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RE: Sexuality, Relationship Advice, Authoritarianism and the Individual Versus the Collective.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2020
Not to clutter the current post about sewing I decided to make a new one and hopefully reset the behavior from the last post and in turn create a more productive discussion about these issues.

jrvan said:
Actually it's true. Sexual dynamics can include many different variations, and there's many women who prefer to be dominant in bed. I think a lot of it has to do with a person's unique balance of energies, personality, and maybe other factors (nature vs nurture argument as always, but maybe both in some cases). Likewise some men prefer being submissive sexually, and there's nothing wrong with that nor does it render them "not a man" or anything else toxic that traditional minded males would suggest. Sexuality at the end of the day is very personal, private, and unique to each person. In my opinion, endless research studies on what men or women prefer sexually is kind of degrading and pointless because overarching generalizations are impossible to make with any bit of intellectual honesty. I also see no need for it, and it just seems like more crazy over the top jewish soviet spying on peoples' private lives that are none of their business. Like why the fuck do we need to know what men and women prefer in terms of pleasuring their diddly parts? Why can't we just teach basic health and sex ed for the basics of sex anatomy, pleasure mechanics, and reproduction? Why go further? Why do we need stats on what the general trend and percentage of people who prefer dildos, or lingerie, or this or that sex position, dom/sub, etc..? There's absolutely no need for that data. Why do people need to know it or study it? It's such a personalized thing that it doesn't matter at all in the big picture of society. All these weird studies are so stupid. Since we're already wasting so much time and money on such studies in society, maybe we should focus those strange studies instead on the researchers performing fellatio on their jewish funders, and which ways they like to give it to them, and how it makes them feel/if they are submissive enough to their kike lord, and if they yell "PRAISE JEWSUS" when they're taking it from behind. The damned freaks shouldn't be getting any funding. It's such a waste of time, and it's divisive just like the jews want which is probably why they pay for it to be produced.
I completely disagree. This is like being against studying nutritional habits and what it means. We need to know about this because.

1. This data is interesting and helps us understand human nature.

2. Sexual behaviors can be very indicative of ones personality and mental well being which also reflects on the state of our backwards clown society. Knowing the reason why someone likes X or Y may be insignificant and natural for them but it can also be very important psychological information. Lots of sexual and other behaviors can be attributed to trauma.

This is like the Ancap rugged individualism argument for legalizing all drugs or something.
“Why do you care what someone does with their body it’s none of my business if someone wants to shoot heroin”. Well yes it is your business, my business and the state’s business. These people are our neighbors, countrymen and part of our collective that we should be viewing as family and working towards keeping healthy, and they say they don’t care if they destroy their lives as junkies? That’s a very sadistic attitude. This is why NS is inherently authoritarian. In the current fallen state of humanity many people cannot be trusted to make the right lifestyle choices for themselves.

To elaborate, when there is something like a soda tax or a ban on big gulp drinks the individualists say, “government doesn’t know what’s best for people”. They are half right. This current government occupied by the enemy doesn’t know what’s best but an enlightened one certainly would. Why should foods and beverages that propagate the obesity epidemic be allowed? If someone is willing to drink 64 ounces of pure processed sugar in the first place it is already a serious problem. Yes it’s hard to stay healthy when ZOGCHOW that is processed and filled with sugar is the only option for most people, but it goes further. Someone that is obese has been very mentally and spiritually damaged and they use food as a coping mechanism and it becomes an addiction. The same can be applied to sexuality.

People today have no idea what freedom actually is. The idea of “freedom” in a liberal democracy is eating 10 pounds Mickey dees, then smoking a bag of that green stuff until your brain is fried and then finally finishing off the night by masturbating to some interracial cuckold pornography. Is that really freedom? It is truly the opposite. You are being enslaved under the enemy and theirweapons used against us in the form of these commodities.

I know this was a tangent that didn’t have much to do with the sexuality point but I just wanted to dismantle the whole “who cares blah blah blah”argument.

Whether dominant or submissive or whatever, finding people who are compatible sexually and energetically is a huge benefit because sex and sexual bonding is such a huge part of a relationship. People definitely should talk more about what they like and what their preferences, turn ons, turn offs, hangups, and whatever else while still in the dating phase. The dating phase is when the people get to know each other. I think people would be a lot happier and successful in relationships if they made actual use of the dating phase, and really got to know each other instead of trying to put on a disguise to present themselves in a way that they think people will like them for and be attracted to. If they put that much work into not being themselves in order to get someone who is incompatible with them but just looks pretty or something, then they could just as easily put effort into being themselves and seeking someone who likes them for the way they are without any pretense. If they ditch the disguise then the right people will be attracted to who they are because who they are is on display. And then the partners once matched can help each other to improve their lives and build something together. In the case of a male seeking a female, they find someone great on the inside and they love the person inside the skin, but maybe they aren't totally happy with the shell. So they work together to exercise and become healthier together, and build themselves up. Then later on both have an awesome desirable appearance, and both partners are pleased to know that they belong with each other and they helped each other sculpt into something better. They become each others work of art that no one else can have. Doesn't that sound much better than trying to pretend to be something you're not in order to go after something that you feel you can't have (and therefore need to have in order to prove something) because everyone is after it? Everyone is after the pretty girls with the trim figures and the nice hair. Be a sculptor and make your own pretty girl from someone who isn't initially as attractive, and then be proud knowing she's chosen to be all yours because you put the work into your relationship with her, and she loves you and wants you for who you are and what you bring to her life. Or if you land a girl who is attractive from the get go, but her personality and substance is lacking, sculpt her on the inside. Teach her things, guide her, show her the beautiful side of life and spirituality.
I completely agree. How people can be in a relationship for years on end and not know anything about each other is insane to me. Just look online and you will see stories of people losing their spouses over things such as voting for Trump or being against vaccination. I can only wonder how their spouses didn’t know about their views on these issues. My chart desires deep soul to soul connections. I could never be in a relationship with someone based on convenience or an obligation/societal pressure which is what I think happens with most people. There has to be a foundation and baseline connection to go off of.

This can also be done by women, but the sad thing is that a lot of men in society don't care about learning anything from women. I think most men as a result of culture feel like they have to have all the answers themselves, do everything themselves, and be an unmovable stone. I find that I can usually learn something from most people regardless of their gender. I prefer to be the eternal learner, and I try not to discriminate on the source unless it's from jews or their minions.
This is just a product of the enemy absolutely destroying and making any discussion about gender relations impossible with their woke feminist shit, which caused men to rightfully become reactionary towards it in response which is why the mgtow and other movements have spawned recently.

And I remember your argument about this on the other thread which was a good point, but I also would like to suggest as something to consider that regardless of a person's sex, a human can either be low quality or high quality. What you said about not listening to a woman telling the rest of the family to get vaccinated is totally valid, and the same can be said for any example of low quality people. We should resist anyone who is low level, crazy, or just plain wrong. But we should also consider that we might also be wrong when speaking to people of high quality, and that perhaps we don't see everything in the full spectrum of color, not enough data, or we just aren't considering a particular angle for looking at something perhaps. We can find useful information in so many different places and in different ways that it's limiting to totally exclude certain sources of learning, like for example writing off the entire female sex as crazy, overly emotional, illogical, etc... So much can be learned from women, and they have certain qualities that men don't have. It's unfair to dismiss them entirely when they are high quality.
I agree the same point above applies.

I cringe and feel the pain of it a bit when I imagine what it has been like for female scientists and females in many historically "male" fields in society past and present, but getting ignored just because of their biological differences (or in some cases killed or burned alive a few centuries ago). Good ideas can come from almost anyone (except jews). It must have really sucked getting written off just because of popular perceptions of their sex as a whole mostly due to the bible, and also getting compared to average women of society. The same sort of perceptions could have been applied to average men of society, the laymen who weren't scientists, intellectual pioneers, philosophers, leaders, etc... but it wasn't. Because of jews and the bible, the collective male sex got the glory stick of popular perception, and thus all men were seen as great even if they were trash. Whereas by contrast, all women were seen as trash even if they were great. Many great women have existed, but they got ignored. And so many men who were totally trash reaped the benefits of popular perception due to all the great men of society who gained the spotlight, and because of the bible.
I don’t know what exactly you are referring to here but it shows what damage has been done. If I saw this randomly online I would assume you were some wokester looking for something to complain about, but since you are part of this community I know that you do not have the same hostile intentions as these people (destroying masculinity) so we can have a real discussion about it.

It's my belief that humans should be judged by their individual achievement rather than clinging to the glory of their peers and using it to their benefit. It's kind of like if humans started thinking of themselves as Gods just because they were created by Gods, and even though they never did anything with spirituality. The same is with men reaping the glory of being the same sex as great men in society past and present even when they haven't done anything glorious themselves. We shouldn't judge the collective sex by the current average in a spiritually degenerated society, nor should we judge the collective sex by its highest achievers. It's just the collective sex, nothing more - it's neutral in this regard. Society right now seems to base perceptions largely on patterns, but these patterns are artificially created by jews infecting society and programming it their way. We see the same patterns in peoples' psychology across the board a lot of the time, the same mindsets, and the very same thoughtforms. This is because people were all collectively brainwashed for hundreds of years through multiple lifetimes in churches, and after that it was marxist schooling made uniform by federal education plans overruling state's rights, and then it was everyone being programmed by the same picture presentations and memes sold to them on the ubiquitous black box televisions showing everyone the same things which they then go and talk to each other about in coffee shops or whatever as if the TV show is an actual facet of their culture. That's how lost, how bored, and how systematically brainwashed people are. It's madness. This is why large groups of people can be predicted by observable patterns, statistics, weird theories and what have you. I don't believe it is reflective at all of humanity and true human nature - instead I think it's all incredibly artificial. In an organic society without jews, there is much more individuality and unique expression, and hardly anyone would be able to be lumped into statistical studies and behavioral analysis. It's a key part of the jewish agenda to turn everyone into artificial clones like the greys without individuality. People aren't supposed to be able to be analyzed collectively like this, and this will come to an end eventually. I think the only basis for analysis of a group of people in the future will be their particular culture, like how different groups of Aryans used to have different cultures in different lands. They were the same race, but their behavior, values, and a lot more were all so individualized. Not even the people of the different Greek city states were the same despite all making up larger Greece. Mapping a whole race, or a whole sex, would have been impossible back then because you would go to one part of the land and find people who are so much different from other parts of the land. It's the same root Pagan culture, but different expressions, and that affects a lot. The culture is the analysis point, not the "human behavior" as if all of humanity could be bar coded and wrapped into the same candy package with the same label. I see attempts to generalize human behavior as being on the same level as trying to make generalized statements about all arachnids even though spiders are completely different from scorpions in many ways. People are different, and they exist on different levels.
A long rant I suppose, but I hope this reply is helpful and insightful. I've spent quite some time on it today, and now I need to get started with the RTR's and other things.
Once society reaches a certain size and population viewing things broadly and as a collective becomes necessary, but when speaking to individuals we should treat them as such and not the data group that they are a part of.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Not to clutter the current post about sewing I decided to make a new one and hopefully reset the behavior from the last post and in turn create a more productive discussion about these issues.

jrvan said:
Actually it's true. Sexual dynamics can include many different variations, and there's many women who prefer to be dominant in bed. I think a lot of it has to do with a person's unique balance of energies, personality, and maybe other factors (nature vs nurture argument as always, but maybe both in some cases). Likewise some men prefer being submissive sexually, and there's nothing wrong with that nor does it render them "not a man" or anything else toxic that traditional minded males would suggest. Sexuality at the end of the day is very personal, private, and unique to each person. In my opinion, endless research studies on what men or women prefer sexually is kind of degrading and pointless because overarching generalizations are impossible to make with any bit of intellectual honesty. I also see no need for it, and it just seems like more crazy over the top jewish soviet spying on peoples' private lives that are none of their business. Like why the fuck do we need to know what men and women prefer in terms of pleasuring their diddly parts? Why can't we just teach basic health and sex ed for the basics of sex anatomy, pleasure mechanics, and reproduction? Why go further? Why do we need stats on what the general trend and percentage of people who prefer dildos, or lingerie, or this or that sex position, dom/sub, etc..? There's absolutely no need for that data. Why do people need to know it or study it? It's such a personalized thing that it doesn't matter at all in the big picture of society. All these weird studies are so stupid. Since we're already wasting so much time and money on such studies in society, maybe we should focus those strange studies instead on the researchers performing fellatio on their jewish funders, and which ways they like to give it to them, and how it makes them feel/if they are submissive enough to their kike lord, and if they yell "PRAISE JEWSUS" when they're taking it from behind. The damned freaks shouldn't be getting any funding. It's such a waste of time, and it's divisive just like the jews want which is probably why they pay for it to be produced.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
I completely disagree. This is like being against studying nutritional habits and what it means. We need to know about this because.

1. This data is interesting and helps us understand human nature.

2. Sexual behaviors can be very indicative of ones personality and mental well being which also reflects on the state of our backwards clown society. Knowing the reason why someone likes X or Y may be insignificant and natural for them but it can also be very important psychological information. Lots of sexual and other behaviors can be attributed to trauma.

This is like the Ancap rugged individualism argument for legalizing all drugs or something.
“Why do you care what someone does with their body it’s none of my business if someone wants to shoot heroin”. Well yes it is your business, my business and the state’s business. These people are our neighbors, countrymen and part of our collective that we should be viewing as family and working towards keeping healthy, and they say they don’t care if they destroy their lives as junkies? That’s a very sadistic attitude. This is why NS is inherently authoritarian. In the current fallen state of humanity many people cannot be trusted to make the right lifestyle choices for themselves.

To elaborate, when there is something like a soda tax or a ban on big gulp drinks the individualists say, “government doesn’t know what’s best for people”. They are half right. This current government occupied by the enemy doesn’t know what’s best but an enlightened one certainly would. Why should foods and beverages that propagate the obesity epidemic be allowed? If someone is willing to drink 64 ounces of pure processed sugar in the first place it is already a serious problem. Yes it’s hard to stay healthy when ZOGCHOW that is processed and filled with sugar is the only option for most people, but it goes further. Someone that is obese has been very mentally and spiritually damaged and they use food as a coping mechanism and it becomes an addiction. The same can be applied to sexuality.

People today have no idea what freedom actually is. The idea of “freedom” in a liberal democracy is eating 10 pounds Mickey dees, then smoking a bag of that green stuff until your brain is fried and then finally finishing off the night by masturbating to some interracial cuckold pornography. Is that really freedom? It is truly the opposite. You are being enslaved under the enemy and theirweapons used against us in the form of these commodities.

I know this was a tangent that didn’t have much to do with the sexuality point but I just wanted to dismantle the whole “who cares blah blah blah”argument.

I suppose that's a good point. In a spiritually enlightened society I wouldn't see the need for it even for diagnostic purposes. I mean, hypothetically, doctors in the future could be trained to do consciousness merging exercises in order to successfully identify what is wrong with their patient. I see the value in a dumbed down society like the one of today though. You're right that most people don't really know what's good for them thanks to the jews.

NS was a bit lower on the authoritarian spectrum compared to Italian Fascism from what I have read. It wasn't quite as much about running peoples' lives like in Italy, and I think the more stronghanded methods were more for the purpose of banishing the jews and fighting their subversion. I could be wrong though. I suppose I would have to read up more on NS. There's a lot of misinformation out there of course. Reading Ford's Mein Kampf translation has been on my to-do list so maybe I'll bump that up in priority level.

I know what you mean about freedom. Freedom has to be fought for, and once it is secured it has to be eternally defended. People have forgotten. As you say, people confuse being a cozy hamster with freedom, and it's just strange. People consistently choose convenience over freedom these days, while still telling themselves that they are free - it's pathetic. I would immediately fall in line and even give up some or all of my constitutional rights to a NS dictator appointed by Satan if they rose up in America because I would much rather have an actual leader than watch whites and blacks mix blood in my backyard which enrages me. I saw a couple together with their mixed race child today, and it just ruined my whole mood. But yeah I would be one of the first to volunteer for the new military. I was actually training to eventually join the military not that long ago until I read what Maxine and others said about it being too risky. That broke my heart. I always wanted to be a soldier, you know? It was literally my dream job. But now I fight for my Creator so all is well.

jrvan said:
Whether dominant or submissive or whatever, finding people who are compatible sexually and energetically is a huge benefit because sex and sexual bonding is such a huge part of a relationship. People definitely should talk more about what they like and what their preferences, turn ons, turn offs, hangups, and whatever else while still in the dating phase. The dating phase is when the people get to know each other. I think people would be a lot happier and successful in relationships if they made actual use of the dating phase, and really got to know each other instead of trying to put on a disguise to present themselves in a way that they think people will like them for and be attracted to. If they put that much work into not being themselves in order to get someone who is incompatible with them but just looks pretty or something, then they could just as easily put effort into being themselves and seeking someone who likes them for the way they are without any pretense. If they ditch the disguise then the right people will be attracted to who they are because who they are is on display. And then the partners once matched can help each other to improve their lives and build something together. In the case of a male seeking a female, they find someone great on the inside and they love the person inside the skin, but maybe they aren't totally happy with the shell. So they work together to exercise and become healthier together, and build themselves up. Then later on both have an awesome desirable appearance, and both partners are pleased to know that they belong with each other and they helped each other sculpt into something better. They become each others work of art that no one else can have. Doesn't that sound much better than trying to pretend to be something you're not in order to go after something that you feel you can't have (and therefore need to have in order to prove something) because everyone is after it? Everyone is after the pretty girls with the trim figures and the nice hair. Be a sculptor and make your own pretty girl from someone who isn't initially as attractive, and then be proud knowing she's chosen to be all yours because you put the work into your relationship with her, and she loves you and wants you for who you are and what you bring to her life. Or if you land a girl who is attractive from the get go, but her personality and substance is lacking, sculpt her on the inside. Teach her things, guide her, show her the beautiful side of life and spirituality.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
I completely agree. How people can be in a relationship for years on end and not know anything about each other is insane to me. Just look online and you will see stories of people losing their spouses over things such as voting for Trump or being against vaccination. I can only wonder how their spouses didn’t know about their views on these issues. My chart desires deep soul to soul connections. I could never be in a relationship with someone based on convenience or an obligation/societal pressure which is what I think happens with most people. There has to be a foundation and baseline connection to go off of.

Damn, I hadn't heard about that. That's insane that they would divorce someone and rip apart the life they were building together just over political differences. I knew people were shunning Trump voters from friend circles, but wow... divorce. That's nuts. Imagine if they had kids. What would they tell the child? "Your mom/dad is a Trump supporter so they are dead to us." Wtf lol. This society is subsisting on pure madness at this point, and thankfully it's unsustainable - something's got to give, at some point. Eventually the commie supporters are going to have to look at themselves and how ridiculous and unjustifiable it all is, and the destruction caused, and realize they can't support their side. I mean DIVORCE, seriously? How far is it going to have to go for them to realize that the White nationalists are innocent? When they're forced to join a side or die by antifa? When they have to shoot their former friends and colleagues and fellow countrymen that they grew up with in some worthless civil war for the jews plans? Goodness. Killing innocent people who just wanted to live their lives in peace and freedom, and not be genocided and lose their childrens' future... I hope it doesn't go that far. Then again the leftist soccer moms scare me sometimes with their twisted personalities and crazy look in their eyes. Some people are just too far gone.

I hear what you're saying. You're probably right that that happens a lot. It almost sounds similar to arranged marriages in a way, but without the force. There's always been so much social pressure to get married even though children out of wedlock is usually okay especially considering the birth rate problem which was already discussed before. I'd say it's much more ideal for people to either have kids out of wedlock, or only get married if they have a stable bond and connection and deep knowledge and understanding of each other, and mutual trust. That way the whole "stay together for the kids" thing gets avoided altogether since it can make everyone miserable including the kids sometimes. I would know all about that. My caretakers used to scream at each other all the time when I was a little boy before they got divorced. I always knew that them getting divorced was the best thing in that situation even if it made me sad.

jrvan said:
This can also be done by women, but the sad thing is that a lot of men in society don't care about learning anything from women. I think most men as a result of culture feel like they have to have all the answers themselves, do everything themselves, and be an unmovable stone. I find that I can usually learn something from most people regardless of their gender. I prefer to be the eternal learner, and I try not to discriminate on the source unless it's from jews or their minions.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
This is just a product of the enemy absolutely destroying and making any discussion about gender relations impossible with their woke feminist shit, which caused men to rightfully become reactionary towards it in response which is why the mgtow and other movements have spawned recently.

I found some videos that show some further insight into this, if you have time for it. It's by the youtuber Teal Swan. I don't agree with some things she says in her videos at times, but she has no knowledge of the jewish problem AFAIK so it's to be expected. I feel she mostly hit the nail on the head with this though.



jrvan said:
I cringe and feel the pain of it a bit when I imagine what it has been like for female scientists and females in many historically "male" fields in society past and present, but getting ignored just because of their biological differences (or in some cases killed or burned alive a few centuries ago). Good ideas can come from almost anyone (except jews). It must have really sucked getting written off just because of popular perceptions of their sex as a whole mostly due to the bible, and also getting compared to average women of society. The same sort of perceptions could have been applied to average men of society, the laymen who weren't scientists, intellectual pioneers, philosophers, leaders, etc... but it wasn't. Because of jews and the bible, the collective male sex got the glory stick of popular perception, and thus all men were seen as great even if they were trash. Whereas by contrast, all women were seen as trash even if they were great. Many great women have existed, but they got ignored. And so many men who were totally trash reaped the benefits of popular perception due to all the great men of society who gained the spotlight, and because of the bible.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
I don’t know what exactly you are referring to here but it shows what damage has been done. If I saw this randomly online I would assume you were some wokester looking for something to complain about, but since you are part of this community I know that you do not have the same hostile intentions as these people (destroying masculinity) so we can have a real discussion about it.

