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Deadly Coffee/Caffeine: Facts It Figures


Active member
Jan 12, 2019
Deadly Coffee/Caffeine Facts It Figures
September 2, 2017

Ladies and Gentlemen, I love coffee and I thought you might be interested in this article I found.

You’re not going to like this one bit: you’ve been lied about the health benefits of coffee!

1. Caffeine is an alkaloid that the coffee plant uses to kill bugs, which eat its’ seeds.

The coffee plant also uses caffeine in the coffee pods to kill surrounding plants, so the coffee plant can attain more sunlight and grow larger. Caffeine is a pesticide, which causes genetic termination in living cells that come into contact with it.

2. MRI images taken before and after 1 cup of coffee showed a decrease in blood flow to the brain by 45%. When the blood flow reduction was measured exactly, it was actually 52% less blood flow to the brain, after just one small cup of coffee. http://abcn.ws/2ipmLj7

3. Brain imaging studies of chronic coffee drinkers showed they presented the same degradation of their brains as chronic alcoholics, cigarette smokers, Parkinson’s patients and marijuana users. http://dailym.ai/1qjSqi0

4. Coffee can cause an urge to move ones’ bowels because this is one way the body tries to eliminate poison from the system. The sudden urge to “poo” after drinking coffee is one of the body’s defense mechanisms to poison.

5. Coffee increases energy via the human fight or flight metabolic response, because the body is afraid of the caffeine based poison. Coffee doesn’t give energy, it removes it from the body.
The energy a person feels when they drink coffee is the body going into overdrive because caffeine is a poison and all poisons activate an energy release in the body. (fight or flight)

Coffee removes energy from the system, leaving the person progressively more and more exhausted each day that passes, therefore setting up the world’s most dangerous energy stimulation addiction… coffee dependence for energy.

6. When the fight or flight response is triggered in the body, the lower IQ centers of the brain are activated as well as hormonal systems in control of aggression, violence, irrational and illogical decision making, jealousy, rage, anger, fear and paranoia.

Coffee generates lower end mental functioning with a side of every negative emotional response the body can generate.

7. When measured, 1 coffee activated the fight and flight response for 3 consecutive weeks, even though no other caffeine was consumed after that 1 cup of coffee. One cup of coffee poisons the body for 3 consecutive weeks, on a decreasing scale.

8. When coffee (caffeine) is consumed, the limbic part of the brain is hyper activated and the higher learning centers of the mind inhibited. The limbic part of the brain is only concerned with sex, reproduction, protection of territory, food acquisition and personal safety.

The limbic portion of the brain is the most primitive and least developed portion of the mind complex. When you want to out smart or dominate another person, it’s best that their limbic system is activated, because it brings them to a mental state equal to that of a child.

9. The birth control pill inhibits clearing of ingested caffeine. This effect is increased dramatically by alcohol or pain killer use, therefore causing many cases of caffeine poisoning, which get treated as other things once the person reaches the hospital.

10. Coffee is proven to cause an enlarged prostate, high anxiety, insomnia, depression, birth defects, pain syndromes, unnatural breathing patterns, brain damage, hyperactivity, learning disorders (from the brain damage) behavior disorders, fatigue, certain types of cancer, Crohns, IBS, colitis, carpel tunnel, ulcers, low iron, heart disease, headaches, PMS, increased incidence of muscle and tendon injury, joint pain, heart attack, stroke,TIA’s (mini strokes)… and that’s a short list.

11. Coffee causes fat gain and cellulite because by triggering the body’s flight or fight system (which any poison or threat does). This eventually changes the body’s primary fuel source requirement to one of fat.

When the body is threatened, it prefers fat as its’ primary fuel source, over sugar or protein.

Constant activation of the body’s fight or flight system (via the daily ingestion of caffeine poison) aids in a metabolic shift to fat storage and fat conservation, because again the body prefers fat as a fuel source when fighting any toxic intruder… because fat contains 9 calories per gram for the fight, as opposed to 4 calories per gram housed by sugar and protein.

Welcome to the land of coffee (caffeine) induced fat gain, weight gain and cellulite. Coffee also destroys muscle, as the body purposely flushes muscle, when it’s poisoned, to facilitate additional fat storage.

12. Coffee (caffeine) blocks iron absorption, causing the vast majority of anemia today.

http://bit.ly/2qKSqwh The entire threat of caffeine in general includes caffeine teas, chocolates, caffeine based energy drinks, caffeine based pre work out drinks and over 2000 over the counter and prescription medications that PURPOSELY include caffeine.

13. An investigation conducted by the author of the most extensive book on coffee ever written, reviewed almost every scientific research piece regarding coffee and his conclusion was that there’s absolutely no scientific evidence what so ever that coffee provides any health benefits to the human body, on any level, in anyway.

He openly declares that any positive promotion of coffee consumption is a blatant lie, doing grave harm to our entire society. The publication of any positive effects of coffee are false and all can be traced back to a very powerful, covert and secret “coffee lobby”, which has both commercial and ruling family origins.

The author reviews the research in the book at this added link. How many coffee shops have opened in your town in the last 20 years?

So why the lying about coffee? Think of government and how governing a brain damaged population is easier than governing a healthy population. Start there and keep connecting the dots. Coffee is only one brain damaging weapon used against an uninformed slave class.

The 10 most popular brain damaging weapons used against the slave class (in order of use) are:

1) vaccines
2) coffee and caffeine products
3) alcohol
4) medical drugs
5) sugar
6) fluoride
7) cigarettes
8) processed junk foods and genetically modified foods
9) EMF radiation from wireless devices and
10) chemtrails.

If you’ve ever posed the question, “why are people so stunned, as to not figure any of this out?”… you’re missing the point that the brain damage of the slave class is the primary agenda of the ruling 1%.

Coffee and vaccines are the elite’s 1-2 punch within “operation brain damage” down here on the human farm. The best slave is a brain damaged slave, unable to think or care for themselves without the help from slave master.

A helpless population guarantees a need for government. This is why the ruling families do everything in their power to create a helpless population, day in and day out. Governments exist because they perpetually create the conditions for their own existence.

Ancient ruling families, who masquerade as modern altruistic governments, are not there to help the people progress, evolve or become more. You live on a chemically controlled slave based control grid.

Coffee is just another massive lie inside the human control operation. Want to shut the human farm down? Want to really become more than the stereotypical diseased, overweight, dis-empowered, depressed, and dysfunctional human mess? Reject the poisons!

