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RE-Read-It WEEKLIES: Looking back at Important Material [Week 32]


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2019

Article 1

Damaging The Enemy with Truth
Jul 05, 2017
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

Many people are wondering when it comes to some things and how they did happen. If you pay close attention in history, you will see the momentary victories of the jews didn't happen by their own power by any means, but by the power of their retarded opponents.

This is because the jew is powerful in these matters, but through magick, lying and subversion (by the art of deception thou shall wage war) they have brought their enemies to destroy themselves.

One typical example is how they used the Christian retards to kill their own Pagan blood people, or how they used particular tribes in Africa, turning half of them Christian and half of them Muslim, and putting them to kill one another mercilessly. No jews died in any of these wars.

As with anything else, the jews hate their own methods being practiced on them, which is the worst.

The jews now are in power, and they heavier stakes for them are for their own weight to fall upon themselves, not for the 'goyim' to jump on top of their head. You can see this in how they collapsed their own media (we helped them didn't we...) or how they revealed election frauds, how jews opened their mouth and spoke openly about their agenda and so forth.

Given the jewish nature, as we enter a climax, this will only continue. If they had kept this all secret, they would have won, but what they have accomplished now is turn all the world against them, and at best they can only hope to keep on the same route.

The enemy is only surviving because they keep Spiritual Satanists on the side, and away from any influential positions or any influential work. This is because we know the full Truth and facts, as handed down by the only real enemies that pissrayel does have. This is the worst and the most toxic thing.

Any time wasted to push the message, raise websites, archive in jewtube, or spread PDF's, is not wasted time, you are changing lives of people even if just 20 people see the videos. One thing leads to another, the key is for you to open up a hole in the enemy ship, and then it starts to sink.

There are intelligent people out there, but the enemy controlling all communication, doesn't let clever people assosciate. This is helping the enemy and their agenda. Check one example for instance about this seemingly small YT channel I made. As a result I don't have 'fun time' no more, but rather spend any time I have made a space for helping in internet warfare. It actually educated a few hundred people over the reality of Satanism and that we are not some monsters like the enemy claims. This continues so long there is backup and so long we do this, nobody can really stop us.

Our Truth is undeniable and based on facts, and therefore unbeatable. They can only hide this and this can only go that far. I wasn't that good at making videos, I sat down and learned, and this material has to move and circulate on it's own with our help. It may look little today but we have no idea to whose computer it will end, and how they will take the matter.

The jews are hanging from a thread. One thread is christianity, which is their savior through weakening their enemies (spiritual power). The other thread is the invasions and the bad life conditions of goyim which do not allow them to have power over them (this is the material reality, finances etc).

Communication and politics is the last frontier, in which they have failed extremely miserably as they are not having any leadership talents or any real care to lead anyway. They are collapsing in all areas.

The war of information really does win all of the above. With 15 minutes a day, you can reek them damage that they tried to save themselves from in tens of centuries. In other words, you have power over the enemy given the massive leverage of their crimes and so forth. USE IT.

Everyone has 10 minutes a day and you can effectively use them to spam and do even the smallest deed to harm the enemy in some way. Little by little, their ship will sink. The minds of people after all the crimes of the enemy are VERY fertile to the Truth at this point, and thanks to the RTR's this is so.

Also, a big thank you to all the people down in the frontiers. We will be victorious in the end.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Article 2

So Are You A "God"?
Jul 04, 2017
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

Now when people find out they have spiritual powers early on, or start to dabble with the occult, many times they found out it works kind of, which leads many people to just immidiately assume that they are "Gods". This is normal, as at this level people compare to other random people to whom it doesn't take much to be made a "God" towards, especially if you have basic occult knowledge for example.

As always a reason some particular people hate me is because I have high standards for members and instead of focusing everyone on bullshit, I rather bring some realism, which is so much needed, up for inspection.

Over the years, and in tens of thousands upon books written about the occult, you will find totally an endless amount of information. Some good, some bad, most not even worth reading and reversed Talmudic Judaism or Christianity parading as something else. In other sorts, if one escapes the realm of useless fantasy and the hoax that one is a 'learned man' just by reading or studying, one will find themselves thoroughly naked.

The least thing you will find is actually claims that are proven in some way (not in the scientific sense but by deeds). In other words all people know theory, but only the 0.1% of occultists do know facts. Most others are hovering in the realm of theory and minor application. This is where Theory actually divides and becomes real knowledge, that is dependable and real.

How I see the people of the JoS, even if people are transforming to that state, is the Spiritual Elite of the Future. A spiritual elite CANNOT put their hopes in lies, and cannot by all means be tormented with severe delusional paranoia. The Spiritual Elite of the future cannot be deceived, but if needed it can deceive. Let me show an example.