No, there was a purpose to it in my mind. I know it's tricky to talk about these sorts of things because it's such an annoyingly common feminist talking point, but I feel like it's only because that talking point is used as ammo against us that it makes us cringe so badly. There is the historical reality that women and children were burned alive at the stake for even the mere suspicion of witchcraft, and xians and jews hated women so much that even women who merely sounded smart were probably deemed a threat. I've read the page about the inquisition by Maxine, and it horrifies me every time. I hate that women have suffered so much and been denied even basic human dignity for so many centuries all because of jews and xianity. When I speak of women having good ideas which go unheard, I'm of course speaking of individuals. Not all women have good ideas, obviously and naturally. Not all men have good ideas either. And yet female individuals are the ones who suffer the penalty for being a member of their biological sex. This charge doesn't apply as much nowadays since we have many females who are given many opportunities in science and academia and whatnot, even more so than men which is wrong and blatant pandering and favoritism which does nothing to actually solve the problem (and in fact only worsens gender relations even further). The mentality and attitude towards women collectively still exists however in subsets of the population, especially xians for obvious and previously stated reasons. I don't think it helps White nationalists or right wingers in general at all that most of them are associated with xianity (I mean associated with as in a meme of White American nationalists, but also many associated directly). Xianity absolutely needs to die before freedom fighters can appeal to women en mass. You know, something I've noticed is that most modern xians in America call themselves xians and think of themselves as xians, but they act like the opposite. And most leftists say they are opposed to xianity, and think of themselves as separate, but they act exactly like true xians. This I believe is because American values and xian values are inherently at odds and existentially opposed to each other. American values which most modern American xians believe in are all about freedom. Whereas true xianity is all about slavery and being a good willing slave to the rabbi ministry. American "xians" aren't even aware of the cognitive dissonance within themselves, and the irreconcilable nature of the two value systems. To be a true xian, they would have to forsake everything that makes them an American. So it's absolutely hilarious that they keep barking at everyone that America is a so-called xian nation with xian values. It's nonsense. American xians need to become aware of the fact that true historical xianity is the opposite of everything they stand for and believe in as Americans, and also how xianity has historically and even still today treats women.

jrvan said:
It's my belief that humans should be judged by their individual achievement rather than clinging to the glory of their peers and using it to their benefit. It's kind of like if humans started thinking of themselves as Gods just because they were created by Gods, and even though they never did anything with spirituality. The same is with men reaping the glory of being the same sex as great men in society past and present even when they haven't done anything glorious themselves. We shouldn't judge the collective sex by the current average in a spiritually degenerated society, nor should we judge the collective sex by its highest achievers. It's just the collective sex, nothing more - it's neutral in this regard. Society right now seems to base perceptions largely on patterns, but these patterns are artificially created by jews infecting society and programming it their way. We see the same patterns in peoples' psychology across the board a lot of the time, the same mindsets, and the very same thoughtforms. This is because people were all collectively brainwashed for hundreds of years through multiple lifetimes in churches, and after that it was marxist schooling made uniform by federal education plans overruling state's rights, and then it was everyone being programmed by the same picture presentations and memes sold to them on the ubiquitous black box televisions showing everyone the same things which they then go and talk to each other about in coffee shops or whatever as if the TV show is an actual facet of their culture. That's how lost, how bored, and how systematically brainwashed people are. It's madness. This is why large groups of people can be predicted by observable patterns, statistics, weird theories and what have you. I don't believe it is reflective at all of humanity and true human nature - instead I think it's all incredibly artificial. In an organic society without jews, there is much more individuality and unique expression, and hardly anyone would be able to be lumped into statistical studies and behavioral analysis. It's a key part of the jewish agenda to turn everyone into artificial clones like the greys without individuality. People aren't supposed to be able to be analyzed collectively like this, and this will come to an end eventually. I think the only basis for analysis of a group of people in the future will be their particular culture, like how different groups of Aryans used to have different cultures in different lands. They were the same race, but their behavior, values, and a lot more were all so individualized. Not even the people of the different Greek city states were the same despite all making up larger Greece. Mapping a whole race, or a whole sex, would have been impossible back then because you would go to one part of the land and find people who are so much different from other parts of the land. It's the same root Pagan culture, but different expressions, and that affects a lot. The culture is the analysis point, not the "human behavior" as if all of humanity could be bar coded and wrapped into the same candy package with the same label. I see attempts to generalize human behavior as being on the same level as trying to make generalized statements about all arachnids even though spiders are completely different from scorpions in many ways. People are different, and they exist on different levels.
A long rant I suppose, but I hope this reply is helpful and insightful. I've spent quite some time on it today, and now I need to get started with the RTR's and other things.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Once society reaches a certain size and population viewing things broadly and as a collective becomes necessary, but when speaking to individuals we should treat them as such and not the data group that they are a part of.

That's true, and it's a sad thing that society has become the multicultural shithole/"melting pot" that it is instead of being a source of national pride and collective achievement. Celebrating national achievement and taking pride in it is awesome. I think differently in regards to the sexes though. I personally find it silly to cling to the coattails of collective achievement in regards to biological sex. Biological sex is so much more impersonal than nationality and shared culture. Taken to the logical extreme, I would have to share my achievements with not only all human males (even on other planets) who have nothing to do with my achievements (and also not allowing females to share my achievements), but also all male frogs, all male eagles, all male quadrupeds, all male mammals, all male insects, etc, etc... you get the point. All living male creatures in the universe. That just seems pointless to me. I don't look for my source of pride in my biological sex because it's just a bunch of dudes who are the same sex as me. I don't find anything bad to say about males collectively because they're all different so I try to take it case by case except in the case of specific groups where general trends of behavior can be observed. Same with the collective female sex. The category of biological sex is just far too broad to be able to say much of anything overarching about it in a general sense. The same general behaviors can be observed in individuals of both sex categories. Sometimes certain behaviors might be expressed differently, and even that can be individual to a large extent I think. We could make any sort of general statement about the sexes, and it might cover a large amount of people, such as males have have lower voices compared to women which is generally true until you find a male who reaches higher pitch than the average female which is just amazing. And that sort of thing can be controlled and mastered through singing practice anyway. And then you find out he's not even gay :lol:

I'm sure if you tried hard enough then you could get me on a few notable examples where even arguments of individuality wouldn't save me, but this is what I believe to be true for most cases. That's why I said a while back that the only things universal to both males and females are their sexual characteristics of their anatomy and their hormones. Individuals have their own unique balance of the male and female energies within them so everyone is going to be a little different, I think.

Anyway, my point is that I would rather be a claim to fame for people of my nation and/or locality both male and female. I believe that's more proper.
jrvan said:
Reading Ford's Mein Kampf translation has been on my to-do list so maybe I'll bump that up in priority level.


Consider the Dalton edition instead. Some people noticed some odd stuff on Ford edition.

On the Archive site hit the downloads and download both volumes I/II and have at it. Already much better than the Dugdale we have on Satan'sLibrary.
jrvan said:
NS was a bit lower on the authoritarian spectrum compared to Italian Fascism from what I have read. It wasn't quite as much about running peoples' lives like in Italy, and I think the more stronghanded methods were more for the purpose of banishing the jews and fighting their subversion. I could be wrong though. I suppose I would have to read up more on NS. There's a lot of misinformation out there of course. Reading Ford's Mein Kampf translation has been on my to-do list so maybe I'll bump that up in priority level.
Unlike Italy and the other systems NS wasn’t authoritarian for the sake of it. No one is going to call a parent authoritarian and anti-freedom by stopping their child from sticking a fork into an electrical socket. That’s basically what the government by destroying freemasonry and co-opting xianity. Keep the population from engaging in dangerous things.

I was actually training to eventually join the military not that long ago until I read what Maxine and others said about it being too risky. That broke my heart. I always wanted to be a soldier, you know? It was literally my dream job. But now I fight for my Creator so all is well.
I too thought about the military, but now they will force the MRNA vaccines which is not something new for them at all. In the 90’s they mandated very dangerous and experimental anthrax vaccines which is where “gulf war syndrome” comes from, because the enemy would rather make something up and pretend to scratch their heads as to why these thousands of troops were ill instead of admitting their shots did it. Soldiers were always the guinea pigs for their medical experiments.

Damn, I hadn't heard about that. That's insane that they would divorce someone and rip apart the life they were building together just over political differences. I knew people were shunning Trump voters from friend circles, but wow... divorce. That's nuts. Imagine if they had kids. What would they tell the child? "Your mom/dad is a Trump supporter so they are dead to us." Wtf lol.
You have to put yourself in the mind of an NPC to understand why they would do this.

It’s not “your dad is Trump supporter” it’s, “your dad is an insurrectionist that wants to genocide the entire earth” that’s the kind of propaganda they get fed daily which makes it even funnier when they call us the radical extremists for promoting reason.

This society is subsisting on pure madness at this point, and thankfully it's unsustainable - something's got to give, at some point. Eventually the commie supporters are going to have to look at themselves and how ridiculous and unjustifiable it all is, and the destruction caused, and realize they can't support their side. I mean DIVORCE, seriously?
Good luck with that. The enemy NEVER admits fault. It always gets scapegoated onto someone else which is how they have operated since their unholy inception.

How far is it going to have to go for them to realize that the White nationalists are innocent? When they're forced to join a side or die by antifa? When they have to shoot their former friends and colleagues and fellow countrymen that they grew up with in some worthless civil war for the jews plans? Goodness. Killing innocent people who just wanted to live their lives in peace and freedom, and not be genocided and lose their childrens' future... I hope it doesn't go that far.
I saw a post last week where someone was talking about how this would play out with the Rwandan genocide as a reference. The liberal Tutsis were propagandized into believing that it was the radical Tutsis that were trying to harm them when in reality it was the Hutus that they were genocided by. To translate this into our situation, white liberals are being told by the enemy (Hutu/Jew) that it’s the white radicals you should fear when in reality it is the woke-Judeo-mud army that is going to kill them, not us. We are trying to do the opposite and save them, but they won’t understand that until it is too late. Not to delve into RAHOWA talk, this is important.

Then again the leftist soccer moms scare me sometimes with their twisted personalities and crazy look in their eyes. Some people are just too far gone.
The woke moms of today are the Puritan/xian moms of years past that were trying to get things like metal music banned because it was satanic or some shit. Except instead of music, today it’s banning evil drumpf off of Twitter for speaking out against the very holy and sacred “fortified” 2020 election. After the January 6th meandering took place these people were literally calling the Capitol “sacred ground” as if it was some church but still these people will pretend to be against religion. The only reason leftists say they dislike xianity is because they erroneously view it as a white western ideal that needs to be destroyed. It’s the same reason WN types latch on to the cross, they view it as a way to oppose the enemy.

I hear what you're saying. You're probably right that that happens a lot. It almost sounds similar to arranged marriages in a way, but without the force. There's always been so much social pressure to get married even though children out of wedlock is usually okay especially considering the birth rate problem which was already discussed before. I'd say it's much more ideal for people to either have kids out of wedlock, or only get married if they have a stable bond and connection and deep knowledge and understanding of each other, and mutual trust. That way the whole "stay together for the kids" thing gets avoided altogether since it can make everyone miserable including the kids sometimes. I would know all about that. My caretakers used to scream at each other all the time when I was a little boy before they got divorced. I always knew that them getting divorced was the best thing in that situation even if it made me sad.
At the same time divorce has become way too common of a thing. Most children today are growing up in a separated household, all because people thought that Infatuation=Compatibility and when that that feeling ended they realized that that wasn’t the case.

No, there was a purpose to it in my mind. I know it's tricky to talk about these sorts of things because it's such an annoyingly common feminist talking point, but I feel like it's only because that talking point is used as ammo against us that it makes us cringe so badly. There is the historical reality that women and children were burned alive at the stake for even the mere suspicion of witchcraft, and xians and jews hated women so much that even women who merely sounded smart were probably deemed a threat. I've read the page about the inquisition by Maxine, and it horrifies me every time. I hate that women have suffered so much and been denied even basic human dignity for so many centuries all because of jews and xianity. When I speak of women having good ideas which go unheard, I'm of course speaking of individuals. Not all women have good ideas, obviously and naturally. Not all men have good ideas either. And yet female individuals are the ones who suffer the penalty for being a member of their biological sex. This charge doesn't apply as much nowadays since we have many females who are given many opportunities in science and academia and whatnot, even more so than men which is wrong and blatant pandering and favoritism which does nothing to actually solve the problem (and in fact only worsens gender relations even further). The mentality and attitude towards women collectively still exists however in subsets of the population, especially xians for obvious and previously stated reasons. I don't think it helps White nationalists or right wingers in general at all that most of them are associated with xianity (I mean associated with as in a meme of White American nationalists, but also many associated directly). Xianity absolutely needs to die before freedom fighters can appeal to women en mass. You know, something I've noticed is that most modern xians in America call themselves xians and think of themselves as xians, but they act like the opposite. And most leftists say they are opposed to xianity, and think of themselves as separate, but they act exactly like true xians. This I believe is because American values and xian values are inherently at odds and existentially opposed to each other. American values which most modern American xians believe in are all about freedom. Whereas true xianity is all about slavery and being a good willing slave to the rabbi ministry. American "xians" aren't even aware of the cognitive dissonance within themselves, and the irreconcilable nature of the two value systems. To be a true xian, they would have to forsake everything that makes them an American. So it's absolutely hilarious that they keep barking at everyone that America is a so-called xian nation with xian values. It's nonsense. American xians need to become aware of the fact that true historical xianity is the opposite of everything they stand for and believe in as Americans, and also how xianity has historically and even still today treats women.
I understand it better now.

That's true, and it's a sad thing that society has become the multicultural shithole/"melting pot" that it is instead of being a source of national pride and collective achievement. Celebrating national achievement and taking pride in it is awesome. I think differently in regards to the sexes though. I personally find it silly to cling to the coattails of collective achievement in regards to biological sex. Biological sex is so much more impersonal than nationality and shared culture. Taken to the logical extreme, I would have to share my achievements with not only all human males (even on other planets) who have nothing to do with my achievements (and also not allowing females to share my achievements), but also all male frogs, all male eagles, all male quadrupeds, all male mammals, all male insects, etc, etc... you get the point. All living male creatures in the universe. That just seems pointless to me. I don't look for my source of pride in my biological sex because it's just a bunch of dudes who are the same sex as me. I don't find anything bad to say about males collectively because they're all different so I try to take it case by case except in the case of specific groups where general trends of behavior can be observed. Same with the collective female sex. The category of biological sex is just far too broad to be able to say much of anything overarching about it in a general sense. The same general behaviors can be observed in individuals of both sex categories. Sometimes certain behaviors might be expressed differently, and even that can be individual to a large extent I think. We could make any sort of general statement about the sexes, and it might cover a large amount of people, such as males have have lower voices compared to women which is generally true until you find a male who reaches higher pitch than the average female which is just amazing. And that sort of thing can be controlled and mastered through singing practice anyway. And then you find out he's not even gay :lol:

I'm sure if you tried hard enough then you could get me on a few notable examples where even arguments of individuality wouldn't save me, but this is what I believe to be true for most cases. That's why I said a while back that the only things universal to both males and females are their sexual characteristics of their anatomy and their hormones. Individuals have their own unique balance of the male and female energies within them so everyone is going to be a little different, I think.

Anyway, my point is that I would rather be a claim to fame for people of my nation and/or locality both male and female. I believe that's more proper.
I agree but the problem is that most people don’t have roots anymore so they are forced to cling onto something like their sex rather than familial, racial or national achievements.
A lot of members have been privately emailing me ,telling me that they support me, that they don't want to be labeled a villain which is why they don't
speak out, and that they're glad atleast someone is speaking for them when it comes to issues that I have spoken about.

So I'll just make a passing comment on this thread and nip this situation in the bud ,permanently.

I publicly apologize for derailing that thread and getting into that argument. Not because anything I said was wrong, not because I feel bad that I might have hurt someone's feelings and not that I want to protect my image.

I feel personally embarrassed that I have to explain basic facts of reality to someone and then have them blow up in my face ,telling me I'm a misogynist and calling me names and wishing me personal ill will. How many years has it been since the Sexual Revolution of the 60s ? How many years has it been since White Nationalist Rodger F Devlin wrote "Sexual Utopia In Power" ? How many Years has it been that everything that he wrote came true ?As much as I can keep doing this, I don't see the point. Because nothing that I will say will convince them because they are operating on feelings associated with their negative ego which creates a delusional perception of reality which they call "Their Truth" or Maya. People on this level of self awareness are in a perpetual cycle of suffering where because they are unable to separate emotions with physical reality they are constantly creating a delusional version of reality which they "feel" is the truth. Challenging them on this males their personal identity feel threatened, which is why they attack you personally and wish you I'll will in your personal lives. Its like explaining to an aboriginal Australian islanders that the ship he's seeing is real and not an illusion.

I am sorry for the people who read my posts and feel that they're voice is being heard because I won't be doing this anymore on the issue of male - female relationships and related, ever. At this point trying to convince someone of basic facts of reality is delusional and both me and that other person would be considered schizophrenic. I've done the best I can to play it out in so perfect detail that little middle school children can get this. But I can't continue with this hamster wheel where I explain something and then people attack me thinking I'm personally attacking them.

And no i am not on a hiatus because of something some rando said to me. I have had worse arguments with Mageson threatening to ban me if I continued to speak the truth that transgenders were mentally I'll (another trigger for delusional people who can't get out of maya.) I have things that I'm dealing with in my personal life, money and resources wise which is why I'm unable to dedicate much Time to anything much other than that. Delusional retards who get government stimulus paychecks think that the whole world revolves around them and they much be so important that I've left because of them. People have real lives and real concerns outside of this forum ,not everything revolves around select few delusional retards who think the whole world revolves around them.

I stand by everything that I have said in that other thread ,nothing that I've said is debated or something that is controversial.

When I show a layman facts about the Coronavirus hoax and show them Government Documents like Clade X, The SPARS Pandemic 2025 -28 ,Event 201 there's a certain section of people who will refuse to accept reality that there is a consortium of extremely powerful people (Jews, Scientists ,The Medical Establishment, Media, etc.) who want to brutally murder them.

Similarly when I show them facts about Feminism that the concept of Female Liberation is a Marxist hoax from the beginning created by the Frankfurt school of Sociology ,they will simply refuse to accept reality and make any number of arguments, strawman, hypotheses to justify why this particular Jewish policy of Female Independence (which did not exist before the 1960s) is correct and how every other Jewish policy is bad.

No evidence ,no fact can make their minds change. Because they are living in something called MAYA. In order to be free, they would have to experience the little death of ego and concede that everything that they thought about this world was wrong.

Just like accepting the Holocaust was a hoax, that 9/11 was a hoax, that coronavirus was a hoax and that the vaccine is a kill Weapon, you will also have to accept that Jewish policies and reforms that have been brought into society have influenced female choice into destroying the family, being financially independent and being unhappy and creating the massive depopulation problem across the developed world is a hoax.

This is just a fact of reality and is incontrovertible no matter what anyone says because its already happened exactly as it was laid out in original plans of the Globalists ,and Theodore Adornos "The Authoritarian Society. " If society is to be fixed in any way whatsoever, men will need to become the traditional man and the women will have to become the traditional women. There is nothing short of this that will save the western world and every other country that has been infected by female liberation. Women must be brought under the leadership and guidance of men who will dominate them ,just as the men will be ruled by ideological suppositions from a higher power and operate on those beliefs. This is how societal hierarchy works and how its has worked since the colonization of this planet by the Human Race.

And till this happens this hell that we're living in will only get worse and worse.

Everyone who disagrees with what I'm saying will eventually come to the same conclusions that I have come to. Everyone that is alive on a long enough timeline will eventually end up like me. Exactly at the same spot with the same conclusions because this is the end of the line. There is no intellectual truth ,no reasoning, no Societal Construct and no Ideology that will bridge the gap between Biological Female Needs and a Jewish dystopian fantasy. This simply does not exist and which is why no matter how many times they try humanity will always come back to their original way of being and no ideological construct or intellectual Conspiracy has ever survived the tryst of time.

Because the world we're entering into, there will be no more convenience to keep this Female Liberation hoax going. Just like every other hoax ,as the Jewish spiritual web is disentangling humans are finally coming back to their senses as they realize that they are in a Fifth Generational world war .

Future leaders and statesmen will say the exact same things that I'm saying now when they start to rebuild their countries and the media is back in their hands. They will introduce the very same propaganda and legislation in the Nazi period to make women get out of the labor market and to incentivize them to be mothers so that after such a brutal period ,healthy number of babies might be born. I will be vindicated just as Alex Jones was vindicated when he predicted everything that is happening now 20 years before to the word and no one believed him. You will remember my exact reasoning and words as everything related to Women that I have said will come from the mouths of the Future leaders that YOU will elect.

So while I won't continue this delusional argument with literally delusional people, know that everything I'm saying will come true and both men and women will be happy when things return to like they were originally intended to be.

Hope Never Dies.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Not to clutter the current post about sewing I decided to make a new one and hopefully reset the behavior from the last post and in turn create a more productive discussion about these issues.

Thank you for making this thread, Southern. Much appreciated.

jrvan said:

Just wanted to add in my 2cents on the topic.

Something I find really sad about what xtianity does to people is how it turns one against their own. Even the women would turn on other women out of jealously or some ridiculous excuse and condemn them to death.

If anyone has ever read the book The Crucible by Arthur Miller, it’s a play written about the Salem witch trials and while there’s the usual fictional artistic aspect of the play, the truth of it is that it perfectly describes the insanity of the jewish owned religions and how one day to a xtian you are their neighbour, but tomorrow they’ll stab you in the back if it means they’ll “get revenge” over something petty or be safe another day from their “god”.

Those religions suppressed everyone’s ability to express properly to the point when you have the world go a little crazy like it is now, you don’t have justice or law, but uncontrolled and very poorly directed hatred and anger at the things or people who are not the enemy.

The radical feminists could’ve had something good as an organisation/movement, until the jews came in and twisted it to be about eliminating the power of a man in order to gain power as a woman due to many years of xtian curses and oppression. (Literally just doing to men what has been done to women for a long time now rather than fixing the problem). Women were sick and tired of being titled the “original sin” and the cause for suffering of humans and curses upon the very blood of their uterus that gives life to a child.

White men became the face of xtianity and therefore unfortunately the face of women’s suffering. Then you have xtian women and jewesses who make it all the worse by reinforcing the inability to be a healthy human.

MGTOW as far as I know became a reaction to the increasing insanity that came with over jewing the feminists into the next abusers. Only instead of creating what should have been a better understanding between the sexes, MGTOW became the next xtian cult to hate women collectively, which caused more reactions out of the feminists because as I said before “white men became the face of women’s suffering”.

Ad infinitum and the jews sneak off to go brainwash our young and steal their blood while everyone is too distracted by the people that hate each other and scream the loudest about society.

Just like the witch trials, fingers are pointed and uncontrolled hatred (built up through suppression) is directed at people who have nothing to do with our pain. Very innocent well-to-do men get blamed for shit that xtians have done for years by women who are afraid to trust the guidance of the male sex again because of what happened to them under the jewish programs. Then you have healthy women who are blamed for the insanity of the radical women and are told they shouldn't have free will because they’re a danger to society’s stability. The list goes on.

Many men become feminised because they’re afraid to be the image that the radical women scream about. Men are locked down into the emotional spectrum of stoic or angry and yet forbidden from expressing that anger because everyone (especially the enemy) is afraid of men embodying the essence of a raging bull.

Many women are locked into a state of hysteria and fear, or misdirected expression that makes them weak, because instead of being a woman they’re trying desperately hard to be recognised in life as a human being, running after something that the jews won’t let them reach, resulting in becoming overly masculinised.

Thanks to tv propaganda and the domino affect of misinformation, you’ve got people my generation who won’t let you question things without the person going off on you about literally every radical organisation possible (even if unrelated).

I had one friend who I’d known a long time suddenly turn her back on me all because I questioned why whites were the only ones being shamed and blamed for slavery when it was a practice every race has engaged in at one point or another.

They went on a rant about it and somehow got to talking about their gayness, and if I’d wish death on them for being gay (which made no sense since they’d known for a long time that I wasn’t strictly straight), to which I simply responded that being gay is just who you like to fuck in the bedroom. It’s not something you need to tell the whole world about. They haven’t spoken to me since.

Everything the jews take over just imbues it with xtian and torah crap, to the point you can’t have a decently intelligent conversation without losing your entire friend group. It’s just witch trials all over again, metaphorically for the most part.

What it means to be human, a man, or a woman... everyone has their own idea of what that is now and people lose their own people over it.

Personally and honestly, I’m still trying to figure out what it means to be a woman, what a healthy level of expression of the masculine and feminine energies within myself is, and what a good healthy man is supposed to look like.

