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Why Do Democrats Want The Guns?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Sep 19, 2017
When and if the Democratic party (Jews in this case primarily have made this a top "Democrat party" agenda) take the guns of the American Citizens away, there will be a total bloodbath. Nobody will give their guns on their own. So they are left with what choice? Oh well, forcible confiscation or similar bullying and violent methods.

What are they also going to do additionally? Incarcerate 50 or 40% of the total United States pro-gun population? What are they going to do, send SWAT forces to break into the homes of millions of Americans to confiscate guns and property? None of this is feasible yet, or even if they came in power.

For now, they focus on the propaganda of criminalizing the idea around the subject of gun ownership, such as, you stand for guns, you are inherently a terrorist / bad person / racist / espousing for murder etc. This is the beginning of the bigger plan. "Being a member of the NRA means you are bad" etc etc.

Since for now these methods of straight invasion, are out of the question, they still try to brainwash and pamper to the masses that all of that is for "Good reason". Rest reassured, when their hand reaches the ability to do full fledged invasions and confiscations, they will do it. And if they would succeed that would invite serious social problems.

What worse will happen out of this, illegal gun trading is going to flourish. Prices are going to triple and double and many will love to be in this black market of guns after a so called "Confiscation".

Gangs etc, will always be fully locked and loaded, and the citizens will be totally helpless. Now, looters are kind of afraid of getting their brains out the skull, if they go inside houses, and even this doesn't stop them, so one can imagine what will happen if people are defenseless. It will be a cakewalk to them.

Gun ownership is what anyone with US Citizenship and passport must never allow themselves to give in. It is legal for people, and when the provisions are followed, the law is the law. In Europe, even a slingshot can be illegal, so one has to follow the respectable laws.

On the case of morality and rights, Guns and Free Speech are the only things that can keep a balance in a rapidly deteriorating empire whom jews torture. It's freedom of speech and freedom to own firearms that will be what will protect the weak in case of government incompetence such as what they create now with mass looting spree and destruction of law.

Yes, being armed is good protection for the weak. As in regards to the Jews, the jews in the United States, who stand behind all this bullshit wordplay and legislation, have some of the most secure, walled, and borderline military equipped places of worship, to name one example. Muslims are much of the same, and Muslims in Europe are frequently caught staging terrorist organizations and other things.

Whom will pay the price for these arming up and go Allahu Snackbar mode? The regular everyday people that go down the street, and especially those who do not understand this topic. Also, Muslims killing, gutting, shooting etc people daily, is no longer considered anything but everyday life in Europe. As such, jews do not report this as negative, but as "Just life and part and parcel of living in a big city". London has went so bad, there is conversation to remove pointy knives, as Muslims tend to love stabbing people in broad daylight.

Bringing in stupid people and savages is a foolproof way to use an excuse to bind everyone in a communist style, full fledged enslavement government. First, they allow the crime rate to become exponential, by allowing criminals and many others to parade around freely. When this reaches the zenith and people are begging for help and intervention, the State then pretends they are "Cleaning the corruption" and they move forward with full disarming of all people and citizens, rendering them neutralized from any potentially meaningful rebellions.

Make no mistake that is a very deliberately planned thing. Cops everyday lose their lives to a lot of random criminals that go in jail, and if they have a specific skin color, they are left outside instantly by the legal system. Oh he was just selling dope to kids, what's wrong with that? Can't you see they are oppressed? Let him out! Next week here goes this person again on the same block doing all the same shit they did last week and raising the death toll, more people dead. Make no mistake also these blokes aren't going to hand any guns away.

Cops are also instructed to literally kiss ass to many criminals. Like guys, try to get into this crack lab, but make sure to not harm the feelings of nobody! If they point at you with military grade weapons, open your hearts and try to hug them, show them the power of love, because they will then claim it was racism and shiet and that's what we cannot afford as a society. What we can afford is certain cities being like out of the movie The Walking Dead, though.

But in anyway, it's a good thing that the enemy is exposing themselves with all this, as this should keep people always vigilant and remembering that they are there to fuck everyone up and turn civilizations we labor to create for thousands of years, into mere wastelands.

