some of our members stated he might get thrown under the bus for his statements.)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yes, you remind me of these guys who were like living in Free Speech America, having full freedoms and all the abilities vested onto them by this country, and all they said during the USSR / US debate, is that both of them are "Jew controlled". How you can even compare this to China just shows how ignorant you are.
HP Mageson666 said:
And here Royboy is telling us somehow within all of this the Jews of the Democratic Party are against Communist China.

No Chinese Goy ever called Royboy a Goyboy, but the Jews that run Communist China....

This is a pointless argument, but whatever.

US Hudson Institute official directly stating American involvement in Hong Kong:

Hong Kong protest leaders directly meeting with US Consulate:

The National Endowment for Democracy, a State Department arm responsible for the (((Arab Spring))), lists half a million dollars of protest funding right on its webpage:

The World's Oldest Jewish Psyop is dragged out yet again for a central role:

An explicit statement of support by the N.E.D. for Chinese Christianity:

Google, Facebook, and Twitter bring the censorship hammer down in protesters' favor:

Related - Google claims official end to Chinese "Dragonfly" project right as major protests begin:

The Jews who run America are hardly invisible - Chuck Schumer, currently banging his shoe to demand US escalation in Hong Kong, is one of them, and the Jewish heads of major banks and media corporations can all be named and identified as such. If there are Jews in China with the same kind of grip on the levers of power as the Jews in the US, then I absolutely want to know who they are. Jews were indeed present to scatter Communism into China, and some of those exact same Jews were present to invite China to be the new slave factory for the US/ZOG global empire in the '90s and '00s -


But I'm not just going to nod my head to "Everyone in the Chinese government is a crypto" when there are only 2,500 confirmed Jews in the entire 1,400,000,000 population of China. The Han Chinese are not so utterly incompetent as a race that they would never reverse-infiltrate and retake their government from a .0002% Jewish population - or even a .2% Jewish population, if there were theoretically a thousand cryptos for every known Chinese Jew.

If there's anything the Jews have demonstrated about themselves, it's that they aren't as good at long-term planning as they seem. They have one super long-term goal - maximum chaos, maximum destruction - and they whip up a staggering variety of short-term plots on a global scale to inch that goal closer. But something that has always happened is that their short-term plots have gotten out of their hands. China was very useful to the Jews in the post-Cold War era, because Chinese slave labor meant more profits for their US-based corporations and more US manufacturing workers driven out of their jobs. And yes, they were eager to see if the "reformed" Communist government could be manipulated by them just like it was in the Mao days. But the verdict after thirty years seems to be that the China golem has gone fully out-of-control, and so they're fortifying in the US and lashing out at China.

The Antifa-left is neutral about the Chinese (not "Communist" enough for them), so they'll oppose them if their masters tell them to. The normie-right is getting more and more wary about the US government, but they're still suckers for "Flags'n'Jesus-vs-Commies". So the real danger here is that the Deep State dangles a Chinese intervention as the one way to (((rally the entire country))), and then truly grinds the boot heel.

Again, there is an argument in favor of collapsing China - if the (((United States))) is truly on its deathbed and about to devolve into regional governments, it'd be better for us, and for others like Japan, SE Asia and Australia, if China also didn't exist as a unified threat. But that's still up in the air. If China disappears as a counterbalance to the US, and the US somehow survives, ZOG will tear into the American people just like they did after the Soviet Union fell (Waco, Ruby Ridge, 9/11) - except a million times worse. So for fuck's sake, be careful with this one.
Ok so it's China should be accepted, since:

1. Less jews run the whole thing, but it's less in number. As if numbers hold any importance. If anything it means that even less jews can actually run virtually infinite amount of people with minimal efforts, by following the Chinese model. That's all there is to it. Imagine my surprise.

2. Jewish politicians in the United States are involved in China's downfall as they have been involved in two sides with everything since the dawn of their emergence in every civilization. Imagine my surprise.

3. The US is currently in ideological warfare with it's rival and enemy, but since it has jews in many if not all posts, the jews actually carry the paperwork so that they don't appear useless and get fired, imagine my surprise.

All I see on these news are good things, personally. Google ends Dragonfly, oy vey, how bad. These 1.4 Chinese billion goyim needed even more help by jews to be run by their "Chinese" cryptodictators.

