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Keep it White

SouthernWhiteGentile said:

by Douglas Mercer

I’m simple, man, simple, with a simple view of things:

If it’s White it’s right.

You got that right.

All right?

Keep it White.

* * *

TOO LATE TO do any good, Winston Churchill realized that in World War 2 we “fought the wrong pig,” echoing Patton’s “we fought the wrong army.” Of course, the National Socialists weren’t pigs — they were a higher kind of man who came to save our world, who left their indelible mark, who live and evolve to this day, and who some day will return and rise again.

As a young man in the 1890s, Churchill shared the largely sound racial beliefs of his time and his social class. Over the course of the next sixty years, as his cohorts gradually shed their racial thinking and accommodated themselves to the Jew-pushed lies of “equality,” Churchill somehow didn’t budge an inch on that, despite his being corrupted by Jewish money and fighting an horrific war on the Jews’ behalf. On the day he died he remained as racially conscious as he’d ever been.

Once at a Conservative Party meeting in the 1950s, party leaders were kicking around ideas for a slogan for the upcoming election. When none of the suggestions seemed to work, Churchill finally piped up: “How about ‘Keep England White’,” he said. In the end he got no takers. (A few years later, things had gotten so bad that some proposed an even bolder slogan: “If you want a Nig for a neighbor, vote Labor.” It wasn’t used — officially, anyway.)

* * *

In addition to being a flat-out genius, Thomas Jefferson was a nincompoop who to his dying day thought the French Revolution was a milestone of human freedom and who had a fatal weakness for high-sounding rhetoric (“all men are created equal”) which we pay for dearly to this day.

But in the main the founders were a squared-away bunch and after tossing off bon mots to continental philosophes and dryly enumerating the Bill of Rights, the founders put on their jodhpurs and their jackboots and got down to the important business of the day, the practical business of living:

The Naturalization Act of 1790 (1 Stat. 103, enacted March 26, 1790 ) was a law of the United States Congress that set the first uniform rules for the granting of United States citizenship by naturalization. The law limited naturalization to free White persons of good character.

Whatever good graces they wanted to be in with the “right-thinking” people of their day, they also lived check by jowl with Congoids, and they never forgot the essential dictum of public affairs in such circumstances:

Keep it White.

You got that right.

All right?

* * *

Keep it White. It really is as simple as that.

Many of the early religions considered marriage outside the tribe a most heinous offense. It is evident that inbreeding alone produces national character. Biologists tell us that it takes at least ten generations with careful selection before characteristics become fixed. A very much longer time is necessary to fix a national character. Keen observers have recognized that nations and individuals of pure breed alone have character but that mongrels have none. No nation can exist and remain powerful that is not homogenous.

So says a prophet of our age, Alfred Schultz, in his work Race or Mongrel (1910).

Schultz writes that “racial integrity” is the end-all and be-all of successful societies. All else is froth on the sea; ideologies, economic plans, constitutions, laws — these are ephemera that sooner or later are gone with the wind. Race is all that matters, he says; race is greater than riches.

He says that a strong race can withstand a small amount of initial crossing but then needs to radically genetically isolate itself and begin to breed among its own exclusively. It needs to do two things:

Mate exclusively with its own kind.

Do its own work.

He said that there are two things that bring down a race and the civilization it created: lust and laziness.

He says lust because of crossing with the cheap laborers you imagine are making you rich. (Think South America and the plantation owners of the American South.)

He admonishes us to keep the race strong: Not only must we all absolutely abstain from sex with the help — but we must not have the help to begin with.

Plow your own fields, in every sense of the phrase.

Laziness, because if you have slaves, miscegenation is inevitable. The slaves in the end will swamp you. They will have greater numbers.

He advises against conquering in general. He says that if one must conquer, one must do it slowly and carefully. He says that the quest for world power almost always brings down the one who achieves it.

Don’t enslave, he says; exterminate or expel.

That is: If you must conquer, you must also drive the conquered off the land, or exterminate them. One or the other; if you intend to survive, there is no third option. He says that if you get greedy and make workers of the conquered, the conquerors will become the conquered. It’s an iron law.