Thanks Jason Christoff for posting this on Facebook! Read “Caffeine Blues: Wake Up to the Hidden Dangers of America’s #1 Drug.”
I agree that coffee is bad, but the points presented here seem to be way over the top. The idea that caffeine makes the body produce energy through a fight-or-flight response also sounds rather fishy to me. I've never heard of a single case where ingesting something purely poisonous would lead to the body putting out increased energy just from that alone. The response I would think of in these cases would be nausea and sluggishness, a desire to rest so that energy can be focused on removal of the poison. This is quite the opposite of what coffee produces in the body. Thinking of it logically, the whole fight-or-flight thing makes no sense here. If you put it in primitive terms, does "Oh no I ate something poisonous! Better put all my energy into fight-or-flight now so I can outrun the poison!" sound logical to you?

Don't just believe things at face value that some borg/kike posts on facebook like it's the new revelation of the century.

Of course, that being said I am no expert in this field. The above is just the result of simple application of logic. If there is any kind of solid facts in regards to this that'd support that whole fight-or-flight thing, then I'd love to hear.
And if you just like the taste, don't think decaf is any better. They wash the coffee beans in naptha to dissolve away the caffein. Naptha is a petroleum byproduct, sold as the Heet brand fuel additive. Also very similar to Zippo lighter fluid, just the lighter fluid has just a little bit more ingredients. Does that sound good to drink? If plain coffee wasn't bad enough.
That's why a comment from centralforce and HPS Shannon would be needed.

The energy thing is very logical instead. The body does raise more energy to fight intrusions. Fever is an example of that: the body raises thed temperature as heat helps cook the bacteria/virus/whatever to destroy them. Heat is a form of energy, as anyone who every studied basic physics know. That's the least suspicious point, in my opinion.

We already know coffee is not good but commenting things without having a background in science at this point doesn't help anymore, such as not producing medical evidence for claims like the OP did here. There's a reason there are sources and bibliography in all academic books we read. I made the same mistake in the past of trying to support a medical or scientific point without bringing evidence to support it. I'm not doing that anymore.
Stormblood said:
The energy thing is very logical instead. The body does raise more energy to fight intrusions. Fever is an example of that: the body raises thed temperature as heat helps cook the bacteria/virus/whatever to destroy them. Heat is a form of energy, as anyone who every studied basic physics know. That's the least suspicious point, in my opinion.
But do you commonly experience the same symptoms as with fever when you drink coffee? I doubt it. The thing with fighting intrusions is the exact same that I referred to as well. If coffee had those effects you describe, then it would cause the person to get a high temperature and feel weak, encouraging a restful state in which the body fights to rid itself from the toxins. I have never seen somebody have effects like these from coffee. Like I said in my original message, the effects of it are quite the opposite of this. If you get fever symptoms from coffee then you personally shouldn't drink it in the first place tbh.

Here two replies from Cobra on the topic:
Alkaloïds influence the nervous system and are often found in toxic herbs, i.e. those of the nightshade family, like belladonna or, the well known one, potatoes (the greenery).

Though anything taken in too high a dose could kill someone..

Nr 6: Coffee is associated with increased heartrate, which could be linked to the fight/flight response mentioned here.

If you've ever been in a situation that seemed so disastrous.. have you noticed that you couldn't think straight anymore, if not, that entire parts of your head seemed to be cut off, almost?

I'll have to look into nr 11 though.. Dont know anything about that.
Caffeine affects the sympathetic nervous system, which individually may cause a faster heartbeat, depending on the individuals tolerance for caffeine. As some people have intense heartbeat of just a sip of coffee. The sympathetic nervous system does trigger the freeze, fight or flight response yes, but not caused entirely by caffeine. Actually, this can be triggered if you just run to make it to the bus, as the body doesn't understand you running for your life from a lion, or too just..make it to the bus.

The central nervous system is stimulated, where caffeine acts as an adenosine-receptor antagonist. Meaning, neural receptors doesn't slow down, and you won't feel sleepy anymore, you will feel more focused (alert).
But, the body is adaptive, and gets used to various of toxins, including caffeine. This is where your need and thirst for more caffeine is coming to play. This is the reason when you'll have a caffeine withdrawal (happens also when overconsumed in a long period of time), the brain panics and you'll notice headaches as the natural chemicals in the body is getting rid of it.

With everything, too much of anything is not ideal and may cause serious health issues. Too much caffeine over stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, that may cause heartburns, headaches, muscle aches, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, confusion etc. This is actually very important to be aware of:

IF you have anxiety problems, paranoia, sleeping disorders, caffeine should be avoided at all costs, as this only makes it worse for the individual.

1) Long-term use of caffeine in high dozes causes osteoporosis, making the bones break more easily. This can be caused by small dozes as well if consumed over a great period of time (years, decades).

2) Increased blood-pressure (long-term use in high dozes).

3) Fertility issues, again long-term use in high dozes.

4) Pregnancy issues: If you are pregnant, avoid caffeine or coffee entirely. Overconsumption of caffeine during pregnancy may cause miscarriage and developmental issues in new borns. It's recommended that women who are pregnant, drink no more than 200mg caffeine per day, which equals one 12-ounce cup of coffee.

This is just a few, and related to the OVERUSE of caffeine and/or coffee. And this is also individual, as this correlates to genetic tolerance and immune system. People may of course enjoy a cup of coffee or two, but be aware of the dangers, if you are prone to becoming addicted to such and/or having rapid heartbeats, then stop consuming it! As this can lead you to the overconsumption as mentioned and dangers the heart. Caffeine can be found in over 60 plants, and various of medications and food. It has no taste, and therefore difficult to notice. Be aware.

Also, when you consume coffee, did you know the coffee absorbs all nutrients withing your intestines and cancel them out? If you drink coffee, don't eat anything of value in about 60 minutes. Instead, drink plenty of water. This way you'll make sure you get all the nutrients you need for maintaining good health! Of course, you can eat something, but make sure you eat something properly after an hour or two.

In closing, other factors like your age, body mass, and overall health can determine your tolerance to caffeine, too. If you want to decrease the amount of caffeine you take, it’s best to decrease your consumption slowly, as your body can have too strong withdrawal, shock. This also includes people who are taking strong psychotropic drugs (brain altering drugs), antidepressants, to treat bipolar, schizophrenia and anxiety disorders. Decrease the chemical toxins slowly.

I drink coffee now and then, but not everyday. And a maximum of two cups that day. You do you of course. I drink various herbal-tea instead. Herbal-tea is wonderful for treating different ailments and such. And rewards the body a LOT more!

