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A strong dream about work...

Ol argedco luciftias

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2017
Duat, Orion
Anybody in USA has absolutely no excuse for being unemployed. Unless it is somebody with a horrible injury or disease and is not healthy enough to do anything.

Right now in USA there are more jobs available than any other time in history. Everywhere I go and everyone I talk to from every different industry, they are all talking about how they desperately need more employees to help with the work and they are trying anything they can to get more people. Everywhere you go you see "help wanted" signs on the door. And even in many of the industries with difficult work, they are wanting some low level people with no experience to help with the simple things, and you will learn from the other people there how to move up to the next things. You can start with a simple low level job and work up to a much nicer position in a short time if you learn fast.

The problem all these companies have is people don't want to work. Many people have become lazy and worthless and they refuse to do anything. Why would you work for $600 per week when the government will give you $650 per week for free for not working? These democrat policies have had the largest effect in inspiring people to become worthless by rewarding and encouraging bad behaviour and discouraging people from doing the right thing. People would rather sell pills full of fentanyl and sell pictures on only fans instead of actually doing anything.
Primal said:
Although I don't want to make excuses, you have to understand that I don't receive that kind of government assistance. I'm categorically disabled. Probably severely misdiagnosed because all psychologists who have evaluated me thought I was the most normal person around.

I just wanna say I am not being lazy. I have worked every menial job under the sun. I'm more focused on my education right now so I can work a job I actually don't hate. Exercise Science. A personal trainer.
Yes. I wasn't talking about you. I mean you are one of the responsible people who does want to work.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Anybody in USA has absolutely no excuse for being unemployed. Unless it is somebody with a horrible injury or disease and is not healthy enough to do anything.

The problem all these companies have is people don't want to work. Many people have become lazy and worthless and they refuse to do anything. Why would you work for $600 per week when the government will give you $650 per week for free for not working? These democrat policies have had the largest effect in inspiring people to become worthless by rewarding and encouraging bad behaviour and discouraging people from doing the right thing. People would rather sell pills full of fentanyl and sell pictures on only fans instead of actually doing anything.

And why shouldn't you take unemployment benefits over working for some jewish corpo? You not only drain the corrupt government of funding but you can also use all the free time you gain for advancement, if you can go off of disability and just work part time then I would say do it and focus on spiritual development. Something similar was written in the book Siege but unfortunetly I can't get my hands on it as it has been banned by the kikes. There is absolutely nothing venerable about working hard and throwing your life away to a jewish run megacorporation(cart pushers working at grocery stores) it is actually the opposite , it is not "doing the right thing" this is pure protestant work ethic bs. In the ideal world we would be paid to spiritually advance, so why would you sabatoge yourself when you can just live off of government funding?

Seeder propaganda will not be tolerated here, aim for freedom at all costs. Just a side question do you perhaps have a strong Saturn in your chart?
Endsieg_Enjoyer said:

I would work because I am not some jew parasite. I am a much higher life form than a parasite. I am a living human and humans have an influence in our souls to be productive and constructive, and to benefit the world by creating things. Not to exist as the lowest and most worthless worm who is only able to survive by stealing from everybody else. That is what you are doing when you take the money, you are stealing it from the pocket of the responsible human man who has contributed to this planet by doing some job that needs to be done. Taxes were taken from him, and now you take this money that he produced by his efforts. Maybe you have it in your nature to be a thief, a parasite, and a kike, but none of this is able to describe me. I am none of these things.

You said it yourself. You are a parasite and you purposefully want to drain and destroy the government by acting as a parasite. Like a lion being killed by a million ticks. You do not drain away and reduce corruption by participating in corruption. Every corrupt democrat jew who tricks retarded people into electing it, the way it does this is by promising to give people "free" things. Promising to give "free" money to everybody. There is nothing free about this money and it is not coming from nowhere. You are only selling yourself and your children into debt slavery by devaluing our currency as they print a trillion fake worthless dollars to hand out to people. It is a suicide pill that is called free candy. And a new corrupt program is created that worsens the problem of corruption by a million times. You are not fighting the corrupt jew, you are only strengthening him and the only reason it is able to survive is because you are supporting it by participating in it's corruption.

There have been many other corrupted programs proposed by criminal jews working in the government. And they have failed and have not been implemented because they were unable to get citizens to agree with it or participate. Corruption is limited and reduced by not giving it any support. I believe in this country in the way that it was created by the founding fathers, who most of them were Satanists. This country was created in the form as dictated and advised directly by the gods. As the first government where there is any existing concept of freedom and liberty, which was then shared with other governments and inspired the increased freedom and liberty of people all over the world. The government is not anything corrupt or bad as designed by the gods, and actually the corruption only exists when jews are allowed to weaken the original design of the government, degrade and abuse its functions, and install their own jew ideas into it.

Control of the government is fighting between freedom humans and corruption jews. It is the same as a human body that is trying to fight infection of a disease. The disease is not cured by sending a million parasites to suck the blood from the body. This only weakens the body nearly to death and allows the disease to take complete control. The disease is cured by keeping the immune system strong and working to directly defeat the disease wherever it is. By keeping strong the laws that the government is commanded to follow and by directly fighting against corrupt programs.

If you want to know where your communism will get you, there are many examples of where it has gotten people before. Like the Holodomor where tens of millions of people were purposefully starved to death. Every one of these people was getting free food given to them by the government. They were discouraged from working and building up any amount of wealth or storage of extra food. They were reassured that they would always have the food given to them for free. Then one day the jew decided to stop giving it to them, and almost all of the people died from starvation.

America is the most successful country in modern history and is the example to everybody of freedom, liberty, and limitless potential for success. In America somebody may start life as a homeless orphan, and work hard enough to be a billionaire later in life. This is almost a miracle and would never happen in any other country, except for countries who have copied and incorporated some of America's structure. This is the availability of success that was designed by our gods.