While the situation raises and raises, people start begging for the Federal Government to save them and protect them. The crime infested cities are a jewish psychodrama that is their beloved to project. Except when one really lives in such it's not an action film it's about getting gutted on a sidewalk over a bag of potatoes. It doesn't matter what colorful filter Hollywood puts in there.

On the other hand, the moment a seemingly normal person does a crime and some people are killed, this is over-represented in all the media so that people are afraid of guns.

Nothing proves more that the Jews own the media other than the fact all these seemingly "DIFFERENT PLACES OF SOCIETY" such as Academia, Law, Media, Politics, and even Religion, all "COINCIDENTALLY" co-operate in such effortless fashion to create very common ends:

1. Promote criminality
2. Create laws that bolster and increase criminality
3. Allow criminality to operate without obstacles
4. Disarm people of any power of self defense at the same time, while promising them fake security that doesn't really improve anything
5. Open borders uncontrollably and increase poverty situation in order to create more of the above and get even more people to fight even more limited resources
6. Repeat and repeat until everyone is enslaved.

Contrary to popular belief, it's actually in a good State with laws that are just, freedom accepting, and applied, where people have freedoms and they are adequately defended that freedom can take place. Freedom is antithetic to the "Chaos and every man of himself" jungle mode. This mode of live is not about freedom it's about losing one's life and existence over a bag of pringles, becoming a slave, or dying because some meth fiend wanted your bag of MnM's.

Even in case the United States was to take some huge hit, or whatever, especially since the Communists appear to be building a framework for some sort of monkey revolution in the next decades [or even a Government focused take over from the left in which massive military force may be used for disarmament or whatever else related to Communism], gun ownership here becomes crucial as people may have to fight back an impeding Communist government.

Democrats are so obsessed over guns, not because of murders or dead people. If they cared about dead people and plummeting condition of life that leads to rape, disease, loss of property, and all the Clown incidents, they would care far more about things such as having a totally open border where people who are poor or vulnerable, and ready to do anything flood in the United States without any papers and identification.

Don't the Democrats also know how many of these people will end up in prostitution, financial exploitation, or in other situations that will cost them, let alone that they will be discriminated against and hated? They know. Some of these can be accommodated, and some can be helped, and others will fight their way in, but even more will end up in disaster or in some form of bond of modern slavery.

But this insane psychodrama that they are creating seriously should make one wonder if they really want this all to happen, deep inside.

As far as regular citizens are concerned, small numbers that die from guns, as normal people [non criminals] never really do that to go around to harm. It's only the usual robbers and suspects that do that stuff, and atrocities happen worldwide, and in particular, these make sure to go after unarmed and weak targets.

Democrats are also the same people who say that all privacy should be banned, because well, some evil people do evil stuff behind closed doors. As such in their mind the solution is for houses to no longer have doors, and not to actively deal with the evil people. Taking the rights away from good people because of the misuse by evil people, is just the same tactic on replay by all governments who want to fuck people up.

Democrats and Jews over in that wing just reveal with the gun taking case that they have a big plan of mass enslavement in which any form of defense from the citizens strikes fear and contempt into their hearts.

The Founding Fathers wanted the United States people who are citizens to own and bear arms, specifically because, when one has an empire that can become a mega government, if specific parasites like the well known ones take over, people may have to restore order on their own by force, or at least have the ability to resist impending doom.

European gun ownership completely lacking is also why you have such confidence by Soros, Jews and the European Jewnion in their thoughts that Europe will become Islamic within the next two decades.

Would Communism have advanced if all people in Russia were locked and loaded with firepower and whole villages had enough to where every attempt to rally people into gulags resulted in many dead soldiers and military thinning? It would be very difficult for a hostile government to take over.

They are certain there will be peace, and that the goyim will not react to it's replacement, as since there are no tools and no massive numbers of rebellion, order won't be restored, and the game will be played only in peace, (((democracy))) with massive invasion, and alarming foreign birthrates which will eventually repopulate Europe.

