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Read this before asking, "What's White culture?"


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2020
From SF

White culture is the heritage of socially transmitted behavior patterns, including social norms, ethical values, traditional customs, beliefs, and political systems common to the White race. This description is in no way atypical of definitions of culture used by anthropologists for any particular social, ethnic, or age group.

A very great deal has been written by academics, especially in the last few decades, about the differences between Western culture and non-Western culture. Specifically, Western culture is philosophically based on a body of knowledge derived from reason, and places great value on individualism, happiness, rights, independence, and objective knowledge, whereas non-Western culture is based on mysticism and subjectivity, and places value on communal duty, self-sacrifice, interdependency, rigid social hierarchies, and resistance to innovations. Again, these statements are typical of the mainstream descriptions of Western and non-Western culture.

White culture goes further than Western culture and includes hereditary behavior patterns typical of the White race and rare among other races. This is because many non-White nations, such as Japan and China, have increasingly embraced Western culture, but remain essentially distinct from the culture in White nations due to racial differences in behavior, attitudes, and values. Behavior is, after all, as much as 80% heritable as established by studies of identical twins.

What follows is a set of overall trends in behavior of Whites as contrasted with the general behavior of non-Whites. These have led to the common themes of White culture as opposed to mere Western culture being imitated by non-Whites:

1. Whites are highly individualistic, generally lacking the rigid traditional uniformity of Asians and the peer-pressured conformity of Blacks.

2. Whites seek self-improvement, viewing learning as a life-long process rather than a preparation for a lucrative career in youth followed by reverence as a sage thereafter (assuming learning is considered relevant at all in the non-White culture in question).

3. Whites are strongly driven by an internal sense of conscience and fairness, which has been exploited as a weakness by non-Whites when Whites let that instinct override their rational objectivity.

4. Whites have a strong instinct for altruism even when it is not in their own best interest. This, too, is exploited by non-Whites, who in general would certainly never ignore their own interest in matters greatly impacting their own well-being.

5. Whites have a powerful sense of responsibility and are willing to admit failing and guilt both individually and culturally, whereas non-Whites who will ever admit culpability or fault are exceedingly rare. One would be hard-pressed to find a non-White nation that would engage in self-deprecation as White nations so often do.

6. Whites have done more than any other race to attempt to elevate society in general: Abolition of slavery, women’s rights, children’s rights, and social policies to decrease violence rates are all efforts pioneered by the White race.

7. Whites love animals and nature. No other race has ever considered the notion of animal welfare and animal rights as Whites have, even setting aside the extremes to which these ideas are sometimes taken. Whites fill their cities with trees, reserve natural regions for future generations, and show environmentalist concerns even when not liberal in ideology.

8. Whites tend toward a diplomatic compromise when encountering behaviors of which they do not approve in others. Blacks will typically become loudly aggressive when offended by a behavior, while Asians in the same situation usually won't say anything, even going so far as to dishonestly deny being offended, but will try to avoid the perpetrator at any cost thereafter.

9. Cheating is not considered a valid method of achieving success in White cultures. Many other cultures—Middle Eastern and East Asian, for example—tend to view cheating as a perfectly acceptable means of succeeding as long as one is never caught doing it.

10. Whites are extremely curious, desiring new knowledge and genuine truth, driven to explore everything, everywhere, and to establish quality in all their creations and ideas. It is certainly no coincidence that Whites were the first race to reach space, to explore the depths of the ocean, to travel the entire globe, to invent the microscope and telescope, to split the atom, and realize earth’s true place in the grandeur of the universe.

11. Whites like to break new ground in art forms just like they seek to explore new realms and push their frontiers in terms of technological achievement. Other cultures show a much slower rate of artistic evolution than Whites do, practicing the same musical forms for decades or centuries with very little exploratory change.

12. Whites are less faddish than Blacks are, going through phases as other cultures do, but moving on again quickly and restraining the extent of the fad with practical limitations. For example, Whites in general consider saggy pants absurd as such a thing serves no useful purpose, inhibits movement, and is not aesthetically appealing. White art forms repeatedly circle around to the pragmatic, and to the most enduring forms of beauty yet found.

