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Franz Bardon

loki88 said:
It would be great if a 'grocery list' of books were compiled other than the excellent material of JOS for those who want to have handy 'pocket books' like arthur avalon's the serpent power which is a smallish book that can be carried around. Someone needs to make a Natsoc satanic occult bible which is concise and practically applicable

I would, however, have you ever thought what comes when the jews get their hands on said manuscripts and corrupt them? One wishes then they never made them.

There is no bible needed for us, the JoS is our Holy Book, clearly and consciesely our websites.
it would be great if JOS material could be condensed in some way and printed in physical form.
loki88 said:
it would be great if JOS material could be condensed in some way and printed in physical form.
Condensed how? Do you even realize how much information is packed into each page, how densely packed?

Remember "never lend your books to other people, lest they be altered by them. I lead directly to the path without use of any book. You should memorize the contents of the knowledge so you don't need to rely on any book." The wording is a little different because I did it just from memory, but the message is the same.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
loki88 said:
it would be great if JOS material could be condensed in some way and printed in physical form.
Condensed how? Do you even realize how much information is packed into each page, how densely packed?

Remember "never lend your books to other people, lest they be altered by them. I lead directly to the path without use of any book. You should memorize the contents of the knowledge so you don't need to rely on any book." The wording is a little different because I did it just from memory, but the message is the same.

some form of
1) general philosophical principles and
2) condensed practical instruction with supplemental reference section
amounting to approx 200 pages so that it could be carried around in a 'bible case' like the christards
Stormblood said:
satanichonor said:
Stormblood said:
Regaddless, I read all of them except Frabato. The only one to be interesting is the one I mentioned. One of the others is about kike kabbalah related to astrology and seals that actually block planetary powers.

I remember that being mentioned about one of his books.
The other book sounds interesting to me.
You can always learn something from someone even if they're crazy.
There was a section on music that was abit wrong in the pdf as well.

Thank you for telling they were actually referenced. If you remember where exactly, post a link so others can actually see where. That would hr helpful. I used to read a lot of books on druidry, despite most of them being nonsensical garbage that has actually very little to do with druids. So I know what you mean about keeping an open mind.
You're welcome my brother.

They were in the mcdonnell Jos pdf here:

Title: Advanced Satanic Texts - page 556
Stormblood said:
satanichonor said:
Stormblood said:
Regaddless, I read all of them except Frabato. The only one to be interesting is the one I mentioned. One of the others is about kike kabbalah related to astrology and seals that actually block planetary powers.

I remember that being mentioned about one of his books.
The other book sounds interesting to me.
You can always learn something from someone even if they're crazy.
There was a section on music that was abit wrong in the pdf as well.

Thank you for telling they were actually referenced. If you remember where exactly, post a link so others can actually see where. That would hr helpful. I used to read a lot of books on druidry, despite most of them being nonsensical garbage that has actually very little to do with druids. So I know what you mean about keeping an open mind.
there also some references of him in there.
Also the pyramid meditation is good, I am sure you know of it. Though its not "out there".
I am not sure about some of the time franz fardon doesn't look you can trust him sometimes. It seems to me he would fuck with you at least once in his books, that is what I see in his soul anyway, und he looks like shit.
Merging consciousness with different races section was retarted.
Stormblood said:
The only good book by him is Introduction to Hermetics. The others have never been suggested

Hiya, would you suggest only reading Introduction to Hermetics.? out of all the Bardon books? I've started Frababto, but it doesn't really seem worth reading...

thanks for your advice
Read here also
thanks, that explains a lot thank you

I was wondering why Introduction to Hermetics... mentioned

*Tetragrammaton literally means “the four-letter word”. It was a subterfuge to avoid the sin of uttering the sacred name YHVH (Yahveh) or Jehova as it later became when the vowels of another word were combined with the consonants of YHVH.

So, is it best only to read Introduction to Hermetics, and none of Bardon other books?
Solar Legion said:
thanks, that explains a lot thank you

I was wondering why Introduction to Hermetics... mentioned

*Tetragrammaton literally means “the four-letter word”. It was a subterfuge to avoid the sin of uttering the sacred name YHVH (Yahveh) or Jehova as it later became when the vowels of another word were combined with the consonants of YHVH.

