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Being magically affected by a non-SS BITCH

Yagami Light

Active member
Sep 21, 2017
Hello. :evil:
To make a long story short, I know someone from whom I can't "escape" because of family relations (she's not related to me but to my sibling).

That BITCH has a million issues of low self-confidence, misunderstanding others all the time, taking things personally etc etc. In general, she's very annoying.

Now, the thing is, before I had seen that side of hers, she seemed to have SS potential, so I had shared with her the truth about Satan and the Gods. She loves ancient Egypt and the concept of aliens but she won't do the dedication ritual because she doesn't want to "serve" anyone. I've explained to her that this is not exactly how things are, but she doesn't care to look further into it.

However, she does aura of protection, has done the chakra openings and Jupiter & Sun squares for money and luck. She had also done a working with runes and had very interesting experiences about her past lives (seeing herself vibrating runes in a past life).

Now, the problem... That bitch is a Scorpio with Leo ascendant. I don't remember where her Mars is (perhaps in Scorpio too?) and anyway she has anger issues.

The first time my phone fell out of my pocket and it made a crack!!!! (My phone has fallen in the past but NOT out of my pocket, and it NEVER made a crack!!) And the second time I accidentally dropped some filthy water all over me.

BOTH TIMES I felt that THAT FUCKING BITCH was to blame!!!

Guys, I don't care what kind of witch or even SS she was in a past life...... All I know is that she has FUCKING ISSUES and when she gets angry at me, I have accidents!!!!!!! (I'm sure this happens to other people who anger her, as well)

Since she's doing aura of protection, I can't really hurt her. She's also related to my sibling and I wouldn't want to make them sad.

However, WHY am I getting affected by THAT BITCH???!!! WHY is my aura of protection not enough???

I'm so fucking pissed!!!!!!!!!!!
Yagami Light said:
Hello. :evil:
To make a long story short, I know someone from whom I can't "escape" because of family relations (she's not related to me but to my sibling).

That BITCH has a million issues of low self-confidence, misunderstanding others all the time, taking things personally etc etc. In general, she's very annoying.

Now, the thing is, before I had seen that side of hers, she seemed to have SS potential, so I had shared with her the truth about Satan and the Gods. She loves ancient Egypt and the concept of aliens but she won't do the dedication ritual because she doesn't want to "serve" anyone. I've explained to her that this is not exactly how things are, but she doesn't care to look further into it.

However, she does aura of protection, has done the chakra openings and Jupiter & Sun squares for money and luck. She had also done a working with runes and had very interesting experiences about her past lives (seeing herself vibrating runes in a past life).

Now, the problem... That bitch is a Scorpio with Leo ascendant. I don't remember where her Mars is (perhaps in Scorpio too?) and anyway she has anger issues.

The first time my phone fell out of my pocket and it made a crack!!!! (My phone has fallen in the past but NOT out of my pocket, and it NEVER made a crack!!) And the second time I accidentally dropped some filthy water all over me.

BOTH TIMES I felt that THAT FUCKING BITCH was to blame!!!

Guys, I don't care what kind of witch or even SS she was in a past life...... All I know is that she has FUCKING ISSUES and when she gets angry at me, I have accidents!!!!!!! (I'm sure this happens to other people who anger her, as well)

Since she's doing aura of protection, I can't really hurt her. She's also related to my sibling and I wouldn't want to make them sad.

However, WHY am I getting affected by THAT BITCH???!!! WHY is my aura of protection not enough???

I'm so fucking pissed!!!!!!!!!!!

First of all, there is the possibility the upset of your psychological state caused you distraction which could have led to the accidents from being upset as a result of absorbing her negativity.

If your speculations about this person are true however, this just confirms a case where Maxine once talked about how when even just anger is directed at someone it can cause them trouble if their aura is powerful enough. Everyone who finds Satan does so on different levels, also as She has mentioned.

The first thing I would do is strengthen your own aura of protection even more. Try using runes on top of returning curses. Maybe the one in my sig will help. One or two other SS have also mentioned some very good protection workings.

Secondly, I would suggest detachment. Anger is almost exclusively a fire thing, although it comes out from the other elements also in different ways with water being the most similar imo. IF she has a fire ascendant, sun, or moon, or any planet, at least 1-2, I don't care how much of the other elements she has, this is going to show up one way or another. (coming from someone who is water dominant and still has an aries temper) Especially if she has mars aspecting her sun, chart ruler (well in this case it IS the sun), or other, this will amplify this even greater. Scorpio is also the "fire" of the water signs since it is co-ruled by mars and they can be very intense. This kind of thing may also bring her a natural knack for destruction manifestation as scorpio emphasis can give a pull to and a talent for black magick in general.

Unless she starts to become self aware and learns to start sublimating certain things in her chart, you may find it troublesome to interact with her for a long time. Once again, if she really is demonstrating the kind of strength you think she is, she needs to be made aware of it also. If she cares for the ones she is close to, she will listen. It is important to be aware of and control one's strength.
Shadowcat said:
Hey, thank you for responding!

I am actually doing Inanna's protection, posted by Voice of Enki and Lydia. I am doing the first half of the protection due to time constraints, but I never had a problem before with it.

There is no doubt that being angry at someone is basically directing negative energy towards them. I know other SS who have had such experiences as well (they were angry at someone, and that someone had an "accident", even if it was minor like misstepping and hurting themselves).

I am also beyond helping that bitch. She is well aware of her issues but doesn't do anything about them. We had discussed them many times before (especially her anger) but she doesn't do anything about it, and honestly I am BEYOND trying to help that bitch!!!!!