I am not imagining why you would want to degrade and erase this powerful uplifting structure, and replace it by direct communism. But even the dumbest people have rights and are able to vote themselves into communist slavery. If you choose to live your life as a worthless slave completely depending on what is undeservedly given to you for free, do not be surprised when the valve is shut and you starve to death. You could name examples of any communist country where this same thing has happened, but those citizens were forced into this system after being defeated in wars. It is unusual to see somebody purposefully volunteer for the same system.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Endsieg_Enjoyer said:

You extrapolated my one paragraph response into a whole essay that is mostly unrelated to what I just said. Who are you arguing with? I never once said that I support these welfare policies or that I would want to "replace by direct communism" our system of government, that is a complete fabrication on your part. I only say to take advantage of what is already there. These programs existing in the first place is a sign of a corrupt and decadent government, do you really want to preserve such? If you think there is any chance of changing the government through practical legislation as it currently is then you are delusional, both parties in the government are fundamentally opposed to SS ideas in one way or another. You taking advantage of government programs isn't going to effect the funding of them or whether taxpayers pay more or less, most government expenses are funded off of foreign loans anyways and that isn't stopping any time soon. Taxes will continue to rise and the middle class will continue to be strained, this is the nature of the world currently. Most of this drain the government stuff is accelerationism from a book called Seige and wasn't even really my main argument as I'm still deciding whether accelerationism is a valuable idea or not. Nevertheless your patriotism and nostalgia for days long since past have nothing to do with the current state of the U.S.

My main argument against your post is why shouldn't an SS take every opportunity available to him to gain free time? Your moralizing about working seems to be your only answer you give, what exactly do you do to "benefit the world" when you are enslaved in the jewish system? Should I as an SS not take whatever option is available to me to advance and dedicate myself to the gods when it is presented to me? I do not live off the government myself nor would I be able to, I work as you say but have plans to escape the rat race through my own means giving me the free time to advance, as for Primal if he is in the position to take such benefits and dedicate himself fully to advancement in that way I see no problem with him doing so and would recommend it. Or he could work full time at some supermarket pushing carts so he is "doing the right thing" as you said. Hmmm... "doing the right thing" or actually follow your purpose and develop, wonder which one to choose.... Seriously have you never considered that there are other options besides working all your life? This is the main reason I commented to clear up this scripted nonsense about "doing the right thing" at the expense of your spiritual and personal development, there is no reason most people should even have to do the jobs they do or work the hours they work but that is a different subject. Freedom is the most important apsiration anyone should have(especially Satanists), whatever method they use to acheive such is none of our business.

Finally it seems you have an ethics problem in regards to this hurting other gentiles, as I have shown above this is not the case things will progress as they do with or without you on government benefits. But if it did, who do you prioritize yourself or the masses? One Satanic soul is worth more than 100,000 average gentiles who cling to xianity, atheism, pisslam, or any other low form of existence. Their seems to be confusion on the part of many of the JOS who beleive simultaneously that Satan looks out for his own and that they are the elite so are above the lowly masses, and on the other hand Satan is treated as some sort of savior to all gentiles and just on the fact of someone not being jewish means we have to respect them in some way. I subscribe to the first part only and I believe the gods do as well, why are we protected while the other gentiles suffer fate and many problems, because we are Satan's own and therefor we are valuable and friendly to him. The average gentile is no friend to Satan and I would consider most enemy as well(xian, muslim, buddhist, many atheists, etc). So what is the problem if you as an SS advance yourself at the expense of others who are lesser than you and enemy? Nothing. RED DAWN exposed this problem in a troll post he made about ruining some girl's life(though a bit more extreme than what I am saying you do ofc), and Daharaakan exposed it with the psychic vampirism thread, we should have no qualms about advancing even if it is at the expense of those without, perhaps on that point it is agree to disagree as I think you have had arguments on it in the past if I remember correctly. Simply choose advancement over all else.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Endsieg_Enjoyer said:

I would work because I am not some jew parasite. I am a much higher life form than a parasite. I am a living human and humans have an influence in our souls to be productive and constructive, and to benefit the world by creating things. Not to exist as the lowest and most worthless worm who is only able to survive by stealing from everybody else. That is what you are doing when you take the money, you are stealing it from the pocket of the responsible human man who has contributed to this planet by doing some job that needs to be done. Taxes were taken from him, and now you take this money that he produced by his efforts. Maybe you have it in your nature to be a thief, a parasite, and a kike, but none of this is able to describe me. I am none of these things.

You said it yourself. You are a parasite and you purposefully want to drain and destroy the government by acting as a parasite. Like a lion being killed by a million ticks. You do not drain away and reduce corruption by participating in corruption. Every corrupt democrat jew who tricks retarded people into electing it, the way it does this is by promising to give people "free" things. Promising to give "free" money to everybody. There is nothing free about this money and it is not coming from nowhere. You are only selling yourself and your children into debt slavery by devaluing our currency as they print a trillion fake worthless dollars to hand out to people. It is a suicide pill that is called free candy. And a new corrupt program is created that worsens the problem of corruption by a million times. You are not fighting the corrupt jew, you are only strengthening him and the only reason it is able to survive is because you are supporting it by participating in it's corruption.

There have been many other corrupted programs proposed by criminal jews working in the government. And they have failed and have not been implemented because they were unable to get citizens to agree with it or participate. Corruption is limited and reduced by not giving it any support. I believe in this country in the way that it was created by the founding fathers, who most of them were Satanists. This country was created in the form as dictated and advised directly by the gods. As the first government where there is any existing concept of freedom and liberty, which was then shared with other governments and inspired the increased freedom and liberty of people all over the world. The government is not anything corrupt or bad as designed by the gods, and actually the corruption only exists when jews are allowed to weaken the original design of the government, degrade and abuse its functions, and install their own jew ideas into it.

Control of the government is fighting between freedom humans and corruption jews. It is the same as a human body that is trying to fight infection of a disease. The disease is not cured by sending a million parasites to suck the blood from the body. This only weakens the body nearly to death and allows the disease to take complete control. The disease is cured by keeping the immune system strong and working to directly defeat the disease wherever it is. By keeping strong the laws that the government is commanded to follow and by directly fighting against corrupt programs.