Take care,
Dark Pagan 666.
Guys remember when Mageson said this,
Guys if your looking for a quick mind buzz then drink some organic coffee, that has been found to be good for you.
From this thread, https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=18886&p=75362&hilit=Organic#p75362

There are dosages one shouldn’t exceed when drinking coffee, and with caffeine it’s wise to cycle on and off because the body adjusts to it, but it’s fine to drink.
Shael said:
Stormblood said:
But do you commonly experience the same symptoms as with fever when you drink coffee? I doubt it. The thing with fighting intrusions is the exact same that I referred to as well. If coffee had those effects you describe, then it would cause the person to get a high temperature and feel weak, encouraging a restful state in which the body fights to rid itself from the toxins. I have never seen somebody have effects like these from coffee. Like I said in my original message, the effects of it are quite the opposite of this. If you get fever symptoms from coffee then you personally shouldn't drink it in the first place tbh.

Here two replies from Cobra on the topic:

Hold your horses. I never stated caffeine causes a fever. I just made an example of what form a spike in energy can take and heat is one of those forms. While it doesn't cause a fever, it certainly causes a small rise in body temperature which is probably due to what other users suggested (increased heart rate). That's all I'm saying.

I'm familiar with those posts by HP Hooded Cobra.

One thing I can add is that the strongest armies don't allow their soldiers to take stimulants (coffee is a stimulant) during training stages because of the obvious effects. A trained soldier must be capable of being efficient and effective by themselves (i.e. without being dependent on external substances). Of course there are some lower-level militaries (i.e. the Italian one) that allow intake of stimulants and that aren't as thorough in checking their soldiers' health.

One last thing I can add is that the fight-or-flight state is linked to the release of cortisol in the body, AS FAR AS I KNOW. Does caffeine produce a release of cortisol in the body?
Eric13 said:
Guys remember when Mageson said this,
Guys if your looking for a quick mind buzz then drink some organic coffee, that has been found to be good for you.
From this thread, https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=18886&p=75362&hilit=Organic#p75362

There are dosages one shouldn’t exceed when drinking coffee, and with caffeine it’s wise to cycle on and off because the body adjusts to it, but it’s fine to drink.
Yup. Cobra seems to have shown a similar stance regarding caffeine in general, in his replies that I linked above.

Personally I cant say much on coffee beyond simple logical examination, as I do not drink it.
Shael said:
Yup. Cobra seems to have shown a similar stance regarding caffeine in general, in his replies that I linked above.

Personally I cant say much on coffee beyond simple logical examination, as I do not drink it.

Usually it’s people who try and live ‘clean’ lifestyles who vilify coffee. I drink it strong and black and have daily for years. I’m healthy and fine. I will say cycling can be good. From experience.

The reason I say ‘clean’ is because usually these people go overboard and vilify everything. They live their life in a bubble and it’s all based around fear. Their health usually isn’t that great either and they have much hypocrisy in their habits.

Listen, be healthy guys and look after yourself, but don’t live in fear over everything. This is where we get into cuckoo territory and behavior gets ridiculous. It’s pretty easy. Make the majority of your eating and drinking habits wise and you’ll be fine. Avoid serious drugs of course.
Eric13 said:
Usually it’s people who try and live ‘clean’ lifestyles who vilify coffee.
I never meant to villify coffee. I guess I should have worded my first message differently, to something like "I agree that coffee can be bad". My main point in that reply was that op's message was going too far and that logically speaking it didn't make sense to me. In my opinion it's completely fine to drink coffee as long as you don't overdo it.
Eric13 said:
Shael said:
Yup. Cobra seems to have shown a similar stance regarding caffeine in general, in his replies that I linked above.

Personally I cant say much on coffee beyond simple logical examination, as I do not drink it.

Usually it’s people who try and live ‘clean’ lifestyles who vilify coffee. I drink it strong and black and have daily for years. I’m healthy and fine. I will say cycling can be good. From experience.

The reason I say ‘clean’ is because usually these people go overboard and vilify everything. They live their life in a bubble and it’s all based around fear. Their health usually isn’t that great either and they have much hypocrisy in their habits.

Listen, be healthy guys and look after yourself, but don’t live in fear over everything. This is where we get into cuckoo territory and behavior gets ridiculous. It’s pretty easy. Make the majority of your eating and drinking habits wise and you’ll be fine. Avoid serious drugs of course.
And usually it’s those who drink it that defend it :p
Now try going a day without coffee, you will crash and be tired, that’s not something positive.
Aquarius said:
Eric13 said:
Shael said:
Yup. Cobra seems to have shown a similar stance regarding caffeine in general, in his replies that I linked above.

Personally I cant say much on coffee beyond simple logical examination, as I do not drink it.

Usually it’s people who try and live ‘clean’ lifestyles who vilify coffee. I drink it strong and black and have daily for years. I’m healthy and fine. I will say cycling can be good. From experience.

The reason I say ‘clean’ is because usually these people go overboard and vilify everything. They live their life in a bubble and it’s all based around fear. Their health usually isn’t that great either and they have much hypocrisy in their habits.

Listen, be healthy guys and look after yourself, but don’t live in fear over everything. This is where we get into cuckoo territory and behavior gets ridiculous. It’s pretty easy. Make the majority of your eating and drinking habits wise and you’ll be fine. Avoid serious drugs of course.
And usually it’s those who drink it that defend it :p
Now try going a day without coffee, you will crash and be tired, that’s not something positive.
The same will happen with a day without meditating or yoga if you do those consistently. Because the energy levels drop. It’s really not all bad and there’s links to posts from Mageson and cobra on this thread giving it the okay, but as I said of course dosages need to be monitored. This applies to most things in life though. Too much meditation can be bad.

And @Shael, never thought you vilified it, I understood your point! I meant in a general sense, those vilifying it. Even outside of our community.
Eric13 said:
Aquarius said:
Eric13 said:
Usually it’s people who try and live ‘clean’ lifestyles who vilify coffee. I drink it strong and black and have daily for years. I’m healthy and fine. I will say cycling can be good. From experience.

The reason I say ‘clean’ is because usually these people go overboard and vilify everything. They live their life in a bubble and it’s all based around fear. Their health usually isn’t that great either and they have much hypocrisy in their habits.