One person is ill. They need to heal themselves. Some retarded person who is a new ager tells them that because they have the power of God in them, if they say it only "once" that they are healed, they will be healed of severe illness. No need for doctors, no need for actual and deep healing workings that apply any light, no need for vibration, no need for lifestyle changes, whatever.

So the person does this "god affirmation" thing and they feel this retarded sense of fake euphoria that comes for a minute after they have said a lie to themselves, later only to disappear, so then they worsen and worsen, keep following this kosher advice, then they deteriorate, and die.

Maybe new agers can go down the drain like this, but cursed be those who can save Satan's children from this rut and don't do it, and even more cursed the retarded and those who do the enemy's work and actually PROMOTE such stupidity...

Over the years I have chased away many people who claimed they were "Gods" and other infantile idiots who do nothing. Being "Gods" as they are, we are all 'unworthy' of their massive wisdom, and attention. We have to beg and become their little whores, and if so we will become, they will tell us some unreasonable bullshit that leads absolutely nowhere.

Because what is their godlike power again, none, just bullshitting people and have a bad habit of talking really big, but never, ever following through. This is a disaster. Satan frowns upon these idiots, and this is why Satan decided to restore the "Brotherhood of the Serpent" around this block, which should resemble the Ancient Egyptian one. In other words, it must be based on realism.

Most of these infantile brains, instead of spending their time actually trying to achieve results and get in touch with Satya, which is the source of all power and Truth, rather use their little brain power to self-induce a reality of their own lies instead. This weakens them massively, and of course this comes with the risk of sucking other such people in their rift of bullshit, because guess what, they are vain and they need a following to re-affirm their bullshit (ie, raise energies).

In other words they are weak and they cannot acheive their acclaimed 'god status' by themselves, but rather depend on external faith of individuals. This attitude is forbidden in Spiritual Satanism, plain and simple, as Spiritual Satanists who take this seriously are important and we have better things to do.

One needs to stop feeling guilt that is created by having unrealistic expectations for one's self. One example is how people just thought that some person gave them a stone and that voila, you will become Immortal. This is massive deception so to say. Of course many people will grow childishly furious now at me, because they like to think they finished the Magnum Opus and they will never age again. Until they are around their 50's or 60's and they need to actually *DO* the Magnum Opus.

So I'd rather have people shout at me over this, than guide or show the light towards bullshit to simply placate weaknesses on people as they THINK they need now.

The reality is you don't need a lot of bullshit in your life. There is an infinite amount of lies and bullshit outside of Satanism if that is so interesting for you, there is NEVER a shortage of deception and crap. You can always have your fill so to say. It doesn't have to be here though. This places people on serious dangers.

Real power is a power you can depend upon. As you can depend on your legs to run, so you can depend, when you have real power, to always save yourself, manifest your desires, and actually ACHIEVE THINGS. These will also manifest in the material realm and become realities, this is not some vain theory. This is the power of "God".

As for those retarded enough to call themselves "Gods" when they have no telepathy, hardly any intuition, hardly and magickal power to make anything happen by themselves but only try to recruit astral slaves, hardly any knowledge about their future- and let's not even raise the standards higher- these people are simply retarded. They are kidding themselves first and foremost and whom they put in serious danger is firstly themselves. But to also ask for a following of naive SS to put in your back and destroy equally, that's crossing the line.

Again the question here is this: It's good to have a positive outlook. By all means, believe in yourself fully and completely. It's good to affirm great things to yourself or whatever. But if you do absolutely NOTHING? So you believe you have intuition, but are you working on it, have you mastered it?

Let's set an example of what it means to be a God: Adolf Hitler, one of many examples we can talk about. Adolf Hitler didn't sit on twitter trying to claim he is a God. He was useful and loved by most of us, definitely worthy of respect by all if people don't really feel love. Why? He actually benefited all people and saved Europe from extinction and what he did was undeniable. Now that's an actual influence of a God here, worthy of a pantheon. In other words there is no way a person is advanced and they don't have respect.

Because unlike many self-claimants and other retards, he actually did things for his people, which affected us and the future of our existence. Here you have a God self evidently. He wouldn't call himself one either, because he knew there were beings even higher than this level to which to many it seems like God. His giving of knowledge and ideas was actually really based on strength, fortitude, and what is eternal so to say.

If Hitler was sitting in a hut and just meditating, all of that would be potential, useless.

Potentially, even a cockroach or mice is overlord of the universe. In actuality, it's just a cockroach though. The self proclaimed quitters, retards and Gods such as those who have passed from this group and abandoned it while making claims, don't deserve any attention as they are deserters and worse. Not only this but many tried to generate a false idea over their weakness and quitting on the groups. I'll tell you a fact, none of them are in the Himalayas meditating, sorry for again shattering another myth. But we need real myths to move forward.

