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About Weed and Smoking

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Sep 19, 2017
I have stated many times that the wise person should abstain from these drugs, even weed in particular, though falsely and based on hearsay by many people to be 'harmless'. While it may be harmless, as in, let's say, clinical studies, this does not mean that something does not have specific threatening properties.

I've written about this topic before, but it's important to state this again, as this loop of drugs has become a literal cancer to modern civilization, and it's becoming more and more pronounced and brutal, with those behind this aiming for weak targets such as very your teenagers, or even children.

Remember, we were told for decades that Tobacco was also harmless and it was first marketed as a "Suppressed medical product", then it was "Recognized by the doctor community" and started likewise as a stress relaxant, so the weed revolution is just this in replay of this. A few decades later it started breaking in how it ruins teeth, the respiratory system, the mouth, the tongue, and your lungs significantly.

There is not point to be stupid, waste money, and waste your time and worse on these things. For those who have not read these, refer to my topics on Hallucinogenic Drugs and generally the related topics about drugs. I have wrote extensively and in details.

Weed is used to pacify the masses, create a profitable subculture, and is no different than what tabacco once was. While tabacco harms the breathing system, and it most of the time stays at that, and the bad scent, what weed does is way worse, as it creates cognitive issues, and on the deep levels of use, just ruins the awareness.

Perceptiveness, understanding, attention, focus, and all these things, do fall under the active or Pigala side of the soul. Lack of coordination, lethargy, and on the last states, complete loss of consciousness, fall under the level of Ida. A specific balance is required to cycle the above so we go in waking and sleeping circles, and as far as meditation is concerned, careful rising of the Ida and also of the Pigala, by uniting calmness with acute attention. This is why your attention is required in meditation, and mastering focus is extremely important.

Due to high necessity of this civilization to deal with spiritual, mental, moral, racial, and many other problems that it cannot address and does not want to solve, people are pushed incessantly [and experimented upon at the same time] with heavy drug use. This civilization has went as far as to prescribe meth on children in the form of ADHD medication, and many other things. Instead of mastering the mind and learning about it, we have reduced it to nothingness, and therefore people cannot solve their own problems. This creates the necessity to banish the mental effects that come with an undisciplined mind, dirty aura, low level soul, and an unnatural society on top of it.

Weed is so forcibly promoted because being a Yin based plant, it increases the yin energy. People who are using weed too much, are emotionally addicted to it, and all the talk aside and the fake claims on how it's not addictive "biochemically", the emotional addiction is real. You take the pipe away from someone and they can start a confrontation or worse. Inhaling too much results in what is called a Yin Coma, where one basically just loses consciousness.

The above is the utmost antithesis of any form of actual meditation. The above comatose lethargy is exactly what the meditator is trying to move away from. Not in regards to sleep obviously, but as a general state of wakefulness. This state is in particular a state similar to states where brainwashing happens, or where people are unconscious, or even worse, extreme suggestibility. If you have friends who do weed, you will notice they are extremely brainwashed by the system. By dropping the guard of the active attention, one opens themselves up for brainwashing and suggestion, which is what is the case with habitual weed smokers. Their mind is open wide, and this has other implications as well.

The situation with the aura and opening holes in the aura, is because with prolonged use of these substances, the auric field loses it's ability of defence or active deflective attention. This effect is later mirrored on in the mind, which becomes extremely suggestible, open for the taking. If you think that by open for the taking I am making a joke, on the last levels of drugs, this is what happens.

One's astral body, aura and other parts of the soul are so decomposed and ruined, that they can become prey to any entity that wants to do whatever to them, limited but not included, to possess them and take them over. While this case is extreme, it can actually happen, and everyone has seen at least one extreme drug addict in their life which was soulless or even devoid, or even worse, was constantly crazy. The posession case is extremely rare, but yes, it can happen, and it does happen. When one has lost all control over this, this is why there is a psychiatric ward. People in psychiatric wards do suffer from extreme damage in their astral body and spiritual bodies. . This also has a psychological dimension and medical dimension, physically.

An argument for weed users is that it helps them relax, but they have never tried to relax on their own or set their mind in order in the first place. Relaxation should come upon someone without use of external aid, or paying a jew a specific amount of money to get 10 minutes of relaxation. The slavery scheme here is real, and is no different than tobacco. Another thing people claim is that it "Calms their nerves" and makes them "less aggressive" or helps them set down their anger.

This anger people describe, in the first place, can be a biochemical imbalance, or pent up emotions, or both combined. In that case, pacifying this with weed, most of the time, makes the matter return, and harder. This is why people who use weed for anger management are essentially becoming twice as crazy when it wears off. Because the suppression of the rise of anger, results in it's doubling after it's pushed down. After a point many of these people cannot calm down, and they develop a sense of paranoia, or extreme aggression when they don't have their weed. This is observable in many people and a common theme in rap songs.