The business class will always want cheap labor. They’ll want to employ the conquered — or, lacking that, they’ll call for mass immigration. All because they are greedy. The greedy bastards always have their greasy mitts outstretched for more money, the race be damned.

The bringing of Negroes to the New World was the greatest own goal of world history. In these virgin lands, the White man had a canvas on which he could write his own will. The Amerinidans had incredibly low population densities and could easily have been brushed aside or relegated to the periphery; most of the land was already empty. But greed made some, aided and encouraged by Jews, bring in Blacks for short-term gain. In the long term this was a disaster, possibly a fatal one.

The greedy bastards stretching out their greasy hands for more are traitors to our race.

Race is greater than riches.

It’s been said that the color line is the only thing that has ever kept anyone from savagery, but Schultz deems this not to be true. He says a color line never works; segregation never works; the races need to be so completely isolated from one another that no legal or cultural “line” is needed. If you need a such a line, all is already lost.

* * *

Some White men bought Negroes and then mixed with them (a horror in its own right), and they thought they could keep the offspring of such unholy unions on the other side of the color line. And at least initially, they did. But it did not take long for Mulattoes to use their European-derived intelligence — and their inevitable envy and hate — as weapons, as they clamored for “equal rights” and an end to the superior position of the White man.

In North America the White man meant to stay, and so we brought our women and populated the land with pure White children. Society flourished, liberty blossomed, and technological miracles flowed.

In Central and South America a different tune was sung. The Spanish Crown had no intention of making a new Iberia in these lands. It was just business and money, “Spain Incorporated,” all the way. (In Central and South America and the Caribbean, the British and the Dutch and the Portuguese followed this same pattern.) They wanted riches — and neglected race. Some White overlords had sex with just about anything that moved, and the offspring they left to their own devices. A more despicable case of bastardization had scarcely ever been. The result was despotic government and a stagnant (at best) society. Except in a few redoubts, the Whites became a tiny minority in a restless, degraded, rootless sea of brown. The “laborers” were nearly always the vast majority. And they were (and are) always ready to slit the throats of their superiors when sufficiently stirred and they think they can get away with it.

One small and lonely outpost in this hemisphere, however, kept itself relatively racially pure — much more so than the United States, for example — and showed what might have been.

It’s funny how White liberals sing the praises of Costa Rica, take vacations there, and even buy homes there for retirement or investment. What would they say if they knew the reason for this great place being great was because its founders struggled mightily, and largely succeeded, in keeping it pure European? Would the “guilt” stain their lily-white hands? — or the stucco walls of their immaculate villas?

Costa Rica was most fortunate in that it had relatively few Amerindians, and what Amerindians that were there were expelled or killed in battle. And Africans weren’t imported there, either. Thus, they were simply not around to ruin paradise. Thus no plantation economy. And thus no serfs or slaves. And so no serfs or slaves to mix with.

They kept true to true principles: Mate with your own kind. Do your own work. Keep it White.

For most of its history Costa Rica was relatively poor compared to its “get rich quick” cheap-labor-economy neighbors. But they had greater riches by far: race. Nothing is more valuable. Now they shine like a diamond compared to the rest of the region.

Other neighboring countries had rich White men who, from the porches of their haciendas, used to laugh at Costa Ricans for plowing their own fields. But who is laughing now?

With the advent of the modern world, Costa Rica was ready. Even more so than the US, they had an overwhelmingly non-mongrelized population that was able to adapt to and take advantage of new technologies.

During the 19th century, Costa Rica was a rural democracy that would have gladdened the heart of Thomas Jefferson. Today it is a thoroughly modern country.

It became paradise because they kept it White. Lesson learned, by the wise. (Though with the recent immigration there of rich but corrupted Westerners and their herders, wisdom might be overruled — and then overrun.)

Keep it White.

You got that right.

* * *

If you want to know how to name a policy think of Australia’s “White Australia Policy.” No ambiguity there. Everything you need to know is right there in the name.

In 1901 Australia began to forbid any non-European peoples from immigrating there. That is, they wanted to keep it White.

Hence the name.

As everything fell apart in the 1960s, and under who knows what influences (we all know, actually), the foolhardy leaders of that country began to dismantle this wonderful and effective policy.