13. White religions presuppose that the evil are punished and the good are rewarded. This notion is found in virtually every White-originated religion including those of the ancient Middle East. Non-White religions, like Shintoism, revere ancestors, but at best presume they wander in a dark, empty haze for all eternity regardless of whether they cheated or where honest, succeeded in life or failed.

14. So ubiquitous is the White instinct for ultimate fairness, judged objectively, that even opponents of traditional religions tend to hold beliefs (like social equality and nurture over nature) that still attempt to assign ultimate fairness to the workings of the universe.

This list could undoubtedly be extended much farther, but the comparisons here, expressed as general trends, are poignant, fair, distinctive, and confirmed by historical record as well as modern social patterns.
Blackdragon666 said:
You can be a proud White without focusing on Blacks every now and then, you know.

I didn’t write this and it’s important anyway because most people think we have walked around everyday since the beginning of history with the only goal being to oppress blacks and that America is only great because of immigrants or some other kalergi shit.
Actually he said just as much if not more about Asians than Blacks. BlackDragon is snooping in the White Forum again. He has been told more than once by HPS Shannon that that the Aryans have a right to their opinions on their part of the Forum. We do not monitor and comment on the Black Forum.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
7. Whites love animals and nature. No other race has ever considered the notion of animal welfare and animal rights as Whites have, even setting aside the extremes to which these ideas are sometimes taken. Whites fill their cities with trees, reserve natural regions for future generations, and show environmentalist concerns even when not liberal in ideology.
It was Adolf Hitler himself who was the first to create right for animals, let's even not forget that.
Blackdragon666 said:
You can be a proud White without focusing on Blacks every now and then, you know.

Calm yourself my dear brother. I’ve read the post. It may seem he’s being insultive. But if someone else stated this and he just posted for just uplifting then that is fine. Let the whites iron out any details that may come across harsh. And if not, why should we care. There’s a reason why there is a Black SS sub forum for us. Just to avoid some of the idiocy that spread by the means of tension created by the enemy no doubt to spread dissension.
Aquarius said:
It was Adolf Hitler himself who was the first to create right for animals, let's even not forget that.

He loved the best dogs


Some might take issue with that point but it’s true. Every other race and culture saw animals as strictly for food or work. Even today in especially Muslim countries dogs are treated like rats and are abused when they are really awesome companions. Then you have China with their dog meat festivals and other things. I would love to see a wolf in person one day. I have no idea how they were originally domesticated but it’s interesting.
What is untrue? What is harsh? All looks true and obvious to me. I think people get so over-defensive that they purposefully ignore the truth.

This is very well said. Thank you for sharing. Its hard to imagine this world without our magic.

Blackdragon666 said:
You can be a proud White without focusing on Blacks every now and then, you know.

Blacks were not the focus to this post. It is not a prerequisite for the Blacksun group to satisfy your own emotions as a condition before posting. Quite frankly, your moral policing of the whites on this forum is getting very tiresome.

If it really bothers you, why don't you actually refute the contents of the material. As far as I can see this was truthful. It is necessary to contrast cultures as it is how we create an analysis. Whites character, history, creations, and existence are obviously being assassinated by jews and black interest groups alike. We have been stripped of rights and freespeech within our own society and there are not many places even on the internet that we can empower ourselves without being condemned and black listed from society.

Preferably, I am sure we would all rather you abstain from participating in this group. Your input has been petty and borderline bully-ish.
inimigo99 said:
I totally agree with you. perhaps that it radicalizes some whites who would just be "neutral" if there were no cultural negrophilia.

Maybe so but when it comes to your own culture and race there should be a very positive view as for other races and cultures it should just be neutral and take them for what they are as long as they aren’t here

inimigo99 said:
But, I also realize, that socially when the movements of white nationalism make claims that are not "valid", the masses that would be only "neutral" or even pro-white-nationalism, begin to oppose white nationalism and many of the claims in the text you posted are simply not true.
For how untrue and invalid my post is you have yet to name one part of it that is false.