Such confidence and bold planning comes because people have no guns, no historical knowledge, and no identity to respect their species and their Nation. Freedom of Speech is also constrained in an ever-growing number, in ways that disallow people expression. If and when these things exist it becomes harder for the enemy to penetrate into and have a clear shot in killing a people. When these things qualities give in, the enemy reigns easily.

None of this is in the long-term interest of people or citizens where freedom yourself protection is concerned, but rather, for the benefit of an enslavement agenda.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you for shining some light unto this situation HP Cobra.

It helped gain understanding and raise it back to a higher perspective.
Communism has always placed criminals in positions of authority and power. In the former USSR, criminals were in charge of and ran all the gulags.

No different from how the Christian churches are and always have been supportive of the worst of criminals and are forever promoting and enforcing injustices.

All of these Jewish programs are focused on ruining and destroying lives and causing the destruction of civilization.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Excellent sermon Commander.

It really pains me to look at what Europe is today, I mean I really hate what the Jews have done not only to Europe but the whole world, I hate it to the point that I will gouge their eyes out. But sometimes I feel tired and shattered, like 'no hope' though somehow I get myself back on my feet and just try to tell/remind myself that the Gods are watching and also helping us, together we will fix it. But then I am amazed by how careless fellow Gentiles are when it comes to race, especially Europeans, I am not even a european but I care way too much for them than they for themselves do, I don't know why but I think it's because they are the direct descendants of Satan(DNA). So for me, it's like my no.1 priority to keep the Aryans pure and away from extinction.
My subrace(comes from whites) is almost extinct(very few people like me exist now) because of the jews and the mentality which (they) have injected into the brown people to get a fair-skinned woman/man(getting worse because of porn) has got us almost extinct, no offense to brown SS here, but most of the brown people in my so-called country are hungry to get laid with fair-skinned like me and other tribes up north and west to us, sad fact is that not many of us are left(from my people) but now the propaganda is high in media to completely extinct us. I know we are kind of mixed but because we look like europeans, people from outside try and are trying to get us(marry), they are trying to solve their porn lust through cheap means(they will not have to travel to any white country if they get our women). We are mostly in the extreme northern parts of India and Pakistan(don't know much about Afghanistan). In Pakistan, many are forced to mix with shitty Moslems, which I hate the most.

Just want to tell other races, especially whites, it's heartbreaking when you realize your people are almost extinct, you have the numbers(almost 1 billion) don't do the mistake my ancestors did.

Though I think the RTRs are fixing things slowly but steadily, at least fixing things to a point that other races will stay away(take pride in themselves) from Whites in Europe and other nations which are majorly white and I can also see Whites are becoming protective, which is good.

If anyone talks in favor of race-mixing or open borders in racially pure countries, just tell them to look at India, Pakistan and Latin America, that's what it will become like. If they don't care about their own "people" then at least let them know that the environment/nature in a Multicultural/Multiracial shithole is super f**ked. Here people who are less mixed(Look closer to the pure races) are the ones who care the most for Mother Nature, go to the extreme North, South and East parts of India and then compare them to the rest of the mixed land and you will understand what I am talking about. Pakistan is less multicultural but has been f**ked by Islam, especially it's inbreeding shit. Latin America, on the other hand, has been f**ked by Xianity and race-mixing. Then India has been f**ked from all directions, Hindus are kind of heavily mixed and lick jewish ass all the time, you just have to compliment Hindus and they will become your friends, especially if you look like whites(white looking jews/israel take advantage of them.)

Though I wish we can just f**king exterminate these jews and start fixing our Planet that can't happen overnight.

Nuke them with the Final RTR!

Hail Satan!!!
Hail all our Gods!!!
America is a problem for big Jew they want to take the guns but they are aware of history. The last time the Jewish rabbinical leaders of the banking houses in control of the British court attempted to enslave America they had the King send in the British army through the 13 colonies to grab all the militia stores and disarm the colonists. This started the battle of Bunker Hill and this situation ended with the battle of Yorktown. And the total defeat of Imperial forces in America. America was born by American's fighting back against the Jews attempt to gun grab.
Also note Hitler passed laws into the German constitution that granted the German People the right and freedom to own fire arms and defend themselves and property with such. Hitler travelled all over Germany in an open car with just his driver unarmed. He would stop and visit numerous German cities, towns and villages during such. If anyone wanted to they could have opened up on him guns blasting. No one did, Hitler did not fear his own People because he was not a dictator he was the democratic elected Chancellor of the German People and his People loved him for doing such a good job in caring for them.

