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Munka 108x too much for a begginer and why someone is still talking to me am i insane?


Active member
Sep 23, 2017
What happens when a beginner does 108 vibration of Munka with no experience in vibration does he or she get insane?
If this is true then it's the ss fault for making me like that "insane" with this fucking voice or who ever it may be or not. Because you coudnt fucking write anywhere that hey don't do 108 vibrations from the start because you may damage your nervous system and get insane. Oh yeah come on HP HC i'm waiting i know you will answer me be cause this is the only way you will answer me.
Doing 108 won't damage your nervous system. I think you are just paranoic and the voice in your head it's just a big mental problem. It can be fixed but it will probabily take time. If you can't do vibration, just use affirmations everyday even way more than 40 days.

You could even register your affirmations on a phone and play it with your earphone while you sleep, usualy i would not advice anyone to do this but in this case if nothing work you may need to "force it" in this way.

Try first with affirmations and if they don't work try in this way. Take it slow, do void meditation to control your mind better, you need to have will power. This type of things take time unfortunately but they can be healed. If you want any help with affirmation just ask here.
Dude, 108 isn’t even that much. Highly doubtful you’ve fucked your brain from 108 of munka. Did you feel over stimulated after the session? Did these voices or whatever happen after as well? Or was this before?
Catalincata94 said:
What happens when a beginner does 108 vibration of Munka with no experience in vibration does he or she get insane?
If this is true then it's the ss fault for making me like that "insane" with this fucking voice or who ever it may be or not. Because you coudnt fucking write anywhere that hey don't do 108 vibrations from the start because you may damage your nervous system and get insane. Oh yeah come on HP HC i'm waiting i know you will answer me be cause this is the only way you will answer me.

So advancing to open your psychic hearing means you're insane now just because you refuse to consistently train yourself to control and manage it? Psychic hearing doesn't mean you only hear the voice of 'someone' else, you can hear your own thoughts or create your own 'sounds' as well, you're hearing the astral and the astral is a chaotic mess without proper and strong direction, if you let your thoughts wander all willy nilly and you always think and never stop thinking with void meditation then that energy is going to rebound for you to interpret in some way via hearing.

Munka is a moon rune, the moon has to do with the astral senses such as psychic hearing and seeing, the upper chakras. Vibrating it as such you may have kickstarted your astral hearing sooner than you were ready for it. If you are seriously driving yourself mad with your own psychic centres and are majorly lacking the will or ability to control or manage them... then close them.

Just close them. Not permanently, never intend to close them permanently, just for this year, the next year or just for now in general, and when you later advance you can work on opening them again and trying to exercise control with void meditation, etc. Most people starting out don't usually open their psychic hearing or practice it until they've been meditating and training their abilities for a while, of which they have the knowledge and experience to deal with it accordingly. It seems you've been thrown into the fray with nary any amount of proper adjustment to manage it nor the wisdom to.

Every day as many times as you deem necessary just visualize a door closing on your psychic hearing chakras, or close it around your entire head as a whole, sealing off the light and securing it inside, safe and protected from outside influence and outside energies, blocking out the outside astral. It doesn't even have to be a door, it can be a gate, a barricade, a wall, so long as it completely blocks out the outside astral and energies, keeping it from passively getting into your head, psychic centres and upper chakras. Believe in this and that it's working powerfully and effectively.

If you doubt for even a second that it's not working or that it's not going to work, then you end up undoing the whole thing and have to try again. Discipline yourself. Failing once, twice or even several times because of doubt does not mean it's effectiveness has suddenly been reduced or will never work, it will continue to always work as effectively as it's supposed to, the only thing that would ever prevent it from working properly, efficiently or doing what you want it to is doubt, so don't doubt your ability to successfully do this method, know and believe that it will work no matter what and it will.

This is the last bit of advice I'm going to give you Cata. If you allow yourself to get frustrated with doubt and don't assert your will and put your foot down and control this with the method I've stated above, then that sounds like a you problem at this point. What I've said is how you control it, there is no other 'miracle'. You either do this, do it firmly with intent and belief as well as confidence in your ability to do so, or you fall behind. But no matter how 'bad' it gets, that is the method that will work no matter what so long as you don't doubt it. It doesn't matter if it has been going on for weeks, months or years, that method will always work but it will only work if you believe it will and strongly intend it to. COMMAND it to work. The only thing that will prevent it from working is doubt. Control and get rid of the doubt and then this is such an easy and simple fix.

Keep doing this daily and as many times as you need to until you successfully close your psychic centres. Once you've successfully closed them and no longer hear the astral, then just meditate as normal and advance yourself. If the psychic hearing ever crops up again, just use the same method and it will continue to work each time so long as you believe it will. From there in time you can allow yourself to evolve experience and wisdom, and then later down the road on this path when you're skilled and confident enough, you can try and open your psychic hearing centres again and work on managing and using them appropriately.
Catalincata94 said:
What happens when a beginner does 108 vibration of Munka with no experience in vibration does he or she get insane?
If this is true then it's the ss fault for making me like that "insane" with this fucking voice or who ever it may be or not. Because you coudnt fucking write anywhere that hey don't do 108 vibrations from the start because you may damage your nervous system and get insane. Oh yeah come on HP HC i'm waiting i know you will answer me be cause this is the only way you will answer me.

dude. Wtf?

Ah yes its the HP's fault for a voice in your head. :roll:

Get your shit together dude. Vibrating a rune isn't gonna make you go fucking insane. If it feels bad while doing it, don't but come the fuck on.
By the way, haven't you been answered plenty of times before?
Catalincata94 said:
What happens when a beginner does 108 vibration of Munka with no experience in vibration does he or she get insane?
If this is true then it's the ss fault for making me like that "insane" with this fucking voice or who ever it may be or not. Because you coudnt fucking write anywhere that hey don't do 108 vibrations from the start because you may damage your nervous system and get insane. Oh yeah come on HP HC i'm waiting i know you will answer me be cause this is the only way you will answer me.

Okkk... So I apologize for sounding extremely passive aggressive in my first comment. I over did it. But, to my knowledge you can't "go insane" via vibrating munka 108 times. Correct me if I am wrong but didn't you get diagnosed before dedicating / doing said working? ( not sure if you dedicated tbh. )

I would elaborate on what you could do to help it but again its been explained in the past. I apologize again, sometimes my emotions control me and not vise versa, I just really don't like how you tried to somehow blame it on the HPs / SS. Take a breath and chill out for a bit aight? Take care.
If u pay any kinds of attention and ddnt just jump I to doing the 1st thing u saw u would know that it's stated every where for beginners to begin low reps of any working they do. From within JoS to HC himself saying in various different topics that low reps for beginners is how u do it.

Don't blame others for ur own ignorance. Just lay off the munka workings for a week or 2 and just do AoP, AC, and RtRs until uve calmed down. Plus serious void meditation if ur Astral hearing is bothering u.
Catalincata94 said:
What happens when a beginner does 108 vibration of Munka with no experience in vibration does he or she get insane?
If this is true then it's the ss fault for making me like that "insane" with this fucking voice or who ever it may be or not. Because you coudnt fucking write anywhere that hey don't do 108 vibrations from the start because you may damage your nervous system and get insane. Oh yeah come on HP HC i'm waiting i know you will answer me be cause this is the only way you will answer me.
Catalincata94 said:
What happens when a beginner does 108 vibration of Munka with no experience in vibration does he or she get insane?
If this is true then it's the ss fault for making me like that "insane" with this fucking voice or who ever it may be or not. Because you coudnt fucking write anywhere that hey don't do 108 vibrations from the start because you may damage your nervous system and get insane. Oh yeah come on HP HC i'm waiting i know you will answer me be cause this is the only way you will answer me.
Lol, calm down. I don't think vibrating a mantra 108 times for a beginner will do permanent damage to your nervous system, just something temporary. I'm assuming you did this and you experienced 'nervous system damage'.
You can wait until the next waning moon cycle and start the working again at lower reps for Munka, like 54. And a little more respect for the clergy wouldn't hurt.
If 108 is too much for you try 54, or even 40.

Even 20 is good. Just work up to it, which will take a while.
Your fucking kidding right? Because this has to be a fucking joke.

It has been said over and over again not to over do breathing exercises.

I has been said multiple times not to breath elements more then 6-7 times as a begginer

And how many times having common sense has been emphasized?

All of this amazing knowlegde is being put infront of you in some of the most well organised manner and this is your asnwer to all of thier hardwork?

So you walked into the GYM tried to deadlift 108kg on your first day and got hurt and somehow thats the managers foult? Do you also want us to close all GYM's altogether?

Makes no sense.

Also your not going to permanently insane over 108 rep thats not even THAT high. You just overworked ur nervous system take it easy for a day or two three tops and you will be fine and well.

If your gonna walk in here and start pointing figers at one of the most hardworking memers of our society at least bother to read the material throu and throu
Catalincata94 said:
What happens when a beginner does 108 vibration of Munka with no experience in vibration does he or she get insane?
If this is true then it's the ss fault for making me like that "insane" with this fucking voice or who ever it may be or not. Because you coudnt fucking write anywhere that hey don't do 108 vibrations from the start because you may damage your nervous system and get insane. Oh yeah come on HP HC i'm waiting i know you will answer me be cause this is the only way you will answer me.

Don't do 108 reps, Maxine said 108 connects with Saturn.

Try Satanama instead, and stop doing Munka if you are still doing it. Try to use Satanama to heal potential nervous system damage.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Catalincata94 said:
What happens when a beginner does 108 vibration of Munka with no experience in vibration does he or she get insane?
If this is true then it's the ss fault for making me like that "insane" with this fucking voice or who ever it may be or not. Because you coudnt fucking write anywhere that hey don't do 108 vibrations from the start because you may damage your nervous system and get insane. Oh yeah come on HP HC i'm waiting i know you will answer me be cause this is the only way you will answer me.

So advancing to open your psychic hearing means you're insane now just because you refuse to consistently train yourself to control and manage it? Psychic hearing doesn't mean you only hear the voice of 'someone' else, you can hear your own thoughts or create your own 'sounds' as well, you're hearing the astral and the astral is a chaotic mess without proper and strong direction, if you let your thoughts wander all willy nilly and you always think and never stop thinking with void meditation then that energy is going to rebound for you to interpret in some way via hearing.

Munka is a moon rune, the moon has to do with the astral senses such as psychic hearing and seeing, the upper chakras. Vibrating it as such you may have kickstarted your astral hearing sooner than you were ready for it. If you are seriously driving yourself mad with your own psychic centres and are majorly lacking the will or ability to control or manage them... then close them.

Just close them. Not permanently, never intend to close them permanently, just for this year, the next year or just for now in general, and when you later advance you can work on opening them again and trying to exercise control with void meditation, etc. Most people starting out don't usually open their psychic hearing or practice it until they've been meditating and training their abilities for a while, of which they have the knowledge and experience to deal with it accordingly. It seems you've been thrown into the fray with nary any amount of proper adjustment to manage it nor the wisdom to.

Every day as many times as you deem necessary just visualize a door closing on your psychic hearing chakras, or close it around your entire head as a whole, sealing off the light and securing it inside, safe and protected from outside influence and outside energies, blocking out the outside astral. It doesn't even have to be a door, it can be a gate, a barricade, a wall, so long as it completely blocks out the outside astral and energies, keeping it from passively getting into your head, psychic centres and upper chakras. Believe in this and that it's working powerfully and effectively.

If you doubt for even a second that it's not working or that it's not going to work, then you end up undoing the whole thing and have to try again. Discipline yourself. Failing once, twice or even several times because of doubt does not mean it's effectiveness has suddenly been reduced or will never work, it will continue to always work as effectively as it's supposed to, the only thing that would ever prevent it from working properly, efficiently or doing what you want it to is doubt, so don't doubt your ability to successfully do this method, know and believe that it will work no matter what and it will.

