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A satanist is against me


New member
Apr 11, 2019
My cousin is also believe in Satan.He know Satan well but he do meditation a little .I loved him very much. I shared my happiness with him. But now I notice that he is very jealous with me. When I meet with him, he act with me. He is very poor and he doesn't do any job or business. I am a college student.I don't know why he is against me. But technically I told him to forgive me if I do any wrong. Believe me he is jealous and angry man. Now he give me pain emotionally, mentally. I noticed that he read my birth chart and give me pain in my weak point. Supposed I am Sagittarius ♐ I live with my life freedom. He attack me in freedom life. I am not good in English but please try to understand my emotion..i can attack him spiritually because I spiritually advanced than him. But I don't do because I know Satan ask us to be united but I can't be united with him.... How can I be free from his negative energy?
Gremory666 said:
My cousin is also believe in Satan.He know Satan well but he do meditation a little .I loved him very much. I shared my happiness with him. But now I notice that he is very jealous with me. When I meet with him, he act with me. He is very poor and he doesn't do any job or business. I am a college student.I don't know why he is against me. But technically I told him to forgive me if I do any wrong. Believe me he is jealous and angry man. Now he give me pain emotionally, mentally. I noticed that he read my birth chart and give me pain in my weak point. Supposed I am Sagittarius ♐ I live with my life freedom. He attack me in freedom life. I am not good in English but please try to understand my emotion..i can attack him spiritually because I spiritually advanced than him. But I don't do because I know Satan ask us to be united but I can't be united with him.... How can I be free from his negative energy?
He is a negative person and probabily is jealous of superiority, detach from him is my advice, if he will advance then he will with time understand how retarded he was.
Gremory666 said:
My cousin is also believe in Satan.He know Satan well but he do meditation a little .I loved him very much. I shared my happiness with him. But now I notice that he is very jealous with me. When I meet with him, he act with me. He is very poor and he doesn't do any job or business. I am a college student.I don't know why he is against me. But technically I told him to forgive me if I do any wrong. Believe me he is jealous and angry man. Now he give me pain emotionally, mentally. I noticed that he read my birth chart and give me pain in my weak point. Supposed I am Sagittarius ♐ I live with my life freedom. He attack me in freedom life. I am not good in English but please try to understand my emotion..i can attack him spiritually because I spiritually advanced than him. But I don't do because I know Satan ask us to be united but I can't be united with him.... How can I be free from his negative energy?

returning curses might be helpful
lilquote said:
returning curses might be helpful

No, it won't be helpful. It'll be stupid and would lead to serious troubles.

Cursing another Satanist will make Satan seriously angry, he won't allow such a foolish thing. His/her cousin is probably dedicated to Satan with blood which means he can't really curse him/her, he could attempt cursing another Satanist but Satan or op's GD won't let the curses go through. And attempting to "return the curses" is just as foolish since you send negative energy that may or may not be from the cousin.

But if you wanna go around and recommend such things then go ahead, be my guest and attempt cursing other Satanist, but don't come here crying when reality hits hard.
Coraxo said:
lilquote said:
returning curses might be helpful

No, it won't be helpful. It'll be stupid and would lead to serious troubles.

Cursing another Satanist will make Satan seriously angry, he won't allow such a foolish thing. His/her cousin is probably dedicated to Satan with blood which means he can't really curse him/her, he could attempt cursing another Satanist but Satan or op's GD won't let the curses go through. And attempting to "return the curses" is just as foolish since you send negative energy that may or may not be from the cousin.

But if you wanna go around and recommend such things then go ahead, be my guest and attempt cursing other Satanist, but don't come here crying when reality hits hard.

returning curses is a general working that should be done by all ss. the hps have instructed us to do it every day. it's not "cursing another ss", it's returning any negative energy that's already been sent his way. if it happens to have been sent by an ss in the first place then it will just be sent back because what is someone supposed to do when they're being cursed or being sent destructive energy? repel it. in no way was I suggesting he curse his cousin, and I did not recommend he send negative energy, just repel it. it's about protecting himself. and by your logic, if any negative energy returns to his cousin as a result of this working, it was his cousin cursing him in the first place and he's in the wrong.
Coraxo said:
lilquote said:
returning curses might be helpful

No, it won't be helpful. It'll be stupid and would lead to serious troubles.