Tobacco ruins your breathing system, but on the other hand, it does not pacify mentally to the extent of Weed. Tobacco creates energetic and respiratory density, which should be by all means avoided, but it does not cause pacification. On the other hand though, Tobacco causes heavy density, and can make people stuck lower. This is why Tobacco was traditionally linked to hard work and labor.

If one wants the puffing thing about smoking, you can get an electronic cigarette that has taste and not nicotine or anything else like weed and related involved. These are 0% formulas which contain nothing. Some people have been able to ditch smoking because it was a habitual thing, and an e-cig has helped them in this. For heavily addicted cases, you can also work your way down the ladder of consumption, that's also what medicine states.

While there are arguments against this by some people, saying these fragrances of e-cigs are also toxic, it's definitely not going to do you any harm compared to weed or actual tobacco. There is no psycho cataleptic effect associated to the above though, which is the important thing. Heavily addicted cases may need to go down this road first until one can leave off the hook.

Lastly, what has to be noticed in regards to weed, is that it comes part in parcel with ideologies. Pacifying yourself into coma comes at an ideological package. Open borders, communism, some weed tards are obsessive over xianity, pacifism, and all sorts of other self destructive ideologies, all of which reflect the internal constitution of the users.

As one for example has not grown mentally to understand the importance of borders and separation between people, or between themselves and others, so does one advocate externally the destruction of all borders. The more one is closing in death in the inside, and feels worthless, the more one forcibly advocates that we are "All the same".

Weed, drugs, brainwashing, and many other things do constitute a greater package to cause the slow decay of the human mind, and turn it into a field open for the taking. Some new age sects have went as far as to say openly what I have been raving about for years now, that it's an alien agenda of promoting "Oneness". This in regards to aliens is all a strange ritual to break down human mental, spiritual, and general sanity and defences.

True "Oneness" is achieved by actual projection of the strong soul into the universe, and not by destroying yourself, your identity. The higher one wants to go spiritually, the more powerful the soul has to be, in order to be able to project itself and to also withstand external energies and forces which try to keep it on lockdown. The enemy is one example here.

How these people also meditate, pacifistic-ally, and with the intent of merely saying a lot, and doing nothing, and for the ultimate end of personal death, dissipation of all aspects and layers of the self, etc, is also characteristic of this mentality.

Doing drugs and expecting to reach Samadhi or what is grossly stated as "Oneness", a canned and bad term for explaining the union of the soul with the higher soul of the world, is as if one does anorexic diet and expects to win Mr Olympia.

Such connection for it's maintenance requires power, strength, and a decently worked soul and mind. It's never going to happen through weakness, extreme pacifism, or drugs. Unless of course this time where one is like dying from malnutrition and "In their mind it was real" that "They wuz Mr Olympia". This is called being totally delusional.

It's of no point to any Satanist to stay on these negative habits, your time and money is well invested elsewhere and for your betterment. It's not a question of guilt here, it's a question of doing what's better for yourself, so that you do what's best for you and feel more comfortable being yourself.

You can also, by spiritual practice, and a decent lifestyle and diet, have a great experience most of the time in your own body mind and soul, without the need of any hampering externalities. This is hidden potential that is kept secret from humans in order to maintain the standards of control.

Maybe if weed users and others want to carry a little rebellion, they would first throw the obviously overpromoted Yin plant out of their hands and try to reclaim their innate ability for inner peace. That would be meaningful.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
While i need to clarify i dont advocate for e-cig use,

I use to smoke weed as a teenager, and just smoke cigarettes, cigars, and just be stupid. over time i eventually bought an e-cigarette, made my own flavors, 0% liquids. and while i barely use it anymore, out of all the stupid habits ive had thats always been one that, in a way helped me, learn to get rid of those habits.

The issue of course with those, was people at shops, and alot of people with ecig shops have been careless, they would not educate to the extent they should, and was dangerous. ive had so many instances where they would sell someone cheap, recycled batteries with fake amp, and Mah ratings, and then when the mods would explode, or batteries would vent...... it would make headlines. Or some guy gets the bright idea to put a copper mod in their pocket, and it explodes like a pipe bomb...

But back to the weed/drug/sermon. This was very informative. I figured for a long time marijuana was very yin. Its so widespread how many people melt their brains out with pot. its just sickening.
Great article HPHC!
You can very often see celebrities turning to xianity after some serious drug abuse. Their brains are cooked into oblivion.
Thank you for making this topic. I have been debating for a while whether to share my own personal experience. More out of embarrassment than anything else. I agree with everything you have said, that all of the clergy has said, for a long time regarding weed. But I had a lapse in better judgement, and when the option to try some was offered to me recently I thought, well one time won't hurt in the grand scheme of things, especially since I had some a few times before I was a Satanist and nothing bad happened then.

I was so, so wrong and I wanted to say that so that everyone that reads this knows that one time can be all it takes to fuck your shit up. It pierced a massive hole in my aura and I was attacked by horrific hallucinations. I don't want to go into detail about what I experienced specifically because some of it was extremely traumatic, but I was primarily attacked by imagery that suggested that I had died and what I was experiencing was the Christian "Hell." At times it felt as if my whole soul was being torn apart and rearranged, and it was both physically and spiritually painful to the point I could barely move at times. Even after the worst was over and I came back to reality, I still could not think right and worried if that was how I would always be from then on.