It doesn't take any power or fortitude of personality to get to the mountains and meditate. It takes perseverance and power, and is a real show of Satanic love and brotherhood to stay here for the future generations of Satanists. To actually sit down and share your experience, answer these billions of questions you have heard a billion times over, as many children of Satan do. This to me is a GODLIKE ability that many do not possess. As for running like a coward and deserting so many others who would need your knowledge and help, this is most ungodly behavior.

Imagine if Satan and the Gods gave us up and didn't help us advance, we would all be in the middle ages eating grass by now. This is why Satan is above "God". "God" is nothing but a potential energy or force. It's Gods and Masters like Satan that actually make something about it.

As for those retards who go and assimilate into "God", good riddance, we don't need them here anyway if they don't have any intention of manifesting such energy. By all means they must go and assimilate into their hut, straight into the Atman, and return there and stay there forever, and let others to actually advance humanity rather than these beings of vanity.

Any claims, have to be followed through, and those who follow through, need to make no claims. It's self evident.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Article 3

Defamation and Hoaxes, the Jewish Weapons
Jul 01, 2017
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

The jewish weapons since time immemorial, have been defamation and the creations of unsubstantiated hoaxes. They prey these with magick, astral help, and the minds of their half jews and those weak in logic and reasoning, and they push these on the populace, a while after which, these gain a life of their own.

As Hitler stated nobody whom was not mentioned in the Jewish Press and was attacked, was a legitimate National Socialist. The same goes for our beliefs. Most people slander, perpetuate hoaxes, and as you see many jews are frequently going batshit on the JoS for no reason whats-over.

This starts on an astral level. This is the major weapon of jews. Also, the same thing they did to our Gods. They just 'claimed' something. And as we know jewish opinion requires no facts: It's just so because the jew said so. If the jews say so, then this is 'reality'. "Satan" or "Sata" or Satya, Truth, is abolished and to be driven away. It's only the word of the jew that matters.

Of course the above deal is highly astral. Looking at the facts about Hitler, or getting to know Satan for example, banishes such doubts. However the jews put themselves in an authority where they say the 'truth' and the 'facts' as they believe to be fit, and their opinion (And god that represents them) is higher than Sat/Satan/Satya, which is Truth.

Why are people like Hitler where they are, and not where they deserve historically? (((Hoaxes.))) Why are the Pagan Gods attacked and smeared? (((Hoaxes.))) Why people don't even bother advancing? (((Hoaxes.))) Why people are afraid of the spirit world? (((Hoaxes.))) The list goes on.

People worship the jews over Truth. If they were serious about Truth, they'd consider following our path, or at least a similar path that deals with natural understanding. But who cares, right?

In the jewish mind it's a basic thought that (they wish at least) there is no Truth in anything.

Those who move up the pantheon of the Gods will also have the eternal slanderers, the enemy, on their feet attempting to leech. To recognize the jews is to void out their methods.

"Truth shall be the final victor in this struggle. The Truth, however, is with us. " -Adolf Hitler




Article 4

Jun 27, 2017
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

Many people don't really respect their time. This is something, especially teenagers and other younger people need to learn to adhere to.

It's been a few months I wanted to make some updates in Azazel's Marketplace, didn't have the time. Wanted to study about some important things, didn't have the time. It's only when we lack time that we understand it's important, and it's easy to get carried away by life. Modern life is a pure chaos, and the more responsibilities one does have, the less time.

One thing I wanted to state just in case people see my videos and they question themselves if these are work, this is not really work. This is my recreation "personal" time that is going in the videos. In other words I receive sardonic laughter everytime the enemy goes nuts and recreation by doing this. It's enjoyable. Even my recreational time involves doing something at least partly useful. This doesn't involve work, errands, spiritual work, material responsibility, then groups, forums, studying, writing, any other work required of me and so forth.

It never ends, but the key is not seeing where it 'ends' because it doesn't. But get your mind adjusted to the idea of eternal forward going instead. You can't eat only once a month, and having to eat more times is not limited or negative, it's just how it is, for example.

Anyone can do this, that is, to spend their time wisely and in a good way for them. One example is how one may have a job that lasts hours and is menial. It doesn't take much to take an earphone and listen to an audio-book if the job is something menial, for example. Or think to your own mind or even meditate. This is nothing too difficult to do. Of course so long this is allowed and you're able to do this.

Any serious Satanist needs to learn to manage their time, and not waste it on pure drivel that is only meant to dilute your energy with nothing accomplished for yourself, your spirituality or the world. If it doesn't make you grow, it more than likely makes you shrink, or at least doens't grow you. This is how you should judge the good habits from the negative ones.

People who have time and just waste it, neglect it at a later point in their existence, because they could have advanced, they could have studied, or anything else. The only thing that is important is life is time, and we also don't get money directly, we get time. Rotten as this is, this is a reality.

Time invested correctly can give you more time and benefits in the future, and of course, if you are a devoted spiritual Satanist, it can also put you BEYOND time, which is the meaning of the Magnum Opus. This is the defeat of the grim reaper which is known as time, or the wasting principle in nature. It's not really time that is evil, but the negative aspect in creation that severs things as "Time goes".

