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  1. K

    Help please

    Estou em um momento da minha vida que estou com medo, nervosa, com raiva... estou grávida e confesso que tenho muito medo de perder meus sonhos por causa disso, mas lembrei que filhos são bênçãos e Decidi ficar com o bebê. Gostaria de saber se há alguma coisa sobre apresentar meu bebê ao Pai...
  2. K

    My friend is very lucky, is it because of the offspring?

    I found out a few days ago that my friend is of Jewish descent, he told me himself. And he bets every week on football games and he always wins and he wins good amounts. Today, for example, he just won a bet in which he bet only R$50.00, he won the bet and received R$1,800. Is it because of his...
  3. K

    Meu amigo tem muita sorte, será por causa da descendência?

    Eu descobri a alguns dias que meu amigo é descendente de judeu, ele mesmo me contou. E ele aposta toda semana em jogos de futebol e ele sempre ganha e ganha valores bons. Hoje por exemplo, ele acabou de ganhar uma aposta na qual ele apostou apenas R$50,00 , ganhou a aposta e recebeu R$1.800...
  4. K

    My first experience meditating (finally)

    I came to tell my first experience meditating and ask for your opinion on it. I decided to try the empty meditation again (I have a very hard time calming my mind, also because I'm anxious). But this time I tried something different during meditation. First I thought of trying to meditate...
  5. K

    Primeira experiência meditando (finalmente)

    Vim contar minha primeira experiência meditando e pedir a opinião de vocês sobre. Eu decidi tentar novamente a meditação no vazio (eu tenho uma dificuldade muito grande em acalmar minha mente, até porque sou ansiosa). Mas desta vez eu tentei algo diferente durante a meditação. Primeiro eu pensei...
  6. K

    Ajuda urgente com processos judiciais

    Atualmente existem 3 processos contra meu ex padrasto. Um sobre maus tratos com a minha falecida mãe, outro pra decidir para quem será pago o valor do seguro de vida que minha mãe deixou, se o valor será para ele ou para eu e meu irmãozinho, e o outro processo é de guarda, para se tornar o...
  7. K

    Como saber se está pronto pra tal relacionamento?

    Eu ainda não estou pronta e também ainda não sou merecedora de tal privilégio em ter um relacionamento com um daemon. Mas como posso, o que devo fazer pra me tornar merecedora de tal relacionamento? Como saber quando estou pronta pra tal relacionamento? Ainda tenho muita coisa pra fazer e...
  8. K

    Quantas vezes repetir as palavras do RTR Final

    Eu contei e totalizando todas as 9 repetições para cada palavra no RTR Final são quase 900 repetições no total. Como eu não tenho quase tempo sozinha e onde eu moro é um lugar muito barulhento, por exemplo agora mesmo eu queria aproveitar que minha tia foi para a igreja e tentar fazer o RTR...
  9. K

    Rtr, qual devo fazer?

    Estou um pouco confusa Pelo o que entendi, tem varios rituais de RTR e também tem o RTR final. Eu devo fazer todos ou eu posso escolher apenas um para manter como rtr diário? Se sim, qual é recomendado pra escolher como RTR diário? Quero fazer os rituais dos deuses da agenda disponível no...
  10. K

    Valor no amor?

    Olá! Hoje estou me sentindo muito mal... Eu já acordei lembrando de algumas coisas relacionadas aos meus relacionamentos interiores, a forma que me tratavam, como me viam... E até mesmo aqueles que nunca foram meu namorado... Nunca ninguém gostou de mim... Sempre que chegavam em mim era apenas...
  11. K

    Ajuda em processos judiciais.

    Olá! Desde quando minha mãe faleceu, estamos em alguns processos desde então. E já faz muito tempo. Porém nenhum dos processos vão para frente, sempre acontece algo que impede que os processos continuem, ou simplesmente demora meses para haver algo novo nos processos. Porém, essa semana houve um...
  12. K

    Entendi a mensagem de forma errada? Ou foi apenas um equívoco?

