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Smart ways to hide,conceal sacred items.?


Mar 19, 2020
And by sacred I mean altar items, ritual items, ouija boards, tarot cards, etc. See I have a small bit of an issue, I live in a place where I am alone pretty much, but I have very religious parents who visit on occasion, and they can be a little snoopy and nosy at times. I love them, but I can't let them find out my practices. What are some smart ways you guys hide your things? I am constantly afraid of them possibly opening a box or drawer or area where I have my things hidden, and them coming across them. It sucks because although I am an adult and in my 20s, I thought having my own place would mean I can be free. I can't just NOT have them over, they are my parents! and even though they are very xian corrupted, I still love them for what they have done for me in my life. Also I have some friends who visit and I don't want them finding out on accident either because I don't want to explain or reveal anything to them, I don't believe they would understand. maybe I am just a tad bit paranoid, but I can't help but feel anxious when they are over and walk or come close to where I have my things hidden. I need a better way to hide stuff. and I live in an apartment complex so I don't have an attic or basement or anything like that.
You can always just deflect the question in a smart way... though if they are Extremely xian might not work because of fixated anger. If they see tarot cards just say I thought they were cool and I play games with them because there are some games you can play with them that aren’t divination. Um Ouija board might be little harder to explain... maybe say a friend brought it and you refused, if they’d buy that.

Don’t let them see your rituals, pentagrams , or certain items you can’t lie your way out of y’know. you could always have lose ceiling board or something of sort to put them there. I don’t really know your circumstances but if you have a house you could always hide it behind or near the furnace under your mattress between the frame. Get creative lol
Hope this helped
Hail Satan!
The smallest things can be hidden in your clothes in your drawers. I doubt they will check inside your underwear drawer for tarot cards. They shouldn't be opening any drawers really. Something like a ouija board can be put behind or under your bed, and just lead your family away from that area. If you don't panic and bring attention to it, it shouldn't be very difficult to hide. If your really desperate then buy a shovel and put it in a hole outside. You could also try a... magical concealment working? I've never done so and I don't have any advice to give you, but there are runes like Iss that make you unseen and the black color can be used to conceal things, so maybe give it a shot!

Good luck.
RavenSky666 said:
And by sacred I mean altar items, ritual items, ouija boards, tarot cards, etc. See I have a small bit of an issue, I live in a place where I am alone pretty much, but I have very religious parents who visit on occasion, and they can be a little snoopy and nosy at times. I love them, but I can't let them find out my practices. What are some smart ways you guys hide your things? I am constantly afraid of them possibly opening a box or drawer or area where I have my things hidden, and them coming across them. It sucks because although I am an adult and in my 20s, I thought having my own place would mean I can be free. I can't just NOT have them over, they are my parents! and even though they are very xian corrupted, I still love them for what they have done for me in my life. Also I have some friends who visit and I don't want them finding out on accident either because I don't want to explain or reveal anything to them, I don't believe they would understand. maybe I am just a tad bit paranoid, but I can't help but feel anxious when they are over and walk or come close to where I have my things hidden. I need a better way to hide stuff. and I live in an apartment complex so I don't have an attic or basement or anything like that.
Well, if you can afford it...a safe!
RavenSky666 said:
And by sacred I mean altar items, ritual items, ouija boards, tarot cards, etc. See I have a small bit of an issue, I live in a place where I am alone pretty much, but I have very religious parents who visit on occasion, and they can be a little snoopy and nosy at times. I love them, but I can't let them find out my practices. What are some smart ways you guys hide your things? I am constantly afraid of them possibly opening a box or drawer or area where I have my things hidden, and them coming across them. It sucks because although I am an adult and in my 20s, I thought having my own place would mean I can be free. I can't just NOT have them over, they are my parents! and even though they are very xian corrupted, I still love them for what they have done for me in my life. Also I have some friends who visit and I don't want them finding out on accident either because I don't want to explain or reveal anything to them, I don't believe they would understand. maybe I am just a tad bit paranoid, but I can't help but feel anxious when they are over and walk or come close to where I have my things hidden. I need a better way to hide stuff. and I live in an apartment complex so I don't have an attic or basement or anything like that.

You can hide it behind stuff in your cupboards that doesnt often get used, or in a vent ( keep screws loose for easy access. ), or somewhere that you know if they dig around in it'll be noisy enough for you to notice. Or honestly even just an inconspicious box can work well. What matters is you don't make things look out of place really, because then they don't have any reason to snoop around in it.

Since I live with my family I use false bottoms and stuff that can easily be gotten rid of. ( like using paper for ouija or making small tealight candles. I already had a candle problem so me melting wax is not very suspicious haha ) but assuming you are living away from them thats not really necessary.

With crystals you can slowly introduce them to the idea of you collecting them as a hobby, or card decks ( tarot in playing card box ). Or for herbs you can use gardening or "just like fresh tea" as an excuse. If you do it suddenly it may be suspicious though. Generally, disguising stuff is a better way of going about things then hiding it if possible because again no reason to look. Christian / catholic parents will not pick up on those things since they are absoloutely clueless most of the time and believe that witchcraft and rituals look like something out of a horror movie.

Number one tip is don't throw out stuff like a tarot box in the same trash as the rest of your stuff( if they are coming over ) Seriously, big give away. Little things count.