We are fighting against decay on a very basic level, and this is the teaching of Satan, to overcome it.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Come by and check Azazel's Marketplace!


Article 5

It's Us Against The World
Jun 27, 2017
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

Truly many of us have heard of this quote before, but how many times was it actually real? In our case, it is completely real. It's totally us against the world, and if there ever were any revolutionaries, it wasn't the funded communists, neither the Christians who fight their imaginary 'demons' all the time, for they rule this system as two sides of the same jewish coin.

In other words if someone wants to look for strong ideologies which have survived persecution, one needs to look no further than us. Considering the history of so many others is grossly exaggerated, we can understand their statements are in vain.

Satanism is really the most persecuted and hijacked 'ideology' of them all. It's not even an ideology basically. It's more like the perception of reality that most people have chased out of their life through jewish admission.

Secrecy is important for the Satanist. Muslims would gladly flail and behead us. About jews, there is no question with all the crimes they do. As for Christians, all it would take is an eventual push for them to get possessed as the zombies they are and get overtaken by their 'good faith' and 'good god' and raise a weapon against us to say. Then, as if these fools were not enough, we also have other invisible enemies.

Many people are also under the false impression that there are other sects of "Satanism". Maybe there are. The issue is, they, instead of fighting other enemies such as let's say the Christian church, are wasting their effort in fighting us more than once. This is because the Christian Church is actually a closer ally to them, because they affirm the same anti-christianity that the church needs to be going. And the church needs to exist so that these useless idiots will look as false 'renegades'.

So it's always someone crying so far these people are concerned. Others because we have messed up their jewish empirical atheism, others because they act purely like animals, others due to base emotions like jealousy and the feeling of shrinking. We are the biggest, the most plentiful, and the greatest, and our people are the most devoted in spiritual advancing. They can't say the same.

Indeed also most political ideologies would also love to hang us, too. Let's not being up a conversation about Communists, either. As for friendlier ideologies or beliefs, such as the Pagans, we are basically a very similar if not the same thing but on a higher level. It's just we are initiated and deeper in, they are more on the simpler and tenderer aspects of the whole thing, focusing on the more recent.

Which is good and better than many other categories. Unfortunately, India, a place where the Gods still reign, wasn't free of jewish subjugation and watering down either, to the point many monks over there are working only to dissolve their existence and kill themselves into a void of nothingness. So we kind of disagree here.

The common thing however both the above categories have, is that they don't take an active spiritual stance or fight against anything.

We do.

In other words, we are the SS and many others are mere observers so to say. They just wait or at best create obstacles for people like us.

The more we grow and the more powerful we become, obviously, this attracts all sorts of weaklings, retards, and many others who just seek to suppress our work. Of course nobody is left indifferent, and many people would assume we are fanatics or anything of that nature. Which is true. Our devotion to our beliefs is extremely focused, but that doesn't imply any negative or harmful aspect to ourselves and others. That is granted people raise a fist or something. Then we have to follow up likewise...

While all these people have the system, the established (((order))), the backups from all directions, we have annihilated many of them over the course of time. Annihilation of course here means survival and thriving against impossible odds, because yes, for many of us the odds are completely impossible, and for people like us to exist, this should puzzle (as it does) our enemies. But bear no mistake who upholds us: It is Satan.

Our fanatical devotion to Truth, spiritual understanding, and facing things that most people feel scared to even think about, has attracted equally the boldest allies with us, the Gods.

It's us against the world and we can win this. Just look on how much we have awakened people to problems, and this is only going to escalate. Bit by bit, things will actually change, but first and foremost it's ourselves that must change.

To all of the Satanic Family who fights for advancement and to uplift the world,

Onwards to even more victories!


Article 6

Anti-Worldly Spirituality Debunked.
Jun 25, 2017
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

This must be the most funny trend to ever be created. Only the mind of the jew would comprehend such thing.

This goes like, that the material realm is evil and bad, and that we must steer our attention upwards to the 'heavens'. We also need to die in order to gain eternal life, and other shit like Rabbi Yeshu taught to humanity. Which followed suit by much deception in the East as well, from people who don't put two bricks together to create a civilization, and therefore 'hate their own existence'.

It's interesting to see how all these anti-materialists like the church and the jews, write these theories, while getting their juicy steak, wearing gold diadems and rings, and who knows? Maybe getting some sexual stimulus from some "Woman of the Devil, the temptation which must be avoided, but which we get laid with anyway" at the same time. Then they drink their expensive cognac, take the pen, and proceed in writing bullshit on the Goyim. They write things like, erm, how it's pointless to meditate, exist, or how evil and worthy of punishment is to live a material life.