    Esses dias eu meditei e depois fechei os olhos e falei com Pai Satan, eu desabafei em como eu me sinto sozinha e tal. Eu coloquei algumas coisas pra fora e tal, que eu queria mais conforto, consolo e apoio de pelo menos meu guardião, se caso eu ainda tivesse um, pois parecia que eu nao havia...
  13. K

    Está difícil continuar desse jeito

    Eu sou uma pessoa muito sozinha. Eu não tenho absolutamente ninguém pra conversar. Eu não tenho ninguém. E está ficando cada vez mais insuportável viver com meus sentimentos e pensamento suprimidas dentro de mim. A dor está ficando cada vez mais difícil de suportar, está começando a se tornar...
  14. K

    Vingança é necessário?

    Muitas pessoas me fizeram sofrer de formas muito ruins. Me fizeram mal a ponto de me fazer querer me matar. Diziam pra eu cortar minha própria garganta. Riam da minha dor e depressão e se divertiam com isso e ainda faziam o possível para me deixar ainda pior. Sempre foi assim. Não sei o motivo...
  15. K

    Dificuldade em avançar espiritualmente

    Eu estou meio agoniada ultimamente. Estou me sentindo de uma forma realmente desconfortável internamente. Não estou conseguindo avançar de forma alguma... Mesmo com o programa para iniciantes estou tendo dificuldades de realizar. A verdade é que eu quero realmente avançar espiritualmente logo...
  16. K

    Estar sozinho ou não?

    Existe a possibilidade de existir pessoas que não tenham sido criadas para ter pessoas em sua vida? Como amigos ou amor. Existe essa possibilidade? Acho que talvez eu não tenha sido criada para essas coisas. Não por eu não querer, mas simplesmente por isso ser inexistente na minha vida desde...
  17. K


    Existe alguma forma espiritual para esquecer memórias? Ou tem algum daemon que ajude em relação a isso?
  18. K

    Falta de comunicação

    Ano passado, no início do ano eu conseguia com facilidade me comunicar com meu guardião (que acredito que seja Buer), mas depois que me mudei e perdi a privacidade, não pude mais fazer nada. Eu fazia os rituais de Natal, de agradecimento, de ano novo, ritual para Satan... E também usava o...
  19. K

    Será que posso mesmo pedir por um amor com um daemon?

    Eu estou desde o ano passado com planos de pedir ao Pai Satan, um amor com um daemon. No caso, um relacionamento com sentimentos mesmo, não apenas sexo. Um relacionamento onde haja amor. Porém hoje eu estava pensando... Será que eu tenho esse direito? Será que eu tenho o direito de pedir por...
  20. K

    Problemas com visualização

    Na limpeza da aura e chakras e a aura de proteção, diz que tenho que vizualizar os mesmos. Mas como eu faço isso? É imaginação? O mesmo para criar templo astral, é imaginando? Como exatamente é essa "visualização" ? Estou tendo dificuldades com essa questão. Muitas coisas no site diz que tem...
  21. K

    Problemas com visualização

    Na limpeza da aura e chakras e a aura de proteção, diz que tenho que vizualizar os mesmos. Mas como eu faço isso? É imaginação? O mesmo para criar templo astral, é imaginando? Como exatamente é essa "visualização" ? Estou tendo dificuldades com essa questão. Muitas coisas no site diz que tem...
  22. K

    Sobre os 40 dias de poder

    Nos exercícios dos 40 dias de poder, diz que tenho que vizualizar minha aura, e meus chakras enquanto os limpo. Que eu tenho que visualizar eles em uma luz ouro branco e o mesmo para a aura de proteção na hora que respira uma energia cor ouro branco. Esse "visualizar" é imaginar? Pois é assim...
  23. K

    Problemas com exercícios de respiração

    Estou tendo problemas com os exercícios, todos que eu tento eu diminuo o tempo de respiração e tal de acordo com o que eu aguento... tipo coisa de 2 segundos, mas mesmo assim eu to me cansando extremamente rapido, meu coração começa a ficar acelerado e fico realmente muito cansada e como se eu...
  24. K

    can someone please delete my account?

    I've been trying for a few days and I still can't
  25. K

    Deletar conta

    Alguém sabe como deletar conta aqui no fórum?
  26. K

    delete account

    please admin, would it be possible to delete my account? I'm trying here in the settings but I didn't find that option. Thanks in advance. Father Satan bless you.
  27. K

    Goodbye Dear brothers and thank you!