I'm just wondering why my AoP doesn't work, and what else I should do to protect myself from her. More and more AoP? But why? How strong is that bitch? It outrages me.
In the end, I think I just don't want to accept that I am susceptible to another person's spiritual abilities- and someone who isn't even an SS and doesn't meditate to advance their souls.
I hate feeling so spiritually inferior and vulnerable to someone who's not one of us and who was born with those powers... I understand that this is past life work; I just hate being so vulnerable and weak.

I thought after so long, I was at a better place spiritually.

Do not question your energies,DO NOT question your aop, whatever you did worked fine, these accidents can also be explained as simply "not enough attention paid" incidents, even if shes the one effecting you it sill can be your AOP warning you to further strengthen it with these minor accidents.

What have you been doing for protection?

Use runes to protect yourself, along with solar mantra both with higher reps. Continuing the runes and dropping sun mantra for protection after a while.

For example, algis/sowlilo/tyr for high reps along with solar vibrations for higher reps like 100, drop solar mantra after 10 days continuing with runes for however long you feel like you should,it will be a head start for your protection. You can also program energies to specifically target the negativity from her back to her.

Or any other better plan you come up with.
Like for real anger or extremely heightened emotions in and of itself directed can cause this kind of stuff it doesn't need to be a curse.

I had my tv break and two phones break as well as my stove blow out and almost start a fire (I just turned off the electric for a bit and unplugged it) very close to the night both the tv and 1st phone broke. When an xtian was in a very emotional state and praying for me the entire night.
Yagami Light said:

Personally, I believe the AOP is general protection that must guard against everything. So it is just my theory that it would be better for the AOP to block fewer of her attacks, rather than fewer of the enemy's. I have no idea if this is true or not, but I do know most people have an AOP programmed to block everything negative.

First, you should ask her to knock it off and be more careful with her energy. It depends if she will listen to you, and wants to be friendly, though. If she is hostile, then letting her know her anger influences you may be insightful for her.

As others mentioned, you can detach from her. Or, you can use Ehwaz to prevent her from becoming angry with you. If you know she is angry at you, then quickly raise protective energies specifically to block her attack. All of these options seem more worthwhile than going to war with her.

Another option is to just keep showing her stuff about the Gods, so she gets a proper understanding, and dedicates on her own. This is another solution that would likely mitigate her "attacks". For example, show her the pages about the high-ranking Gods.
Satan once taught me a sharp lesson about uncontrolled bouts of rage and intense anger mixed with high energy for disastrous results upon an innocent soul. And believe me He did not want me to miss a thing or walk away until I saw the full result of my own stupidity and stubborn imbalance.

Maybe its time for this person to receive such a sharp lesson also. You are a Satanist, you will not allow this kind of spiritual abuse from some random person who is without.

Stop complaining and making excuses and show this crazy chick where she stands in the food chain. Drain her aura and bleed her chakras dry. And bombard that bitch with pestilent energies. You should have done this ages ago.

Or continue to let yourself be trampled and abused by low tier witches if that's your thing.
Dahaarkan said:
Satan once taught me a sharp lesson about uncontrolled bouts of rage and intense anger mixed with high energy for disastrous results upon an innocent soul. And believe me He did not want me to miss a thing or walk away until I saw the full result of my own stupidity and stubborn imbalance.

Maybe its time for this person to receive such a sharp lesson also. You are a Satanist, you will not allow this kind of spiritual abuse from some random person who is without.

Stop complaining and making excuses and show this crazy chick where she stands in the food chain. Drain her aura and bleed her chakras dry. And bombard that bitch with pestilent energies. You should have done this ages ago.

Or continue to let yourself be trampled and abused by low tier witches if that's your thing.
Person of OP caliber should not leech or drain anything. At most, they should bind or curse as these are simpler methods to use. Even building an aura deflection plus having sharp controlled mind could be enough.
Dahaarkan said:
Satan once taught me a sharp lesson about uncontrolled bouts of rage and intense anger mixed with high energy for disastrous results upon an innocent soul. And believe me He did not want me to miss a thing or walk away until I saw the full result of my own stupidity and stubborn imbalance.

Maybe its time for this person to receive such a sharp lesson also. You are a Satanist, you will not allow this kind of spiritual abuse from some random person who is without.

Stop complaining and making excuses and show this crazy chick where she stands in the food chain. Drain her aura and bleed her chakras dry. And bombard that bitch with pestilent energies. You should have done this ages ago.

Or continue to let yourself be trampled and abused by low tier witches if that's your thing.

Maybe one day you'll see what real psychic vampirism is, Dahaarkan. Nobody is going to get hurt from any of your mosquito bites. You do have a point though, OP shouldn't just take the beating and turn the other cheek like a lowly sheep goyim.
Yagami Light said:
In the end, I think I just don't want to accept that I am susceptible to another person's spiritual abilities- and someone who isn't even an SS and doesn't meditate to advance their souls.
I hate feeling so spiritually inferior and vulnerable to someone who's not one of us and who was born with those powers... I understand that this is past life work; I just hate being so vulnerable and weak.

I thought after so long, I was at a better place spiritually.

Tell yourself that when going up against a top rabbi who heavily does all sorts of kaballah shit. Powers of the mind and soul are real and not all powerful people who can use these will be of Satan and can even be of the enemy. also like us, these people could have developed things in past lives.