If you want to know where your communism will get you, there are many examples of where it has gotten people before. Like the Holodomor where tens of millions of people were purposefully starved to death. Every one of these people was getting free food given to them by the government. They were discouraged from working and building up any amount of wealth or storage of extra food. They were reassured that they would always have the food given to them for free. Then one day the jew decided to stop giving it to them, and almost all of the people died from starvation.

America is the most successful country in modern history and is the example to everybody of freedom, liberty, and limitless potential for success. In America somebody may start life as a homeless orphan, and work hard enough to be a billionaire later in life. This is almost a miracle and would never happen in any other country, except for countries who have copied and incorporated some of America's structure. This is the availability of success that was designed by our gods.

I am not imagining why you would want to degrade and erase this powerful uplifting structure, and replace it by direct communism. But even the dumbest people have rights and are able to vote themselves into communist slavery. If you choose to live your life as a worthless slave completely depending on what is undeservedly given to you for free, do not be surprised when the valve is shut and you starve to death. You could name examples of any communist country where this same thing has happened, but those citizens were forced into this system after being defeated in wars. It is unusual to see somebody purposefully volunteer for the same system.

The situation in America when it comes to poverty, job opportunities, for many people is alot more grim than what you describe here.

Open your eyes. Not many people get out of poverty and bad circumstances in America unless they work themselves into the ground, or find a reasonable financial escape from this. Many live, fight and die in this very system you are saying is so great.

This is also why many working class, middle and lower class people become vulnerable to some of the enemies ploys. They get fucked over by the very same system that they have rigged deliberately, and the enemy comes with the solution.

I've watched close friends. Family. So many people just become absolutely financially destroyed through no fault of their own.

The hey day of America where you can rise a caste, get out of poverty is dead for most people. Most will never get that opportunity.

Sure, things are different for SS but even then things are not good in many areas of The United States.

High Priestess Maxine lived in poverty and was even homeless for a period of time. Things are really fucked in this country even if you have a job.

I understand your hard stance against communism, and agree brother. However you need to be a bit more realistic about the circumstances here.

I've fought with poverty and financial circumstances my entire life. So has my family. They are anything but lazy.

You calling people "parasites" over this little argument is not only very distasteful, it's just completely out of line for a Spiritual Satanist.

Sometimes people are confronted with very difficult circumstances. There was a time in life I was so sick, that if I would have worked, instead of deciding not to, I may have been homeless from being unable to hold down jobs. I still struggle unfortunately to this day with employment.

Most people can barely afford rent or food in America. Most are one paycheck away from homelessness.

Cut people a bit of slack instead of just flaring at them. Show a bit of sympathy and align them to the right path.

If people take a check here and there, it doesn't make them a parasite.

Try to change your approach. It's rather upsetting to see you just flare up at fellow SS over an argument as small as this.

Everyone comes from different walks of life. Everyone has varying views, give or take in the situation.

People grow at their own pace, views things differently and no SS deserves to be called a "parasite" over a little disagreement.
Ol argedco luciftias said:

Do not forget that being an active SS is hard work, and it is definitely worth more than whatever government benefits someone can get. If an SS is in a position where they can receive such benefits and not have to work at a corporation, I would say do it and reinvest the time into SS activities.
Endsieg_Enjoyer said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Endsieg_Enjoyer said:

You extrapolated my one paragraph response into a whole essay that is mostly unrelated to what I just said. Who are you arguing with? I never once said that I support these welfare policies or that I would want to "replace by direct communism" our system of government, that is a complete fabrication on your part. I only say to take advantage of what is already there. These programs existing in the first place is a sign of a corrupt and decadent government, do you really want to preserve such? If you think there is any chance of changing the government through practical legislation as it currently is then you are delusional, both parties in the government are fundamentally opposed to SS ideas in one way or another. You taking advantage of government programs isn't going to effect the funding of them or whether taxpayers pay more or less, most government expenses are funded off of foreign loans anyways and that isn't stopping any time soon. Taxes will continue to rise and the middle class will continue to be strained, this is the nature of the world currently. Most of this drain the government stuff is accelerationism from a book called Seige and wasn't even really my main argument as I'm still deciding whether accelerationism is a valuable idea or not. Nevertheless your patriotism and nostalgia for days long since past have nothing to do with the current state of the U.S.

My main argument against your post is why shouldn't an SS take every opportunity available to him to gain free time? Your moralizing about working seems to be your only answer you give, what exactly do you do to "benefit the world" when you are enslaved in the jewish system? Should I as an SS not take whatever option is available to me to advance and dedicate myself to the gods when it is presented to me? I do not live off the government myself nor would I be able to, I work as you say but have plans to escape the rat race through my own means giving me the free time to advance, as for Primal if he is in the position to take such benefits and dedicate himself fully to advancement in that way I see no problem with him doing so and would recommend it. Or he could work full time at some supermarket pushing carts so he is "doing the right thing" as you said. Hmmm... "doing the right thing" or actually follow your purpose and develop, wonder which one to choose.... Seriously have you never considered that there are other options besides working all your life? This is the main reason I commented to clear up this scripted nonsense about "doing the right thing" at the expense of your spiritual and personal development, there is no reason most people should even have to do the jobs they do or work the hours they work but that is a different subject. Freedom is the most important apsiration anyone should have(especially Satanists), whatever method they use to acheive such is none of our business.

Finally it seems you have an ethics problem in regards to this hurting other gentiles, as I have shown above this is not the case things will progress as they do with or without you on government benefits. But if it did, who do you prioritize yourself or the masses? One Satanic soul is worth more than 100,000 average gentiles who cling to xianity, atheism, pisslam, or any other low form of existence. Their seems to be confusion on the part of many of the JOS who beleive simultaneously that Satan looks out for his own and that they are the elite so are above the lowly masses, and on the other hand Satan is treated as some sort of savior to all gentiles and just on the fact of someone not being jewish means we have to respect them in some way. I subscribe to the first part only and I believe the gods do as well, why are we protected while the other gentiles suffer fate and many problems, because we are Satan's own and therefor we are valuable and friendly to him. The average gentile is no friend to Satan and I would consider most enemy as well(xian, muslim, buddhist, many atheists, etc). So what is the problem if you as an SS advance yourself at the expense of others who are lesser than you and enemy? Nothing. RED DAWN exposed this problem in a troll post he made about ruining some girl's life(though a bit more extreme than what I am saying you do ofc), and Daharaakan exposed it with the psychic vampirism thread, we should have no qualms about advancing even if it is at the expense of those without, perhaps on that point it is agree to disagree as I think you have had arguments on it in the past if I remember correctly. Simply choose advancement over all else.