The Jew Stalin as Jewish researcher and author Barry Chamish admitted Stalin was Jewish. Now Stalin had disarmed the population of the USSR and he still lived in terror behind a wall of thousands of elite Soviet forces and had three bed rooms with secret passages between he would move to different rooms by such during the night and he never appeared in public it was well trained body doubles. Stalin lived in constant fear of assassination. Because he was a mass murdering tyrant.
Mind if I ask a question that might be ignorant but is an interesting topic.

Let's say shit hits the fan and a volkstrum needs to deal with the Government takeover(i.e. communistic insurgency).

My question is how would even a regular gun loving citizen with body armor and assault weapons. Deal with the military?

In other words would the military simply obey the orders and redden the streets up with corpses of armed citizens. I mean 1 single abrams tank is MORE than enough to deal with a bunch of people for a number of hours till it requires ammunition. Or hell a Bradley assault vehicle. For all intents and purposes if the enemy goes crazy enough and Agenda 21s a number of cities with nuclear strikes or even carpet/precision bombings.

(I'd like to point just recently that the Area 51 raid was staged on the Internet. A single B-52 with a single JDAM warning bomb near the crowd to scare them is more than enough. Or hell bring an AC-130 and fire a warning shot with the 105. I liked how they changed it to raid the vatican but even then it would seem like the World will just crush them for trying to mess with (((dah tru religion))).)

With utter annihilation and onslaught from military forces. How in the hell does even the most anti-communist gun nut defend themselves. There might be more people with guns than in the military but that does not equate the power or skill of the military. Hell many people buy guns and barely train or fire them they just keep them around.

I hope what I say doesn't sound bad or piss people off but I don't think you can paint a pretty picture with the miltary vs civilian. I can foresee communist groups doing it like Anti-fa or other JNWO anti-American groups i.e. volk on volk violence but miltary vs volk is a whole manner different.
In UK there may be very strict laws against carrying any kind of weapon.

But a person is still castrated by the law because you're not allowed to engage in any violence regardless of weapons being involved.
And yet other people on this forum have told me that I don't need an AR15 (not like I can get one anymore) and that I'm not going to fucking die but at this rate, and sorry to be pessimistic but I'm a dead man walking and so are millions of others.

Rest in peace, United States. You were the greatest country on Earth and now if people like Bernie Sanders take the helm, we'll be another Venezuela or China.
Gear88 said:
In other words would the military simply obey the orders and redden the streets up with corpses of armed citizens. I mean 1 single abrams tank is MORE than enough to deal with a bunch of people for a number of hours till it requires ammunition. Or hell a Bradley assault vehicle. For all intents and purposes if the enemy goes crazy enough and Agenda 21s a number of cities with nuclear strikes or even carpet/precision bombings.

Think about it, what country would support a rebel insurgency should there be a civil war here? Russia? China? America isn't the only country that funds rebel groups. A civil war in America would be good news for Russia and China so you would think they'd start sending BTR80s and RPG-7s and other anti-tank and anti-air weapons. You could easily get them through via Alaska.
txg said:
i was taking a mandarin course for 2 years and my teacher put on a shitty movie for us called kung fu hustle.

the students had a very in depth discussion about the villians in the film, about how implausible it was. however my two teachers "wexia he" and her younger counterpart "tong" both explained to us how they were a very real axe murdering gang in the 20's and 30's.

people dont take this shit seriously, but this is the direction the world takes when you give up the ability to preserve your life

Kung Fu Hustle is a movie that was guided to me by Satan. It's about the Kundalini Serpent and many more things.