    I come here to say goodbye to the brothers. I can't stay in the same place where I get insults for free just because the person thinks they have the right to do that to me. I am a very sensitive person, I have to deal with my low self-esteem on a daily basis and an inferiority complex, apart...
  28. K

    My karma

    I'm looking on the site for the link where it teaches how to help me with my karma. Lately it's been appearing in my mind that it's no use asking the gods for help if I don't solve my problems with energy, chakra and karma mainly. I think the gods are putting this in my head as a way of...
  29. K

    sometimes asking here makes me more frustrated

    sometimes asking something here becomes something frustrating. Sometimes I ask something honestly and someone responds very rudely and criticizes without knowing it. In my previous post I asked if there is any way to confirm if such a path is being indicated by the gods and the person...
  30. K

    how to confirm if this path is being indicated by the gods?

    my previous post was not answered so I will ask again. I vented to Father Satan and I said that I wanted to have a peaceful financial life, I wanted to live outside my country, because I'm not happy here. And I was referred to a programming course, but the course is extremely expensive. but...
  31. K

    I am not worthy of having a love with a daemon. and now?

    I'm worried... In my other post, I was told that Satan only grants me a partner daemon if I'm worthy of it. But what if I'm not? Will I ever have? Isn't there some way for me to become worthy? I was also told that the daemon will have a demonstration of what my life was like and what I am...
  32. K

    How is the daemon partner decided?

    I finally decided to have a daemon partner. But I don't want a partner just to have sex. I want someone I can love and for him to love me back. I want a love, but instead of being with a person, I decided to have it with a daemon. I am aware of the consequences and responsibilities. But I...
  33. K

    Yule Ritual. I cant 😭

    I'm desperate, help me! I don't have to perform the Yule Ritual. And my aunt is listening to Christian music all day and I will also be forced to "pray together with her on Christmas Eve. I'm feeling bad about this. Please help me! Is there any solution? Will Satan forgive me for having songs...
  34. K

    are they really signs? what you mean?

    when I asked for some things, I vented, asked for help... Days later I started to see the number 666 frequently, for example in games... I was in doubt about what exactly the sign meant. So I asked for the signal to continue if that's what I was thinking. But then it stopped and now I'm seeing...
  35. K

    666 every day?

    today again I saw the number 666... ​​I know it's a sign, but I have no idea what they want to tell me. I made some requests and vents the day I tried to go to the mountain. I don't know if the signal is an answer to my cry for help, or if it is an answer to my wishes and which ones, or if...
  36. K

    is it some sign?

    I went to visit a mountain with the intention of doing some work there so I could talk to Father Satan and my guardian, get closer to them... but unfortunately I failed to climb the mountain and had to return home. He continued walking far under the heavy rain and was in danger, but I went...
  37. K

    I will go to the mountain today with the intention of disconnecting from the world and getting closer to the gods.

    Today I intend to go to a nearby mountain, feel closer to the sky... I don't know why, but the night, the sky and especially the moon relax me in a way that I don't know how to describe. I want to try to get closer to Father Satan and my guardian this morning. I want to accomplish something...
  38. K

    our existence brings only pain to others.

    today my aunt yelled at me and crying, saying that she is tired of this life. That she abandoned everything to be with me and my younger brother. I really don't have anything to do. It's horrible to be welcomed and hear this from the person who welcomed you and you can't do anything to end...
  39. K

    receive help from evangelicals, is that right?

    I posted a few days ago here saying that I asked my guardian and Father Satan for help... I said that I feel very alone and empty and that I need to have my financial life, that I need to have my job because I need to pay my bill... The day before yesterday I entered an app and decided to sell...
  40. K

    love failure

    Whenever I like someone, I suffer a lot. Or even the relationships I've had... people always changed with me suddenly and never went back to being what they were. I can't attract anyone in a loving way. Every time someone looks at me with interest, it's always just sexual interest. This has...
  41. K

    maybe i should give up?

