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Feeling unproductive. Feeling like a loser.


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2019
Hey brothers and sisters of Satan.

So ever since I started college I've been feeling extremely unproductive. I also have difficulty being productive because of college which feels and takes the time of a full-time job.

During the vacation before college started I was intensely productive and proactive. I worked out three times a week, went swimming another 3 days, I was advancing a bunch and had my kundalini activated then, I was reading and listening to audiobooks, I was making a bunch of money and getting satisfied clients. I didn't watch much porn. I was happy...

Now ever since I started my college which legitmitaly takes all of my day and makes me more exhausted than an intense gym weight lifting session because of having to commute for 2 hours.

Currently, I am addicted to the shittiest and unsatisfying porn (my biggest problem), I have no energy, I eat the most unhealthy food, I am gaining weight fast, I feel sluggish, I don't get any work done, I want to workout but I don't. I tried to start during college but I eventually got incosistent and failed, my aura and chakras are extremely filthy and I feel dirty, I feel in such a low mental and emotional state.

I still do my meditations and spiritual essentials but other than my daily meditations I am not being consistent with anything else.

Now since I am a guy that ties his happiness with his productivity.. I feel largely unhappy and unsatisfied. I feel low and I am starting to hate myself.

On the other side I did get good grades at college which I am happy with. I want to do even better. But I want to be productive in life as a whole in all my passions. Not only college..

Now I am sure these are my problems and for now I am just venting. Because some people will give me advice to do workings.. Believe me I tried doing some workings but only failed to be consistent and didn't get anywhere. So, I can't do workings. I tried even to do a 10-minute working but also failed..

I feel so bad and awful. I really hate this solar return year of mine. Ever since my birthday came and I had nothing but shit.

Hail Satan..
mercury_wisdom said:
Hey brothers and sisters of Satan.

So ever since I started college I've been feeling extremely unproductive. I also have difficulty being productive because of college which feels and takes the time of a full-time job.

During the vacation before college started I was intensely productive and proactive. I worked out three times a week, went swimming another 3 days, I was advancing a bunch and had my kundalini activated then, I was reading and listening to audiobooks, I was making a bunch of money and getting satisfied clients. I didn't watch much porn. I was happy...

Now ever since I started my college which legitmitaly takes all of my day and makes me more exhausted than an intense gym weight lifting session because of having to commute for 2 hours.

Currently, I am addicted to the shittiest and unsatisfying porn (my biggest problem), I have no energy, I eat the most unhealthy food, I am gaining weight fast, I feel sluggish, I don't get any work done, I want to workout but I don't. I tried to start during college but I eventually got incosistent and failed, my aura and chakras are extremely filthy and I feel dirty, I feel in such a low mental and emotional state.

I still do my meditations and spiritual essentials but other than my daily meditations I am not being consistent with anything else.

Now since I am a guy that ties his happiness with his productivity.. I feel largely unhappy and unsatisfied. I feel low and I am starting to hate myself.

On the other side I did get good grades at college which I am happy with. I want to do even better. But I want to be productive in life as a whole in all my passions. Not only college..

Now I am sure these are my problems and for now I am just venting. Because some people will give me advice to do workings.. Believe me I tried doing some workings but only failed to be consistent and didn't get anywhere. So, I can't do workings. I tried even to do a 10-minute working but also failed..

I feel so bad and awful. I really hate this solar return year of mine. Ever since my birthday came and I had nothing but shit.

Hail Satan..

Have you looked into hypnosis? It sounds like you're mentally exhausted, it could be from college or even perhaps emotionally. Allow yourself to release the stress, you won't be able to do much if you can't clear your mind. I'd recommend Fiona Clearwater on youtube. If you're a woman or gay, you might also want to try Ultra Hypnosis. We have a natural weakness to people we find attractive, and reverse to people we don't.
For most of this the only advice I can give really is to start small so you don't overwhelm yourself, as you are doing more tasks than usual. If you have friends or family you can vent to, please do. I know what it is like to be drained by everything that is not physical (people, studies, responsibilities) and please know you are not the only one.