And for what? A quick high? I could have ruined myself spiritually forever. Even now I feel as if I still have much recovering to do. It's never worth it, not once, not consistently, not because you are in pain, not because it's fun, not ever. Nothing that so drastically alters your consciousness on that level is.

I thank Satan and the Gods every day for intervening and helping where they did, even though some times I feel as if I did not deserve to be over such an idiotic decision. I have been unsure how to show thanks, but I hope sharing my experience is a start. Don't fuck with drugs if you are doing any serious advancement, especially in the early stages. Don't fuck with drugs especially if you are involved in spiritual warfare, and you should be anyway. The amount of opening up your soul goes through makes you so vulnerable in the case your defenses fail for any reason. Whether they are worn away over time or immediately torn away, losing those defenses can open you up to potential destruction. It's never worth it.
For some reason I always end up posting on these threads relating to drugs lol. You should do a thread on MDMA and these kind of drugs used in electronic parties. That is one hell of a drug to make people low their guard and thus VERY vulnerable. It goes hand in hand with weed and LSD (for some reason)

It sucks that one goes to one of these parties and all there is to see is idiots drugged to hell. They come the day after and feel proud about it - yet they cant remember a thing. These people are literal failures, they dont see anything else beyond lighting a blunt or get some mdma crystals in their jagermeister, this is their only talking subject. Its also interesting how a big percentage of them are leftists (Electronic music crowd) whereas the people that just drink alcohol when they go out are in a much better position. mentally speaking, not justifying drinking, but you get the point.

There's still fun to have, most of the fun is in the music itself, trolling some of these peace and love idiots once in a while or gettin laid since girls are just out of their minds, but thats a downside really. And it's not the place to meet "quality" people.since thats a minority in these events.

But...once you get hooked in, there's no going back. I've seen mentally tough people get completely absorbed, very few do it only once, the end result is the same; a raging left-winged feminist, brain dead person with serious memory problems - we can argue how long would it take, but the result is the same.

I get more and more disgusted at this whole drug scene as the days go by, its a fuckin disgrace.
Everyone I've known who smokes weed, looses their ambition for anything and just sits on the couch watching tv all day long.

One relative of mine, was a champion in a sport and could've made it big, he had the natal chart for it. He started smoking weed in his late teens and by age 20 lost all motivation to continue the sport he excelled in, he is now around senior citizen age and never played that sport again, not even once, nor does he watch it on tv as he has no interest in anything competitive anymore.

Another relative was a child prodigy in something, got into weed by age 14 and never made any sort of career out of the talent, wound up working at Mcdonalds instead.

Weed kills ambition, drive, competitiveness, motivation. Weed promotes passive tolerance to the enemy agenda.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
you can get an electronic cigarette that has taste and not nicotine or anything else like weed and related involved
Actually, after I quit smoking cigarettes cold turkey several years ago and started using an ecig, I no longer suffered from the seasonal flu. The liquid for ecigs contains two main known ingredients: glycerol and propylene glycol. The effects of propylene glycol were known already back in 1940.
Concentrations of 1 gm. of propylene glycol vapor in two to four million cc. of air produced immediate and complete sterilization of air into which pneumococci, streptococci, staphylococci, H. influenzae, and other microorganisms as well as influenza virus had been sprayed. With lesser concentrations of propylene glycol, rapid and marked reduction in the number of air-borne bacteria occurred, but complete sterilization of the air required a certain interval of time.
Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2135271/

I'm not advocating the use of ecigs here. This is just my own personal anecdotal experience. I do not use weed and tobacco because these will degrade you.
Seasonal flu is a sad reality for those who do not keep their auras clean and energy levels topped up.
I accidentally pressed submit too soon, I had something else to add:

I've done some charts for SS, and they had clear potential in their charts. They got back to me saying they essentially had nothing going on in their lives, barely finished high school, etc etc. What did they have in common, what did they get into as teens... weed.

The relative I mentioned in my previous post here who was a sport champion, his Venus (money) is in exact conjunction to North Node in second house, Mars conjunct Spica and Arcturus, along with other stars for success in sports. And he wound up working at a normal job and never played his sport since age 20, lost all interest in it.

This is sad. Wasted talent and potential, all because of a stupid plant.
So there does exist a higher universal soul beyond individual souls? I thought I read earlier in one of your posts that ether was just a mindless energy with no intelligence. What is the relation between this world soul and Satan? Was it created by Satan for this universe, or is it even higher than Satan, with Satan being one of its creations?
I live out in California and it’s honestly disgusting how many people out here smoke weed all day, can’t go to school or work or a few hours with out being stoned etc. I’m working on getting a degree currently and work at a place where the pay is okay but not the best considering how expensive it can be in some areas out here even in suburbs unless you want to live in a ghetto ass area. And on a frequent basis I see people at work stoned out of their mind and it’s obvious to tell, their eyes are blood shot red and they just look baked.