    I spent all this time doing what the brothers here advised me to do. Meditation, vibrating runes, the spiritual routine... But nothing works. In fact, it's always getting worse. I had decided to go back to fighting for my dream (which was my only reason for wanting to stay alive), but every...
  42. K

    I asked my guardian for help

    I sat in my room, closed my eyes after briefly looking at my guardian's sigil. I asked for help, I asked him to talk to me, to give me a sign. I also asked him to tell me any other god that I could ask for help with another issue of mine. I asked for it to be said in a clear way that I could...
  43. K

    I forgot to vibrate the rune

    I'm vibrating Fehu, but there were 2 or 3 days I forgot to vibrate and do the meditation routine. This is a big problem? Will I have to vibrate all over again? What do I do to fix this?
  44. K

    am I vibrating Fehu correctly?

    Lately I'm vibrating Fehu 50 times a day. But due to lack of privacy, sometimes I vibrate Fehu while I'm taking a shower and because of that, I can't always be totally with my mind only on Fehu, but I keep vibrating even though my mind is not empty. Is there a problem? Should I repeat...
  45. K

    how to vibrate the name of Buer?

    I'd like to start building a good relationship with Buer. I've tried to communicate with him before, but I've never been able to. So I read that we can summon them by vibrating the names of the gods, but I don't know how to vibrate his name. Buer is my guardian
  46. K

    Do supernatural creatures exist?

    Are there any supernatural creatures that humans tell stories about? Or are they all just legends?
  47. K

    Pendulum or Ouija?

    As many of you already know, I'm not very experienced. But I'm having difficulties communicating with the daemons and guardian... I've tried communication through the pendulum, but I think I've always been talking to myself. I'd like to try again, but for the Ouija. Can I try using Ouija or...
  48. K

    experiences with Buer

    Has anyone here had any experience with Buer? Could you tell me?
  49. K

    What does this dream mean?

    Lately I've started having dreams where always at some point something sexual happens. I'm always having sex with someone. I don't know why this is happening. There was even a dream that while I was sleeping, I got to feel in my real body what I was feeling in the dream during the...
  50. K

    The spiritual in a judicial process

    Hi! Many here already have a certain notion of what I'm living. Today there was an event at my little brother's school and my aunt came as an escort. She told me that at the event, she met a person who works at the Guardianship Council and he said that my brother's father went there to...
  51. K

    Premonition or coincidence?

    Hello brothers. I have something on my mind. Yesterday I was passing by bus on a stretch of road in the city where I live and suddenly the word "accident" came to my mind. My mind just thought "there's going to be an accident here" and I immediately thought that the bus would have an accident...
  52. K

    Surrounded by evangelicals and new home of evangelicals

    Brothers, help me! My family and I moved because the house where we were living was having problems and the rent was very expensive, but the house we are in now had more problems than the previous house and now a friend of my aunt's convinced her to move to the home of an evangelical couple...
  53. K

    Help of the gods?

    Brothers, I'm wanting to ask for help from a daemon that helps in the job area. I'm in a critical situation, I can't wait months until I have enough spiritual power to act on my own. I really need some deamon to intervene urgently, because I can't handle it. More problems have appeared than...
  54. K

    Ritual to Father Satan

    I'm wanting to do a standard ritual to Father Satan to ask permission for me to ask a daemo for help, but I'm also lost in relation to the standard ritual... The guidelines, about the blue light, the lack of material... I'm pretty lost. I've read and reread the standard ritual several times...
  55. K

    Vibration money mp3

    I was reading the money meditation. But I'm confused about the vibration. Could someone send me the mp3 of this vibration please? SHRIM MAHA LAKSHMIYEI SWAHA, mp3 please. I am vibrating daily Sowilo. but wanted to start this one too. I'm in a critical situation. So I really want to try to...
  56. K

    Who was he really?

    Thank you to everyone who supported me. You encouraged me to try some more. I have a question for about 3 years now. What I'm going to tell you happened before I had contact with Satanism. But I was already restless in search of the truth about humanity. At that time, I had a rather curious...
  57. K

    thanks for the support

    I'm almost ready to give up on my life. I thank everyone who supported and advised me. But for me it doesn't make sense for me to try to meditate, vibrate and other things to move forward, if I don't even have the strength to continue living. From the moment I don't even have the strength to...
  58. K

    Alone ou no?