If you want more tips usually wiccans and other "pagans" have blogs about it or whatever as much as I dislike that kind of stuff they are usually pretty decent at hiding shit. Bottom line is, if you own the damn place there is nothing wrong with just locking your room door or something even if they try to convince you otherwise. Good luck.
I don’t know. Is there little hidden areas like a sofa bed or something you could put a couple things when you think they are coming over. What about a closet shelf put clothes on top of it in the back. I don’t know anyone that would snoop through that. What about underneath or behind something that no one would have a reason to question or move. When I want to hide something I do things like this. I too live in an apartment complex. My parents are Xtian they come over sometimes but they don’t go through everything. I don’t think I would want them finding some stuff but the rest couldn’t you just explain it off as some new age thing where your into meditation. My parents don’t care a lot about that and I used to be into new age stuff when I was younger. Just agree not to discuss stuff with them or are they the type of people that are really pushy on beliefs. I got my parents to pretty much leave me and my partner alone on this religion stuff and tell them we do our own thing. Could you do that.

About your friends I would just keep quiet and not bring it up and if they found something can’t it be explained as new age or pagan. In my area that is totally fine and not a problem for barley anyone.

So be good in hiding it but also think of an explanation if someone found something that doesn’t have to do with Satanism or anything anyone would think is that serious.

Just a suggestion.
RavenSky666 said:
And by sacred I mean altar items, ritual items, ouija boards, tarot cards, etc. See I have a small bit of an issue, I live in a place where I am alone pretty much, but I have very religious parents who visit on occasion, and they can be a little snoopy and nosy at times. I love them, but I can't let them find out my practices. What are some smart ways you guys hide your things? I am constantly afraid of them possibly opening a box or drawer or area where I have my things hidden, and them coming across them. It sucks because although I am an adult and in my 20s, I thought having my own place would mean I can be free. I can't just NOT have them over, they are my parents! and even though they are very xian corrupted, I still love them for what they have done for me in my life. Also I have some friends who visit and I don't want them finding out on accident either because I don't want to explain or reveal anything to them, I don't believe they would understand. maybe I am just a tad bit paranoid, but I can't help but feel anxious when they are over and walk or come close to where I have my things hidden. I need a better way to hide stuff. and I live in an apartment complex so I don't have an attic or basement or anything like that.

Get a metal box that locks. There are ones at stores, umm black cases even. They are meant to survive house fires, ask an employee. They lock. You can lock it and hide the key.

If they ask say it's your birth certificate and social security card or none of their business.
I can't fathom the idea of having to hide things in my own house, it's ridiculous. Your parents should have better manners than to spy in your belongings and you should set limits with them.
Thanks guys, see I had issues with them in the past with them forcing me to throw out things that had pentagrams on it when I lived at home and was younger. They got so angry at me so I had to lie and tell them I wasn't into the stuff anymore to make them leave me alone. I couldn't have real satanic things because of it. I drew ouija boards in notebooks and made an altar in my astral temple. My parents They are kinda snoopy but not to the point of going through everything I own. But I've had them do that stuff in the past, if they found anything it'd be hard to explain. I know I have my own place to live and I'm an adult now but I'm still a new adult, and I don't think my parents have warmed completely up to the idea of that fact. They are still getting used to the fact that I've grown and I'm in my 20s now and have my own life. I know it will take time for them to get used to it. I'm just paranoid because I'm for the first time on my own I don't have to hide my practices as much as I used to. but now that I'm getting actual items I couldn't have before, like ouija boards and tarot cards and things, I just freaked about where to put them.. I really appreciate your advice, guys, I think putting stuff in my bed is a good plan. Sometimes my mom goes in my drawers to help sort my laundry and stuff...which Is annoying but she still feels the need to help me with my chores which I know is her way of showing love so if she finds things it's usually accidental. My dad is more the nosey one..he's the one who snoops the most. I know I need to set boundaries with them. And It's just a new thing in my life now..and I've never had to before. I appreciate the support. :)
At some point in Time you will have to stand up for yourself. You can't live in fear of what others think of you and you CAN'T let others control you, even if they happen to be your parents. You have to address them in a stern way to respect your privacy and NOT get into your business. Pride and self respect is more important than your little motherly love that you used to cherish in your childhood. Man the fuck up and stand up to them. And I know what's going to happen because I've gone through this situation myself. These kinds of people who act like this at this age are permanently immature emotionally, at the emotional maturity of a child and don't respect your personal autonomy. They first see you as a son who is supposed to do whatever they want you to do and not as an autonomous adult,first. They have an unparalleled level of entitlement to your time as a little kid. They will most probably not change at this age and confronting them and building boundaries will permanently soil your relationship. But your better off without that emotionally codependent toxic relationship anyway, so it must be done.

Tell them that you do not like them prying like that in your house and that your an adult now. Warn them either to respect your boundaries or not to talk to you again. And that shit is tough to say to a parent or a loved one but you must. Say it sternly and die by your word no matter what. They might bring up emotional arguments like oh we raised you and invested so much money, time and love in you and this is what you have to show us. Etc etc DO NOT get swayed by their persuasion by any means necessary. If you flinch from your principles, you lose permanently. Ignore whatever they say and stand with your words. UNDERSTAND THIS. THEY ARE NOT YOUR PARENTS FIRST. FIRST THEY ARE AUTONOMOUS INDIVIDUALS BEINGS IN CONTACT WITH ANOTHER AUTONOMOUS INDIVIDUAL who has his own principles. Then are they your parents. Your ego is the constant in everything transient. Once you forsake your ego or your principles you lose your self autonomy and thus all your power. Then you are a slave to whatever outside compulsion you are under.
Jack said:
At some point in Time you will have to stand up for yourself. You can't live in fear of what others think of you and you CAN'T let others control you, even if they happen to be your parents.

That's true. You're right about that, I just never looked at it that way. Thank you for this. that is good advice. And this is Something I'll work on.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
