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Building financial wealth - a question


Active member
Feb 8, 2022
under Satan's reign
As there have lately been discussions about donating, I thought it's better to ask this question here.
I've taken interest in Robert Kiyosaki's book "Rich dad, poor dad" and it all sounds so well to apply and become rich so we can donate more. But before getting into something I want to avoid being scammed by yet another financial strategy published by kikes. Do you know if he has any jewish affiliations?
Him specifically, I believe he is fine and what he teaches is a sound strategy, if you can make it work. It requires a lot of capital to get any meaningful returns, so a lot of time will be spent before you can see the fruits of your labour.

Also buying real estate the way he does relies on loans, which are getting more and more expensive as interest rates keep going up. If you're going to do this, make sure to negotiate a fixed rate loan and not a flexible one, it's always gonna cost more, but I know people that recently bought a house with a fixed 2% instead of a flexible 0.8%. Those who got the flexible mortgage are now paying 6-7% and cannot afford it l, due to the interest rates.

Consult with a professional on the matter.
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Do you know if he has any jewish affiliations?

what i’m going to say sounds like an infiltrator.

whether you have it or not, what matters is that the content is valuable for growth and we have full cognitive capacity to filter only the gold, and not take impurities with us, with the greater good of growing and perhaps sharing with our brothers in the future

there was a topic out there that totally criticized the book 48 laws of power, but as i am an intrinsic follower of the truth, i cannot see anything distorted there, if not reality, they did this to us and appropriated things to serve them

I recommend you only read Rich dad Poor dad and avoid the rest of his books. Robert shares very good insight and more importantly he deconstructs the poor mentality and helps you get into the right mindset for building wealth, and gives you a new perspective on debt and how debt can be used to make you rich. But he is also trying to cash in on the online financial guru market.

If you watch his interviews, many of them is just him repeating himself over and over and providing little if any real advice, and mostly just promoting his brand and his books. Rich dad Poor dad is an excellent read, the rest of his stuff; interviews, other books etc are mostly pointless.

Robert has a bad habit of perpetually beating around the bush and never really getting to the point and never providing concrete and applicable advice a lot of the time in his interviews and writings. Rich dad Poor dad is the exception in my opinion, it's a very eye opening read.

You should not attempt to follow in another person's footsteps when it comes to investing and building your wealth, because what applied to someone else may not apply to you. In the example of robert's real estate investments, the real estate market is a completely different game compared to when he first got into it, so if you try to replicate what worked before you will likely crash and burn in today's world.

I've written a lot of stuff about finance and I recommend you read some of my posts on it, namely this one and read the replies from others also:
Dahaarkan said:

Your new picture reminds me of The Crying Boy painting. There is some ghost or thoughtform attached to it that set's people's houses on fire who have copies of it, but the painting never gets burned.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Your new picture reminds me of The Crying Boy painting. There is some ghost or thoughtform attached to it that set's people's houses on fire who have copies of it, but the painting never gets burned.

Wow, you are perceptive I'll give you that. I actually originally wanted to use that painting as a profile picture but couldn't find a quality copy or photo of it online.


I like this one too.
"The Hands Resist Him"

Ol argedco luciftias said:


I like this one too.
"The Hands Resist Him"

Wow lol you like the scary ass shit like I do :lol:
The first boy picture has a very interesting vibe to it, and it's not positive.
Ol argedco luciftias said:

Beautiful, thanks.

To me this painting invokes a sense of responsibility; a child alone covered in rags, silenced, lost and forgotten by the world, doomed to be corrupted as no one can be bothered to raise and protect him.

The one you shared is also really similar in theme for me, with the lifeless hands reaching for him from the darkness. These paintings to me symbolize abandonment, corruption & loss of innocence of children.

The children ARE the future. If you allow them to be corrupted, you allowed the future to be corrupted. You cannot undo the corruption of a generation, you can only shelter the next one from being corrupted, and in doing so you have safeguarded the future of your race.

This is my drive and source of motivation to keep going, and why I'm raging all the time. The games kikes play with children, corrupting and twisting their minds from such a young age, and people's inability and unwillingness to see this and shelter their children from it, it makes my blood boil.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Dahaarkan said:

Your new picture reminds me of The Crying Boy painting. There is some ghost or thoughtform attached to it that set's people's houses on fire who have copies of it, but the painting never gets burned.