The place requires a drug test to get in so these people literally sober up or find a way to cheat the test and get in and then get stoned on their lunch break or before work, it’s like they can’t go without being lit off of their ass.

Then the scum who don’t work at all but just live for their next money to get High and leach off of their parents or whoever they can to support them and/or live on the streets and eat out of the trash just to get their high. Bunch of idiots.

Or the people who are successful and say,”I have a successful life, that means that weed isn’t like bad for you and stuff” lol.

I just take a step back and look at all of this sometimes and it’s like man, will this ever be fixed or is it the point of no return. The current level of mankind’s spirituality is disgusting and sad.
I agree with HP HC.The following is also the Truth.


- has cured asthma.(this i have witnessed).
-increases lung capacity.
-is a very effective pain killer.

There are obviously more positive effects.The above is only my personal take.

In school everyone learnt these things,they obviously left out the
positive sides.Why do people consume alcohol and take drugs.
Is it stupidity?NO!

You see in mathematics equations cancell each other out.This is what happens during decision-making.

I watched a video in youtube on TED talks.It's about how drugs,food and chemicals are basically equal.
Equation #1.



They say the human body is a bag of chemicals.True.
Responsibility to the responsible.

A quite influent jew in italy said that we should legalize cocaine and such drugs. He says that this is necessary to fight the mafia's business :roll:
I never smoke and never will cuz i care about my physical body, btw i have feeling that e-cigarette cause depression and can cause heart attacks.
Brilliant HPHC

Informative and great read as per mate.

We started smoking weed/hash at 9 years old shocking really probably start younger these days. Luckily I grew out that phase but you are too young then to indulge in drink or drugs never mind at an older age. Ive seen some good people destroyed by weed. With many of the effects you state above.

My gran died of Lung Cancer aged 58 which is young also due to Cigarette smoke.

Think Adolf Hitler had one of the first anti-tobacco movements nationwide. (many great things just forgotten by mainstream press)

I have the odd Cigar is this okay or equally as bad? You hear... mostly from Cigar sources that they are healthy :eek:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
A specific balance is required to cycle the above so we go in waking and sleeping circles, and as far as meditation is concerned, careful rising of the Ida and also of the Pigala, by uniting calmness with acute attention. This is why your attention is required in meditation, and mastering focus is extremely important.
Great sermon as always. The statement above reminded me a lot of what Musashi said in his book in regards to the mind. I will use that phrase "uniting calmness with acute attention" from now on when describing this to people.
It sums it up perfectly. :)

Book of Five Rings said:
In order to not have your mind too much off to one side, it is necessary to place it in the center and move it calmly so that it does not cease to move even in moments of change.
Even at a calm time, the mind is not calm; even at a moment of great speed, the mind is not at all sped up.
(The translation here is still rough, but the essence of what was meant should be visible)
Don’t smoke weed or else you will end up doing videos like this:
The medical studies on long term weed users show they lose the use of the creative parts of the mind and long term memory and those who smoked weed through their adolescent years showed permanent brain damage. Long term use of weed shows symptoms identical to dementia as well.

The reason the enemy promotes drugs and veganism, is it psychically damages the population makes them easier to control and connect into their occult manipulation the perfect Golem. The weaker the persons energy field this includes the Mano kosha the easier it is from them to be influenced by the enemy thought form.
EnkiUK3 said:
Brilliant HPHC

Informative and great read as per mate.

We started smoking weed/hash at 9 years old shocking really probably start younger these days. Luckily I grew out that phase but you are too young then to indulge in drink or drugs never mind at an older age. Ive seen some good people destroyed by weed. With many of the effects you state above.

My gran died of Lung Cancer aged 58 which is young also due to Cigarette smoke.

Think Adolf Hitler had one of the first anti-tobacco movements nationwide. (many great things just forgotten by mainstream press)

I have the odd Cigar is this okay or equally as bad? You hear... mostly from Cigar sources that they are healthy :eek:

Cigar is primarily considered healthier because almost nobody actually gets the smoke inside their lungs due to how heavy it is. I do not know further details on that however.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
EnkiUK3 said:
Brilliant HPHC

Informative and great read as per mate.

We started smoking weed/hash at 9 years old shocking really probably start younger these days. Luckily I grew out that phase but you are too young then to indulge in drink or drugs never mind at an older age. Ive seen some good people destroyed by weed. With many of the effects you state above.

My gran died of Lung Cancer aged 58 which is young also due to Cigarette smoke.

Think Adolf Hitler had one of the first anti-tobacco movements nationwide. (many great things just forgotten by mainstream press)

I have the odd Cigar is this okay or equally as bad? You hear... mostly from Cigar sources that they are healthy :eek:

Cigar is primarily considered healthier because almost nobody actually gets the smoke inside their lungs due to how heavy it is. I do not know further details on that however.