This is the last bit of advice I'm going to give you Cata. If you allow yourself to get frustrated with doubt and don't assert your will and put your foot down and control this with the method I've stated above, then that sounds like a you problem at this point. What I've said is how you control it, there is no other 'miracle'. You either do this, do it firmly with intent and belief as well as confidence in your ability to do so, or you fall behind. But no matter how 'bad' it gets, that is the method that will work no matter what so long as you don't doubt it. It doesn't matter if it has been going on for weeks, months or years, that method will always work but it will only work if you believe it will and strongly intend it to. COMMAND it to work. The only thing that will prevent it from working is doubt. Control and get rid of the doubt and then this is such an easy and simple fix.

Keep doing this daily and as many times as you need to until you successfully close your psychic centres. Once you've successfully closed them and no longer hear the astral, then just meditate as normal and advance yourself. If the psychic hearing ever crops up again, just use the same method and it will continue to work each time so long as you believe it will. From there in time you can allow yourself to evolve experience and wisdom, and then later down the road on this path when you're skilled and confident enough, you can try and open your psychic hearing centres again and work on managing and using them appropriately.
Alright bro i'm doing this.
Arin said:
Catalincata94 said:
What happens when a beginner does 108 vibration of Munka with no experience in vibration does he or she get insane?
If this is true then it's the ss fault for making me like that "insane" with this fucking voice or who ever it may be or not. Because you coudnt fucking write anywhere that hey don't do 108 vibrations from the start because you may damage your nervous system and get insane. Oh yeah come on HP HC i'm waiting i know you will answer me be cause this is the only way you will answer me.

Okkk... So I apologize for sounding extremely passive aggressive in my first comment. I over did it. But, to my knowledge you can't "go insane" via vibrating munka 108 times. Correct me if I am wrong but didn't you get diagnosed before dedicating / doing said working? ( not sure if you dedicated tbh. )

I would elaborate on what you could do to help it but again its been explained in the past. I apologize again, sometimes my emotions control me and not vise versa, I just really don't like how you tried to somehow blame it on the HPs / SS. Take a breath and chill out for a bit aight? Take care.
Bro i'm fully dedicated and the diagnosis came after dedication and doing opening the chakras and a a successful munka working.
Yeah true i put the blame on the ss but there wasn't any danger in the first place i wasn't sure about it but all the comments from here gave me a clear answer so sorry for putting the blame on the ss and i wasn't refering that i put the blame on HP HC it's just that i wanted a good or clear answer and was hard to make me to talk on the forum so i think i forced it but i'm happy people answered me. Thank you. Thank you also for the reply :)
MoonlessNight666 said:
He said Munka vibrations, and not breathing exercises. Not sure where you got that from. I dont think anyone could be stupid enough to do 108 reps of a breathing exercise as a beginner. Even just 20 or 30 of most of them would make you feel so dizzy and nauseous that it'd be obvious that you're overdoing it.
MoonlessNight666 said:
Your fucking kidding right? Because this has to be a fucking joke.

It has been said over and over again not to over do breathing exercises.

I has been said multiple times not to breath elements more then 6-7 times as a begginer

And how many times having common sense has been emphasized?

All of this amazing knowlegde is being put infront of you in some of the most well organised manner and this is your asnwer to all of thier hardwork?

So you walked into the GYM tried to deadlift 108kg on your first day and got hurt and somehow thats the managers foult? Do you also want us to close all GYM's altogether?

Makes no sense.

Also your not going to permanently insane over 108 rep thats not even THAT high. You just overworked ur nervous system take it easy for a day or two three tops and you will be fine and well.

If your gonna walk in here and start pointing figers at one of the most hardworking memers of our society at least bother to read the material throu and throu
What? I didn't breathe elements :lol: and it's not about breathing exercise i'm doing them low x5 once a day

Look it wasn't easy to deal with this "voice" and got angry and words came out, sorry for putting the blame on ss but there wasn't any danger in doing 108 vibration i understood it from the replays i got. I have nothing against Hodded Cobra it's just that i got angry and needed a clear answer.

And i did the working 3 years ago.

Thanks for the reply.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Catalincata94 said:
What happens when a beginner does 108 vibration of Munka with no experience in vibration does he or she get insane?
If this is true then it's the ss fault for making me like that "insane" with this fucking voice or who ever it may be or not. Because you coudnt fucking write anywhere that hey don't do 108 vibrations from the start because you may damage your nervous system and get insane. Oh yeah come on HP HC i'm waiting i know you will answer me be cause this is the only way you will answer me.

So advancing to open your psychic hearing means you're insane now just because you refuse to consistently train yourself to control and manage it? Psychic hearing doesn't mean you only hear the voice of 'someone' else, you can hear your own thoughts or create your own 'sounds' as well, you're hearing the astral and the astral is a chaotic mess without proper and strong direction, if you let your thoughts wander all willy nilly and you always think and never stop thinking with void meditation then that energy is going to rebound for you to interpret in some way via hearing.

Munka is a moon rune, the moon has to do with the astral senses such as psychic hearing and seeing, the upper chakras. Vibrating it as such you may have kickstarted your astral hearing sooner than you were ready for it. If you are seriously driving yourself mad with your own psychic centres and are majorly lacking the will or ability to control or manage them... then close them.

Just close them. Not permanently, never intend to close them permanently, just for this year, the next year or just for now in general, and when you later advance you can work on opening them again and trying to exercise control with void meditation, etc. Most people starting out don't usually open their psychic hearing or practice it until they've been meditating and training their abilities for a while, of which they have the knowledge and experience to deal with it accordingly. It seems you've been thrown into the fray with nary any amount of proper adjustment to manage it nor the wisdom to.

Every day as many times as you deem necessary just visualize a door closing on your psychic hearing chakras, or close it around your entire head as a whole, sealing off the light and securing it inside, safe and protected from outside influence and outside energies, blocking out the outside astral. It doesn't even have to be a door, it can be a gate, a barricade, a wall, so long as it completely blocks out the outside astral and energies, keeping it from passively getting into your head, psychic centres and upper chakras. Believe in this and that it's working powerfully and effectively.

If you doubt for even a second that it's not working or that it's not going to work, then you end up undoing the whole thing and have to try again. Discipline yourself. Failing once, twice or even several times because of doubt does not mean it's effectiveness has suddenly been reduced or will never work, it will continue to always work as effectively as it's supposed to, the only thing that would ever prevent it from working properly, efficiently or doing what you want it to is doubt, so don't doubt your ability to successfully do this method, know and believe that it will work no matter what and it will.

This is the last bit of advice I'm going to give you Cata. If you allow yourself to get frustrated with doubt and don't assert your will and put your foot down and control this with the method I've stated above, then that sounds like a you problem at this point. What I've said is how you control it, there is no other 'miracle'. You either do this, do it firmly with intent and belief as well as confidence in your ability to do so, or you fall behind. But no matter how 'bad' it gets, that is the method that will work no matter what so long as you don't doubt it. It doesn't matter if it has been going on for weeks, months or years, that method will always work but it will only work if you believe it will and strongly intend it to. COMMAND it to work. The only thing that will prevent it from working is doubt. Control and get rid of the doubt and then this is such an easy and simple fix.

Keep doing this daily and as many times as you need to until you successfully close your psychic centres. Once you've successfully closed them and no longer hear the astral, then just meditate as normal and advance yourself. If the psychic hearing ever crops up again, just use the same method and it will continue to work each time so long as you believe it will. From there in time you can allow yourself to evolve experience and wisdom, and then later down the road on this path when you're skilled and confident enough, you can try and open your psychic hearing centres again and work on managing and using them appropriately.
And thank you.
Catalincata94 said:
What happens when a beginner does 108 vibration of Munka with no experience in vibration does he or she get insane?
If this is true then it's the ss fault for making me like that "insane" with this fucking voice or who ever it may be or not. Because you coudnt fucking write anywhere that hey don't do 108 vibrations from the start because you may damage your nervous system and get insane. Oh yeah come on HP HC i'm waiting i know you will answer me be cause this is the only way you will answer me.
You're schizophrenic. You were off your rocker long before munka. Stop screwing with your meds and take them, as you clearly need them to stay on the level.

Claiming to be a beginner doesn't score you any victim points either, nor does it excuse you of ignorance, as you've been here for years and should have a sense of what meditation & satanism is by this point.
curio said:
Catalincata94 said:
What happens when a beginner does 108 vibration of Munka with no experience in vibration does he or she get insane?
If this is true then it's the ss fault for making me like that "insane" with this fucking voice or who ever it may be or not. Because you coudnt fucking write anywhere that hey don't do 108 vibrations from the start because you may damage your nervous system and get insane. Oh yeah come on HP HC i'm waiting i know you will answer me be cause this is the only way you will answer me.
You're schizophrenic. You were off your rocker long before munka. Stop screwing with your meds and take them, as you clearly need them to stay on the level.

Claiming to be a beginner doesn't score you any victim points either, nor does it excuse you of ignorance, as you've been here for years and should have a sense of what meditation & satanism is by this point.

Schizophrenia seems to have something to do with the pineal gland, or the dream state of the brain according to some research I did on it a long time ago to help someone close to me who had it, of which it's not functioning properly or in a healthy manner, which is what conjures auditory and visual hallucinations. We all know that things with dreams and such have to do with the astral and I have known quite a few schizos in my life who tell me strange experiences such as seeing greys, strange entities among other things that seem more 'astral realm' than 'crazy' in my opinion.

I know of one housemate right now who has schizophrenia, I was quite surprised a few weeks ago when he told me his method of shutting out the voices before he went on medication. He told me he would will with intent a powerful wall or barricade around his head or himself and believe that this barricade shut out the voices and prevent them from getting to him. I asked him if this actually worked and he was very enthusiastic that it completely did. That is the exact kind of method one does on their clairaudience centres if they want to shut out astral voices from hostile entities that are bothering them, it was mentioned somewhere I believe on the website.

This among other things I've heard from schizophrenics is what has me suspicious that the mental illness seems to have something to do with astral senses or perspective on the astral realm in some form or another. But one should always do their own research first, if meds are needed then meds are needed and in time one will be able to better manage, understand and fix whatever is truly going on. That's just my two cents and am purely theorizing, I have no way of knowing for certain yet.
curio said:
Catalincata94 said:
What happens when a beginner does 108 vibration of Munka with no experience in vibration does he or she get insane?
If this is true then it's the ss fault for making me like that "insane" with this fucking voice or who ever it may be or not. Because you coudnt fucking write anywhere that hey don't do 108 vibrations from the start because you may damage your nervous system and get insane. Oh yeah come on HP HC i'm waiting i know you will answer me be cause this is the only way you will answer me.
You're schizophrenic. You were off your rocker long before munka. Stop screwing with your meds and take them, as you clearly need them to stay on the level.

Claiming to be a beginner doesn't score you any victim points either, nor does it excuse you of ignorance, as you've been here for years and should have a sense of what meditation & satanism is by this point.
I'm not. And you better don't talk to me if you want me to take the meds and i know exactly how to reduce them, you just want me to remain on the meds and get worse. So you won't hear anything from me. And i agree with ghost in the machine that it's the psychic centers. So if you reply me i won't even read it.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Catalincata94 said:
What happens when a beginner does 108 vibration of Munka with no experience in vibration does he or she get insane?
If this is true then it's the ss fault for making me like that "insane" with this fucking voice or who ever it may be or not. Because you coudnt fucking write anywhere that hey don't do 108 vibrations from the start because you may damage your nervous system and get insane. Oh yeah come on HP HC i'm waiting i know you will answer me be cause this is the only way you will answer me.

So advancing to open your psychic hearing means you're insane now just because you refuse to consistently train yourself to control and manage it? Psychic hearing doesn't mean you only hear the voice of 'someone' else, you can hear your own thoughts or create your own 'sounds' as well, you're hearing the astral and the astral is a chaotic mess without proper and strong direction, if you let your thoughts wander all willy nilly and you always think and never stop thinking with void meditation then that energy is going to rebound for you to interpret in some way via hearing.