Listen, be healthy guys and look after yourself, but don’t live in fear over everything. This is where we get into cuckoo territory and behavior gets ridiculous. It’s pretty easy. Make the majority of your eating and drinking habits wise and you’ll be fine. Avoid serious drugs of course.
And usually it’s those who drink it that defend it :p
Now try going a day without coffee, you will crash and be tired, that’s not something positive.
The same will happen with a day without meditating or yoga if you do those consistently. Because the energy levels drop. It’s really not all bad and there’s links to posts from Mageson and cobra on this thread giving it the okay, but as I said of course dosages need to be monitored. This applies to most things in life though. Too much meditation can be bad.

And @Shael, never thought you vilified it, I understood your point! I meant in a general sense, those vilifying it. Even outside of our community.
Let’s not compare coffee to meditation, the former will not make you a God..
Daily coffee will just make you addicted to it and without it you can’t go on, not to mention that the effects that you get when you drink it sporadically just vanish when it just becomes your fuel for the day.
Lol, okay. Bottom line is with the right dosages organic coffee has health benefits. And it’s getting old with people knocking it. Just as said , people should be wise with it. As with anything good for you, it can become bad which was my point. Coffee CAN be good for you.

People fear coffee and other things. We don’t need that senseless fear. Awareness goes a long way. Yes it can have detrimental effects and it’s good you warn of them, so the individuals can weigh the pros and cons, but let’s not get carried away. Coffee withdrawal isn’t going to kill anyone. A person can safely and guiltlessly enjoy it if they choose.
And usually it’s those who drink it that defend it :p
Now try going a day without coffee, you will crash and be tired, that’s not something positive.[/quote]

I believe this to hold true, Drinking decaf has been my go-to as Caffeine for me should only be taken sparingly such as workouts, but I also didn't want to associate caffeine with energy needed for a workout and have since then cut it out completely. Coffee is delicious and I like to enjoy a cup as I start the morning because of that wholesome flavor, like chocolate but much more different, but I would go the Decaf route since Caffeine is a drug and it really makes me uncomfortable if I don't use the energy it produces.
I guess all in all what I'm trying to say is use caffeine for it's applicable use, but don't overstimulate yourself where you can't feel yourself, can't sleep, or it disturbs your innerself and causes a chemical imbalance which leads to people getting that 2pm crash and feeling awful. Wisdom is only wise in words and experiences which unfortunately many will have to experience to understand.
Darkpagan666 said:
Caffeine affects the sympathetic nervous system, which individually may cause a faster heartbeat, depending on the individuals tolerance for caffeine. As some people have intense heartbeat of just a sip of coffee. The sympathetic nervous system does trigger the freeze, fight or flight response yes, but not caused entirely by caffeine. Actually, this can be triggered if you just run to make it to the bus, as the body doesn't understand you running for your life from a lion, or too just..make it to the bus.

The central nervous system is stimulated, where caffeine acts as an adenosine-receptor antagonist. Meaning, neural receptors doesn't slow down, and you won't feel sleepy anymore, you will feel more focused (alert).
But, the body is adaptive, and gets used to various of toxins, including caffeine. This is where your need and thirst for more caffeine is coming to play. This is the reason when you'll have a caffeine withdrawal (happens also when overconsumed in a long period of time), the brain panics and you'll notice headaches as the natural chemicals in the body is getting rid of it.

With everything, too much of anything is not ideal and may cause serious health issues. Too much caffeine over stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, that may cause heartburns, headaches, muscle aches, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, confusion etc. This is actually very important to be aware of:

IF you have anxiety problems, paranoia, sleeping disorders, caffeine should be avoided at all costs, as this only makes it worse for the individual.

1) Long-term use of caffeine in high dozes causes osteoporosis, making the bones break more easily. This can be caused by small dozes as well if consumed over a great period of time (years, decades).

2) Increased blood-pressure (long-term use in high dozes).

3) Fertility issues, again long-term use in high dozes.

4) Pregnancy issues: If you are pregnant, avoid caffeine or coffee entirely. Overconsumption of caffeine during pregnancy may cause miscarriage and developmental issues in new borns. It's recommended that women who are pregnant, drink no more than 200mg caffeine per day, which equals one 12-ounce cup of coffee.

This is just a few, and related to the OVERUSE of caffeine and/or coffee. And this is also individual, as this correlates to genetic tolerance and immune system. People may of course enjoy a cup of coffee or two, but be aware of the dangers, if you are prone to becoming addicted to such and/or having rapid heartbeats, then stop consuming it! As this can lead you to the overconsumption as mentioned and dangers the heart. Caffeine can be found in over 60 plants, and various of medications and food. It has no taste, and therefore difficult to notice. Be aware.

Also, when you consume coffee, did you know the coffee absorbs all nutrients withing your intestines and cancel them out? If you drink coffee, don't eat anything of value in about 60 minutes. Instead, drink plenty of water. This way you'll make sure you get all the nutrients you need for maintaining good health! Of course, you can eat something, but make sure you eat something properly after an hour or two.

In closing, other factors like your age, body mass, and overall health can determine your tolerance to caffeine, too. If you want to decrease the amount of caffeine you take, it’s best to decrease your consumption slowly, as your body can have too strong withdrawal, shock. This also includes people who are taking strong psychotropic drugs (brain altering drugs), antidepressants, to treat bipolar, schizophrenia and anxiety disorders. Decrease the chemical toxins slowly.

I drink coffee now and then, but not everyday. And a maximum of two cups that day. You do you of course. I drink various herbal-tea instead. Herbal-tea is wonderful for treating different ailments and such. And rewards the body a LOT more!

Take care,
Dark Pagan 666.

my personal experience:
using green tea over time (about 3 servings of 5 grams per time per day) over time I experienced this :
1) weakened bones
2) shrunken veins
3) headaches
4) dry skin and mucous membranes
5) diabetic neuropathic symptoms (peripheral on the right side of the leg)
6) dark circles under the eyes( hypercortisolemia)
7) weird feeling in the head (shrunken ventricles)
8) heart palpitations
9) agitation
10) difficulty breathing deeply
11) angina pectoris symptoms
12) sleeping difficulties
I should also note that the jews who sold the green tea I bought seemed happy that I was buying it from them as if they knew (which they almost certainly did) that it was a poison and they were 'harming the goyim'.
Take home message: never use/consume any form of caffeine especially if you are an addictive personality
Eric13 said:
Lol, okay. Bottom line is with the right dosages organic coffee has health benefits. And it’s getting old with people knocking it. Just as said , people should be wise with it. As with anything good for you, it can become bad which was my point. Coffee CAN be good for you.