I don't mean to get involved in any argument like this one but the part of your post highlighted in red provoked a reaction in me and I had to say this. Please feel free to ignore me, or don't... While I agree with you on most of the points you make, we are very deeply interconnected with all other humans no matter how ignorant or deluded they are and Satan IS the savior to all gentiles because we must all evolve or perish in the process. Everyone should feel the effects of their own stupidity and this species will be cleansed and transformed however painful that is. I believe that the collateral damage of that process can be minimized by waking up as many as we can. Most people living as brainwashed zombie victims of the programs of the real enemy are not an enemy themselves. Those that actively contribute to furthering their agenda are but that's a small percentage of people. Those without are still our brothers and sisters and when and if possible we should give them a hand to pull them in our direction towards a healthy satanic and parasite free life. Of course if anyone threatens our existence and wellbeing they must be squashed like insects but I don't want to do anything not even advance at the expense of others. Not harming those truly innocent is how it should be.

And also there must be a better form of government than this. This so called democracy being imposed on the whole world and this market economy just don't work. We can do better.

Now I will respectfully fuck off. Have a great day or night in whatever timezone you are.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=400544 time=1668892063 user_id=21286]
Ol argedco luciftias said:

Do not forget that being an active SS is hard work, and it is definitely worth more than whatever government benefits someone can get. If an SS is in a position where they can receive such benefits and not have to work at a corporation, I would say do it and reinvest the time into SS activities.

That is what I am working on now to achieve, due to certain physical problems I have had since I was a child that make me slower and clumsier for some tasks such as jobs that require manual dexterity or driving, with the help of a family member who has experience and contacts with those issues, to get disability pay and in the future be able to combine it with a part-time job.
The only work experience I have is when I worked in my 20's as a nightclub bouncer.
And that's the only thing they offered me at the employment office even now.

I am not willing to fuck up my spiritual advancement and my work as a SS with a job in deplorable conditions, working 12 to 15 hours all afternoon and evening as a bouncer or serving beers and putting up with degenerate people in a bar or discotheque.
Shemsu said:
Endsieg_Enjoyer said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:

One Satanic soul is worth more than 100,000 average gentiles who cling to xianity, atheism, pisslam, or any other low form of existence. Their seems to be confusion on the part of many of the JOS who beleive simultaneously that Satan looks out for his own and that they are the elite so are above the lowly masses, and on the other hand Satan is treated as some sort of savior to all gentiles and just on the fact of someone not being jewish means we have to respect them in some way.

I don't mean to get involved in any argument like this one but the part of your post highlighted in red provoked a reaction in me and I had to say this. Please feel free to ignore me, or don't... While I agree with you on most of the points you make, we are very deeply interconnected with all other humans no matter how ignorant or deluded they are and Satan IS the savior to all gentiles because we must all evolve or perish in the process. Everyone should feel the effects of their own stupidity and this species will be cleansed and transformed however painful that is. I believe that the collateral damage of that process can be minimized by waking up as many as we can. Most people living as brainwashed zombie victims of the programs of the real enemy are not an enemy themselves. Those that actively contribute to furthering their agenda are but that's a small percentage of people. Those without are still our brothers and sisters and when and if possible we should give them a hand to pull them in our direction towards a healthy satanic and parasite free life. Of course if anyone threatens our existence and wellbeing they must be squashed like insects but I don't want to do anything not even advance at the expense of others. Not harming those truly innocent is how it should be.

And also there must be a better form of government than this. This so called democracy being imposed on the whole world and this market economy just don't work. We can do better.

Now I will respectfully fuck off. Have a great day or night in whatever timezone you are.

Sorry I can't really get behind this whole interconnected business sounds too much like the new age "all is one" bs. We are our own saviors in the sense that we "save" our own soul through advancement, this is mentioned on the JOS front page as well. In my view Satan is not savior to all gentiles nor does he "love" all gentiles only those who are open to him and dedicated to him. To think otherwise is to equate him to jewsus who "loves" everyone supposedly no matter what they do(not saying this is what you mean ofc). Satan looks out for his own those who are without are of little to no concern, this is proven by the protection he gives us, an example is given by Maxine that during hurricane katrina a Satanist's house was spared while many xian houses around it were absolutely destroyed. Sometimes personal crisis is exactly the thing someone needs before they turn to Satan funnily enough, you will see a lot of these cases here. Those who remain in these enemy programs are indeed our enemy whether it is out of ignorance or not does not matter they still actively give their energy and usually money to the enemy and are therefor supporting them, just because they are gentiles does not mean we should treat them kindly.

I'm sure Satan understands those who will turn to him and those who won't this is dictated by karma and the quality of ones soul, there are certain people who were born just to be npc's and who have no real awarness until it is too late, I believe Plato spoke on this subject as well. This is personally why I fundamentally disagree with the JOS concept of activism, spreading this knowledge around like some kind of pseudo prosletyzing trying to get people to turn to Satan, only very specific people are open to it, knowledge of this kind must be shared judiciously. Those who are without if they are to come to Satan must do so by themselves through their own awakening, or through guidance from the gods as many of us on the forums have done, otherwise it is of no concern to me as probably 1% of the gentile population can adequately advance along this path as I have mentioned in other topics. Obviously you shouldn't just go around harming other gentiles, but if they are an obstacle to you and your advancement they should be treated appropriately without any qualms.Yes you are right we need a better government than this.

