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What's the deal with Jews pushing transgenderism?


Active member
Aug 31, 2021
Hey everyone,

I know that Jews have a strange way of infiltrating and corrupting symbols and I'm starting to wonder if the marriage of male/female (in spirituality, like with the Baphomet) is one of them. They make us worship idols that are evermore clearly transgendered.

I've been looking more deeply into people like Madonna, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Selena Gomez, Janet Jackson, Laura Dern (Tranny-saurus, lol) and soooo many others. The more I look into these theories and images the more I'm starting to think that Hollywood has been at this for a long time.

Another part of this I feel is to make women appear more manly/strong, which is something that isn't very practical when comparing ourselves to silicone-laden men. I'm not a woman but it angers me that women being subjected to unrealistic standards like this. It's a vile method of using subliminal messaging to further decrease self esteem in women.

Transgenderism is blatantly 100% contrived. On top of this, our children are being brainwashed and groomed for a shallow and corrupted life of becoming something they're not in order to fill the many voids that they naturally experience. It's also unmistakable that suicide and depression rates in transgenendered people is higher than any other social/cultural group.

People are largely products of their environments. Humans (like all animals) constantly seek new ways to adapt to change. The path of least resistance is what human psychology inherently follows and they built us such a path in basically everything, especially in the form of illusion of choice (right vs left, coke vs pepsi, etc). Breaking out of this takes intense introspection and extrospection. It requires us to leave what we know to seek greater understanding. The only way out of this for me has been through Satanism.

These are things all of you here already know. Still, I have a difficult time wrapping my head around this topic. Specifically I cannot fathom why the jews have such an infatuation with hermaphrodites. Could my above theory perhaps hold water? One pitfall to this is why then is it almost exclusively M to F and gay men in terms of celebrities, while it's about equal (M/F & F/M) in children? They dress girls up to look like boys for modelling and they dress boys up to look like girls/young women, also for modelling/advertising. They've done this for years. I'm not any kind of know-it-all by any stretch of the imagination but we do the best we can. At some point I think I have to except that these people are literally psychopaths and not everything they do will have a clear and definitive purpose to us sane people. That being said, so much of what they do is extremely complex and planned.

Thanks for reading my rant. If you have any thoughts on this I'd love to hear them.

Stay strong everyone. Hail all of you brothers and sisters and HAIL SATAN!!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Transgenderism and all of this, is a perversion from occult teachings through gross externalizing of them. Jews couldn't lose an opportunity to slide everyone into yet another meaningless avenue for once more, by causing social division and hate.

Regardless, they will push it for social disunity, causing people complications, and pretending they support the transgenders while they authored the culture that preached their execution among many other people.

Plus, it pays handsomely to engage people into these lifestyles, especially if they opt in for doing operations all the time. It pays well for the jew to spend a decade on end, just looking for a lip filler or something, and spending all of one's existence on these matters.

They know this will create social unrest by using them as a militant battalion on the pretext they have "no rights" while they have same rights as everyone else, using them and keep making them militant by telling them they are not accepted while all their needs are met etc etc.

Of course, as far as jews are concerned, no tolerance is to be practiced against these people, and their execution is something they consider normal for a long time. Jews preach execution and denial of all this, because they know what a bothersome and time wasting issue all of this is to have socially.

Pedo and all of these exaggerated forces the jews promote, are part of this. Jews knew Pagans had no acceptance problems in adult sexuality with consent, but they pretend like everyone does, to promote insanity in the populace and make these people feel offended, moving everyone into insanity.

When they feel like this, they promote them to full fledged degeneracy and social destruction for literally no reason.

The brain of the jew is very simple on these matters. If it does damage, cause chaos and disunity, and generally affects negatively everyone involved, they will promote it. If it's a waste of everyone's time, they will promote it, and if they make shekels while they are at it, they will promote it on full force.

I remember reading on here somewhere that transgenderism is a type of a disease, and destroys the balance of the mind, body and soul, not to mention that the person will always reincarnate as the gender they are born with so it doesn't make sense, and that also the jew and the jewish programs , condition men who are more feminine and women who are more masculine to think they are the other gender and whatever. So, what is the exact opinion and stance we take towards transgenders?
sublimestatanist said:
Hey everyone,

I know that Jews have a strange way of infiltrating and corrupting symbols and I'm starting to wonder if the marriage of male/female (in spirituality, like with the Baphomet) is one of them. They make us worship idols that are evermore clearly transgendered.