Everywhere I look I see weakness, and it makes me sick. You have the minority screaming and making themselves appear bigger in scale than reality, and the ones watching them screaming doing nothing to fix the problem other than trying to appease them. Everyone else gets caught in the cross fire.
Jack said:
A lot of members have been privately emailing me ,telling me that they support me, that they don't want to be labeled a villain which is why they don't
speak out, and that they're glad atleast someone is speaking for them when it comes to issues that I have spoken about.
No one should be afraid to say what they believe. I have received mails about the same things such as the relationship guide basically saying thanks for making people more aware of this and I have to wonder why they don’t decide to post about it. This isn’t just Me or Jack it’s the silent majority of the forum that is looking at this with pure reason and a solution, not feeling oriented mindset. Like ok you think some of the solutions to get things like birthrates up are misogynist it ultimately doesn’t matter as long as it IS a solution. Women need to be able to sacrifice some of themselves as well if that’s what it is going to take to win the war.
Jack said:
A lot of members have been privately emailing me ,telling me that they support me, that they don't want to be labeled a villain which is why they don't
speak out, and that they're glad atleast someone is speaking for them when it comes to issues that I have spoken about.

So I'll just make a passing comment on this thread and nip this situation in the bud ,permanently.

I publicly apologize for derailing that thread and getting into that argument. Not because anything I said was wrong, not because I feel bad that I might have hurt someone's feelings and not that I want to protect my image.

I feel personally embarrassed that I have to explain basic facts of reality to someone and then have them blow up in my face ,telling me I'm a misogynist and calling me names and wishing me personal ill will. How many years has it been since the Sexual Revolution of the 60s ? How many years has it been since White Nationalist Rodger F Devlin wrote "Sexual Utopia In Power" ? How many Years has it been that everything that he wrote came true ?As much as I can keep doing this, I don't see the point. Because nothing that I will say will convince them because they are operating on feelings associated with their negative ego which creates a delusional perception of reality which they call "Their Truth" or Maya. People on this level of self awareness are in a perpetual cycle of suffering where because they are unable to separate emotions with physical reality they are constantly creating a delusional version of reality which they "feel" is the truth. Challenging them on this males their personal identity feel threatened, which is why they attack you personally and wish you I'll will in your personal lives. Its like explaining to an aboriginal Australian islanders that the ship he's seeing is real and not an illusion.

I am sorry for the people who read my posts and feel that they're voice is being heard because I won't be doing this anymore on the issue of male - female relationships and related, ever. At this point trying to convince someone of basic facts of reality is delusional and both me and that other person would be considered schizophrenic. I've done the best I can to play it out in so perfect detail that little middle school children can get this. But I can't continue with this hamster wheel where I explain something and then people attack me thinking I'm personally attacking them.

And no i am not on a hiatus because of something some rando said to me. I have had worse arguments with Mageson threatening to ban me if I continued to speak the truth that transgenders were mentally I'll (another trigger for delusional people who can't get out of maya.) I have things that I'm dealing with in my personal life, money and resources wise which is why I'm unable to dedicate much Time to anything much other than that. Delusional retards who get government stimulus paychecks think that the whole world revolves around them and they much be so important that I've left because of them. People have real lives and real concerns outside of this forum ,not everything revolves around select few delusional retards who think the whole world revolves around them.

I stand by everything that I have said in that other thread ,nothing that I've said is debated or something that is controversial.

When I show a layman facts about the Coronavirus hoax and show them Government Documents like Clade X, The SPARS Pandemic 2025 -28 ,Event 201 there's a certain section of people who will refuse to accept reality that there is a consortium of extremely powerful people (Jews, Scientists ,The Medical Establishment, Media, etc.) who want to brutally murder them.

Similarly when I show them facts about Feminism that the concept of Female Liberation is a Marxist hoax from the beginning created by the Frankfurt school of Sociology ,they will simply refuse to accept reality and make any number of arguments, strawman, hypotheses to justify why this particular Jewish policy of Female Independence (which did not exist before the 1960s) is correct and how every other Jewish policy is bad.

No evidence ,no fact can make their minds change. Because they are living in something called MAYA. In order to be free, they would have to experience the little death of ego and concede that everything that they thought about this world was wrong.

Just like accepting the Holocaust was a hoax, that 9/11 was a hoax, that coronavirus was a hoax and that the vaccine is a kill Weapon, you will also have to accept that Jewish policies and reforms that have been brought into society have influenced female choice into destroying the family, being financially independent and being unhappy and creating the massive depopulation problem across the developed world is a hoax.

This is just a fact of reality and is incontrovertible no matter what anyone says because its already happened exactly as it was laid out in original plans of the Globalists ,and Theodore Adornos "The Authoritarian Society. " If society is to be fixed in any way whatsoever, men will need to become the traditional man and the women will have to become the traditional women. There is nothing short of this that will save the western world and every other country that has been infected by female liberation. Women must be brought under the leadership and guidance of men who will dominate them ,just as the men will be ruled by ideological suppositions from a higher power and operate on those beliefs. This is how societal hierarchy works and how its has worked since the colonization of this planet by the Human Race.

And till this happens this hell that we're living in will only get worse and worse.

Everyone who disagrees with what I'm saying will eventually come to the same conclusions that I have come to. Everyone that is alive on a long enough timeline will eventually end up like me. Exactly at the same spot with the same conclusions because this is the end of the line. There is no intellectual truth ,no reasoning, no Societal Construct and no Ideology that will bridge the gap between Biological Female Needs and a Jewish dystopian fantasy. This simply does not exist and which is why no matter how many times they try humanity will always come back to their original way of being and no ideological construct or intellectual Conspiracy has ever survived the tryst of time.

Because the world we're entering into, there will be no more convenience to keep this Female Liberation hoax going. Just like every other hoax ,as the Jewish spiritual web is disentangling humans are finally coming back to their senses as they realize that they are in a Fifth Generational world war .

Future leaders and statesmen will say the exact same things that I'm saying now when they start to rebuild their countries and the media is back in their hands. They will introduce the very same propaganda and legislation in the Nazi period to make women get out of the labor market and to incentivize them to be mothers so that after such a brutal period ,healthy number of babies might be born. I will be vindicated just as Alex Jones was vindicated when he predicted everything that is happening now 20 years before to the word and no one believed him. You will remember my exact reasoning and words as everything related to Women that I have said will come from the mouths of the Future leaders that YOU will elect.

So while I won't continue this delusional argument with literally delusional people, know that everything I'm saying will come true and both men and women will be happy when things return to like they were originally intended to be.

Hope Never Dies.

Watch this video please. I think it might help you see more clearly the misunderstandings going on. https://youtu.be/6a8W3nqc17Q

This one is also very good, and pairs with the other: https://youtu.be/MJxbiHBpSc4

What you fail to realize is that no one is arguing with you over biological facts. The reason why you are disliked is because you make women uncomfortable by sounding like a psychopath who wants to take freewill away from women entirely. I already told you that your biggest challenge right now is presentation, but you're not hearing me. The way you speak makes people think you want to enslave the will of women like a xian. Remember when I was hinting at you to more clearly define what you mean by "independence?" Aquarius and others explored the nuances of it already, and everyone concluded that making money from home with skills as a woman is fine because it contributes to the household money, and that this is feasible and not at all problematic while raising children. As for women who are too ugly to attract a partner, social outcasts, stunted individuals, people with trauma, people who are infertile or otherwise can't conceive children for any reason, and more reasons... it's a damn good thing that they can work for a living so that they don't fucking starve and die.

There's also the fact that not all women are meant to be mothers. Just like not all men are meant to be fathers. Are you going to sacrifice all of the lesbians in a volcano because they won't make babies for their nation? Each time that you have attacked "female independence" you have made it sound like this. You have made it sound like you don't want women to have their own will even in the household. Why would you not want your partner to have a say in the house, and/or with parenting? That shows a severe lack of trust on your part, and if you can't trust someone then you shouldn't be with them anyway. If you can't even trust someone to raise your kids then don't breed with them.

You keep yelling at everyone saying that we aren't listening to you, but you're the one who hasn't been listening to others. You only care about being right. And no one cares what you think because no one is willing to go back to the 1950's with xianity where every degenerate bible thumping, wife beating scumbag can have children as long as they know how their penis works (and with how fucking retarded they are, it's a miracle they even do). We're not going back to traditionalism because traditionalism as we know it is based in xianity. It's not happening. Gone are the times when we could undermine and silence a woman who disagrees with us by throwing the retarded jewish story of Eve and the Serpent in her face, and those times are NEVER coming back so give up on it.

You're just going to have to begrudgingly accept that women, not men, are the ones who decide who gets to breed. And they don't want to breed with losers who treat them like shit. Too bad.

As for your e-mail correspondents, they sound like cowards to me. I'll say that to them personally if they reveal themselves. Clearly they don't know what the word "forum" means. So scared of what people think, lmao. How can they call themselves Satanists when they don't even have a backbone? It's so amusing that these so-called "powerful" men who are allegedly so individualistic, so stoic and "totally don't care what people think" and are apparently "unemotional," are more afraid of what people think than the women they accuse of such. LOL. Just fucking LOL. Fucking wimps. That's the most hilarious thing I've heard all day. Absolute shame on them. "afraid of being called villains" HAHAHA! I'm in awe. I'm in utter fucking awe.

Men get to feel so secure and strong in themselves while never putting themselves in a state of vulnerability. They don't know what true boldness and bravery is. They can shame women for being followers, trend worshipers, "not having a mind of their own," and caring about what people think. But these same types of men are also slaves to the opinions of their fellow men. They would never dare to wear something different in public which they think other men would shame them for. They would never put themselves in a position where they feel vulnerable. It's so easy when you're not vulnerable, and there's nothing on the line. And these so-called brave men don't even have the threat to their existence if they lose the support of the crowd like women do. A woman's survival depends on whether or not she can secure social connections. When her parents die, if she doesn't have a man or a good job or social connections then she won't live, and no one will even be aware that she's suffering and dying. A woman's life depends on society. Her life depends on her making friends even from an early age. She has to be vulnerable her whole life and ensure that people approve of her. Women feel the existential terror of losing the support of the crowd. Men don't experience that, and yet they are constantly judging women by insane standards, and also asinine double standards. Vulnerability isn't weakness, and in fact vulnerability leads to true inner strength (including emotional vulnerability, wink wink). Maybe some of these so-called "men" should learn that. Because their lives don't depend on crowd approval. As for Alex Jones, maybe if he's lucky then all of the money he has made by sucking israeli cock will save him from the day of the rope. He's a little too fat and old to get away without body guards or some shit.

And Jack, if you decide to ignore those videos I linked then I'm not talking to you anymore because it means you refuse to learn anything new. You can try to frame this situation and the things which I and others have said, frame it any way you want. People who are wiser will see through it so it doesn't matter.

I will leave this with one final note. The nature of female is wild and chaotic like Nature, and flows like a raging river. This female force does not want to be stopped, and it should never be stopped because that would be the end of life. Men constantly have tried since the dawn of xianity to cage this female force, and to stop its river from flowing. Weak men are afraid of this female force. They are ignorant and weak, and they don't realize that instead of stopping the female force, they can simply guide it towards what they want to construct in life. When out of control, this female force can be destructive and cause calamity in one's life. But you can direct the flow through your own constructed water channels and valve systems to build and create what you want instead of trying to freeze the water. Stop working against women, and start working with them. If you try to stop the river from flowing then they will hate you. Nature hates and destroys anything that tries to stand in its way and stop it from operating. You do not stop Nature from flowing. So don't try to "control" a woman in the sense of stopping chaos from happening. Work with the chaos and direct it just like a magician. Men need a better understanding of what control actually is. Taking women's will away isn't the answer. Even the fucking jews know this. The jews are the ones directing energies and directing females all the time for their kosher goals, and no one challenges them except for us. No one else tries to direct their women (and even their own female energies inside themselves), and instead just lets jews direct everything for them. If you really think the answer is to go back to "traditionalism" and lock our women up like the jews want us to do, and allow them to continue guiding our energies while we live within their constructed prison system, all because you can't gain female approval... then go ahead. Go do it if you can find women who are that broken and damaged inside that they will settle for you. But we're not going with you, and you can't drag us along. Society is going to be directed according to Satan's desires, not Jack's. We are NEVER going back to xianity EVER!!!
Jack said:
A lot of members have been privately emailing me ,telling me that they support me, that they don't want to be labeled a villain which is why they don't
speak out, and that they're glad atleast someone is speaking for them when it comes to issues that I have spoken about.

So I'll just make a passing comment on this thread and nip this situation in the bud ,permanently.

I publicly apologize for derailing that thread and getting into that argument. Not because anything I said was wrong, not because I feel bad that I might have hurt someone's feelings and not that I want to protect my image.

I feel personally embarrassed that I have to explain basic facts of reality to someone and then have them blow up in my face ,telling me I'm a misogynist and calling me names and wishing me personal ill will. How many years has it been since the Sexual Revolution of the 60s ? How many years has it been since White Nationalist Rodger F Devlin wrote "Sexual Utopia In Power" ? How many Years has it been that everything that he wrote came true ?As much as I can keep doing this, I don't see the point. Because nothing that I will say will convince them because they are operating on feelings associated with their negative ego which creates a delusional perception of reality which they call "Their Truth" or Maya. People on this level of self awareness are in a perpetual cycle of suffering where because they are unable to separate emotions with physical reality they are constantly creating a delusional version of reality which they "feel" is the truth. Challenging them on this males their personal identity feel threatened, which is why they attack you personally and wish you I'll will in your personal lives. Its like explaining to an aboriginal Australian islanders that the ship he's seeing is real and not an illusion.

I am sorry for the people who read my posts and feel that they're voice is being heard because I won't be doing this anymore on the issue of male - female relationships and related, ever. At this point trying to convince someone of basic facts of reality is delusional and both me and that other person would be considered schizophrenic. I've done the best I can to play it out in so perfect detail that little middle school children can get this. But I can't continue with this hamster wheel where I explain something and then people attack me thinking I'm personally attacking them.

And no i am not on a hiatus because of something some rando said to me. I have had worse arguments with Mageson threatening to ban me if I continued to speak the truth that transgenders were mentally I'll (another trigger for delusional people who can't get out of maya.) I have things that I'm dealing with in my personal life, money and resources wise which is why I'm unable to dedicate much Time to anything much other than that. Delusional retards who get government stimulus paychecks think that the whole world revolves around them and they much be so important that I've left because of them. People have real lives and real concerns outside of this forum ,not everything revolves around select few delusional retards who think the whole world revolves around them.

I stand by everything that I have said in that other thread ,nothing that I've said is debated or something that is controversial.

When I show a layman facts about the Coronavirus hoax and show them Government Documents like Clade X, The SPARS Pandemic 2025 -28 ,Event 201 there's a certain section of people who will refuse to accept reality that there is a consortium of extremely powerful people (Jews, Scientists ,The Medical Establishment, Media, etc.) who want to brutally murder them.

Similarly when I show them facts about Feminism that the concept of Female Liberation is a Marxist hoax from the beginning created by the Frankfurt school of Sociology ,they will simply refuse to accept reality and make any number of arguments, strawman, hypotheses to justify why this particular Jewish policy of Female Independence (which did not exist before the 1960s) is correct and how every other Jewish policy is bad.

No evidence ,no fact can make their minds change. Because they are living in something called MAYA. In order to be free, they would have to experience the little death of ego and concede that everything that they thought about this world was wrong.

Just like accepting the Holocaust was a hoax, that 9/11 was a hoax, that coronavirus was a hoax and that the vaccine is a kill Weapon, you will also have to accept that Jewish policies and reforms that have been brought into society have influenced female choice into destroying the family, being financially independent and being unhappy and creating the massive depopulation problem across the developed world is a hoax.

This is just a fact of reality and is incontrovertible no matter what anyone says because its already happened exactly as it was laid out in original plans of the Globalists ,and Theodore Adornos "The Authoritarian Society. " If society is to be fixed in any way whatsoever, men will need to become the traditional man and the women will have to become the traditional women. There is nothing short of this that will save the western world and every other country that has been infected by female liberation. Women must be brought under the leadership and guidance of men who will dominate them ,just as the men will be ruled by ideological suppositions from a higher power and operate on those beliefs. This is how societal hierarchy works and how its has worked since the colonization of this planet by the Human Race.

And till this happens this hell that we're living in will only get worse and worse.

Everyone who disagrees with what I'm saying will eventually come to the same conclusions that I have come to. Everyone that is alive on a long enough timeline will eventually end up like me. Exactly at the same spot with the same conclusions because this is the end of the line. There is no intellectual truth ,no reasoning, no Societal Construct and no Ideology that will bridge the gap between Biological Female Needs and a Jewish dystopian fantasy. This simply does not exist and which is why no matter how many times they try humanity will always come back to their original way of being and no ideological construct or intellectual Conspiracy has ever survived the tryst of time.

Because the world we're entering into, there will be no more convenience to keep this Female Liberation hoax going. Just like every other hoax ,as the Jewish spiritual web is disentangling humans are finally coming back to their senses as they realize that they are in a Fifth Generational world war .

Future leaders and statesmen will say the exact same things that I'm saying now when they start to rebuild their countries and the media is back in their hands. They will introduce the very same propaganda and legislation in the Nazi period to make women get out of the labor market and to incentivize them to be mothers so that after such a brutal period ,healthy number of babies might be born. I will be vindicated just as Alex Jones was vindicated when he predicted everything that is happening now 20 years before to the word and no one believed him. You will remember my exact reasoning and words as everything related to Women that I have said will come from the mouths of the Future leaders that YOU will elect.

So while I won't continue this delusional argument with literally delusional people, know that everything I'm saying will come true and both men and women will be happy when things return to like they were originally intended to be.

Hope Never Dies.

Is it really so wrong for one to hope you don't ruin a potential SS woman's life by turning her into a carbon copy of yourself when she becomes your partner with your current mentality and behaviour towards women? I'm not wishing ill will upon you when I said those statements under my thread. I don't like you, that I state openly but I do not wish ill will on you since you are not an enemy as far as I am aware. I wish for you to not spread this toxicity on a woman who is meant to be your mate who may choose one day to become our sister under Satan. Why is that any of my business? It really isn't now is it? Until you make public statements about wanting your woman to be SS while stating she can't have individuality of her own, even with something as simple as never being allowed to grow her hair out past her shoulders. That is seriously concerning as an SS and not ok treatment of a fellow sister.

Given your lack of listening skills and empathy to other SS women who have tried expressing to you how you have made them feel with the way you talk about women, I have to wonder if you really can listen to your own woman when she may one day try to tell you the same thing or if you will treat her as you have treated others here and dismiss her emotions. You are not healthy in your approach to even normal women, Jack, women who are clearly not radical jew feminists. I don't know how I can say that any more politely towards you.

If you were less focused on being right, no matter what other information that has been presented (that does indeed disprove your venting of isolated incidences of radical brainwashed feminists who follow the programs of jews having anything to do with the whole of humanity's women at large), you would have already understood that TRUE women's independence and liberation is Satanic in nature. Mother is the liberator of women.


Women have not been liberated through the jewish feminism, it does not give real rights to women or bring them out of the cursed and degenerate state xtianity put them under since its creation. Women were literally thought of as filthy under xtianity just for being women and bleeding every month the very blood that gives life to future generations. The current feminist movement is only designed to destroy women further and direct their hatred and anger away from the real problem that caused their suffering in the first place -> Jews. We have not seen truly liberated women since the time of the Gods, and I am sure it had nothing to do with taking their independence and will from them. There are many female leaders who in fact did not cause calamity of society all the way back to ancient history centered in Paganism / Satanism. Egypt was not the only ancient civilization who had female leaders and still prospered. But I will leave the fact finding to you since even if I were to find these things to present to you myself, I have a feeling you will only turn around as before (with the statistics of children with single parents in the US that jrvan presented) as "not the real facts" on the matter. If it is not facts presented by you then all other facts are false, yes?

You make no differentiation between jewish women, jew brainwashed women, xtian women, and normal healthy women. That is why people are angry at you. You generalise to everyone of the female sex and do not understand that women are still not free in current society. Jews are the reason shit is shit, not women. How many times do we have to state your approach on this subject is and has caused people to be turned off by your statements? I only learned myself recently how important the way you present information is. No body likes to be force fed information while the giver of that information is completely unwilling to listen to the audience they present to. People will not listen or understand where you are coming from, and attacking the audience by saying things like "no one cares how you feel" as you did to Prez, will only reinforce people's unwillingness to listen, regardless of facts or truth. These people here are being taught to think for themselves. If you are screaming in their ears that you are right and your facts cannot be questioned, they will cover their ears against you and express the agony of its sound.

The fact you continue to shove at people that you are right, no questions or alternative arguments allowed because what you say is set in stone, just makes that all the worse. The things you have stated apply only to a small group that scream the loudest. That is the jews work to make everyone think women as a whole are crazy and create more hatred and anger. None of which will be directed at the jews. You are not helping to ease that hatred, your approach is only fueling it because you fail to express acknowledgement that most women are not clones of radical feminists.

The definition of a misogynist is this: a person who dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against women.
You very clearly have shown this again and again to be the case.
Jack said:

People have complained to me a lot in the past about banning you and other people. I have refused to do that for anyone unless there have been truly reasonable offenses worthy of a ban.

That regardless, does not mean that everyone adopts the ideas that are being said. For example not banning does not imply that we are adopting an idea.

Oftentimes there are many things I find personally agitating but this has to be outside of the questions of whether or not you ban a person, any person for that liking.

Bans are about offenses done, and doing violations of the sign up rules that we are all accepting to enter here. Some are lesser [such as those in flaming], while others are intolerable completely, such as those relating to spreading enemy propaganda against Satan, for example.

Magestein also wanted you banned, same as other people simply because they had emotional reactions to what you wrote. You have flamed before and done all these things, but the bulk of posts, have not been in this case.

After close inspection and logical inspection of your posts, except of a few, which were offensive, most were not offensive or aimed at people directly. But there have been offensive ones. And that's not doing the necessary work to help in the proper manner.

About bans, I know that whomever said anything even remotely contrarian to Mageson, especially on these very delicate subjects which were rife with rampant judaism in them [and therefore highly in need of people to converse about them] was getting a ban. He was banning people all the time and for nothing.

There weren't few times where he had outbursts and even censored me from doing this, except of toxic attacks because that we were more allowing [HPS Maxine's commands were explicit on that one], but because of where I was, this was an impossibility.

Not even general statements would be accepted on these "sexual subjects", if they went against what he thought was to be enforced.

Basically, then, after I started reading on material provided by the modern GBLTQAI+++, I understood what was being said here, was if not pretty close, really identical. Then, they promoted socialism and all the rest of it, which, as a picture that adds up, points to not only rampant leftism but other crazy stuff too.

Needless to say nobody told you to not say something, just do not flame people and go after them and bully them in the forum. Magestein was doing this copiously and without mercy, and it was a very negative thing for both new people and readers. Hundreds of readers, do NOT make any account, and just want to read conversations.

Forums are for conversation among like minded individuals and so on. This is to be kept in mind when communicating. On subjects that don't deal with very specific things, everyone is entitled to their own view of things.

There are no bans for simple disagreements on the forum.
tabby said:
You make no differentiation between jewish women, jew brainwashed women, xtian women, and normal healthy women. That is why people are angry at you. You generalise to everyone of the female sex and do not understand that women are still not free in current society. Jews are the reason shit is shit, not women. How many times do we have to state your approach on this subject is and has caused people to be turned off by your statements? I only learned myself recently how important the way you present information is.