Also you don't have to "fuck off" lol I have no quarrel with you nor do I have any with Ol its just I have to correct scripted talk when I see it(in regards to my original reply to Ol), perhaps a bad habit?
Endsieg_Enjoyer said:
Shemsu said:
Endsieg_Enjoyer said:
One Satanic soul is worth more than 100,000 average gentiles who cling to xianity, atheism, pisslam, or any other low form of existence. Their seems to be confusion on the part of many of the JOS who beleive simultaneously that Satan looks out for his own and that they are the elite so are above the lowly masses, and on the other hand Satan is treated as some sort of savior to all gentiles and just on the fact of someone not being jewish means we have to respect them in some way.

I don't mean to get involved in any argument like this one but the part of your post highlighted in red provoked a reaction in me and I had to say this. Please feel free to ignore me, or don't... While I agree with you on most of the points you make, we are very deeply interconnected with all other humans no matter how ignorant or deluded they are and Satan IS the savior to all gentiles because we must all evolve or perish in the process. Everyone should feel the effects of their own stupidity and this species will be cleansed and transformed however painful that is. I believe that the collateral damage of that process can be minimized by waking up as many as we can. Most people living as brainwashed zombie victims of the programs of the real enemy are not an enemy themselves. Those that actively contribute to furthering their agenda are but that's a small percentage of people. Those without are still our brothers and sisters and when and if possible we should give them a hand to pull them in our direction towards a healthy satanic and parasite free life. Of course if anyone threatens our existence and wellbeing they must be squashed like insects but I don't want to do anything not even advance at the expense of others. Not harming those truly innocent is how it should be.

And also there must be a better form of government than this. This so called democracy being imposed on the whole world and this market economy just don't work. We can do better.

Now I will respectfully fuck off. Have a great day or night in whatever timezone you are.

Sorry I can't really get behind this whole interconnected business sounds too much like the new age "all is one" bs. We are our own saviors in the sense that we "save" our own soul through advancement, this is mentioned on the JOS front page as well. In my view Satan is not savior to all gentiles nor does he "love" all gentiles only those who are open to him and dedicated to him. To think otherwise is to equate him to jewsus who "loves" everyone supposedly no matter what they do(not saying this is what you mean ofc). Satan looks out for his own those who are without are of little to no concern, this is proven by the protection he gives us, an example is given by Maxine that during hurricane katrina a Satanist's house was spared while many xian houses around it were absolutely destroyed. Sometimes personal crisis is exactly the thing someone needs before they turn to Satan funnily enough, you will see a lot of these cases here. Those who remain in these enemy programs are indeed our enemy whether it is out of ignorance or not does not matter they still actively give their energy and usually money to the enemy and are therefor supporting them, just because they are gentiles does not mean we should treat them kindly.

I'm sure Satan understands those who will turn to him and those who won't this is dictated by karma and the quality of ones soul, there are certain people who were born just to be npc's and who have no real awarness until it is too late, I believe Plato spoke on this subject as well. This is personally why I fundamentally disagree with the JOS concept of activism, spreading this knowledge around like some kind of pseudo prosletyzing trying to get people to turn to Satan, only very specific people are open to it, knowledge of this kind must be shared judiciously. Those who are without if they are to come to Satan must do so by themselves through their own awakening, or through guidance from the gods as many of us on the forums have done, otherwise it is of no concern to me as probably 1% of the gentile population can adequately advance along this path as I have mentioned in other topics. Obviously you shouldn't just go around harming other gentiles, but if they are an obstacle to you and your advancement they should be treated appropriately without any qualms.Yes you are right we need a better government than this.

Also you don't have to "fuck off" lol I have no quarrel with you nor do I have any with Ol its just I have to correct scripted talk when I see it(in regards to my original reply to Ol), perhaps a bad habit?

A bad habit would be to remain silent instead of voicing your opinion, so no it isn't. I always have a dose of humor in everything, maybe that's my bad habit?

I'm also very much against proselytizing as it is not our way but there must be some who would join us if only they had been offered the knowledge they were denied access to by their family of society. So it's basically just making it possible for someone to make an informed choice.

I'm not so delusional to believe that the majority of our species can be saved or go through this transformational time unharmed but we won't be able to truly evolve while there's still so many ignorant people holding us back (and I'd prefer if they weren't all destined to die at once, it would hurt a lot and have consequences) and that's the way that we're interconnected. Imagine a harmonious world where everyone is telepathically linked but not in a greyish borg kinda way. We once were while still being fully human and individual, it is just one of many wonderful characteristics we lost when we devolved and cut our ties to nature.

My greatest weakness is a strong sense of empathy that I didn't ask for and had a hard time learning to control. That's also what almost drove me mad with rage and a thirst for revenge for all that was done to us in the last 2 millennia. What I realized while writing this is that I need further adjustments to my worldview which is always a welcomed though sometimes painful process. Thanx for that and à la prochaine.
Shemsu said:
I'm not so delusional to believe that the majority of our species can be saved or go through this transformational time unharmed but we won't be able to truly evolve while there's still so many ignorant people holding us back (and I'd prefer if they weren't all destined to die at once, it would hurt a lot and have consequences) and that's the way that we're interconnected.

This part I bolded, is not true.

One can advance and reach the highest states regardless of the state of the majority.

As you advance, you separate from the lower, which is what allows a person to set themselves free and advance even if 99% of their race remains stuck in a jewish fabricated limbo.

You come into your own, removing all shackles attempting to chain you, and evolve away from the degenerate and ignorant, even so much to be unable to be affected by this any longer as you approach the Godhead closer.

That is why Spiritual Satanism is said to be applicable at all times and all ages, past, future and present.

The state of the world or society, while it can impede, as long one does have the possibility of following this path, one can always advance and reach the highest states of being.

That is SS, Satan's enlightenment which leads to the straight path without a book.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
Shemsu said:
I'm not so delusional to believe that the majority of our species can be saved or go through this transformational time unharmed but we won't be able to truly evolve while there's still so many ignorant people holding us back (and I'd prefer if they weren't all destined to die at once, it would hurt a lot and have consequences) and that's the way that we're interconnected.