Munka is a moon rune, the moon has to do with the astral senses such as psychic hearing and seeing, the upper chakras. Vibrating it as such you may have kickstarted your astral hearing sooner than you were ready for it. If you are seriously driving yourself mad with your own psychic centres and are majorly lacking the will or ability to control or manage them... then close them.

Just close them. Not permanently, never intend to close them permanently, just for this year, the next year or just for now in general, and when you later advance you can work on opening them again and trying to exercise control with void meditation, etc. Most people starting out don't usually open their psychic hearing or practice it until they've been meditating and training their abilities for a while, of which they have the knowledge and experience to deal with it accordingly. It seems you've been thrown into the fray with nary any amount of proper adjustment to manage it nor the wisdom to.

Every day as many times as you deem necessary just visualize a door closing on your psychic hearing chakras, or close it around your entire head as a whole, sealing off the light and securing it inside, safe and protected from outside influence and outside energies, blocking out the outside astral. It doesn't even have to be a door, it can be a gate, a barricade, a wall, so long as it completely blocks out the outside astral and energies, keeping it from passively getting into your head, psychic centres and upper chakras. Believe in this and that it's working powerfully and effectively.

If you doubt for even a second that it's not working or that it's not going to work, then you end up undoing the whole thing and have to try again. Discipline yourself. Failing once, twice or even several times because of doubt does not mean it's effectiveness has suddenly been reduced or will never work, it will continue to always work as effectively as it's supposed to, the only thing that would ever prevent it from working properly, efficiently or doing what you want it to is doubt, so don't doubt your ability to successfully do this method, know and believe that it will work no matter what and it will.

This is the last bit of advice I'm going to give you Cata. If you allow yourself to get frustrated with doubt and don't assert your will and put your foot down and control this with the method I've stated above, then that sounds like a you problem at this point. What I've said is how you control it, there is no other 'miracle'. You either do this, do it firmly with intent and belief as well as confidence in your ability to do so, or you fall behind. But no matter how 'bad' it gets, that is the method that will work no matter what so long as you don't doubt it. It doesn't matter if it has been going on for weeks, months or years, that method will always work but it will only work if you believe it will and strongly intend it to. COMMAND it to work. The only thing that will prevent it from working is doubt. Control and get rid of the doubt and then this is such an easy and simple fix.

Keep doing this daily and as many times as you need to until you successfully close your psychic centres. Once you've successfully closed them and no longer hear the astral, then just meditate as normal and advance yourself. If the psychic hearing ever crops up again, just use the same method and it will continue to work each time so long as you believe it will. From there in time you can allow yourself to evolve experience and wisdom, and then later down the road on this path when you're skilled and confident enough, you can try and open your psychic hearing centres again and work on managing and using them appropriately.
Is hearing repetitive music in the mind also related to the psychic centers?
luis said:
Doing 108 won't damage your nervous system. I think you are just paranoic and the voice in your head it's just a big mental problem. It can be fixed but it will probabily take time. If you can't do vibration, just use affirmations everyday even way more than 40 days.

You could even register your affirmations on a phone and play it with your earphone while you sleep, usualy i would not advice anyone to do this but in this case if nothing work you may need to "force it" in this way.

Try first with affirmations and if they don't work try in this way. Take it slow, do void meditation to control your mind better, you need to have will power. This type of things take time unfortunately but they can be healed. If you want any help with affirmation just ask here.
I'm not paranoic i just don't know everything about spirituality and what ghost in the machine said sounds more real than "it's just a big mental problem" because a year and half ago in my dream i heard celestial music and that can only be heard when someone has the clairaudient chakras open so i have them open. I just need to close them.
if no advice from anyone here is working, it’s probably not the psychic centers and is a real issue that you need to seek professional medical help from.

not to be rude or offensive but i personally doubt this is psychic centers. Have you ever used drugs in the past? some drugs can cause issues like that.
Darksage666 said:
if no advice from anyone here is working, it’s probably not the psychic centers and is a real issue that you need to seek professional medical help from.

not to be rude or offensive but i personally doubt this is psychic centers. Have you ever used drugs in the past? some drugs can cause issues like that.
I have never used drugs in the past and i could hear celestial music in my dream once which means i do have my psychic centers open but not empowered and things got silent and hear something from time to time. I also could hear my own thoughts and i noticed that it's true because there was a time i heard same things i was thinking and as ghost in the machine said that you can hear your own thoughts that is true, also he talked about one individual with "schizophrenia" that used a technic that closes the psychic centers and it worked and he didn't hear the voice anymore that is a clear sign schizophrenia isn't a mental illness, that means there is no schizophrenia. The beautiful music and and the individual with "schizophrenia" tells me much.
Catalincata94 said:
Darksage666 said:
if no advice from anyone here is working, it’s probably not the psychic centers and is a real issue that you need to seek professional medical help from.

not to be rude or offensive but i personally doubt this is psychic centers. Have you ever used drugs in the past? some drugs can cause issues like that.
I have never used drugs in the past and i could hear celestial music in my dream once which means i do have my psychic centers open but not empowered and things got silent and hear something from time to time. I also could hear my own thoughts and i noticed that it's true because there was a time i heard same things i was thinking and as ghost in the machine said that you can hear your own thoughts that is true, also he talked about one individual with "schizophrenia" that used a technic that closes the psychic centers and it worked and he didn't hear the voice anymore that is a clear sign schizophrenia isn't a mental illness, that means there is no schizophrenia. The beautiful music and and the individual with "schizophrenia" tells me much.

You need to stop taking my advice as undeniable ground, what I've suggested for you is what I've speculated and if it works for you then it works. I am not you, therefore don't know the reality of your situation and have merely based suggestions on what I've theorized regarding information I've come across. You can continue to try and do as I've suggested but on your own you need to make your own judgement of your own health and take any appropriate actions that may be necessary.

Medication is not evil if you seriously need it and I've had to take medication in the past for things years ago even though I was meditating and advancing regularly. In time I was able to figure out what was wrong with me and fix it through meditation first among other things and then I was able to slowly come off medication when I determined that the problem was completely and undeniably fixed through my workings and efforts. I don't take anything now and haven't had any problems back then occur ever since, but at that moment in my life if I didn't take the medication that helped me, it would've been VASTLY more difficult to cope and deal with the problem head on to fix it through meditation and other means. Sometimes you need to take certain steps to help yourself, this doesn't mean they are going to be permanent nor do they have to be.

Please use your own common sense and judgement, mental illnesses are real just as much so as the abnormalities, blockages or issues in the soul that are creating them in the first place, if anything is wrong on the astral then it will manifest as something wrong on the physical. A lot of mental illnesses crop up from issues around the head of the light-body and the upper chakras, this region of our soul rules the brain, pineal gland, our perception of self and environment; this isn't to say that mental illnesses can't be created by completely physical reasons either. Physical imbalances of chemicals in the brain, strange wiring, an unhealthy or faulty pineal gland, etc.

Certain things like bi-polar also crop up from imbalances in the soul and a lot of these things can be influenced by the energies of planets like Neptune. Neptune rules all mental illnesses and neuroses and if I were you I would take a look at your natal chart and find out where your Neptune is located and do some research here. Never share your natal chart or natal chart information on the forums. or to anyone you may not be able to trust.

Certain things like elements can also put psychic abilities or things related with the mind both physical and astral way out of wild proportion. If you have too much water and not enough fire or air etc then you need to balance out your elements. I would suggest for based on your supposed experience and advancement to not invoke any specific element, it is safer to invoke quintessence which will automatically balance out your other elements for you and raise whichever ones you are lacking in.

You can learn how to invoke ether here. Start slow with your first session being 3 or 4 breaths of taking in the element to see how you feel. The next day and forward if everything is going all right then you can raise these breaths to 7 or 8 and keep doing this daily. It could take a while to balance out your elements but this should help you down the road.

And again, really think for yourself. Don't take everything I or any other member says as 100% undeniable fact just because it makes you feel better, use your own judgement.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Catalincata94 said:
Darksage666 said:
if no advice from anyone here is working, it’s probably not the psychic centers and is a real issue that you need to seek professional medical help from.

not to be rude or offensive but i personally doubt this is psychic centers. Have you ever used drugs in the past? some drugs can cause issues like that.
I have never used drugs in the past and i could hear celestial music in my dream once which means i do have my psychic centers open but not empowered and things got silent and hear something from time to time. I also could hear my own thoughts and i noticed that it's true because there was a time i heard same things i was thinking and as ghost in the machine said that you can hear your own thoughts that is true, also he talked about one individual with "schizophrenia" that used a technic that closes the psychic centers and it worked and he didn't hear the voice anymore that is a clear sign schizophrenia isn't a mental illness, that means there is no schizophrenia. The beautiful music and and the individual with "schizophrenia" tells me much.

You need to stop taking my advice as undeniable ground, what I've suggested for you is what I've speculated and if it works for you then it works. I am not you, therefore don't know the reality of your situation and have merely based suggestions on what I've theorized regarding information I've come across. You can continue to try and do as I've suggested but on your own you need to make your own judgement of your own health and take any appropriate actions that may be necessary.

Medication is not evil if you seriously need it and I've had to take medication in the past for things years ago even though I was meditating and advancing regularly. In time I was able to figure out what was wrong with me and fix it through meditation first among other things and then I was able to slowly come off medication when I determined that the problem was completely and undeniably fixed through my workings and efforts. I don't take anything now and haven't had any problems back then occur ever since, but at that moment in my life if I didn't take the medication that helped me, it would've been VASTLY more difficult to cope and deal with the problem head on to fix it through meditation and other means. Sometimes you need to take certain steps to help yourself, this doesn't mean they are going to be permanent nor do they have to be.

Please use your own common sense and judgement, mental illnesses are real just as much so as the abnormalities, blockages or issues in the soul that are creating them in the first place, if anything is wrong on the astral then it will manifest as something wrong on the physical. A lot of mental illnesses crop up from issues around the head of the light-body and the upper chakras, this region of our soul rules the brain, pineal gland, our perception of self and environment; this isn't to say that mental illnesses can't be created by completely physical reasons either. Physical imbalances of chemicals in the brain, strange wiring, an unhealthy or faulty pineal gland, etc.

Certain things like bi-polar also crop up from imbalances in the soul and a lot of these things can be influenced by the energies of planets like Neptune. Neptune rules all mental illnesses and neuroses and if I were you I would take a look at your natal chart and find out where your Neptune is located and do some research here. Never share your natal chart or natal chart information on the forums. or to anyone you may not be able to trust.

Certain things like elements can also put psychic abilities or things related with the mind both physical and astral way out of wild proportion. If you have too much water and not enough fire or air etc then you need to balance out your elements. I would suggest for based on your supposed experience and advancement to not invoke any specific element, it is safer to invoke quintessence which will automatically balance out your other elements for you and raise whichever ones you are lacking in.

You can learn how to invoke ether here. Start slow with your first session being 3 or 4 breaths of taking in the element to see how you feel. The next day and forward if everything is going all right then you can raise these breaths to 7 or 8 and keep doing this daily. It could take a while to balance out your elements but this should help you down the road.

And again, really think for yourself. Don't take everything I or any other member says as 100% undeniable fact just because it makes you feel better, use your own judgement.

I do agree with what you say here as far as medications go. I know we don’t advocate illegal drug use or drugs for mental health in particular, I’ve seen a lot of primarily negative feedback on this. A medicated functioning person who is of Satan is still more useful than a dead one. A long term brother committed suicide due to mental health issues that appeared to be schizophrenia and refusal to see a doctor. He said doctors were jews, they would just poison his brain, true. He would be alive though. Just as saturn is generally considered wholly wrongful, though it can have its grounding benefits, it seems that the same goes for medications. Many of which are ruled by saturn. In special cases, this can help. Very special particular cases. Many of us deal with anxiety and we just shouldn’t be pussies or victimizing ourselves because of it. This can be dangerous to say, as there’s a huge issue with addicts and those that are generally pretty stupid, using this to justify their behaviors and hang ups. So many asshats say they NEED weed to function, to eat more, ect. Without trying everything they can first. To say any drug provides a valid spiritual experience or advancement is also a joke. Also, don’t try to raise your serpent while on anything mind altering. Healing at this level, when in need of medication, I believe, should be taken slow and come at from both the physical and spiritual realms when possible. Slow as in.. 10 years slow. There’s certain drugs that serve no purpose other than to destroy someone’s soul. Which drugs are spiritually safe for a temporary amount of time while someone gets their shit together? Remains to be seen as well. Those that are truly “in need” of these things should be doing everything in their power to stay grounded and not exacerbate their issue.