Knowing and accepting where you stand strength wise in any case at all is essential for knowing how you can improve and knowing how to pick your battles. No one fighting in a war must be deluded as to their ability one way or the other.

Yes more, stronger AOP. Worse case scenario I say reach out to your Guardian or Satan.
Yagami Light said:
In the end, I think I just don't want to accept that I am susceptible to another person's spiritual abilities- and someone who isn't even an SS and doesn't meditate to advance their souls.
I hate feeling so spiritually inferior and vulnerable to someone who's not one of us and who was born with those powers... I understand that this is past life work; I just hate being so vulnerable and weak.

I thought after so long, I was at a better place spiritually.

Do not start negative self talk.
Its the worst thing you can do psychologically.

Maybe its just a planetary transit of her which amplifies her magic. Or just pure coincidence of those events.

You are strong, and only going further in that direction.
Trust yourself more than her abilities.

Did u tell her about satanism recently? If yes and you have been doing AOP for years or even several months i dont think she can penetrate ur AoP that quick.
In this manner she will lead herself into ruin. This needs special care and learning to control and advance and can prove very draining in time.

You need to do as started already and defend yourself, know and "do" spiritually that all her anger is forwarded to her multiplied. You can also do a working on her aura with Isa and affirm that any harm, Ill will etc etc is frozen, stopped against you.

If you want to do real harm, which can lead to definitive outcomes in her life, do workings on the eclipse. The eclipse is extremely dangerous when used in this fashion.
RED DAWN said:
Maybe one day you'll see what real psychic vampirism is, Dahaarkan. Nobody is going to get hurt from any of your mosquito bites. You do have a point though, OP shouldn't just take the beating and turn the other cheek like a lowly sheep goyim.

O Prometheus, please bestow upon us mortals the fire of your immense knowledge from your supremely enlightened "group".

Is this the response you hoped to get unironically?

Sorry but I've seen dozens of self proclaimed spiritual gurus hailing from outside groups, making grand claims about their own abilities and knowledge to impress naive fools.

The same self proclaimed demigods who eventually get exposed for being frauds and mocked relentlessly until they leave the forums crying. Until you start actually dropping meaningful information and knowledge, and making actual demonstrations of your knowledge, understanding and power, nobody is going to be impressed by your claims.

Anybody can make an account and make grand claims about themselves. These same people who try to play this kind of character here tend to collapse when engaging me. Because I really have no patience for people roleplaying a character in the forums and expose them immediately.

You clearly desperately want some reaction from me, or hope that I'll be impressed by you somehow. How about start being a productive member and positive influence in the group and then I'll give you that pat on the head you crave so badly. And better than my approval you'll actually start being respected by somebody instead of being this month's featured clown of the forums.

The case I mentioned had nothing to do with vampirism. Just intense negative emotion mixed with high levels of energy and built up power. As I described in plain english. I'm not sure why you continue to bring psychic vampirism in every topic if not to get attention from me?
Yagami Light said:
In the end, I think I just don't want to accept that I am susceptible to another person's spiritual abilities- and someone who isn't even an SS and doesn't meditate to advance their souls.
I hate feeling so spiritually inferior and vulnerable to someone who's not one of us and who was born with those powers... I understand that this is past life work; I just hate being so vulnerable and weak.

I thought after so long, I was at a better place spiritually.

So don't accept it. Build up your AoP and step up your meditation program. Build up more power and free your soul. Do NOT accept abuse.

Eveyone thank you for your responses.

For those suggesting me to remind her of our Gods, or that I should let her know about her power, I did so yesterday, in a time when we were chill and having fun. I told her that when she's angry she's creating accidents for others, and that I had this x and y thing happen to me, and she said that others have told her as well.
Then I said, I wonder how come your old neighbor (who is a punk and was *purposely* making noise at 3-4 am, and she was extremely angry at him) didn't have any accidents.

She said "I don't want to make you feel bad, but only the people who treat me unjustly have accidents"...
Guys, I wanted to kill her when she said that.

She can't even recognize her own faults. She thinks she knows better, that everyone is out there to get her etc.

Honestly, I can't care about any individual who has psychic powers from a past life, but who is so far away from SS and our values in this lifetime.

So, as some of you suggested, more AoP and specifically targeted towards the shit she does. AND more meditation work on me to build more power.

And I will be happy to watch her ruin herself because this is what she deserves.

Dahaarkan said:
Maybe its time for this person to receive such a sharp lesson also. You are a Satanist, you will not allow this kind of spiritual abuse from some random person who is without.

Stop complaining and making excuses and show this crazy chick where she stands in the food chain. Drain her aura and bleed her chakras dry. And bombard that bitch with pestilent energies. You should have done this ages ago.
I'd rather do runic work on her, than breathe in any of her energies.
But because she does AoP (and as a Scorpio she also has full focus and strong mind power/willpower) I don't want to risk it, as it will backfire on me.

But I will focus more on meditation to build more power for myself like you suggested.
Dahaarkan said:
RED DAWN said:
Maybe one day you'll see what real psychic vampirism is, Dahaarkan. Nobody is going to get hurt from any of your mosquito bites. You do have a point though, OP shouldn't just take the beating and turn the other cheek like a lowly sheep goyim.

O Prometheus, please bestow upon us mortals the fire of your immense knowledge from your supremely enlightened "group".

Is this the response you hoped to get unironically?

Sorry but I've seen dozens of self proclaimed spiritual gurus hailing from outside groups, making grand claims about their own abilities and knowledge to impress naive fools.