I've been looking more deeply into people like Madonna, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Selena Gomez, Janet Jackson, Laura Dern (Tranny-saurus, lol) and soooo many others. The more I look into these theories and images the more I'm starting to think that Hollywood has been at this for a long time.

Another part of this I feel is to make women appear more manly/strong, which is something that isn't very practical when comparing ourselves to silicone-laden men. I'm not a woman but it angers me that women being subjected to unrealistic standards like this. It's a vile method of using subliminal messaging to further decrease self esteem in women.

Transgenderism is blatantly 100% contrived. On top of this, our children are being brainwashed and groomed for a shallow and corrupted life of becoming something they're not in order to fill the many voids that they naturally experience. It's also unmistakable that suicide and depression rates in transgenendered people is higher than any other social/cultural group.

People are largely products of their environments. Humans (like all animals) constantly seek new ways to adapt to change. The path of least resistance is what human psychology inherently follows and they built us such a path in basically everything, especially in the form of illusion of choice (right vs left, coke vs pepsi, etc). Breaking out of this takes intense introspection and extrospection. It requires us to leave what we know to seek greater understanding. The only way out of this for me has been through Satanism.

These are things all of you here already know. Still, I have a difficult time wrapping my head around this topic. Specifically I cannot fathom why the jews have such an infatuation with hermaphrodites. Could my above theory perhaps hold water? One pitfall to this is why then is it almost exclusively M to F and gay men in terms of celebrities, while it's about equal (M/F & F/M) in children? They dress girls up to look like boys for modelling and they dress boys up to look like girls/young women, also for modelling/advertising. They've done this for years. I'm not any kind of know-it-all by any stretch of the imagination but we do the best we can. At some point I think I have to except that these people are literally psychopaths and not everything they do will have a clear and definitive purpose to us sane people. That being said, so much of what they do is extremely complex and planned.

Thanks for reading my rant. If you have any thoughts on this I'd love to hear them.

Stay strong everyone. Hail all of you brothers and sisters and HAIL SATAN!!!

Dont listen to the retard called Fanboy. This maggot is a confirmed infiltrator, and it is beyond me why the high priest hasnt banned him permanently from here.
sublimestatanist said:
The more I look into these theories and images the more I'm starting to think that Hollywood has been at this for a long time.

Sabrina, the Teenaged Witch - one episode, she did a spell to hang-out with her love interest Harvey, where she turned herself into a dude. This was back in the '90s. Also about the same time or so, we had Lily Savage - Paul O'Grady dressed in drag on TV programmes, like Blankety Blank (UK version).

Think which Children see this and grow up with it. Consciously and/or unconsciously, this is in their minds. They might want to do it because it is different - like that cool friend of the family who comes and visits every once in a while who tells wacky stories. They remember it and it grows in them consciously and/or unconsciously. Because not all, or not enough, of the pieces are in-place yet, they don't actually go through with it, but it is still in their Psychology and Mind. They have Children and/or see other Children and are either OK with or not not-OK-enough with Children doing similar things - as by this time, there is more of this type of thing being forced upon Humans. That first person is still either OK with it or at least not not-OK-enough with it, and this younger generation have "more freedoms" to do things, while they do not know or understand things. They just see an interesting and fanciful thing and think it is cool or fun, etc.

Surely, it is young Souls who get brainwashed into these things. Old Souls from centuries ago were not brainwashed or mind-raped with chopping/slicing their bits off and having a fake other thing in its place, were they?!

The jew wants us to be androgynous - looking all one. "One of us" like robots. Don't forget - the jew said very specifically, directly and blatantly in its bibles -

There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

~Galatians 3:28

We are the greys. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be eradicated and you will live and serve as us. Resistance is futile.
Know more news has a fantastic video on this. Just type in know more news and transgenderism. Basically covers that the enemy is trying to force their “prophecy” and they have one about androgynous people. I think Bjerknes is on that one, I can’t remember, it’s been awhile.
Fanboy said:
sublimestatanist said:
Hey everyone,

I know that Jews have a strange way of infiltrating and corrupting symbols and I'm starting to wonder if the marriage of male/female (in spirituality, like with the Baphomet) is one of them. They make us worship idols that are evermore clearly transgendered.