Even if theoretically, in this stupid subversive oriented argument you are posing, China was run by "Native Asians", it is still all the same as if it were being run by jews, all things considered what it does and what example it gives to everyone else. It's the same level of shit equal to jews. And everyone who has studied anything knows Rockfeller and Rothschild actually built modern China from the first brick to the last. Even a memetic war against China only makes people more aware.

I don't dwell in the "Daily Stormer" myself as it's all about Anglin's crying because his mother was a bad mother [and therefore all white girls ever born are 'lower than dogs' as he pushes lately], and if I want my dosage of xianity, I might as well put a zionist preacher on TV and be exposed to it regardless.

The only thing I can understand is emotional sympathies and romanticism, in you thinking that China is actually somehow "run by the Chinese" and is therefore being run over by the Zog. But then again, how is this surprising at all? And even if they initiate it and people are going to be free and the whole Orwellian order is being taken on, what is the problem really? Even in the theory that one nation is Zog and so is the other and so is the other, they are mutually losing in this.

RoyBatty91 said:
This is a pointless argument, but whatever.

US Hudson Institute official directly stating American involvement in Hong Kong:

Hong Kong protest leaders directly meeting with US Consulate:

The National Endowment for Democracy, a State Department arm responsible for the (((Arab Spring))), lists half a million dollars of protest funding right on its webpage:

The World's Oldest Jewish Psyop is dragged out yet again for a central role:

An explicit statement of support by the N.E.D. for Chinese Christianity:

Google, Facebook, and Twitter bring the censorship hammer down in protesters' favor:

Related - Google claims official end to Chinese "Dragonfly" project right as major protests begin:
The Chinese Communist Party was created by an Asian Jew in Shanghai along with other Asian Jewish leaders of such. They met with western Jews who had taken over Moscow with the Bolshevik revolution and together they built the Communist Party in China. Tens of thousands of western Jews migrated with the help of Asian Chinese Jews to China to take part in the Communist revolution including at least one western Jew was a general in the Chinese Red Army. Mao himself was a member of international Jewish Socialist run Masonic groups like the Jews Lenin and Trotsky this is were he was recruited from. Mao himself was in all reality a Jew which is why any in-depth history of his family has been removed like with the Jew Stalin. The Jews Stalin and Beria also put the Kim family into power in North Korea. Because they are Jews as well.

The Jewish elites the Rothschild's, Warburg's, Morgenthaler, Goldman Sacs all of the big Jewish names and forces used their control of the American government and Democratic Party and international finance to create the situation in China to start the Communist revolution and then used their control of policy and government to stab Chiang Kai-shek in the back and destroy the Nationalist forces and to make sure Mao and the Communists took China. Mao's entire government was run by Asian and western Jews. The leader after him was an open Asian Jew.

Later the Jewish run Democratic Party under Truman made sure to destroy General MacArthur to stop his plans of invading Communist China and going into Beijing and taking out Mao and his Jewish run Communist dictatorship during the Korean war. Truman also on orders from his Jewish masters which is known from the found three missing pages on Truman's diary where he ranted about how he was nothing but a slave for international Jewish interests openly naming them as Jews, also sent atomic bomb materials and instructions to Communist Russia.

Around this time the public became outraged and the anti-Communist forces inside the American establishment picked up power and swept out many of the FDR era Communists. The Jews then had to slow down and play a game of deception they also were able to hand over Cuba from the inside the American establishment to the USSR putting one of their own Castro into power. The also worked to sabotage the Vietnam war and the Jewish elites were sending billions of dollars to the USSR and their allies secretly the whole time up till the fall of the USSR. Rockefeller was building weapons factories in Communist China for the Communist Vietnamese forces.

The Jewish elites then maneuvered things to allow them to use the American economy to build up Communist China into a global superpower to promote the final agenda of a global Jewish government under Communism they are still doing this using Israel as the channel in many cases. As I already wrote the Democratic Party has done nothing but promote this plan. And they want Democrat Biden in the Presidency so they can get back to this plan. The Jewish media and Democratic Jewish leftists have done nothing but whine about Trump's trade war with China and holding China to account.