All about this place is, is because people are differentiated and on a completely different path than the mind-washed of the enemy.

I agree also on that one, since, it is very devaluing to women to be treated here in the same way that nonsensical mentally insane feminists are, let alone blamed for things they never done, over basic shared traits with other women they have few in common with.

The same goes for men in general. Men and women "In general" is always a dangerous territory, since while there are many generalizations that can be correct, even more can be really incorrect or do people here wrong.

There is always however, a specific luggage of shit from the external environment that all of us carry into ranging extents, and pointing out generalized norms, may help us understand if these things come from there or not, and decide how we are to deal with these ideas on a personal level, for example.

Since the same would be demeaning to men here, all of this should apply to everyone.
tabby said:
Jack said:
A lot of members have been privately emailing me ,telling me that they support me, that they don't want to be labeled a villain which is why they don't
speak out, and that they're glad atleast someone is speaking for them when it comes to issues that I have spoken about.

So I'll just make a passing comment on this thread and nip this situation in the bud ,permanently.

I publicly apologize for derailing that thread and getting into that argument. Not because anything I said was wrong, not because I feel bad that I might have hurt someone's feelings and not that I want to protect my image.

I feel personally embarrassed that I have to explain basic facts of reality to someone and then have them blow up in my face ,telling me I'm a misogynist and calling me names and wishing me personal ill will. How many years has it been since the Sexual Revolution of the 60s ? How many years has it been since White Nationalist Rodger F Devlin wrote "Sexual Utopia In Power" ? How many Years has it been that everything that he wrote came true ?As much as I can keep doing this, I don't see the point. Because nothing that I will say will convince them because they are operating on feelings associated with their negative ego which creates a delusional perception of reality which they call "Their Truth" or Maya. People on this level of self awareness are in a perpetual cycle of suffering where because they are unable to separate emotions with physical reality they are constantly creating a delusional version of reality which they "feel" is the truth. Challenging them on this males their personal identity feel threatened, which is why they attack you personally and wish you I'll will in your personal lives. Its like explaining to an aboriginal Australian islanders that the ship he's seeing is real and not an illusion.

I am sorry for the people who read my posts and feel that they're voice is being heard because I won't be doing this anymore on the issue of male - female relationships and related, ever. At this point trying to convince someone of basic facts of reality is delusional and both me and that other person would be considered schizophrenic. I've done the best I can to play it out in so perfect detail that little middle school children can get this. But I can't continue with this hamster wheel where I explain something and then people attack me thinking I'm personally attacking them.

And no i am not on a hiatus because of something some rando said to me. I have had worse arguments with Mageson threatening to ban me if I continued to speak the truth that transgenders were mentally I'll (another trigger for delusional people who can't get out of maya.) I have things that I'm dealing with in my personal life, money and resources wise which is why I'm unable to dedicate much Time to anything much other than that. Delusional retards who get government stimulus paychecks think that the whole world revolves around them and they much be so important that I've left because of them. People have real lives and real concerns outside of this forum ,not everything revolves around select few delusional retards who think the whole world revolves around them.

I stand by everything that I have said in that other thread ,nothing that I've said is debated or something that is controversial.

When I show a layman facts about the Coronavirus hoax and show them Government Documents like Clade X, The SPARS Pandemic 2025 -28 ,Event 201 there's a certain section of people who will refuse to accept reality that there is a consortium of extremely powerful people (Jews, Scientists ,The Medical Establishment, Media, etc.) who want to brutally murder them.

Similarly when I show them facts about Feminism that the concept of Female Liberation is a Marxist hoax from the beginning created by the Frankfurt school of Sociology ,they will simply refuse to accept reality and make any number of arguments, strawman, hypotheses to justify why this particular Jewish policy of Female Independence (which did not exist before the 1960s) is correct and how every other Jewish policy is bad.

No evidence ,no fact can make their minds change. Because they are living in something called MAYA. In order to be free, they would have to experience the little death of ego and concede that everything that they thought about this world was wrong.

Just like accepting the Holocaust was a hoax, that 9/11 was a hoax, that coronavirus was a hoax and that the vaccine is a kill Weapon, you will also have to accept that Jewish policies and reforms that have been brought into society have influenced female choice into destroying the family, being financially independent and being unhappy and creating the massive depopulation problem across the developed world is a hoax.

This is just a fact of reality and is incontrovertible no matter what anyone says because its already happened exactly as it was laid out in original plans of the Globalists ,and Theodore Adornos "The Authoritarian Society. " If society is to be fixed in any way whatsoever, men will need to become the traditional man and the women will have to become the traditional women. There is nothing short of this that will save the western world and every other country that has been infected by female liberation. Women must be brought under the leadership and guidance of men who will dominate them ,just as the men will be ruled by ideological suppositions from a higher power and operate on those beliefs. This is how societal hierarchy works and how its has worked since the colonization of this planet by the Human Race.

And till this happens this hell that we're living in will only get worse and worse.

Everyone who disagrees with what I'm saying will eventually come to the same conclusions that I have come to. Everyone that is alive on a long enough timeline will eventually end up like me. Exactly at the same spot with the same conclusions because this is the end of the line. There is no intellectual truth ,no reasoning, no Societal Construct and no Ideology that will bridge the gap between Biological Female Needs and a Jewish dystopian fantasy. This simply does not exist and which is why no matter how many times they try humanity will always come back to their original way of being and no ideological construct or intellectual Conspiracy has ever survived the tryst of time.

Because the world we're entering into, there will be no more convenience to keep this Female Liberation hoax going. Just like every other hoax ,as the Jewish spiritual web is disentangling humans are finally coming back to their senses as they realize that they are in a Fifth Generational world war .

Future leaders and statesmen will say the exact same things that I'm saying now when they start to rebuild their countries and the media is back in their hands. They will introduce the very same propaganda and legislation in the Nazi period to make women get out of the labor market and to incentivize them to be mothers so that after such a brutal period ,healthy number of babies might be born. I will be vindicated just as Alex Jones was vindicated when he predicted everything that is happening now 20 years before to the word and no one believed him. You will remember my exact reasoning and words as everything related to Women that I have said will come from the mouths of the Future leaders that YOU will elect.

So while I won't continue this delusional argument with literally delusional people, know that everything I'm saying will come true and both men and women will be happy when things return to like they were originally intended to be.

Hope Never Dies.

Is it really so wrong for one to hope you don't ruin a potential SS woman's life by turning her into a carbon copy of yourself when she becomes your partner with your current mentality and behaviour towards women? I'm not wishing ill will upon you when I said those statements under my thread. I don't like you, that I state openly but I do not wish ill will on you since you are not an enemy as far as I am aware. I wish for you to not spread this toxicity on a woman who is meant to be your mate who may choose one day to become our sister under Satan. Why is that any of my business? It really isn't now is it? Until you make public statements about wanting your woman to be SS while stating she can't have individuality of her own, even with something as simple as never being allowed to grow her hair out past her shoulders. That is seriously concerning as an SS and not ok treatment of a fellow sister.

Given your lack of listening skills and empathy to other SS women who have tried expressing to you how you have made them feel with the way you talk about women, I have to wonder if you really can listen to your own woman when she may one day try to tell you the same thing or if you will treat her as you have treated others here and dismiss her emotions. You are not healthy in your approach to even normal women, Jack, women who are clearly not radical jew feminists. I don't know how I can say that any more politely towards you.

If you were less focused on being right, no matter what other information that has been presented (that does indeed disprove your venting of isolated incidences of radical brainwashed feminists who follow the programs of jews having anything to do with the whole of humanity's women at large), you would have already understood that TRUE women's independence and liberation is Satanic in nature. Mother is the liberator of women.


Women have not been liberated through the jewish feminism, it does not give real rights to women or bring them out of the cursed and degenerate state xtianity put them under since its creation. Women were literally thought of as filthy under xtianity just for being women and bleeding every month the very blood that gives life to future generations. The current feminist movement is only designed to destroy women further and direct their hatred and anger away from the real problem that caused their suffering in the first place -> Jews. We have not seen truly liberated women since the time of the Gods, and I am sure it had nothing to do with taking their independence and will from them. There are many female leaders who in fact did not cause calamity of society all the way back to ancient history centered in Paganism / Satanism. Egypt was not the only ancient civilization who had female leaders and still prospered. But I will leave the fact finding to you since even if I were to find these things to present to you myself, I have a feeling you will only turn around as before (with the statistics of children with single parents in the US that jrvan presented) as "not the real facts" on the matter. If it is not facts presented by you then all other facts are false, yes?

You make no differentiation between jewish women, jew brainwashed women, xtian women, and normal healthy women. That is why people are angry at you. You generalise to everyone of the female sex and do not understand that women are still not free in current society. Jews are the reason shit is shit, not women. How many times do we have to state your approach on this subject is and has caused people to be turned off by your statements? I only learned myself recently how important the way you present information is. No body likes to be force fed information while the giver of that information is completely unwilling to listen to the audience they present to. People will not listen or understand where you are coming from, and attacking the audience by saying things like "no one cares how you feel" as you did to Prez, will only reinforce people's unwillingness to listen, regardless of facts or truth. These people here are being taught to think for themselves. If you are screaming in their ears that you are right and your facts cannot be questioned, they will cover their ears against you and express the agony of its sound.

The fact you continue to shove at people that you are right, no questions or alternative arguments allowed because what you say is set in stone, just makes that all the worse. The things you have stated apply only to a small group that scream the loudest. That is the jews work to make everyone think women as a whole are crazy and create more hatred and anger. None of which will be directed at the jews. You are not helping to ease that hatred, your approach is only fueling it because you fail to express acknowledgement that most women are not clones of radical feminists.

The definition of a misogynist is this: a person who dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against women.
You very clearly have shown this again and again to be the case.
This is your view on the subject which isn't shared by me or women in the majority. You were brought up in a dysfunctional environment with a woman who was out of place in her role which is why you embody the same structure that has been subconsciously imprinted upon you. Your belief about potentially destroying another womans life and what she actually wants is completely disconnected. You are assuming this based on your delusional view of reality which is based upon what you personally feel that "youd" feel if you were in that situation.

You are not that woman so you can't speak for her.

Little children of couple months of a certain race are prejudiced against other races from the beginning. Similarly a man is biologically prejudiced towards a woman as he sees her as the bearer of his children which is why he is endowed by nature to be a provider ,offer security and take care of her emotionally. Just as a woman takes care of her kids ,a man takes care of his woman. If this is prejudiced, then the entire population of men on this planet have this prejudice because no real man thinks that a woman should be independent. A real man always Hope's to have his woman dependent upon him and that in turn fulfils him because he is then doing his role endowed by nature.

This is also why you don't respect your husband and fantasize about having sex with other men and disrespect him publicly. Because the things that you are biologically attracted to are not exhibited by him ,which is why your mind and body strays. "Polyamory" is a New Age concept which is incompatible with Human Biology. Women have pairbonding hormones which are released as they have sex with a partner. According to Neuroscience this is like Imprinting upon that person. Subconsciously your body belongs to that man. And the only reason why a woman will cheat is if the man isn't taking care of your emotional needs which is why you need to fantasize about another man.

What your describing as Toxicity is a societal construct. This is typical Male behavior which is labeled as being misogynistic or insecure. Men are extremely territorial with women because of their biological imperative to ensure paternity. Which is why for your husband to Psychologically make the leap of acceptance, I.e he will allow you to have sex with other men means that he's already devalued himself. No self respecting man of any substance will EVER even entertain this possibility.

This is also what your experiencing when you read my posts. This is called Cognitive Dissonance. You know what I'm saying is true ,that your husband is a non self respecting beta Male and isn't completely his role as a man.

But then you have a Feminist Liberation ideology which says that women can be emotionally and financially independent which is proven to be wrong because they report the most unhappiness in the United States.

This is the root of the bad feelings that your feeling. If what I was saying was untrue then you would feel indifference. The only reason why you feel this way is a sign that your subconscious biological needs approve while your cognitive ideology (Liberation) disapproves.

This is not about money and resources. Money and resources are modern conventions. This is about dominance which cannot exist without disparity in today's world. Unless a woman is financially dependent upon a man and/or emotionally dependent then she doesn't feel fulfilled. This is why women initiate divorce and the most stated reason is financial, not infidelity. In order to feel psychologically comfortable they need the man to dominate her. And a man cannot dominate a woman if she makes the same amount that he does or more. This almost never works statistically.

Your misjudging women thinking that because you were raised in a dysfunctional environment, that other women have the same values that you do. Not every woman is raised by a mother who makes the money. A lot of women in society are sane with present fathers and their internal subconscious sees her father dictating and leading the relationship which is what a healthy relationship . A partnership is a dystopian Jewish fantasy. Women are incapable of dating down socio economically which is shown by statistics and their stated reason. This shows that everything I'm saying is true for the majority of women. You are an anomaly and your view is an extremely rare view shared by women who have been wronged by men their entire lives (father not taking charge in the childhood and no man taking charge of you in the adulthood. ) Your disagreement only stems from envy because other women have what you don't have and because of this you feel the need to cover your personal insecurities with claims that what another woman desires is toxic and she must be naive to be like that. The only reason why you feel strongly about this is because you want the same thing in your life and you can't have it because no such man has ever taken interest in you.

Never in my life has a woman not respected me as I've taken authority and responsibility away from her and lead her to success. This is a mans job. This is what women want, in the majority as I've proven multiple times women prefer Sexist men who believe in traditional gender roles where the man has all the responsibility and is taking charge and leading. This is why most women are unhappy and on anti depressant medication. Women cannot find men to defer responsibility to because they have a cognitive ideological construct preventing them from doing that.

They want to defer responsibility to the man to make important tough decisions. They want him to take charge, make things happen and tell her what to do to contribute. There is always a man in the leadership position. So Ofcourse in that sense the woman I should date should be the carbon copy of men ideologically and have my same values. I'm not going to butt heads with my wife when I or we both come home from a hard days work. I don't need a combative, crass woman like you who is always disrespecting my authority like you disrespect your husband. I'm not a man who is going to tolerate that shit. And so I always tell my girlfriends what kind of appearance they should have. I like them wearing a choker whenever they are outside with me ,with eyeliner on in nothing too revealing but nothing too traditional either. And I've never gotten any flak from them. I'm only now getting flak from you because you're mad that you can't get the same treatment with your husband stepping up and leading you in the relationship. My preferences are extremely niche because they're my preferences. I'm not advising all men to be like I am. I'm specifically looking for a submissive girl who will completely defer responsibility. There is power in choice and when a woman chooses to defer responsibility, that is when she completely opens up and bonds with her man and trusts him completely. Most girls haven't had that experience yet because of the pussification of men which is why even if they're not consciously looking for that ,they are often open to it .I'm not saying that everyone should have preferences like me. I was just making a joke on that hair comment. But even on that joke, I'll stand by it.

You have a dysfunctional upbringing which is why you find fault in what I'm saying but you're internal issues can be fixed if you find a person who isn't a pussy. Or if you want to continue to be unhappy and be disrespectful to your husband, that's fine too and your choice.

I'm not going to apologize for saying the truth. Talking in nuance and specifics is required in specific cases. Talking about a state of the world or state of affairs as a whole requires bringing up general statistics and probabilities which is how truth is measured. Women can't be leaders on a balance of probabilities and on the balance of probabilities every other stat that I've given proves my worldview. Saying that the opposite is possible does not refute my original argument in any way. Especially bringing Spiritual Satanists into the picture who often have serious dysfunctional problems in their lives. As you have a dysfunctional upbringing and your husband hates his mother. People who meditate and are on the path to spiritual fulfillment are so rare that they cant even count as a statistics so bringing up their lives is so no consequence. Spiritual Satanists do not generally come from healthy family backgrounds. In order to get to the point of wanting to give spirituality their 100% these people have gone through very traumatic experiences and they eventually fix their internal issues. Which I hope you will do eventually.

Also I don't care about how you feel about me because the world moves around action and not feelings. But I really do feel sad for your husband as he gets publicly disrespected by you publicly saying that you are in a polyamorous relationship. That is very insulting and demeaning and you know everything that I'm saying is true and that he feels sad and depressed even though he might publicly claim otherwise. You can disagree and claim anything you want, but keep my recommendation on the back of your head and If you look closely enough from now on you will notice that he displays the characteristics of a person who is sad and doesn't want you to do what you're doing. And leading from there it just proves every other single point that I've said.

And this is the issue with women. I'm telling you what the main cause of your unhappiness is, but you're refusing to accept it because you can't separate your feelings from your ego (called maya.) Yes it sounds demeaning, insulting or hurtful but this is how men speak. This is why I recommend you never get into a logical argument with a woman, period. And always lead with emotions first.

Men will Women always be inherently prejudiced towards women in certain aspects. Parents will always be prejudiced towards their children. Different races will always be prejudiced against other races. Yes ,this is the real world. Get over it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack said:

There weren't few times where he had outbursts and even censored me from doing this, except of toxic attacks because that we were more allowing [HPS Maxine's commands were explicit on that one], but because of where I was, this was an impossibility.

Sorry, am I alone who is utterly disgusted, emotionally reacting, completely appalled, sickened, enraged and my hands shaking when I read this - JoS Clergy is censored in JoS forum by racial kikes and drug abusers?

Regarding racial kike with ban button telling Clergy what to do I have no civilized comments...

As for drug abusers, ok, if they wish to censor anyone, why not to start with censoring drug deal in their countries that destroyed their lives in the first place? No offense, I have nothing against wonderful writings exposing kike agendas and truth about Third Reich's war against xianity - I translate them with humility. I just stand for complete prohibition of drug deal and death penalty for selling it to children, and was bloody shocked to know some sickening details. I think cleansing one's life from drugs is to be done first by SS before going censoring JoS Clergy.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
tabby said:
You make no differentiation between jewish women, jew brainwashed women, xtian women, and normal healthy women. That is why people are angry at you. You generalise to everyone of the female sex and do not understand that women are still not free in current society. Jews are the reason shit is shit, not women. How many times do we have to state your approach on this subject is and has caused people to be turned off by your statements? I only learned myself recently how important the way you present information is.


All about this place is, is because people are differentiated and on a completely different path than the mind-washed of the enemy.

I agree also on that one, since, it is very devaluing to women to be treated here in the same way that nonsensical mentally insane feminists are, let alone blamed for things they never done, over basic shared traits with other women they have few in common with.

The same goes for men in general. Men and women "In general" is always a dangerous territory, since while there are many generalizations that can be correct, even more can be really incorrect or do people here wrong.

There is always however, a specific luggage of shit from the external environment that all of us carry into ranging extents, and pointing out generalized norms, may help us understand if these things come from there or not, and decide how we are to deal with these ideas on a personal level, for example.

Since the same would be demeaning to men here, all of this should apply to everyone.

Adam was a pussy, and all men are pussies.

Just kidding.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
tabby said:
You make no differentiation between jewish women, jew brainwashed women, xtian women, and normal healthy women. That is why people are angry at you. You generalise to everyone of the female sex and do not understand that women are still not free in current society. Jews are the reason shit is shit, not women. How many times do we have to state your approach on this subject is and has caused people to be turned off by your statements? I only learned myself recently how important the way you present information is.


All about this place is, is because people are differentiated and on a completely different path than the mind-washed of the enemy.

I agree also on that one, since, it is very devaluing to women to be treated here in the same way that nonsensical mentally insane feminists are, let alone blamed for things they never done, over basic shared traits with other women they have few in common with.

The same goes for men in general. Men and women "In general" is always a dangerous territory, since while there are many generalizations that can be correct, even more can be really incorrect or do people here wrong.

There is always however, a specific luggage of shit from the external environment that all of us carry into ranging extents, and pointing out generalized norms, may help us understand if these things come from there or not, and decide how we are to deal with these ideas on a personal level, for example.

Since the same would be demeaning to men here, all of this should apply to everyone.

Sometimes I find it a bit depressing the way good people get blamed for the things ill-health or bad people do. I’ve been craving to learn more about men and women. There’s one question that’s been bothering the crap out of me for a long time: what makes a woman, a woman, and what makes a man, a man?

My sample size of good men who are not related to me and had healthy emotional expression, is very limited. Same for women.

Thanks to these arguments with Jack I started to realise that there was something not quite right in how I feel about men and women. jrvan has been helping me a lot in challenging things within my thought patterns that I didn’t even know were there and have been detrimental to myself.

To a degree, I grew up as what one here would definitely consider “feminist” despite not ever having associated with actual feminist crazies until late high school. I had a desperate need to not be weak, and unfortunately my role models in life ended up causing a connection in my mind that I couldn’t be a girl and be strong at the same time, so I ended up over masculinising myself. I love combat, I love being able to do rounds on a punching bag, trucks, racing cars, adventuring and rock climbing, and I always wanted to do things myself, because in my mind if I couldn't that meant I must be weak. I became monotone and made my voice sound deeper because anything high pitched was grating to my ears or wasn’t taken as seriously. I realised only yesterday that I need to change what “weakness” actually is in my mind regarding humans.

Getting the “guy treatment” didn’t help. If I cried or got hurt, I was told to “take a cup of concrete. If there’s no blood, you’re fine”.

You’d think I would have realised this sooner but I had a pretty big issue with the idea of girly-girls and as can be seen by my own comments, I still very much detest the thought that women can’t be strong and independent. Jrvan helped me walk back through and discover what went wrong because as a child I was as girly as the next child, I wore skirts, and played with pretty things and I love creating and keeping things tidy.

A lot of my issues towards my own femininity comes from my mother. There was a time she insisted I wear jeans (still have no idea why) as a child but I hated jeans. I really hate any tight fitting garments that are on my legs. But she managed to eventually find a pair that was semi comfortable and for whatever reason I never wanted to wear skirts again. I detested being girly anymore because a friend back in my teen years said my very girly room was childish. (Many other things happened that suppressed my own natural girlishness and so my more combat side that I enjoy came out full force). Sad thing is these issues of mine bled into how I thought of other girls, and now I’m noticing the very unfair mentality with my own internal generalisations regarding men and women that I didn’t know was there.

Now I look at myself and there’s something incredibly appealing about the idea of looking and feeling like a girly girl while sparring lol.

It’s been a little baffling just how easy it is to go from being yourself to destroying everything about yourself because instead of focusing on your own health, you try desperately to be taken seriously. I have to wonder if it’s like that for men as well when they’re growing up.

I’ve never seen my father cry, and I still don’t understand that even when he was in pain in the safety of his own home, he wouldn’t cry to his girls. It’s my belief that if a man can’t cry to me, how do I know if he really trusts me? That’s one of the biggest things that I hate with what the jewish programs have done to men.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack said:

Basically, then, after I started reading on material provided by the modern GBLTQAI+++, I understood what was being said here, was if not pretty close, really identical. Then, they promoted socialism and all the rest of it, which, as a picture that adds up, points to not only rampant leftism but other crazy stuff too.

Omg you did it again! My mind completely skipped over it as I was reading. AI+ hahaha. I like this meme. Let's get on board with AI rights everybody, it's the next big thing for our homosexual movement. :lol:

As for banning, I hope Jack doesn't have leftover anxiety from back then. It seems like he might, but I don't know. I even told him on the other thread he made that no one is trying to take away his place on the forums. Reading him is kind of hard though. He's just one of those people that I definitely wouldn't want to consciousness merge with.