Has this really been happening? I searched about it online but it seems to be urban legends. Some suggested it's the material that wouldn't let them burn.
The author of that painting looks kikish in my opinion.
A while back some year maybe a nearing two years now. We had some threads on financial discourse.

First of all if your a Capitalist or wish to engage Capitalism particularly if your a realistic person. Kiyosaki is the way to go, do realize he is pure-American Grade Capitalist dupe. If your against Capitalism i.e. Nat Soc like us or against his practices you feel ethically driven that unless you work or unless the money is properly constructed you don't like market speculation or don't want to get into market speculation. Then avoid Kiyosaki, in fact if I recall correctly he is very big into people like Warren Buffet and other Capitalist Dupes.

In fact Kiyosaki is one of those big cash money ballers that probably plops down 2 million on stocks pumps it up and either keeps the stock as a long-term growth or short-term or moderate-medium term and sells it off making 20 million.

Sheer fact is if you want to be a person who games the market your gonna enjoy his stuff. On the other hand if you have no qualms about market speculation. And you want to diversify your portfolio and you want to do stuff to have maximum financial returns I wouldn't be surprised if Adam Scott, Dilbert, posses a lot of capital from such properties. In other words he is cancel culture proof.

Listening or reading Kiyosaki would be good. I don't know above what the person states on repetitiveness. But I wouldn't be surprised if Kiyosaki is one of these big cash money ballers that posses a financial strategy and games the system. Like Aswath Damadoran, your strategy changes from time to time. What worked one day can't work another day and what worked last year might not work.

Sheer fact is Kiyosaki is lucky and probably studied or educated himself on financial stock and probably is very good at math, Asian joke aside.

If so he probably diversified his portfolio striking at low-mid range stocks that got pumped up and backs up his money on heightened stocks. For example he gained money over time and made money and is good at it but always keeps a good percentage, a good chunk in high-end stocks. For example Microsoft, Intel, Nvidia, AMD, Tesla(Tesla crashed 43% due to twitter funny ca-ching buy, buy, buy in fact it went up only 21.23% a bit afterwards buy, buy, buy), etc.etc. most of the tech stocks swing wildly up and good tech stocks enjoy massive gains.

Sheer fact is Kiyosaki's strategy is plunder the market, find mistakes in the market, probably even gotten involved with instantaneous purchases in other words a speculator sees a stock rising quickly they buy immediately not in 5 or 10 minutes now then they sell 5-10-20 minutes an hour later and make a profit.

If you want to speculate the market I suggest you study Investment Philosophies and understand risk management. In fact taxes alone even now can take over 60% of your profits of speculation. So taxes are the main reason people don't market speculate it's almost like the system is gamed to be protected like Members Only jackets. Wealthy People Only to enrich the rich and get more richness for the rich.

Sheer fact is it's why micro-stocking and mini-stocking has gotten popular. For example Stash, you purchase something from Amazon and Amazon pays you a dividend stock for a few tens of cents maybe a dollars worth of stock. Passive market speculation a way to speculate but not be involved directly.

Market Speculation is what exists there is not just our speculation like NYSE or S&P or Dow but also ForEx, Foreign Exchange, currency speculation. Hell some people have made a good chunk of change in small stocks or penny stocks. You put down 20,000 dollars on acquiring nearly 700,000 3-cent stocks and you sell it for 9-cents and make 60,000 dollars.

In reality taxes and financial risk losses are your biggest worry. You can always make some money or gain money somehow. But taxes and risk losses are terrible. Like Crypto sells the instant you convert to USD you have to pay capital gains taxes. I highly doubt people do that. I believe people pay taxes but only through lying "Oh I made a million on crypto but what they don't mention is they moved hundreds of thousands through USD and into other crypto to back themselves up."

It's actually quite stupid the Government literally believes people pay taxes per each change from stock or crypto to dollars. No most people even Buffet probably doesn't do that.

In reality crypto or stock is not meant to be gamed. Just as Gottfried Feder states Currency Speculation, Market Speculation, International Speculation, and Big Loan Capital is the 4 biggest scourges. Even Federian anti-speculation is correct. Even Feder would agree that stock trading isn't trading. You don't exactly trade much.

In fact because taxes can hit you 60-70-80% of your risk i.e. financial gains. You invest in something you sell it at some point or you keep it as a backing and added it to your portfolio.