The same self proclaimed demigods who eventually get exposed for being frauds and mocked relentlessly until they leave the forums crying. Until you start actually dropping meaningful information and knowledge, and making actual demonstrations of your knowledge, understanding and power, nobody is going to be impressed by your claims.

Anybody can make an account and make grand claims about themselves. These same people who try to play this kind of character here tend to collapse when engaging me. Because I really have no patience for people roleplaying a character in the forums and expose them immediately.

You clearly desperately want some reaction from me, or hope that I'll be impressed by you somehow. How about start being a productive member and positive influence in the group and then I'll give you that pat on the head you crave so badly. And better than my approval you'll actually start being respected by somebody instead of being this month's featured clown of the forums.

The case I mentioned had nothing to do with vampirism. Just intense negative emotion mixed with high levels of energy and built up power. As I described in plain english. I'm not sure why you continue to bring psychic vampirism in every topic if not to get attention from me?

Ahahaha! The Crown of Clowns suits me well.
Yagami Light said:
Eveyone thank you for your responses.

For those suggesting me to remind her of our Gods, or that I should let her know about her power, I did so yesterday, in a time when we were chill and having fun. I told her that when she's angry she's creating accidents for others, and that I had this x and y thing happen to me, and she said that others have told her as well.
Then I said, I wonder how come your old neighbor (who is a punk and was *purposely* making noise at 3-4 am, and she was extremely angry at him) didn't have any accidents.

She said "I don't want to make you feel bad, but only the people who treat me unjustly have accidents"...
Guys, I wanted to kill her when she said that.

She can't even recognize her own faults. She thinks she knows better, that everyone is out there to get her etc.

Honestly, I can't care about any individual who has psychic powers from a past life, but who is so far away from SS and our values in this lifetime.

So, as some of you suggested, more AoP and specifically targeted towards the shit she does. AND more meditation work on me to build more power.

And I will be happy to watch her ruin herself because this is what she deserves.

Dahaarkan said:
Maybe its time for this person to receive such a sharp lesson also. You are a Satanist, you will not allow this kind of spiritual abuse from some random person who is without.

Stop complaining and making excuses and show this crazy chick where she stands in the food chain. Drain her aura and bleed her chakras dry. And bombard that bitch with pestilent energies. You should have done this ages ago.
I'd rather do runic work on her, than breathe in any of her energies.
But because she does AoP (and as a Scorpio she also has full focus and strong mind power/willpower) I don't want to risk it, as it will backfire on me.

But I will focus more on meditation to build more power for myself like you suggested.

Sounds like the typical leonine type narcissist. Bind her at the very least and try to keep your distance.
Yagami Light said:
Eveyone thank you for your responses.

For those suggesting me to remind her of our Gods, or that I should let her know about her power, I did so yesterday, in a time when we were chill and having fun. I told her that when she's angry she's creating accidents for others, and that I had this x and y thing happen to me, and she said that others have told her as well.
Then I said, I wonder how come your old neighbor (who is a punk and was *purposely* making noise at 3-4 am, and she was extremely angry at him) didn't have any accidents.

She said "I don't want to make you feel bad, but only the people who treat me unjustly have accidents"...
Guys, I wanted to kill her when she said that.

She can't even recognize her own faults. She thinks she knows better, that everyone is out there to get her etc.

Honestly, I can't care about any individual who has psychic powers from a past life, but who is so far away from SS and our values in this lifetime.

So, as some of you suggested, more AoP and specifically targeted towards the shit she does. AND more meditation work on me to build more power.

Unless you placed a camera in the neighbor's house, you have no idea whether he had an accident or not. He most likely did, or other negative manifestation.

Her having raw power does not make her powerful as a stable SS, especially if she refuses to change herself. She may just as easily damage herself, as well.

The way I see it, you can deal with this either diplomatically or aggressively. Yet, if you take the aggressive route, it may backfire if it leads to a "war" between you and her. If you are investing energy into this problem, either way, I view the diplomatic option as the easier of the two.

As far as getting her to dedicate, this is partially to increase the ramifications for her misuse of energy. However, it is also for her own benefit, which may seem unjust for you to care about, but self-improvement is the only way she will stop this.

Even if she views her actions as "just", you should ask her to please talk to you about her emotions before she does creates a negative manifestation. Explain that it is souring your opinion of her, which if she cares about you, then she will consider.

On June 10th, the upcoming Libra moon, you can use a small amount of Ehwaz to make her cooperative with you. Continue this long enough, and it will permanently solve your problem. Although it may seem like a lot of work, I don't believe you would need a lot of reps, plus it would likely be less than the aggressive options.
Dahaarkan said:
Maybe its time for this person to receive such a sharp lesson also. You are a Satanist, you will not allow this kind of spiritual abuse from some random person who is without.

Stop complaining and making excuses and show this crazy chick where she stands in the food chain. Drain her aura and bleed her chakras dry. And bombard that bitch with pestilent energies. You should have done this ages ago.

Or continue to let yourself be trampled and abused by low tier witches if that's your thing.

The problem I see: Would someone know that this is coming from you? Otherwise, they would not even know that they are being punished for something, let alone by who or what. Then, they would not learn properly.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=362297 time=1654349112 user_id=21286]
Dahaarkan said:
Maybe its time for this person to receive such a sharp lesson also. You are a Satanist, you will not allow this kind of spiritual abuse from some random person who is without.

Stop complaining and making excuses and show this crazy chick where she stands in the food chain. Drain her aura and bleed her chakras dry. And bombard that bitch with pestilent energies. You should have done this ages ago.