Cursing another Satanist will make Satan seriously angry, he won't allow such a foolish thing. His/her cousin is probably dedicated to Satan with blood which means he can't really curse him/her, he could attempt cursing another Satanist but Satan or op's GD won't let the curses go through. And attempting to "return the curses" is just as foolish since you send negative energy that may or may not be from the cousin.

But if you wanna go around and recommend such things then go ahead, be my guest and attempt cursing other Satanist, but don't come here crying when reality hits hard.

returning curses is a general working that should be done by all ss. the hps have instructed us to do it every day. it's not "cursing another ss", it's returning any negative energy that's already been sent his way. if it happens to have been sent by an ss in the first place then it will just be sent back because what is someone supposed to do when they're being cursed or being sent destructive energy? repel it. in no way was I suggesting he curse his cousin, and I did not recommend he send negative energy, just repel it. it's about protecting himself. and by your logic, if any negative energy returns to his cousin as a result of this working, it was his cousin cursing him in the first place and he's in the wrong.
Coraxo said:
lilquote said:
returning curses might be helpful

No, it won't be helpful. It'll be stupid and would lead to serious troubles.

Cursing another Satanist will make Satan seriously angry, he won't allow such a foolish thing. His/her cousin is probably dedicated to Satan with blood which means he can't really curse him/her, he could attempt cursing another Satanist but Satan or op's GD won't let the curses go through. And attempting to "return the curses" is just as foolish since you send negative energy that may or may not be from the cousin.

But if you wanna go around and recommend such things then go ahead, be my guest and attempt cursing other Satanist, but don't come here crying when reality hits hard.
Ehm, do you know that returning the curses is general? if his cousin is actually cursing him the curses will deflect back, if he's not he's just gonna send curses back to the kikes. your reply doesent make much sense.
Coraxo said:
lilquote said:
returning curses might be helpful

No, it won't be helpful. It'll be stupid and would lead to serious troubles.

Cursing another Satanist will make Satan seriously angry, he won't allow such a foolish thing. His/her cousin is probably dedicated to Satan with blood which means he can't really curse him/her, he could attempt cursing another Satanist but Satan or op's GD won't let the curses go through. And attempting to "return the curses" is just as foolish since you send negative energy that may or may not be from the cousin.

But if you wanna go around and recommend such things then go ahead, be my guest and attempt cursing other Satanist, but don't come here crying when reality hits hard.

I don't mean to be rude I just seriously don't understand how returning curses would be wrong to do since we're all supposed to do it anyways. it's using the working in a defensive sense not offensive, since returning the energy doesn't return any more or less than what they've already sent you. and you call upon Satan or a demon to return the curses, at least I do, so I'm assuming they would not return any to the cousin if it was wrong in this case.
Coraxo said:
lilquote said:
returning curses might be helpful

No, it won't be helpful. It'll be stupid and would lead to serious troubles.

Cursing another Satanist will make Satan seriously angry, he won't allow such a foolish thing. His/her cousin is probably dedicated to Satan with blood which means he can't really curse him/her, he could attempt cursing another Satanist but Satan or op's GD won't let the curses go through. And attempting to "return the curses" is just as foolish since you send negative energy that may or may not be from the cousin.

But if you wanna go around and recommend such things then go ahead, be my guest and attempt cursing other Satanist, but don't come here crying when reality hits hard.
Doing the Returning Curses I think is very different than someone cursing a Satanist. In the Returning Curses, you are not creating any curses, you are only cleaning yourself out and freeing yourself from any that have been thrown at you. And anybody who tries to curse you, let them have it return to them to punish them for their crime. We do know that Gremory666 is a Satanist, we would only be guessing to say that their cousin is too, so who is the priority to protect? And anyway, Returning Curses is not directly targeting the cousin either, because if the cousin never sent any curses against Gremory666 then there's nothing to return. The cousin is safe if they're innocent and only afflicted if they're guilty. Baal Enlil very strictly punishes people who try to curse other Satanists, and he does this by having their attemped curse backfire back onto themself until they are crying and apologising and begging for forgiveness, and then maybe he will remove the curses once they learned their lesson and are ready to actually grow and be good.