The same way you are acting right now is what you people are doing in America and Europe today. Complaining and whining about the idea of white supremacy while at the same living off of the wealth and ingenuity created by whites.

We have the right to self determination. Contrary to popular Judeo-Marxist belief America was not founded by blacks. All of the wealth and infrastructure generated by slaves was destroyed in the civil war, so no, non whites are not entitled to any of this but still you are here because of sneaky Jews and few well meaning whites that thought we could help you and that you really were “just like us”.

I think you really dislike that I don’t partake in point #4 of this list. Yes there are still some of us left that have spines. My point is that you can always leave off of my post or go back to where you come from if you don’t like how view things. That’s about all. Peace out.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Styx Hexen Hammer confirmed :lol:
Yeah I think it’s funny how he always says that and it’s a nice closing thing to say when you really don’t want to argue with someone. He’s probably the only guy on YouTube that I will listen to for political commentary a lot of his predictions have been correct.
inimigo99 said:
It happened in my country that a blond man was arrested by a brown police officer for animal torture.
- One of the biggest animal traffickers in my country was white (or at least has a considerable percentage of white blood, considering his appearance).

Wow bro you are such a mega genius for finding one exception. Just ignore the 3k+ years of bringing light and advancement to the world all because this guy had an exotic bird that he didn’t feed or some shit.

inimigo99 said:
but from a perspective of individual cases the reality proves that this is not so accurate ( the same logic applies to any other claim in that text).
It is necessary to consider that the white race (or any other race) does not have a behavioral pattern, there are incredible great whites, but there are trash whites ... some whites are completely different from other racially equal whites (the same happens in every race).
Now tell me would you like to live a white neighborhood/country, or an ethnic one? There will always be exceptions but you make them the rule. What would Brazil even be if it weren’t for the colonists? Damn those Portuguese...

inimigo99 said:
Your intention is to destroy cultural Marxism, isn't it? Cultural Marxism and cultural negrophilia in my country is so disgusting and irritates me so much that I also have such an intention. Do you know who my greatest adversaries will be in the process of contributing to the destruction of cultural Marxism here? It is not just the jews, but also pure white Gentile Brazilians that exist here, and I will smash them as well if I have the power to do so.
My intention is the same of smashing everyone wether they be Jew or gentile that gets in the way. No more being a weak goy. Everyone needs to get radical. Fight for your life!

inimigo99 said:
Denying reality is not smart.
Yeah so stop supporting cultural Marxism by trying to downplay and eventually destroy whiteness..

inimigo99 said:
I'm just sharing my beliefs, you can try to convince me of something if you want.

I can’t prove a negative. You came here on this post meant for my people firstly. If you notice posts between the racial sub forums are segregated because that’s the whole point of it. If you notice on the black forum posts it’s only black users discussing, like the post says we try to be decent and respectful to not get in their business and go where we don’t need to be. But since you are mixed I guess you think you can go anywhere :eek:
inimigo99 said:

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Wow bro you are such a mega genius for finding one exception. Just ignore the 3k+ years of bringing light and advancement to the world all because this guy had an exotic bird that he didn’t feed or some shit.

Please don't minimize animal abuse.

inimigo99 said:
It is necessary to consider that the white race (or any other race) does not have a behavioral pattern, there are incredible great whites, but there are trash whites ... some whites are completely different from other racially equal whites (the same happens in every race).
This has to be said and considered because this is true, or at least, this is what I see as true.

I disagree. The white race as a whole has a different response to jewish programs. Whites on xianity aren't as extreme as other races on islam. There are generalizations that can be made on the racial level that very much bury the individual dimension of it.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Blackdragon666 said:
You can be a proud White without focusing on Blacks every now and then, you know.

I didn’t write this and it’s important anyway because most people think we have walked around everyday since the beginning of history with the only goal being to oppress blacks and that America is only great because of immigrants or some other kalergi shit.
Not the JoS however. We acknowledge and appreciate the true legacy of Whites.