Your whole argument is one Jew is doing political theatre on issues that American's want close to the election period in which they are trying to get a pro Communist Chinese, Democrat Biden who's family has taken a billion dollars from the Communist Chinese Party and has major business holdings within Communist China, elected President of America. As Bannon has rightfully stated the goal of getting Biden in is to go back to business as usual with Communist China and undo everything Trump has done. The Jews have a strong hold on American but they don't run the whole thing like they want. Otherwise we would be under a Communist dictatorship. Its only by putting some key Jews in the right place they can pull major things off as well in many cases. That is why its possible for members of the American establishment to make maneuvers against Communist China just like against the USSR. Despite the Jewish fifth column.

Your other argument is the typical Jewish political theatre when the Jews thought they had it all won and Communism was going to sweep the global they bragged about how they run the USSR then when the cold war stated all of a sudden Jews no longer ran the USSR and they all got removed somehow no Jews here move along Goy. Then when the USSR collapses it comes out the fucking Jews were still running it right up to the end. And here we have the same false argument which is from the Jews themselves about Communist China. Meanwhile the Jews are stilling running China, the Rothschild's personally made such all the oil they stole out of Iraq with BP, went to Communist China to build up their base further along all their Jew run political puppets in the west doing whatever China wants. The Jews don't hand over power to the Goy so get real Roy.

The Asian Jews were also running China under the Ming Empire which saw major anti-Jewish riots against the Ming officials over this. The Jews have been in China for centuries. The Asian Jews were powerful enough to run the Ming Empire but somehow no longer run the Communist Empire they created.

RoyBatty91 said:
[This is a pointless argument, but whatever......
The Daily Stormer is run by Anglin a life long open Communist who was on radio shows demanding the destruction of the White Race as an anti-White Communist and then a few months later decides to pretend to be pro-White. Anglin himself is Jewish from his fathers side and Asian from his mothers side and maybe Jewish from there as well. He puts Jews like Weev in charge of his website and thus allows a Jewish agent to collect information on as many pro-Whites as possible. While Anglin and Weev work like the Rabbi's state to destroy the enemies of the Jews from the inside as such they are working to destroy the pro-White movement from within. They also promote Kike Enoch who does the same. This is why all they promote is misinfo on North Korea and Communist China to push National Bolshevism as an attempt to appeal to pro-Whites towards Communism and they also push Christianity into the pro-White world. Then you have Richard Spencer promoting National Bolshevism [Communism] along with other Jews on the Alt-Right.

Everything Royboy promotes is always the narrative of the Daily Stormer. Which is why its always confused misinformation on just about everything that depends on the person having a very limited knowledge of the subject and being easily fooled by subversive arguments made up by Jews.
HP Mageson666 said:
Daily Stormer

In light of your excellent article on Asiatic communism replying to Roybatty91. FYI in one of the sermons the only reason the jews resisted the pogrom of the Ming-Dynasty was cause their tribes and potential shabbos held key positions in the egalitarian military and quelled the rebellion.

But don't some of our members and at least on a few occasions HPs. Used a sample material from Daily Stormer to understand a situation?

Is it one of those things HP.Cobra mentioned whereby there is so much information and so much hidden shit by MSM retards that to see the F-RTR working is trying. In other words F-RTR does so much shit and non-communists that the enemy hides it well. (((Fake News))).

Also it's been said some of our members have done online warfare on DS. And mentioned that even the slightest slip of "National Socialism is political Satanism" or the promotion of SS. Is an immediate ban, well if that is the case just as our forums our open to the public, just how much do you think these judeo-bolshevik elements know about us?

(Interesting name there, National Bolshevism, reminds me of HP.Cobra's recent Marxism should be renamed as Racial Warfare)
Vaal said:
I apologize for my ignorance.
I did a quick rundown on Wikipedia, and there was a lot of info about Behemoth from Jewish writings.
Wikipedia is a jewish source. Most likely there you will find fake informations about most of the history and other things.
The Alchemist7 said:
Vaal said:
I apologize for my ignorance.
I did a quick rundown on Wikipedia, and there was a lot of info about Behemoth from Jewish writings.
Wikipedia is a jewish source. Most likely there you will find fake informations about most of the history and other things.

yeah, there's probably tons of lies about the gods.
I already wrote an article on the Ming uprising the real reason was the Asian Jews controlled the Army and revolting peasants usually are defeated by military powers. The military campaign was led by Asian Jews.

Your attempts to shuffle around and defend the Daily Shitter does not change what that place is. The fact is Anglin has even just come out and attacked National Socialism totally as well. Once and awhile the MSM puts out real news as well, so what is changed its still an enemy program.