So, is it best only to read Introduction to Hermetics, and none of Bardon other books?
Read whatever you like. The book on summoning is practically useless, you can find similar things in the last steps of the Hermetic Initiation and without the need to summon the Angels of the Jews. Rather than that text I would read Jamblicus or other Neoplatonic authors.
The one on kabbalah strangely does not use the Hebrew alphabet, however it is particularly contaminated with Jewish stuff and I doubt that the teachings in it are derived from the Fraternitas Saturni although I am not sure. Rather I would study Mantra Yoga from authors such as David Frawley.
There is another book by Bardon called Question and Answers that is for the most part not polluted, however it is useless to waste a lot of time reading books on spirituality.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Having read what Maxime wrote yesterday:

""""The text "Practice of Magickal Evocation" contains spirit abuse, though in a milder form. This text is still an excellent read for knowledge. These "spirits" appear to be enemy thoughtforms programmed to keep humanity under control. They have simple souls consisting of one to two elements in contrast to the human soul which consists of five. These beings feed off of and obtain their energy from the planets they were assigned to.""""

I have been reading the above book, and it totally makes sense that these are thought forms surrounding the planets and parasite from the planets.

The descriptions of the angels is very detailed and imaginative, and I wonder did Bardon take these descriptions from somewhere else? He describes 360 angels! 72 of which are for the mercury sphere, which represent each of the tarot cards. It seems such a elaborate system, that im wondering if he lifted these descriptions from somewhere else?

Is there 360 key demons, 72 belonging to mercury? Or is this all part of the jewish thought form system?
Solar Legion said:
There are things in the book from Fraternitas Saturni, the editor of the 1991 edition wrote that in one of the lasts pages
Bardon declined to reveal the negative spirits of
the mercurial sphere ( and indeed of the other
spheres) for fear of misuse.
However, the negative entities were well known
and published amongst the Fraternitus Saturni,
and those in Bardons esoteric circles in Prague
and Germany.
thanks for this ^^ OK so franz bardon also lifted a lot of the imaginative descriptions from text of the Fratinuus saturni (I guess these are accessible to us?) and then gave the demons - angel thought form names?

The other thing I find very strange, is at the end of Bardon’s book, the key to the kaballah, he goes on to explain the magical application of every character of the English alphabet.

I expected him to go through the Hebrew alphabet. Again, it is really detailed, and I wonder is he lifting these descriptions maybe from Fratinuus saturnin again. Or Does the English language have Quabbalistic roots?

Hey also mentions

“”””The quabbalist will surely notice that the Tattwic Table of Analogies is nothing else but a fraction of the knowledge of the elements and that in Indian terminology the elements have names consisting of three letters. The LAM formula is analogous to the Earth Principle. The VAM formula is analogous to the Water Principle. The PAM formula is analogous to the Air Principle. The RAM formula is analogous to the Fire Principle. The HAM formula is analogous to the Akasa principle. This terminology will lead every reader to the universal mantra formula of AUM, which represents the so-called Brahma formula. “”””

He also mentions at the beginning…

“”The reader will agree that this science is most sacred and will never dare to degrade the universal laws to fulfill ordinary mantic purposes. Each religious system had its own genuine quabbalah which it was gradually losing due to the various reforms of the religious systems; it is being fully maintained only in the Orient.

Being fully maintained in the orient? He can't mean the Hebrew version then?

He also says...

“”The ancient Celts and Druids also had their genuine quabbalah which was well known to Druid priests. The practical use of the runic magic by the Druid temple priests originates from their ancient knowledge of the quabbalah. Today there are unfortunately only very few people who understand the runic quabbalah of the old Druids and can apply it practically. The practical runic quabbalah has been lost completely during the course of time. “”

Am I correct in saying that the original kaballah is Egyptian? And then subsequently, the Indians and druids derived their language from the Egyptian characters and therefore developer their own kaballah with the original demon deities?

And then the Hebrew copied the Sanskrit language and made the Hebrew language, but when they made their kaballah, they then programed it with Hebrew thought forms?

Look at the bottom of the manuscript you can read the things I quoted, maybe as a source he also used the Picatrix, but probably also knowledge he had through his own experience. From what I understand Bardon was a very Christian guy who received information from his cousin Rah Ohmir who was an Adonist, (they thought Satan was the mythological character Adonis,they had a view of Him not too dissimilar to that of today's Spiritual Satanism) and was part of the Fraternitas Saturni. However, after receiving the information Bardon remained a Christian, and I believe he also used the information and not just put it in writing, so it is not impossible that there are things in the next two books that come from his personal experience.

Yes I have also heard people very connected to the enemy talk about the fact that kabbalah is of Egyptian origin for example the Djed is divided into four sections which correspond to the four levels of the tree of life in kabbalah

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Image of the Egyptian Djed pillar:


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