Shivachakra said:
Actually he said just as much if not more about Asians than Blacks. BlackDragon is snooping in the White Forum again. He has been told more than once by HPS Shannon that that the Aryans have a right to their opinions on their part of the Forum. We do not monitor and comment on the Black Forum.
Don't be such a baby. I do see Whites on the Black forums and I don't think it's a big deal. I wasn't stifling anyone but just pointing out that it's way better if we don't always focus on each other. Whites existed for time immemorial before any intermingling with other races happened. If being a proud White for you is stepping on Blacks every now and then, I really don't know what to say to you.

Aquarius said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
7. Whites love animals and nature. No other race has ever considered the notion of animal welfare and animal rights as Whites have, even setting aside the extremes to which these ideas are sometimes taken. Whites fill their cities with trees, reserve natural regions for future generations, and show environmentalist concerns even when not liberal in ideology.
It was Adolf Hitler himself who was the first to create right for animals, let's even not forget that.
Hail Hitler :)

Ramier108666 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
You can be a proud White without focusing on Blacks every now and then, you know.

Calm yourself my dear brother. I’ve read the post. It may seem he’s being insultive. But if someone else stated this and he just posted for just uplifting then that is fine. Let the whites iron out any details that may come across harsh. And if not, why should we care. There’s a reason why there is a Black SS sub forum for us. Just to avoid some of the idiocy that spread by the means of tension created by the enemy no doubt to spread dissension.
All's well brother :)
I hope you are doing well

Ol argedco luciftias said:
What is untrue? What is harsh? All looks true and obvious to me. I think people get so over-defensive that they purposefully ignore the truth.
I am unsure whether this was a reply to me, but I'll respond.

There's much more to societal issues than Blacks vs Whites. I for one will be very glad when my people leave your lands. Because it's obvious many problems between Blacks and Whites are because of multiculturalism. Such is a bigger issue than how Whites compare with Blacks.

I also believe you wouldn't just 'not get over-defensive' would a Black SS occasionally talk about how Whites suck in a certain regard, even if it's true.

$ignificant$un said:

This is very well said. Thank you for sharing. Its hard to imagine this world without our magic.

Blackdragon666 said:
You can be a proud White without focusing on Blacks every now and then, you know.

Blacks were not the focus to this post. It is not a prerequisite for the Blacksun group to satisfy your own emotions as a condition before posting. Quite frankly, your moral policing of the whites on this forum is getting very tiresome.

If it really bothers you, why don't you actually refute the contents of the material. As far as I can see this was truthful. It is necessary to contrast cultures as it is how we create an analysis. Whites character, history, creations, and existence are obviously being assassinated by jews and black interest groups alike. We have been stripped of rights and freespeech within our own society and there are not many places even on the internet that we can empower ourselves without being condemned and black listed from society.

Preferably, I am sure we would all rather you abstain from participating in this group. Your input has been petty and borderline bully-ish.
I do see Whites on our forums giving their opinions, correcting mistakes and so on. And I really don't think it's a big deal. So you can frankly shove your 'intruder in our forums' card back where you pulled it from.

Actually the article is very truthful. Same way some of your people wronged mine. You don't see me touting it every now and then, do you?

IDRC if you comment on the post if its in good faith and the only time I recall us commenting on black posts was when it was about reparations which is something that affects all of us directly since we would be footing the bill.
This post was not about comparing things about races. It was just about listing some positive things about our people. And every one of these positive things on this list is absolutely true. The few comments saying some vague thing about "oh, it's not true." Not a single one of these people has actually said a single example of anything here that is not true. This is why I feel like they do not actually have anything to say and are only having some kind of emotional reaction, because they actually have not said anything. If anything here is untrue, give a specific example and show how it is wrong. Nobody has done this.

This is an entirely positive and uplifting topic. Showing examples of positive traits that we do have. There is not anything negative about any of this, and there is no conflict. Positive for me does not in any way equal negative for you. I am allowed to feel good without you feeling bad, and there isn't even any reason here for you to feel bad because there is nothing negative anywhere in this topic. Everything in the list is just plain true, and none of it is even negative against anybody.