Gear88 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Daily Stormer

In light of your excellent article on Asiatic communism replying to Roybatty91. FYI in one of the sermons the only reason the jews resisted the pogrom of the Ming-Dynasty was cause their tribes and potential shabbos held key positions in the egalitarian military and quelled the rebellion.

But don't some of our members and at least on a few occasions HPs. Used a sample material from Daily Stormer to understand a situation?

Is it one of those things HP.Cobra mentioned whereby there is so much information and so much hidden shit by MSM retards that to see the F-RTR working is trying. In other words F-RTR does so much shit and non-communists that the enemy hides it well. (((Fake News))).

Also it's been said some of our members have done online warfare on DS. And mentioned that even the slightest slip of "National Socialism is political Satanism" or the promotion of SS. Is an immediate ban, well if that is the case just as our forums our open to the public, just how much do you think these judeo-bolshevik elements know about us?

(Interesting name there, National Bolshevism, reminds me of HP.Cobra's recent Marxism should be renamed as Racial Warfare)
HP Mageson666 said:
The leader after him was an open Asian Jew
See, this is where I have my disagreement. You make it sound like it's just common sense that Hua Guofeng (if that's who you're referring to) was an "open Asian Jew." If there's good evidence for that then I want to know, but there is nothing I can find on this forum or anywhere else about Hua being "openly Jewish." There's a very large amount of evidence that Stalin was Jewish, by comparison, and that's believable.

This is important because you're siding with the actually, verifiably Jewish New York Times and the actually, verifiably Jewish National Endowment for Democracy on the theory that they are less Jewish than the Chinese government. This is an insane bet to make for allies, and it's even more insane because a collapsed China will give the US more power over its own population - like I said, the same thing happened after the Soviet Union fell. A wannabe tyranny with at least one rival is better to deal with than one with no rivals.

The Jews aren't subtle these days - If Hong Kong was something they didn't want, especially if it was something that Trump was somehow commanding from behind-the-scenes, then they'd be shouting it down 24/7 from Core Media, banhammering protest supporters on social, and assigning a few con-oppo pieces to the Shapiro set. Instead, we have an almost unprecedented situation where the left-wing media, F/G/Y/T, AND the right-wing controlled opposition are all going full steam ahead on the same narrative.

I do browse Daily Stormer, and I think Anglin is full of shit on more than a few points, but the Hong Kong issue isn't one of them. The whole thing is summed up pretty well in this annotation of a New York Times article:


Note that one of the organizations involved in Hong Kong, the National Democratic Institute, is explicitly affiliated with the Democrat Party. And again, the National Endowment for Democracy, the main group involved, has a Jewish president and a significant Jewish presence in its board of directors. The idea that they and the entire Jewish media are just carrying water for Trump, who somehow has them by the balls while all of Central America pours over the US border, is insane.

As far as the Jews "playing both sides" in China - that's what was going on up until Hong Kong. They wanted to get China fully re-Golemized, and they applied a carrot (massive trade deals/tech transfers) and stick (military threats, diplomatic pressure) to try to make that happen. Now, for whatever reason, their approach is 100% stick. If this drives China fully away from the (((Western interests))) it's dealt with in the past, then good. But as far as who to support in this - I'm sorry, but if I see someone in a kippah and full prayer shawl slapping around someone in CCP fatigues, I'm not going out of my way to jump in for the former.
The problem thing is that people think Anglin is making jokes when he promotes Communism and the related, or is just being edgy, or whatever, but Anglin is doing a method of brainwashing, to open up people into Communism and to start embracing and accepting this idea, which then creates a lot of shit rivers and confused ideologies, all of which in the end confuse the White Movement and also have chain reactions that later cause things that restrain everyone involved.

I was of the first people to be critical and rim them another one because of what they are doing. Only Charlottesville has costed us the last 2 years in being fast forwarded in the Gulag process where we would be in the next 5 years by normal rates, at time which, the enemy would be fucked up way before this due to the amount and speed of information rising. The enemy had no clauses to take further action before Charlottesville, then after this happened they had the perfect excuses to go forward with full purge, which is continuing to this day.

The numbers all the White awareness had in 2017 were unprecedented until the Charlottesville incident broke, which set the chain reaction so that two and a half years later people can't even get a Youtube channel if they have a white skin now.