Or continue to let yourself be trampled and abused by low tier witches if that's your thing.

The problem I see: Would someone know that this is coming from you? Otherwise, they would not even know that they are being punished for something, let alone by who or what. Then, they would not learn properly.

That matters not. I understand your perspective of healing and helping others grow, but this really isn't what this is about.

When one provokes a bear, the animal does not ponder as to whether or not one has learned something while it is mauling one to death. It is not the bear's responsibility to compensate for one's stupidity. Neither is it the bear's fault that one lacks the intelligence and perception to discern what will happen should they throw stones at a beast that can easily maul them to death.

Just replace the term bear with Satanist and view the above statement in spiritual terms and the analogy fits perfectly. When someone attacks you, you either put them in their place or allow yourself to be trampled. Whether they learn from it or not is up to them, it is not your responsibility to teach them.
Smite said:
You guys are acting like she cursed him, she didn't curse him or any sought she just got angry and things started happening because of it. So what's the problem here. that shows that she has a strong soul and the op should stop getting on her bad side. And just because she is not satanist dosn't make her weaker. Some people are born woke, some are born with psychic powers, they are not ordinary. So wether they are satanist or not it doesn't matter, because they are still powerful. So why would you want to mess with them or get angry just because they are stronger than you. Don't do anything to her just let her be and try not to get her bad side that's it.

Yes, there are multiple points to this story. It is not her "fault" that she is a strong soul, nor that she has anger issues. At the same time, she cannot be doing this to Yagami. In some way, it must stop, but we are trying to figure out the best way to go about this, as well as help Yagami process his emotions around the situation.

It is not about enforcing a false superiority on someone, but the situation has shocked Yagami because she did not train as hard as him. As you mention, she likely did this in a prior life. We are trying to help Yagami regain his resolve, despite what happened.
Smite said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=363118 time=1654585510 user_id=21286]
Hey Smite.
As Blitzkreig said, it was a shocking situation for me. Also, she has many maaaany issues (inferiority complex, low self-confidence, anger issues etc) and she gets mad at people for small to no reason (because she took something personally, she thinks everyone is out to get her etc). She KNOWS that her anger affects people, yet she does nothing to manage it. She thinks she's right despite of the situation and doesn't listen to reason.

These are reasons to be very concerned and annoyed, especially now that I need to deal with her often.
I will not deny the fact that my ego was hurt as well. However, I do not believe that just because I'm an SS I am better than others. *But* I did believe that my AoP would have protected me from that.
It is a lesson for me as well.

Dahaarkan told me to attack her because this is what he judges right, from his own experiences. I know I can't reach her level so easily and do that, but the truth is that the best option is, after all, diplomacy. She has issues and as long as she realizes that and decides to DO something (spiritual) about it, then it's the best both for her and the people around her.

If she does not, I will simply continue building up my AoP (which I will now do regardless), and in the end she will find her ruin on her own.

Also, this is irrelevant but I'd like to note that I am a female. :p
One thing you can try, is feel her influence/energy that she has subconsciously directed to you, and separate it from yourself.

Detach it. To do so, see the energy of this person in your mind, or visualize it if you cannot see it, and pull it off of yourself out of your aura and soul, then send it away or throw it away into nothingness.

Visualize a void of space, like a complete blackness of nothing, and throw it away in there after separating the energy from yourself.

If this exercise is too challenging, instead try to vibrate Vinasa 10 times, and affirm 18 times:

"All energy and influence directed at me from "persons name" is completely and totally banished from my body, aura, soul and environment now and forever!"

Visualize the energy of Vinasa cleaning all of this off of you (not in direct contact with your soul and aura, but like a detergent cleaning it away permanently).

Vinasa is a literal spiritual pesticide, even if this woman is many times more powerful than you, Vinasa can easily and effortlessly clean this and banish this from you.

I also wouldn't attack her or target her anyway over this, since it is simply her soul nature and she cannot do much about it.

Keep your protection up and plant in your mind the idea that she cannot harm you, or that she has no power over you at all.

Quality is a quantity of its own. Even if you lack s energy or power compared to this woman, due to you having access to knowledge at present now, as well as techniques from the JoS, you can use these to fend off stronger people.

Clearly the intensity of this persons mind is extreme, and she likely has a soul which has been initiated in the occult in the past, she may be an ancient soul with great in born power, however that still doesn't mean she can hold any power over you.

To gain sovereignty over ones self and over ones soul, one must have the mind of a sovereign.

You can even use this as an opportunity to temper your mind and learn how to deflect unwanted influences from people more powerful than yourself.

Don't be upset about this or stressed, this will only give more power to the other person, since it will give her more dominance over you as you acknowledge her influence and subconsciously defer to her.

Don't let that happen and learn to be in control of your own being at all times, regardless what storm brews around you.

Getting hysterical because some person with a bit of power bothers you is a sure fire way to lose yourself to the influence of others.

Use this chance to temper your mind and will, ground strongly and strengthen your aura, soul and your mastery over your own self.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
One thing you can try, is feel her influence/energy that she has subconsciously directed to you, and separate it from yourself.

Detach it. To do so, see the energy of this person in your mind, or visualize it if you cannot see it, and pull it off of yourself out of your aura and soul, then send it away or throw it away into nothingness.

Visualize a void of space, like a complete blackness of nothing, and throw it away in there after separating the energy from yourself.