Are all whites supposed to always be entirely self-hating and cursed? The white race's overabundance of care and support for everybody else has been our biggest weakness. Most whites would immediately sacrifice themself for you, for absolutely nothing in return. Nobody else would do this. And it is their strength that they wouldn't do this, because this action is our worst weakness. But strength and weakness are subjective and meaningless, the fact is that whites have a trait of an extreme level of love and care for all other living things. In some ways this is beneficial to the world, and at the same time, in some ways this is very harmful for ourselves. Other races do not give out so much love in all other directions, but they reserve their love and their care for their own families and their own people. Which I would say is actually the greatest strength.

A trait is a trait. It is just something that exists. Mentioning that a trait exists is not anything negative or positive against anybody. Just like mentioning that anything else exists is not anything positive or negative toward anyone. Any noun, that noun is there whether or not you notice it and really has nothing to do with you. There is a tree somewhere in Australia. I have never seen it because I have never been there, but there is a tree there. What does it have to do with my life if somebody talks about how this tree has grown? If it is tall, if it is wide, what it looks like, a trait is a trait and it is going to exist regardless of if I know about it. Somebody talking about the traits of this tree that I have never seen is not anything negative against me, because it does not have anything to do with me. Just like talking about the traits of white people is not anything negative about black people because it doesn't have anything to do with you. White people have always had these traits and we always will, and that does not have anything to do with any other race.

When blacks are proud of the positive traits of their race, I am happy for them. I am proud of them too. I want them to be proud of their positive traits, because I want them to be successful. I don't try to tear them down, I don't go out complaining and saying that it is a negative thing for them to say those things. How is it negative to talk about something good? Will you not be happy until every single white person is entirely self-hating? Any person who smiles, does that take any joy away from you? Or are 2 people both able to be happy? Every single race of people are supposed to be proud of their positive traits, and they are supposed to embrace their positive traits as guidance as a good way to live. If every culture on Earth all focused on their positive traits, and abandoned the negative ones, every single person from every race would all be more successful and advanced. If I succeed, it doesn't make you fail. And if you succeed, that doesn't make me fail. So I really do not understand the baseless negativity of some people on this topic. They are only connecting to the jewish curses against "Amalek" which is the jewish name for the collective white racial soul, and these curses are making them hate white people. They will not be happy if there is even one single white person who does not hate themself.

But I do not hate you. I do not have that mindset. I appreciate Marcus Garvey and Malcom X as much as I appreciate George Lincoln Rockwell. Because all of these men all preached the exact same ideas, regardless of race. All 3 of these men cared very deeply for their own people. And they were not opposed to any other race, because they were happy for them to also care for their own people. Malcom X and George Lincoln Rockwell both admired each other, and both watched each other's speeches. Think of it like 2 men who are both fathers, each father cares for his own family, and there is no negativity involved. Just because one father cares for his family, does not mean he is against the other family. Each father is meant to take care of his own family. And the race is the extension of the family. Each person is meant to care for their people. I care for my family and you care for yours. The 2 familys can be friends, there is not any negativity in this.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:

IDRC if you comment on the post if its in good faith and the only time I recall us commenting on black posts was when it was about reparations which is something that affects all of us directly since we would be footing the bill.

Why are you brash? You always respond when it comes to blacks with such abrasion. How can you get your point across if you're just being an asshole? Sure you can say you don't really care, but how childish is that dude. Seriously relax bro, you're going to pop a blood vessel. Lol.
Ramier108666 said:
Why are you brash? You always respond when it comes to blacks with such abrasion. How can you get your point across if you're just being an asshole? Sure you can say you don't really care, but how childish is that dude. Seriously relax bro, you're going to pop a blood vessel. Lol.

It wasn’t abrasion I was just direct and to the point since this whole argument is pointless to begin with and I don’t want to contribute to it.

Ramier and blackdragon, instead of doing what most non-whites in general do and complain about it whenever we do something positive or uplifting for ourselves, you challenge it.

I say: 15 reasons why we are great.
You all SHOULD say: oh yeah? Here’s 15 reasons why we’re great too.

But instead you do what most blacks do and decide tear us down to your level instead of uplifting yourselves to ours. Wouldn’t the latter be better for all of us?