So if Gremory666 (definite Satanist) gets cursed by the cousin (maybe possible Satanist we aren't sure) then either way Baal Enlil would, if he decides to get involved, he would do the returning curses and throw them back against the cousin anyway to teach them a lesson. Or if the cousin is not a Satanist there is no harm. Or if the cousin is not guilty of trying to throw curses against Gremory666 then their is no harm against the cousin because there's nothing to return to them.

Returnin Curses is a self-cleaning, self-healing, and self-defensive thing. It's all about removing the curses out of yourself. Then when you're done, throw them back where they came from to punish the person who originally tried to send them. So it isn't like you're actually cursing anybody directly, you're basically just putting up a reflective aura against all kinds of bad things. So if anybody tries to do anything bad against a definite Satanist like Gremory666, let them have it return to them they deserve it.

This is not at all the same as trying to actually create a curse or a binding against the cousin. Rerurning Curses does not create or amplify any new negativity like that, it only cleans it up and sends it back where it came from.

Please Hooded Cobra 666 correct me if I'm wrong. But I think Returning Curses is always a good thing to do and there is never any situation where it would be bad to do. It's just a protective aura like we should all have anyway.
Coraxo said:
lilquote said:
returning curses might be helpful

No, it won't be helpful. It'll be stupid and would lead to serious troubles.

Cursing another Satanist will make Satan seriously angry, he won't allow such a foolish thing. His/her cousin is probably dedicated to Satan with blood which means he can't really curse him/her, he could attempt cursing another Satanist but Satan or op's GD won't let the curses go through. And attempting to "return the curses" is just as foolish since you send negative energy that may or may not be from the cousin.

But if you wanna go around and recommend such things then go ahead, be my guest and attempt cursing other Satanist, but don't come here crying when reality hits hard.

returning curses is not raising energy and sending it /cursing someone. it´s just returning bad stuff to the senders. There is no active part.
If a satanist curses a satanist and his curses gets backfired because of a good aop and returning curses / ac . well bad for him not the person who did nothing wrong.

If your logic would be right, then we wouldn´t be allowed to do a aop either. If the returning curses is done like it is described.

If he just visualises his cousin getting all his bad energy... well this should´nt be done :roll: .
Yes returning curses can be and is usually general, but one could also redirect the energy to a specific person(s) if one knows they're cursing him. And the way the person I replied to recommended returning curses (which by the way could still be technically a bad idea to direct it at another Satanist since you clean your aura from ALL negative energy and send it away) made it seem like he's suggesting the op to do that exact thing.

No need to quote me a billion time, what I said still stands.

And even if it's doesn't, I still don't see how is this a good solution to op's problem, they should just go through Satan about it instead of attempting such thing.

Also it's not up to you guys to decide whether op's cousin is in the wrong here and whether he "deserves" it, we don't know the context nor do we even know if they're "cursing" or sending negative energy towards op whether on purpose or not. Satan will show justice if the cousin is in the wrong and is doing foolish things.

If I'm wrong then I'm terribly sorry, but returning curses to a dedicated Satanist who you don't even know if they're cursing you in the first place sounds like a very stupid idea to me.

And yes, returning curses is always good in general and should be done daily, you can now put down your pitchforks.
Never raise your weapon to attack another Satanist even if they are dumb enough to curse you, primarily because this will make you also an idiot. In your case it doesn't look like you're in any 'danger' from this, which is good.

Especially if the person was not really cursing you and this is just some dumb assumption. You have to be certain this is happening, as the enemy confuses people constantly.

The enemy thrives on these misunderstandings to try to make Satanists harm one another or create hostility. This is how they work.

The Gods handle these and those who curse other Satanists for absolutely no serious reason, such as the superficial or non existent reasons that you write, are punished heavily and sometimes even gravely.

Do your own aura and the reflecting thing as other have recommended, and if they are cursing you, this will help on your defense.

The fact you do not 'like' someone or that you do not agree with their character, doesn't count as cursing. Someone is not 'cursing you' if they tell you things that make you uneasy, or things that you dislike. This is not 'cursing'.

In cases of dumb jealousy such as described here and misery, you have to distance yourself, especially if this is harmful.