Then they go to their ATM and happily they look at the rising 'useless numbers that don't define us or who we are', and they buy a quite 'insignificant since life is so temporary' rolls Royce. Then they proceed on having some more sexual stimulus which is 'fleeting happiness' with 'evil prostitutes', and they give some bucks to their hook-nosed illegitimate children, which of course don't believe they were born with any original sin because they belong to the Chosen People.

When their children are to get to have their relationships or marry, they tell them to not dare bastardize their race, because they carry a really material cohen gene you know? Which comes from outer space aliens- you know, the same aliens which we tell the Goyim do not exist? And they can't bastardize it with the silly retarded goyish, which are of another creator all-together, but of course they need to get to nail with everyone other race as some sort of mandatory ritual to exist in the 21st century.

Then they write further on how insignificant it is to race mix, and how the spiritual is the most important thing. Going in an almost ejaculatory phase of spewing shit on the head of the Goyim, they also tell the Goyim to do drugs and other useless things, which will 'advance them spiritually', too. Then they book a five star cruise towards somewhere far away from where they injected all the lovely and definitely not radical muslim immigrants, and as Goyim die with hatchet and brimstone, they tell them to never forget that their race will of course exist in the afterlife.

Got swindle'd, goyim!

I know someone may have found this graphic, but sorry, when it comes to child molesting, pricks who destroy humanity, I have even worse things to say, as I am talking about abominations. I just keep it at a low so that the eyes of some people don't hurt.

The deceived Gentiles who are xians, muslims, or even practice the eastern corrupted jewish crap, they are all told to live in the after. Let your Race die off Goyim, it accounts to nothing, vanity but vanity. Of course, everyone follows the entire reverse. The jews have been working reincarnations upon a time, to get this mighty material realm all under their lovely control. Which is of course the first place all of us have to exist and start to get born from.

It would be so much better if all these 'materialist haters' actually were never born, and remained in the 'eternal womb of the cosmos' and the other crap they believe. Humanity would have been so much better. The standards of living so much higher, and so many more opportunities would be for people to have spiritual aspirations, in a civilization that focused on wealth, material achievement, and upgrading civilization, rather than making a perfect jewish Orwellian nightmare of mixed races until material DNA goes to oblivion and social gloom.

All the wasting of the enemy is based on lifting your sights from the material realm. If you observe the Truth around you, nature and so forth, all the truths like eugenics, treating people and animals good rather than bad, and everything else just dawns to you. It takes a lot of brainwashing to start thinking that we don't actually belong to this earth, or that our material body is meaningless. It makes a good, obedient, fat and sick slave, which is an easy target for control.

Now all the enemy occultists, base their crap in jewish subversion in one way or another. In their book, JHVH curses people to never be immortal and therefore be trapped in the cycle of endless reincarnation. And guess what? You don't become a pony with superpowers when you die. Just a wrinkly and weakened soul that thirsts for life-force, and is demanded to just go reincarnate, sooner or later.

The Ancient Egyptians gave drink and food to the spiritual people who passed away, because they actually absorbed the living force from this food. Jewish translators and unspiritual fools later translated this as stupid superstition and sacrifice. When it was purely a functional thing.

You are who you were, and you need a battery to run, which unfortunately if you didn't meditate you don't have (this is the energy of the chakras) and you need to seek it again by gaining a new physical-level of the soul, or the Egyptian BA. All you learn you forget, and you are blinded and blinded again, working and working overtime to reach a higher level.

What is this higher level? Obviously, IMMORTALITY. Immortality in the spiritual form and in the MATERIAL form. To not have this is the curse of the enemy alien hive and spiritual jewtrix, which has people ageing and dying. Which is the key to eternal ignorance that all Ancient Civilizations tried to save themselves with, and of course succeeded in so doing. This is the Magnum Opus.

Material immortality or the material existence is not an enemy. It is how humanity was designed by Satan and the Gods to be. The first humans, even if they died, probably lived thousands or hundreds of years. The lifespan since then has shrunk and this is due to spiritual degeneration.

Why is this war being fought? For material domination and spiritual domination. We need to conquer both these fields if future generations are to survive, thrive and become spiritual people of a golden age, us included. In other words, that's why the whole game is going on.

Jehovah and the Allah crap, the jewish aliens and filth hidden behind these agendas, these are the beings that kept Gentiles from discovering this art and making themselves immortal. JHVH the piece of shit is scared about Humans becoming Gods, and then becoming immortal. Knowledge and eternal life. Both of these are lost in death. And the Ancients knew this really well.

As HP Don has mentioned in a post about the SATANAMA before, it was scientifically discovered that this Satanic Mantra prolongs ageing and the effects of ageing in the telomeres. In other words, its a key towards this process of immortality.

People in their sixties who have decades of yoga behind them, look like people being 20 years old. A very minor effect is also from athletes, and imagine the athletes only work on the KA level of bioelectricity, that of the material body, which only indirectly helps the higher bodies. Yoga works everything.