By the way, speaking of consciousness merging, I recently did so with a plant. I didn't even realize how effectively I had done it at first because I got interrupted while I was trying to "walk in" visually. So I thought I hadn't done it correctly, and I hadn't learned how to exit (turns out it's as straightforward as entering, just "walk out"). I basically spent the whole day as a literal vegetable lol. The reason why I accidentally walked in was because I was practicing consciousness merging beforehand, and then Tabby asked me to sense the energy of her sick plant to see if I could feel what's wrong with it. So I kind of just started trying to merge with her plant without thinking, and then she told me not to because Maxine said not to merge with anyone who wasn't healthy so I halted and I thought that I hadn't done it. Turns out I did it very effectively. I was so much thirstier than usual, and I kept trying to figure out why I was thirsty. Then it dawned on me that maybe it had something to do with the merging from the night before. So I tried "walking out" from the plant visually, and lo and behold I stopped feeling dehydrated. Then I told Tabby "Your plant is dehydrated." or something like that, and we had a laugh.

Now you have fallen completely. You will always be trash, Jack. Always.
I just want to say publicly that if I was really unhappy with my marriage then I would leave her and find someone else. Let dishonest losers resort to personal attacks and assumptions about my life which they know nothing about in order to "win" arguments.

As for my relationship with my mother, I no longer hate her like I did when I was younger and was trapped in her household. I have commented publicly before that I can't bring myself to fully forgive her, but I didn't say anything about hating her. In fact, I am slowly peeling her away from the grip of xianity which I never thought would be possible in the past.

If I'm a pussy then at least I can proudly say I'm braver than people like Jack. If I'm a pussy then what does that make him and his league of chickenshits in private chat? They're too scared to come out of the shadows and identify themselves for fear of being "labeled villains." Women like Prez and others are so much stronger than those cowards whom I will continue to mock liberally until they grow some balls and defend themselves instead of hiding behind Jack.

I'm brave enough to admit when I'm wrong, and this is not one of those times. I'm not wrong, I'm wronged. If he wants to undermine me and character assassinate me then that's his choice, but there will be consequences for it. Consequences that he can't currently see. I hope it's worth it for the sake of his worthless ego and being "right."

I will let Tabby defend and speak for herself. She is more than capable, and clearly much more capable than these "men" in the closet.
Jack said:
tabby said:
This is your view on the subject which isn't shared by me or women in the majority. You were brought up in a dysfunctional environment with a woman who was out of place in her role which is why you embody the same structure that has been subconsciously imprinted upon you. Your belief about potentially destroying another womans life and what she actually wants is completely disconnected. You are assuming this based on your delusional view of reality which is based upon what you personally feel that "youd" feel if you were in that situation.

You are not that woman so you can't speak for her.

Little children of couple months of a certain race are prejudiced against other races from the beginning. Similarly a man is biologically prejudiced towards a woman as he sees her as the bearer of his children which is why he is endowed by nature to be a provider ,offer security and take care of her emotionally. Just as a woman takes care of her kids ,a man takes care of his woman. If this is prejudiced, then the entire population of men on this planet have this prejudice because no real man thinks that a woman should be independent. A real man always Hope's to have his woman dependent upon him and that in turn fulfils him because he is then doing his role endowed by nature.

This is also why you don't respect your husband and fantasize about having sex with other men and disrespect him publicly. Because the things that you are biologically attracted to are not exhibited by him ,which is why your mind and body strays. "Polyamory" is a New Age concept which is incompatible with Human Biology. Women have pairbonding hormones which are released as they have sex with a partner. According to Neuroscience this is like Imprinting upon that person. Subconsciously your body belongs to that man. And the only reason why a woman will cheat is if the man isn't taking care of your emotional needs which is why you need to fantasize about another man.

What your describing as Toxicity is a societal construct. This is typical Male behavior which is labeled as being misogynistic or insecure. Men are extremely territorial with women because of their biological imperative to ensure paternity. Which is why for your husband to Psychologically make the leap of acceptance, I.e he will allow you to have sex with other men means that he's already devalued himself. No self respecting man of any substance will EVER even entertain this possibility.

This is also what your experiencing when you read my posts. This is called Cognitive Dissonance. You know what I'm saying is true ,that your husband is a non self respecting beta Male and isn't completely his role as a man.

But then you have a Feminist Liberation ideology which says that women can be emotionally and financially independent which is proven to be wrong because they report the most unhappiness in the United States.

This is the root of the bad feelings that your feeling. If what I was saying was untrue then you would feel indifference. The only reason why you feel this way is a sign that your subconscious biological needs approve while your cognitive ideology (Liberation) disapproves.

This is not about money and resources. Money and resources are modern conventions. This is about dominance which cannot exist without disparity in today's world. Unless a woman is financially dependent upon a man and/or emotionally dependent then she doesn't feel fulfilled. This is why women initiate divorce and the most stated reason is financial, not infidelity. In order to feel psychologically comfortable they need the man to dominate her. And a man cannot dominate a woman if she makes the same amount that he does or more. This almost never works statistically.

Your misjudging women thinking that because you were raised in a dysfunctional environment, that other women have the same values that you do. Not every woman is raised by a mother who makes the money. A lot of women in society are sane with present fathers and their internal subconscious sees her father dictating and leading the relationship which is what a healthy relationship . A partnership is a dystopian Jewish fantasy. Women are incapable of dating down socio economically which is shown by statistics and their stated reason. This shows that everything I'm saying is true for the majority of women. You are an anomaly and your view is an extremely rare view shared by women who have been wronged by men their entire lives (father not taking charge in the childhood and no man taking charge of you in the adulthood. ) Your disagreement only stems from envy because other women have what you don't have and because of this you feel the need to cover your personal insecurities with claims that what another woman desires is toxic and she must be naive to be like that. The only reason why you feel strongly about this is because you want the same thing in your life and you can't have it because no such man has ever taken interest in you.

Never in my life has a woman not respected me as I've taken authority and responsibility away from her and lead her to success. This is a mans job. This is what women want, in the majority as I've proven multiple times women prefer Sexist men who believe in traditional gender roles where the man has all the responsibility and is taking charge and leading. This is why most women are unhappy and on anti depressant medication. Women cannot find men to defer responsibility to because they have a cognitive ideological construct preventing them from doing that.

They want to defer responsibility to the man to make important tough decisions. They want him to take charge, make things happen and tell her what to do to contribute. There is always a man in the leadership position. So Ofcourse in that sense the woman I should date should be the carbon copy of men ideologically and have my same values. I'm not going to butt heads with my wife when I or we both come home from a hard days work. I don't need a combative, crass woman like you who is always disrespecting my authority like you disrespect your husband. I'm not a man who is going to tolerate that shit. And so I always tell my girlfriends what kind of appearance they should have. I like them wearing a choker whenever they are outside with me ,with eyeliner on in nothing too revealing but nothing too traditional either. And I've never gotten any flak from them. I'm only now getting flak from you because you're mad that you can't get the same treatment with your husband stepping up and leading you in the relationship. My preferences are extremely niche because they're my preferences. I'm not advising all men to be like I am. I'm specifically looking for a submissive girl who will completely defer responsibility. There is power in choice and when a woman chooses to defer responsibility, that is when she completely opens up and bonds with her man and trusts him completely. Most girls haven't had that experience yet because of the pussification of men which is why even if they're not consciously looking for that ,they are often open to it .I'm not saying that everyone should have preferences like me. I was just making a joke on that hair comment. But even on that joke, I'll stand by it.

You have a dysfunctional upbringing which is why you find fault in what I'm saying but you're internal issues can be fixed if you find a person who isn't a pussy. Or if you want to continue to be unhappy and be disrespectful to your husband, that's fine too and your choice.

I'm not going to apologize for saying the truth. Talking in nuance and specifics is required in specific cases. Talking about a state of the world or state of affairs as a whole requires bringing up general statistics and probabilities which is how truth is measured. Women can't be leaders on a balance of probabilities and on the balance of probabilities every other stat that I've given proves my worldview. Saying that the opposite is possible does not refute my original argument in any way. Especially bringing Spiritual Satanists into the picture who often have serious dysfunctional problems in their lives. As you have a dysfunctional upbringing and your husband hates his mother. People who meditate and are on the path to spiritual fulfillment are so rare that they cant even count as a statistics so bringing up their lives is so no consequence. Spiritual Satanists do not generally come from healthy family backgrounds. In order to get to the point of wanting to give spirituality their 100% these people have gone through very traumatic experiences and they eventually fix their internal issues. Which I hope you will do eventually.

Also I don't care about how you feel about me because the world moves around action and not feelings. But I really do feel sad for your husband as he gets publicly disrespected by you publicly saying that you are in a polyamorous relationship. That is very insulting and demeaning and you know everything that I'm saying is true and that he feels sad and depressed even though he might publicly claim otherwise. You can disagree and claim anything you want, but keep my recommendation on the back of your head and If you look closely enough from now on you will notice that he displays the characteristics of a person who is sad and doesn't want you to do what you're doing. And leading from there it just proves every other single point that I've said.

And this is the issue with women. I'm telling you what the main cause of your unhappiness is, but you're refusing to accept it because you can't separate your feelings from your ego (called maya.) Yes it sounds demeaning, insulting or hurtful but this is how men speak. This is why I recommend you never get into a logical argument with a woman, period. And always lead with emotions first.

Men will Women always be inherently prejudiced towards women in certain aspects. Parents will always be prejudiced towards their children. Different races will always be prejudiced against other races. Yes ,this is the real world. Get over it.

You sure know how to piss people off. You want an emotional woman, let me give just a little infusion of that.

I have one human partner and one Demon partner, and I do not engage in sexual or romantic relations with anyone outside that because unlike the minority jewed women you bitch about, I have a healthy level of self-respect and I refuse to give my body and love to anyone who thinks they can walk over me and get away with it. A man does not take charge of me, he will not control me lest he wants an incredibly angry mother bear on his hands. When a man earns my respect and trust I will listen to their guidance and leadership willingly, but not before.

I have a cancerian stellium. I am very maternal by nature, and I will not tolerate for a second anyone who dare tries to control me and my future children. If a man cannot stand beside me with respect for me as a person and a friend first and foremost, I refuse to let him stand in front of me as a provider for myself and my children. I refuse to let him share the pleasures of my body. If I am in the home, cooking and cleaning and looking after my children it is because I chose to do so, I desire that role. Not because a man told me that it was my place and nothing else.

Jrvan earned that respect, not through force or domination but through understanding, respect, and careful tact. He proved time and time again through his actions that he was reliable, strong, and trustworthy, and I was safe to be myself around him. He has gone through shit in life that would turn older men to stone, yet he still can share his tears with me, still allows himself to be vulnerable with me, and has actively protected me since I met him, and I him. It was jrvan who protected me and got me out of the cult we had fallen into, it's jrvan who guided me to JoS and it was he who brought me out of the brainwashing from that cult, he who has taught me and helped me understand the sermons of JoS. Happiness was never the goal. It was self enlightenment and healing, which has resulted in growing stable happiness. That is a real man right there. You call a man who protected, guided, and uplifted his woman as a "pussy"? Funny given your insistence that the man be the protector and provider.

I will always have his back, because I refuse to let him bare the burden of survival alone, to bare the struggles we may face alone. I refuse to sit in my home chair being nothing more than a pretty face for my partner, when the world is on the brink of ruin or victory. I will bleed beside my men, and when all is said and done, I will be the mother I need to be to ensure the next generation never have to go through what the jews have done to us. My children will know magick, Satan, and the love of a mother and a father who is always there for them. If I cannot support my man and men like that, I would be ashamed of myself and the weakness I'd be carrying.

Am I an anomaly? Or am I just a fucking human that expresses herself in ways your statistics will never reveal about women?

I ask you, why would having a Demon relationship render my human partner devalued as a man? Especially since it was something we talked about and consented to together. Through it we have learned many more things than what we could have alone. It is not for everyone. I would never trust my body with another human, that is why I asked jrvan if he would approve of a Demon partnership. Because I know I would be safe, and he would have nothing to feel afraid of with such a relationship.

You don't give a fuck about other people's emotions or the things they have had to deal with in life, but then bitch and whine telling us all how butt hurt you are over a girl telling you you're being an ass and a toxic bully, and expect others to accommodate to your emotions and feelings. You resort to personal attacks and insults when you don't get your way over a topic that should have been long dead. It is you who keeps bringing up how women's independence has ruined the world, how women can't be leaders, how women are emotional and can't have a logical argument. Why not take your own advice and figure out where the fuck your own issues with women actually come from instead of bitching about it doing nothing to heal your own wounds on this subject and scapegoating all women for the shit the jews have done to the races of humanity?

Let me make one thing clear to you, Jack. You know nothing of how I grew up. My family was lead by my grandfather AND my grandnan. My family functioned the way so many people talk about with wolf packs but they never seem to be able to understand what that actually means or looks like. My family had the leading pair and everyone else pitched in to provide and teach everything possible for the children and the grandchildren. I can't remember a day when the different branches of my family didn't look after all of us kids growing up. When my mother couldn't be home, my aunts, uncles, grandparents and friends of my family came to help babysit and vice versa. I still remember helping to babysit my young cousins. I wasn't just raised by my mother and father, I was raised by of all my family's adults. If that is dysfunction to you, then you clearly have no understanding of a family who puts children before anything else. Children, family ties and respect for the environment were the most sacred teachings in my family. My father, uncles, male friends of the family, and grandfather actively expressed challenging any men who decided they could be a little friendly with me that they did not approve of. Even my mother had many asshole-ish boyfriends driven out the door by her father (my grandfather) who were unfit to be with her. If it came to it, the women of my family would not hesitate to kill anyone who tried to harm the younger ones.

Any issues and so-called "dysfunction" was purely on an individual basis with personal problems carried through the life that hadn't been dealt with because of the way jews have created society. My mother's only major flaw was narcissism and lack of self-awareness, my father's only flaw was overworking and getting the "gotta be tough" treatment. My flaw was being brainwashed by a cult and didn't trust my instincts and feelings enough.

Welcome to reality, Jack. You can have your free speech but you are not free from the ripples that come after. If you continue saying shit like this, don't cry when you get punched for it. Emotions is part of what makes people - people and not mindless robotic greys. They can reveal to you things that are wrong where logic may otherwise dismiss it as crazy. Emotions and feelings are ingrained into the human consciousness. To bury them is to bury what makes you more than a machine.

You have an issue with me because I will not submit to your shit, I will not be controlled, and I do not conform to your toxic image of what a woman should be.

As your sister under Satan, Jack, I hope you can learn to respect your female brethren. Women are meant to be free with their men. If your woman has no independence, no will, no self direction and is just you in a female body, she will never be an SS.
Meteor said:
But when it comes to something as personal as sexuality, how do you tell the difference between outliers that would be harmful to engage in, and outliers that would be harmful to repress? People often assume they know everything about mental health, sexuality and other topics, while in fact they're merely speculating based on what makes sense to them personally, without understanding all the circumstances or how the minds of other people work. And no amount of data is going to help you understand every individual either, as it completely misses things such as variation and rare exceptions.
I’m tired of having to defend the exception as the rule. It is almost reaching the point of intellectual dishonesty. Over and over and over “what about X Y and Z HUH? Bet you feel really dumb,” is the counter argument. As if anyone seriously believes that I just haven’t taken outliers into consideration. Kicking the dead horse really pleases some of you.

To give an example, up until recently many societies and doctors worldwide thought they were certain that homosexuality is always caused by mental illness, and should never be engaged in because it's unhealthy and depraved. The consensus was that it was caused by having a bad relationship with one of the parents, or by some form of childhood trauma, and that it would spread from person to person through molestation; correlation was conflated with causation. As such, it was illegal in many places and punishable by jailtime, or in some cases chemical crastration. Even if it wasn't illegal, people who were "afflicted with homosexuality" were pressured or forced to "deprogram" it using negative reinforcement (causes trauma) or electric shocks (causes nerve damage and memory loss). This shows what the consequences can be when those who are unenlightened, or jews, interfere with people's private lives just because they think they know better. And even knowledgeable Gentiles can still misjudge things occasionally.
I will say that homosexuality or other abnormal behaviors can be attributed half to someone being preset and born that way and the other half to trauma. I just made these numbers based on my research and personal experience. Maybe more or less for others.

It is known that the main cause of Same sex attraction for males and females is trauma and a negative familial situation especially with the father. Ask any person like me that has homosexual tendencies how their relationship with their family and father is. There are very few homos coming from perfect living situations paired with a positive and fulfilling life up until adulthood. This isn’t my opinion.

That said, there is no harm in discussing sexual norms and outliers, or speculating what might be the cause of notable trends based on data. The problem arises when people, after conversing about such topics for some time, not only assume they understood everything perfectly and that their conclusions are 100% correct, but also apply their newfound "understanding" to make up rules that say what sexuality should be like, and attempt to force those rules on others. At that point, people are no longer researching sexuality, but prescribing it, which is extremely creepy and completely unnatural. Discussing positive or harmful sexual trends within society is beneficial as it can help to inform people and encourage them to make better decisions, but in the end sexuality will always remain something that should be explored and understood personally and individually, and for that personal freedom is key.
It is also extremely creepy and unnatural when some mentally ill pothead comes here and says that men should wear cages around their penis, or let other men sleep with their wife ( which Jack says jrvan allegedly does!?) I skimmed over the other replies but I didn’t see anything about that mentioned. Funnily enough our first fight started when I jokingly called him a cuck that would be a crazy turn of events if it was true.

Anyway it’s not normal to want someone to defecate on your face, or to whip you while wearing handcuffs, yet these are fetishes where many peoples response would be “why does it matter” because it is degenerate and unnatural. At least some fetishes have an evolutionary history such as a women having the urge to be raped (without actually BEING raped).
tabby said:
I’ve never seen my father cry, and I still don’t understand that even when he was in pain in the safety of his own home, he wouldn’t cry to his girls. It’s my belief that if a man can’t cry to me, how do I know if he really trusts me? That’s one of the biggest things that I hate with what the jewish programs have done to men.
A man should only cry in his solitude, or in front of the people that brought him up such as the mother/grandmother. They have seen you cry hundreds of times before.

Crying in front of the wife/kids or anyone else is not a good thing at all. You are supposed to be the strong leader not the crying sissy. Even if it’s not like that the monkey brain interprets it that way. Women say this just to virtue signal. They are turned off immediately by seeing such a thing. Many men have talked about their partners losing attraction after seeing them emotional over the death of a family member or something similar. Expressing emotion privately through conversation is one thing, this is not what crying is. Call it “toxic masculinity” if you like, it’s still the truth.


MFW when this post intended for real discussion is already devolving. Have at it people. You all must be trying to earn gold medals in mudflinging.
tabby said:
Jack said:
tabby said:
This is your view on the subject which isn't shared by me or women in the majority. You were brought up in a dysfunctional environment with a woman who was out of place in her role which is why you embody the same structure that has been subconsciously imprinted upon you. Your belief about potentially destroying another womans life and what she actually wants is completely disconnected. You are assuming this based on your delusional view of reality which is based upon what you personally feel that "youd" feel if you were in that situation.

You are not that woman so you can't speak for her.

Little children of couple months of a certain race are prejudiced against other races from the beginning. Similarly a man is biologically prejudiced towards a woman as he sees her as the bearer of his children which is why he is endowed by nature to be a provider ,offer security and take care of her emotionally. Just as a woman takes care of her kids ,a man takes care of his woman. If this is prejudiced, then the entire population of men on this planet have this prejudice because no real man thinks that a woman should be independent. A real man always Hope's to have his woman dependent upon him and that in turn fulfils him because he is then doing his role endowed by nature.

This is also why you don't respect your husband and fantasize about having sex with other men and disrespect him publicly. Because the things that you are biologically attracted to are not exhibited by him ,which is why your mind and body strays. "Polyamory" is a New Age concept which is incompatible with Human Biology. Women have pairbonding hormones which are released as they have sex with a partner. According to Neuroscience this is like Imprinting upon that person. Subconsciously your body belongs to that man. And the only reason why a woman will cheat is if the man isn't taking care of your emotional needs which is why you need to fantasize about another man.

What your describing as Toxicity is a societal construct. This is typical Male behavior which is labeled as being misogynistic or insecure. Men are extremely territorial with women because of their biological imperative to ensure paternity. Which is why for your husband to Psychologically make the leap of acceptance, I.e he will allow you to have sex with other men means that he's already devalued himself. No self respecting man of any substance will EVER even entertain this possibility.

This is also what your experiencing when you read my posts. This is called Cognitive Dissonance. You know what I'm saying is true ,that your husband is a non self respecting beta Male and isn't completely his role as a man.

But then you have a Feminist Liberation ideology which says that women can be emotionally and financially independent which is proven to be wrong because they report the most unhappiness in the United States.

This is the root of the bad feelings that your feeling. If what I was saying was untrue then you would feel indifference. The only reason why you feel this way is a sign that your subconscious biological needs approve while your cognitive ideology (Liberation) disapproves.

This is not about money and resources. Money and resources are modern conventions. This is about dominance which cannot exist without disparity in today's world. Unless a woman is financially dependent upon a man and/or emotionally dependent then she doesn't feel fulfilled. This is why women initiate divorce and the most stated reason is financial, not infidelity. In order to feel psychologically comfortable they need the man to dominate her. And a man cannot dominate a woman if she makes the same amount that he does or more. This almost never works statistically.

Your misjudging women thinking that because you were raised in a dysfunctional environment, that other women have the same values that you do. Not every woman is raised by a mother who makes the money. A lot of women in society are sane with present fathers and their internal subconscious sees her father dictating and leading the relationship which is what a healthy relationship . A partnership is a dystopian Jewish fantasy. Women are incapable of dating down socio economically which is shown by statistics and their stated reason. This shows that everything I'm saying is true for the majority of women. You are an anomaly and your view is an extremely rare view shared by women who have been wronged by men their entire lives (father not taking charge in the childhood and no man taking charge of you in the adulthood. ) Your disagreement only stems from envy because other women have what you don't have and because of this you feel the need to cover your personal insecurities with claims that what another woman desires is toxic and she must be naive to be like that. The only reason why you feel strongly about this is because you want the same thing in your life and you can't have it because no such man has ever taken interest in you.

Never in my life has a woman not respected me as I've taken authority and responsibility away from her and lead her to success. This is a mans job. This is what women want, in the majority as I've proven multiple times women prefer Sexist men who believe in traditional gender roles where the man has all the responsibility and is taking charge and leading. This is why most women are unhappy and on anti depressant medication. Women cannot find men to defer responsibility to because they have a cognitive ideological construct preventing them from doing that.

They want to defer responsibility to the man to make important tough decisions. They want him to take charge, make things happen and tell her what to do to contribute. There is always a man in the leadership position. So Ofcourse in that sense the woman I should date should be the carbon copy of men ideologically and have my same values. I'm not going to butt heads with my wife when I or we both come home from a hard days work. I don't need a combative, crass woman like you who is always disrespecting my authority like you disrespect your husband. I'm not a man who is going to tolerate that shit. And so I always tell my girlfriends what kind of appearance they should have. I like them wearing a choker whenever they are outside with me ,with eyeliner on in nothing too revealing but nothing too traditional either. And I've never gotten any flak from them. I'm only now getting flak from you because you're mad that you can't get the same treatment with your husband stepping up and leading you in the relationship. My preferences are extremely niche because they're my preferences. I'm not advising all men to be like I am. I'm specifically looking for a submissive girl who will completely defer responsibility. There is power in choice and when a woman chooses to defer responsibility, that is when she completely opens up and bonds with her man and trusts him completely. Most girls haven't had that experience yet because of the pussification of men which is why even if they're not consciously looking for that ,they are often open to it .I'm not saying that everyone should have preferences like me. I was just making a joke on that hair comment. But even on that joke, I'll stand by it.