Thank you HPHC

I used to smoke 1 per day for a few years... now just occasionally :D
I have heard on the embarrassment before. We don't have to be embarrassed for mistakes we have done. You should be proud that you cut yourself off this useless weight, not embarrassed for admitting it.

You do not get ruined 'forever' if you smoke weed once, nor you are going into the hellfire. But, one here, and one there, and before you know it, you do it at least every so often. And then you're on the highway to fuck yourself up.

You can help a lot of people, hundreds, who will read your reply. Keep that in mind. That's nothing embarrassing.

Libra said:
Thank you for making this topic. I have been debating for a while whether to share my own personal experience. More out of embarrassment than anything else. I agree with everything you have said, that all of the clergy has said, for a long time regarding weed. But I had a lapse in better judgement, and when the option to try some was offered to me recently I thought, well one time won't hurt in the grand scheme of things, especially since I had some a few times before I was a Satanist and nothing bad happened then.

I was so, so wrong and I wanted to say that so that everyone that reads this knows that one time can be all it takes to fuck your shit up. It pierced a massive hole in my aura and I was attacked by horrific hallucinations. I don't want to go into detail about what I experienced specifically because some of it was extremely traumatic, but I was primarily attacked by imagery that suggested that I had died and what I was experiencing was the Christian "Hell." At times it felt as if my whole soul was being torn apart and rearranged, and it was both physically and spiritually painful to the point I could barely move at times. Even after the worst was over and I came back to reality, I still could not think right and worried if that was how I would always be from then on.

And for what? A quick high? I could have ruined myself spiritually forever. Even now I feel as if I still have much recovering to do. It's never worth it, not once, not consistently, not because you are in pain, not because it's fun, not ever. Nothing that so drastically alters your consciousness on that level is.

I thank Satan and the Gods every day for intervening and helping where they did, even though some times I feel as if I did not deserve to be over such an idiotic decision. I have been unsure how to show thanks, but I hope sharing my experience is a start. Don't fuck with drugs if you are doing any serious advancement, especially in the early stages. Don't fuck with drugs especially if you are involved in spiritual warfare, and you should be anyway. The amount of opening up your soul goes through makes you so vulnerable in the case your defenses fail for any reason. Whether they are worn away over time or immediately torn away, losing those defenses can open you up to potential destruction. It's never worth it.
indrasoma said:
So there does exist a higher universal soul beyond individual souls? I thought I read earlier in one of your posts that ether was just a mindless energy with no intelligence. What is the relation between this world soul and Satan? Was it created by Satan for this universe, or is it even higher than Satan, with Satan being one of its creations?

Soul is an interchangeable term for the same type of fine energy that constitutes the soul, based on the Aether. This is a concept, and it just deals with potentiality of creation, of which there is infinite. Soul is also commonly used to show consciousness, which is how I use it here. Yes, there is a mass consciousness at the universe, that permutes everything, but it's not a specific entity. It's as if saying, yet another particle. The Aether is a common name for this and easier to understand. The Atman is another name. Satan is to this what Brahma is to Atman.

It does not have a mind as we presently recognize and understand mind, such as through our own. It takes meaning from within it's own creations, and it's therefore, not "Independent".

What rests above us is nature, and we are it's creatures. Satan is also created from nature, as everything else is and will ever be. The more beings advance in the ladder of creation, the more they embody the nature or universe by itself, as a vessel that draws in an empty vacuum, and expresses it with meaning.

This is why Satan is referred to as the Most High or "The Creator of the Universe". This is because the idle force of the universe requires a force for expression, and Satan has been known in many different cultures by endless different names to embody this at an inconceivably high level.
I can confirm that Marijuana is in fact an addicting drug, and it has very negative effects.

In my personal life, growing up in Houston area, surrounded by Drugs and Alcohol, and all the related Cultures, I found myself sucked into the Marijuana lifestyle, Ive been smoking for at least 10 years now...

Ive known for 5 years now that Ive wanted to quit, Ive slowed down to only smoking in small quantities a few times a years.

The fact that ive been actively working to quit Smoking for years, ive even done a 40 day freeing the soul working, and im still struggling to permanately quit, is proof enough for me, that this drug is highly addictive.

HP HC mentioned the negative effects of longterm marijuana use,
"how it ruins teeth, the respiratory system, the mouth, the tongue, and your lungs significantly"
I have never heard these things in all my years, from none of the smokers Ive known or any of my studies. But I have 100% seen all of these things, especially from the older stoners.

As for the negative mental effects, I know from years of experience, after smoking, my body is sluggish, doing tricks on a skateboard is extremely difficult, and you will run out of breath if you dont already have the muscle memory for the trick, and even then you will struggle. Either you sober up real quick, or you just go for a cruise if you even have the energy for it.

Im a competetive gamer as well, and being at top mental, emotional, and physical health is a priority to playing at a proffessional level. When Im high, I simply cant keep up with the high intensity gameplay that I am capable of while sober, and making mistakes is much more difficult to deal with, so I tend to put up a barrier, that "I dont give a fuck" mentality.

