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Are there any physical benefits to Chastity

Nov 12, 2019
Are there any physical benefits to not having sex or even sexual thoughts? Or is in fact harmful for the body?

Its hard to tell what is good for you when everything is so obfuscated. Why does the catholic church want people to be chaste?
I don't think there are. Sexual energy is basically live/soul energy. It's almost like a meditation and also has physical benefits. There is even sexual energy based magic which says it all about the energy that is involved.

CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
Are there any physical benefits to not having sex or even sexual thoughts? Or is in fact harmful for the body?

Its hard to tell what is good for you when everything is so obfuscated. Why does the catholic church want people to be chaste?
It's bad, having sex and having sexual thoughts is normal and good
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
Are there any physical benefits to not having sex or even sexual thoughts? Or is in fact harmful for the body?

Its hard to tell what is good for you when everything is so obfuscated. Why does the catholic church want people to be chaste?
Have you read JoS?
In this way the second chakra is blocked and kundalini cannot rise.
With chastity you will have psychological damage and on a spiritual level it is deadly.
I feel satisfaction and accomplishment when I get to the point of orgasm and I stop it, never giving women my energy.

As for the physical... I don't think it matters whether you are chaste or not.
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
Are there any physical benefits to not having sex or even sexual thoughts? Or is in fact harmful for the body?

Its hard to tell what is good for you when everything is so obfuscated. Why does the catholic church want people to be chaste?
If you hold off on masturbating and or sex you will have more drive in your life to get things done.

I experimented with this holding out for a week and it does work.

It was torture though not having release.

I'm not sure medically the ramifications.
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
Are there any physical benefits to not having sex or even sexual thoughts? Or is in fact harmful for the body?

Its hard to tell what is good for you when everything is so obfuscated. Why does the catholic church want people to be chaste?

Celibacy is bad for you, likewise cooming too much is also bad for your health. I suggest orgasming once every 1-2 weeks.

Sex is also a connection and energy exchange. It is safer to have sex with your wife than a prostitute that carries a lot of negative enrgies.
Biologically speaking for men, with healthy sexual function and sex organs, sperm builds up over the course of 3 days, reaching maximum saturation after a 3 day period.

After 3 days, any "retained" semen begins to be broken down by the body into its base proteins and is reabsorbed while new healthy sperm is continuously produced, however if the body notices that there isn't a lot of sexual function and the sperm is never ejaculated over long periods of time, the production of sperm slows down and over time this causes atrophication of the sexual organs.

One is also likely to experience wet dreams when not ejaculating for long periods of time, as the body tries to subconsciously maintain this function in lieu of masturbation or sex.

Due to these biological facts and processes, I always hold to it that even in times you want to reduce your masturbation for various reasons, once every 3 days is the biological minimum to consider healthy, any more than that may only benefit someone if their yang has been excessively depleted over long periods of time due to excessive masturbation and long term wastage of their sexual energy.

Hail Satan!
RockSeed13 said:
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
Are there any physical benefits to not having sex or even sexual thoughts? Or is in fact harmful for the body?

Its hard to tell what is good for you when everything is so obfuscated. Why does the catholic church want people to be chaste?

Celibacy is bad for you, likewise cooming too much is also bad for your health. I suggest orgasming once every 1-2 weeks.

Sex is also a connection and energy exchange. It is safer to have sex with your wife than a prostitute that carries a lot of negative enrgies.
Once every 1-2 weeks?

I don't last more than 2-3 days. I know it depends on the individual, but having sex/masturbation so infrequently doesn't feel right to me.

For those with a large appetite, sexual activity can also be done daily, as long as it's not overdone and the individual doesn't ejaculate several times a day.
I'm not trying to rain on anybody's parade as I agree it is not good to do this but... I find it strange how nobody has mentioned STIs. Just as a flip side to this coin here.
You can use protection to protect against it but not fully. You can catch things quite easily if you are not careful. Some you can get rid of, some never. Also if you have a porn addiction, you do not have to be fully chaste persey, but restraining / retraining yourself would be useful as well.
Also, no oopsie babies. Woohoo!
This post by HP. Hoodedcobra666 will clear up a few doubts:
This is from The Shiva Samhita ,a most important Tantric Text,