This act of selling and moving it all the time is silly. Like Aswath states, moving stocks all the time is a recipe for disaster but if you invest and buy and sell at tactical opportunities in strategic moves. You'll make money, many people believe stock trading to be this hustle and bustle of moving money around like crazy and being liquid. No if anything you minimize your trading and the minimal traders make the most money because they manage risk and don't risk converting to dollars.

Sheer fact is I don't know much deep on stock trading. It's a shame there is no conversion medium for stock trade. For example you buy 2 million of Tesla stock at 43% crash down, Tesla stock goes up 23% you buy another million. Then Tesla returns and you sell but instead of converting to USD you convert to a medium of exchange of the stock to avoid taxes then you back it up using other stocks so you made like say 30 million. So those 30 million go into backup stocks and you keep 1 million for personal money and pay the 1 million in taxes.

It's like Stormblood said a while back. People who have Trusts make a lot of money. They pay taxes before not after the Trust.

So in essence a person has 200,000 dollars in a Trust fund for their soon to be University educated offspring. They pay 200,000 dollars in taxes but not the combined total of 200,000 + 375,000 dollars for the total of 575,000 dollars. In essence you just shaved off 20-30% losses of financial gains.

How is that even legal? How is paying less appropriate for a tax paying society? and the fact you can add taxless money to your trust and shave off 20-30-40% in losses is hilarious.

Same for stock the Government literally believes people will invest, make money, then somehow by magic pay 50-60-70% in taxes for stock trading then somehow be happy and do that all the time. I bet there are literally 100s of billions moved about every day without a penny going to the Government. It's funny maybe if the tax laws were fixed it wouldn't be bad.

It reminds me of Styx recently mentioning the failed 9-9-9 plan 9% Income, 9% Capital, 9% something else. Not bad a bit high but not bad. But it only works if you recreate the tax code for everything. In fact it only works in a taxless society like Feder wanted not Liberterian Income tax = State-Sponsored robbery. No taxes either for income nor direct and or indirect taxes. People pay face value posses no income tax and aren't taxed for items. The taxes are most likely for companies for the Government to make money to reinvest the 15-16-17 billion yearly earnings of the German 247-345 billion dollar industry of the Nation. So the big loan capital gains are put back into the economy to help regenerate another massive yearly gains and continue rising up and fixing things.

If you want to get involved with the market study Aswath Damodoran. He makes some good points for example instead of putting R&D into immediate debt you set it to capital expenditures as it looks odd in accounting. Why debt? the company is investing in a future product.

Investment Philosophy Aswath Damodaran - Youtube

Anyways most likely I'm talking out my ass and just vicariously thinking of investing in other words as my friend said I consume information and simply dream about it.

But sheer fact is market speculations biggest issue is risk management. If you calculate the risk no matter how small even 1% you'll make money. For example the other day on Friday a bit ago as of the time of this post. I saw Microsoft go up 1.69% after closing Stockmarket. If you got on Monday and had a good chunk of stock in Microsoft you got years ago and wanted to sell your immediate gains might be 1.69% as of the time of opening. Doesn't sound much but investment is about little gains.

Think of it like starcraft yeah large attacks are good. But Starcraft is a game of little victories that add up. Oh you built your second base 30 seconds faster than your opponent you gain more. Or your unit killed 3 workers and your up 5 workers great. Or you were attacked you lost two marines but killed 27 zerglings, you'll take that trade all day.

Stock trading = a game patience, minimalism, and gaining little victories. Who knows maybe you gain a stock gain a percent or two and then before you know it it jumps 13% and you sell.

But again I think the best strategy is a medium term strategy to gain money, duh, but invest the money in stocks to back yourself up for the future at least 30-40-50% of your earnings should go to capture big players. Tech is crazy but volatile, same for biomedicine etc.etc.

AI is huge in today's time Wars Begun, AI have.

If the AI wars heat up that is the next sector. Really the biggest issue with market speculation is daily closure nearing 5P.M. Crypto was speculated to hell and back due to never closing 24/7 running.

In reality I'm a big fan of PMEX, Private Market Securities. It's very NS'y and very good it does posses some tax bullshit but it can be mitigated real easily.

Things like CartaX, look up their old image videos from a few years ago. CartaX on youtube private market securities.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