It's blatant when you see Yoga teachers looking sometimes 20 or 30 years younger due to this practice. When I am frantic about people meditating and not wasting their time, this is not a coincidence. We need this same as we do need food. If the soul becomes hungry, the clock starts ticking and there is regression so to say.

Thankfully Satan has a part in our Soul which is beyond any and all 'reach' and survives throughout lifetimes, and gets reincarnated. From this part you can also gain your memories and as you advance, like a flower it blooms again in your present day consciousness. This is why every healing and spiritual or mental cure has to happen at the Soul, and only later in the material realm. This is how people really become free.

Let's pay technical attention to the matter. Isn't it better to be born materially prosperous, and have all the time to meditate, rather than suffer, for example? This is a curse right here.

Look at the enemy and how maniacally they go after materialism, and you will see why this happens. Obviously in their case, this is not for spiritual reasons, as they are a piece of crap with feet attached to it, but otherwise, this should show the importance of such thing.

Spiritual Satanism works on two aspects. Spiritual and material perfection. An equal, harmonious balance, that also seeks to advance us further spiritually, which is also materially and in our soul, personality and self. Do not let any part of you stagnate. These go hand in hand, and we walk into Eternity.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Article 7

Enemy Attacks: Discussion
Jun 22, 2017
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

Greetings to all our People and Satanic Comrades.

I wanted to open this discussion to clear some things in regards to enemy attacks and so we can lift darkness over the matter. Knowledge is most of the game when these things go.

A first thing I wanted to mention, is that people who advance and struggle to become better, because there are a lot of entities that do not desire it for numerous reasons, depending on one's skillfullness, character and life, may encounter attacks.

First and foremost, do not dwell on attacks. Do not open yourselves by tuning into them, giving attention gives power. Satan and the Gods protect us and so long you clean, protect and advance yourself, everything will be fine.

Then we have something else. Personal Karma. This can be accidents, misfortunes or issues of all kinds. Many of these come with life, packaged as one, and these can be overcome by new habitualization and consistent meditation.

On this basis the attacks of the enemy become stronger or weaker. A strong mind with good habits cannot be easily breached. One example is a person who always dwells on the negative, instilling terror is very easy. It easier to destroy an avid drug user or criminal, than someone else.

For this reason we tell people to keep weakening and damaging habits on a minimal. They are only useless in your life. Of course transformation does not happen overnight, and most of the game revolves around changing your mind. This can take years, but it WILL happen if you persist. Even if you fail, do not give up.

Another thing that nullifies attacks is to minimize one's own mental clutter and lack of self awareness or attentiveness. Simply put, if you do not have self knowledge, start taking care of your thoughts, attention on yourself, and learn to control impulse. Many people are driven by extreme impulse, others have zero impulse. This needs a balance towards progression.

The enemy can easily flip over people but hey rarely do by direct confrontation, unless they lose their patience or have completely failed to stop you. Of course they will retreat to other methods, especially if these work. One example is useless hyperinflation of the ego, or equally; a shrinking and trashing the human soul, both of which are disastrous.

Lastly we have fear, information and lack of knowledge. Fear is normal and acceptable, only insofar it's not cowardice or stupid.

Many people fear Satan, a few quit, other's give up. If you see it's always a conjunction of the points I mentioned above, and rarely anything else. The enemy has had a complete grip in the information of the world.

One example is how they tell people that a disease is a revenge from a jewish god, for example. Lack of knowledge foils the victim. Another example is confusion of the victim. For example, one has a misfortune. The enemy attacks and comes in and tells them it was them, or that the enemy did this.

Again, lack of awareness foils the victim. Another thing is very common where people read spiritual material without EXPERIENCE and KNOWLEDGE or a stable mind or awareness, ultimately making them lost etc.

Lastly one must know beyond any doubt that what we do is true. One can explore any thought and be free, but retardiation comes with a price. Every attack and every pitfall shows you what needs to be fortified.

What does the enemy say? By the art of deception thou shall wage war. If they could end you, rest reassured they would have done. They cannot and won't. So most of it plays on deception, disinfo, etc.

One other thing isolation (among SS). Any isolated being is an easy target. Isolation brings weakness, no matter what the prospect of the 21st century preaches. Individuality does not imply complete isolation of a person. One can adjust how much socialization they want for example. On the other hand dealing with retards and wasting one's self around with people that don't seek to advance and are generally bad, is equally a disaster. So just have judgement because either way it can turn ugly.

It's not unlikely when people who are bad for one another meet, and delude one another, or on the other hand are even harmful. Through this small cults of personalities and infiltrators form, always ending up in disasters and delays for the people in them. This is a pure time waste. No need to waste one's life like that.