I have used a sample from the bible and from even a shit place called radio Islam before to prove a point...this means...nothing.

Gear88 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Daily Stormer

In light of your excellent article on Asiatic communism replying to Roybatty91. FYI in one of the sermons the only reason the jews resisted the pogrom of the Ming-Dynasty was cause their tribes and potential shabbos held key positions in the egalitarian military and quelled the rebellion.

But don't some of our members and at least on a few occasions HPs. Used a sample material from Daily Stormer to understand a situation?

Is it one of those things HP.Cobra mentioned whereby there is so much information and so much hidden shit by MSM retards that to see the F-RTR working is trying. In other words F-RTR does so much shit and non-communists that the enemy hides it well. (((Fake News))).

Also it's been said some of our members have done online warfare on DS. And mentioned that even the slightest slip of "National Socialism is political Satanism" or the promotion of SS. Is an immediate ban, well if that is the case just as our forums our open to the public, just how much do you think these judeo-bolshevik elements know about us?

(Interesting name there, National Bolshevism, reminds me of HP.Cobra's recent Marxism should be renamed as Racial Warfare)
This dualistic mindset that you have Roy is the reason the jews have been successful in deceiving for centuries.

So because the Democrats are like pushing the China agenda [at a moment where they absolutely have no policy] which is the last thing that makes any political remote sense from their whole emotional agenda, is this strange? And because the media goes on with the spiel, as it would be expected with everytime they basically follow every form of US aggression to get it into war, or to create bad diplomatic relations [which indirectly benefits Israel], does that mean that the situation itself is wrong?

You do not have to believe in neither of their sides, just take each one for what it is.

The media promotes and tarnishes xianity, why aren't you a xian or an anti-xian as a result with this mindset? You project it as if there is some complex thought behind it but all there is to it is that: "Media promotes the China hype" [by like, reporting it to make Trump look like a lunatic for even considering to pursue this Agenda, which started by Bannon which was an expert on the subject], so therefore "it is shilling". AKA this is the wrong route of action.

Once upon a time the same MSM jew media was also promoting family values, because it was profitable for the jews to do so. Should we abolish the family unit since the mainstream media promoted it? This is a superficial thinking on the matter. Every case has to be examined individually.

This is a question of normal politics, China is up there with production, factories, economy, and the AI. Sooner or later China and the US will start clashing and this is mandatory to keep China in check. As to the whole "they created the reactions in Hong Kong", sure they did. And Communists on their end have for 70 years brainwashed every single American generation and university of the West with Social Marxism.

Like I'm not even getting the point, even if we are HYPOTHETICALLY accept this stupid line that is being espoused, to say that the Chinese aren't jews or something, or even shill to the extent to say they are just poor innocent victims who have created a world class modern dystopia by a little mistake and out of their love and compassion of their own people, or some other sick shit, what does that all even mean in the end?

So in theory goyim if Mao wasn't a jew then he was a good boi and whomever talks evil against Communism is now an enemy of uhm, the reverse Anglin generated idea of Communism being for White people.

Do you understand the levels of shilling the above is into, or you're doing this on purpose? The line becomes blurry at this point.
This is the same game the Jews played in public during the cold war with the USSR. The whole time they were working behind the scenes to advance Communism and still are. That just means the Jews are smarter then you Roy that's why they call you the Goy.

Keep trying to con...vince everyone the Jews after building up Communist China to this day, don't run that place.

RoyBatty91 said:
The leader after him was an open Asian Jew
See, this is where I have my disagreement. You make it sound like it's just common sense that Hua Guofeng (if that's who you're referring to) was an "open Asian Jew." If there's good evidence for that then I want to know, but there is nothing I can find on this forum or anywhere else about Hua being "openly Jewish." There's a very large amount of evidence that Stalin was Jewish, by comparison, and that's believable.

This is important because you're siding with the actually, verifiably Jewish New York Times and the actually, verifiably Jewish National Endowment for Democracy on the theory that they are less Jewish than the Chinese government. This is an insane bet to make for allies, and it's even more insane because a collapsed China will give the US more power over its own population - like I said, the same thing happened after the Soviet Union fell. A wannabe tyranny with at least one rival is better to deal with than one with no rivals.

