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a realistic solution to the racial problem in America(avoiding becoming Brazil 2.0)


New member
Mar 23, 2019
This is just for discussion purposes mainly.

Obviously the solution is separation of the races, but how would a NS government go about doing this should it gain power? I know Rockwell mentioned on more than one occasion about giving the blacks Miami, but thats about all I've heard.

Balkinize the United States into smaller states(or separate countries?) based on race giving them all a piece of the pie?
deporting all nonwhites to Asia/Africa/somewhere else?

and of course there is no way something will happen without violence. not only will people not want to uproot their lives(understandably), but as much as nonwhites like to bitch about whitey there is a reason they continue to follow wherever they may go.
In the Nazi Germany there were racial laws. People who were engaging in racial mix were violating this law and considered as offenders. We don't need to separate the races, but to implement racial laws to stop them mixing, which will also highly limitate any potential violent manifestation. Anyway I think in that time most people will have race awareness. Nobody will be that retarted to oppose the racial laws, excepting the people who will be already engaged in this, because that will be a problem. What will happen in this case with mixed race families? I think they will just live like normal, except that their kids will have by law to breed only with another mixed race partners.

I think even today excepting jews and mixed race families nobody will oppose the racial laws. It would be dangerous for themselves because this will attract the hatred of the society upon them. A lot of people now are racially aware and would choose to avoid racial mix.
Give each race incentives to move to designated "Racial Homelands"?
This will not be possible without the direction of the Gods.
Emotion said:
This is just for discussion purposes mainly.

Obviously the solution is separation of the races, but how would a NS government go about doing this should it gain power? I know Rockwell mentioned on more than one occasion about giving the blacks Miami, but thats about all I've heard.

Balkinize the United States into smaller states(or separate countries?) based on race giving them all a piece of the pie?
deporting all nonwhites to Asia/Africa/somewhere else?

and of course there is no way something will happen without violence. not only will people not want to uproot their lives(understandably), but as much as nonwhites like to bitch about whitey there is a reason they continue to follow wherever they may go.
Balkanization is silly. Even in ideal circumstances where cultures, ethnicities and political leanings are very similar it always breaks down into a bloody, disorderly mess and weakens the nation overall, losing the power multiplier of a group being greater than the sum of its parts. See the breakups of Germany, Yugoslavia, Korea, ancient Rome. Granted, communism contributed to their weakness before and after breakup but there has never been a case that I'm aware of where a nation breaking apart has been good for its constituents, excluding the fall of the USSR or any case where breaking away freed the people from jewish usury.

Can you name any instances other than the above where balkanization has resulted in a net positive for the societies involved, that is not attributable to other factors?

Besides, why should we have to sacrifice our land, our nations when blacks, asians and hispanics each have entire continents to themselves? And where are you gonna draw the line? Should London be handed off to blacks and arabs for them to fight over? What about Paris? Berlin? Chicago & Detroit, even though the states they're in are mostly white? Should entire states be signed away, like California and Texas? Should the entire southern half of the US be split between the chicanos and mayates? Where does my land begin and theirs end? Who determines who gets what, and on what basis do they make this decision?

And what about the whites that live in majority non white areas, are you gonna deport them from your new balkanized black ethnostate?

If you can deport whites from black nations then why can't you deport non whites from white nations?

You know, Japan is held by most here as a shining example of a NS society in the modern day, if not the closest thing to it. After all, they're extremely race conscious and ingroup oriented and hate foreigners living in their nation. They even reject ethnic Koreans, the Zainichi, members of their own race, and don't recognize them as being Japanese even after generations of living in the country. Do you think they ever talk about balkanizing their nation, giving Okinawa to the Americans that live on base there? Or handing off another province to the Zainichi?

No, of course not. It's foolish to give up your land, resouces and heritage and hand it off to minorities that are alien to it and will never appreciate nor respect nor belong to it like the host population that created the nation and worked the land, tamed it and built a prosperous civilization on top of it, over centuries, millenia, do. That's why the japs have worked to preserve their national, cultural and ethnic identity and retain control of their nation by working on repatriating Zainichi Koreans back to the lands they came from.