I think seeing a therapist can be highly beneficial as well. A while back I went through a traumatic event and almost lost my life, it was pretty serious and damaging. My traditional methods of healing would be to face an issue head on all at once. It worked in the past, but after this event I was just deteriorating more and more when I’d make attempts to fix this problem. I finally saw a therapist who told me that I don’t need to be constantly reliving this to heal, I should be doing the opposite. The way the adrenal system works after a traumatic event is different, and there’s a physical response that occurs as soon as memories are brought up. The key is to take healing very slow. Talking about the event in very small doses. As soon as breathing starts to change, talking about it and thinking about it should stop. I worked on this for a while and I’m doing so much better. I would’ve just kept fucking myself up if I had tried to fix this issue alone. I don’t think it’s currently safe to say that any mind-altering medication is good for anyone. It’s not safe to tell folks to stay away from it either. I think I made the mistake of posting something about this in the recent past though.

I will say though, that our brother would be alive had he gotten on some medication. He fought very hard to bring awareness to the jewish situation. He worked with me in the beginning of my dedication to make sure I got on the right track. No satanist had ever been so personally helpful. When he could, he would always use his energies against the jews. I wouldn’t have gotten where I have if it weren’t for him. He offered very valid advice when he was in a sound state of mind. He suffered immensely later on, he committed suicide because his mind was just torture to him. He could not meditate, could not function, could not keep himself together long enough to have stability in any way. One thing he was good at was giving advice and he did know his shit on the jews even while having mental difficulties. I watched this progress from adolescence to adulthood. There was no saving him at the end. There was no convincing him that he should get into a doctor. He would not openly state he was going to commit suicide either, there was no admitting him against his will.

He didn’t take medication because of what he read on the groups, this is also a fact. This is really unfortunate. He wasn’t in a sound enough state of mind at times to understand when to draw the line and get help. It’s not safe to tell every person on here to stay away from medication as well as it is not safe to say that drugs are okay to do. This is why we don’t give any health advice. The only thing to be said on this is that mixing the serpent and drugs is disastrous, and that drugs don’t constitute for direct spiritual advancement. Drugs have the ability to directly damage someone spiritually as well, in most cases, not all are going to wind up bad. The only time it can ever be considered “advancement” or helpful is by third party where a person gets mentally stable long enough to be able to meditate and slowly heal their issue. This often requires working with the gods too. The drug doesn’t do this though, the person does.

If you have a mental health issue that interferes with your ability to meditate/may be a dangerous condition for the serpent to rise under... or if you SUSPECT you may have a mental health issue, please take meditation very slowly and don’t beat up on yourself for doing this. Many times, people with mental health issues will also push themselves harder due to guilt or self-destructive tendencies. Be good and patient with yourself. Work with the gods as best as you can. When you’re ready to leave the nest, they’ll let you know.
Sundara said:

Mental Illnesses are something I tread extremely cautiously on, I can understand well enough that the majority of them are caused by matters of the soul, psychic chakras, elements and astral, etc because it all has to do with our perception of our senses and behaviour as well as personality which are not physical objects, they are spiritual energies experienced as manifestations exacted from our soul and chakras, but not everyone else understands this and can seriously get on my ass about it. Medications for mental illnesses help because their physical properties have influence in mirror to the astral in how they affect the physical body. The physical realm and astral realm are mirrors of each other, what happens to one side manifests to affect the other.

We know that fluoride for example is a physical chemical that in consumption weakens our spiritual abilities or affects them in some way by essentially binding our pineal gland physically in the brain, medication for mental illnesses is no different in how they affect the spiritual, their means to usually solving the problem though is in blocking the source or affecting the physical chemistry in some way which then affects the soul in either blocking a chakra's abilities or psychic centres or confining and controlling some sort of aspect. Scientists, doctors, pharmacists, they have no idea what they're doing on the spiritual side because humanity lacks this knowledge and understanding, they only know that hey, this physical thing helps someone with this thing, I guess it works and yes they don't know that the typical case is caused by something spiritual.

Hallucinations are not physical at all, they are only ever seen by the individual, the physical eyes cannot do this, they only perceive what they physically perceive, they are innert material objects, things like this are in viewing the astral over the physical layer of perception through the eyes, schizophrenics are legit seeing the astral plane over the physical one and these hallucinations manifest by their every subconscious thought, expectation, fears, concerns, etc and this is the astral plane reacting to make them see, hear and sense these things that are called hallucinations. Dreams as we know them are the astral plane and actual scientific studies in schizophrenia have shown that the physical brain activity that occurs during a dream state or R.E.M is alive and active as they are hallucinating so this only further enforces what I know.

Schizophrenics are essentially stuck in a waking lucid dream of the thought-plane over their viewing perception of the physical realm, people who have sleep paralysis experience this same concept as well but for them it's only when they're trying to sleep and are in bed, so for schizophrenics who have no control or understanding of what these hallucinations are as extreme psychic exposure to the thought-plane, yes I can understand how one can go bat-shit insane when your very thoughts are 'alive' all around you. This is what I know and understand but another might not. My point in extreme caution is that it's not easy to tell if this is someone's psychic chakras or if something is wrong with their physical pineal gland, or something to do with a dream state of the brain's response reacting to the astral.

The most important thing to know about any major health problem that you're trying to help with is is it physical or is it spiritual? To make an error on one side can worsen the situation or just plain not solve it at all. I had something powerfully wrong with my Solar Chakra some months back and couldn't figure out why it was so increasingly darkened and ill in power, it was so debilitated and depression from it's lack of light and power was something I was steadily fighting as well as fatigue.

I had absolutely no idea where this debilitation was coming from, nothing noticeable happened to me physically so I thought something spiritual might have occurred, a blockage, a negative attachment, a potential enemy attack, the most significant thing I could think of was that I was dealing with stresses on the forum at the time, so that made me think perhaps it might have just been something from negative energies from stress.

So for a week I kept trying to empower and strengthen the chakra but it would also revert later on in the day back to it's debilitated state as if I hadn't done anything to it at all, it consistently felt like a gaping black hole in the centre of my soul. At the same time I was dealing with pains and ulcers out of no where through the week, was struggling to eat and knowing the health of the chakras can cause problems upon the physical body if they themselves are sick, I thought these were manifestations of the sickened chakra and not the other way around because I had absolutely no idea what came first.

I didn't realize it was being caused by a physical problem until I consulted our demons for help. I was looking to one demon for help simply in regards to healing, but it was Buer that seemingly intervened to help instead. As opposed to the first demon I was trying to contact what with healing through biokinesis Buer specializes in herbs and plants so I was confused as to why I was passed over to him, regardless I did my end of the deal for his help and supposedly he then guided me on how to concoct a healing tea with honey and orange pekoe as well as suggested for me to consume a lot of plant foods like lettuce and related ilk.

Within three days of listening to Buer's suggestions and guidance, the pain in my stomach was gone and my Solar Chakra came back in full strength again with no further problems. It turns out the debilitation was not spiritual at all and was being caused by a microbial problem that was eating away at my stomach lining. I wondered how that happened and was told that the meat I ate for dinner just a day or two before the whole thing started wasn't cooked properly enough. And because, as Maxine said, diseases and such manifest on the astral first before they do physically, this was why I felt the debilitation in my solar chakra before I began to feel the physical pain and problems manifest afterwords. The solar chakra reacted first to the microbial problem before the microbial problem even became a physically noticeable issue in causing me pain and discomfort since something like that takes time to develop, which was why I thought it was a spiritual problem since it was the spiritual problem of the sickened solar chakra that I experienced first.

So you see the littlest of things can be a huge difference and a major factor to be accounted for. This is why I am cautious when it comes to giving advice and guidance to things that are pretty much a big deal when it comes to all health matters, which for many people mental illness most certainly is. And in regards to it this is by no means to tell anybody to just drop their medications and try to heal everything cold-turkey, I by no means encourage this in fact I strongly discourage it on account of my own experiences.

I had to heal my own problems while still on medication, I simply lowered the dose ever so slightly, worked on the spiritual problem and as it got better to the point of it not being an issue I lowered the dose a little bit more, continued to work on the problem until I got perfected results, then lowered again and kept slowly and gradually doing this while fixing the problem until I was completely off the medications and was home free with no problems since. There were times I foolishly stopped cold-turkey to deal with the matter on my own solo full force, big mistake. I wasn't powerful enough to fix that huge of a problem full force like that and ended up going back on the medication because I couldn't handle it. The slow and gradual approach was what helped me work with what I could at a steady pace to fix the issue completely and I haven't dealt with it for years and haven't been on medications since.

It's not something you stupidly gung ho into, you're going to need that crutch along the way and if it helps you, it helps you. Medication and such in and of itself is not evil. Humans don't understand the spiritual side of it, they don't know what they're doing on the astral plane by affecting the physical body, they just know what works, works.

And when it comes to helping members on these matters on the forums, the more information the better.
Yes. Definitely.

The problems physically generally always relate to a spiritual problem. Slightly off topic of mental health issues but relating to kundalini/meditation and health manifestations - I’ve written a little about a strange occurrence I dealt with regarding blocks. I had peed black and had an almost deadly seizure that stopped my breathing briefly. This was during a time when I was neglecting responsibilities of the astral but I had previously empowered my soul. It was a bit unavoidable. I had tapped into the kundalini when I was 12, I didn’t have a choice but to try and safely let it go. This idea about only being able to begin raising the serpent by Satan’s will is false. Being able to fully and successfully raise the serpent is what’s guided by Satan and his will along with the Gods. Astrologically the issues did not appear in my chart. As I got older and more developed, my senses developed more but so did this issue. Particularly when it came to aligning the solar chakra downward. What broke through this issue was a full on shit storm that was incredibly painful emotionally, physically, and externally. It saved my life and got me back on track. If I had listened more to my intuition it wouldn’t have needed to happen like that. The top doctors in the state had difficulty in diagnosis but when I went to Satan about the issue, he responded very clearly with the heart. When problems occur, I open and empower my heart chakra and the symptoms stop almost immediately. I’m still seeing doctors but it’s saving my ass. He also pointed out the blood and Venus, just before I was referred to a hematologist (blood specialist) after seeing multiple doctors for years without luck or any real hint of what was happening.

When a beginner starts off with high reps that have potentially to clear these blocks, manifestations may occur. 108x was likely too high, this person (the poster) may be susceptible or have an underlying mental issue or problem with the pineal gland. Trauma. Etc. The end of the post, blaming HP cobra, gives some insight to this as well. It appears paranoid in a sense. Lack of basic trust.

Medications that block someone who is schizophrenic from the spiritual realm may indeed help temporarily. It may be what’s best for someone. If something is about to occur, brief use may prevent an issue from fully developing. There have been period of time when I went on light ocd treatments. It did stop it from getting worse, I was able to get ahead of the problem without issues. I no longer need anything, but I was almost a non-functioning. OCD can get extreme. Guidance directly and indirectly from the gods was needed. I can say these drugs that block the senses are entirely of the enemy as well as the mental problems that they’re used for. Create the problem and sell the enslaving “cure.” I hope we can learn more as a group on healing mental conditions safely.
Ghost in the Machine said:
...mental health disorder...

I probably spent many years rationalizing what occurred but it's funny you mention those things but and without being disrespectful "How do you know all that?"

I don't want to type up something huge and be ignored. But if I was diagnosed as schizophrenia with psychosis. Then WTF happened to me during this fugue state breakdown.