The movie has a lot of hidden gems and understandings, you may reconsider viewing it. And also every one who interacts with the Serpent should see that movie.
- the humor of the movie is unbeatable, it was a Satanic gift to me.
Gear88 said:
Mind if I ask a question that might be ignorant but is an interesting topic.

Let's say shit hits the fan and a volkstrum needs to deal with the Government takeover(i.e. communistic insurgency).

My question is how would even a regular gun loving citizen with body armor and assault weapons. Deal with the military?

In other words would the military simply obey the orders and redden the streets up with corpses of armed citizens. I mean 1 single abrams tank is MORE than enough to deal with a bunch of people for a number of hours till it requires ammunition. Or hell a Bradley assault vehicle. For all intents and purposes if the enemy goes crazy enough and Agenda 21s a number of cities with nuclear strikes or even carpet/precision bombings.

(I'd like to point just recently that the Area 51 raid was staged on the Internet. A single B-52 with a single JDAM warning bomb near the crowd to scare them is more than enough. Or hell bring an AC-130 and fire a warning shot with the 105. I liked how they changed it to raid the vatican but even then it would seem like the World will just crush them for trying to mess with (((dah tru religion))).)

With utter annihilation and onslaught from military forces. How in the hell does even the most anti-communist gun nut defend themselves. There might be more people with guns than in the military but that does not equate the power or skill of the military. Hell many people buy guns and barely train or fire them they just keep them around.

I hope what I say doesn't sound bad or piss people off but I don't think you can paint a pretty picture with the miltary vs civilian. I can foresee communist groups doing it like Anti-fa or other JNWO anti-American groups i.e. volk on volk violence but miltary vs volk is a whole manner different.

The problem with a revolutionary war between the U.S. Government and the citizens though is that they've already ran the numbers and it does not look good for either side. But by far the citizens would out strip the government. (Guerilla warfare, but in urban environments)

As well, the Military would fracture under such an event. At least 40% defecting, and another portion supporting rebel forces. And on top of this Russia of all countries has stated they would support U.S. rebels if another revolutionary war would occur.

My hope is it does not come to revolution, but that a 'Hitler' is elected into office. Though, with as much as they're pushing for gun confiscation I foresee A LOT of tension. Especially from non-white groups attacking Jews and their lackeys.

My only question in all of this though is to what extent should we be preparing for possible armed conflict? Especially as SS. They're trying to ban ALL guns in some states now, and also body armor.
Gun control does not work. In countries like India where they have gun control, the gun ownership is large. There are machining and tooling shops making guns. In villages people own guns and cops and local government does not care. Once you have cad model or a real gun it is easy to replicate it. Political goons often own illegal guns and are not caught. People with contacts manage to get gun license and legal bullets as well(India's shitty gun laws designed during British rule require gun user to provide documentation for every bullet used as well). Many buy illegal bullets from black markets. In japan too gangs have guns. Gun laws never work.
Gear88 said:
Mind if I ask a question that might be ignorant but is an interesting topic.

Let's say shit hits the fan and a volkstrum needs to deal with the Government takeover(i.e. communistic insurgency).

My question is how would even a regular gun loving citizen with body armor and assault weapons. Deal with the military?

In other words would the military simply obey the orders and redden the streets up with corpses of armed citizens. I mean 1 single abrams tank is MORE than enough to deal with a bunch of people for a number of hours till it requires ammunition. Or hell a Bradley assault vehicle. For all intents and purposes if the enemy goes crazy enough and Agenda 21s a number of cities with nuclear strikes or even carpet/precision bombings.

(I'd like to point just recently that the Area 51 raid was staged on the Internet. A single B-52 with a single JDAM warning bomb near the crowd to scare them is more than enough. Or hell bring an AC-130 and fire a warning shot with the 105. I liked how they changed it to raid the vatican but even then it would seem like the World will just crush them for trying to mess with (((dah tru religion))).)

With utter annihilation and onslaught from military forces. How in the hell does even the most anti-communist gun nut defend themselves. There might be more people with guns than in the military but that does not equate the power or skill of the military. Hell many people buy guns and barely train or fire them they just keep them around.