How is that solved? THE GROUPS. A necessary balance. You can socialize and post, but you don't get in most if not all of the dangers and issues involved about it. Even if something was to ever skip moderation (Which rarely happens) we are here to talk on it and deal with any such problems. If it escapes the attention of the mods, it will NOT escape the attention of the community, which will act accordingly to treat the situation. The community has a lot of experienced SS who are veterans and others who can notice these things from miles away.

The Groups, Forums, etc, help the Gods. How many times you have been guided to the answers of your concerns in groups, in posts etc? This saves the time and energy from the Gods, yourself, and advances our group faster.

Another example: one feels like they need a change. It's a general and normal human feeling. The enemy tells them to get out of the group, as if the group was the purpose. Lol. Maybe stop meditating too goy that will make you feel really good. While of course the minimal time spent here to edcuate or keep up really does nothing bad to a person whom, let's say, wastes hours on netflix. Ya goy, better leave and stop advancing mayne. Got to build these towers in Minecraft? WTF???

Another case is that of people who advance and start thinking they are a God or something. Too misunderstood by all dumb mortals here. We don't even deserve the help they never give. Our wisdom is so vast, that they do not even provide it. It was real, in their mind. Lest we fail to worship yhese people, they will leave. Ultimately taking from us...Uhm...Nothing. Since they are a parasite that never gave anything anyway.

No thing is useless in Satan's family, either. We need everything we have, bigger or smaller. So do not focus on the quantity, focus on the purpose. Things done for a great purpose are never small.

If you are in the jungle this cannot really happen and it yakes an abominable amount of time. An example for this are gurus who meditate for two decades and cannot do the simplest Siddhi. A cave served nowhere, unless its for a period or for recluse. Which is good under terms.

Quality assosciation can be made in the groups. By each member rising in their own level, a greater unity is formed.

Satan's promises are true, one has to advance and meditate for themselves to see it. Doubts are for the most part, if you are a Gentile, normal but not always useful. Doubt for knowledge and spirit of inquiry is needed.

Chill back, relax for a while, learn to control your mind, and lastly fortify your mind and personality. Advance, keep steady and dwell on the good.

Lastly, we have to be realistic and focus on what we need to focus. Nothing worse than maintaining the mentality of a pricness or SJW thinking you are a "God" as many dumbo sects do, and when shit hits the fan, you cannot even tie your shoelaces. This is 99% of occultists, it doesn't have to be Satan's Children or the JoS. Dependable power is built on realism, testing, etc etc.

We can relate experiences in this post to conversate and unmask more of the enemy so people can read.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Article 8

Us Spiritual Satanists and the Pagans
Jun 20, 2017
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

On the bottom of it all, at least as we see it, we are all "Pagans". Our beliefs are not solely specific, and this will be explained as to why.

We adhere to the universal and oldest known system, which we have named Spiritual Satanism. We as the SS were, spiritually. In other words, so long you are a Gentile, you want to uphold universal Truths, and adhere to them, while fighting the spiritual enemy from the highest level, with the highest knowledge, and with the highest stakes, you are welcome to join our ranks and our spiritual school so to say.

We accept all Gentiles, but we accept no jews. Within the ranks, we are aware of our racial past, our racial roots, and we uphold them directly, and indirectly by adhering to the Universal System which we call Spiritual Satanism. We see this system as it were, and have went, in many different names, which eventually became what we mistakenly call "Paganism" to day. The Ancients understood the very same thing, so they never fought any religious wars with one another, and always made spiritual alliances.

However what was common in the ruling class and those at the top, they understood the importance of the spiritual mysteries, the upholding of the highest spiritual knowledge, and they also understood it's eternity and also how it comes into different colors through the ages. This is why the systems, the legends, and all of these internal knowledge did overlap, ultimately showing ONE, TRUTHFUL system. They changed, but the core remains the same.

All major civilizations of Arya in their peak, worked on the same central system. Names of deities changed, identities changed, even people changed, and these were adapted. The core system always remained one, and directly opposted to the jewish master system which equally revolves all the jewish poison mushrooms around it. They all get spawned from the same jewish seed, and in the same way, all healthy trees are blooming from our own central system.

Dionysus, Osiris, Bacchus, you name it, all account to the same thing, the same being, the same eternal allegory. Without jewish contamination. So long these are without jewish elements, and the bottom of these Eternal Truths are upheld, call them really as you see fit. We're fine.

There are many people on earth like European Pagans, Hindus and many others who uphold Truth to this day, in the respective color given to them by their culture. Unfortunately there are corruptions and a certain degree of uselessness, or at least, inability to fight. These people let's look at them as the SA. The SA is mandatory for fighting at the home, the SS is the most powerful unit to maintain order in the home, but also is centralized at eradicating enemies from the external borders of the culture.

Do all the SA, the Wehrmacht, or others like the SS? Probably not. Do they understand their necessary purpose? They all do. Our life is devoted to the same struggle, and those who see this otherwise, will understand the wisdom to this statement. While the SA (lukewarm Pagans) handle domestic affairs, and while the Wehrmacht fight on the front, the job of the SS is to finish the job and crown ultimate victory and safety to our people. Those who disregard this effort are to be spat upon.