For example things that would occur hearing occasionally sexual stuff. I did perform a succubus ritual back in 2003 when I was 12 pretty much the day after dedicating. Like other people who come for healing or money or in my case sex, I came for the sex. Funny enough while driving I heard a female voice talk to me and say stuff to me not prominently it almost felt like I was talking to myself. And funny enough it didn't both me even the whole en-devour never bothered me

But what is it about my 4 breakdowns that occurred whereby I lost control over my body. I literally lost conscious control over my vessel I would break things hide things, I even got arrested and spent 3 days in jail with my mental health breaking down and even on the second day I was placed in the mental health ward section of the building.

If I experienced something of that nature. Why would my body become out of control. I even had lucid dreaming like sensations of semi control over my body and also would black out a lot. In some cases I even blacked out for like 45 minutes an 1 hour +. I even recall blacking out during the first day in holding and waking up the next day in the morning in the mental health ward jail section.

In my dreams I black out a lot or things phase shift around. I mostly don't dream or to be specific I don't write down my dreams it's just way too much but all I know is it was very dream like.

I honestly feel terrible having this disease luckily taking my pills I have not had any more breakdowns it's pretty much been 6 years since taking my medication and never had another issue while on medication. But what exactly happened to me?

I sometimes wonder if I may have had jewish relatives cause from what I read here on the JoS. This schizophrenia is often called the jewish disease back in the late 1800s early 1900s. I forgot where I read that but it's pretty common if you dig around in the past.

So what exactly is it that I experienced? How can someone who hardly meditates well experience spiritual uplift and basically end up mentally ill?

I'm not trying to sound like an ass hole but meditation has never worked for even in the last few years of learning on the forums and trying, trying, and trying. I never changed or improve or anything even performing mantras and doing something different bores the crap out of me and leaves me overwhelmed.

Unfortunately I feel like the JoS has been a negative influence on my life with many people questioning me about why I'm not normal or doing normal things. I've often thought I'm a xtian-Satanist.

I can logically rationalize the JoS and meditation. GitM you said the intuitive world astral spiritual isn't about logic but everything that I've mentioned on these forums is just stuff I read from other people. I don't have any hard experience. I try and be in the religion as best as possible and then it becomes disheartening to read things like two years of working on your third eye to at least make awakened or months or years of meditation just for some things.

I've often wondered if we are a troll website just promoting contrary information to mainstream information cause we are the alternative people from the weird side of the net.

All in all I don't know how you can state these mental health disorders are spiritual phenomena that is not understood. I just live I'm not spiritual I pretend to be but nothing in the JoS has worked. I just do it cause I'm fanatical about it and it interests me. But I just don't know about downplaying a disease that affects the number one thing the mind and the lucidity and normal day to day operations of the brain.

Can Gentiles experience diseases like this? And what exactly is my disease if I only experience destructive blackouts and not normal schizophrenic stuff like every day stuff?

I mean as I typed this out I'm normal no daily thing or whatever.
Sundara said:
Yes. Definitely.

The problems physically generally always relate to a spiritual problem. Slightly off topic of mental health issues but relating to kundalini/meditation and health manifestations - I’ve written a little about a strange occurrence I dealt with regarding blocks. I had peed black and had an almost deadly seizure that stopped my breathing briefly. This was during a time when I was neglecting responsibilities of the astral but I had previously empowered my soul. It was a bit unavoidable. I had tapped into the kundalini when I was 12, I didn’t have a choice but to try and safely let it go. This idea about only being able to begin raising the serpent by Satan’s will is false. Being able to fully and successfully raise the serpent is what’s guided by Satan and his will along with the Gods. Astrologically the issues did not appear in my chart. As I got older and more developed, my senses developed more but so did this issue. Particularly when it came to aligning the solar chakra downward. What broke through this issue was a full on shit storm that was incredibly painful emotionally, physically, and externally. It saved my life and got me back on track. If I had listened more to my intuition it wouldn’t have needed to happen like that. The top doctors in the state had difficulty in diagnosis but when I went to Satan about the issue, he responded very clearly with the heart. When problems occur, I open and empower my heart chakra and the symptoms stop almost immediately. I’m still seeing doctors but it’s saving my ass. He also pointed out the blood and Venus, just before I was referred to a hematologist (blood specialist) after seeing multiple doctors for years without luck or any real hint of what was happening.

When a beginner starts off with high reps that have potentially to clear these blocks, manifestations may occur. 108x was likely too high, this person (the poster) may be susceptible or have an underlying mental issue or problem with the pineal gland. Trauma. Etc. The end of the post, blaming HP cobra, gives some insight to this as well. It appears paranoid in a sense. Lack of basic trust.

Medications that block someone who is schizophrenic from the spiritual realm may indeed help temporarily. It may be what’s best for someone. If something is about to occur, brief use may prevent an issue from fully developing. There have been period of time when I went on light ocd treatments. It did stop it from getting worse, I was able to get ahead of the problem without issues. I no longer need anything, but I was almost a non-functioning. OCD can get extreme. Guidance directly and indirectly from the gods was needed. I can say these drugs that block the senses are entirely of the enemy as well as the mental problems that they’re used for. Create the problem and sell the enslaving “cure.” I hope we can learn more as a group on healing mental conditions safely.
I have no lack of basic trust, if i would have that I wouldn't be here, simple. And i did say mean things in the past to people but that means i'm not perfect yet, so? I do what i can even my best. And i didn't mean that HoodedCobra had a fault in this, that 108x reps was because of him, i didn't explain things in enough details. It's that i didn't got answered to something and words got slipped and i had irritability from withdrawal, the withdrawal was severe so that made me say stuff like that. So are people here a pussy for teling them that something is wrong or was wrong? I know exactly not everything here is perfect so it can be improved.
Sundara said:
Yes. Definitely.

The problems physically generally always relate to a spiritual problem. Slightly off topic of mental health issues but relating to kundalini/meditation and health manifestations - I’ve written a little about a strange occurrence I dealt with regarding blocks. I had peed black and had an almost deadly seizure that stopped my breathing briefly. This was during a time when I was neglecting responsibilities of the astral but I had previously empowered my soul. It was a bit unavoidable. I had tapped into the kundalini when I was 12, I didn’t have a choice but to try and safely let it go. This idea about only being able to begin raising the serpent by Satan’s will is false. Being able to fully and successfully raise the serpent is what’s guided by Satan and his will along with the Gods. Astrologically the issues did not appear in my chart. As I got older and more developed, my senses developed more but so did this issue. Particularly when it came to aligning the solar chakra downward. What broke through this issue was a full on shit storm that was incredibly painful emotionally, physically, and externally. It saved my life and got me back on track. If I had listened more to my intuition it wouldn’t have needed to happen like that. The top doctors in the state had difficulty in diagnosis but when I went to Satan about the issue, he responded very clearly with the heart. When problems occur, I open and empower my heart chakra and the symptoms stop almost immediately. I’m still seeing doctors but it’s saving my ass. He also pointed out the blood and Venus, just before I was referred to a hematologist (blood specialist) after seeing multiple doctors for years without luck or any real hint of what was happening.

When a beginner starts off with high reps that have potentially to clear these blocks, manifestations may occur. 108x was likely too high, this person (the poster) may be susceptible or have an underlying mental issue or problem with the pineal gland. Trauma. Etc. The end of the post, blaming HP cobra, gives some insight to this as well. It appears paranoid in a sense. Lack of basic trust.

Medications that block someone who is schizophrenic from the spiritual realm may indeed help temporarily. It may be what’s best for someone. If something is about to occur, brief use may prevent an issue from fully developing. There have been period of time when I went on light ocd treatments. It did stop it from getting worse, I was able to get ahead of the problem without issues. I no longer need anything, but I was almost a non-functioning. OCD can get extreme. Guidance directly and indirectly from the gods was needed. I can say these drugs that block the senses are entirely of the enemy as well as the mental problems that they’re used for. Create the problem and sell the enslaving “cure.” I hope we can learn more as a group on healing mental conditions safely.
I apologise for saying "pussy" that word wasn't good so yeah i just, i didn't thought that people here would have gotten offended by me saying that 108 reps is to much and that it was bad and wrong that nowhere was memtioned that 108 reps is too much for a beginner but yeah, i should have thinked for myself and reasearch more and have common sense also about HoddedCobra i didn't write more details and let my anger here and people miss understood, but after all people say that 108 reps wasn't much so i think it's ok, i'm fine with that now.
Okay... withdrawal from a medication or drug can cause hallucinations and irritability. Good luck to you!

I don't think 108 which should be changed to either 100 or 111 is gonna blow you up. It's a lot but in the grand scheme of things not much. You could scale it down to 88 or even 40. 40 is another good number which is often recommended. I recall member: Lydia mentioning this as well on top of her Vin vibration mantras sometime in 2018 for working with runic healing the soul based on Moon sign Pisces, on top of that people do recommended 40. With that said your free to experiment with either higher or lower numbers of course with Munka I don't think it's wise to blast a high rep the first day then drop down the reps. For example 100 day 1 and then 40 day 2. I would avoid in free the soul cases whereby it's more consistency rather than a raw surge like a money mantra.

The reason why we mention or suggest a smaller number is your materializing or hooking up to a reality whereby you deal with some sort of karmic debt. In other words it's not so much your gonna fry yourself 100ish can be done in about 20-30 minutes. It's the fact that you might come face to face with a possible reality whereby you have to solve your karma or the freed negative karmic energy. Especially if the affirmation is somewhat wrong or not proper.

The question becomes sure a high rep gets things done but what if you extend so instead of 40 days you go 90 days or 180 days, 720 days or whatever. In other words much like previous members have posted I recall some members posting graphs.

The difference between a high rep and a low rep is the high rep comes in hard and fast early on and creates a maximum output early on but eventually with small reps after many, many weeks will eventually correlate to possible similarities of high rep.

In simplest terms the bell might not be struck, metaphorically, as hard but eventually the lower rep strikes produce enough impulse and reaction that both the bell and striker are moving and striking and releasing energy. The difference is the high rep blast is doing it much harder and more vicious than the lower rep but both ARE moving the bell and causing it to ring.

Also sometimes with freedom rituals the effects may occur later. This is one of the reason why we state to use the action word (NOW). But in some cases it might be a karmic feedback whereby perhaps as an additional lesson you recreate or experience the same negativity only this time being wiser, more mature, and more eviscerating of the negative anti-freedom energy you overcome it.

So it might be a situation whereby it works back again. Although of course remember your removing a seed of negative energies out of your soul. So it's possible you could just eliminate the entire scenario from occurring. Which is the main idea in other words remove it some confrontation but removal. Non the less I'd wager to state freedom actions are more like surgery you remove the cancer but the healing is required. So no karmic feedback but something IS behind the action of said healing. Both it's been said some people experience a total karmic elimination or a recreation of events of said freeing and solve it and move on.

BTW Catalincata94 I think we have a misunderstanding high reps are great power but unfortunately it's not the power of low reps. If the Gods are around I bet even a single rep of a mantra is power enough. But we aren't Gods or elevated or even spiritual. Hell the JoS is basically dipping it's toes into experimentation of spirituality. It's a shame that it doesn't work with low reps as well as high reps but it's possible with time low reps can do it.

Consider it try out say 40 reps maybe give yourself 5-10 minutes of 40 mantras.

The only negative thing is HOW IS MUNKA VIBRATED? It uses a enyay is it said like a normal N or like the enyay N. No one in the history of JoS minus two or three people, posting videos like Aldrick, have mentioned how Munka is done properly in other words taking into account the enyay.

Is Munka normally vibrated N or vibrated as Enyay sound which sounds almost like a modified Y sound like produced with the tongue on the front palette not teeth but rather on the beginning of the hollow on the roof of the mouth.
Gear88 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
...mental health disorder...