People fear coffee and other things. We don’t need that senseless fear. Awareness goes a long way. Yes it can have detrimental effects and it’s good you warn of them, so the individuals can weigh the pros and cons, but let’s not get carried away. Coffee withdrawal isn’t going to kill anyone. A person can safely and guiltlessly enjoy it if they choose.

The detriments outweigh the benefits based on pharmacological effects and consequent physiological/anatomical ills
If any of you currently feel the need to consume caffeine or coffee multiple times a day on a daily basis and want to quit relying on it, try using Foundation Meditation and breathing exercises found in the JoS Power Meditation section to eliminate fatigue and mental fog instead. You can breathe in while visualizing white-gold energy and program it with an affirmation along the lines of "I am breathing in powerful white-gold that is safely stimulating, invigorating, and refreshing my mind, body, and soul and eliminating fatigue in a positive and healthy way for me." This method will not only surpass caffeine's ability to energize, but it also elevates one's spiritual energies provided it is not overdone and you don't burn yourself out.

Beyond this, good sleep, exercise, yoga, keeping hydrated, eating a balance healthy diet, and a maintaining a low-stress mindset will also go a long way in helping to eliminate the fatigue that makes most people scream for a coffee/caffeine fix, and with time, your mind and body will feel less and less dependent on the substance daily.

One must be wary of how caffeine impacts Yin energies and can contribute to Yin Deficiency in the long term if caffeinated drinks are consumed several times daily. Caffeine and coffee aren't inherently negative if consumed in strict moderation, but feeling the need to consume it at the start of every day likely indicates a problem in one's natural metabolism that should be rectified.

I don't necessarily agree with the viewpoint that caffeine/coffee on it's own is being used deliberately as an insidious tool of the enemy, it's overuse by consumers is merely another symptom of the problems affecting the food industry in the West overall. Coffee products and the market for quality coffee is highly profitable and lucrative along with energy drinks due to high consumer demand, and as a result, it's all over stores, likewise for any sugary or salty product. Where the Jew factors in directly is when you have a food industry that deliberately continues to ruin the health of society for the sake of profit by saturating the majority of foods with unnecessary, cheap GMO ingredients proven to have negative impacts on health and environment along with the excessive promotion of alcohol and fast food in media and popular culture. It is also disturbing how expensive Organic foods can be since the large Jew-led companies in the food industry do indeed try to target the smaller Organic-based companies and drive them out of business by ruining their reputation and supply.
loki88 said:
my personal experience:
using green tea over time (about 3 servings of 5 grams per time per day) over time I experienced this :
1) weakened bones
2) shrunken veins
3) headaches
4) dry skin and mucous membranes
5) diabetic neuropathic symptoms (peripheral on the right side of the leg)
6) dark circles under the eyes( hypercortisolemia)
7) weird feeling in the head (shrunken ventricles)
8) heart palpitations
9) agitation
10) difficulty breathing deeply
11) angina pectoris symptoms
12) sleeping difficulties
I should also note that the jews who sold the green tea I bought seemed happy that I was buying it from them as if they knew (which they almost certainly did) that it was a poison and they were 'harming the goyim'.
Take home message: never use/consume any form of caffeine especially if you are an addictive personality
Are you sure this wasn't from the 5 gallon bucket of coffee you funnel up your ass every morning for a year, for your kundalini to drink :roll: Just because some rat-faced new age yenta told you it's a good idea. And as usual, you just absorb everything like a sponge without ever even trying to think about it or feel if it's a good idea. It seems like the one thing you never absorb and internalize, is the actual truth. Truth and real knowledge is repelled, but all the retarded garbage is absorbed with no thought and no discernment.
loki88 said:
my personal experience:
using green tea over time (about 3 servings of 5 grams per time per day) over time I experienced this :
1) weakened bones
2) shrunken veins
3) headaches
4) dry skin and mucous membranes
5) diabetic neuropathic symptoms (peripheral on the right side of the leg)
6) dark circles under the eyes( hypercortisolemia)
7) weird feeling in the head (shrunken ventricles)
8) heart palpitations
9) agitation
10) difficulty breathing deeply
11) angina pectoris symptoms
12) sleeping difficulties
I should also note that the jews who sold the green tea I bought seemed happy that I was buying it from them as if they knew (which they almost certainly did) that it was a poison and they were 'harming the goyim'.
Take home message: never use/consume any form of caffeine especially if you are an addictive personality

First off, green tea does not have caffeine in it.

Secondly, 5 gram of dried green tea for one single cup is way too much. I believe the doses that I have heard is of about 2 teaspoons dried herb per cup (about 150 ml). Which is, what I think, not even 2 gram. Most prepackaged teabags are probably at about 2 gram per bag.

I am not sure if it was on the old forums (it probably was) but one post mentioned the amount of fluoride in tea being very high.
Green tea, is just as white tea, oolong tea, the same as black tea. The difference is, the time when its plucked and the oxidizing process (which makes black tea). All those forms of tea are coming from the same plant.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
loki88 said:
my personal experience:
using green tea over time (about 3 servings of 5 grams per time per day) over time I experienced this :
1) weakened bones
2) shrunken veins
3) headaches
4) dry skin and mucous membranes
5) diabetic neuropathic symptoms (peripheral on the right side of the leg)
6) dark circles under the eyes( hypercortisolemia)
7) weird feeling in the head (shrunken ventricles)
8) heart palpitations
9) agitation
10) difficulty breathing deeply
11) angina pectoris symptoms
12) sleeping difficulties
I should also note that the jews who sold the green tea I bought seemed happy that I was buying it from them as if they knew (which they almost certainly did) that it was a poison and they were 'harming the goyim'.
Take home message: never use/consume any form of caffeine especially if you are an addictive personality
Are you sure this wasn't from the 5 gallon bucket of coffee you funnel up your ass every morning for a year, for your kundalini to drink :roll: Just because some rat-faced new age yenta told you it's a good idea. And as usual, you just absorb everything like a sponge without ever even trying to think about it or feel if it's a good idea. It seems like the one thing you never absorb and internalize, is the actual truth. Truth and real knowledge is repelled, but all the retarded garbage is absorbed with no thought and no discernment.

whats with the rudeness? People share their experiences and are condemned---ridiculous
Lunar Dance 666 said:
loki88 said:
my personal experience:
using green tea over time (about 3 servings of 5 grams per time per day) over time I experienced this :
1) weakened bones
2) shrunken veins
3) headaches
4) dry skin and mucous membranes
5) diabetic neuropathic symptoms (peripheral on the right side of the leg)
6) dark circles under the eyes( hypercortisolemia)
7) weird feeling in the head (shrunken ventricles)
8) heart palpitations
9) agitation
10) difficulty breathing deeply
11) angina pectoris symptoms
12) sleeping difficulties
I should also note that the jews who sold the green tea I bought seemed happy that I was buying it from them as if they knew (which they almost certainly did) that it was a poison and they were 'harming the goyim'.
Take home message: never use/consume any form of caffeine especially if you are an addictive personality

First off, green tea does not have caffeine in it.