No real Satanist would do this kind of thing to another. Also, because there are two sides to each argument, have you done anything bad to him? If you have done absolutely nothing, just do your own, return the any curses, and as for anything personal, the Demons will handle the rest.

If there is an actual curse, the returning curses and your GD will take this back and deal with the matter appropriately. If not, then the returning curses will return absolutely nothing to this person, so it's not an 'attack'. However, if you attack him while supposedly 'returning' curses, the shots then will be on you.

If you do this and take all your disgusting filth from the soul and throw them on him, even if it did not come from him in the first place, in which case he may be innocent, you're fucked, because this is an attack.

You can all your GD while you do the returning curses to manage the situation, or just call in Satan to send a Demon to deal with it. Even if you do not know it consciously, they will deal with it.
Coraxo said:
lilquote said:
returning curses might be helpful

No, it won't be helpful. It'll be stupid and would lead to serious troubles.

Cursing another Satanist will make Satan seriously angry, he won't allow such a foolish thing. His/her cousin is probably dedicated to Satan with blood which means he can't really curse him/her, he could attempt cursing another Satanist but Satan or op's GD won't let the curses go through. And attempting to "return the curses" is just as foolish since you send negative energy that may or may not be from the cousin.

But if you wanna go around and recommend such things then go ahead, be my guest and attempt cursing other Satanist, but don't come here crying when reality hits hard.
So Satan will angry if you defend your self,he's a satanist so he should be allowed to curse others and the people he's cursing should just accept his curses without fighting back.did you in any way read the christian bible while you were offline

Because this is a gat dem strong turn the other chick
yes,my cousin is also satanist but not dedicated. Technically I will try to Explain him about this important situation so that the enemy can't confus us anymore.I am a trainer of spiritual warfare. I am very lucky because you have replied my question.I am greatly fan of you(HP. Hoodedcobra666).I read your pdf.I want to be like you priest. Please,bless me as your students so that I can reach a high spiritual level and can communicate and be friend with Satan,Azazel,Astaroth,Enlil and with the gods of hell. Thank you.
Hail Satan!
May Father Satan give bliss to HP. Hoodedcobra666.
Coraxo said:
lilquote said:
returning curses might be helpful

No, it won't be helpful. It'll be stupid and would lead to serious troubles.

Cursing another Satanist will make Satan seriously angry, he won't allow such a foolish thing. His/her cousin is probably dedicated to Satan with blood which means he can't really curse him/her, he could attempt cursing another Satanist but Satan or op's GD won't let the curses go through. And attempting to "return the curses" is just as foolish since you send negative energy that may or may not be from the cousin.

But if you wanna go around and recommend such things then go ahead, be my guest and attempt cursing other Satanist, but don't come here crying when reality hits hard.
HP Mageson or Cobra (I don't remember)had wrote that the enemy is behind all the negative energy we ,the SS,receive so the returning curses will help him!
shinninglight said:
So Satan will angry if you defend your self,he's a satanist so he should be allowed to curse others and the people he's cursing should just accept his curses without fighting back.did you in any way read the christian bible while you were offline

Because this is a gat dem strong turn the other chick

Coraxo said:
shinninglight said:
So Satan will angry if you defend your self,he's a satanist so he should be allowed to curse others and the people he's cursing should just accept his curses without fighting back.did you in any way read the christian bible while you were offline

Because this is a gat dem strong turn the other chick

Yeah whatever
Gremory666 said:
yes,my cousin is also satanist but not dedicated. Technically I will try to Explain him about this important situation so that the enemy can't confus us anymore.I am a trainer of spiritual warfare. I am very lucky because you have replied my question.I am greatly fan of you(HP. Hoodedcobra666).I read your pdf.I want to be like you priest. Please,bless me as your students so that I can reach a high spiritual level and can communicate and be friend with Satan,Azazel,Astaroth,Enlil and with the gods of hell. Thank you.
Hail Satan!
May Father Satan give bliss to HP. Hoodedcobra666.
So if he's not dedicated then he's not really a Satanist. Even if he thinks he is and wants to be. Because his soul is still able to be influenced and controlled by the enemy. He isn't part of us.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