As always, it was a “labor shortage” that led to the alleged “necessity.” But race is better than riches. It’s better to struggle eternally getting a potato out of the ground than to share your home with mongrels.

On the Pacific rim, the Asian coolies were willing to work themselves bone dead and live twenty to a flop house. No self-respecting White man would ever do that, or should have to. A White man’s wages should be equal to the worth of his work. Anything that destroys that must itself be destroyed, wannabe billionaires be damned. When the non-Whites want to come, be they day laborers or economic mercenary parasitic elites from east Asia — keep them all out. If you don’t do that, you don’t stand a Chinaman’s chance of survival.

A wise Aussie speaking of his homeland said at the turn of the 20th century:

This country shall remain forever the home of the descendants of those people who came here in peace in order to establish in the South Seas an outpost of the British race.

There it is. A clear and unapologetic statement of aims and goals. No hedging and no bones thrown to “equality.” Just keep it White. At all costs. Your descendants will thank you.

As far as England’s elite (it was cuck island even back then) were concerned, many did not like their colonial offshoot’s policy of maintaining racial integrity. And many also were paid, or otherwise rewarded by Jews, not to like it. They objected, they said, because British subjects who were not White (why have those in the first place?) would be “offended.” And their then-ally Japan, these elites claimed, would cry that it was hurtful to Yellow people if they weren’t allowed to take over Australia whenever they felt like it. So England bowed to its supposed commercial and geopolitical interests and neglected what really matters: race.

For imperial England, riches were greater than race. No wonder that now they have a squat mongrel Muslim race-alien as mayor of one of the cities that was the cradle of the White man. A mayor who, on December 31, 2020, emblazoned a “Black power” fist in the very sky above the city to celebrate the defeat of the British in their own capital, the former home of so many great White men.

The White Australia Policy worked miracles. But by the early 1970s, the government stipulated that race would not be taken into account in immigration law, and then passed the ominous-sounding “Racial Discrimination Act.”

The first nail was in the coffin: “Australia’s migration program allows people from any country to apply to migrate to Australia, regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, culture, religion, or language.” In other words, miscegenation is on the way. The last nail comes very soon.

Australians used to say: “It is of no use to shut our eyes to the fact that there is a great feeling all over Australia against the introduction of colored persons. It goes without saying that we do not like to talk about it, but it is so.”

Yes, no use to shut your eyes. But no reason to shut your mouth, either. Say it long and say it loud: I’m White and I’m proud.

Keep it White.

All right?

* * *

What made Alexander the Great so great? Seems to me he rushed off on a fool’s errand.

His claim to fame is that he “conquered” the world.

All who seek “world power” (unless they do it slowly, over vast stretches of time and keep an iron race law in the meantime) will be undone.

The Macedonians and all their Greek kindred are a great people. The headline is that under Alexander’s leadership they went to ends of the known Earth. My god, they made it all the way to India!

So what? What’s racially-mixed India to the Greeks or the Greeks to India?

Nothing, that’s what. And that’s what Alexander conquered: Nothing.

As far as India went, or any other place for that matter, the simple question should have occurred to him: Given the relative numbers, can we expel or get rid of them? No? Then avoid non-Whites totally — as the cliché goes, avoid them “like the plague” — because that is in fact what they are to the blood of your people.

Here’s the real headline, though court historians always bury the lede: In conquering the world, the world conquered Alexander. He was a cosmopolitan before his time, believing that Greeks were an “idea.” A proposition empire! He subjugated millions and made them speak Greek, write in Greek, learn in Greek, go through the motions of Greek culture — and guess what? At the end of that forced fatuous Greekness, in the vastness of his conquered territories there were soon no more Greeks. Some conqueror! True, his men temporarily formed the upper crust of an empire. But, being too few, over generations their blood was submerged. And the natives themselves? They changed not much more than a whit. Gone, gone, gone — all gone with the wind.

Alexander made the cardinal and fatal error: He didn’t keep it White.

So much for him.