Secondly, 5 gram of dried green tea for one single cup is way too much. I believe the doses that I have heard is of about 2 teaspoons dried herb per cup (about 150 ml). Which is, what I think, not even 2 gram. Most prepackaged teabags are probably at about 2 gram per bag.

I am not sure if it was on the old forums (it probably was) but one post mentioned the amount of fluoride in tea being very high.
Green tea, is just as white tea, oolong tea, the same as black tea. The difference is, the time when its plucked and the oxidizing process (which makes black tea). All those forms of tea are coming from the same plant.

"green tea does not have caffeine in it. " I can't see that being true. What would account for the above symptoms which are the same as my imbibing other caffeine sources? Could you adduce proof that g-tea has no caffeine? I doubt it.
loki88 said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
loki88 said:
my personal experience:
using green tea over time (about 3 servings of 5 grams per time per day) over time I experienced this :
1) weakened bones
2) shrunken veins
3) headaches
4) dry skin and mucous membranes
5) diabetic neuropathic symptoms (peripheral on the right side of the leg)
6) dark circles under the eyes( hypercortisolemia)
7) weird feeling in the head (shrunken ventricles)
8) heart palpitations
9) agitation
10) difficulty breathing deeply
11) angina pectoris symptoms
12) sleeping difficulties
I should also note that the jews who sold the green tea I bought seemed happy that I was buying it from them as if they knew (which they almost certainly did) that it was a poison and they were 'harming the goyim'.
Take home message: never use/consume any form of caffeine especially if you are an addictive personality

First off, green tea does not have caffeine in it.

Secondly, 5 gram of dried green tea for one single cup is way too much. I believe the doses that I have heard is of about 2 teaspoons dried herb per cup (about 150 ml). Which is, what I think, not even 2 gram. Most prepackaged teabags are probably at about 2 gram per bag.

I am not sure if it was on the old forums (it probably was) but one post mentioned the amount of fluoride in tea being very high.
Green tea, is just as white tea, oolong tea, the same as black tea. The difference is, the time when its plucked and the oxidizing process (which makes black tea). All those forms of tea are coming from the same plant.

"green tea does not have caffeine in it. " I can't see that being true. What would account for the above symptoms which are the same as my imbibing other caffeine sources? Could you adduce proof that g-tea has no caffeine? I doubt it.
I think it does have caffeine, just less than black tea has. But I agree 5 grams in a cup sounds way too much. A tea bag has like half a gram or even less in it.
loki88 said:
whats with the rudeness? People share their experiences and are condemned---ridiculous
He's trying to make you understand that you should stop brainlessly absorbing information from everywhere without using any noticeable amount of logical discernment. As it stands right now, you would take the word of a xianity-preaching jew on some webpage with the same value as the word of someone on here. This is why you end up getting deluded on even the most simple things, and despite people here spending tons and tons of time answering all your questions, you still don't seem to get any smarter in the end at all.

The question I'm having at this point is, will any amount of information you gain from replies here be enough to make you realize your fallacies and change your ways? I'm starting to think that the answer to this is "no".

Somebody on here whose name I don't remember, said a very true thing a couple weeks ago, that being "memorizing a lot of information does not make you smart". What makes you smart is your ability to analyze and understand this information. You can absorb hundreds, or thousands of books and articles of knowledge, but if you lack the logical capabilities to discern truth from lies, and logically connect information together and understand it, then you will always stay stupid in the end.
loki88 said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
loki88 said:
my personal experience:
using green tea over time (about 3 servings of 5 grams per time per day) over time I experienced this :
1) weakened bones
2) shrunken veins
3) headaches
4) dry skin and mucous membranes
5) diabetic neuropathic symptoms (peripheral on the right side of the leg)
6) dark circles under the eyes( hypercortisolemia)
7) weird feeling in the head (shrunken ventricles)
8) heart palpitations
9) agitation
10) difficulty breathing deeply
11) angina pectoris symptoms
12) sleeping difficulties
I should also note that the jews who sold the green tea I bought seemed happy that I was buying it from them as if they knew (which they almost certainly did) that it was a poison and they were 'harming the goyim'.
Take home message: never use/consume any form of caffeine especially if you are an addictive personality

First off, green tea does not have caffeine in it.

Secondly, 5 gram of dried green tea for one single cup is way too much. I believe the doses that I have heard is of about 2 teaspoons dried herb per cup (about 150 ml). Which is, what I think, not even 2 gram. Most prepackaged teabags are probably at about 2 gram per bag.

I am not sure if it was on the old forums (it probably was) but one post mentioned the amount of fluoride in tea being very high.
Green tea, is just as white tea, oolong tea, the same as black tea. The difference is, the time when its plucked and the oxidizing process (which makes black tea). All those forms of tea are coming from the same plant.

"green tea does not have caffeine in it. " I can't see that being true. What would account for the above symptoms which are the same as my imbibing other caffeine sources? Could you adduce proof that g-tea has no caffeine? I doubt it.

So you're just going to draw a conclusion by 'muh experience' and you're asking me for proof?

Shouldn't you be the one to pull up a link to some scientific study of some sorts of the compounds of camellia sinensis that proves me wrong?
There are some fairly extreme views being presented here and many of them are either exaggerated or plainly not true, whether due to ignorance or misconception.

I am going to set some of them straight because many people lack the understanding of some finer points which leads to all kinds of ridiculous assumptions.

The first misconception is that because a plant has a chemical in it which is poisonous or a defense mechanism towards something else that it is automatically poisonous to humans.

Some of the most powerful vitamins in the body are poison in a sense where too much can cause severe organ failure and even death. Vitamin E is an example. Selenium is another. Vitamin A also joins that list. All very powerful anti-oxidant vitamins which protect the human body and both very poisonous.

In actual fact, nearly every substance in existence is and can be poisonous to the human organism in large enough quantities with very few exceptions. Dose is important and not all things cause death but even an overdose of water can cause kidney failure (or drowning if one considers that to be a huge overdose of water).

Nitrous Oxide is produced by the cells as a paracrine (local) hormone which causes vasodilation however taken systemically into the blood stream this causes nervous system disruption on a massive scale including blacking out and the blocking of pain signals.