If this exercise is too challenging, instead try to vibrate Vinasa 10 times, and affirm 18 times:

"All energy and influence directed at me from "persons name" is completely and totally banished from my body, aura, soul and environment now and forever!"

Visualize the energy of Vinasa cleaning all of this off of you (not in direct contact with your soul and aura, but like a detergent cleaning it away permanently).

Vinasa is a literal spiritual pesticide, even if this woman is many times more powerful than you, Vinasa can easily and effortlessly clean this and banish this from you.

I also wouldn't attack her or target her anyway over this, since it is simply her soul nature and she cannot do much about it.

Keep your protection up and plant in your mind the idea that she cannot harm you, or that she has no power over you at all.

Quality is a quantity of its own. Even if you lack s energy or power compared to this woman, due to you having access to knowledge at present now, as well as techniques from the JoS, you can use these to fend off stronger people.

Clearly the intensity of this persons mind is extreme, and she likely has a soul which has been initiated in the occult in the past, she may be an ancient soul with great in born power, however that still doesn't mean she can hold any power over you.

To gain sovereignty over ones self and over ones soul, one must have the mind of a sovereign.

You can even use this as an opportunity to temper your mind and learn how to deflect unwanted influences from people more powerful than yourself.

Don't be upset about this or stressed, this will only give more power to the other person, since it will give her more dominance over you as you acknowledge her influence and subconsciously defer to her.

Don't let that happen and learn to be in control of your own being at all times, regardless what storm brews around you.

Getting hysterical because some person with a bit of power bothers you is a sure fire way to lose yourself to the influence of others.

Use this chance to temper your mind and will, ground strongly and strengthen your aura, soul and your mastery over your own self.

Hail Satan!

I would always include in a positive and healthy way:

"In a positive and healthy way for me, all energy and influence directed at me from "persons name" is completely and totally banished from my body, aura, soul and environment now and forever!"

If I remember right it was said to not overuse vinasa. Never used it myself.

I would also:

Totally ignore her, seperate all connections (no connection way less energy to you from this person) if she get´s mad for no reason, for set amount of time, explain why you ignore her. That she is harming you, you won´t tolerate this. So you can either train her to behave or you just keep ignoring her. You will probably have a harder start in the beginning, but in the end this will succeed.

About the serving part, we are a soul group we work together under the headguidance off the most advanced being in the group which is Satan, for the best possibel success for all participants.
Fuchs said:
If I remember right it was said to not overuse vinasa. Never used it myself.

Yes, I wrote that myself. Did I suggest overuse though?

Vinasa can safely and effectively be used in this situation, so long the instructions are followed carefully, both what I wrote here as well as the banishing ritual instructions from the JoS website for full understanding.

Hail Satan!
Yagami Light said:
Smite said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=363118 time=1654585510 user_id=21286]
Hey Smite.
As Blitzkreig said, it was a shocking situation for me. Also, she has many maaaany issues (inferiority complex, low self-confidence, anger issues etc) and she gets mad at people for small to no reason (because she took something personally, she thinks everyone is out to get her etc). She KNOWS that her anger affects people, yet she does nothing to manage it. She thinks she's right despite of the situation and doesn't listen to reason.

These are reasons to be very concerned and annoyed, especially now that I need to deal with her often.
I will not deny the fact that my ego was hurt as well. However, I do not believe that just because I'm an SS I am better than others. *But* I did believe that my AoP would have protected me from that.
It is a lesson for me as well.

Dahaarkan told me to attack her because this is what he judges right, from his own experiences. I know I can't reach her level so easily and do that, but the truth is that the best option is, after all, diplomacy. She has issues and as long as she realizes that and decides to DO something (spiritual) about it, then it's the best both for her and the people around her.

If she does not, I will simply continue building up my AoP (which I will now do regardless), and in the end she will find her ruin on her own.

Also, this is irrelevant but I'd like to note that I am a female. :p

You are more concerned with the well being of someone who has harmed you than your own. No wonder your AoP does nothing to protect you. Your overly kind and forgiving mindset sabotages your own protections and prevents negativity from being flung back to it's sender. Because you feel guilty about harming this person, the negativity they send to you is kept in your soul instead of being deflected back at them.

You must be totally unapologetic or guilty about redirecting negativity and getting revenge. Or your AoP will not deflect negativity back it's senders.

The mind is the interface by which you create thoughts which direct and command energy. If you do not control your mind, all your workings, protections and spells will fail, or worse will have undesirable effects that can harm you.

You tolerate and accept abuse because you've created a layer of excuses for your abuser to continue to victimize you. This transfers over to the spiritual and flays all your protections and deflection of negative energies.

You must NEVER, EVER teach your mind to "accept" or "tolerate" any form of abuse for ANY reason! This will make you open and susceptible to future abuse and spiritual attacks.

I have written about how the mind can completely dismantle spiritual workings, it may be a good read for you:
VoiceofEnki said:
Fuchs said:
If I remember right it was said to not overuse vinasa. Never used it myself.

Yes, I wrote that myself. Did I suggest overuse though?

Vinasa can safely and effectively be used in this situation, so long the instructions are followed carefully, both what I wrote here as well as the banishing ritual instructions from the JoS website for full understanding.

Hail Satan!

No, but you did not include that it should be rather used less then often. Also safe and healthy way never hurts. It´s not like a sun mantra that can be done as long one does not intake too much energy and starts sweating/shaking or something similar.
Smite said:
How do you knows she is the one causing it, I mean if she is that awful and a bitch then I don't think she would be that powerful to cause such things. Maybe it was a coincidence you just don't know.
I know it because I felt it both times. The more you meditate, the more you will be able to feel/know things "out of nowhere". That's our intuition.
Also, a person being a bitch has nothing to do with spiritual power.