* * *

Long before Alexander, when the Aryans first made it to India they found there vast numbers — far more than their own — of dark natives of totally alien and relatively primitive race. They did not expel or otherwise get rid of them, but ruled over them with the iron hand of caste. Varna for them meant “color,” White people high, dark people low. They truly had a remarkable record of resisting racial mixing, yeoman’s work it was. But in the end, they too were submerged. It may take millennia, but if you live with or near any racially alien group, and you have not evolved far enough from that group to make mixing impossible, in time you will disappear.

* * *

For some reason the government of Black South Africa is letting the White town of Orania exist — as an all-White town. The hope of all good souls is that Orania will keep growing and get stronger and stronger until such a time that the Blacks in power become so corrupt and so incompetent that they no longer pose a threat to this wonderful White outpost.

Everything built in Orania is built by Whites. They want it be White from the ground up. The temptation, of course, is that they could grow faster if they brought in cheap Black labor.

In the old days the saying was that an Afrikaner was one who would rather be killed in his bed than make it.

The Oranians will not make that mistake.

They will do their own work.

And the children there will be surrounded by decent White folk.

They will mate with their own kind.

It’s that simple, really: keep it White.

* * *

All past ages of this Earth pale before the greatness and progress and light that White people have brought into existence.

Yet our enemies’ film and television studios and printing presses and bought lawmakers bear down upon us, and force far too many of us to acquiesce as our nations are taken away from us. That means certain death.

But as the oppression and attempted genocide become more and more obvious, new possibilities emerge: Every day, thousands of White men and women finally come to see clearly what is being done to us. Every day, some of those men and women choose to acquiesce no longer.

* * *

You truely know a lot!
Thank you for your work.

I look up to you...
One Wire Phenomenon said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:

by Douglas Mercer

I’m simple, man, simple, with a simple view of things:

If it’s White it’s right.

You got that right.

All right?

Keep it White.

* * *

TOO LATE TO do any good, Winston Churchill realized that in World War 2 we “fought the wrong pig,” echoing Patton’s “we fought the wrong army.” Of course, the National Socialists weren’t pigs — they were a higher kind of man who came to save our world, who left their indelible mark, who live and evolve to this day, and who some day will return and rise again.

As a young man in the 1890s, Churchill shared the largely sound racial beliefs of his time and his social class. Over the course of the next sixty years, as his cohorts gradually shed their racial thinking and accommodated themselves to the Jew-pushed lies of “equality,” Churchill somehow didn’t budge an inch on that, despite his being corrupted by Jewish money and fighting an horrific war on the Jews’ behalf. On the day he died he remained as racially conscious as he’d ever been.

Once at a Conservative Party meeting in the 1950s, party leaders were kicking around ideas for a slogan for the upcoming election. When none of the suggestions seemed to work, Churchill finally piped up: “How about ‘Keep England White’,” he said. In the end he got no takers. (A few years later, things had gotten so bad that some proposed an even bolder slogan: “If you want a Nig for a neighbor, vote Labor.” It wasn’t used — officially, anyway.)

* * *

In addition to being a flat-out genius, Thomas Jefferson was a nincompoop who to his dying day thought the French Revolution was a milestone of human freedom and who had a fatal weakness for high-sounding rhetoric (“all men are created equal”) which we pay for dearly to this day.

But in the main the founders were a squared-away bunch and after tossing off bon mots to continental philosophes and dryly enumerating the Bill of Rights, the founders put on their jodhpurs and their jackboots and got down to the important business of the day, the practical business of living:

The Naturalization Act of 1790 (1 Stat. 103, enacted March 26, 1790 ) was a law of the United States Congress that set the first uniform rules for the granting of United States citizenship by naturalization. The law limited naturalization to free White persons of good character.

Whatever good graces they wanted to be in with the “right-thinking” people of their day, they also lived check by jowl with Congoids, and they never forgot the essential dictum of public affairs in such circumstances:

Keep it White.

You got that right.

All right?

* * *

Keep it White. It really is as simple as that.

Many of the early religions considered marriage outside the tribe a most heinous offense. It is evident that inbreeding alone produces national character. Biologists tell us that it takes at least ten generations with careful selection before characteristics become fixed. A very much longer time is necessary to fix a national character. Keen observers have recognized that nations and individuals of pure breed alone have character but that mongrels have none. No nation can exist and remain powerful that is not homogenous.