Excercise - do a short walk, yoga, or a small/light fitness set. Try to see it as a nice relaxing leisurely thing rather than a "work out". Once you get going you might find it easier. Maybe go somewhere you have not been for a sense of adventure.

I am not sure of your situation but there is usually a reason behind porn addiction. You need to figure that out. For me, it has been largely a feeling of wanting control of an environment (bad past experiences), feeling unsatisfied (not getting/asking what I want), low self esteem, and it was usually because I was imaginatively lazy. You have to understand (you might already) these people doing the porn give a fuck about nothing but themselves and money and (in my opinion) it is no good for you.

This is not any meditation approved or anything, I don't know if it will help; this is just what I do currently.
I have been using Kenaz to correct issues of my own (though almost the opposite kind, but the purpose and focus here is control over your own body). It is like a bucket to hold sexual energy.
Try to masturbate and think about the ideal partner you'd like. You can think about fictional characters if you want. Things you'd like to try. Personality traits that are rare. Something someone said to you. Whatever does the job. Anything but porn. If parts of porn come into your mind it's okay, just do not allow yourself watch it. Fill Kenaz with your sexual energy at the point of orgasm if possible. If you can't straight away again it's okay, please be easy on yourself and try again later. The key is to keep trying.

I also circle orgasm/afterglow energy from my sacral chakra to my second.

Some yoga exercises (some yes, some not necissarily hatha, do not throw information/excercises away just because it is hatha, I just do it for strength/flexibility etc. I am still a beginner) I've found useful that are not too hard to do:
Bridge pose (https://www.yogajournal.com/poses/bridge-pose/) - this is done foundationally for plough pose (https://www.yogajournal.com/poses/plow-pose/)
Cobra pose: https://www.yogajournal.com/poses/cobra-pose-2/
Fish pose: https://www.yogajournal.com/poses/fish-pose/

Anyway I hope I helped a little bit and I hope you feel better soon.
You don't need workings, you need to apply your willpower, you need to know deeply inside youself that you're gonna do what needs to be done and that everything else is not important or needed.

This requires you to actually *know* that you are always gonna be consistent and that whatever obstacles are there to block you, you're gonna destroy them or just dodge them.

Everything starts from your head, and believe me, readying your mind for relentless willpower for the decades to come is really something that your mind is gonna oppose at first, but you really need to get in this mindset if you expect to go far.

Also, stop using your phone so much, you don't need constant mind stimulation, and when you have stuff to do get in the optic of not even looking at your phone if not for the time.

As for porn, you need to deprogram yourself from it, porn programs your brain to like certain things, it sexualises simply nudity and creates weird artificial attractions, you need to start seeing nudity as a completely normal thing, you grew up in a muslim country so you are probably ashamed of it, but you need to normalize naked people in your mind.

Also, have you noticed you get in a certain "passive" state of mind when you watch porn and procastinate? You must never let your mind get in such a state, you always need to keep your mind in a state in which it can take rational and good decisions.

All in all, what you need to use is willpower, you have it, you just don't use it, you do not have to go to extreme lengths, but neither slouch your mind.
This solar revolution isn't bad, it's a blessing in disguise, because if you apply your will you're gonna come out of it stronger than ever.
mercury_wisdom said:
Hey brothers and sisters of Satan.

So ever since I started college I've been feeling extremely unproductive. I also have difficulty being productive because of college which feels and takes the time of a full-time job.

During the vacation before college started I was intensely productive and proactive. I worked out three times a week, went swimming another 3 days, I was advancing a bunch and had my kundalini activated then, I was reading and listening to audiobooks, I was making a bunch of money and getting satisfied clients. I didn't watch much porn. I was happy...

Now ever since I started my college which legitmitaly takes all of my day and makes me more exhausted than an intense gym weight lifting session because of having to commute for 2 hours.