Also, I think you have the wrong idea about karma in your mind. It has nothing to do with doing black magick etc. As long as you clean your aura and chakras afterwards (and do not invoke, but evoke the energy) you'll be fine.

Finally, I am happy you liked the animations. :)
I stopped because life got in the way, but I now also focus more on awakening outsiders.

Faun is an awesome band, I love their energy. :mrgreen:
Yagami Light said:
These are reasons to be very concerned and annoyed, especially now that I need to deal with her often.
I will not deny the fact that my ego was hurt as well. However, I do not believe that just because I'm an SS I am better than others. *But* I did believe that my AoP would have protected me from that.
It is a lesson for me as well.

Dahaarkan told me to attack her because this is what he judges right, from his own experiences. I know I can't reach her level so easily and do that, but the truth is that the best option is, after all, diplomacy. She has issues and as long as she realizes that and decides to DO something (spiritual) about it, then it's the best both for her and the people around her.

Your AOP did protect you, and continues to. Who knows what the situation would have been without it.

As Dahaarkan has elaborated, even if you chose a diplomatic option as the permanent solution, that does not mean any abuse or attacks should be accepted. The difference that I was distinguishing was about the permanent solution: whether or not you would make her stop by diplomacy or aggression.

Since she has some wild power, a war would be a headache. Yet, it is a matter of justice that her attacks against you get returned at a higher magnitude than she sent out.

We can recall from Slyscorpion and others' experiences with parasitic draining from associated people how our perception does shape reality. These people became drained and abused because they subconsciously accepted this abuse from those they trusted.

Dahaarkan said:
The mind is the interface by which you create thoughts which direct and command energy. If you do not control your mind, all your workings, protections and spells will fail, or worse will have undesirable effects that can harm you.

You tolerate and accept abuse because you've created a layer of excuses for your abuser to continue to victimize you. This transfers over to the spiritual and flays all your protections and deflection of negative energies.

You must NEVER, EVER teach your mind to "accept" or "tolerate" any form of abuse for ANY reason! This will make you open and susceptible to future abuse and spiritual attacks.

Thank you for your input and ability to balance out my message.
Smite said:
Yagami Light said:
Also, I think you have the wrong idea about karma in your mind. It has nothing to do with doing black magick etc. As long as you clean your aura and chakras afterwards (and do not invoke, but evoke the energy) you'll be fine.
No if you do terrible things to others your karma will not delete just brcsuse you cleaned your aura that is what am saying. If you attack her with black magick when she did nothing to you, Just cleaning your aura will not erase the karma so am not wrong.

But no problem, I loved your animation, it helped me in my visualization. But it's good you are still on helping others though

A realy clean sould does actually burn carmic "seeds" away before the so called bloom in your aura and materialise in your live. So what you did write is wrong. RC (returning curses sun mantras etc is key).
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=363118 time=1654585510 user_id=21286]
Smite said:
You guys are acting like she cursed him, she didn't curse him or any sought she just got angry and things started happening because of it. So what's the problem here. that shows that she has a strong soul and the op should stop getting on her bad side. And just because she is not satanist dosn't make her weaker. Some people are born woke, some are born with psychic powers, they are not ordinary. So wether they are satanist or not it doesn't matter, because they are still powerful. So why would you want to mess with them or get angry just because they are stronger than you. Don't do anything to her just let her be and try not to get her bad side that's it.

Yes, there are multiple points to this story. It is not her "fault" that she is a strong soul, nor that she has anger issues. At the same time, she cannot be doing this to Yagami. In some way, it must stop, but we are trying to figure out the best way to go about this, as well as help Yagami process his emotions around the situation.

It is not about enforcing a false superiority on someone, but the situation has shocked Yagami because she did not train as hard as him. As you mention, she likely did this in a prior life. We are trying to help Yagami regain his resolve, despite what happened.

I do not believe she is innocent if she knows she does hurt people with her anger issues.

Also a AOP is like a fire that is burning filth that is thrown at it. As long the fire is big enouth to burn the filth nothing bad happens and the fire keeps burning as much as before. If the filth get´s to much, the saving flame decreases, we experience negative events.

Returning curses (dayly after RTRs) is the solution here, combined with the prayer/help with a demon to send the negativity back to her.

RC does reflect the dirt before it has to be burned back to the sender, like a someone is throwing it back at the source in best cases fully. Deflecting is way more easy then "burning".

One needs both a strong fire (aop) and a strong deflecting /throwing back (rc).

Further more tryed in the past a working with blue flames, to attack any adversary more or less on it´s own. The attacker gets attacked drained the blue flames clean the energy and the cleaned energy goldwhite is used to empower one self to attack even more / drain more etc.

The more people attack you the stronger the counter attack if you can atleast drain one person and the increased energy is enouth to drain the next person. This is no attack working only defense as it requires the attacker to attack first like you only can counter a punch when the punch is thrown at you.

One can even go further and also drain ignite any connected person to the person who attack you. Since we use blue satanic flames I don´t think it does work on SS (never curse a other SS) since the blue flames are a expansion off the will of Satan. It is atleast as far as I know save for Satanist.

There are also runes that help with this to save more energy and better drain.