Communication is difficult as well, I could spend all day talking to beautiful ladies if the occasion occured, but if I was high, I could not communicate at the level that I prefer, and I would quickly end any conversation, if I wasnt already too nervous to start or avoid the conversation alltogether.

The worst part for me, is probably how marijuana sends me "back in time", its hard to explain, but I always reminisce about my time back home in Texas, and well I was not a SS back in Texas, and I was very brainwashed back then, but my barriers lower when Im high, and I think, its wrong of me to "betray" my past...

The enemy attacks as well when your high...
Apprentice said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
you can get an electronic cigarette that has taste and not nicotine or anything else like weed and related involved
Actually, after I quit smoking cigarettes cold turkey several years ago and started using an ecig, I no longer suffered from the seasonal flu. The liquid for ecigs contains two main known ingredients: glycerol and propylene glycol. The effects of propylene glycol were known already back in 1940.
Concentrations of 1 gm. of propylene glycol vapor in two to four million cc. of air produced immediate and complete sterilization of air into which pneumococci, streptococci, staphylococci, H. influenzae, and other microorganisms as well as influenza virus had been sprayed. With lesser concentrations of propylene glycol, rapid and marked reduction in the number of air-borne bacteria occurred, but complete sterilization of the air required a certain interval of time.
Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2135271/

I'm not advocating the use of ecigs here. This is just my own personal anecdotal experience. I do not use weed and tobacco because these will degrade you.
Seasonal flu is a sad reality for those who do not keep their auras clean and energy levels topped up.
If it is so poisonous that it kills all those little germs and viruses, what is is doing to you? You know, you would get a good sterilisation of all the germs if you fill the room with bleach too, but I would never promote to smoke bleach.
This was about Tobacco, on the paragraph on Tobacco.

Bravera said:
I can confirm that Marijuana is in fact an addicting drug, and it has very negative effects.


HP HC mentioned the negative effects of longterm marijuana use,
"how it ruins teeth, the respiratory system, the mouth, the tongue, and your lungs significantly"
I have never heard these things in all my years, from none of the smokers Ive known or any of my studies. But I have 100% seen all of these things, especially from the older stoners.

The enemy attacks as well when your high...
And the major problem with those that get caught in this web, is it’s so hard to get them out because to get them out they have to care. Which prolonged use takes that away. Then they sit and say eventually I’ll get over it, but they won’t cause now they’re in a vicious cycle and they don’t even realize they’re in this endless loop of self destruction, that won’t end and if they do realize, again they don’t care and that’s it. That’s the end of their story.

Sermons like these are extremely important cause we tend to attract some pot smokers, and these post are sincere warnings that touching this stuff can literally ruin your life and it’s dead serious. If you’ve put your feet in the water just to see how it feels, get out now while you can, it may seem fine now, but it gets colder as the time goes on, and you’re going to freeze.

This path is hard enough without making your self a sitting duck.

Thanks for the post HP.
There is a new drug that is gaining traction called Kratom


Mitragyna speciosa (commonly known as kratom[8]) is a tropical evergreen tree in the coffee family native to Southeast Asia. M. speciosa is indigenous to Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Papua New Guinea,[9] where it has been used in traditional medicines since at least the nineteenth century.[4] Kratom has opioid properties and some stimulant-like effects.

They were trying to ban it here in the states and Indonesia I think, but it's still legal as it's labeled a botanical specimen
Libra said:
Thank you for making this topic. I have been debating for a while whether to share my own personal experience. More out of embarrassment than anything else. I agree with everything you have said, that all of the clergy has said, for a long time regarding weed. But I had a lapse in better judgement, and when the option to try some was offered to me recently I thought, well one time won't hurt in the grand scheme of things, especially since I had some a few times before I was a Satanist and nothing bad happened then.

I was so, so wrong and I wanted to say that so that everyone that reads this knows that one time can be all it takes to fuck your shit up. It pierced a massive hole in my aura and I was attacked by horrific hallucinations. I don't want to go into detail about what I experienced specifically because some of it was extremely traumatic, but I was primarily attacked by imagery that suggested that I had died and what I was experiencing was the Christian "Hell." At times it felt as if my whole soul was being torn apart and rearranged, and it was both physically and spiritually painful to the point I could barely move at times. Even after the worst was over and I came back to reality, I still could not think right and worried if that was how I would always be from then on.

And for what? A quick high? I could have ruined myself spiritually forever. Even now I feel as if I still have much recovering to do. It's never worth it, not once, not consistently, not because you are in pain, not because it's fun, not ever. Nothing that so drastically alters your consciousness on that level is.

I thank Satan and the Gods every day for intervening and helping where they did, even though some times I feel as if I did not deserve to be over such an idiotic decision. I have been unsure how to show thanks, but I hope sharing my experience is a start. Don't fuck with drugs if you are doing any serious advancement, especially in the early stages. Don't fuck with drugs especially if you are involved in spiritual warfare, and you should be anyway. The amount of opening up your soul goes through makes you so vulnerable in the case your defenses fail for any reason. Whether they are worn away over time or immediately torn away, losing those defenses can open you up to potential destruction. It's never worth it.