Currently, I am addicted to the shittiest and unsatisfying porn (my biggest problem), I have no energy, I eat the most unhealthy food, I am gaining weight fast, I feel sluggish, I don't get any work done, I want to workout but I don't. I tried to start during college but I eventually got incosistent and failed, my aura and chakras are extremely filthy and I feel dirty, I feel in such a low mental and emotional state.

I still do my meditations and spiritual essentials but other than my daily meditations I am not being consistent with anything else.

Now since I am a guy that ties his happiness with his productivity.. I feel largely unhappy and unsatisfied. I feel low and I am starting to hate myself.

On the other side I did get good grades at college which I am happy with. I want to do even better. But I want to be productive in life as a whole in all my passions. Not only college..

Now I am sure these are my problems and for now I am just venting. Because some people will give me advice to do workings.. Believe me I tried doing some workings but only failed to be consistent and didn't get anywhere. So, I can't do workings. I tried even to do a 10-minute working but also failed..

I feel so bad and awful. I really hate this solar return year of mine. Ever since my birthday came and I had nothing but shit.

Hail Satan..
Get your priorities straight, start meditating and learn to be constant.

You can do weight loss work by visualising the light-blue aura and affirming that you lose excess fat in a healthy and positive way (at school you can do this in two minutes at the toilet).

You'll have to do liberation work as porn drains and soils you and connects you to the jews, I don't think you want to remain a slave to "goym sexuality".

After liberation do soul cleansing.

Going into trance and doing self hypnosis will help you both lose weight and free yourself from jewish porn.

I don't remember, did you have a Demon lover?
If yes, stay close to her and love her, for me she is a great motivation to move forward, you can also ask your Demon guardian or Satan for support, but you will still have to roll up your sleeves and work at it.
As for the Demon lover, the love of a Demon/Demoness is the most beautiful thing in the world and can be psychologically liberating, you can cuddle her and talk to her about the situation or do as you see fit.

Yoga will also help you in many ways

It is not clear to me whether Mars square can reduce the need for sleep, but you can think about that later.

Good luck and find yourself!
Hail Satan!
mercury_wisdom said:
Hail Satan..

I have 1 question for you, do you actually do something with the help you get from here?

For some time now you have been making post after post, in all those posts there were SS trying to help you, but the problems you are facing stay. So how can it be that after all the help from everyone you are still in the same hole?

Instead of constantly wanting ''help'' from here, try to actually act on the tips you get. This may sound hard, but no one here can change your life, you have to do this yourself.
Hey, everyone. Thank you for your replies. I was on a trip with friends so wasn't able to open forums.

I am thankful for your advice and I am feeling better now.
SSinHeartandSoul said:
mercury_wisdom said:
Hail Satan..

I have 1 question for you, do you actually do something with the help you get from here?

For some time now you have been making post after post, in all those posts there were SS trying to help you, but the problems you are facing stay. So how can it be that after all the help from everyone you are still in the same hole?

Instead of constantly wanting ''help'' from here, try to actually act on the tips you get. This may sound hard, but no one here can change your life, you have to do this yourself.
Look. You don't know anything about me. You don't know if my life improves by listening to other SS advice.

I shouldn't have to tell you this as it is my business and I have every right to vent and share my problems and ask for advice. But I have improved a ton you literally know nothing about me and you don't know my life. Last year on Jan 2021 I made a long vent about not being able to be consistent with meditations. I made the choice to be consistent and I listened to ss brothers and sisters support and I am now have been staying consistent ever since.

I asked for advice with a fight with mom and I felt my ss family's support and did what VoE advised and made up with my mom and our relationship is stronger than ever.

I shouldn't be explaining this as sharing and venting is my absolute right as a member of the forums and an SS.

So let me tell you what I think about your comment. First of all I believe you have no right absolutely no right to discourage me from venting, sharing, asking for support and asking for advice.

What else I think about you? I see this not as advice but as a rude comment from a rude person (You've been rude to me in other threads before and I think your behaviour then was immature and repelling) who is indirectly discouraging me from ever making threads again even if they actually help me.