So says a prophet of our age, Alfred Schultz, in his work Race or Mongrel (1910).

Schultz writes that “racial integrity” is the end-all and be-all of successful societies. All else is froth on the sea; ideologies, economic plans, constitutions, laws — these are ephemera that sooner or later are gone with the wind. Race is all that matters, he says; race is greater than riches.

He says that a strong race can withstand a small amount of initial crossing but then needs to radically genetically isolate itself and begin to breed among its own exclusively. It needs to do two things:

Mate exclusively with its own kind.

Do its own work.

He said that there are two things that bring down a race and the civilization it created: lust and laziness.

He says lust because of crossing with the cheap laborers you imagine are making you rich. (Think South America and the plantation owners of the American South.)

He admonishes us to keep the race strong: Not only must we all absolutely abstain from sex with the help — but we must not have the help to begin with.

Plow your own fields, in every sense of the phrase.

Laziness, because if you have slaves, miscegenation is inevitable. The slaves in the end will swamp you. They will have greater numbers.

He advises against conquering in general. He says that if one must conquer, one must do it slowly and carefully. He says that the quest for world power almost always brings down the one who achieves it.

Don’t enslave, he says; exterminate or expel.

That is: If you must conquer, you must also drive the conquered off the land, or exterminate them. One or the other; if you intend to survive, there is no third option. He says that if you get greedy and make workers of the conquered, the conquerors will become the conquered. It’s an iron law.

The business class will always want cheap labor. They’ll want to employ the conquered — or, lacking that, they’ll call for mass immigration. All because they are greedy. The greedy bastards always have their greasy mitts outstretched for more money, the race be damned.

The bringing of Negroes to the New World was the greatest own goal of world history. In these virgin lands, the White man had a canvas on which he could write his own will. The Amerinidans had incredibly low population densities and could easily have been brushed aside or relegated to the periphery; most of the land was already empty. But greed made some, aided and encouraged by Jews, bring in Blacks for short-term gain. In the long term this was a disaster, possibly a fatal one.

The greedy bastards stretching out their greasy hands for more are traitors to our race.

Race is greater than riches.

It’s been said that the color line is the only thing that has ever kept anyone from savagery, but Schultz deems this not to be true. He says a color line never works; segregation never works; the races need to be so completely isolated from one another that no legal or cultural “line” is needed. If you need a such a line, all is already lost.

* * *

Some White men bought Negroes and then mixed with them (a horror in its own right), and they thought they could keep the offspring of such unholy unions on the other side of the color line. And at least initially, they did. But it did not take long for Mulattoes to use their European-derived intelligence — and their inevitable envy and hate — as weapons, as they clamored for “equal rights” and an end to the superior position of the White man.

In North America the White man meant to stay, and so we brought our women and populated the land with pure White children. Society flourished, liberty blossomed, and technological miracles flowed.

In Central and South America a different tune was sung. The Spanish Crown had no intention of making a new Iberia in these lands. It was just business and money, “Spain Incorporated,” all the way. (In Central and South America and the Caribbean, the British and the Dutch and the Portuguese followed this same pattern.) They wanted riches — and neglected race. Some White overlords had sex with just about anything that moved, and the offspring they left to their own devices. A more despicable case of bastardization had scarcely ever been. The result was despotic government and a stagnant (at best) society. Except in a few redoubts, the Whites became a tiny minority in a restless, degraded, rootless sea of brown. The “laborers” were nearly always the vast majority. And they were (and are) always ready to slit the throats of their superiors when sufficiently stirred and they think they can get away with it.

One small and lonely outpost in this hemisphere, however, kept itself relatively racially pure — much more so than the United States, for example — and showed what might have been.

It’s funny how White liberals sing the praises of Costa Rica, take vacations there, and even buy homes there for retirement or investment. What would they say if they knew the reason for this great place being great was because its founders struggled mightily, and largely succeeded, in keeping it pure European? Would the “guilt” stain their lily-white hands? — or the stucco walls of their immaculate villas?

Costa Rica was most fortunate in that it had relatively few Amerindians, and what Amerindians that were there were expelled or killed in battle. And Africans weren’t imported there, either. Thus, they were simply not around to ruin paradise. Thus no plantation economy. And thus no serfs or slaves. And so no serfs or slaves to mix with.