You have a dysfunctional upbringing which is why you find fault in what I'm saying but you're internal issues can be fixed if you find a person who isn't a pussy. Or if you want to continue to be unhappy and be disrespectful to your husband, that's fine too and your choice.

I'm not going to apologize for saying the truth. Talking in nuance and specifics is required in specific cases. Talking about a state of the world or state of affairs as a whole requires bringing up general statistics and probabilities which is how truth is measured. Women can't be leaders on a balance of probabilities and on the balance of probabilities every other stat that I've given proves my worldview. Saying that the opposite is possible does not refute my original argument in any way. Especially bringing Spiritual Satanists into the picture who often have serious dysfunctional problems in their lives. As you have a dysfunctional upbringing and your husband hates his mother. People who meditate and are on the path to spiritual fulfillment are so rare that they cant even count as a statistics so bringing up their lives is so no consequence. Spiritual Satanists do not generally come from healthy family backgrounds. In order to get to the point of wanting to give spirituality their 100% these people have gone through very traumatic experiences and they eventually fix their internal issues. Which I hope you will do eventually.

Also I don't care about how you feel about me because the world moves around action and not feelings. But I really do feel sad for your husband as he gets publicly disrespected by you publicly saying that you are in a polyamorous relationship. That is very insulting and demeaning and you know everything that I'm saying is true and that he feels sad and depressed even though he might publicly claim otherwise. You can disagree and claim anything you want, but keep my recommendation on the back of your head and If you look closely enough from now on you will notice that he displays the characteristics of a person who is sad and doesn't want you to do what you're doing. And leading from there it just proves every other single point that I've said.

And this is the issue with women. I'm telling you what the main cause of your unhappiness is, but you're refusing to accept it because you can't separate your feelings from your ego (called maya.) Yes it sounds demeaning, insulting or hurtful but this is how men speak. This is why I recommend you never get into a logical argument with a woman, period. And always lead with emotions first.

Men will Women always be inherently prejudiced towards women in certain aspects. Parents will always be prejudiced towards their children. Different races will always be prejudiced against other races. Yes ,this is the real world. Get over it.

You sure know how to piss people off. You want an emotional woman, let me give just a little infusion of that.

I have one human partner and one Demon partner, and I do not engage in sexual or romantic relations with anyone outside that because unlike the minority jewed women you bitch about, I have a healthy level of self-respect and I refuse to give my body and love to anyone who thinks they can walk over me and get away with it. A man does not take charge of me, he will not control me lest he wants an incredibly angry mother bear on his hands. When a man earns my respect and trust I will listen to their guidance and leadership willingly, but not before.

I have a cancerian stellium. I am very maternal by nature, and I will not tolerate for a second anyone who dare tries to control me and my future children. If a man cannot stand beside me with respect for me as a person and a friend first and foremost, I refuse to let him stand in front of me as a provider for myself and my children. I refuse to let him share the pleasures of my body. If I am in the home, cooking and cleaning and looking after my children it is because I chose to do so, I desire that role. Not because a man told me that it was my place and nothing else.

Jrvan earned that respect, not through force or domination but through understanding, respect, and careful tact. He proved time and time again through his actions that he was reliable, strong, and trustworthy, and I was safe to be myself around him. He has gone through shit in life that would turn older men to stone, yet he still can share his tears with me, still allows himself to be vulnerable with me, and has actively protected me since I met him, and I him. It was jrvan who protected me and got me out of the cult we had fallen into, it's jrvan who guided me to JoS and it was he who brought me out of the brainwashing from that cult, he who has taught me and helped me understand the sermons of JoS. Happiness was never the goal. It was self enlightenment and healing, which has resulted in growing stable happiness. That is a real man right there. You call a man who protected, guided, and uplifted his woman as a "pussy"? Funny given your insistence that the man be the protector and provider.

I will always have his back, because I refuse to let him bare the burden of survival alone, to bare the struggles we may face alone. I refuse to sit in my home chair being nothing more than a pretty face for my partner, when the world is on the brink of ruin or victory. I will bleed beside my men, and when all is said and done, I will be the mother I need to be to ensure the next generation never have to go through what the jews have done to us. My children will know magick, Satan, and the love of a mother and a father who is always there for them. If I cannot support my man and men like that, I would be ashamed of myself and the weakness I'd be carrying.

Am I an anomaly? Or am I just a fucking human that expresses herself in ways your statistics will never reveal about women?

I ask you, why would having a Demon relationship render my human partner devalued as a man? Especially since it was something we talked about and consented to together. Through it we have learned many more things than what we could have alone. It is not for everyone. I would never trust my body with another human, that is why I asked jrvan if he would approve of a Demon partnership. Because I know I would be safe, and he would have nothing to feel afraid of with such a relationship.

You don't give a fuck about other people's emotions or the things they have had to deal with in life, but then bitch and whine telling us all how butt hurt you are over a girl telling you you're being an ass and a toxic bully, and expect others to accommodate to your emotions and feelings. You resort to personal attacks and insults when you don't get your way over a topic that should have been long dead. It is you who keeps bringing up how women's independence has ruined the world, how women can't be leaders, how women are emotional and can't have a logical argument. Why not take your own advice and figure out where the fuck your own issues with women actually come from instead of bitching about it doing nothing to heal your own wounds on this subject and scapegoating all women for the shit the jews have done to the races of humanity?

Let me make one thing clear to you, Jack. You know nothing of how I grew up. My family was lead by my grandfather AND my grandnan. My family functioned the way so many people talk about with wolf packs but they never seem to be able to understand what that actually means or looks like. My family had the leading pair and everyone else pitched in to provide and teach everything possible for the children and the grandchildren. I can't remember a day when the different branches of my family didn't look after all of us kids growing up. When my mother couldn't be home, my aunts, uncles, grandparents and friends of my family came to help babysit and vice versa. I still remember helping to babysit my young cousins. I wasn't just raised by my mother and father, I was raised by of all my family's adults. If that is dysfunction to you, then you clearly have no understanding of a family who puts children before anything else. Children, family ties and respect for the environment were the most sacred teachings in my family. My father, uncles, male friends of the family, and grandfather actively expressed challenging any men who decided they could be a little friendly with me that they did not approve of. Even my mother had many asshole-ish boyfriends driven out the door by her father (my grandfather) who were unfit to be with her. If it came to it, the women of my family would not hesitate to kill anyone who tried to harm the younger ones.

Any issues and so-called "dysfunction" was purely on an individual basis with personal problems carried through the life that hadn't been dealt with because of the way jews have created society. My mother's only major flaw was narcissism and lack of self-awareness, my father's only flaw was overworking and getting the "gotta be tough" treatment. My flaw was being brainwashed by a cult and didn't trust my instincts and feelings enough.

Welcome to reality, Jack. You can have your free speech but you are not free from the ripples that come after. If you continue saying shit like this, don't cry when you get punched for it. Emotions is part of what makes people - people and not mindless robotic greys. They can reveal to you things that are wrong where logic may otherwise dismiss it as crazy. Emotions and feelings are ingrained into the human consciousness. To bury them is to bury what makes you more than a machine.

You have an issue with me because I will not submit to your shit, I will not be controlled, and I do not conform to your toxic image of what a woman should be.

As your sister under Satan, Jack, I hope you can learn to respect your female brethren. Women are meant to be free with their men. If your woman has no independence, no will, no self direction and is just you in a female body, she will never be an SS.
You were brought up in a cult and during your formative years that has been imprinted upon your subconscious what it means to be a woman and how to view men.

This is why you have a husband who is a CUCK.

If you had been brought up normally with normal family values, your life and views would be different.

I was also brought up by a mother who was overbearing while my dad was always absent but I healed myself spiritually and mentally so I could be the person I was naturally meant to be.

What you view as toxic, demeaning and insulting is feminist brainwashing. If you grew up in a Christian household you would grow up with Christian brainwashing which made to feel Women as inferior beings. The views that you are exhibiting are not your own but formed due to conditioning during childhood.

Submission to a man you love to some degree is a natural instinct in women. The reason why you're in the relationship you are is because you are damaged mentally and are psychologically unwell. Your fear of submission is ingrained conditioned behavior. This is also exhibited why you don't value yourself and see yourself with a man who will claim you as his own and instead settle for a cuck. You need to do multiple MUNKA workings to let go of fear and blockages that are preventing you from being the woman you were meant to be.

No sane woman would be with a man who doesn't value or respect her enough to claim her as his own. Your husband's acceptance of you even fantasizing or entertaining the possibility of having sex with other men shows he doesn't value you,and is insecure in his own self worth.

The only reason why a woman would be in this situation is that she's been traumatized in her formative years. So I hope you heal yourself from the suffering and past conditioning in your formative years and stop the continued cycle of delusional suffering that you are propagating in your own mind. Unless you accept the truth ,you can never be free. I wish you the best in life and I wish that you find your true self unburdened by these social conventions that are hampering your life.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
tabby said:
I’ve never seen my father cry, and I still don’t understand that even when he was in pain in the safety of his own home, he wouldn’t cry to his girls. It’s my belief that if a man can’t cry to me, how do I know if he really trusts me? That’s one of the biggest things that I hate with what the jewish programs have done to men.
A man should only cry in his solitude, or in front of the people that brought him up such as the mother/grandmother. They have seen you cry hundreds of times before.

Crying in front of the wife/kids or anyone else is not a good thing at all. You are supposed to be the strong leader not the crying sissy. Even if it’s not like that the monkey brain interprets it that way. Women say this just to virtue signal. They are turned off immediately by seeing such a thing. Many men have talked about their partners losing attraction after seeing them emotional over the death of a family member or something similar. Expressing emotion privately through conversation is one thing, this is not what crying is. Call it “toxic masculinity” if you like, it’s still the truth.


MFW when this post intended for real discussion is already devolving. Have at it people. You all must be trying to earn gold medals in mudflinging.

Well, for one thing, I've seen other adult men of my family cry in front of me, in front of their wives and kids, but that didn't make them any less reliable, strong, or a "man" for doing so. Many of the men in my family are into machinery work, electrics and farm work. One of my older cousins is an absolute sweetheart of a guy and does what would be considered girlish things, but he trains in fighting, weaponry, and martial arts.

Crying is not weakness, it never has been. Expressing ones emotion is imo an act of strength and good emotional health, because it can take some courage to be able to express more vulnerable emotions to people who look up to you. Crying is just expressing an emotion, and it can be out of extreme joy and happiness or pain and sadness. People need to not be afraid to see others emotions and express their own.

I would like to think men should also get to feel safe and secure enough with their partners and families to express such emotions to them. They are people, after all. Everyone needs something to help them feel secure and supported, even the bravest. I know there are crazy women who say cry but then won't let them when they do. Jrvan was talking to me about this and teaching me why this happens. I think a lot of guys have gone so long suppressing their emotions that they don't know when the right time is appropriate to let it out and how to do it without making the woman feel unsafe. A man's emotions can be pretty intense and hard to handle, and many women don't know what to do when their guy finally let's the river flow. That comes with being able to communicate properly with each other and a deeper understanding beyond just the daily things.

Simply the act of men suppressing their emotions to be "tougher" and stoic is not something on it's own that I would call "toxic masculinity". I wouldn't consider that toxic at all. It's what they choose do when those emotions have no where to go and become like a poison inside themselves, that's when I start to worry.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
It is also extremely creepy and unnatural when some mentally ill pothead comes here and says that men should wear cages around their penis, or let other men sleep with their wife ( which Jack says jrvan allegedly does!?) I skimmed over the other replies but I didn’t see anything about that mentioned. Funnily enough our first fight started when I jokingly called him a cuck that would be a crazy turn of events if it was true.

Yup, totally a cuck. You caught me. I've been into cuckhold porn since I was 14, and ever since then I just couldn't help myself. I had this totally beta compulsion to be a watcher rather than a doer. Feels bad man.

Honestly, speaking of beating a dead horse (by the way, did you also get that phrase from Jacky?). Why don't you grow up. You've had it out for me from the start, and you pounce on any opportunity the moment it arises like right now. You complain to Tabby about derailing or whatever, but you're apparently super interested in gossip tabloids about my sex life which also has nothing to do with the topic. And as for what you said to Meteor while getting fed up and all vexed about it, if you didn't want discussion then why did you make the thread in the first place? She contributed to the discussion by offering another angle to talk about. What's wrong with that? You're just playing politics now because you want to empower Jack and his empty arguments which he constantly keeps readjusting to the point it looks nothing like what he said in the first place (which he then tries to make it look like we were arguing against something sane in the first place). Jack is a lying manipulator, and if you think vindicating him by tearing us down is going to gain you your balls back then think again. I'm never giving you your balls back. You're going to have to keep tip-toeing and walking the tightrope which you hate so much because you can't just say off the wall things to piss people off anymore, and simply get away with it without people speaking up and humiliating you.

You're a political genius, I'll give you that. And you will probably deny everything I just said which is easy enough to do, and whatever. I don't care. You know what you're doing, and as long as you know it's true and realize that I see through you, it doesn't matter if anyone else knows it.

I knew you couldn't keep up the mask forever. People like you don't change overnight, and I haven't trusted you for a second even with your nice guy act and faking maturity. I simply saw it as you reinventing your character. That's what you and Jack are - characters. He's your only political ally on the forums who aligns with your shallow opinions and values. Is he really the one you want to be siding with right now though? The guy who thinks reacting to someone's blatant insults is proof that he's right about them because otherwise they would be "indifferent." Apparently you and Jacky want us all to turn the other cheek lest we prove your ridiculous theories about us. Well that's not how it works, and the winds are not turning against me right now to favor Jack despite what it might look like to you. I suggest you reconsider this move, or else go back to psych 101 where you fools belong because this isn't going to play out how you think it will. This kind of political nonsense and ally scheming does not belong in Father's forums. Trying to buy influence for your ideas by tearing me down is rabbi type shit. The Truth will prevail no matter what I or anyone else says, and Truth doesn't need to try desperately hard to convince people and win them over like you do. I've never appealed to the crowd because I don't fucking care. I know people here are smart, and they make up their own minds about what they think is right.

Oh and yep polyamory and polygamy is just new age shit which didn't appear at all in the ancient age. Totally. Everyone's the same dude. Not at all unique expressions of their soul, nope, it's all physical biology. You know it. And money is a new age concept too, definitely. Agriculture and wealth is just a myth or some shit. Retards.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
tabby said:
I’ve never seen my father cry, and I still don’t understand that even when he was in pain in the safety of his own home, he wouldn’t cry to his girls. It’s my belief that if a man can’t cry to me, how do I know if he really trusts me? That’s one of the biggest things that I hate with what the jewish programs have done to men.
A man should only cry in his solitude, or in front of the people that brought him up such as the mother/grandmother. They have seen you cry hundreds of times before.

Crying in front of the wife/kids or anyone else is not a good thing at all. You are supposed to be the strong leader not the crying sissy. Even if it’s not like that the monkey brain interprets it that way. Women say this just to virtue signal. They are turned off immediately by seeing such a thing. Many men have talked about their partners losing attraction after seeing them emotional over the death of a family member or something similar. Expressing emotion privately through conversation is one thing, this is not what crying is. Call it “toxic masculinity” if you like, it’s still the truth.


MFW when this post intended for real discussion is already devolving. Have at it people. You all must be trying to earn gold medals in mudflinging.

Adult Behavior is largely determined by the conditions and influences of the formative years. Most American and Western women, and any women actually who have been force fed the ideological instructions from birth by seeing their mothers act masculine and their fathers act feminine they have an ideological structure inside their subconscious that is disconnected from their actual biological needs.

This is Cult like behavior where you show a person the facts about the Holocaust and they refuse to believe it was a hoax because they are emotionally connected to the point of violent outbursts. They were emotionally committed when they were shown mass graves in the childhood.

Similarly the patterns of behavior they saw during their childhood persists in their youth and adulthood unless acted upon and chained.

All the women who are attacking reality that is because they are experiencing cognitive dissonance when their cult is attacked. They fear a loss of identity if you accept their biological needs and get over their feelings and programming. But that would mean that they would have to accept that the worldview they held was wrong and now they must form a new one.

Most people are averse to change. This woman above admitted in detail without me provoking her that she was brought up in a dysfunctional upbringing with the mom assuming the role of a man and vice versa. This ingrained shell of cult like conditioning makes it very hard to break out and assume the natural role.

Deferring responsibility is an act of freedom because your choosing to defer responsibility out of free will. The idea of a partnership is a feminist dystopian nightmare which was proven to fail according to the statistics of decreasing marriage and children.

Most men are Afraid to take charge and lead as well due to conditioning where they were raised by the mother and the father was either absent or wasn't emotionally present to teach him his role.

This creates a conundrum with men refusing to take charge and women refusing to defer responsibility due to their conditioning and fear of male leadership.

This also creates these cases where this woman is publicly claiming to be married to a CUCK and the CUCK accepts this.

This world has gone to the edge of a cliff. Women are repulsed by weak sissy men and men who constantly cater and listen to them.

Before I was free of suffering, I was in a relationship with a woman who was constantly nagging me about wanting me to talk to her about my personal feelings and issues because I never did. At that time I didn't know that this was a Test and I opened up telling her everything about my past and all my problems.

Do you know what happened next ? Long story short the exact last words she told me was
"Fuck You. I hate You. Don't call me or Message me." And I was thinking of telling her that I loved her. She was extremely feminine, beautiful had a good relationship with her father and mother.

The relationship just changed as I admitted to having problems and asked her for advice as she constantly wanted me to ask her about that. It was a crucial turning point.

Men need to go to other men with their problems. Women aren't designed to handle your problems. They are repulsed by weakness and insecurity. The only women who are going to tolerate it is who are brainwashed, damaged and will take a CUCK as a husband.

Don't do it guys. Its bait.

But this society has already collapsed. There's no point in arguing about decades old facts over and over again.

All the related links (last time I'll speak about them so save them before they take down the internet) in sequence and order -

1)Jewish Sociologist Theodore Adorno writes "The Authoritarian Personality " opining that Liberating women financially, Sexually and from Male Patriarchal leadership would destroy White Societies causing White Genocide and cause the destruction of the family and society as a whole.

2) Jews liberate women Financially, sexually and getting them free from Patriarchy through the Sexual Revolution, Birth Control, Abortion and non white immigrants and decreasing value of money.

3)White Nationalists and Nationalist Socialists sound alarm saying this is a Jewish plan. Conservatives and Liberals ignore them. Rodger F Devlin writes his seminal work referenced by Nationalists all over the world for its accurate predictions.

4)As planned by Adorno and Opined by Devlin ,the Jewish plan succeeds through the decades driven by female choice. As women became more financially independent and liberated from make authority, they refused to give children because they wanted to dedicate time to their careers.



Coupled with economic warfare it becomes impossible to have enough children and have only the dad working.

5) As women become more liberated and financially independent, they report lower and lower lack of happiness, making modern women the unhappiest generation of women in the entirety of human history.

Women derive their primary happiness from caring for children and raising a family.

Women find most men as financially unattractive because they want to feel psychologically dominated. They refuse to marry average men of similar income.



6) Delusional modern people claim they don't care about having children and instead want to find "love".

7) Women refuse to settle and will die alone instead destroying civilization.

Divorce exponentially rising ,marriage rates exponentially declining as well as fertility rates. Worst among whites. 40% of women currently single, number rising to 50% in 10 years.



8)Independent Women unhappiest demographic of Human Beings in the United States. Men record lowest levels of sexual activity.





9) Women desire Sexist Patriachial men but aren't getting it in modern society. They desire Dominant men (either financially or literally as in tall and having big frame).






9)Fat and Physically weak men higher in estrogen believe in female independence and other left wing ideas. Right Wing strong, fit and facially attractive men more likely to believe in traditional family values. Traditional men likely to have more testosterone and more attractive.




If only WHITE Men voted America would be a far right Utopia.

10)Reality is determined by general statistics, and overall trends. Hypothetical and anecdotal experiences do not refute trends or studies. Reality is determined by which direction the majority of people are moving in.

11) Prepare for Rahowa by stocking up on Guns ,Ammunition and Resources. Lockdown 2 coming very very soon.
My name's Jack, and my usual rabbi trick of triggering people into emotional reactions and sidestepping them while acting all cool, calm and in control while they look crazy by contrast was working SO WELL. Until this guy named jrvan came and ruined it by destroying my logic and highlighting my stupidity and nonsense and faulty arguing tactics for everyone to see, and pushed me into a corner where I had no choice left but to forsake my cool and collected character persona and go on the attack for once. I even had to bully people and gaslight them while simultaneously playing the victim just to win an argument lololo. HE'S SUCH A CUCK! Oy vey I really hate that guy.
Jack said:
tabby said:
Jack said:

You sure know how to piss people off. You want an emotional woman, let me give just a little infusion of that.

I have one human partner and one Demon partner, and I do not engage in sexual or romantic relations with anyone outside that because unlike the minority jewed women you bitch about, I have a healthy level of self-respect and I refuse to give my body and love to anyone who thinks they can walk over me and get away with it. A man does not take charge of me, he will not control me lest he wants an incredibly angry mother bear on his hands. When a man earns my respect and trust I will listen to their guidance and leadership willingly, but not before.

I have a cancerian stellium. I am very maternal by nature, and I will not tolerate for a second anyone who dare tries to control me and my future children. If a man cannot stand beside me with respect for me as a person and a friend first and foremost, I refuse to let him stand in front of me as a provider for myself and my children. I refuse to let him share the pleasures of my body. If I am in the home, cooking and cleaning and looking after my children it is because I chose to do so, I desire that role. Not because a man told me that it was my place and nothing else.

Jrvan earned that respect, not through force or domination but through understanding, respect, and careful tact. He proved time and time again through his actions that he was reliable, strong, and trustworthy, and I was safe to be myself around him. He has gone through shit in life that would turn older men to stone, yet he still can share his tears with me, still allows himself to be vulnerable with me, and has actively protected me since I met him, and I him. It was jrvan who protected me and got me out of the cult we had fallen into, it's jrvan who guided me to JoS and it was he who brought me out of the brainwashing from that cult, he who has taught me and helped me understand the sermons of JoS. Happiness was never the goal. It was self enlightenment and healing, which has resulted in growing stable happiness. That is a real man right there. You call a man who protected, guided, and uplifted his woman as a "pussy"? Funny given your insistence that the man be the protector and provider.

I will always have his back, because I refuse to let him bare the burden of survival alone, to bare the struggles we may face alone. I refuse to sit in my home chair being nothing more than a pretty face for my partner, when the world is on the brink of ruin or victory. I will bleed beside my men, and when all is said and done, I will be the mother I need to be to ensure the next generation never have to go through what the jews have done to us. My children will know magick, Satan, and the love of a mother and a father who is always there for them. If I cannot support my man and men like that, I would be ashamed of myself and the weakness I'd be carrying.

Am I an anomaly? Or am I just a fucking human that expresses herself in ways your statistics will never reveal about women?

I ask you, why would having a Demon relationship render my human partner devalued as a man? Especially since it was something we talked about and consented to together. Through it we have learned many more things than what we could have alone. It is not for everyone. I would never trust my body with another human, that is why I asked jrvan if he would approve of a Demon partnership. Because I know I would be safe, and he would have nothing to feel afraid of with such a relationship.