Don't be embarrassed you learned your lesson we all make mistakes. I would very much believe this story cause weed kind of gives me psychotic thoughts I never enjoyed it at all. Yes I did it more than a few times back when I was in that crowd only cause I wanted to not be seen as a pussy or something which is actually a dumb reason when I think back on it I should have just not hung out with those people. I think it's enemy entities that attack you in that state but my thoughts kind of went to like hurting or killing myself and other people and stuff and this kind of wierd cold vibe. That drug isn't fun at all I don't know what so many people like in it.

Now when it comes to some other drugs yeah that could be a problem with me and I try to stay away from them. I still get these urges to go out and do crack or heroin or things like that. I don't think I will though. Weed though I think is honestly the worst one so far as opening one up to enemy influience and weakening the person. I do not like that this is probably going to be a common thing in my state soon because it was just legalized sigh
Anyone’s free to do what they want but no one is free of the consequences :geek: the kids I grew up with who were raised in heavy religious families all grew up to be addicted to heroin ect without any real education to pursuade their drug choices and only “fear of hell/god” to try and hold them back. Having children now I’ve always vowed to properly educate them on drug use versus fear mongering.
saluti a tutti.... qui in Italia la merda ebrea Saviano vuole legalizzare la cocaina.... se così fosse oltre ad avere zombie sotto l'effetto del fumo avremo anche pazzi che sotto astinenza da cocaina ci renderanno la vita impossibile... io non me la prendo con la merde che commercializza questo schifo ma con chi... stupidamente e maggiormente persone senza coglioni che hanno paura della vita... permette tutto questo comprando le droghe le sigarette e il tabacco... Ave Satana semper
greetings to all .... here in Italy the Jewish shit Saviano wants to legalize cocaine .... if this were the case in addition to having zombies under the effect of smoking we will also have madmen who under cocaine abstinence will make life impossible for us .. I do not take it with the shit that commercializes this crap but with whom ... stupidly and mostly people without balls who are afraid of life ... allows all this by buying drugs, cigarettes and tobacco ... Ave Satana semper
lex said:
Anyone’s free to do what they want but no one is free of the consequences :geek: the kids I grew up with who were raised in heavy religious families all grew up to be addicted to heroin ect without any real education to pursuade their drug choices and only “fear of hell/god” to try and hold them back. Having children now I’ve always vowed to properly educate them on drug use versus fear mongering.

Education goes a better way than fear morgering and trying to suppress children or be extremely dogmatic. This is because this makes them curious.

Show them when they are ready the pics of the toothless meth-heads and explain them that it should better not be them, and explain to them why the situation happened, and school them right.

Forcing it on them can have the reverse effect. How many people I have seen tell their children "DONT DO DRUGS" and keep it at that, and so many of these become coke and weed fiends because they have no clue anything else is bad but the fear mongering.
I can say that in this aspect I was lucky, despite being surrounded when I was younger with people who consumed weed I never wanted to try it and I kept away from it, I have seen what this does and people I have known for a long time, with their lives and health completely ruined.
In the only trap that I fell was with alcohol and years ago I left it completely, in this sense I find it repugnant how this society pushes the consumption and abuse of alcohol.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
lex said:
Anyone’s free to do what they want but no one is free of the consequences :geek: the kids I grew up with who were raised in heavy religious families all grew up to be addicted to heroin ect without any real education to pursuade their drug choices and only “fear of hell/god” to try and hold them back. Having children now I’ve always vowed to properly educate them on drug use versus fear mongering.

Education goes a better way than fear morgering and trying to suppress children or be extremely dogmatic. This is because this makes them curious.

Show them when they are ready the pics of the toothless meth-heads and explain them that it should better not be them, and explain to them why the situation happened, and school them right.

Forcing it on them can have the reverse effect. How many people I have seen tell their children "DONT DO DRUGS" and keep it at that, and so many of these become coke and weed fiends because they have no clue anything else is bad but the fear mongering.

I agree. As a child, one of my older relatives told me about his past drug experiments, so I never felt the "taboo" thrill of it, and never did drugs. I felt no need to experiment for myself to see what they do. I also read some biographies when I was 12 or so of rock stars and read all the gory details and how they ruined their lives and music careers from drugs. So I was well-educated about drugs, and stayed far away from them.
The closest I've ever come to anything related to drugs/smoking was ~12yo as a kid, where I picked up a small cigarette stump that was still burning and I took a few breaths of the smoke that was coming from it. It felt terrible, but even after those few breaths I could feel some of the "addictive" effects of it.
A few hours later I found myself craving to take some breaths again, but I realized how dirty and bad my first breaths of it felt and because of that I never touched a cigarette again.
I want to add someyjing concerning about ecigs.

There have been messages in the news a werk ago that some people that have used an ecig regurlarly suddenly got strange respiratory problems such as a collapsed lung without any other reasona being present.