They kept true to true principles: Mate with your own kind. Do your own work. Keep it White.

For most of its history Costa Rica was relatively poor compared to its “get rich quick” cheap-labor-economy neighbors. But they had greater riches by far: race. Nothing is more valuable. Now they shine like a diamond compared to the rest of the region.

Other neighboring countries had rich White men who, from the porches of their haciendas, used to laugh at Costa Ricans for plowing their own fields. But who is laughing now?

With the advent of the modern world, Costa Rica was ready. Even more so than the US, they had an overwhelmingly non-mongrelized population that was able to adapt to and take advantage of new technologies.

During the 19th century, Costa Rica was a rural democracy that would have gladdened the heart of Thomas Jefferson. Today it is a thoroughly modern country.

It became paradise because they kept it White. Lesson learned, by the wise. (Though with the recent immigration there of rich but corrupted Westerners and their herders, wisdom might be overruled — and then overrun.)

Keep it White.

You got that right.

* * *

If you want to know how to name a policy think of Australia’s “White Australia Policy.” No ambiguity there. Everything you need to know is right there in the name.

In 1901 Australia began to forbid any non-European peoples from immigrating there. That is, they wanted to keep it White.

Hence the name.

As everything fell apart in the 1960s, and under who knows what influences (we all know, actually), the foolhardy leaders of that country began to dismantle this wonderful and effective policy.

As always, it was a “labor shortage” that led to the alleged “necessity.” But race is better than riches. It’s better to struggle eternally getting a potato out of the ground than to share your home with mongrels.

On the Pacific rim, the Asian coolies were willing to work themselves bone dead and live twenty to a flop house. No self-respecting White man would ever do that, or should have to. A White man’s wages should be equal to the worth of his work. Anything that destroys that must itself be destroyed, wannabe billionaires be damned. When the non-Whites want to come, be they day laborers or economic mercenary parasitic elites from east Asia — keep them all out. If you don’t do that, you don’t stand a Chinaman’s chance of survival.

A wise Aussie speaking of his homeland said at the turn of the 20th century:

This country shall remain forever the home of the descendants of those people who came here in peace in order to establish in the South Seas an outpost of the British race.

There it is. A clear and unapologetic statement of aims and goals. No hedging and no bones thrown to “equality.” Just keep it White. At all costs. Your descendants will thank you.

As far as England’s elite (it was cuck island even back then) were concerned, many did not like their colonial offshoot’s policy of maintaining racial integrity. And many also were paid, or otherwise rewarded by Jews, not to like it. They objected, they said, because British subjects who were not White (why have those in the first place?) would be “offended.” And their then-ally Japan, these elites claimed, would cry that it was hurtful to Yellow people if they weren’t allowed to take over Australia whenever they felt like it. So England bowed to its supposed commercial and geopolitical interests and neglected what really matters: race.

For imperial England, riches were greater than race. No wonder that now they have a squat mongrel Muslim race-alien as mayor of one of the cities that was the cradle of the White man. A mayor who, on December 31, 2020, emblazoned a “Black power” fist in the very sky above the city to celebrate the defeat of the British in their own capital, the former home of so many great White men.

The White Australia Policy worked miracles. But by the early 1970s, the government stipulated that race would not be taken into account in immigration law, and then passed the ominous-sounding “Racial Discrimination Act.”

The first nail was in the coffin: “Australia’s migration program allows people from any country to apply to migrate to Australia, regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, culture, religion, or language.” In other words, miscegenation is on the way. The last nail comes very soon.

Australians used to say: “It is of no use to shut our eyes to the fact that there is a great feeling all over Australia against the introduction of colored persons. It goes without saying that we do not like to talk about it, but it is so.”

Yes, no use to shut your eyes. But no reason to shut your mouth, either. Say it long and say it loud: I’m White and I’m proud.

Keep it White.

All right?

* * *

What made Alexander the Great so great? Seems to me he rushed off on a fool’s errand.

His claim to fame is that he “conquered” the world.

All who seek “world power” (unless they do it slowly, over vast stretches of time and keep an iron race law in the meantime) will be undone.