Isn't it interesting how nobody ever talks about balkanizing non white nations like South Africa or Brazil or Mexico or India?
It's always we white skinned devils that have to make the sacrifice and give up our piece of the pie. One day there'll be nowhere left for us to go.

At this point it's hard to imagine a solution or outcome for reclaiming and securing white nations that doesn't involve RAHOWA. One thing is for certain, and that's that whatever the solution is, it has to be a concerted collective effort on a massive scale.

As for Rockwell, the only reference I found about him talking about "handing Miami off to the blacks" seems to be tongue in cheek.

America was always meant to be a white nation. When we freed the blacks from slavery they were meant to be sent back to their ancestral homelands in Africa to live and prosper among their own kind. The nation of Liberia was created for this purpose and is why their flag bears the stars and bars. For a man so familiar with the founding fathers and their intentions for the US, it seems strange that Rockwell would suggest carving it up and handing it off to non whites.

The issue is that alot of non whites have come to think of themselves as American, and they're not gonna want to give that identity up. They feel like they're entitled to America now.

Assuming he was serious, maybe he was thinking along the lines of forming chinatowns for blacks. Well, we have Detroit to show what a black city in a white nation looks like. But we'll see what happens in the upcoming decades.

I fear it'll be too late for us by the time anything can be done about it. Non whites make up half of children in the US under 15(of the ones that are recorded, anyway) and whites are dying faster than are being born in the majority of our states.



And that's extremely optimistic, considering the US census classifies racial non whites like arabs and north africans as white.

The Alchemist7 said:
In the Nazi Germany there were racial laws. People who were engaging in racial mix were violating this law and considered as offenders. We don't need to separate the races, but to implement racial laws to stop them mixing, which will also highly limitate any potential violent manifestation. Anyway I think in that time most people will have race awareness. Nobody will be that retarted to oppose the racial laws, excepting the people who will be already engaged in this, because that will be a problem. What will happen in this case with mixed race families? I think they will just live like normal, except that their kids will have by law to breed only with another mixed race partners.

I think even today excepting jews and mixed race families nobody will oppose the racial laws. It would be dangerous for themselves because this will attract the hatred of the society upon them. A lot of people now are racially aware and would choose to avoid racial mix.
Because whenever something bad for society was criminalized, it was abolished completely and totally and was never ever a concern for anybody ever again. Right.

Outlawing miscegenation is as sure a solution to end race mixing as criminalizing fraud was a solution to put an end to people scamming each other. If criminalization and social faux pas alone was the solution to any of our problems, there would be no need for police or courts.

Separation of the races and education is essential. Miscegenation aside, you can't have foreigners in your nation because they're always gonna subvert the host nation toward serving their group's personal interests. Natives be damned.
curio said:
Separation of the races and education is essential. Miscegenation aside, you can't have foreigners in your nation because they're always gonna subvert the host nation toward serving their group's personal interests. Natives be damned.

Yes education is essential but as in every society there will be always weak and dump people who would do whatever they want and ignore the facts. If by education you mean the modern day "democratic" education where one has all the information at his finger only by paying the internet bill but he's too lazy to research it, is not going to work. The racial laws will force people to avoid race mix, otherwise they'll be discovered and punished. Imagine giving birth to a kid but not wishing to register him and give him an identity, that's not possible. Something similar would happen in a state with racial laws, people who race mix won't be able to give birth to mixed race kids because there will be laws which will prohibit this and punish these people accordingly. You might say that they can still have sex without procreating and yes here is when the education is essential. People should realize and be aware about the races by their own will and initiative without being forced to accept it. But for this would be needed to implement the racial education in the schools, colleges, universities etc. And again here you need laws, because for example you can't teach kids in the school how fake is holocaust when the laws force all the people to accept it as real.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