"There are many different beings. One thing I have learned is with Satan’s Demons, when they enter us; they never harm us in any way. We are always conscious and fully aware. When they are speaking through us, we are aware of what they are saying and nothing is ever forced. One doesn’t experience gaps or "missing time" as those who invoke angelic beings have. Angels often masquerade as Demons. There are entities that are NOT of Satan and when they are invited in [usually these are angels or related ilk] they will take over and cause harm to the person who invoked them and the individual will not have any memory of the event. They will have missing time and more than likely other lingering problems as well.
Satan is the bringer of knowledge. He has no reason to cause anyone to forget something or have lapses in memory in order to hide something. People who dabble with angels and other astral entities of whom they are not familiar with can experience these problems, and then of course, through ignorance and foolishness they blame "The Devil.""

Ghost in the Machine said:
Gear88 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
...mental health disorder...


"There are many different beings. One thing I have learned is with Satan’s Demons, when they enter us; they never harm us in any way. We are always conscious and fully aware. When they are speaking through us, we are aware of what they are saying and nothing is ever forced. One doesn’t experience gaps or "missing time" as those who invoke angelic beings have. Angels often masquerade as Demons. There are entities that are NOT of Satan and when they are invited in [usually these are angels or related ilk] they will take over and cause harm to the person who invoked them and the individual will not have any memory of the event. They will have missing time and more than likely other lingering problems as well.
Satan is the bringer of knowledge. He has no reason to cause anyone to forget something or have lapses in memory in order to hide something. People who dabble with angels and other astral entities of whom they are not familiar with can experience these problems, and then of course, through ignorance and foolishness they blame "The Devil.""



What are you implying by that?

That somehow this so-called succubus is some enemy some entity some malevolent thing. Just because during the months of mental health breakdown from October 2011 to April 2012 when I got arrested and heard sexual and voices and whatnot throughout the months of October '11 to April '12. And then funny enough my next breakdown during September/October of 2012 and then the next breakdown near a week before Thanksgiving 2013 and then my final break down ironically enough the same week of April as in 2012 but in 2014 so funny enough full circle on the same dates.

It's funny you post the evocation thing because not to sound disrespectful but if an entity is affecting me then much like the enemy God question becomes.

If God exists why do bad things happen and why does God not know how to stop them and even if he could stop them why create it in the first place.

Are you implying to both me and to Catalincata94 that Satan and the Gods are not real and unable to stop simple things occurring to us. And let us assume my own mental health crisis was caused by some negative entity wouldn't simply calling Satan and tell him I'm under attack solve the situation.

I don't want to disrespect this organization as I consider myself a National Socialist and Spiritual Satanist even though I told someone about it and they replied "So what? You can't define yourself on just one or two things" and I replied back "Sure that is what I am normally I'm such a worthless person and do nothing that that is what I am".

It's kinda a fanatical response perhaps to my detriment because I was being truthful.

I don't know GitM but the more I age the more I'm starting to wonder about things. Lots of wasted years and lots of bullshit mortal blows to my existence have occurred. For example I never knew I'd have a disease of the brain. I never new it would require so much time and effort to just spiritually advance one iota of development that it becomes what is the point of spiritual advancement.

IF I'm not sure if it's real the Gods to come in 20 years unless the beings of higher power we are talking to are construct of people's insanity or they are trolling or whatever. Then when they come I'll get my answers but the fact that they expect humans to listen and spiritually advance in such manners of physical, mental, spiritual and technological aspects poses a problem and I would not be shocked in any way, shape, or form if people in the future curse the Gods.

For example people will like the Gods at first but the fact they make us do things and the fact meditation for most people is such a chore and hardly anyone relishes in it compared to a few people even simple mindfulness crushes some people such as myself. For example I recall a mindfulness website whereby what is your longest session and someone said I spent 8 hours straight barring a trip to the bathroom 2-3 hours in mindfulness.

When people realize en masse that is what it's like to be spiritual they'll hate it and want to return back to their xtianistic aspects.

So it's the same with me. If meditation does nothing why is it doing nothing caused me to create issues. How did issues come and why did I suffer a mental health crisis.

It's funny you mention the Gods and evocation cause I contact Satan. I state "Satan could you please tell my succubus to communicate with me" and I hear a female voice speak to me which sounds like it's coming from my mind. In fact what if I'm talking to myself and then funny enough she can control my body and the funny part is what am I like some tantric master or something.

The funniest part is I had my doubts she says go speak with Satan or I'm a Satanic being of higher power from the Empire of Orion. And the funny part is I don't know.

No idea if I'm making up the voice or making up the effects or doing things or what no idea if it's the enemy or friendly or neutral or whatever. Or perhaps the most obvious is a by product of my own insanity.

How do we know that Spiritual Satanism is not the byproduct of someone's insanity. For example all the quotes and information on this website come from books or someone's mind or someones development. How we know that is real?

For example I've had debates with people and a while back with a family member and I said some JoS information without mentioning the religion or NS principle. And they said in all the years of study both anti-semitic or pro-semitic and religion and whatnot. He's never heard of ANY of the things hell I even read some Kaballahexposed information and they said I've never even so much as heard a single reference to such things.

So then what is the JoS and why is it that I and along with many people have problems?

For example I recall some people mention JoS is an e-cult. Or as one person put it an open cult i.e. by your own volition you become a cult member.

What DID the dedication do or didn't do or what is it about this website and this organization that I'm so hyper obsessed with along with other people whom share a similar disposition i.e. some issue money, sex, drugs, finances, diseases.

I mean it's like watching videos of Li Hongzi(Falun Dafa) having a shitload of people around him all the while mentioning I will not heal or teach healing just do the exercises.

You yourself GitM state things like the Buer thing or in the past while things. How do I not know your a troll or even if you are a troll how do I not know your some "white-hat troll" i.e. a helpful troll.

I understand we are here to help the World but if I can't help myself why should I help the World. It's like people have stated I recall someone very recently mentioning I've done all this magick, squares, and stuff and funny enough it never happens anything to me but rather other people are affected and they help me out.

In other words why would doing correct magick help a person out as a byproduct of others rather than directly. Does this person not posses enough knowledge? is he not deserving of things directly?

And finally what about people whom do all this crazy spiritual gymnastics spend years meditating and doing activities rituals and whatnot. And then go "in all the years I've done these things nothing has worked. I never succeed in such things". Even people from other spiritual communities who come here state I love meditation but nothing from the JoS has worked and even in my previous spiritual community I don't think it worked.

For example someone states new age stuff doesn't work as it's a detriment okay sure you make your point. But how does playing around pretending using the imagination produce something.

I'm getting kind sick and tired of doing the same shit every day same cleaning, protecting, spinning, a few energy breath rituals. Nothing happens and even if something happens how do I even know it is me how do I know it's not just a byproduct of normal every day to day actions of others.

If I and Catalincata94 are affected like a surprising number of people. Even this organization attracts a lot of mentally downtrodden people.
Then were is the cure and how do we take it?

Catalincata94 has mentioned things for months now. How old is he like nearly a year and where is his cure or treatment where is his betterment? What does he need to eliminate this bullshit he is encountering harming his life?

Is he just gonna live for the rest of his life until his 80s-90s-100s and live with a mentally challenged disease hearing voices till he dies basically living with a mental conundrum and trying and acting normal based on rules and regulations of reality all the while the internal person is probably dying to solve his mental crisis. So where is his cure? where is his solution?
Gear88 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Gear88 said:

"There are many different beings. One thing I have learned is with Satan’s Demons, when they enter us; they never harm us in any way. We are always conscious and fully aware. When they are speaking through us, we are aware of what they are saying and nothing is ever forced. One doesn’t experience gaps or "missing time" as those who invoke angelic beings have. Angels often masquerade as Demons. There are entities that are NOT of Satan and when they are invited in [usually these are angels or related ilk] they will take over and cause harm to the person who invoked them and the individual will not have any memory of the event. They will have missing time and more than likely other lingering problems as well.
Satan is the bringer of knowledge. He has no reason to cause anyone to forget something or have lapses in memory in order to hide something. People who dabble with angels and other astral entities of whom they are not familiar with can experience these problems, and then of course, through ignorance and foolishness they blame "The Devil.""



What are you implying by that?

That somehow this so-called succubus is some enemy some entity some malevolent thing. Just because during the months of mental health breakdown from October 2011 to April 2012 when I got arrested and heard sexual and voices and whatnot throughout the months of October '11 to April '12. And then funny enough my next breakdown during September/October of 2012 and then the next breakdown near a week before Thanksgiving 2013 and then my final break down ironically enough the same week of April as in 2012 but in 2014 so funny enough full circle on the same dates.

It's funny you post the evocation thing because not to sound disrespectful but if an entity is affecting me then much like the enemy God question becomes.

If God exists why do bad things happen and why does God not know how to stop them and even if he could stop them why create it in the first place.

Are you implying to both me and to Catalincata94 that Satan and the Gods are not real and unable to stop simple things occurring to us. And let us assume my own mental health crisis was caused by some negative entity wouldn't simply calling Satan and tell him I'm under attack solve the situation.

I don't want to disrespect this organization as I consider myself a National Socialist and Spiritual Satanist even though I told someone about it and they replied "So what? You can't define yourself on just one or two things" and I replied back "Sure that is what I am normally I'm such a worthless person and do nothing that that is what I am".

It's kinda a fanatical response perhaps to my detriment because I was being truthful.

I don't know GitM but the more I age the more I'm starting to wonder about things. Lots of wasted years and lots of bullshit mortal blows to my existence have occurred. For example I never knew I'd have a disease of the brain. I never new it would require so much time and effort to just spiritually advance one iota of development that it becomes what is the point of spiritual advancement.

IF I'm not sure if it's real the Gods to come in 20 years unless the beings of higher power we are talking to are construct of people's insanity or they are trolling or whatever. Then when they come I'll get my answers but the fact that they expect humans to listen and spiritually advance in such manners of physical, mental, spiritual and technological aspects poses a problem and I would not be shocked in any way, shape, or form if people in the future curse the Gods.

For example people will like the Gods at first but the fact they make us do things and the fact meditation for most people is such a chore and hardly anyone relishes in it compared to a few people even simple mindfulness crushes some people such as myself. For example I recall a mindfulness website whereby what is your longest session and someone said I spent 8 hours straight barring a trip to the bathroom 2-3 hours in mindfulness.

When people realize en masse that is what it's like to be spiritual they'll hate it and want to return back to their xtianistic aspects.

So it's the same with me. If meditation does nothing why is it doing nothing caused me to create issues. How did issues come and why did I suffer a mental health crisis.

It's funny you mention the Gods and evocation cause I contact Satan. I state "Satan could you please tell my succubus to communicate with me" and I hear a female voice speak to me which sounds like it's coming from my mind. In fact what if I'm talking to myself and then funny enough she can control my body and the funny part is what am I like some tantric master or something.

The funniest part is I had my doubts she says go speak with Satan or I'm a Satanic being of higher power from the Empire of Orion. And the funny part is I don't know.

No idea if I'm making up the voice or making up the effects or doing things or what no idea if it's the enemy or friendly or neutral or whatever. Or perhaps the most obvious is a by product of my own insanity.

How do we know that Spiritual Satanism is not the byproduct of someone's insanity. For example all the quotes and information on this website come from books or someone's mind or someones development. How we know that is real?

For example I've had debates with people and a while back with a family member and I said some JoS information without mentioning the religion or NS principle. And they said in all the years of study both anti-semitic or pro-semitic and religion and whatnot. He's never heard of ANY of the things hell I even read some Kaballahexposed information and they said I've never even so much as heard a single reference to such things.

So then what is the JoS and why is it that I and along with many people have problems?

For example I recall some people mention JoS is an e-cult. Or as one person put it an open cult i.e. by your own volition you become a cult member.

What DID the dedication do or didn't do or what is it about this website and this organization that I'm so hyper obsessed with along with other people whom share a similar disposition i.e. some issue money, sex, drugs, finances, diseases.

I mean it's like watching videos of Li Hongzi(Falun Dafa) having a shitload of people around him all the while mentioning I will not heal or teach healing just do the exercises.

You yourself GitM state things like the Buer thing or in the past while things. How do I not know your a troll or even if you are a troll how do I not know your some "white-hat troll" i.e. a helpful troll.