The Macedonians and all their Greek kindred are a great people. The headline is that under Alexander’s leadership they went to ends of the known Earth. My god, they made it all the way to India!

So what? What’s racially-mixed India to the Greeks or the Greeks to India?

Nothing, that’s what. And that’s what Alexander conquered: Nothing.

As far as India went, or any other place for that matter, the simple question should have occurred to him: Given the relative numbers, can we expel or get rid of them? No? Then avoid non-Whites totally — as the cliché goes, avoid them “like the plague” — because that is in fact what they are to the blood of your people.

Here’s the real headline, though court historians always bury the lede: In conquering the world, the world conquered Alexander. He was a cosmopolitan before his time, believing that Greeks were an “idea.” A proposition empire! He subjugated millions and made them speak Greek, write in Greek, learn in Greek, go through the motions of Greek culture — and guess what? At the end of that forced fatuous Greekness, in the vastness of his conquered territories there were soon no more Greeks. Some conqueror! True, his men temporarily formed the upper crust of an empire. But, being too few, over generations their blood was submerged. And the natives themselves? They changed not much more than a whit. Gone, gone, gone — all gone with the wind.

Alexander made the cardinal and fatal error: He didn’t keep it White.

So much for him.

* * *

Long before Alexander, when the Aryans first made it to India they found there vast numbers — far more than their own — of dark natives of totally alien and relatively primitive race. They did not expel or otherwise get rid of them, but ruled over them with the iron hand of caste. Varna for them meant “color,” White people high, dark people low. They truly had a remarkable record of resisting racial mixing, yeoman’s work it was. But in the end, they too were submerged. It may take millennia, but if you live with or near any racially alien group, and you have not evolved far enough from that group to make mixing impossible, in time you will disappear.

* * *

For some reason the government of Black South Africa is letting the White town of Orania exist — as an all-White town. The hope of all good souls is that Orania will keep growing and get stronger and stronger until such a time that the Blacks in power become so corrupt and so incompetent that they no longer pose a threat to this wonderful White outpost.

Everything built in Orania is built by Whites. They want it be White from the ground up. The temptation, of course, is that they could grow faster if they brought in cheap Black labor.

In the old days the saying was that an Afrikaner was one who would rather be killed in his bed than make it.

The Oranians will not make that mistake.

They will do their own work.

And the children there will be surrounded by decent White folk.

They will mate with their own kind.

It’s that simple, really: keep it White.

* * *

All past ages of this Earth pale before the greatness and progress and light that White people have brought into existence.

Yet our enemies’ film and television studios and printing presses and bought lawmakers bear down upon us, and force far too many of us to acquiesce as our nations are taken away from us. That means certain death.

But as the oppression and attempted genocide become more and more obvious, new possibilities emerge: Every day, thousands of White men and women finally come to see clearly what is being done to us. Every day, some of those men and women choose to acquiesce no longer.

* * *

You truely know a lot!
Thank you for your work.

I look up to you...

These full-post indiscriminately quoted comments are really doing a number on my mouse scroll-wheel.

PS: I'm not a hypocrite :p
Aquarius said:
Pretty sure Churchill was a jew.

He was propped up by the jews to fight against Adolf. If he never bowed to jewish shekel it would be soooo better now.
Aquarius said:
EnkiUK55 said:
Aquarius said:
Pretty sure Churchill was a jew.

He was propped up by the jews to fight against Adolf. If he never bowed to jewish shekel it would be soooo better now.
He was a jew.

I Thought he was a Protestant as no other religion is allowed due to a law.

I think one real jew slipped the net but quickly changed religion (to COE) prior to getting the gig. (benjamin disraeli) (nice name) :eek:

Maybe this happened again.

Tony Blair was wanting to change to a catholic, but had to wait until finished office.

Strict law in the country saying only Protestants allowed on the throne also since 1690.

Might be right bro, but we are a Protestant country no jew should be in our office.
Pumpkin671 said:
Aquarius said:
Pretty sure Churchill was a jew.

I thought he was as well. I think he very much disliked Hitler and his kind and wanted to see the UK win the war. So I kinda doubt he would have the same thoughts as Patton on this.

Churchill is a jew with a jew mother.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