Many fruits, vegetables and other plant based matters also block the absorption of nutrients, in fact any vegetable that includes tannins (including spinach, also high in iron) will block the iron absorption in the gut of any iron taken simultaneously. The timing of foods containing tannins and iron containing foods is important to reduce the risk of malabsorption of vital iron into the blood (also, iron is terribly toxic in high quantities but also essential to human life).

Coffee, like most of the hot drink herbs contains caffeine.

Other caffeinated foods include:

- cocoa (v. small amounts, almost undetectable but present),
- Black tea,
- Green tea (definitely has caffeine in it, Matcha (refined green tea) has more caffeine than coffee).

The darker of the three, coffee, cocoa and black tea also contain significant numbers of polyphenols which serve as potent antioxidants in the body.

All four of the above (except cocoa) are potent diuretics and activate kidney function in removing water from the body by stimulating atrial natriuretic peptide from their vasoconstrictive actions (the right atrium of the heart releases this hormone into the blood in response to stretching of the atrial wall in the heart in response to increased blood pressure, a result of systemic vasoconstriction).

Coffee is also a bitter which makes it the most potent of the diuretics and also gives a benefit to the stomach by clearing out old matter by stimulating stomach emptying (gastric emptying).

Therefore, coffee and the other listed items above are herbs which have a specific use..

In many cultures, coffee is the first beverage of the day in order to prepare the stomach for food.

Following this, there is usually some period of time which elapses before eating and then food is taken into the clean stomach.

Coffee also promotes defecation which assists one to move the bowels in the morning.

The above items are all things which occur as part of parasympathetic stimulation, the opposite of fight flight which shuts the stomach and digestive organs down.

A too high dose of coffee will of course, play havoc with the body, as does too high a dose of any substance.

The increased blood pressure and caffeine thereof can lead to jitters, nervousness and heart palpitations.

This is not ideal and having coffee to the point where you experience the above is a poor choice, which exceeds the dose of an otherwise useful remedy as described above.

So in reality, the true problem is a lack of self control and understanding, blamed on a plant whose consumption dates back many centuries.

The "deadly" lays purely in an individual's inability to understand and say no to something harmful or harmful amounts of something good, just as a wayward teenager who does not understand the consequences of speeding fast in their car is likely to crash horribly as a result of their own poor choices.

Is the car therefore inherently evil and bad?

I think not.
Centralforce666 said:
There are some fairly extreme views being presented here and many of them are either exaggerated or plainly not true, whether due to ignorance or misconception.

I am going to set some of them straight because many people lack the understanding of some finer points which leads to all kinds of ridiculous assumptions.

The first misconception is that because a plant has a chemical in it which is poisonous or a defense mechanism towards something else that it is automatically poisonous to humans.

Some of the most powerful vitamins in the body are poison in a sense where too much can cause severe organ failure and even death. Vitamin E is an example. Selenium is another. Vitamin A also joins that list. All very powerful anti-oxidant vitamins which protect the human body and both very poisonous.

In actual fact, nearly every substance in existence is and can be poisonous to the human organism in large enough quantities with very few exceptions. Dose is important and not all things cause death but even an overdose of water can cause kidney failure (or drowning if one considers that to be a huge overdose of water).

Nitrous Oxide is produced by the cells as a paracrine (local) hormone which causes vasodilation however taken systemically into the blood stream this causes nervous system disruption on a massive scale including blacking out and the blocking of pain signals.

Many fruits, vegetables and other plant based matters also block the absorption of nutrients, in fact any vegetable that includes tannins (including spinach, also high in iron) will block the iron absorption in the gut of any iron taken simultaneously. The timing of foods containing tannins and iron containing foods is important to reduce the risk of malabsorption of vital iron into the blood (also, iron is terribly toxic in high quantities but also essential to human life).

Coffee, like most of the hot drink herbs contains caffeine.

Other caffeinated foods include:

- cocoa (v. small amounts, almost undetectable but present),
- Black tea,
- Green tea (definitely has caffeine in it, Matcha (refined green tea) has more caffeine than coffee).

The darker of the three, coffee, cocoa and black tea also contain significant numbers of polyphenols which serve as potent antioxidants in the body.

All four of the above (except cocoa) are potent diuretics and activate kidney function in removing water from the body by stimulating atrial natriuretic peptide from their vasoconstrictive actions (the right atrium of the heart releases this hormone into the blood in response to stretching of the atrial wall in the heart in response to increased blood pressure, a result of systemic vasoconstriction).

Coffee is also a bitter which makes it the most potent of the diuretics and also gives a benefit to the stomach by clearing out old matter by stimulating stomach emptying (gastric emptying).

Therefore, coffee and the other listed items above are herbs which have a specific use..

In many cultures, coffee is the first beverage of the day in order to prepare the stomach for food.

Following this, there is usually some period of time which elapses before eating and then food is taken into the clean stomach.

Coffee also promotes defecation which assists one to move the bowels in the morning.

The above items are all things which occur as part of parasympathetic stimulation, the opposite of fight flight which shuts the stomach and digestive organs down.

A too high dose of coffee will of course, play havoc with the body, as does too high a dose of any substance.

The increased blood pressure and caffeine thereof can lead to jitters, nervousness and heart palpitations.

This is not ideal and having coffee to the point where you experience the above is a poor choice, which exceeds the dose of an otherwise useful remedy as described above.

So in reality, the true problem is a lack of self control and understanding, blamed on a plant whose consumption dates back many centuries.

The "deadly" lays purely in an individual's inability to understand and say no to something harmful or harmful amounts of something good, just as a wayward teenager who does not understand the consequences of speeding fast in their car is likely to crash horribly as a result of their own poor choices.

Is the car therefore inherently evil and bad?

I think not.
Thanks a lot brotha.
This "Loki" is the type of guy to ask for evidence about anything (from his opponents) but present his case always in random terms.

It's just his...pattern.

Lunar Dance 666 said:
loki88 said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
First off, green tea does not have caffeine in it.

Secondly, 5 gram of dried green tea for one single cup is way too much. I believe the doses that I have heard is of about 2 teaspoons dried herb per cup (about 150 ml). Which is, what I think, not even 2 gram. Most prepackaged teabags are probably at about 2 gram per bag.

I am not sure if it was on the old forums (it probably was) but one post mentioned the amount of fluoride in tea being very high.
Green tea, is just as white tea, oolong tea, the same as black tea. The difference is, the time when its plucked and the oxidizing process (which makes black tea). All those forms of tea are coming from the same plant.