Additionally, I find behaviour like this not specifically what you did right now but other actions like this is toxic and unacceptable because people like you discourage other SS family from sharing and venting. I had an SS friend before tell me they were afraid of sharing something that might actually help people because they were afraid of criticism and negativity. This is TOXIC!

Just because I made a thread sometime ago about problems and didn't say I overcame it then some time after made a thread about personal problems doesn't mean I ignored and wasted my valuable SS family's time. This thinking is idiotic and you have no right to judge me. You don't know me, you don't know my life and you don't know what I go through. If you retardedly believe that I don't listen to my ss family's advice then you can shut the fuck up and don't advise me. Simple as that. I won't tolerate unfair judgement, negativity and toxicity in the disguise that your advising me. Advice doesn't have to be rude. It doesn't make it any better.

But actually, well fucking done. You just made me unconciously not want to share anything I go through on forums because of just this stupid reply. Imagine what other memebers go through.
mercury_wisdom said:
SSinHeartandSoul said:
mercury_wisdom said:
Hail Satan..

I have 1 question for you, do you actually do something with the help you get from here?

For some time now you have been making post after post, in all those posts there were SS trying to help you, but the problems you are facing stay. So how can it be that after all the help from everyone you are still in the same hole?

Instead of constantly wanting ''help'' from here, try to actually act on the tips you get. This may sound hard, but no one here can change your life, you have to do this yourself.
Look. You don't know anything about me. You don't know if my life improves by listening to other SS advice.

I shouldn't have to tell you this as it is my business and I have every right to vent and share my problems and ask for advice. But I have improved a ton you literally know nothing about me and you don't know my life. Last year on Jan 2021 I made a long vent about not being able to be consistent with meditations. I made the choice to be consistent and I listened to ss brothers and sisters support and I am now have been staying consistent ever since.

I asked for advice with a fight with mom and I felt my ss family's support and did what VoE advised and made up with my mom and our relationship is stronger than ever.

I shouldn't be explaining this as sharing and venting is my absolute right as a member of the forums and an SS.

So let me tell you what I think about your comment. First of all I believe you have no right absolutely no right to discourage me from venting, sharing, asking for support and asking for advice.

What else I think about you? I see this not as advice but as a rude comment from a rude person (You've been rude to me in other threads before and I think your behaviour then was immature and repelling) who is indirectly discouraging me from ever making threads again even if they actually help me.

Additionally, I find behaviour like this not specifically what you did right now but other actions like this is toxic and unacceptable because people like you discourage other SS family from sharing and venting. I had an SS friend before tell me they were afraid of sharing something that might actually help people because they were afraid of criticism and negativity. This is TOXIC!

Just because I made a thread sometime ago about problems and didn't say I overcame it then some time after made a thread about personal problems doesn't mean I ignored and wasted my valuable SS family's time. This thinking is idiotic and you have no right to judge me. You don't know me, you don't know my life and you don't know what I go through. If you retardedly believe that I don't listen to my ss family's advice then you can shut the fuck up and don't advise me. Simple as that. I won't tolerate unfair judgement, negativity and toxicity in the disguise that your advising me. Advice doesn't have to be rude. It doesn't make it any better.

But actually, well fucking done. You just made me unconciously not want to share anything I go through on forums because of just this stupid reply. Imagine what other memebers go through.

Hey, don't feel discouraged. You have to be able to realize you're still growing and developing. And as far as issues go, i actually have similar issues with my mom myself. We barely talk and mainly because she doesn't want any advice and isn't interested in what I have to say, whether it be about knowledge I learned or what's going on with me. Not to mention she has been under very abusive relationships with men who treat her like garbage and everybody including me tells her to let him go but she never wants to listen, but expects me to act like 15+ years of traumatizing events of my life that didn't have to happen because she is an enabler, never happened. Then again, I have a detriment Moon in my birth chart, so it makes sense why my relationship with my mom is horrible and why my mom's life has been miserable being in toxic, abusive cycles. Don't feel like this place isn't the place to vent because you can find help here and ways to be able to solve life problems. It's not an overnight thing, but it can be done.
Kavya Shukra said:
mercury_wisdom said:
SSinHeartandSoul said:
I have 1 question for you, do you actually do something with the help you get from here?