This part I bolded, is not true.

One can advance and reach the highest states regardless of the state of the majority.

As you advance, you separate from the lower, which is what allows a person to set themselves free and advance even if 99% of their race remains stuck in a jewish fabricated limbo.

You come into your own, removing all shackles attempting to chain you, and evolve away from the degenerate and ignorant, even so much to be unable to be affected by this any longer as you approach the Godhead closer.

That is why Spiritual Satanism is said to be applicable at all times and all ages, past, future and present.

The state of the world or society, while it can impede, as long one does have the possibility of following this path, one can always advance and reach the highest states of being.

That is SS, Satan's enlightenment which leads to the straight path without a book.

Hail Satan!

I know it is as you say but I want to see restored a state of being where there were no ignorant people working against the common good. It may sound impossible from a present perspective but it was a reality in an erased part of our history or maybe it's a future possibility, all the same. We were or will be there and I've seen this. The best way to help make this come to pass is to advance individually and have more power to push/pull our species in that direction and away from the disastrous direction we're currently going in. If or rather when I become what we were meant to be the work is not done. As the gods are helping us now I will surely want to help my own even then. We are not unique in our struggle as a world but many traits we possess make us unique and beautiful creatures. As much as I'm disgusted to see what we are now I know what we can be so... Try to see a golden age when we're all very different than today and much more like our ancestors (the ones they tell you are just a myth and foolish stories) and the gods. That's where I'm coming from with this. There's a terrible price to pay for straying so far off course be it by our own fault or not but I choose to believe that we'll get there again this time making sure it's more permanent. Just a little matter of getting rid of the pesky parasites making us ill.

Have a great day and stay true
Endsieg_Enjoyer said:

Most of what I wrote, I did not intend for it to be about you. I started talking very generally about large ideas. I did not have an intention of offending you, or for everything I said to be about you.
What I am about to say is not directed to any one person. I mean this to be educational for anyone who reads it and anybody can get a lesson from this. Ideas to think about.

I don't understand how you say that having a job is "being enslaved in a jewish system." If there is a specific company that is jewish, or that you don't agree with, then make the choice to work somewhere else instead. If you don't want to be enslaved in a jew company, then go work for gentiles.

People have had jobs since people first were existing on this world. Some people had the job of hunting, some people had the job of gathering, some people had the job of building houses, some people had the job of building tools and clothing, some people had the job of taking care of children. In the situation of a village, a clan or tribe, or even just one family, it is easy to see the natural order. There are many jobs that need to be done, one person is not able to do everything alone, so each person contributes by doing the job that each person is good at doing. The best hunter does the hunting, the best gardener gardens, the best builder builds houses, the best tool maker builds tools. Each person requires many different resources throughout the lifetime, but each person only produces a small number of different resources. So they barter and trade. I will give you some meat that I hunted and you will give me vegetables from your garden, and we all are able to eat a healthy diet. I will build a house for you and you will give me tools, supplies, food.

This is the structure of nature. Every single day you are replying on many different people to provide services and resources for you. When you go to the store an buy food, do you know how many people you are depending on working for you? Farmers, food processing factories, packaging factories, distribution centers, truck drivers in between every single step, the employees at the grocery store. The miners and factory workers that produce the fertilizer used by the farm. The welders and workers who build the machinery that is used in the farms and in the factories. The maintenance people who repair these machines when parts wear out. The power grid engineers who keep electricity supplied every step of the way. The petroleum engineers and refinery workers who create the fuel that is used to turn the turbines and produce the electricity for the grid and also produce the fuel for the trucks, and burners and heaters in the factories. The miners and oil men who first get the crude oil before it goes to the refineries. The paper and plastic factories that produce the paper and plastic that is later used for the packaging. The loggers who harvest and process all of the wood to be later turned into paper and cardboard. And in every one of these steps, more maintenance workers who fix and repair the worn out equipment that is used for every action. The electrical and computer engineers who create the circuits that control and power every single machine and tool. The semiconductor factories that create the transistors and chips used in every circuit. The miners and chemists who mine and purify the material used to create the semiconductors.

All of this is the example just for something as simple as one package of food from the grocery store. This is how many people actually are involved in getting that food for you. There are easily hundreds of thousands or even millions of people who are working hard every day to contribute something productive to the world, which works together to create your small item that you want to buy. And if any of the industries that I mentioned all the workers decided to stay home and not go to work, the entire system would collapse and we would have nothing. Food does not magically appear at the store to be traded for money that also magically appears from the government. Everything comes from somewhere and you have to think of where every single piece comes from.

This is not jewish slave system. This is not some evil oppressive thing. This is basic factual reality of what is being done every single day by millions of people's effort to give you the comfortable lifestyle you live. You must truly living in one of the greatest paradises in the entire history of this planet if your mind even is able to believe that you could go through life with never contributing anything and never doing anything. For it to even be possible for a person to live a lifetime while never doing any kind of work, this would amaze anybody who has ever lived. And this comfort and paradise only exists because of the millions of people working to produce every resource that is now available to you.

If you do not want to contribute anything or be part of this society, you don't have to. You may go live in the middle of nowhere and have to do all of the work yourself for your survival. You can build your own tools from sticks and rocks, then use these tools to hunt your meat. Use these stick and rock tools to clear land for a farm, removing all trees and rocks and tilling the dirt so you can plant seeds. Take care of all of the plants and hope that they will grow. Build your own shelter with small trees, leaves, and mud. Or whatever resources you can gather. This is only the basic things, there will be much more. And you would be needing to do these jobs all at once every single day. You think a regular 40 hours per week job is too difficult? You can't imagine how difficult it would be to actually be self sufficient.