That is my proposal to you. Make a post explaining what black identity and culture is because I and most people would really like to know, Instead of the degenerate Jewish thug culture western blacks have now.

If you and blackdragon are unwilling to do that than I don’t see why we are talking about this right now.
Ramier108666 said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:

IDRC if you comment on the post if its in good faith and the only time I recall us commenting on black posts was when it was about reparations which is something that affects all of us directly since we would be footing the bill.

Why are you brash? You always respond when it comes to blacks with such abrasion. How can you get your point across if you're just being an asshole? Sure you can say you don't really care, but how childish is that dude. Seriously relax bro, you're going to pop a blood vessel. Lol.

I think by saying "IDRC" he meant he's fine with it. He could have softened it by substituting "care" with "mind," but that's not his style. You do have a point that he is abrasive which I have observed elsewhere (he and Jack have a reputation for being catty), but in this instance I perceive he's being friendly.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Ramier108666 said:
Why are you brash? You always respond when it comes to blacks with such abrasion. How can you get your point across if you're just being an asshole? Sure you can say you don't really care, but how childish is that dude. Seriously relax bro, you're going to pop a blood vessel. Lol.

It wasn’t abrasion I was just direct and to the point since this whole argument is pointless to begin with and I don’t want to contribute to it.

Ramier and blackdragon, instead of doing what most non-whites in general do and complain about it whenever we do something positive or uplifting for ourselves, you challenge it.

I say: 15 reasons why we are great.
You all SHOULD say: oh yeah? Here’s 15 reasons why we’re great too.

But instead you do what most blacks do and decide tear us down to your level instead of uplifting yourselves to ours. Wouldn’t the latter be better for all of us?

That is my proposal to you. Make a post explaining what black identity and culture is because I and most people would really like to know, Instead of the degenerate Jewish thug culture western blacks have now.

If you and blackdragon are unwilling to do that than I don’t see why we are talking about this right now.

Southern White Gentile, I wasn't disregarding what you posted. On the contrary I said that if he posting something that uplifts the White Race, then that is fine and well. More power to you guys. I do agree with your statement right now. I've been doing research and I'll be posting on the greatness of the Black Race. When you state we uplift ourselves to your Race's level that denotes some kind of seniority. I can't say your race is doing any better than mine. We can squabble all about our present comparisons of who's on what level but even then you stated it yourself, it would be pointless. All in all, your race his my deepest respect and as well my thanks. You guys have contributed largely to mankind. No disputes there. So how about we uplift ourselves to just God status, because comparisons are starting to get meddlesome and I've now understood the way to go. Take good care of yourself @SWG.

Seige Heil.
I still don't get exactly why every time people talk about "Whites", especially in the WN space, they have to constantly make over exertion of comparing to other races.

Maybe this method works to some extent to people who are not race aware, to understand in a highlighted manner what "our differences" are, in an era of general assimilation. But this is short sighted to use here because people understand this already.

But it hasn't worked at all, in reality. It only worked to censor our ideas, make everyone look like an asshole/criminal and make everyone appear evil, exactly how the jew and CNN wants everyone to look.

And it has never worked to create any longterm solution to any problem in regards to "Race". It just works with few segments and some people. If this thing had worked, then America and Britain would be saved, but now, these countries are of the most advanced down the race mixing hole of self destruction.

America and Britain were the ones who implemented this "Holier than thou" type of Racism, and they are going very far down the hole. France, which has instated the "Total acceptance" mode is overall, in the same place.

Meanwhile, the two examples of Hitler and Rockwell who did not waste any time to slander any other Gentile, or just politely explained differences to Whites in a scientific manner, but without making it the center of their life to hate "Blacks" - one conquered Europe, the other, almost overturned the United States, and would be probably president if not assassinated. Saving the United States from all issues such as imminent extinction.

They both for the most part went after the Jews. They knew what was up and they didn't waste energy hating other people who were also the victims of jews.

The greatest achievement of the WN until now has been the creation of a few terrorists, some loud people whom the media uses to destroy a greater effort of Whites to wake up, and some people who generally don't make anything good. They are like the Black Israelites but the bias changes over the fact they are "White".