I've been looking more deeply into people like Madonna, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Selena Gomez, Janet Jackson, Laura Dern (Tranny-saurus, lol) and soooo many others. The more I look into these theories and images the more I'm starting to think that Hollywood has been at this for a long time.

Another part of this I feel is to make women appear more manly/strong, which is something that isn't very practical when comparing ourselves to silicone-laden men. I'm not a woman but it angers me that women being subjected to unrealistic standards like this. It's a vile method of using subliminal messaging to further decrease self esteem in women.

Transgenderism is blatantly 100% contrived. On top of this, our children are being brainwashed and groomed for a shallow and corrupted life of becoming something they're not in order to fill the many voids that they naturally experience. It's also unmistakable that suicide and depression rates in transgenendered people is higher than any other social/cultural group.

People are largely products of their environments. Humans (like all animals) constantly seek new ways to adapt to change. The path of least resistance is what human psychology inherently follows and they built us such a path in basically everything, especially in the form of illusion of choice (right vs left, coke vs pepsi, etc). Breaking out of this takes intense introspection and extrospection. It requires us to leave what we know to seek greater understanding. The only way out of this for me has been through Satanism.

These are things all of you here already know. Still, I have a difficult time wrapping my head around this topic. Specifically I cannot fathom why the jews have such an infatuation with hermaphrodites. Could my above theory perhaps hold water? One pitfall to this is why then is it almost exclusively M to F and gay men in terms of celebrities, while it's about equal (M/F & F/M) in children? They dress girls up to look like boys for modelling and they dress boys up to look like girls/young women, also for modelling/advertising. They've done this for years. I'm not any kind of know-it-all by any stretch of the imagination but we do the best we can. At some point I think I have to except that these people are literally psychopaths and not everything they do will have a clear and definitive purpose to us sane people. That being said, so much of what they do is extremely complex and planned.

Thanks for reading my rant. If you have any thoughts on this I'd love to hear them.

Stay strong everyone. Hail all of you brothers and sisters and HAIL SATAN!!!

The jews corrupt and ruin everything beautiful and sacred and turn it into a laughing stock. Mostly they want us all to be infertile and physically soft, and they want to own us like slaves. Like the Talmud says.

But also trans kids don't have the legal right to transition before 18 in America. By that time we have grown into bearded men and it's irreversible. This causes suicidal depression.

Look to the enarie of scythia, hermaphroditus, tiresias, cinaedus, gallia, asushunamir, argr shaman, Seidr of njord and freyja, uvual, Bahuchara, artemis's eunuch high priestess in ephesians, Hecates eunuchs in lagina.

In passionate inanna the high priestess writes "To destroy, to create, to tear out, to establish are yours, Inanna. / To turn a man into a woman and a woman into a man are yours, Inanna."

Our souls were created for her, to bring her the water of life, to make her happy.

The fully united male and female soul and the hermaphrodite energy is the key to seidr, that's why trans girls were shaman in the Pagan world. We are special.

It is said the androgyne were born from the moon, they would climb olympus and challenge the Gods, it was said they had extreme audacity and a temper, and that once they were separated they would spend no time eating or drinking or sleeping, but instead desperately trying to reunite their male and female half or die trying. It is sad and utterly accurate.

Boys are allowed to wear dresses if they want, girls can wear jeans if they want. It's about what makes you feel beautiful. how you decorate your temple is up to you, how you speak is from the soul, how you make love is from the soul.

It's okay to be trans, it doesn't make you jewish.
Sure. If it’s natural, but you cannot deny that there are many parents who force it on their kids. It’s not something a person should seek if they aren’t naturally inclined. You can unite the male and female energies without changing anything about your sexuality. And there is an agenda to push this, it’s undeniable.
Nothing wrong with it if that’s who the person is, but with the dramatic increase in trans people it’s not natural.
sublimestatanist said:
There's the matter of money for pharma that Cobra mentioned (very low quantity, but a high average cost per individual), and you yourself mentioned how it contributes to creating unrealistic standards for women.