For some time now you have been making post after post, in all those posts there were SS trying to help you, but the problems you are facing stay. So how can it be that after all the help from everyone you are still in the same hole?

Instead of constantly wanting ''help'' from here, try to actually act on the tips you get. This may sound hard, but no one here can change your life, you have to do this yourself.
Look. You don't know anything about me. You don't know if my life improves by listening to other SS advice.

I shouldn't have to tell you this as it is my business and I have every right to vent and share my problems and ask for advice. But I have improved a ton you literally know nothing about me and you don't know my life. Last year on Jan 2021 I made a long vent about not being able to be consistent with meditations. I made the choice to be consistent and I listened to ss brothers and sisters support and I am now have been staying consistent ever since.

I asked for advice with a fight with mom and I felt my ss family's support and did what VoE advised and made up with my mom and our relationship is stronger than ever.

I shouldn't be explaining this as sharing and venting is my absolute right as a member of the forums and an SS.

So let me tell you what I think about your comment. First of all I believe you have no right absolutely no right to discourage me from venting, sharing, asking for support and asking for advice.

What else I think about you? I see this not as advice but as a rude comment from a rude person (You've been rude to me in other threads before and I think your behaviour then was immature and repelling) who is indirectly discouraging me from ever making threads again even if they actually help me.

Additionally, I find behaviour like this not specifically what you did right now but other actions like this is toxic and unacceptable because people like you discourage other SS family from sharing and venting. I had an SS friend before tell me they were afraid of sharing something that might actually help people because they were afraid of criticism and negativity. This is TOXIC!

Just because I made a thread sometime ago about problems and didn't say I overcame it then some time after made a thread about personal problems doesn't mean I ignored and wasted my valuable SS family's time. This thinking is idiotic and you have no right to judge me. You don't know me, you don't know my life and you don't know what I go through. If you retardedly believe that I don't listen to my ss family's advice then you can shut the fuck up and don't advise me. Simple as that. I won't tolerate unfair judgement, negativity and toxicity in the disguise that your advising me. Advice doesn't have to be rude. It doesn't make it any better.

But actually, well fucking done. You just made me unconciously not want to share anything I go through on forums because of just this stupid reply. Imagine what other memebers go through.

Hey, don't feel discouraged. You have to be able to realize you're still growing and developing. And as far as issues go, i actually have similar issues with my mom myself. We barely talk and mainly because she doesn't want any advice and isn't interested in what I have to say, whether it be about knowledge I learned or what's going on with me. Not to mention she has been under very abusive relationships with men who treat her like garbage and everybody including me tells her to let him go but she never wants to listen, but expects me to act like 15+ years of traumatizing events of my life that didn't have to happen because she is an enabler, never happened. Then again, I have a detriment Moon in my birth chart, so it makes sense why my relationship with my mom is horrible and why my mom's life has been miserable being in toxic, abusive cycles. Don't feel like this place isn't the place to vent because you can find help here and ways to be able to solve life problems. It's not an overnight thing, but it can be done.
Thank you. Hopefully you will be able to overcome situation with your mom and use it as drive to grow as a better person and SS.

Hail Satan!
mercury_wisdom said:
I shouldn't have to tell you this as it is my business and I have every right to vent and share my problems and ask for advice. But I have improved a ton you literally know nothing about me and you don't know my life. Last year on Jan 2021 I made a long vent about not being able to be consistent with meditations. I made the choice to be consistent and I listened to ss brothers and sisters support and I am now have been staying consistent ever since.