I hope what I say doesn't sound bad or piss people off but I don't think you can paint a pretty picture with the miltary vs civilian. I can foresee communist groups doing it like Anti-fa or other JNWO anti-American groups i.e. volk on volk violence but miltary vs volk is a whole manner different.

Our own military would never fire on us. Which is they they will bring in the UN army and possibly Chinese.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Gear88 said:
Mind if I ask a question that might be ignorant but is an interesting topic.

Let's say shit hits the fan and a volkstrum needs to deal with the Government takeover(i.e. communistic insurgency).

My question is how would even a regular gun loving citizen with body armor and assault weapons. Deal with the military?

In other words would the military simply obey the orders and redden the streets up with corpses of armed citizens. I mean 1 single abrams tank is MORE than enough to deal with a bunch of people for a number of hours till it requires ammunition. Or hell a Bradley assault vehicle. For all intents and purposes if the enemy goes crazy enough and Agenda 21s a number of cities with nuclear strikes or even carpet/precision bombings.

(I'd like to point just recently that the Area 51 raid was staged on the Internet. A single B-52 with a single JDAM warning bomb near the crowd to scare them is more than enough. Or hell bring an AC-130 and fire a warning shot with the 105. I liked how they changed it to raid the vatican but even then it would seem like the World will just crush them for trying to mess with (((dah tru religion))).)

With utter annihilation and onslaught from military forces. How in the hell does even the most anti-communist gun nut defend themselves. There might be more people with guns than in the military but that does not equate the power or skill of the military. Hell many people buy guns and barely train or fire them they just keep them around.

I hope what I say doesn't sound bad or piss people off but I don't think you can paint a pretty picture with the miltary vs civilian. I can foresee communist groups doing it like Anti-fa or other JNWO anti-American groups i.e. volk on volk violence but miltary vs volk is a whole manner different.

Our own military would never fire on us. Which is they they will bring in the UN army and possibly Chinese.

To be fair, bringing in the UN blue helmets or another army would be a worse decision. Literally invading America to enforce tyrannical laws. I can see that backfiring horribly.

As for shows of force, that'll work until someone 'accidentally' kills someone. Or several thousand people. Something like that could easily turn into another shot heard round the world.
anonymous666 said:
Gun control does not work. In countries like India where they have gun control, the gun ownership is large. There are machining and tooling shops making guns. In villages people own guns and cops and local government does not care. Once you have cad model or a real gun it is easy to replicate it. Political goons often own illegal guns and are not caught. People with contacts manage to get gun license and legal bullets as well(India's shitty gun laws designed during British rule require gun user to provide documentation for every bullet used as well). Many buy illegal bullets from black markets. In japan too gangs have guns. Gun laws never work.

Exactly, that is for real, the situation everywhere, not just India. Also, the gun industries are billions and billions of money, so it's not like putting one law or two is going to change anything.

Be it that these things are legal is always better, and easier to manage both for state and citizens.
There are about 5 or 7 cities in the U.S. that have all the strictest gun control in the whole country, and just these 5 or 7 cities basically have enough violent crime to equal the entire rest of the country, maybe even more. And all the places with the least gun control and high percentage of people with concealed carry permits have the least amount of violent crime in the whole world. Least amount of rape, least amount of robberies and assaults, least amount of burglary, least amount of beatings. Because you aren't going to try to hurt or rob someone if there is a very high chance they have a gun with them. There was a place decades ago, I think in Tennessee, that had the most rape of the whole country. So they made a new local law that basically anybody can buy and carry a gun at any time, and they highly encouraged every woman to always have a gun with her, and the amount of rapes in that place dropped to zero and now it has always stayed at zero.

The official FBI crime statistics say that guns kill 30,000 people every year in America, but most of that is suicides. If you do not count suicide, the actual number is about 14,000. But the amount of times a gun is used in a self-defensive and protective way every year in America has a low estimate of about 600,000 and a high estimate of about 3 Million times. So what number is bigger, 14 thousand or 3 million?

