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Google China Prototype Links Searches to Phone Numbers


Jun 14, 2018
Who woulda thought that 1984 would be used as a blueprint?

Google has launched a kosher derivative of its search engine for the Chinese market, which complies with the Party's stringent demands for serving as a tool of surveillance, censorship and suppression of free thought. The search engine app links with the phone number of your mobile device, and by extension, your searches with your identity.

The search engine, codenamed Dragonfly, was designed for Android devices, and would remove content deemed sensitive by China’s ruling Communist Party regime, such as information about political dissidents, free speech, democracy, human rights, and peaceful protest.

Leading human rights groups have criticized Dragonfly, saying that it could result in the company “directly contributing to, or [becoming] complicit in, human rights violations.” A central concern expressed by the groups is that, beyond the censorship, user data stored by Google on the Chinese mainland could be accessible to Chinese authorities, who routinely target political activists and journalists.

Sources familiar with the project said that prototypes of the search engine linked the search app on a user’s Android smartphone with their phone number. This means individual people’s searches could be easily tracked – and any user seeking out information banned by the government could potentially be at risk of interrogation or detention if security agencies were to obtain the search records from Google.

“This is very problematic from a privacy point of view, because it would allow far more detailed tracking and profiling of people’s behavior,” said Cynthia Wong, senior internet researcher with Human Rights Watch. “Linking searches to a phone number would make it much harder for people to avoid the kind of overreaching government surveillance that is pervasive in China.”

Big Brother knows best. The search engine replaces data and information with statistics that the Party deems more acceptable for public consumption.

The search engine would be operated as part of a “joint venture” partnership with a company based in mainland China, according to sources familiar with the project. People working for the joint venture would have the capability to update the search term blacklists, the sources said, raising new questions about whether Google executives in the U.S. would be able to maintain effective control and oversight over the censorship.

Sources familiar with Dragonfly said the search platform also appeared to have been tailored to replace weather and air pollution data with information provided directly by an unnamed source in Beijing. The Chinese government has a record of manipulating details about pollution in the country’s cities. One Google source said the company had built a system, integrated as part of Dragonfly, that was “essentially hardcoded to force their [Chinese-provided] data.” The source raised concerns that the Dragonfly search system would be providing false pollution data that downplayed the amount of toxins in the air.

With the passing of article 13, people wonder just how bad censorship can get. One need only look to the east to see what lies further down the line for us if the (((elite))) continue to have their way. Data being skewed and reframed to reinforce the narrative, AI scouring cyberspace and meatspace and tracking your every waking action and shaming you publicly whenever you step out of line, and social credit scores to enlist the common citizen into keeping free thinkers and other dissidents isolated, in the dark, neutered and powerless while rewarding the cattle for being good goyim.

Source article:
It has always been that way.

It's just that now we are discovering it and due to the RTR's people are reacting to this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