Through the practice of Vajroli, even a householder living according to his desires and without the restrictions taught in Yoga can be liberated. Together with Vajroli, this Yoga grants liberation even to one who indulges his senses, so it should be regularly and zealously practiced by yogis. First the wise yogi should carefully and correctly draw up through his urethra the generative fluid from a woman’s vagina and make it enter his body. After awakening his semen he should start to move his penis. If by chance his semen should move upwards it can be stopped with the Yonimudra. He should draw his semen onto the left side, remove his penis from the vagina for a moment, and then start having intercourse again. Following his guru’s instructions, the yogi should draw up his apana wind and with the sound hum hum forcibly extract the generative fluid from the yoni. Know semen to be lunar and the generative fluid to be solar. One should strive to combine them both in one’s own body. I am semen, the goddess is the generative fluid. When both are combined, the body of the practicing yogi becomes divine. When the great jewel semen is mastered there is nothing on earth that cannot be mastered. Through its grace, one becomes as great as me. Semen, depending on its state, brings about happiness and sorrow for all the deluded inhabitants of the world subject to decrepitude and death. This auspicious Yoga is the best of all for yogis. Through its practice a man obtains perfection even if he indulges his senses. Every goal that is sought after is sure to be achieved here on earth by means of this Yoga, even after enjoying all pleasures. Using it, yogis are sure to attain total perfection, so one should practice it while having lots of fun.

It is a very very big boost to have sex with a woman while on the path to liberation. Her energy combines with ours and moves up the Yogis spine opening up all the chakras and ending up in the Pineal Gland where the Nectar of Immortality is released. There is no doubt about it.
RockSeed13 said:
BlackEagle666 said:

It really depends on the individual. 1-2 weeks for best suited for me. Masturbating daily is taxing to my body.
Retaining semen simply leads to sexual and sacral chakra blockages and also makes the body more cumbersome. For a few days it is useful to abstain from ejaculation, and that only if you have a deficiency of kidney energy ( Jing ). Ejaculation and orgasm are essential and you should not abstain from them. Make sure you don't do it to excess.

A healthy body easily replenishes kidney energy, while an unhealthy body does not do so as well. This means finding the frequency of masturbation that works for you. It could be every day, every other day, and so on...

For someone who does yoga, eats healthy and meditates, they shouldn't abstain for more than a week. Mobility is life and immobility is death. This applies to sexual activity as well.
None whatsoever. I agree with the input given by VoE and HP Hooded Cobra.

Other than that, I would like to add that chastity is the reason behind certain degenerate psychological issues being developed. These can be seen in catholic priests and other people who have been severely repressed at least in one lifetime. They include but are not limited to:
:arrow: paedophilia
:arrow: rape
:arrow: zoophilia
:arrow: necrophilia
:arrow: excessive sexual fetishes like caging, torture, objectification (such as wanting to be used as a footstool and similar), zoomorphism (fantasies where you are an animal and treated as an animal the way they disrespectfully treat animals in the contemporary age like they are dumb, inanimate possessions, etc which is the norm nowadays) and others.

The damage to the sacral chakra is severe and compounded.
Read the book ''The Multi-Orgasmic Man: Sexual Secrets Every Man Should Know'' by Mantak Chia.
Thank you all for your helpful replies

As at least 2 of you mentioned, these answers could already be found in multiple places on this website such as in HP Cobra's sermon on "Sexual Energy, Celibacy, and No Fap November". I certainly need to explore the website more deeply so I don't have to ask you all questions that you have already answered. I hope this thread helps other people who were interested in this topic nevertheless.

I felt in my gut this entire time that being chaste makes no biological sense. I just wasn't sure because I've been bombarded with Xian propaganda my entire life, affecting my subconscious even though I don't buy the lies outright consciously. Enki's post about sperm getting reabsorbed every 3 days really resonated with me. I do wonder what kind of effect the reabsorption of old sperm has on the body......like If it causes a "backup" or if it "gives back" some nutrients to the body to use for whatever function.

I've seen tv shows where they depict men as becoming tired and fatigued after they ejaculate, and thinking back on it, I wonder if that affected my subconscious and made me believe that ejaculation was bad because it causes fatigue, or if that actually is what takes place.