"green tea does not have caffeine in it. " I can't see that being true. What would account for the above symptoms which are the same as my imbibing other caffeine sources? Could you adduce proof that g-tea has no caffeine? I doubt it.

So you're just going to draw a conclusion by 'muh experience' and you're asking me for proof?

Shouldn't you be the one to pull up a link to some scientific study of some sorts of the compounds of camellia sinensis that proves me wrong?
I realized that when I was looking up something.

Unless this guy can actually make a decent argument I am not going to waste any more time on him.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This "Loki" is the type of guy to ask for evidence about anything (from his opponents) but present his case always in random terms.

It's just his...pattern.

Lunar Dance 666 said:
loki88 said:
"green tea does not have caffeine in it. " I can't see that being true. What would account for the above symptoms which are the same as my imbibing other caffeine sources? Could you adduce proof that g-tea has no caffeine? I doubt it.

So you're just going to draw a conclusion by 'muh experience' and you're asking me for proof?

Shouldn't you be the one to pull up a link to some scientific study of some sorts of the compounds of camellia sinensis that proves me wrong?
loki88 said:
So you're just going to draw a conclusion by 'muh experience' and you're asking me for proof?

Shouldn't you be the one to pull up a link to some scientific study of some sorts of the compounds of camellia sinensis that proves me wrong?



Centralforce666 said:
loki88 said:
So you're just going to draw a conclusion by 'muh experience' and you're asking me for proof?

Shouldn't you be the one to pull up a link to some scientific study of some sorts of the compounds of camellia sinensis that proves me wrong?



I think you meant to quote Lunar Dance here.

@Lunar Dance just pinging you so you get notified :)
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Centralforce666 said:



Thanks for the message Centralforce but I already found something interesting. But I am not going to post it just for people that keep asking others to do their research for them.

This is the link that I found by the way...

Shael said:
I think you meant to quote Lunar Dance here.

@Lunar Dance just pinging you so you get notified :)

Thank you, Shael
Centralforce666 said:
loki88 said:
So you're just going to draw a conclusion by 'muh experience' and you're asking me for proof?

Shouldn't you be the one to pull up a link to some scientific study of some sorts of the compounds of camellia sinensis that proves me wrong?




interesting. What would account for my symptoms though...? They are the same as caffeine as far as I can tell
Centralforce666 said:
There are some fairly extreme views being presented here and many of them are either exaggerated or plainly not true, whether due to ignorance or misconception.

I am going to set some of them straight because many people lack the understanding of some finer points which leads to all kinds of ridiculous assumptions.

The first misconception is that because a plant has a chemical in it which is poisonous or a defense mechanism towards something else that it is automatically poisonous to humans.

Some of the most powerful vitamins in the body are poison in a sense where too much can cause severe organ failure and even death. Vitamin E is an example. Selenium is another. Vitamin A also joins that list. All very powerful anti-oxidant vitamins which protect the human body and both very poisonous.

In actual fact, nearly every substance in existence is and can be poisonous to the human organism in large enough quantities with very few exceptions. Dose is important and not all things cause death but even an overdose of water can cause kidney failure (or drowning if one considers that to be a huge overdose of water).

Nitrous Oxide is produced by the cells as a paracrine (local) hormone which causes vasodilation however taken systemically into the blood stream this causes nervous system disruption on a massive scale including blacking out and the blocking of pain signals.

Many fruits, vegetables and other plant based matters also block the absorption of nutrients, in fact any vegetable that includes tannins (including spinach, also high in iron) will block the iron absorption in the gut of any iron taken simultaneously. The timing of foods containing tannins and iron containing foods is important to reduce the risk of malabsorption of vital iron into the blood (also, iron is terribly toxic in high quantities but also essential to human life).

Coffee, like most of the hot drink herbs contains caffeine.

Other caffeinated foods include:

- cocoa (v. small amounts, almost undetectable but present),
- Black tea,
- Green tea (definitely has caffeine in it, Matcha (refined green tea) has more caffeine than coffee).

The darker of the three, coffee, cocoa and black tea also contain significant numbers of polyphenols which serve as potent antioxidants in the body.

All four of the above (except cocoa) are potent diuretics and activate kidney function in removing water from the body by stimulating atrial natriuretic peptide from their vasoconstrictive actions (the right atrium of the heart releases this hormone into the blood in response to stretching of the atrial wall in the heart in response to increased blood pressure, a result of systemic vasoconstriction).

Coffee is also a bitter which makes it the most potent of the diuretics and also gives a benefit to the stomach by clearing out old matter by stimulating stomach emptying (gastric emptying).

Therefore, coffee and the other listed items above are herbs which have a specific use..

In many cultures, coffee is the first beverage of the day in order to prepare the stomach for food.

Following this, there is usually some period of time which elapses before eating and then food is taken into the clean stomach.

Coffee also promotes defecation which assists one to move the bowels in the morning.

The above items are all things which occur as part of parasympathetic stimulation, the opposite of fight flight which shuts the stomach and digestive organs down.

A too high dose of coffee will of course, play havoc with the body, as does too high a dose of any substance.

The increased blood pressure and caffeine thereof can lead to jitters, nervousness and heart palpitations.

This is not ideal and having coffee to the point where you experience the above is a poor choice, which exceeds the dose of an otherwise useful remedy as described above.

So in reality, the true problem is a lack of self control and understanding, blamed on a plant whose consumption dates back many centuries.

The "deadly" lays purely in an individual's inability to understand and say no to something harmful or harmful amounts of something good, just as a wayward teenager who does not understand the consequences of speeding fast in their car is likely to crash horribly as a result of their own poor choices.

Is the car therefore inherently evil and bad?

I think not.

Great to see you intervening. I'd like to hear what TCM says on weed in the drug post as I wanted to show this evidence too to some people. Would you share some pointers or some links for study on the recent sermon about this topic?
loki88 said:
Centralforce666 said:
loki88 said:
So you're just going to draw a conclusion by 'muh experience' and you're asking me for proof?

Shouldn't you be the one to pull up a link to some scientific study of some sorts of the compounds of camellia sinensis that proves me wrong?




interesting. What would account for my symptoms though...? They are the same as caffeine as far as I can tell

Dude, with all due respect, someone already told you you've been drinking an extremely excessive dosage of tea. Centralforce666 already described in his post how an excessive dosage of caffeine can bring negative consequences. I think a better question would be: "Are all these effects coming from caffeine or is there something else that is adding symptoms?"

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