Legal gun owners in America have more than a million guns, and probably more than a trillion bullets. If they were the problem, it would be very obvious and everyone would know it. But almost all of them are perfectly responsible and safe.

And any violent criminal can always get a gun regardless of what the laws are because the thing about a criminal is they don't care about laws. Barack Obama gave hundreds of millions of guns directly to the Mexican Cartels. For free, he didn't even sell them he just gave them away straight to the Cartels. This is called Operation Fast and Furious please search it up and learn more about it. So Obama wanted stricter gun control on American citizens and not allow them to have as many guns, but he also gives hundreds of millions of guns directly to cartel criminals. Here you also see why they are so obsessed with having an open border and not having a wall, it would interfere with their cartel business.
The extreme ban on many kinds of guns that was proposed in Virginia has been defeated, at least for now. But they would probably try again another time.
And now time is running out, they probably would never be able to pass that ban. Because the Supreme Court is changing. Neal Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh have been added, who are both strict interpreters and followers of the constitution. And Ruth Bader Ginsberg is probably going to retire soon. She's had cancer 4 times on 3 different body parts, broken ribs, she's 86 years old, she's tired. She probably about to retire, I hope she can go home and rest and not keep stressing her body. I'm not going to say anything bad about her because she is so old and I don't like talking bad about old people, but she was one of the Supreme Court justices who was very likely to "re-interpret" or go against the constitution based on her own opinions, and she has publicly said that she would often judge cases using the Talmud as her guide more strongly than the constitution.

And with Trump being the President, he will be the one to pick the next Supreme Court justice to replace her, and he has already appointed 2. So the Supreme Court is becoming much more constitutionalist and conservative, and becomeing further away from the liberals who like to twist and alter the constitution's meanings. Trump and Mitch McConnell have already appointed 186 federal judges to the courts under the Supreme Court, and everyone they appointed are strict followers of the constitution. So it is becoming much harder for the communist-minded liberals to control everything.

This whole impeachment hoax, like the 3 years of Russia hoax before it, is not based on anything other than democrat hatred and apathy for the law. They don't use the law to enforce truth, they use it only as a political tool to cheat with because they had no other way to win. Like Congressman Al Green said, "We have to impeach him, because otherwise he is going to win! We don't have any other way to beat him! And if that doesn't work, we can keep impeaching him for other things, there is no limit to the number of impeachments we can do."

Trump has more support now than any other president has had for decades, and the democrats are now hated by most of the country. Tens of millions of supporters are leaving them like rats jumping from a sinking ship. They're losing control of the courts, the Senate, and next elections they will also lose control of Congress.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
And now time is running out, they probably would never be able to pass that ban. Because the Supreme Court is changing. Neal Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh have been added, who are both strict interpreters and followers of the constitution. And Ruth Bader Ginsberg is probably going to retire soon. She's had cancer 4 times on 3 different body parts, broken ribs, she's 86 years old, she's tired. She probably about to retire, I hope she can go home and rest and not keep stressing her body. I'm not going to say anything bad about her because she is so old and I don't like talking bad about old people, but she was one of the Supreme Court justices who was very likely to "re-interpret" or go against the constitution based on her own opinions, and she has publicly said that she would often judge cases using the Talmud as her guide more strongly than the constitution.

And with Trump being the President, he will be the one to pick the next Supreme Court justice to replace her, and he has already appointed 2. So the Supreme Court is becoming much more constitutionalist and conservative, and becomeing further away from the liberals who like to twist and alter the constitution's meanings. Trump and Mitch McConnell have already appointed 186 federal judges to the courts under the Supreme Court, and everyone they appointed are strict followers of the constitution. So it is becoming much harder for the communist-minded liberals to control everything.

This whole impeachment hoax, like the 3 years of Russia hoax before it, is not based on anything other than democrat hatred and apathy for the law. They don't use the law to enforce truth, they use it only as a political tool to cheat with because they had no other way to win. Like Congressman Al Green said, "We have to impeach him, because otherwise he is going to win! We don't have any other way to beat him! And if that doesn't work, we can keep impeaching him for other things, there is no limit to the number of impeachments we can do."