Well there's no need to get so defensive over this, The way i say things can be easily misunderstood, and believe me, i in no way intend to discourage anyone over here. This is just how you perceive my words. If i ask you, if you actually do something with the information you get, its not out of discouragement or anything of the sort.

I have stated before that the way i say things can be harsh, and as you know, as a family you don't always get extremely loving brothers and sisters. Sometimes you get brothers and sisters that give you tough love instead. If you don't like the way i comment on posts, you can simply ignore me if you wish, just know that those comments are not out to negatively impact anyone.

You are however right that i cannot see what growth you are going trough, this is exactly the point. Does a comment like the mine not make you reflect on your progress? Its not that i need to know what happens in your life, but i do think it is important for one to keep fighting no matter what is going on.


If you want to know about me, about why i react the way i do. Its just the phase i am going trough at the moment i write those comments, if you would read my comments from the account i made previously, you would see that i was very sympathetic and loving, im just not like that anymore.

I am also very aware that my communication skills are on a somewhat lower level, i am currently working on this.
mercury_wisdom said:
Hey brothers and sisters of Satan.

So ever since I started college I've been feeling extremely unproductive. I also have difficulty being productive because of college which feels and takes the time of a full-time job.

During the vacation before college started I was intensely productive and proactive. I worked out three times a week, went swimming another 3 days, I was advancing a bunch and had my kundalini activated then, I was reading and listening to audiobooks, I was making a bunch of money and getting satisfied clients. I didn't watch much porn. I was happy...

Now ever since I started my college which legitmitaly takes all of my day and makes me more exhausted than an intense gym weight lifting session because of having to commute for 2 hours.

Currently, I am addicted to the shittiest and unsatisfying porn (my biggest problem), I have no energy, I eat the most unhealthy food, I am gaining weight fast, I feel sluggish, I don't get any work done, I want to workout but I don't. I tried to start during college but I eventually got incosistent and failed, my aura and chakras are extremely filthy and I feel dirty, I feel in such a low mental and emotional state.

I still do my meditations and spiritual essentials but other than my daily meditations I am not being consistent with anything else.

Now since I am a guy that ties his happiness with his productivity.. I feel largely unhappy and unsatisfied. I feel low and I am starting to hate myself.

On the other side I did get good grades at college which I am happy with. I want to do even better. But I want to be productive in life as a whole in all my passions. Not only college..

Now I am sure these are my problems and for now I am just venting. Because some people will give me advice to do workings.. Believe me I tried doing some workings but only failed to be consistent and didn't get anywhere. So, I can't do workings. I tried even to do a 10-minute working but also failed..

I feel so bad and awful. I really hate this solar return year of mine. Ever since my birthday came and I had nothing but shit.

Hail Satan..

To start, I recommend Chakra meditation, starting with the Root Chakra. Chaotic energy flow can lead to this, and the Root Chakra has a huge role to play in energy flow, so with the right vibration and amplification you can start to remedy the problem.

The strength of the Root Chakra has a lot to do with how Spiritually evolved you are. This is one of the most important Chakras, the base, which stores a huge amount of energy, and if this energy gets out of hand, hopelessness and depression ensue. Initially you can work with the Root chakra.

But depression can also be a sign of the Crown Chakra working in a strange way. You can work with these Chakras and do yoga alongside them. Live a healthy life, exercise and get fit, think positive. Put things in a different light, don't worry too much about something, it will only slow you down.
If you can't get through yoga or a working to assist you then the only advice I can give is to buck up. Sometimes there is no need to over complexify something when the solution remains simple.

The issue from my point of you is that you don't consider yourself to be of enough value to invest in yourself.
SSinHeartandSoul said:
mercury_wisdom said:
I shouldn't have to tell you this as it is my business and I have every right to vent and share my problems and ask for advice. But I have improved a ton you literally know nothing about me and you don't know my life. Last year on Jan 2021 I made a long vent about not being able to be consistent with meditations. I made the choice to be consistent and I listened to ss brothers and sisters support and I am now have been staying consistent ever since.