The Jews aren't subtle these days - If Hong Kong was something they didn't want, especially if it was something that Trump was somehow commanding from behind-the-scenes, then they'd be shouting it down 24/7 from Core Media, banhammering protest supporters on social, and assigning a few con-oppo pieces to the Shapiro set. Instead, we have an almost unprecedented situation where the left-wing media, F/G/Y/T, AND the right-wing controlled opposition are all going full steam ahead on the same narrative.

I do browse Daily Stormer, and I think Anglin is full of shit on more than a few points, but the Hong Kong issue isn't one of them. The whole thing is summed up pretty well in this annotation of a New York Times article:

Note that one of the organizations involved in Hong Kong, the National Democratic Institute, is explicitly affiliated with the Democrat Party. And again, the National Endowment for Democracy, the main group involved, has a Jewish president and a significant Jewish presence in its board of directors. The idea that they and the entire Jewish media are just carrying water for Trump, who somehow has them by the balls while all of Central America pours over the US border, is insane.

As far as the Jews "playing both sides" in China - that's what was going on up until Hong Kong. They wanted to get China fully re-Golemized, and they applied a carrot (massive trade deals/tech transfers) and stick (military threats, diplomatic pressure) to try to make that happen. Now, for whatever reason, their approach is 100% stick. If this drives China fully away from the (((Western interests))) it's dealt with in the past, then good. But as far as who to support in this - I'm sorry, but if I see someone in a kippah and full prayer shawl slapping around someone in CCP fatigues, I'm not going out of my way to jump in for the former.
Its over Royboy's head that the Jews are doing political theater because now the American public is waking up on China. The Jews especially from the Democratic Party wing literally created Communist China and have been handing America over to Communist China since Truman all the way to the current day even getting their allies nuclear reactors to create nuclear weapons. But nope they really are against Communist China we can judge by the last few minutes of history. Pay no attention to Biden the billionaire from the CCP the Jews are running and want to be President. Roy knows because he reads the Daily Shitter run by Jews.
Anglin has openly bragged the strategy of the Daily Shitter is to push his agenda which is so full of shit and insane that people think its a joke and they don't take it seriously this allows the repetition of such to then go into their minds and program then as they are caught off guard. Then when Anglin gets called out on such he claims its only a joke dude muh lol. This moron then actually thinks people are to disregard his own bragged about strategy and believe this strange little Muppet.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The problem thing is that people think Anglin is making jokes when he promotes Communism and the related, or is just being edgy, or whatever, but Anglin is doing a method of brainwashing, to open up people into Communism and to start embracing and accepting this idea, which then creates a lot of shit rivers and confused ideologies, all of which in the end confuse the White Movement and also have chain reactions that later cause things that restrain everyone involved.

I was of the first people to be critical and rim them another one because of what they are doing. Only Charlottesville has costed us the last 2 years in being fast forwarded in the Gulag process where we would be in the next 5 years by normal rates, at time which, the enemy would be fucked up way before this due to the amount and speed of information rising. The enemy had no clauses to take further action before Charlottesville, then after this happened they had the perfect excuses to go forward with full purge, which is continuing to this day.

The numbers all the White awareness had in 2017 were unprecedented until the Charlottesville incident broke, which set the chain reaction so that two and a half years later people can't even get a Youtube channel if they have a white skin now.

I have used a sample from the bible and from even a shit place called radio Islam before to prove a point...this means...nothing.

Gear88 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Daily Stormer

In light of your excellent article on Asiatic communism replying to Roybatty91. FYI in one of the sermons the only reason the jews resisted the pogrom of the Ming-Dynasty was cause their tribes and potential shabbos held key positions in the egalitarian military and quelled the rebellion.

But don't some of our members and at least on a few occasions HPs. Used a sample material from Daily Stormer to understand a situation?

Is it one of those things HP.Cobra mentioned whereby there is so much information and so much hidden shit by MSM retards that to see the F-RTR working is trying. In other words F-RTR does so much shit and non-communists that the enemy hides it well. (((Fake News))).

Also it's been said some of our members have done online warfare on DS. And mentioned that even the slightest slip of "National Socialism is political Satanism" or the promotion of SS. Is an immediate ban, well if that is the case just as our forums our open to the public, just how much do you think these judeo-bolshevik elements know about us?

(Interesting name there, National Bolshevism, reminds me of HP.Cobra's recent Marxism should be renamed as Racial Warfare)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