Some people use the mere existence of male-to-female transsexuals as an excuse to accuse random women who don't fit gender norms "closely enough" of being transsexual. I've heard a case of a woman being yelled at to leave the bathroom and even having security called on her just for wearing baggy trousers and sneakers. Regular misogyny isn't as socially acceptable anymore these days, so people have found ways to extend and apply their disdain for effeminate males to women as well, like a "substitute" for misogyny.
Another woman wrote: "I'm okay with being mistaken for a man. I'm not okay with being called a faggot."

What I find interesting is that there is hardly any discourse about female-to-male transsexuals in comparison to male-to-female, despite them being equally prevalent nowadays. That's telling in its own light. Then there's the matter of people who identify as non-binary, who may or may not undergo medical procedures, but have in common that they feel like they are something other than male or female simply because they can't put up with some of the gender norms that feel nonsensical to them.

My brother believes transgenderism to be a symptom of a sick society, but he doesn't judge people for being that way. I understand why he sees it that way, and it makes sense for jews to try to exacerbate that, just like they would with any other societal issues.

Something to note is the difference between transsexuals, which have been a thing for at least a century, and transgender people, which are a more recent concept. The former was about moving to the opposite gender role as best as possible, whereas the latter involves a lot more words and ideology, and appears to be more about thoughts and feelings than necessarily any actions. Studies show that "transgender" people are about 10 times as prevalent (0.3%) as "transsexuals" were several decades ago (0.03%).

When I think about my brother's words, I think that if there wasn't as much societal pressure for men and women to fit into masculine and feminine stereotypes respectively, then many "transgender" people would no longer feel like they have to change their gender, and the numbers would go back to how they used to be. I think many of them just want to express themselves as they are and do what they like, but pressure to conform to stereotypes makes them feel like they have to change their appearance for that sake.
That said, if they are really happy that way, then perhaps it doesn't really matter. And it's a tiny percentage of people anyway.

I suspect the main reason why the topic is promoted so much is actually to create controversy, in order to distract from far more important political issues. This is especially the case in America, whereas in Europe it's neither promoted nor nearly as controversial.
NO FUCKING IDEA. Being back the 1980s amd 1990s please. Times where things where normal.
They're sick and sexually perverted for a start. Not only that but they're breaking down the confidence of regular healthy people with all the social rules surrounding this sort of thing.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Dont listen to the retard called Fanboy. This maggot is a confirmed infiltrator, and it is beyond me why the high priest hasnt banned him permanently from here.
I have wondered the same thing about allowing the infiltrator to remain. I figured that it is allowed to stay because it is practice for SS to recognize it's methods of deception in real time in the forums. Maybe it's not full on jew and has a chance to burn out jewish aspects of it's soul? 🤷
It is good practice for spotting how they operate and HP and advanced SS have been pointing out where the deceptive/corrupted part is to teach newer SS how to identify kosher ideas.
Seidr involves working with the Astral dimension.

It is, put simply, divination and magick which requires working with the abilities of the "female" part of the soul, which corresponds in symbolism to the right brain.

Another word for it is witchcraft which we all do here.

No worries. You don't have to be female or transsexual to practice this art :)
SagittarianMage said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Dont listen to the retard called Fanboy. This maggot is a confirmed infiltrator, and it is beyond me why the high priest hasnt banned him permanently from here.
I have wondered the same thing about allowing the infiltrator to remain. I figured that it is allowed to stay because it is practice for SS to recognize it's methods of deception in real time in the forums. Maybe it's not full on jew and has a chance to burn out jewish aspects of it's soul? 🤷
It is good practice for spotting how they operate and HP and advanced SS have been pointing out where the deceptive/corrupted part is to teach newer SS how to identify kosher ideas.