You don't give a fuck about other people's emotions or the things they have had to deal with in life, but then bitch and whine telling us all how butt hurt you are over a girl telling you you're being an ass and a toxic bully, and expect others to accommodate to your emotions and feelings. You resort to personal attacks and insults when you don't get your way over a topic that should have been long dead. It is you who keeps bringing up how women's independence has ruined the world, how women can't be leaders, how women are emotional and can't have a logical argument. Why not take your own advice and figure out where the fuck your own issues with women actually come from instead of bitching about it doing nothing to heal your own wounds on this subject and scapegoating all women for the shit the jews have done to the races of humanity?

Let me make one thing clear to you, Jack. You know nothing of how I grew up. My family was lead by my grandfather AND my grandnan. My family functioned the way so many people talk about with wolf packs but they never seem to be able to understand what that actually means or looks like. My family had the leading pair and everyone else pitched in to provide and teach everything possible for the children and the grandchildren. I can't remember a day when the different branches of my family didn't look after all of us kids growing up. When my mother couldn't be home, my aunts, uncles, grandparents and friends of my family came to help babysit and vice versa. I still remember helping to babysit my young cousins. I wasn't just raised by my mother and father, I was raised by of all my family's adults. If that is dysfunction to you, then you clearly have no understanding of a family who puts children before anything else. Children, family ties and respect for the environment were the most sacred teachings in my family. My father, uncles, male friends of the family, and grandfather actively expressed challenging any men who decided they could be a little friendly with me that they did not approve of. Even my mother had many asshole-ish boyfriends driven out the door by her father (my grandfather) who were unfit to be with her. If it came to it, the women of my family would not hesitate to kill anyone who tried to harm the younger ones.

Any issues and so-called "dysfunction" was purely on an individual basis with personal problems carried through the life that hadn't been dealt with because of the way jews have created society. My mother's only major flaw was narcissism and lack of self-awareness, my father's only flaw was overworking and getting the "gotta be tough" treatment. My flaw was being brainwashed by a cult and didn't trust my instincts and feelings enough.

Welcome to reality, Jack. You can have your free speech but you are not free from the ripples that come after. If you continue saying shit like this, don't cry when you get punched for it. Emotions is part of what makes people - people and not mindless robotic greys. They can reveal to you things that are wrong where logic may otherwise dismiss it as crazy. Emotions and feelings are ingrained into the human consciousness. To bury them is to bury what makes you more than a machine.

You have an issue with me because I will not submit to your shit, I will not be controlled, and I do not conform to your toxic image of what a woman should be.

As your sister under Satan, Jack, I hope you can learn to respect your female brethren. Women are meant to be free with their men. If your woman has no independence, no will, no self direction and is just you in a female body, she will never be an SS.
You were brought up in a cult and during your formative years that has been imprinted upon your subconscious what it means to be a woman and how to view men.

This is why you have a husband who is a CUCK.

If you had been brought up normally with normal family values, your life and views would be different.

I was also brought up by a mother who was overbearing while my dad was always absent but I healed myself spiritually and mentally so I could be the person I was naturally meant to be.

What you view as toxic, demeaning and insulting is feminist brainwashing. If you grew up in a Christian household you would grow up with Christian brainwashing which made to feel Women as inferior beings. The views that you are exhibiting are not your own but formed due to conditioning during childhood.

Submission to a man you love to some degree is a natural instinct in women. The reason why you're in the relationship you are is because you are damaged mentally and are psychologically unwell. Your fear of submission is ingrained conditioned behavior. This is also exhibited why you don't value yourself and see yourself with a man who will claim you as his own and instead settle for a cuck. You need to do multiple MUNKA workings to let go of fear and blockages that are preventing you from being the woman you were meant to be.

No sane woman would be with a man who doesn't value or respect her enough to claim her as his own. Your husband's acceptance of you even fantasizing or entertaining the possibility of having sex with other men shows he doesn't value you,and is insecure in his own self worth.

The only reason why a woman would be in this situation is that she's been traumatized in her formative years. So I hope you heal yourself from the suffering and past conditioning in your formative years and stop the continued cycle of delusional suffering that you are propagating in your own mind. Unless you accept the truth ,you can never be free. I wish you the best in life and I wish that you find your true self unburdened by these social conventions that are hampering your life.

You're predictable. I had a feeling you would latch onto my cult experiences and use that as ammo despite its irrelevancy to the topic of men and women. I was not raised in it. That cult was opposite to everything I value. They brainwashed everyone to hate their families, hate humans, and turn them all into little pawn batteries to suck on. The leaders own children were used in their twisted rituals and cared nothing for their well-being and health.

I had not been myself for four years in that cult, Jack. I was emotionally numbed out, and possessed with an entity that tried damn hard to kill me and drive me insane. But considering you know oh so much of my life you'd think you'd known that already. Your gaslighting and weaponising my trauma is all too recognisable. I don't need you to tell me what you think the root of my issues are, how I feel and why, and what I need to do to heal. You have no respect for me as a person let alone as an SS and your advice will not solve my issues. Why? Because you have no understanding of me.

I know where my trauma comes from, I know the roots of my problems, and have actively been working on where those roots come from since I came here. I have been doing munka since around February (next month is round 3 for 80 days), satanama meditation since December every single day as a resolution to Satan, and doing sexual and soul healing, and destroying the entity I was possessed with by those cult leaders. I will not be following your advice because your analysis skills of my life and trouble shooting my trauma is utter shit. If I followed your advice I would be targeting roots that do not exist and end up creating more problems for myself while never dealing with the first, because I would be blind, looking down a hole trying to find something that is in a totally different location.

You're a pretty good example of a poor leader.

If I had grown up without the values my family held sacred, I would be goy material. Is the values of strength, self respect, family, children, and respect for the environment really so abnormal? Is the act of men in my family preventing disrespectful controlling assholes from dating their daughters really so abnormal? Is the act of everyone in my family, man, woman, and adolescent pitching in to help raise the youngest really so abnormal? Perhaps in a society run by jews, yes, it would be abnormal because they hate families. They hate children, and they hate women.

I embody the traditionalism you whine about women needing to have, but I accompany with it a personality and will that you cannot handle. I am about as creative as I am destructive. I have always strongly desired to be a mother one day, I started thinking up baby names at the age of 10. I love cooking and cleaning and creating things, and I would love to wear skirts again. I still love combat and getting my hands dirty, and have gotten to a point now that I will happily put on feminine clothes and spar in my astral temple. I just don't tolerate the things that would turn me into a spineless bitch with a collar around my throat like the women you want for a wife. You have fears of your own, Jack. You I would dare say are afraid of the power of women so much so that you have to dominate their will and destroy what makes them unique.

I am very happy in my relationships, despite what you think women's happiness should look like. If jrvan and my Demon are cucks in your mind, then I am ashamed of you.

Letting go and being enveloped in the feminine energy is a lot like free-falling backwards. It's terrifying at first, but the first time I tried it and managed to not freak out, I started giggling. It was a delightfully playful and lively feeling, vulnerable and light. When I trust a man I enjoy allowing myself to be enveloped in his masculinity, but I will not be dominated by it to the point I lose my own will. The last time I did, I became sick. If you continue to refuse to let yourself be in any position of vulnerability, how can you expect to become harmonised with your own feminine half of your soul if you will not let go and "submit" to feminine energies yourself?

You are toxic. You have bullied people here, demeaned them for being female, mocked and insulted, gaslighted, manipulated, and made personal attacks which are unjustified, and yet you still continue to side step taking responsibility for your bullshit all in a matter of a few weeks now. It's been almost a month since you derailed the sewing thread and got triggered over the words "independence" and "women" in the same sentence by Lunar. No amount of "you would feel indifferent if it was untrue" will excuse your shitty behaviour. That's just a cop out. You refuse to listen to the other side of the coin with the excuses that your statements are unquestionable. You can twist our arguments and make us appear as if we are attacking you unfairly, but I will not let you drag me and jrvan down with personal attacks just because you can't handle being told off.

Those who are brave know truth, and truth doesn't not fear or silence alternate opinions and knowledge, because it stands to shine on its own.
jrvan said:
My name's Jack, and my usual rabbi trick of triggering people into emotional reactions and sidestepping them while acting all cool, calm and in control while they look crazy by contrast was working SO WELL. Until this guy named jrvan came and ruined it by destroying my logic and highlighting my stupidity and nonsense and faulty arguing tactics for everyone to see, and pushed me into a corner where I had no choice left but to forsake my cool and collected character persona and go on the attack for once. I even had to bully people and gaslight them while simultaneously playing the victim just to win an argument lololo. HE'S SUCH A CUCK! Oy vey I really hate that guy.
Okay ,Cuck.
Meteor said:
Recently I saw an interesting discussion on a website called Quora, about the reasons why some people engage in polygyny (having multiple female partners), and how it can cause societal problems for low-class men and high-class women. I found it quite relatable as I've had a few very negative and brief experiences with it (in both cases due to a guy misleading me about how many partners he had or wanted; both were narcissists (one even bragged about his diagnosis), which I was too naive at the time to see as a red flag), and figured I might as well share the discussion I found there in case anyone finds it interesting.

Q: "Is Jordan Peterson right to say we should have 'enforced monogamy' to solve the incel problem?"
A: "Peterson is talking about socially enforced monogamy. And explained why society evolved away from polygyny (one man marrying multiple women) and changed to require monogamy

Polygyny is good for high status men and horrible for low status men. But the real impetus for the change was that Polygyny resulted in roaming bands of single men with nothing left to lose which is bad for rulers."

Q: "How do women feature in this calculation?"
A: "A number of years ago The Economist ran an article on polygyny.

Polygyny is good for low-status women and somewhat bad for high-status women.

If you were a low-status woman you could choose to be the third wife of this guy:
(Picture of a prince)

Instead of the only wife of this guy:
(Famous picture of an ugly kike with bad teeth)

As far as high-status women, they complain that when society allows non-monogamy — then the high-status men want to play the field and not settle down and get married. So they either have to choose to share a high-status man or choose a lower-status man to have a monogamous relationship with.

Marriage (either plural or monogamous) served women (and children) by giving them protection and financial stability. It created stable economic units.

Beyond that, the kings weren’t really concerned about how polygyny affected women. However, they were concerned that polygyny could (by creating roaming bands of single men) lead to the overthrow of their kingdom."

Q: "But this presumes an environment in which women weren’t allowed to be financially independent. What relevance can it have to a free society, in which women are free agents?"
A: "It doesn’t assume that at all. Freedom to choose means freedom to choose polygyny.

Even in modern times, women will sometimes choose to be the third, fourth, or even fifth girlfriend of a high-status man.

When women are free to choose — (many) choose Leonardo DiCaprio over Joe Average. Even if that means sharing Leonardo.

Again, when there is freedom — that means women get to choose between sharing a high-status man or choosing monogamy with a lower-status man. Some women freely choose the former.

Throughout history, it was always only a small percentage of the population that practiced polygyny. Most men could only attract/support one wife. But for every man that had 10 wives — that resulted in nine men spending their life celibate and childless."

Despite my own negative experiences with polyamory, and my strong natural preference for monogamy, I once proposed it to my partner myself. Due to a condition of mine, I thought I was unable to have sex, so for years I had almost given up on finding sexual pleasure myself and mainly focused on making my partners feel good. But after reading the Joy of Satan website, I realised it might be possible for me to have sex with someone who is adept at telepathy. I became very curious, and because of that, I thought that maybe I wanted to have a Demon lover so I could experience it. Then I also started to think that a Demon lover could be eternal, whereas I would have to say goodbye to my current partner at the end of his lifetime, the thought of which hurt me a lot. But I loved my partner too much to break up with him, which put me in a very tormenting dilemma.

I tried to keep those feelings to myself, since I didn't want to bother him with something like that; but then in the heat of the moment I ended up blurting it all out anyway. He started crying. Seeing that made me realise that I had been thinking about it all wrong. I realised how terrified I really was of losing him someday, and that what I really wanted was to uplift the both of us so that we could overcome all of these things together. So I asked him if he wanted to be with me for eternity, and if so, if he would be willing to do what it takes to make it work. He said yes, if I could explain to him how.

Things remained very difficult for some time after that. But eventually, about a year ago, we became capable of telepathy with each other and more. And thanks to this, as I hoped, we were finally able to have sex in a mutual way. It's more fulfilling and pleasurable than anything I could've ever imagined, and I realise now just how unhappy I would've been if I had involved anyone else, even a God. To be able to share this with him, and only him, forever, is the deepest delight imaginable; because only he is perfect for me.

Even just the thought of having sex with anyone but him, is so revolting to me now that it makes me feel like committing murder.
To see that my own attitude has changed so drastically just because I'm more fulfilled now, further fuelled my already existing belief that polyamory is wrong and flawed, and a symptom of other sexual problems and a lack of divinity.

However, when I joined the forums here, I found that there are several people here who are much more positive about the idea of having multiple partners. Such as Jack, who has stated that he would like to own multiple women that are completely loyal to him. StyleCoin, who wants to have multiple girlfriends but doesn't mind if they also sleep around. And tabby, who decided that involving a Demon lover in her relationship was what she really wanted after all. I started to wonder if I should really say it's wrong just because I don't understand it and wouldn't be able to tolerate anything like that personally. It may go against my own nature, but what if they're not misguided, but simply different from me?

As the person on Quora said, polyamory has always been something that only a small percentage of people engage in. But does that mean it's always unnatural and harmful for people to engage in it, or do they engage in it because for them specifically it's natural? That's something I'm quite curious about, so I'm starting to see the point of this thread now. It would be so insightful to know more about where these things come from, and whether they're fine or problematic in some way.

On a completely unrelated note; the day before yesterday, I went outside and saw five butterflies at once: four Peacock Butterflies and one Monarch. It was quite a sight. I just felt like sharing that.
This is false mischaracterization. I have never said that I wanted to "own" multiple women.
jrvan said:
Yup, totally a cuck. You caught me. I've been into cuckhold porn since I was 14, and ever since then I just couldn't help myself. I had this totally beta compulsion to be a watcher rather than a doer. Feels bad man.
Congratulations to you. At least you are being cucked by a literal God. Most cucks would just opt for some big black guy.

Honestly, speaking of beating a dead horse (by the way, did you also get that phrase from Jacky?).
No. It is a very common phrase, and I used a different variation because I thought it sounded better and I didn’t want to be the copycat. (Which you said anyway.)

Why don't you grow up. You've had it out for me from the start, and you pounce on any opportunity the moment it arises like right now. You complain to Tabby about derailing or whatever, but you're apparently super interested in gossip tabloids about my sex life which also has nothing to do with the topic.
I wasn’t complaining to her. It was part of that post because it would have been redundant to make three different ones in a row. She hasn’t derailed anything. She’s actually enjoyable to talk with because she is level headed and mature. She is the man of your relationship and everyone can see that. That is why she has to go outside of the relationship to be satisfied because you are more like a needy child than a husband. Sad!

And as for what you said to Meteor while getting fed up and all vexed about it, if you didn't want discussion then why did you make the thread in the first place? She contributed to the discussion by offering another angle to talk about. What's wrong with that?
It’s not a discussion to repeat the same thing I’ve said many times to the same person that I’ve said it to. It’s just a way of prodding at me.

You're just playing politics now because you want to empower Jack and his empty arguments which he constantly keeps readjusting to the point it looks nothing like what he said in the first place (which he then tries to make it look like we were arguing against something sane in the first place). Jack is a lying manipulator,
His message has seemed consistent to me. You are the one always having some meltdown over it. YOU grow up.

If you think vindicating him by tearing us down is going to gain you your balls back then think again. I'm never giving you your balls back..
I have big balls that you never took. You try to take mine because you have none of your own. That’s called being an Eunuch. Maybe there will be testicle restoration surgery in the future to help the eunuchs so that they will stop trying to steal the balls of others.

You're going to have to keep tip-toeing and walking the tightrope which you hate so much because you can't just say off the wall things to piss people off anymore, and simply get away with it without people speaking up and humiliating you
I choose to “walk the tightrope” for the sake of the forum and keeping it civil, not for the approval of a swamp eunuch. You don’t care about others at all. That’s why you derail every post, throwing a fit because the mean man said some mean words. I can be this at anytime when some swampster like you chooses to provoke me.

You're a political genius, I'll give you that. And you will probably deny everything I just said which is easy enough to do, and whatever. I don't care. You know what you're doing, and as long as you know it's true and realize that I see through you, it doesn't matter if anyone else knows it.
No one else sees it because they are not an SE (swamp eunuch) suffering from main character syndrome. People that understand how the world work are usually great with politics and strategy.

I knew you couldn't keep up the mask forever. People like you don't change overnight, and I haven't trusted you for a second even with your nice guy act and faking maturity. I simply saw it as you reinventing your character.
I don’t fake anything. I have actually matured in the last 6 months while you are still the same crying baby.

That's what you and Jack are - characters. He's your only political ally on the forums who aligns with your shallow opinions and values. Is he really the one you want to be siding with right now though? The guy who thinks reacting to someone's blatant insults is proof that he's right about them because otherwise they would be "indifferent." Apparently you and Jacky want us all to turn the other cheek lest we prove your ridiculous theories about us. Well that's not how it works, and the winds are not turning against me right now to favor Jack despite what it might look like to you. I suggest you reconsider this move, or else go back to psych 101 where you fools belong because this isn't going to play out how you think it will.
I have already told you before that I am on the side of reason not any man. Jack just happens to be the one that is. If you were reasonable and not some emotional wreck I would be on your side. But until then…

This kind of political nonsense and ally scheming does not belong in Father's forums. Trying to buy influence for your ideas by tearing me down is rabbi type shit. The Truth will prevail no matter what I or anyone else says, and Truth doesn't need to try desperately hard to convince people and win them over like you do. I've never appealed to the crowd because I don't fucking care. I know people here are smart, and they make up their own minds about what they think is right.
No one is tearing you down. You destroy yourself every time you do this. The truth has to work hard to convince a very unhinged person like you or anything because you live in an alternate reality.

[Oh and yep polyamory and polygamy is just new age shit which didn't appear at all in the ancient age. Totally. Everyone's the same dude. Not at all unique expressions of their soul, nope, it's all physical biology. You know it. And money is a new age concept too, definitely. Agriculture and wealth is just a myth or some shit. Retards.
Polygamy and cuckoldry are not the same thing. You are just some poor cucked eunuch that cannot please their wife which is why she has to be with a greater being than you to remain balanced. Maybe things would be different if you had testicles.
All the women who are attacking reality that is because they are experiencing cognitive dissonance when their cult is attacked. They fear a loss of identity if you accept their biological needs and get over their feelings and programming. But that would mean that they would have to accept that the worldview they held was wrong and now they must form a new one.
By this you mean that all people, especially women, who disagree with you are in a cult and/or detached from reality because you're the arbiter of Truth, and you're the only one who can speak to the mystic "facts" and "statistics." They won't speak to anyone else but you so everyone has to just take your word for it. You're the cult leader, retard.

Most people are averse to change. This woman above admitted in detail without me provoking her that she was brought up in a dysfunctional upbringing with the mom assuming the role of a man and vice versa. This ingrained shell of cult like conditioning makes it very hard to break out and assume the natural role.

Tabby's mom is incredibly feminine, and her working doesn't change that nor does it stop her from playing a leading role in the household. Her husband is still the higher earner, and doesn't force her to step out of her femininity in order to take charge. Most women don't like having to step out of their femininity, and yes they want the male to take charge and take POSITIVE ownership of her and the family she provides him, and not the toxic, sexist, devaluing type of ownership which is unhealthy. You didn't even watch Teal Swan's video that I linked about that describing the difference, did you? Or maybe you did because your arguments shaped up ever so slightly to include new information which coincidentally is found in those videos, and they became slightly more reasonable sounding while you pretended it was what you were saying the whole time. Of course you still scapegoat women and say that they prefer sexism which is false so it couldn't have helped that much by watching. I have to wonder if the video actually is causing you cognitive dissonance which you accuse Tabby of having. You're making a bunch of different incompatible points after all.

Most men are Afraid to take charge and lead as well due to conditioning where they were raised by the mother and the father was either absent or wasn't emotionally present to teach him his role.

False. Boys are able to find other male role models and even father figures, and have done so in the past. The reason why men are afraid to take charge is because jewish radical feminism is cucking men of society, and you confuse us for them because you're a liar and a douchebag.

This creates a conundrum with men refusing to take charge and women refusing to defer responsibility due to their conditioning and fear of male leadership.
Yep because all men are the same and in the exact same boat. Didn't you hear? The statistics said so.

This world has gone to the edge of a cliff. Women are repulsed by weak sissy men and men who constantly cater and listen to them.

Oh right because listening to women is such sissy behavior. Considering her needs as a human being is cuckholdry, and all women are the same. You're a broken record. There's no justification or sane defense you can make of your points. You've lost.

But this society has already collapsed. There's no point in arguing about decades old facts over and over again.

Then why the fuck are you here on a forum arguing? Dipshit.

All the related links (last time I'll speak about them so save them before they take down the internet) in sequence and order -
Thank fuck.

1)Jewish Sociologist Theodore Adorno writes "The Authoritarian Personality " opining that Liberating women financially, Sexually and from Male Patriarchal leadership would destroy White Societies causing White Genocide and cause the destruction of the family and society as a whole.

2) Jews liberate women Financially, sexually and getting them free from Patriarchy through the Sexual Revolution, Birth Control, Abortion and non white immigrants and decreasing value of money.

3)White Nationalists and Nationalist Socialists sound alarm saying this is a Jewish plan. Conservatives and Liberals ignore them. Rodger F Devlin writes his seminal work referenced by Nationalists all over the world for its accurate predictions.

Coupled with economic warfare it becomes impossible to have enough children and have only the dad working.

5) As women become more liberated and financially independent, they report lower and lower lack of happiness, making modern women the unhappiest generation of women in the entirety of human history.

But if you take away the ABILITY for ANY WOMEN AT ALL to be financially independent then women who can't find men will die. Apparently you, a fucking INDIAN want my White people to die just because you're a salty Indian who hates women. Why are you so obsessed with White people when you're not even WHITE? SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT MY RACE!

Women find most men as financially unattractive because they want to feel psychologically dominated. They refuse to marry average men of similar income.

No, they want security for themselves and their children. There's nothing wrong with that except for a bitter loser who worships poverty as something heroic and hero producing like you. Like I already pointed out, the reason why more men can't be financially attractive is because jews keep all of our money away from us.

6) Delusional modern people claim they don't care about having children and instead want to find "love".

Back to the whole "love" doesn't exist argument, eh? Even Maxine said love exists just like hate and all other emotions.
HATE" By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Hatred, like love is a very powerful emotion. It is obvious with the Jewishinvented and promoted programs such as the New Age, Christianity [Jesus loves
you] and other related malignant deceptions, the Jews fear directed hatred and of
course, truth and justice. This reveals where they are weak and vulnerable. Their
programs keep on pushing the “love” “love” “love” ad nauseum. In addition, none
of these programs has anything to do with “love.” The word “love” in regards to
these nefarious programs is only a deception and a mask for extreme hatred of

9) Women desire Sexist Patriachial men but aren't getting it in modern society. They desire Dominant men (either financially or literally as in tall and having big frame).
Sexism means devaluing women, and they do NOT find that attractive.