    It's been a long time since I've meditated or done anything about Satanism, like meditation or rituals... Many here have supported me saying that I'm not alone. That the gods are with me even though it feels like I'm alone... But considering the fact that I'm not even meditating, are they...
  59. K

    I cant anymore

    Three days ago I got a job vacancy. but today on the third day, I was dismissed... My life really never gets out of place. I'm about to give up everything, my life... I don't need any more proof that I'm really alone
  60. K

    meditation for money

    I saw meditation for money on the website. But it says I need to have a satanic rosary. But I don't have a rosary. And it tells me to vibrate, but I don't know how to pronounce it. Does anyone have the audio teaching how to vibrate in money meditation?
  61. K

    I can't take it anymore

    the truth is I'm tired. Tired of everything. The truth is, I'm alone. All alone. No matter how hard I try, I never get anything. I'm close to completing 3 years unemployed. Today was just another day that I got a call saying I couldn't get the job. As always. I never can. I never get a...
  62. K

    questions about the church

    I "was" evangelical. In fact, I never liked going to church and I always suspected that there was something very badly told. I tried to put together the pieces of what was taught, but the pieces just didn't fit or pieces were missing. And when I renounced the title of "Daughter of God"...
  63. K


    We know that Christianity is something false and evil, okay. But what is the explanation for the biblical prophecies that are actually happening in the course of time? I really want to understand this. Could you please explain to me? I'm trying to study as much as I can so I can have more...
  64. K

    break of routine

    Since I was very young, I have had a serious problem with stopping halfway, no matter what. Learning music, studying or even doing something that I really enjoy, but I still can't get to the end. I'm having the same problem creating a routine for meditations and the 40 days of Power. When I...
  65. K

    New work

    I turned in 2 resumes today. Please cheer for me. I have been unemployed since 2020
  66. K


    I've seen some people asking the following question "why do you think the gods would make you rich?". Well, I love the gods, I love Father Satan, and I dedicate myself out of love. But I think I have the right to dream. And my dream is to be able to have a life far from where I live. Living...
  67. K


    I would like to know how the daemon companion selection is done. I'm getting ready to soon perform the ritual to request a daemon companion, in case a romantic relationship beyond just sex. But I was wondering... How is a daemon chosen for me? Does anyone come along who wants to have a...
  68. K

    Dream with Snakes

    I've dreamed of snakes for two days in a row. Before I always dreamed of very big and hairy spiders and then something bad always happened. But now I'm dreaming about snakes (although I'm passionate about snakes and I'm not afraid of snakes, unlike spiders I'm almost phobic). On the first day...
  69. K

    What do I do?

    I'm feeling very lost. Not knowing what to do or what to think. Most of the time I find myself thinking that my dreams were just illusions, that I was just born but not born to "live". It always seems like the people around me decide what my life will be like. Whenever I want something or...
  70. K

    Lack of communication

    I'm having trouble communicating with my guardian. I'm a beginner, but it wasn't too hard to find my guardian. It's been more than 5 months since I discovered my guardian. I have always communicated through the pendulum. Also when I prayed to Satan, I asked for signs in response and the...
  71. K


    One night, I was alone in my living room. But I had the light off in the living room because I always use the hallway light lighting (open concept). I had my head down looking at my phone and suddenly I saw in the reflection of the phone screen an orange light right above me. It was kinda bright...
  72. K


    When we receive a familiar, how does it work? They're animals, right? Does a real animal appear in our life? Or is it just in spirit form? How to establish a relationship with this familiars? Can I request a familiar for my guardian? My guardian provides familiars. How should I ask? What...
  73. K

    Ritual Relationship whith daemon

    Do need any material to do the ritual? what are the procedures besides just saying what I want about the relationship? need to meditate first? need to vibrate something? does not specify very precisely on the site how to perform the ritual to ask for the relationship?
  74. K

    Orange light

    One night, I was alone in my living room. But I had the light off in the living room because I always use the hallway light lighting (open concept). I had my head down looking at my phone and suddenly I saw in the reflection of the phone screen an orange light right above me. It was kinda...
  75. K