Trump has more support now than any other president has had for decades, and the democrats are now hated by most of the country. Tens of millions of supporters are leaving them like rats jumping from a sinking ship. They're losing control of the courts, the Senate, and next elections they will also lose control of Congress.
Sorry but if she used the Tamuld to interpret the laws then you can talk shit about her whatever she is old or not lol
luis said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
And now time is running out, they probably would never be able to pass that ban. Because the Supreme Court is changing. Neal Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh have been added, who are both strict interpreters and followers of the constitution. And Ruth Bader Ginsberg is probably going to retire soon. She's had cancer 4 times on 3 different body parts, broken ribs, she's 86 years old, she's tired. She probably about to retire, I hope she can go home and rest and not keep stressing her body. I'm not going to say anything bad about her because she is so old and I don't like talking bad about old people, but she was one of the Supreme Court justices who was very likely to "re-interpret" or go against the constitution based on her own opinions, and she has publicly said that she would often judge cases using the Talmud as her guide more strongly than the constitution.

And with Trump being the President, he will be the one to pick the next Supreme Court justice to replace her, and he has already appointed 2. So the Supreme Court is becoming much more constitutionalist and conservative, and becomeing further away from the liberals who like to twist and alter the constitution's meanings. Trump and Mitch McConnell have already appointed 186 federal judges to the courts under the Supreme Court, and everyone they appointed are strict followers of the constitution. So it is becoming much harder for the communist-minded liberals to control everything.

This whole impeachment hoax, like the 3 years of Russia hoax before it, is not based on anything other than democrat hatred and apathy for the law. They don't use the law to enforce truth, they use it only as a political tool to cheat with because they had no other way to win. Like Congressman Al Green said, "We have to impeach him, because otherwise he is going to win! We don't have any other way to beat him! And if that doesn't work, we can keep impeaching him for other things, there is no limit to the number of impeachments we can do."

Trump has more support now than any other president has had for decades, and the democrats are now hated by most of the country. Tens of millions of supporters are leaving them like rats jumping from a sinking ship. They're losing control of the courts, the Senate, and next elections they will also lose control of Congress.
Sorry but if she used the Tamuld to interpret the laws then you can talk shit about her whatever she is old or not lol
True, old or not she is a piece of shit, just like bernie and we all know what these fuckers deserve.
Gear88 said:
Mind if I ask a question that might be ignorant but is an interesting topic.

Let's say shit hits the fan and a volkstrum needs to deal with the Government takeover(i.e. communistic insurgency).

My question is how would even a regular gun loving citizen with body armor and assault weapons. Deal with the military?

In other words would the military simply obey the orders and redden the streets up with corpses of armed citizens. I mean 1 single abrams tank is MORE than enough to deal with a bunch of people for a number of hours till it requires ammunition. Or hell a Bradley assault vehicle. For all intents and purposes if the enemy goes crazy enough and Agenda 21s a number of cities with nuclear strikes or even carpet/precision bombings.

(I'd like to point just recently that the Area 51 raid was staged on the Internet. A single B-52 with a single JDAM warning bomb near the crowd to scare them is more than enough. Or hell bring an AC-130 and fire a warning shot with the 105. I liked how they changed it to raid the vatican but even then it would seem like the World will just crush them for trying to mess with (((dah tru religion))).)

With utter annihilation and onslaught from military forces. How in the hell does even the most anti-communist gun nut defend themselves. There might be more people with guns than in the military but that does not equate the power or skill of the military. Hell many people buy guns and barely train or fire them they just keep them around.

I hope what I say doesn't sound bad or piss people off but I don't think you can paint a pretty picture with the miltary vs civilian. I can foresee communist groups doing it like Anti-fa or other JNWO anti-American groups i.e. volk on volk violence but miltary vs volk is a whole manner different.

Two words, Guerilla Warfare. Study it's applications and successes in historical conflicts.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
luis said:
you can talk shit about her whatever she is old or not lol
Just because I do not say my opinion, does not mean that I do not have a very strong one. Sometimes I like to be more subtle.
Don't worry I understand what you tried to say ;)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