10)Reality is determined by general statistics, and overall trends. Hypothetical and anecdotal experiences do not refute trends or studies. Reality is determined by which direction the majority of people are moving in.

Before I was free of suffering, I was in a relationship with a woman who was constantly nagging me about wanting me to talk to her about my personal feelings and issues because I never did. At that time I didn't know that this was a Test and I opened up telling her everything about my past and all my problems.

Do you know what happened next ? Long story short the exact last words she told me was
"Fuck You. I hate You. Don't call me or Message me." And I was thinking of telling her that I loved her. She was extremely feminine, beautiful had a good relationship with her father and mother.

The relationship just changed as I admitted to having problems and asked her for advice as she constantly wanted me to ask her about that. It was a crucial turning point.

Men need to go to other men with their problems. Women aren't designed to handle your problems. They are repulsed by weakness and insecurity. The only women who are going to tolerate it is who are brainwashed, damaged and will take a CUCK as a husband.

Don't do it guys. Its bait.

Fucking brilliant. Anecdotal evidence doesn't determine reality, and then you provide anecdotal evidence to try to plea to all of us and desperately convince us. Go back to MGTOW, loser. Their talking points of their "philosophy" are so completely evident in your words. This ONE woman you met was a toxic human being, and is not at all representative of the female sex. Once again proving your own unhealed emotional wounds and personal problems with women while accusing us all of being emotionally unstable. You seem to be so obsessed with patterns like statistics and whatnot, and yet you can't even notice your own stupid pattern. You keep gaslighting, and accusing us of the same things over and over again while doing so yourself. You accused Tabby of revealing her emotional past and source of her problems to you, and then you go and do this where you reveal your own emotional trauma and source of your hangups with women. You're literally too stupid to argue with, and people should just ignore you from now on and accept that you don't know what you're talking about. You've completely discredited yourself now if you hadn't done so before in everyones' minds.

And no, reality is not determined by statistics. Reality is determined by Father Satan. Maybe you should go talk to him about your great ideas regarding women being a plague of society and the root cause of all humanity's suffering instead of jews. Try to convince him just like you've tried to convince us. Surely you can do that, right Jack? After all you have such high conviction that you're absolutely right, and we're all wrong. And I mean, the statistics have your back, right? So you should be fine. Go convince Father Satan of your ideas, and show him all of the statistics which apparently prove us all wrong. If you're this absolutely adamant about it then you should be willing to say the same to Satan face to face. I want you to come back afterwards and share how your conversation with him went. You owe us that much after the fucking mess you've made.
Meteor said:

Like I tried saying to Jack. Polyamory is not for everyone, even having a Demon relationship is not for everyone. There are those like myself and jrvan who have been able to heal ourselves in ways we couldn’t alone.

What works for one partnership will not work for another. That’s part of discussing things with those you love so everyone in the relationship can understand what page everyone is on, and work out solutions that best suit their needs and desires. This comes back to not being afraid to express your emotions to your partner and not being afraid of the emotions of others. Some things will completely make someone not want to be with you anymore and I’ve seen that. It happens. That person has lines that they cannot personally have crossed and so the relationship fails, but a relationship shouldn’t fail just from trying to discuss something that the partner is struggling with. If the person you are with is refusing to hear you in order to find a solution that best works for you and them, then that is not a healthy partnership from the beginning.

If the communication is suffering in a relationship, no one is going to be happy because needs are not being met or heard or adequately expressed.

Neither jrvan or I went behind each others backs about it, and I was incredibly afraid of my own emotions. It’s a terrifying thing trying to tell your partner you need help with something so personal that affects you both and your gut is guiding you to something that could sound insane to them.

No one else is going to be involved in our lives because that is the agreement that was made, and we are happy. If something is ever wrong, it is discussed and worked through openly in our home.

You found what works for you through being able to talk about it to your partner, and they expressed their boundaries and you figured out a solution that suits both your needs. That is really healthy. You discovered a boundary for yourself and learned more about yourself and your partner in the processes.

Xtianity has programmed many to think a relationship especially marriage is one size fits all between only a man and a woman. But just as humans are very obviously not one size fits all, neither are relationships. Everyone has a natal chart, everyone has a unique make up of energies that express in specific ways from person to person, and everyone has a different set of needs and desires. So naturally different relationships will fit better for some and not for others. Some are homosexual, some are polyamorous, some are polygamous, some like to have fun experimenting with threesomes or healthy orgies and others just don’t. These things are not wrong when they are healthy and not forced and all of the partners involved are in willing agreement with consent.

You need to have communication and openness with your partner. But to do that both parties need to be willing to listen to each other and work together, and have a decent level of understanding of their partner.

I have met a number of people who have been afraid to face things in a relationship that are clearly not ok or wrong. Afraid to acknowledge or admit that something is just not working. Some fear abandonment, some fear not being enough for their partner and change who they are to their core in order to please them even if they slowly suffer long term for it. Relationships are a union between people. If one is afraid to face the things that frighten them and work things out with their partner, the relationship is going to suffer and fall apart. People are still people after all, regardless of what is between their legs.
A lot of men are locked into the base chakra exclusively in terms of their emotional expression, and much more aligned with the lower chakras. What people forget is that men also have the upper female chakras. If men weren't supposed to express emotions, especially the emotions beyond the base chakra, then they wouldn't have a throat chakra. Because of most men being conditioned to deny their feminine side and anything feminine at all (a direct counter and parallel to Jack's so-called "societal cult conditioning" as if he knows what an actual fucking cult is, and as if behavior is the only criteria for qualifying a cult), they also deny the upper chakras and any emotions beyond simply anger and rage. Base chakra has very much to do with anger. And it's sad too that society now denies men also the one emotion that they were ever allowed to express, and encourages people who dare to express the illegal emotion of anger to go to kosher anger management. Men need to let out their rage. It's no wonder there's such widely prevalent depression in society right now because everyone gets shut down when trying to express their emotions. There's no place for it. No one cares to try to understand each other, and everyone is in their own pain which makes them less likely to care about what others are going through. The jews just laugh at all of this. Emotional expression is necessary, and discussing emotions and working on them with a partner in a relationship is one of the only good and safe places to do so, but now Jack wants to take that away as well because apparently working on emotions is for chumps and cucks. One might recommend a shrink for dealing with emotions, but they're all either jewish or trained by jewish methods, and they get paid to pretend to care. It used to be the case that people expressed their emotions and personal private problems with a xian priest, but that just allows them to use it against them, and do I even need to explain why we shouldn't spill our problems to jews? In any case, all avenues to safe emotional expression in society have been blocked. Only pathological so-called "happiness" is legal anymore.
jrvan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack said:

Basically, then, after I started reading on material provided by the modern GBLTQAI+++, I understood what was being said here, was if not pretty close, really identical. Then, they promoted socialism and all the rest of it, which, as a picture that adds up, points to not only rampant leftism but other crazy stuff too.

Omg you did it again! My mind completely skipped over it as I was reading. AI+ hahaha. I like this meme. Let's get on board with AI rights everybody, it's the next big thing for our homosexual movement. :lol:

As for banning, I hope Jack doesn't have leftover anxiety from back then. It seems like he might, but I don't know. I even told him on the other thread he made that no one is trying to take away his place on the forums. Reading him is kind of hard though. He's just one of those people that I definitely wouldn't want to consciousness merge with.

By the way, speaking of consciousness merging, I recently did so with a plant. I didn't even realize how effectively I had done it at first because I got interrupted while I was trying to "walk in" visually. So I thought I hadn't done it correctly, and I hadn't learned how to exit (turns out it's as straightforward as entering, just "walk out"). I basically spent the whole day as a literal vegetable lol. The reason why I accidentally walked in was because I was practicing consciousness merging beforehand, and then Tabby asked me to sense the energy of her sick plant to see if I could feel what's wrong with it. So I kind of just started trying to merge with her plant without thinking, and then she told me not to because Maxine said not to merge with anyone who wasn't healthy so I halted and I thought that I hadn't done it. Turns out I did it very effectively. I was so much thirstier than usual, and I kept trying to figure out why I was thirsty. Then it dawned on me that maybe it had something to do with the merging from the night before. So I tried "walking out" from the plant visually, and lo and behold I stopped feeling dehydrated. Then I told Tabby "Your plant is dehydrated." or something like that, and we had a laugh.

Actually thank you for sharing this. I think I should go over if I am not connected somewhere that isn't me or human.

I used to go to places frequently as a teen, just to relax and be with myself, often in nature. But this one time I felt depressed and hurt and negative out of nowhere. No one said anything or did anything that could make me feel this way.. I thought to take a break and go where I usually went only to see that all the trees had been uprooted and cut down. And all the plants had been mowed down and cleared out.

As if I felt their pain and sorrow of the damage that was done and the nature that was destroyed.

It wasn't the first time either that something like that has happened.
I've had to fight an uphill battle since I arrived in order to prove my identity and that I am who I say I am. No one else has had to go through such efforts like I have, and it's totally unjust that I have had this level of suspicion thrown at me the whole time. Since it was SouthernWhiteGentile who started the whole meme of Tabby being my alt account and planted that in the minds of others, I think it's only fair that he be shown a similar level of suspicion since he was so insistent that I'm this mysterious stranger and subverter up to no good. I can easily point out that he has been following Jack around like a puppy for a long time now, and frequently has been there to jump to Jack's defense whenever I argued with him. He was the one who started the whole "cuck" meme about me after I started arguing with Jack over whether love exists as an emotion or not. He's always been there wherever Jack was, and always defending him and providing support. There just seems to be this weird connection that exists between them. One might even be forgiven for suspecting they might be the same person. Utilizing the same arguments, memes, words, and talking points. Being similarly obsessed with the Aryan race as a central point of their consciousness (why is this the case for an Indian like Jack?). Having similarly shallow worldviews. Both hating women who have a mind of their own, and constantly trying to diminish women and their value beyond being baby makers. Working to preserve each others' reputations. And more.

Do I think SouthernWhiteGentile is Jack's alt account? No. I don't care to speculate on something so pointless that is only a waste of time and diversion, and would only create problems and division within the forums. Fuck your memes, fuck your propaganda, and fuck you. I haven't done anything wrong. I haven't subverted anything. Not once have I been told by the High Priest that I'm a problem or that my contributions are poisonous or undesired. I have not been spoken to about the things I say so far. If you don't like polyamory just because you don't understand it then just don't comment on it. My sex life is none of your fucking business. The amount of insult I have tolerated is insane. No one else has gotten this level of suspicion when they didn't deserve it. If you want me gone then too bad, be disappointed, because Satan wants me here and Satan accepts me. I don't care what you ignorant fools think. Anyone who thinks I'm problematic can come out and say it to me in the open instead of hiding behind Jack like a wuss. Let everyone aligned with these mental midgets reveal themselves openly, or else stay in Jack's closet like the cowards you are.
For context on my view of what an "independent" woman looks like to me is a person who if shit got bad, if a relationship failed, or their partner died, something happens to their parents and family support, friend group, resources get tight for their partner to bring in, etc - they would have no problem and enough resources needed to be able to step up and take care of themselves, aid their partner, and look after whoever is dependent on them, like children. They think for themselves and make choices based on the context of the situation and decide what is best for them and who they are with. They have the ability to defend themselves when they don't have a man or otherwise stronger individual in their life (martial arts, basic self defence, gun, knife, taser, etc etc).

That's what I mean when I say women should be independent. This doesn't make a woman less of a "woman" on its own, being independent gets twisted into thinking you have to be masculine in order to achieve that or become the jewed feminists walking around like graffiti slut dolls. That's just what the jews want women to think independence is about. I do not mean that men should hand over their roles and power to a woman just so she can feel empowered. Women can feel and be empowered on their own without being someone they're not and trying to over take their men. And men should not be afraid of their woman's empowerment, it's not going to make you less of a "man", unless she's crazy enough to actively try tear you down just for being human - to which even I would be scared of people like that. That's not real independence (or liberation), that's just stolen strength by tearing down something stronger than you without making yourself actually strong. The same goes for men who find a healthy woman who has a strong will and does well for herself, and attempts to push her down to their level in order to feel "like a real man" in the relationship, when really he's just threatened by her because he can't contribute anything to her life or has insecurities (for whatever personal reasons).

In that situation it would be a better and a much healthier approach to actually take a page from your partners book and improve yourself to be the best you can be, both for yourself and also your partner. A relationship isn't a battle of who is suppose to be top dog and the other bows down like a slave. You're a team, you work together to make decisions and ideally should help each other be healthy and well-to-do people who can prosper as best as possible in life. Doing this (and this comes full circle as a solution to creating healthier people in society and empower everyone out of a state of degeneracy) can actually begin creating stronger people, because you're not focused on taking down someone that's already strong, but uplifting yourself to be stronger and create an upward motion of advancement rather than holding each other down and staying stuck in the ditch.

This is something that happens all the time with me and jrvan. If you do it right, it creates a ladder effect in a relationship. When your partner takes a step higher in their healing, understanding, advancement, whatever, they can then help pull their partner up and uplift them to be stronger (because of the nature with leader/follower/teacher dynamics - you get stronger by being guided by stronger people than yourself), and when their partner takes a step higher than them in progress, they can be pulled up by their partner even further themselves, rinse and repeat the pattern. I call it a "ladder" effect because you're climbing the rungs with your partner, one step you take charge and uplift them, then they take a step up and uplift you. (I hope that makes sense). You pull each other up the ladder of growth and empowerment without knocking or weighing the other down.

So you have a situation where you never have this totally imbalanced and unhealthy power dynamic between you and your partner, and create an environment where you're getting stronger together without pulling down the other person or "leaving them behind" or keeping them out of a "power position" for whatever reason.

A huge part of this "ladder" effect in a relationship is knowing each others strengths and weaknesses, what you're good at and what you're not good at, what can your partner do to cover the part of the puzzle that you are missing and vice versa, in order to aid in climbing that ladder together. If you don't know yourself and your partner, then that ladder is just going to crumble because you won't know what they need or what approach to take to keep each other healthy while getting more empowered.

Looking from the perspective of a man, if you're watching your woman climb that ladder and getting higher than you suddenly, her empowerment does NOT push you down the ladder to be "less of a man" or "losing your roles". You're not going anywhere on that ladder, you're staying still, watching her climb up. The higher she climbs but you don't try to climb with her yourself, there's going to be this massive gap between you and your partner which makes you feel like you're being pushed down despite the fact you're not actually moving. Solution? Catch up to her. Make yourself stronger, improve yourself, and do things in a healthy way that enable you to keep climbing with her. You don't need to be grabbing at her ankle, yanking her down below you in order to "gain back control over her". Climb with her, and move with her. It's not a competition, and it's not devaluing your manhood. If you are stable in yourself as a person and a man, her empowerment will not render yours any less valued. The only time that happens is if you have an unhealthy partner with some serious issues. For the girls, it's the same. Do not be afraid by your man's empowerment unless he is using it to literally crush yours like a MGTOW idiot. Some people are just more comfortable being a rung or two lower on the ladder because they trust their partner to completely lead them and they know their strengths are not in leadership, but it shouldn't be a mile long gap between you and them. This is called growing together in a relationship.

People are fighting enough in society and trying to enslave each other, you don't need to be doing that to your partner.
Meteor said:
Government enforced sexual policy.
No one mentioned such a thing. Education and freeing the soul would ideally cure most people of their deviancy without it having to be enforced.

Even so, I think murdering, imprisoning or torturing them wasn't a good way to deal with it.
No one said it was.

These issues are largely in the past now in most places, mostly because much of these policies were based on norms from enemy programs, which are waning nowadays. However, lately there are homosexuals who have turned their sexuality into an identity and a political thing, seeking to fight back against "oppression" that doesn't even exist anymore where they live. I wonder to what extent trauma from past lives plays a role in that, but regardless they're rather obnoxious and sometimes parade their depraved interests that aren't even related to liking partners of the same sex. It's an unbalanced situation and a problem in its own right.
They are traumatized and into degenerate pride things as a way of lashing out after being put in the corner for so long. A short term same sex relationship is appealing to me but such a thing is not meant to be last. Long term relationships cannot survive without children which is why there are no aged 50+ Homosexual people in one. They are all creepy and degenerate in my experience, constantly chasing young men and usually into drugs.

I think the point here was that if it's something they agreed upon and mutual, then it's not cuckoldry but a group relationship. They mentioned that they discussed with each other that they wanted help from the Gods with their sexual issues, and after agreeing upon it they both asked for a Demon lover, at least if I remember correctly.
How many men in a (heterosexual) open relationship do you think agreed to it just so their wife wouldn’t leave them, or cheat on them without him knowing? 99% of these “open relationships” are one sided deals where the woman is getting gangbanged while he is in the corner like a cuck. The few times in an OR when the man brings back partners the woman becomes upset because in her mind it wasn’t part of the agreement and it turns into jealousy. They want to have their cake and eat it too by being with the Beta provider while being involved sexually with the alpha stud. It’s called the female dual-mating strategy.

Well, that much is agreeable. Although I don't think Jack would agree with the whipping and handcuffing thing, since he's talked about how he'd love to tie women up and slap them. I also thought that was degeneracy, but who am I to make a judgement like that? In the end he's still SS, so I do my best to be understanding.
I don’t know about that. I don’t have any kind of fetish but I would have no problem indulging in some more than plain sexual behavior if that’s what my LTR partner wanted. We have talked about cunnilingus/anilingus before as an example and my conditions regarding such a thing.

I feel at ease knowing he doesn't live on the same continent as me
Are you trying to imply that he is some sort of dangerous person? That would actually be a compliment because women LOVE serial killers and legitimate psychopaths like Ted Bundy.
jrvan said:
I've had to fight an uphill battle since I arrived in order to prove my identity
It's always the same two people. I doubt that anybody else dislikes you.
jrvan said:
I've had to fight an uphill battle since I arrived in order to prove my identity and that I am who I say I am. No one else has had to go through such efforts like I have, and it's totally unjust that I have had this level of suspicion thrown at me the whole time. Since it was SouthernWhiteGentile who started the whole meme of Tabby being my alt account and planted that in the minds of others, I think it's only fair that he be shown a similar level of suspicion since he was so insistent that I'm this mysterious stranger and subverter up to no good.
And now I am the target of a baseless conspiracy. I had very probable cause for that suspicion about yourself/tabby because at the time these were 2 new accounts with no posts that came here and defended each other. You seriously think that I was the only one who believed this? Haha. But that’s who I am. I say what most people are thinking.

He was the one who started the whole "cuck" meme about me
That was a one off comment that I originally thought nothing of, until I saw on that thread how upset you got over it. Then I realized that because of your extreme emotional response that it had to be true, and now we know that it is. I’m right again. Who would have thought?

You have taught me that I need to stop and reflect on the influence that I have over some people and how lethal it can be, because ever since that thread I’ve had you so mindfucked. You are to this day on my strings dancing like a marionette because I called you a cuck half a year ago, writing essays on your computer about me at 4am. This is just sad more than anything.

He's always been there wherever Jack was, and always defending him and providing support. There just seems to be this weird connection that exists between them.
What a non-point. This would be like saying there is a weird relationship between you and tabby because you have each other’s backs.

I saw how vilified Jack was for no real reason, he has seriously been the target of some witch-hunt for as long as I’ve been here and I never understood why because he was saying reasonable things. So yes I will defend the truth and reason, regardless of WHO is saying it. The rest of your post is just nonsensical so I’m ending it here.
meteor said:
I think the point here was that if it's something they agreed upon and mutual, then it's not cuckoldry but a group relationship. They mentioned that they discussed with each other that they wanted help from the Gods with their sexual issues, and after agreeing upon it they both asked for a Demon lover, at least if I remember correctly.
SWG said:
How many men in a (heterosexual) open relationship do you think agreed to it just so their wife wouldn’t leave them, or cheat on them without him knowing? 99% of these “open relationships” are one sided deals where the woman is getting gangbanged while he is in the corner like a cuck. The few times in an OR when the man brings back partners the woman becomes upset because in her mind it wasn’t part of the agreement and it turns into jealousy. They want to have their cake and eat it too by being with the Beta provider while being involved sexually with the alpha stud. It’s called the female dual-mating strategy.


I found this literature for your perusal.

Not that the article has anything to do with Tabby and I, but I wanted to show that your worldview is limited. Polyandry actually happens in nature too. As for humans, we're not limited to base instinct behavior like chimpanzees or lions killing their rival's children. Paternity is such a nonissue, and it only matters this much as an obsession to people who are stuck in lower instinct mode because of jew society. If you suspect your child isn't related to you then walk away. If you can't trust your partner then walk away. Easy as that. Usually the only people who don't walk away are losers who think they won't be able to get another girl, or the ones who are so in love with the partner they have that they don't want anyone else (love obsession, like Snape from Harry Potter). Yes most people want to be raising their own biological children, but you're projecting that onto people who don't give a shit. Did you know that Heinrich Himmler had an adopted son?

And it's not 99%, I hate it when you lie like that and invent statistics to imply that it's the whole or "statistical majority" of humanity when you haven't even met them all to know. You only judge based on what you've seen in the media and television. Well guess what, life exists outside of digital mediums, and a worldview constructed through digitalized "knowledge" intake and pop psychology is not actually representative of real life a lot of the time.

You're also talking about situations where the couple didn't discuss anything. You're confusing polyamory with cheating. "female dual mating strategy" is verbatim MGTOW garbage. Everything you have learned from MGTOW philosophy is false. Women are not evil robots with a brain program that targets men like predators only to get what they want from the man. You and Jack actually think like this, and it's disgusting. It has no place here among enlightened people. Everything you believe from MGTOW is only their analysis of a sick and unspiritual society. You can't judge humanity based on the actions of ignorant unhealthy individuals who are in pain. If a man or a woman cheats on their partner then it is NOT representative of their entire sex and the behavior patterns of their sex. It just makes that individual a bad person with their own issues. Unless it's in cases where the woman wants to leave the relationship because she's unhappy and no longer wants to be with that man, and the man literally won't allow her to leave him or be open to such discussions, and effectively keeps her as a hostage in the relationship she doesn't want to be in - then I would condone cheating to end the relationship.

You're so detached from the actual human experience that everyone is going through, and it's because you bought into MGTOW garbage and started systematizing the genders. And don't even fucking deny that your worldview is infested with MGTOW "philosophy" because it shows, it fucking shows in your words and expressed beliefs. Even if you say "I'm not a MGTOW" you still have adopted their belief system so too bad, you can't avoid the brand. You and Jack are fucking MGTOWs with your worldview. You are. Don't you dare even try to deny it.

Stop projecting your views regarding sick people in a sick society onto healthy spiritual people. We don't fit the mold. The reason why MGTOW can analyse societal patterns in the first place is because everyone is getting raised in the same sick jew culture whether that's xianity or television. This makes people spiritually unhealthy, and unhealthy in general. It's systematic sickness. If you analyse a Satanic culture then you will notice totally different patterns, and not only that but you will probably observe a LOT more of these "statistically insignificant outliers" as you call them because not everyone is the same. You assume that the patterns will be the same even in a spiritual society because muh biology and muh statistics. Pseudo intellectuals you are.

meteor said:
I feel at ease knowing he doesn't live on the same continent as me
SWG said:
Are you trying to imply that he is some sort of dangerous person? That would actually be a compliment because women LOVE serial killers and legitimate psychopaths like Ted Bundy.

Sarcasm? Or have you lost your mind?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