Well there's no need to get so defensive over this, The way i say things can be easily misunderstood, and believe me, i in no way intend to discourage anyone over here. This is just how you perceive my words. If i ask you, if you actually do something with the information you get, its not out of discouragement or anything of the sort.

I have stated before that the way i say things can be harsh, and as you know, as a family you don't always get extremely loving brothers and sisters. Sometimes you get brothers and sisters that give you tough love instead. If you don't like the way i comment on posts, you can simply ignore me if you wish, just know that those comments are not out to negatively impact anyone.

You are however right that i cannot see what growth you are going trough, this is exactly the point. Does a comment like the mine not make you reflect on your progress? Its not that i need to know what happens in your life, but i do think it is important for one to keep fighting no matter what is going on.


If you want to know about me, about why i react the way i do. Its just the phase i am going trough at the moment i write those comments, if you would read my comments from the account i made previously, you would see that i was very sympathetic and loving, im just not like that anymore.

I am also very aware that my communication skills are on a somewhat lower level, i am currently working on this.
Alright. It's okay.
mercury_wisdom said:
During the vacation before college started I was intensely productive and proactive. I worked out three times a week, went swimming another 3 days, I was advancing a bunch and had my kundalini activated then, I was reading and listening to audiobooks, I was making a bunch of money and getting satisfied clients. I didn't watch much porn. I was happy...

Now ever since I started my college which legitmitaly takes all of my day and makes me more exhausted than an intense gym weight lifting session because of having to commute for 2 hours.

I should've replied sooner, but I forget. However, the above statements stuck out to me.

If you already have a successful business, stable advancement, and so on, what did you expect to gain out of college? There seems to be almost no good reason, besides a credential or something.

If I was you, I would have dropped out or never had gone. That is not to say you don't improve yourself by studying, but when you undertake a "burden" of studying such as what you describe, it defeats the purpose of improvement. This advice goes for even normal people with already established businesses, let alone an SS with infinite potential.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=370860 time=1656638063 user_id=21286]
mercury_wisdom said:
During the vacation before college started I was intensely productive and proactive. I worked out three times a week, went swimming another 3 days, I was advancing a bunch and had my kundalini activated then, I was reading and listening to audiobooks, I was making a bunch of money and getting satisfied clients. I didn't watch much porn. I was happy...

Now ever since I started my college which legitmitaly takes all of my day and makes me more exhausted than an intense gym weight lifting session because of having to commute for 2 hours.

I should've replied sooner, but I forget. However, the above statements stuck out to me.

If you already have a successful business, stable advancement, and so on, what did you expect to gain out of college? There seems to be almost no good reason, besides a credential or something.

If I was you, I would have dropped out or never had gone. That is not to say you don't improve yourself by studying, but when you undertake a "burden" of studying such as what you describe, it defeats the purpose of improvement. This advice goes for even normal people with already established businesses, let alone an SS with infinite potential.
An education is essential in my country. We are not the US where people drop out on a whim. Someone who doesn't have a college education is not seen as a decent human being no matter what he does or achieves. He will always be seen as an uneducated pig who just has a lot of money. I won't also be able to marry very easily.

Besides I love my college 😁 I have worked and studied so hard to achieve and enter the college and university of my dreams and I was able to achieve my dream. Thanks to Satan's support. ♥️

Hoenstly, no matter what you think. A university education is so amazing and life-changing. It is a phase that everyone ambitious should go through.

It also teaches alot. I have just finished my first year in business admin. I can easily say my business knowledge has ten-folded.

As long you are entering the field you love and want and it's not super expensive where you have to go into debt for (Student debt is a disaster! We don't have to deal with thankfully.)

You get to know so many people and get new friends and connections. This is priceless. I have made so many supportive and absolutely positive friends that make me happy through University.

It's okay to work hard. As long as it's for a worthy cause. Also, in this message I wrote I was tired and making excuses. I should practice my time management skills instead of dropping out!

Hail Satan!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