So long these are not infested with jews, and do not uselessly raise a fist against us, we are comrades, we are fine, and we are in good heart and friendship towards them, and there should NEVER be any bickering! If they bicker, LET THEM BICKER, for they are fools and unwise. The noble SS should know better.

The moment however 'people' do not recognize our effort, attack us, or subvert our message to pretend they are doing anything other than serving their respective 'color' (and in many ways uselessly so, or in retarded ways that get us nowhere), they need to remember that there will be retaliation, as infighting for our efforts should never be tolerated.

We serve the Sun, we don't serve individual colors only. This would be our demise at that point, for ALL OF US.

We are like the SS. We are radically focused, we work on the largest level, and we don't wait for no saviors. We are the unit of the devil. Those who do not have a stomach to stomach this, or are afraid, and those who spent decades not bringing down the enemy, even moving them, and ripping spiritually them as we do, are simply not in a position to talk.

The success of our spiritual warfare is UNDENIABLE: When we started systematic warfare years ago, THIS IS WHERE THE REAL "HELL" broke loose on the jews. Prior to this, there was nothing happening and there was ultimate subjugation of people. We honor and uphold all these other attempts by like-minded people to fight, and serve their purpose where they can and must: we are not meant to intrude in their business.

The SS (Spiritual Satanists) are to be a spiritual elite within all Gentile Races, upholding two banners. The banner of universal Truth (Which is Sanatana Dharma or Spiritual Satanism) and on the other hand, any momentary or earlier perspective that serves our people for the time being, within the same banner. Without the outer shell, protection of the inner and smaller culture can never happen.

Those who serve only one banner, wait for "Jesus Krishna" to save them, do zero damage to the enemy and provide zero help to our people to evolve, but only after they failed selling Rainbow alphabets (Yes, this is rent-a-goy). Such categories, we might also brand them as enemies if they fail to recognize, or attack our efforts which are important for all people in the world...

This is subversion, disrespect, aggression, and no different than what a jew would do.

So they should rather remain with their mouth shut and serve their purpose, whatever it is, instead. Because our efforts are completely focused on two things: Rising to the highest Truth and understanding, and fighting the enemy (both of which serve the world at large and our respective people) we will not waste time with shills unless absolutely necessary.

There is a defining line between us and the Pagans. If you pay attention, what today exists as "Paganism" is more of a live, and let be thing, with a few guides at the top. A few Pagans who follow their word, fight for decades. They are our allies, but we are different branches and levels. We seek the same thing, but out objective goes even further than a mere revival. We go for VICTORY.

There are however poisonous retards, misinforms, and other loudmouths which have done nothing, helped spiritually at nothing, and only seeded discord, later trying to raise their scrawny head after us have suffered, pulled the (((viper))) from the hole, and fought the enemy with the sacrifice our souls and spiritual energy, time and consciousness.

Which ironically, they exist only because 'radical' and other people like us have went into the fire to fight, while them come around and try to uselessly use this sacrifice to fill their foolish vanity. These people are to be blotted out by anyone who really fights the struggle. They are the scum of the earth.

It goes that way -> Atheist -> Flirting Pagan -> Full blown Pagan -> Practicing Pagans who uphold moral laws -> Militant/Spiritual Pagan -> Spiritual Satanist, being the last initiatory level.

They must therefore not wonder why we have the top level knowledge, the aims to apply it, we carry out the purpose, and we work closely with the Gods than any of them. Unlike them who walk on eggshells, we are ready to fall into the fire and against all jewish threats to fight them on their level.

There is also a final difference. This war would maybe carry with simply Pagans, but if we don't carry out our full objective, this war will never be FINISHED. We are the beginning, the battering ram, and our aim is to be the enemy's end on all levels.

SS- The Devil's Song


When we march forward, the DEVIL SMILES ON US!



" A first thing I wanted to mention, is that people who advance and struggle to become better, because there are a lot of entities that do not desire it for numerous reasons, depending on one's skillfullness, character and life, may encounter attacks."

What are these entities that HP Cobra is talking about?
JoS for life said:
" A first thing I wanted to mention, is that people who advance and struggle to become better, because there are a lot of entities that do not desire it for numerous reasons, depending on one's skillfullness, character and life, may encounter attacks."

What are these entities that HP Cobra is talking about?

greys, reptillians, angels, Thoughtforms.
SATchives said:
JoS for life said:
" A first thing I wanted to mention, is that people who advance and struggle to become better, because there are a lot of entities that do not desire it for numerous reasons, depending on one's skillfullness, character and life, may encounter attacks."

What are these entities that HP Cobra is talking about?

greys, reptillians, angels, Thoughtforms.

Are there more that we have not named yet? Or is it only those?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