I understand we are here to help the World but if I can't help myself why should I help the World. It's like people have stated I recall someone very recently mentioning I've done all this magick, squares, and stuff and funny enough it never happens anything to me but rather other people are affected and they help me out.

In other words why would doing correct magick help a person out as a byproduct of others rather than directly. Does this person not posses enough knowledge? is he not deserving of things directly?

And finally what about people whom do all this crazy spiritual gymnastics spend years meditating and doing activities rituals and whatnot. And then go "in all the years I've done these things nothing has worked. I never succeed in such things". Even people from other spiritual communities who come here state I love meditation but nothing from the JoS has worked and even in my previous spiritual community I don't think it worked.

For example someone states new age stuff doesn't work as it's a detriment okay sure you make your point. But how does playing around pretending using the imagination produce something.

I'm getting kind sick and tired of doing the same shit every day same cleaning, protecting, spinning, a few energy breath rituals. Nothing happens and even if something happens how do I even know it is me how do I know it's not just a byproduct of normal every day to day actions of others.

If I and Catalincata94 are affected like a surprising number of people. Even this organization attracts a lot of mentally downtrodden people.
Then were is the cure and how do we take it?

Catalincata94 has mentioned things for months now. How old is he like nearly a year and where is his cure or treatment where is his betterment? What does he need to eliminate this bullshit he is encountering harming his life?

Is he just gonna live for the rest of his life until his 80s-90s-100s and live with a mentally challenged disease hearing voices till he dies basically living with a mental conundrum and trying and acting normal based on rules and regulations of reality all the while the internal person is probably dying to solve his mental crisis. So where is his cure? where is his solution?

If meditation does nothing why is it doing nothing caused me to create issues. How did issues come and why did I suffer a mental health crisis.
Meditations does not do nothing they work didn't you feel for example the energy buzz from meditations and Yoga? If you do Hata Yoga as instructed in the PDF in some weeks the energy buzz will apear, you will start to feel it like little bee buzzing in your hole body now don't compare it to real bee buzzing but its similar but everyone is different so yeah this is my case, your buzzing could be different, and the buzzing can't be felt if you are moving it can only be felt when you are sitting still.
And how did issues come and why did you suffer health crisis? it's simple the planetary transits affects our lives (the planets affects our lives) and health issues are shown in someones natal chart, maybe you didn't do enough aura of protection or maybe you did nothing?

I'm a Satanic being of higher power from the Empire of Orion.
Same thing with me but it was an enemy it's just that i didn't have control over it to shut it or to tune it out also didn't even know about that and i didn't know it was an enemy, from what i've understood about schizofrenia, it's like having astral hearing but at the same time not having control over it and lack of knowledge makes it worse.

How do we know that Spiritual Satanism is not the byproduct of someone's insanity. For example all the quotes and information on this website come from books or someone's mind or someones development. How we know that is real?
It's simple, you test it, you test it to see if it works or not but that could take time because to see if a meditation or spiritual power works or not it takes some time but i for example did a mind controlling technique where i gave the order to a friend to get of of his bike (i did this with intention and sending thoughts to him all this happened in my mind, through my mind) he was right in front of me and talked with another friend and in the mean time i've did the technique and guess what he just stopped speaking and got off the bike just like i wanted and i was like woooo it workkkkeeeed XDD and they got scared because i explained what i did, but before that i did some training for some weeks after that i did the controlling technique. Back then i didn't know exactly how did it work i just known that the powers of the mind are real but now i know more.

So then what is the JoS and why is it that I and along with many people have problems?
It's a war bro, a spiritual war, in wars problems can happen, mostly this is what happens in wars.

I've done all this magick, squares, and stuff and funny enough it never happens anything to me but rather other people are affected and they help me out.
Magical squares only work if the person has all the chakras completely open.

For example someone states new age stuff doesn't work as it's a detriment okay sure you make your point. But how does playing around pretending using the imagination produce something.
Bro mind affects everything around us, there was a good example of this, before i dedicated i did "psi wheel", but i don't know if it's an enemy practice or not i did some research and i still wasn't sure just that something wasn't right with it. But yeah it worked, it took me like 2 weeks till i could rotate the paper.

Catalincata94 has mentioned things for months now. How old is he like nearly a year and where is his cure or treatment where is his betterment? What does he need to eliminate this bullshit he is encountering harming his life?
I got rid of anxiety things improve but there needs to be advancement and patience i mean i had many experiences to know things does work in spirituality and healing (also i have enough knowledge to know stuff works in spirituality). And now i'm fine i still take medication but just half of it (reduced it my self) and about the anti-depressant i still have a few weeks till i get rid of it, i know i can be widouth it i already was widouth it in the past that's when i got rid of anxiety, but for the anti-psyhotic it will take more till i'm off of it and fine.

Is he just gonna live for the rest of his life until his 80s-90s-100s and live with a mentally challenged disease hearing voices till he dies basically living with a mental conundrum and trying and acting normal based on rules and regulations of reality all the while the internal person is probably dying to solve his mental crisis. So where is his cure? where is his solution?
My solution is advancement, patience and healing. And i'm definitely not going to wait till i'm 80 years of age or more i'm bettering my self the fastest i can :) and my goal is to become a God so i won't sit, live and be like "with a mentally challenged disease hearing voices till he dies" but for becoming a god i do what ever it's needs to be done to become a god, little stuffs first XD so what i mean is that i do everything to survive, advance and become stronger and better, like faster, better, stronger xD
Gear88 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Gear88 said:

"There are many different beings. One thing I have learned is with Satan’s Demons, when they enter us; they never harm us in any way. We are always conscious and fully aware. When they are speaking through us, we are aware of what they are saying and nothing is ever forced. One doesn’t experience gaps or "missing time" as those who invoke angelic beings have. Angels often masquerade as Demons. There are entities that are NOT of Satan and when they are invited in [usually these are angels or related ilk] they will take over and cause harm to the person who invoked them and the individual will not have any memory of the event. They will have missing time and more than likely other lingering problems as well.
Satan is the bringer of knowledge. He has no reason to cause anyone to forget something or have lapses in memory in order to hide something. People who dabble with angels and other astral entities of whom they are not familiar with can experience these problems, and then of course, through ignorance and foolishness they blame "The Devil.""



What are you implying by that?

That somehow this so-called succubus is some enemy some entity some malevolent thing. Just because during the months of mental health breakdown from October 2011 to April 2012 when I got arrested and heard sexual and voices and whatnot throughout the months of October '11 to April '12. And then funny enough my next breakdown during September/October of 2012 and then the next breakdown near a week before Thanksgiving 2013 and then my final break down ironically enough the same week of April as in 2012 but in 2014 so funny enough full circle on the same dates.

It's funny you post the evocation thing because not to sound disrespectful but if an entity is affecting me then much like the enemy God question becomes.

If God exists why do bad things happen and why does God not know how to stop them and even if he could stop them why create it in the first place.

Are you implying to both me and to Catalincata94 that Satan and the Gods are not real and unable to stop simple things occurring to us. And let us assume my own mental health crisis was caused by some negative entity wouldn't simply calling Satan and tell him I'm under attack solve the situation.

I don't want to disrespect this organization as I consider myself a National Socialist and Spiritual Satanist even though I told someone about it and they replied "So what? You can't define yourself on just one or two things" and I replied back "Sure that is what I am normally I'm such a worthless person and do nothing that that is what I am".

It's kinda a fanatical response perhaps to my detriment because I was being truthful.

I don't know GitM but the more I age the more I'm starting to wonder about things. Lots of wasted years and lots of bullshit mortal blows to my existence have occurred. For example I never knew I'd have a disease of the brain. I never new it would require so much time and effort to just spiritually advance one iota of development that it becomes what is the point of spiritual advancement.

IF I'm not sure if it's real the Gods to come in 20 years unless the beings of higher power we are talking to are construct of people's insanity or they are trolling or whatever. Then when they come I'll get my answers but the fact that they expect humans to listen and spiritually advance in such manners of physical, mental, spiritual and technological aspects poses a problem and I would not be shocked in any way, shape, or form if people in the future curse the Gods.

For example people will like the Gods at first but the fact they make us do things and the fact meditation for most people is such a chore and hardly anyone relishes in it compared to a few people even simple mindfulness crushes some people such as myself. For example I recall a mindfulness website whereby what is your longest session and someone said I spent 8 hours straight barring a trip to the bathroom 2-3 hours in mindfulness.

When people realize en masse that is what it's like to be spiritual they'll hate it and want to return back to their xtianistic aspects.

So it's the same with me. If meditation does nothing why is it doing nothing caused me to create issues. How did issues come and why did I suffer a mental health crisis.

It's funny you mention the Gods and evocation cause I contact Satan. I state "Satan could you please tell my succubus to communicate with me" and I hear a female voice speak to me which sounds like it's coming from my mind. In fact what if I'm talking to myself and then funny enough she can control my body and the funny part is what am I like some tantric master or something.

The funniest part is I had my doubts she says go speak with Satan or I'm a Satanic being of higher power from the Empire of Orion. And the funny part is I don't know.

No idea if I'm making up the voice or making up the effects or doing things or what no idea if it's the enemy or friendly or neutral or whatever. Or perhaps the most obvious is a by product of my own insanity.

How do we know that Spiritual Satanism is not the byproduct of someone's insanity. For example all the quotes and information on this website come from books or someone's mind or someones development. How we know that is real?

For example I've had debates with people and a while back with a family member and I said some JoS information without mentioning the religion or NS principle. And they said in all the years of study both anti-semitic or pro-semitic and religion and whatnot. He's never heard of ANY of the things hell I even read some Kaballahexposed information and they said I've never even so much as heard a single reference to such things.

So then what is the JoS and why is it that I and along with many people have problems?

For example I recall some people mention JoS is an e-cult. Or as one person put it an open cult i.e. by your own volition you become a cult member.

What DID the dedication do or didn't do or what is it about this website and this organization that I'm so hyper obsessed with along with other people whom share a similar disposition i.e. some issue money, sex, drugs, finances, diseases.

I mean it's like watching videos of Li Hongzi(Falun Dafa) having a shitload of people around him all the while mentioning I will not heal or teach healing just do the exercises.

You yourself GitM state things like the Buer thing or in the past while things. How do I not know your a troll or even if you are a troll how do I not know your some "white-hat troll" i.e. a helpful troll.

I understand we are here to help the World but if I can't help myself why should I help the World. It's like people have stated I recall someone very recently mentioning I've done all this magick, squares, and stuff and funny enough it never happens anything to me but rather other people are affected and they help me out.

In other words why would doing correct magick help a person out as a byproduct of others rather than directly. Does this person not posses enough knowledge? is he not deserving of things directly?

And finally what about people whom do all this crazy spiritual gymnastics spend years meditating and doing activities rituals and whatnot. And then go "in all the years I've done these things nothing has worked. I never succeed in such things". Even people from other spiritual communities who come here state I love meditation but nothing from the JoS has worked and even in my previous spiritual community I don't think it worked.

For example someone states new age stuff doesn't work as it's a detriment okay sure you make your point. But how does playing around pretending using the imagination produce something.

I'm getting kind sick and tired of doing the same shit every day same cleaning, protecting, spinning, a few energy breath rituals. Nothing happens and even if something happens how do I even know it is me how do I know it's not just a byproduct of normal every day to day actions of others.

If I and Catalincata94 are affected like a surprising number of people. Even this organization attracts a lot of mentally downtrodden people.
Then were is the cure and how do we take it?

Catalincata94 has mentioned things for months now. How old is he like nearly a year and where is his cure or treatment where is his betterment? What does he need to eliminate this bullshit he is encountering harming his life?

Is he just gonna live for the rest of his life until his 80s-90s-100s and live with a mentally challenged disease hearing voices till he dies basically living with a mental conundrum and trying and acting normal based on rules and regulations of reality all the while the internal person is probably dying to solve his mental crisis. So where is his cure? where is his solution?

For me it makes sense, GITM reply with enemy entities. You were 12 when you asked for a succubus. I don´t think at this age someone woul get one. + Your psychic senses shouldn´t be open enouth at that time.
Back then did you fokus on satans sigil and then ask. Then ask satan if this entity is from him?