Also they warn about the nicotine amounts in ecigs, that they can be much higher than what youd get from a nornal cigarette

and as thus they recommend to only buy from a ferified seller.

This news is concernibg enough to post about. But Id recommend doing some research yourself into the matter. a
6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
Honestly, let me preface this by saying that I think weed isn't, was never, and will never be anything is used in a satanic world in the way it is being used now.

From what little I have read on this topic by now, I'm starting to think that "weed" in and of itself may have been some kind of herb/medicine/whatever in older times, that was used in very specific cases and under strict moderation, to treat specific conditions.
The reason I'm thinking this, is because of HC mentioning it as a "Yin based plant", so maybe in some weird situations it could be helpful.

But even if such cases had been recorded, and it had been used for such, the point still remains that it deals far too much damage for what it is worth. Seeing how meditation is far superior to anything weed could ever do, I think your "intel" of the Gods planting weed is most likely wrong.
6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
HP Cobra, I would greatly appreciate it if there was a way we could discuss this further, possibly privately? My experiences with SS, the Gods, and cannabis directly contradict most of the claims here...I dont want to cause an uproar or divide the group. I havent seen the same results as you have about this, and more study is needed on my end for obvious reasons. My GDs, and I'm certain its them, have never expressed a concern about this on our multiple convos about exactly this. I only see that talk here. I'm sincerely confused. However I do not deny the negative effects it can have, just isnt always the case.

Like I said, I could really use some guidance on this one. I didnt even start smoking cannabis until after I dedicated. Was always told it was a responsibility thing, was provided evidence of our Gods cultivating it, and told not overindulge as it is medicine, not to be abused. There are documented instances where our ancestors used it during funeral ceremonies for its memory effects, but I cant verify the source.

Obviously inhaling plant (or any) material into your lungs will be bad for them. Smoke is no different.

I am the most confused I have been for a minute, and I do not like it one bit. Bring the knowledge.
You are more likely severely deluding your mind into thinking that you are actually speaking to the Gods while you are either speaking to your own mind or to enemy entities.

Your experiences are just what you would like them yo be.
6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
HP Cobra, I would greatly appreciate it if there was a way we could discuss this further, possibly privately? My experiences with SS, the Gods, and cannabis directly contradict most of the claims here...I dont want to cause an uproar or divide the group. I havent seen the same results as you have about this, and more study is needed on my end for obvious reasons. My GDs, and I'm certain its them, have never expressed a concern about this on our multiple convos about exactly this. I only see that talk here. I'm sincerely confused. However I do not deny the negative effects it can have, just isnt always the case.

Like I said, I could really use some guidance on this one. I didnt even start smoking cannabis until after I dedicated. Was always told it was a responsibility thing, was provided evidence of our Gods cultivating it, and told not overindulge as it is medicine, not to be abused. There are documented instances where our ancestors used it during funeral ceremonies for its memory effects, but I cant verify the source.

Obviously inhaling plant (or any) material into your lungs will be bad for them. Smoke is no different.

I am the most confused I have been for a minute, and I do not like it one bit. Bring the knowledge.

How did you come to these conclusions?
What sources did you read? Or did you just go and tried to astral hear first thing ever?

No one here advocates or tells you to do drugs use and it is also discouraged on the website. There is no way that you would have thought of doing so if you stuck with the website.
Joyofsatan.org / satanisgod.org / evilgoy.com
in the past I used drugs, drugs are shit.
It took me years to recover all the crap brought by drugs.
fortunately I have not suffered permanent damage and I have an almost photographic memory.
I believe the gods protected me in this and I can only thank them for not making me become a vegetable, which I probably deserved for my behavior.
The point is this
even when I was a fool who used drugs I never thought I was right.
I knew I had disgusting behavior, and I wasn't trying to bring the gods closer to my low standard.
Rather, I tried to get up and get closer to their standards.
Here people are free to do what they want as long as they understand the responsibilities of their behavior.
it is useless to seek self-justification.
the important thing is to understand reality if you want to drug yourself with drugs.
but the gods are gods,and the addicts are drugged and these two categories are far distant ...
BlackSun123.6.6# said:

Before someone does kill him self, out of a bad childhood and the only thing that keeps them going (weed) until they are free from the bad influence. Or I once meet someone who has intense chronic back pain he does weed everyday and is basically 80% handicaped (he gets it from the state for free).

BlackSun123.6.6# said:
Is it stupidity?NO!

Jes it is stupidity.

BlackSun123.6.6# said:
I watched a video in youtube on TED talks.It's about how drugs,food and chemicals are basically equal.
Equation #1.



They say the human body is a bag of chemicals.True.
Responsibility to the responsible.


You know the human body is mostly made of water, if we follow your logic

Water = healthy (unless you drink 10 l in 1h)
Blood contains water = drinking blood should be healthy ---> no its not.

Drugs steal from the body ressources which you will miss in the future.
short luck for a longrun(trend target shorter life span) bad live.

If you did mean with drugs = herbals you can buy in pharmacy ok,
like your food should be your medicine and your medicine should be your food.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