All I'm saying is you are relying on the work of millions of people every day for the comfortable life that you live. The absolute least that you could do to repay what is given to you is for you to contribute anything at all of benefit back to the world. You have to do something and not just be a worthless parasite. Do anything to contribute and do your part. If you choose only to be an absolute parasite and contribute absolutely nothing, I do not believe that you deserve to live inside this society. Imagine if a large number of people make the same decision to be worthless. The entire system would collapse and nobody would have anything, and most people in the world would not survive. If even one of the industries I mentioned failed and collapsed because of not enough workers, it would also collapse every other industry that relies on that one, which would end up being nearly everything. I don't care if you want to be a nuclear engineer providing electricity for tens of millions of people, or if you just want to pour coffee into a cup at Duncan Donuts. I am not telling you how hard you should work or what job you should do, that is your choice. Just do something. And people who work harder and do more important jobs make more money. The structure of nature in all ways is meritocracy.

None of what I said is about people who are young children or elderly, or are seriously injured bad enough that they are unable to do anything. These people are not guilty of anything and did not make any choice to be unable to work. Everything I said is referring to people who are perfectly healthy and capable of contributing to the world, but just choose to be absolutely lazy and worthless. The kind of selfish and uncaring person who will take from the efforts of millions of people, and will choose to give back nothing. Expecting every possible resource to be given to them for free, while producing no resource and no benefit to anybody.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
What I am about to say is not directed to any one person. I mean this to be educational for anyone who reads it and anybody can get a lesson from this. Ideas to think about.

I don't understand how you say that having a job is "being enslaved in a jewish system." If there is a specific company that is jewish, or that you don't agree with, then make the choice to work somewhere else instead. If you don't want to be enslaved in a jew company, then go work for gentiles.

I say that you are being enslaved in a jewish system because whether or not you are working for a jewish corpo(which most large corporations are at least affiliated with the jews if not completely controlled by them) you are still subject to a jewish system of government and society. most people have to work 40 hrs(more tbh) in order to make ends meet because of the way the system is currently(inflation, taxes, expenses, etc), there is little chance or opportunity for personal development and most people are inducted into one of the false hyper-realities in there free time(sports, video games, tv, youtube, social media, etc) so they waste there entire life and the little free time they have on jewish garbage. Not to mention the quality of food and environment for the average man, independence is growing hard to acheive and this is very purposeful by the enemy. Even if you were to use all of your free time productively(which you or I don't, be honest) then you still have only 1/3 of your life in which you can actually advance and do what you want to do. Generally speaking work is a hinderance to your advancement simply because it takes a lot of your time. Anyways more of this is covered in the book I recommend every time this topic comes up, I won't mention it here as it is said too much.

As for the rest of your post you are basically explaining how the market and labor works in general which is obvious, yes people have to work, if everyone didn't work nothing would happen but who says that it has to be us and not the billions of other npc's(trust me they are in abundant supply so I don't think we have to worry about people stopping working). This post reminds me of a video of anti-communist propaganda that I link below, I think you will enjoy as it basically says the same thing that you do. Also I would like to mention that in past ancient societies people were paid to delve into the occult and spiritually advance so why not try to at least replicate this now as well through whatever means necessary. I disagree that we have to "repay" anybody least of all by becoming trapped in the same system they are in, in my mind we are doing the most important work, and again we are above the average so should prioritize ourselves rather than some made up debt to others for following the script. Finally working harder to acheive more money is a false paradigm, if this was true construction workers would be the richest people in the world, it is all about working smart and accumulating valuable assets, work smarter not harder I always say.

Anyways I know this wasn't directed "at any one person" but you did quote me so I may as well give my take, best of luck in your endeavours!

Make mine freedom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxsNU7ZZAlU
Endsieg_Enjoyer said:

Like I said, if you don't like the system then you are free to not participate in it. Go to some land and be completely self sufficient and provide for yourself. You will only find that instead of working 40 hours per week for a comfortable life, you will now be working at all times when the sun is up and having a miserable life with nearly no food, possessions, or shelter.

I agree with you with problems of things like taxes being too high. So if this is the problem then go to the root of the problem. Don't vote for democrats who expand taxes enormously every year. Vote for people who lower taxes. Actually what you suggest with everybody going on welfare is basically the absolute worst possible thing you can do if you want taxes to be lowered. Taxes will only be multiplied by many times to fund the expanded welfare program. You will have a situation like in some European countries where nearly 80% of a person's paycheck is all taken away by taxes. With a very large percentage of this money being given for free as welfare to criminal rapist animals with the intention of having them replace and extinct the white populations.

Whatever the problem is, we must get to the root of the problem and actually fix it. If you disagree with a specific government policy or action, then campaign against it. Spread awareness and information about it to as many people as possible, and if it is a serious problem many people will agree with you. Vote out corrupt career politicians and democrats who create all of these problems and corruptions, and vote for people who will create new better policies. But you do not fix a problem by participating in amplifying and expanding the same problem that you say you're against.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Endsieg_Enjoyer said:


"if you don't like the system then you are free to not particpate in it...."

I don't think you understand what I am saying. I am promoting carving out a place for yourself within the current society where you are completely free not abandoning it entirely and living in the woods I have never once said that. Obviously it would be a bad life to abandon society completely nobody was arguing that, there are ways to obtain absolute freedom without doing such a stupid and radical act.

"what you suggest with everybody going on welfare"

Seriously are you trolling me at this point? I have never once said anything of the kind, nor do I want everybody on welfare, why do you keep making up arguments that I have never made? I said in primal's situation he should take this and whatever else he can to free up time for individual advancement, again we are above the average gentile and should exploit whatever opportunity is available to advance it doesn't matter what it is or how we acheive it. I think you are hung up on the "moral" side of taking government benefits which I don't think we will ever agree on and so is a waste of time to keep arguing about.


Look I'm sorry you lost the midterms, I personally voted gop but the thing is this political paradigm is completely pointless both parties shill for the kikes neither really gets anything done and the bureacracy is what is really in control of policy at this point. I only assume you are gop because you keep mentioning democrats as if the U.S. political system was somehow not rigged and pointless to participate in, this point extends to your activism suggestion. It doesn't matter which party is in control the same people are always in control. I used to believe the same as you back when I was deep into politics but I left it all behind when I realized both sides were controlled by the same master and nothing ever really changed for the better no matter what party was in control, even if one side is slightly less shitty than the other. Please stop watching the news and Steven Crowder, generally stop being involved in politics in general it is a waste of time and will only harm your mood which can also harm your workings. I think for some reason you seperate everything in politics from Satanist ideology, when you are talking about SS you have a deep understanding of the metaphysical concepts and ideology but when you speak of politics you sound like some regular republican, this is just an observation on my part not an attack or attempt to mischarictarize you but it is very strange to me nonetheless as I blend them all.