My sexual drive is very high and I have urges at least once a day or every 2 days. So the self control aspect is very important for me personally because doing anything in excess is bad. I remember when I "discovered" sexual activity in my adolescence, I would EJ like 3 times a day. After a a week or so I thought about what I was doing and realized in my gut that it was way too excessive and that it would have a negative effect if i kept it up long term. So ever since then I've done it every 2 days or so.

I am going to give the 3 day minimum cycle a try and see how affects my body.

Thanks for all of your posts again, I am now free of the false belief that strongly limiting sexual activity is beneficial for the body. It is not. But doing it too much is not good either. 3 days minimum or so makes sense.
RockSeed13 said:
xlnt said:
RockSeed13 said:
Masturbating daily is taxing to my body.

Masturbating daily does not mean ejaculating daily though.

So you are an edjeing master, no? :lol:

I think it's good to learn how to sort of become one and only reach climax on certain occations.
xlnt said:
RockSeed13 said:
xlnt said:
Masturbating daily does not mean ejaculating daily though.

So you are an edjeing master, no? :lol:

I think it's good to learn how to sort of become one and only reach climax on certain occations.
At the end of the session you should always ejaculate, sperms begin breaking down after 3 days, so it becomes useless, and... blue balls..
Aquarius said:
xlnt said:
RockSeed13 said:
So you are an edjeing master, no? :lol:

I think it's good to learn how to sort of become one and only reach climax on certain occations.
At the end of the session you should always ejaculate, sperms begin breaking down after 3 days, so it becomes useless, and... blue balls..

I disagree there. Orgasming once/twice a week or so is probably a good standard as RockSeed13 mentioned, but if I do it everyday I feel sort of depleted of energy, unmotivated etc. The NoFappers exaggerate this though to a standard of never masturbating, which can cause problems. Balance is a good word here. Pornography is destroying this balance for many I think.
As far as health goes, the focus should be on jing, which is similar to a stem cell stockpile. When sperm leaves the body, then jing is used up to replace it. If the sperm does not leave the body, even if it is recycled, the jing pool still grows continuously. It is not the sperm that has a healthful effect on the body, but the jing.

Excessive edging is not great because it can also sap kidney yang, due to maintaining an erection for so long, a buildup of seminal fluid or blue balls, and generally maintaining a state of arousal. This is the case where this is done longer than normal sexual activity.

When one learns symptoms of organ deficiencies, one can judge their boundaries. Things do not suddenly break in the body for no reason, rather they are preceded by a long-term imbalance.

If someone masturbates at a higher frequency than 3 days or whatever they may hear, yet they actually have no symptoms, then this means the body is able to replenish what it lost fast enough. This would be the case where someone has a very high vitality, such as with a strong Mars or Sun placement.


In addition to doing daily yoga, the more permanent solution is to do a working for increased vitality or also accomplish this by upgrading your natal fire energies. I have used Auruz and Saulo for this with good success, even with a smaller amount of reps. Start on a fire sign, day, and hour.

People should find what works best for them, due to the variety of factors in life or on a natal chart which can influence this. Someone could upset their health just as badly through other means. In other words, someone could lose an amount of jing equivalent to ejaculation if they did enough things wrong. Therefore, one has to take a holistic approach here.
People have different sex drives. Once a day recommendation is only for people with a very high one. Otherwise, they should less. Those with a very low sex drive can do with once a week. No shame for it. Doing it less as a habit rather than a technique to fix overuse, I don't know. It's impossible for some people to go more than a couple of days without doing it and there's no point in doing it, unless it has been overdone before.
Stormblood said:
People have different sex drives. Once a day recommendation is only for people with a very high one. Otherwise, they should less. Those with a very low sex drive can do with once a week. No shame for it. Doing it less as a habit rather than a technique to fix overuse, I don't know. It's impossible for some people to go more than a couple of days without doing it and there's no point in doing it, unless it has been overdone before.
When I say maximum, I don't mean that one wouldn't be able to do more. I just mean that it's not healthy to do so, regardless of personal opinion. Personal opinion is unsupported by fact. I doubt anyone who vouches for more times has perfect awareness of their kidneys, adrenal glands and sacral chakra on a physical and energetic level.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