I dont think its " practice" if this piece of shit maggot manages to fool and misinform a lot of people with its bullshit all the time. Also even if someone has the smallest amount of jewish blood in their DNA, they are a jew, case closed. Its because of their parasitic nature that it is so. You can never burn away your heritage. And Members cant always keep warming ppl every time this kike posts something.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
It is beyond me why the high priest hasnt banned him permanently from here.
My thinking is that it doesn't make sense to ban trolls because they will make another account and come back without a problem,and if the new account is banned, it will also create another one, and then again, and again.....
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
It is beyond me why the high priest hasnt banned him permanently from here.
My thinking is that it doesn't make sense to ban trolls because they will make another account and come back without a problem,and if the new account is banned, it will also create another one, and then again, and again.....

Yeah thats what i thought as well..... but they could always create another account even if they havent been banned yet, they'd do that to perhaps escape from their previous identity which has accumulated a lot of hate and bad reputation, just to start over again. Regardless, the RTRs are fucking up the enemy's brains real good so lets keep pushing with them. I guess i dunno much about handling a community, so I trust High priest and the staff for whatever decision they make.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
SagittarianMage said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Dont listen to the retard called Fanboy. This maggot is a confirmed infiltrator, and it is beyond me why the high priest hasnt banned him permanently from here.
I have wondered the same thing about allowing the infiltrator to remain. I figured that it is allowed to stay because it is practice for SS to recognize it's methods of deception in real time in the forums. Maybe it's not full on jew and has a chance to burn out jewish aspects of it's soul? 🤷
It is good practice for spotting how they operate and HP and advanced SS have been pointing out where the deceptive/corrupted part is to teach newer SS how to identify kosher ideas.

I dont think its " practice" if this piece of shit maggot manages to fool and misinform a lot of people with its bullshit all the time. Also even if someone has the smallest amount of jewish blood in their DNA, they are a jew, case closed. Its because of their parasitic nature that it is so. You can never burn away your heritage. And Members cant always keep warming ppl every time this kike posts something.
So even a .001% kike can't work out kike gene? I mean upon death and having a chance to re-incarnate into a Gentile body? I have no delusions that it will expel this gene while alive.
I agree, I don't trust it being here and corrupting our SS. There was another post where HP and other SS stepped in correcting it on some LGBQT shit that it was trying to twist up to fit an agenda.
I was allowed to see how sneaky and covert they are, but I agree with you as it's possible unknowing new members will take off with a piece of corrupted info that somebody overlooked.
I also had wondered if it practices psychic vampirism on members that are unaware of what it is.
It's signature says "goyboss"... *pukes*
"Practice" identifying it's tactics is the only way I can cope with it's prescence here, I'm not justifying or defending it.
I mean "goyboss"... *repeats puke*
I like what you write about the RTR.

My own thoughts on FRTR :D :D
Fanboy said:

You need to find a better way to cope instead of retreating into these Neptunian fantasies.

Incorporating a bit of science and a bit of occult to try to explain things in a roundabout way is not going to make a falsehood into a truth even if it seems to make sense to your mind.

Spend some time on overcoming current life karmic patterns, and reflect on how these problems may overlap with placements in your astrology chart.

Heal any trauma and scars.

Realize the root of why you feel the need to explore deeply into these subjects while turning their meanings towards your own purposes.

You are not acquiring knowledge for any sort of noble pursuit, but rather to satisfy some inner need or craving.

This knowledge was not meant to be made purposeful to your own misguided ends. It is sacred and deserves respect, and not to be mistreated or misappropriated.
Flowers of Adonis said:
Fanboy said:

You need to find a better way to cope instead of retreating into these Neptunian fantasies.

Incorporating a bit of science and a bit of occult to try to explain things in a roundabout way is not going to make a falsehood into a truth even if it seems to make sense to your mind.

Spend some time on overcoming current life karmic patterns, and reflect on how these problems may overlap with placements in your astrology chart.

Heal any trauma and scars.

Realize the root of why you feel the need to explore deeply into these subjects while turning their meanings towards your own purposes.

You are not acquiring knowledge for any sort of noble pursuit, but rather to satisfy some inner need or craving.

This knowledge was not meant to be made purposeful to your own misguided ends. It is sacred and deserves respect, and not to be mistreated or misappropriated.

Dont bother with trying to help Fanboy. Confirmed infiltrator by HP.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