Comparison is one way to know about one's self, but it's not the only way.

No other race is obligated to "Come up" to anyone's level, nor the level of "Whites". People are not obligated to compare to this. It was jews who tried to instate Globalism and force people to do something specific. All this comparing is just dull.

This makes only stupid people feel a bit smarter, and just comes from a short dialectic in the 19th century, which was based on Jewish Supremacist talk, that Britons carried over and called themselves the "Chosen Israelites".

WN has been doing this for decades to no effect. Whites are not motivated out of this except of a few people who are reacting to others because understandably, in the United States, every race is inside every race's face, which creates clashes and a necessity for negative statements because one feels territorial threat. But there it hasn't achieved much either in the longer spectrum of time. Because it just reinforced into the paradigm of the enemy.

Most Whites get tired out of this as Whites are smart and they can see past generalizations which are equal to what troll Blacks are doing to us such as "All whitey sucks". This is stuff you tell to hillbillies with 90 IQ to help them understand they "Wuz different n shiet" and stop fucking a tree.

And most Whites gravitate away from this style of communicating about our Race because it's dumb and it is only for hillbillies and people of lesser intelligence. "I wuz different than dis guy cuz he sucks". People of lesser intelligence do not recognize any contribution or help of other races.

And call the other race just trash based on their own claims, more or less real [from their perspective] in a never ending cycle of crap.

The "Other races suck ___because___" game is a game any race can play. In the end of the day this has advanced nobody and has not worked to help Whites, reduce miscegenation, increase birthrates or whatever.

I assume SF means StormFront, which may have some people who care about Whites, but has this usual WN style which was brought in mainly by shills that want to create personas to show to CNN, to display how evil Whites are.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I still don't get exactly why every time people talk about "Whites", especially in the WN space, they have to constantly make over exertion of comparing to other races.

Comparison is one way to know about one's self, but it's not the only way.

No other race is obligated to "Come up" to anyone's level, nor the level of "Whites". All this comparing is just dull. This makes only stupid people feel a bit smarter, and just comes from a short dialectic in the 19th century, which was based on Jewish Supremacist talk, that Britons carried over and called themselves the "Chosen Israelites".

WN has been doing this for decades to no effect. Whites are not motivated out of this except of a few people who are reacting to others because understandably, in the United States, every race is inside every race's face, which creates clashes and a necessity for negative statements because one feels territorial threat.

Most Whites get tired out of this as Whites are smart and they can see past generalizations which are equal to what troll Blacks are doing to us such as "All whitey sucks". And most Whites gravitate away from this style of communicating about our Race because it's fucking dumb and it is only for hillbillies and people of lesser intelligence. People of lesser intelligence do not recognize any contribution or help of other races.

The "Other races suck ___because___" game is a game any race can play. Asians can claim Whites suck because of this, and Hindus can claim Asians suck because of that.
I've come to that understanding too. If we talk about species it gets easier to understand, because we are inherently different from other races and we should treat them as something exterior to us. We don't compare Whites to Cats, we don't say we are better than cats and that cats should act more decently, because we're two completely different things. Racial pride that is not about comparing to other races but being proud to be who you are. I've also wrote this in a motivational post on the Blacksun group but it was disapproved for some reason, hopefully by mistake.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This makes only stupid people feel a bit smarter, and just comes from a short dialectic in the 19th century, which was based on Jewish Supremacist talk, that Britons carried over and called themselves the "Chosen Israelites".
Wonder how well it worked for Whites in Africa following this mentality from the Jew Cecil Rhodes who was such a superior (((White Imperialist))).

Hitler told methodically in Mein Kampf, without a space for interpretation, that Blacks in their "primitive" state in Africa are a strong race that would do much better if they were left alone, and Christian preachers shouldn't bother them with alien "civilized" beliefs. Because he was such a racist, and also christian as to not want christardism to be spread to Pagans.

But people are either too lazy as to not read Hitler's word or somewhat too enlightened as to think they know better nowdays than Hitler himself because they are in Jew-run Stormfront or something.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