If you have a demon helping you the demon is kind off a middle man so the attacker from my logic can´t send the energy back to you, only back to the demon, as they are way above any human, this will lead to more failure to the attacker.

Also totaly ignoring her don´t care about her in anyway so you don´t open your self up to her/her anger energy.
VoiceofEnki said:
One thing you can try, is feel her influence/energy that she has subconsciously directed to you, and separate it from yourself.

Detach it. To do so, see the energy of this person in your mind, or visualize it if you cannot see it, and pull it off of yourself out of your aura and soul, then send it away or throw it away into nothingness.

Visualize a void of space, like a complete blackness of nothing, and throw it away in there after separating the energy from yourself.

If this exercise is too challenging, instead try to vibrate Vinasa 10 times, and affirm 18 times:

"All energy and influence directed at me from "persons name" is completely and totally banished from my body, aura, soul and environment now and forever!"

Visualize the energy of Vinasa cleaning all of this off of you (not in direct contact with your soul and aura, but like a detergent cleaning it away permanently).

Vinasa is a literal spiritual pesticide, even if this woman is many times more powerful than you, Vinasa can easily and effortlessly clean this and banish this from you.

I also wouldn't attack her or target her anyway over this, since it is simply her soul nature and she cannot do much about it.

Keep your protection up and plant in your mind the idea that she cannot harm you, or that she has no power over you at all.

Quality is a quantity of its own. Even if you lack s energy or power compared to this woman, due to you having access to knowledge at present now, as well as techniques from the JoS, you can use these to fend off stronger people.

Clearly the intensity of this persons mind is extreme, and she likely has a soul which has been initiated in the occult in the past, she may be an ancient soul with great in born power, however that still doesn't mean she can hold any power over you.

To gain sovereignty over ones self and over ones soul, one must have the mind of a sovereign.

You can even use this as an opportunity to temper your mind and learn how to deflect unwanted influences from people more powerful than yourself.

Don't be upset about this or stressed, this will only give more power to the other person, since it will give her more dominance over you as you acknowledge her influence and subconsciously defer to her.

Don't let that happen and learn to be in control of your own being at all times, regardless what storm brews around you.

Getting hysterical because some person with a bit of power bothers you is a sure fire way to lose yourself to the influence of others.

Use this chance to temper your mind and will, ground strongly and strengthen your aura, soul and your mastery over your own self.

Hail Satan!

Hp also stated that vinasa is a death mantra that is not to be used on oneself. Don't think that is a good idea?
Shadowcat said:
Hp also stated that vinasa is a death mantra that is not to be used on oneself. Don't think that is a good idea?

There is a difference between using it on oneself and on external influence attaching to the self.

What I meant to present was the use of Vinasa to remove this unwanted external influence. You target the influence and vibrate Vinasa into it, banishing this from your being.

Not invocation of the mantra into the aura or your own soul, but evocation to banish the external attachment or influence from another person or being.

External influence has a presence to it. One has to target this presence and banish it, this quickly eliminates any vestige of this unwanted influence without doing harm to the self (I have done so before safely with situations similar to what Yagami Light spoke about).

Though besides that, I didn't realize it earlier, but Fuchs was right in pointing out I forgot to add "In a positive and Beneficial way" to the example affirmation.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
Shadowcat said:
Hp also stated that vinasa is a death mantra that is not to be used on oneself. Don't think that is a good idea?

There is a difference between using it on oneself and on external influence attaching to the self.

What I meant to present was the use of Vinasa to remove this unwanted external influence. You target the influence and vibrate Vinasa into it, banishing this from your being.

Not invocation of the mantra into the aura or your own soul, but evocation to banish the external attachment or influence from another person or being.

External influence has a presence to it. One has to target this presence and banish it, this quickly eliminates any vestige of this unwanted influence without doing harm to the self (I have done so before safely with situations similar to what Yagami Light spoke about).

Though besides that, I didn't realize it earlier, but Fuchs was right in pointing out I forgot to add "In a positive and Beneficial way" to the example affirmation.

Hail Satan!

I suppose it takes very extreme care then to do this, as i thought actually that some would vibrate it into themselves to "clean". Duly noted o_O.
Shadowcat said:
I suppose it takes very extreme care then to do this, as i thought actually that some would vibrate it into themselves to "clean". Duly noted o_O.

I should have explained better with more care.

Due to having written about Vinasa a bit in the past, and it having been explained by the HP's, I wrote that with the assumption that everyone reading would understand it wasn't meant to be used directly on the aura as a "cleaning" mantra (that is deadly).

As such it was written too hastily and unclear, hopefully with the additional clarification here any confusion is cleared up.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
Shadowcat said:
I suppose it takes very extreme care then to do this, as i thought actually that some would vibrate it into themselves to "clean". Duly noted o_O.

I should have explained better with more care.

Due to having written about Vinasa a bit in the past, and it having been explained by the HP's, I wrote that with the assumption that everyone reading would understand it wasn't meant to be used directly on the aura as a "cleaning" mantra (that is deadly).

As such it was written too hastily and unclear, hopefully with the additional clarification here any confusion is cleared up.

Hail Satan!

It takes reading between the lines, but you did write it correctly in first go.

VoiceofEnki said:
Visualize the energy of Vinasa cleaning all of this off of you (not in direct contact with your soul and aura, but like a detergent cleaning it away permanently).

Vinasa is a literal spiritual pesticide, even if this woman is many times more powerful than you, Vinasa can easily and effortlessly clean this and banish this from you.

Not in direct contact with your soul automatically means evoking the energy.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