"you do not fix a problem by participating in amplifying and expanding the same problem that you say you're against."

somewhat decent point but you are not amplifying the problem by getting on government benefits, if you don't get them then someone else will, the funding is already allocated it doesn't make a difference if one person is on them or not. On the other hand couldn't you with all the freetime you gain by not having to work fight against this "problem" more effectively?

I genuinely have nothing against you, I only became frustrated because of the lack of understanding between us on these key points so I try to clarify. I think we have very different beliefs in regards to the individual(ss) vs the collective gentile along with morality generally and in our understanding of the script.
Endsieg_Enjoyer said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Endsieg_Enjoyer said:


"if you don't like the system then you are free to not particpate in it...."

I don't think you understand what I am saying. I am promoting carving out a place for yourself within the current society where you are completely free not abandoning it entirely and living in the woods I have never once said that. Obviously it would be a bad life to abandon society completely nobody was arguing that, there are ways to obtain absolute freedom without doing such a stupid and radical act.

"what you suggest with everybody going on welfare"

Seriously are you trolling me at this point? I have never once said anything of the kind, nor do I want everybody on welfare, why do you keep making up arguments that I have never made? I said in primal's situation he should take this and whatever else he can to free up time for individual advancement, again we are above the average gentile and should exploit whatever opportunity is available to advance it doesn't matter what it is or how we acheive it. I think you are hung up on the "moral" side of taking government benefits which I don't think we will ever agree on and so is a waste of time to keep arguing about.


Look I'm sorry you lost the midterms, I personally voted gop but the thing is this political paradigm is completely pointless both parties shill for the kikes neither really gets anything done and the bureacracy is what is really in control of policy at this point. I only assume you are gop because you keep mentioning democrats as if the U.S. political system was somehow not rigged and pointless to participate in, this point extends to your activism suggestion. It doesn't matter which party is in control the same people are always in control. I used to believe the same as you back when I was deep into politics but I left it all behind when I realized both sides were controlled by the same master and nothing ever really changed for the better no matter what party was in control, even if one side is slightly less shitty than the other. Please stop watching the news and Steven Crowder, generally stop being involved in politics in general it is a waste of time and will only harm your mood which can also harm your workings. I think for some reason you seperate everything in politics from Satanist ideology, when you are talking about SS you have a deep understanding of the metaphysical concepts and ideology but when you speak of politics you sound like some regular republican, this is just an observation on my part not an attack or attempt to mischarictarize you but it is very strange to me nonetheless as I blend them all.

"you do not fix a problem by participating in amplifying and expanding the same problem that you say you're against."

somewhat decent point but you are not amplifying the problem by getting on government benefits, if you don't get them then someone else will, the funding is already allocated it doesn't make a difference if one person is on them or not. On the other hand couldn't you with all the freetime you gain by not having to work fight against this "problem" more effectively?

I genuinely have nothing against you, I only became frustrated because of the lack of understanding between us on these key points so I try to clarify. I think we have very different beliefs in regards to the individual(ss) vs the collective gentile along with morality generally and in our understanding of the script.

Could you please explain why it would be bad to completely leave society and live in the woods. I used to dream of that for a long time but then decided against it after some life-changing events. You're better than me with words and I think it might benefit others to read some more on that topic. What is obvious to one person is not so to another.

It is so refreshing to read your position on politics because whenever I used to say the same thing, whoever I was talking to had the same response: "you're too paranoid" to what I usually replied with: "maybe, but it doesn't mean I' wrong". Except for this one friend with whom we still joke about registering a political party, sadly he's actually really paranoid based on false info.

So, how would you feel about registering a political party? ;)
Shemsu said:
Endsieg_Enjoyer said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:


Could you please explain why it would be bad to completely leave society and live in the woods. I used to dream of that for a long time but then decided against it after some life-changing events. You're better than me with words and I think it might benefit others to read some more on that topic. What is obvious to one person is not so to another.

It is so refreshing to read your position on politics because whenever I used to say the same thing, whoever I was talking to had the same response: "you're too paranoid" to what I usually replied with: "maybe, but it doesn't mean I' wrong". Except for this one friend with whom we still joke about registering a political party, sadly he's actually really paranoid based on false info.

So, how would you feel about registering a political party? ;)

The reason I wouldn't leave society completely and live in the woods is that it is a lot harder and more time consuming than people realize. Yes you wouldn't have to worry about working some 9-5 job, taxes, or laws and you would be independent but you would also completely forfeit all the benefits of society and have to work hard to survive. To be able to do this you would have to have extensive repair, survival, hunting, farming, and other skills which make the bar of entry very high so to speak. Along with this it wouldn't be all that liberating as you would have to work probably more than 40 hours a week to maintain some sort of comfortable level of survival as Ol mentioned beforehand, hunting and farming take a large amount of work. So the main reason is that you actually wouldn't gain much free time, rather you would lose a lot of it doing mundane things that are usually covered by society, and free time to me is the most valuable resource we have as it is time in which we can advance. Therefor I reason it is better to carve out a position in society where you do not have to work through building passive income so you actually gain free time and true independence.

As far as registering a political party I assume you mean to actually creating your own political party which in my opinion is a complete waste of time, there are only two parties that will ever be relevant unfortunetly but either way it doesn't matter. The third largest party libertarians gets 2% of the vote on a good day but usually far less so it is a waste of time, and politics in general is a waste. You should focus on yourself and fixing your issues rather than obsessing over national issues and news which is obviously faked and slanted toward negativity which will only bring you down. Advance and ignore the jewish media.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
