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Advanced Meditations Question


Mar 29, 2019
Every time I try and post anything, I'm taken to the log in page and the post is gone. :roll:

I'm still trying to figure out the best meditation schedule for myself, but I just thought of something interesting.
I realized a while back that I was implementing aspects of the magnum opus unintentionally, primarily in step three. I never had the magnum opus in mind, but I was doing those steps anyways.
After reading through more of the advanced meditations, I realize I actually have done this with other meditations as well. For example I had the idea to work on my chakras, and the steps I thought of were essentially the "tuning chakras through vibration" meditation.
I often doubt myself and assume I shouldn't listen to my instincts about these things. I suppose it's just normal to eventually know what to do when it comes to meditations and such?
You will know what to do as you advance and you will know when it’s right. Keep working with your Guardian and Satan.
lilquote said:
Every time I try and post anything, I'm taken to the log in page and the post is gone. :roll:
Try a different browser. This sounds like an issue with the cookies. Also ensure you have the "remember me" setting selected when logging in.

lilquote said:
I suppose it's just normal to eventually know what to do when it comes to meditations and such?
Yes, this is very normal. It's recommended to always have the same "basics", such as Void Meditation, Yoga, RTR, AoP, Cleaning, and Chakra Empowering in your schedule, and on top of these you just add whatever else you feel is best for you. And even for the basics you can freely choose how you prefer doing them.
For example I combine Hatha Yoga with Chakra Empowering, by vibrating mantras into the corresponding chakra and its position, courtesy of Egon's Yoga routine.

Depending on your personal life you can do as much or little as you want to and as time allows for. A highly busy person could get by with a condensed 30 minutes of meditation a day, while someone with a more open schedule could do 2, 3 or even 4 hours a day if desired.
Shael said:
lilquote said:
Every time I try and post anything, I'm taken to the log in page and the post is gone. :roll:
Try a different browser. This sounds like an issue with the cookies. Also ensure you have the "remember me" setting selected when logging in.

lilquote said:
I suppose it's just normal to eventually know what to do when it comes to meditations and such?
Yes, this is very normal. It's recommended to always have the same "basics", such as Void Meditation, Yoga, RTR, AoP, Cleaning, and Chakra Empowering in your schedule, and on top of these you just add whatever else you feel is best for you. And even for the basics you can freely choose how you prefer doing them.
For example I combine Hatha Yoga with Chakra Empowering, by vibrating mantras into the corresponding chakra and its position, courtesy of Egon's Yoga routine.

Depending on your personal life you can do as much or little as you want to and as time allows for. A highly busy person could get by with a condensed 30 minutes of meditation a day, while someone with a more open schedule could do 2, 3 or even 4 hours a day if desired.

I do have a very busy schedule and work a lot, so I space out the meditations in short bursts throughout the day. I wonder if doing advanced meditations before practicing the basics could potentially be bad or dangerous. And I'm curious now about what level I got to in a past life. Theoretically, if one is drawn to advanced meditations in this life, does this mean they were at a decent level in their last life?
lilquote said:
I do have a very busy schedule and work a lot, so I space out the meditations in short bursts throughout the day. I wonder if doing advanced meditations before practicing the basics could potentially be bad or dangerous. And I'm curious now about what level I got to in a past life. Theoretically, if one is drawn to advanced meditations in this life, does this mean they were at a decent level in their last life?
Generally you can do what you feel best doing, as long as you watch out for how your body and soul reacts to these. Usually, you are gonna want to clean your soul well before moving on to many of the advanced things, because it makes them easier and ensures you do not empower existing dirt or hangups you may have.

As for the basics, it's not like those are "beginner" meditations, in the sense that you'd "stop" them later. They need to be done always, as they are the equivalent of showering and brushing your teeth. You never get to a point where you stop doing those things, as they are simple life-essentials.

And yes, sometimes it can hint at having been advanced in a past life, if you feel attracted towards those meditations. But this isn't a guaranteed kind of thing, and there can be other reasons for this as well. Many new people feel like they want to skip over the basics, not because they were advanced before but because they are lazy and impatient.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