You also said a realy long time you didn´t want to join the forum or write other members in any way.(php..forum.) . Maybe all this time the entity did leach all your meditation efforts(energy), through this you are not motivated(low energy)/no meditation progress. Maybe this entity did also influence you to not join. Now after several jears after it is deeple connected to you it influence you to demotivate other people by stating you can´t advance no matter what you do.

If I would be you I would totaly stop interact with this entity and use my orgasmic energy to empower one of the main chakras where you think it would be best.

Also I would fokus a longer time (5 min) on satans sigil and ask for a undeniabel proof that this entity is from him. If this is the case. Like a candel in your room starts burning on it´s own.

If this entity would be a demon, then why didn´t it protect you in a way so you don´t have blackouts etc. For me it makes no sense. Also that you end up having to take medications doesn´t sound good.

One week or two without succubus actions won´t kill you.
Gear88 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:


Well none of these break downs started until after you tried to summon a succubus it seems. Chances are it wasn't a demon at all. You said you did the dedication ritual literally just before it, but the point of the dedication ritual is dedication... to this path... to Satan.... not trying to get laid at 12 years old, do you really think a 50,000+ year old advanced extra-terrestrial Emperor would take you seriously in your protection and safety for that? I would personally be offended and would want nothing to do with you until you smartened up on your outlook.

This is a meritocracy, you get what you give and have potential as well as willingness in, that is legit nature, you wouldn't slave away to the protection and safety of some gross slob who sits in his room eating cheetos and literally does nothing for anyone or even himself and just jerks off all day without even a job now would you? And from what I gather you don't really care for spiritual advancement or spirituality really in general, you don't really want to advance because you sink yourself in the idea that it's all bullshit anyways, you just want to "wait".

You're just doing crap for the sake of it being some side-hobby and then continuously doubt that it's doing anything so then by this intent of your will it legitimately doesn't, you let yourself sink from being able to grasp it, you don't really believe it and then you repeatedly either knowingly or subconsciously blame and hate the gods for not doing everything you expected them to. Do you honestly think you're the highest priority on that note when there are actual people with real belief, devotion in spirituality and desires to better themselves and grow stronger? This does not mean they ignore you though, you clearly desire answers and I assure you they've likely been giving you plenty... but you keep doubting all of it.

This has nothing to do with hate upon you, like I said, they are just not slaves, and I'm pretty sure they have been trying to show you and explain things to you many times to help you see truth and understand spirituality so you can utilize it, and yes they use members as unwitting mediums even on the forum in answering questions to help you with such; Evidently you ask me a lot personally questions about a lot of things, and I explain everything in all it's detail and truth, but you're problem in any help I try to give you is that you doubt everything I'm saying. Change your attitude around and start making real progress in at least overcoming doubt in general and your negative outlook, and if in time it is shown you really are serious, the gods will be able to involve themselves with you more, honestly though they likely are even now in trying to get you to understand truths but you don't see this because you're not advanced enough yet and you struggle to advance enough because you don't even believe anything is working to help you advance in the first place. They try to guide you to the truth but each time it shows itself to you you doubt it. How can truth be truth to you if you don't believe that it's truth in the first place?

When I was new I wasn't open enough yet to see all of the ways the gods were guiding and trying to help me through my doubts back then, I had the same doubts as you, precisely even. "This is just the blood tingling in my hands, this is just a reaction from my body, that was just the wind, how is any of this real if it all just feels like physical tricks?" and that went on for 3 years and I felt alone a large portion of the time. I was a filthy jew-minded gentile xian who acted like a parasite and abused everyone around me. I was lowly, hateful, spiteful and enjoyed things the gods strongly loathed and disapproved of and I thought it was totally okay, even tried to justify it through Satanism. It took me years of cleaning my soul and working on this path to start opening up to communications, and then I was very sternly urged and signed by Satan and my guardian to change my behaviours and to stop indulging in certain habits.

They were not gentle about it with me at all, they were very strong in their energies in what they wanted me to do and they made it very blatantly clear in many different ways and signs to me the wrongs of my ways, like a parent sternly correcting a child. I made the effort to make the changes and cleansed myself and over time with my efforts and devotions I felt much more positivity in my life and was a lot happier with myself, they also started to interact more and more with me and they helped me with many things to advance myself further because I actually prove my devotion with the efforts I make and the things I do in helping others here on this path. Like I said, meritocracy.

So you offensively did a dedication ritual just for protection ultimately just so you could get laid by a demon, and you expected the gods to totally protect you for something offensive like that in that you didn't even do the dedication ritual for the proper serious means, they then didn't protect you because of that bullshit and an enemy entity comes along. You don't see them if you're not advanced enough but if you allow an enemy entity in by willingly letting them do whatever they want to you, then psychically by that intent you open up your soul and let down your soul's shields, nothing stops you from then being possessed as they're free to go in and influence all they want. This can majorly mess shit up with your psychic senses because that's what they take over and they are not in the slightest sense friendly or nice about it. When they depart they leave all kinds of problems behind to develop and grow worse.

You have a lot of spite for me, and I don't understand why. Do you really think I'd spend hours of my day repeatedly trolling a forum with fake experiences, fake knowledge and fake practices when I also hold a full-time job, maintain several daily duties as well as all of my hours of meditations daily? Do you know precisely how long it takes me to make lengthy posts like this? Perfecting it, ensuring it covers every aspect and will actually help the individual, grammar checking and looking out for any mistakes, I can spend literally 2 hours on one post. I function on very little sleep, don't you think I'd much rather be watching movies and playing video games for hours on end? Because that's what I used to do before devoting so seriously to all of this. The things I share from my own experiences and knowledge actually help and work for people, and they say so very much as well not just in their knowledge but their experiences and utilizations of it, is that not evident enough to the realness of it?

Gear you've got yourself so wound up in doubt that no amount of what I explain to you is ever going to clear it up, so there's no point in me trying to explain, because as soon as I do you'll think of a multitude of other questions as to 'how it just doesn't work' or why it doesn't make sense. If every result you get from your meditations you immediately doubt as an indicator of spiritual power, how the hell are you going to believe an explanation for it?

I'm sorry but the astral realm does not have the logic of the physical realm, not even telekinesis in front of your very eyes may shake your doubt, you'll probably think you dreamt it or hallucinated it. And likewise you think seeing is believing even on the physical realm itself even? Look at all the lies the enemy spreads, knowing truth and reality takes personal understanding, but if all you do is doubt, then truth cannot be known and the stronger you hold onto this doubt, the more tightly wound up you get inside of it and next thing you know you start to doubt if you even exist at all.

You see blatantly everything that's been explained 20 years ago on our website, an extra-terrestial alien parasitic race is trying to enslave humanity with jews being their lapdogs on planet Earth... we got that information from spiritual knowledge and communication with Satan and the gods and our origin as supernatural beings. That's not something you just wake up one day and know.

You see the truth of this grow ever more clear as the years go on, it's in the news, it's in the studying fields, it's in the media, it's in the freaking bible, people in Sweden are being microchipped, mass surveillance and technological means are being used to financially control and enslave each and every individuals identity and daily living, cash is subsequentially being pushed out in place of practically paying with your very own finger print, lights keep showing up in the sky in times of struggle, cybernetics and robots as well as advanced AI are glorified and pushed for people to accept even onto their own bodies, a full fledged pandemic even crops up with jews (((somehow))) already having a vaccine for it half finished.

Everything happening physically in the world is backed up by everything that has been said, shared and clarified on the website to our origin and supernatural potentials in the last two decades. If you want my last and final advice to you, start from the beginning again. Perform the dedication ritual to Satan and be serious this time, to him, to this path, to everything we stand for and tell yourself with conviction you'll make those changes to yourself to change your outlook and grow, ask them sincerely with respect for their guidance and help on this and if you are truly serious they may point you in the right direction.

No doubt, no spite, no hatred, start over fresh and new and really mean it when you sign your name in blood and recite the prayer. You see everything going on in the world, you know all that's been said if not spiritually then physically is real... if that's not enough to prove what's happening and who we are, then I don't think anything will.

I've said and explained a lot, but with your doubt and severely regressed understanding of what spirituality is due to this doubt, you don't get it. So much is evident and has been made evident to you, the truth shows it's face constantly to you, but every time it does with even the inkling of possibility, you look straight at it tell it "You're not real". How do you expect to believe truth if you just straight up don't? Every time I try to explain spirituality to you, literally every single response you've given me is "But this" "But that" "But when" "But why" "But where" "But, but, but, but, but." You focus so much on the possibilities of what isn't that you literally cannot see what is.

Doubt is powerful, unbelievably so the more you let it take hold. It can drive you crazy and mad with frustrations because you just want something blatant and clear, plain as day as the very sun itself in the blue sky. But if you doubt that sun is even real and is just on some big tv screen in the sky, how can you convince yourself to believe that the sun even helps plants grow when something like that cannot just be straight up known or seen? For all you know plants just grow because they're 'programmed' to, fuck the sun man it don't do jack shit, it's somethin' to do with the rotation of the planet or whatever way it's facing in this matrix.

You literally get the evidence. Stop thinking it's something else, because if you focus on your hand with the knowing and convinced belief that it's getting colder and for "some reason" it actually does... that's not just a change in air temperature to that specific spot because nothing is that coincidental each and every time you try it. That's not a physical factor that just occurred, that's a spiritual manifested desire of the willpower in your soul.

I will not be a doormat to your frustrations and anger at your own sinkhole caused by the very doubt you keep holding so strongly to, not everybody makes it on this path to actually get to see some of the more extremes of spiritual ability like draining the battery of a charging phone to 0% in a matter of seconds with your sheer willpower and 'mind'. I've gotten to a point in my advancements where I have proven abilities further that I had already believed existed and didn't need proving in the first place. Because I decided at some point in my advancements years and years and years ago, that doubt wasn't getting me anywhere but backwards. So I just said "Fuck it, it's real." and forced myself to believe anyways, I ended up seeing the proof I wanted and needed long ago to prove such existence of things many years later, but at that point of overcoming doubt, I didn't even need the proof anymore to begin with.

If all doubt does and has been described here time and time again on the website, the forum, by clergy, by members, by me as a hindrance to advancement, as a blindsider to spirituality, as a very halting force to exuding any kind of magic and spiritual ability and understanding, then what is the everloving deal of deciding to just fuck it and believe for a change and to believe with all your heart? What do you honestly have to lose if you've sunk this far due to doubt? How is believing going to hurt you? What in your right mind do you honestly think doubt is saving you from? Disappointment? You let yourself feel that all the time anyways because of doubt.

Don't you realize that the people who are practicing everything, sharing all of their experiences with the gods and spirituality, don't you realize that the difference between you and them is that they do not doubt all of this? Those of us regulars with the most experiences and knowledge have devoted to all of this for years to accumulate all of that, we've stuck here this long because it's real and has been proven to us time and time again only by the account that we didn't demand proof, we just decided to believe and keep going anyways regardless because by everything said on the website we had either everything to lose or everything to gain in our own devotions and we decided we wanted to have everything to gain. We did not doubt our advancements and were then in time through advancements in years became able to actually do the supernatural things we were told we were going to be able to do, only proving even further.

Do you honestly just think we've been here for years relentlessly, unceasingly as if it's some full-time job to troll and trick people about the reality of things? The only ones devoted that much into lies and deceit are the enemy. I can hardly find a single damn person on a werewolf LARPing forum who's remained for more than 8 months with the actual solid belief that werewolves are real, because they inevitably get blunt-force trauma across the skull with reality by the very fact that they aren't. 10 years is a lot of time to be devoting to 'trolling' not just other people but myself as well, don't you think? I'm pretty sure I would've found a more fulfilling life at this point if that was the case.

I'm not explaining anything of spirituality to you any further until you get a grip on that doubt of yours and actually believe the very foundations of it being real as truth in the first place. Because on the path of SATAN, a name that literally means TRUTH... that is what needs to be realized first and foremost.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