    I have my life in critical condition. where I live it's almost impossible to get a job just of your own volition. I'm living a difficult life. I've lost count of how many times I've almost begged for a job and without any success. I decided to turn to Father Satan, ask for divine help, but...
  76. K

    Help life

    I have my life in critical condition. where I live it's almost impossible to get a job just of your own volition. I'm living a difficult life. I've lost count of how many times I've almost begged for a job and without any success. I decided to turn to Father Satan, ask for divine help, but...
  77. K

    Relationship whith daemon

    I'm a total beginner in the spiritual, I just started meditating, but I've already managed to identify my guardian, so I believe I'm not doing so bad. But I never finished the 40 days of power, for example. Still can I ask Father Satan for a monogamous relationship with some daemon? can i...
  78. K


    Is there any way the gods/daemons can help me win millionaire lottery?
  79. K


    my mother died, but she was a christian (evangelical). I'm worried about her. I don't know if she's at peace, where she's gone, if she's suffering, if I'll be able to talk to her again and if maybe I could save her somehow. Please help me!
  80. K

    the coming of the gods

    I read somewhere about the return of the gods on our planet, but I don't remember where I read it anymore. Does anyone have the link? please
  81. K

    Relationship with daemons

    Someone who has a monogamous and romantic relationship with a daemon? I mean reciprocal relationships, not just sex. Could you please tell me your experience? How is this relationship?
  82. K


    Is it possible to have an affective, loving relationship with a deity? Like a serious relationship? or just sex with incubus and succubus?
  83. K

    Dreams and chase with spiders.

    I've been dreaming of spiders for almost 2 years now. After my first dream about spiders, spiders started appearing in my daily life, every day. My dreams are of large, hairy spiders, usually a place taken by large, web-dwelling spiders. In my first dream, when I woke up, I looked up at the...
  84. K

    My GD

    Help me!!! I'm having extreme difficulty knowing my DG. I can't even get in touch as some do even know who it is. I've tried vibrating the name, I've tried the ritual, I've tried it with a pendulum. But I can't make any progress. I'm trying through the pendulum, but the pendulum is just...
  85. K


    Guys, I just created my first pendulum and I trained it for about 10 minutes and it got really good. It's responding very quickly, even. I asked about my DG, I asked if he was a man and he said yes, I asked if he has long hair and he said yes, I asked if he is one of the 72 of the goetia and...
  86. K


    I don't know which race is predominant in my DNA, I'm mixed. The whole point is that everyone says we have to be with a person of the same race as ours. It turns out that my taste is different. I don't even plan to continue living in Brazil anytime soon. I like Asians. So does it mean that...
  87. K


    I don't know which race is predominant in my DNA, I'm mixed. The whole point is that everyone says we have to be with a person of the same race as ours. It turns out that my taste is different. I don't even plan to continue living in Brazil anytime soon. I like Asians. So does it mean that...
  88. K


    Eu não sei qual raça é a predominante em meu DNA, sou mista. A questão toda, é que todos dizem que temos que ficar com uma pessoa da mesma raça que a nossa. Acontece que o meu gosto é outro. Eu nem sequer pretendo continuar morando no Brasil em breve. Eu gosto de asiáticos. Então quer dizer que...
  89. K

    Help PLEASE!!

    Please help me! I am in a state of despair. My mother passed away two months ago and she had left me and my younger brother a life insurance policy. But we found out that there is only her husband's name as the beneficiary and that we children are not entitled to receive the money. However...
  90. K

    Ajuda/ desespero

    Por favor me ajudem! Eu estou em estado de desespero. Minha mae faleceu a dois meses e ela tinha deixado pra mim e meu irmão mais novo um seguro de vida. Mas descobrimos que está apenas o nome do marido dela como beneficiário e que nós filhos não teremos direito de receber o dinheiro. Porém...
  91. K

    Demônio Guardião

    Por favor é de urgência! Alguém por favor me ajuda a descobrir quem é meu o meu dg? Eu realmente estou precisando dele urgentemente. Estou em certas situações muito delicadas e eu necessitava de entrar em contato com meu guardião, mas eu não sei quem é. Por favor, eu não sei mais onde e para...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
