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The Secret, Unseen And Most Brutal War

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Sep 19, 2017
Before saying anything else I want to also state that I do not condone actions of extremism based on race or any race. Part of this is why jews are kept out of this place. They are violent extremists that primarily are interested in the death and enslavement of anyone else based on loose reasons. That's them, all in all.

The disclaimers aside, anyone who is White and racially aware to any extent at this point, when one sees the jews, they will see that the jew is only practicing the reverse of what they are preaching. In Israel, "leftists" and others are treated as living garbage, and the same goes for race traitors, cultural backstabbers, and all sorts of inferior behaviors that compromise the wellbeing of the jewish race. And what else, the jews don't give a single dime what anyone says or thinks about this, let alone a "goyim".

Gentiles spend their time whining about why yet another extremist jew beat an arab to death, but the jews aren't going to really concern themselves on that one, as they operate on a different moral (or basically immoral) standard than the jews themselves operate.

Jews have created toxic standards for all other races to assimilate under, as part of their parcel policy on...2500+ years old racial warfare against the Goyim. They will also tell you that any insight to this fact is hateful, bigoted, and racist, so only them can have the advantage of seeing their own plot exactly as it is. A plot where the victim sleeps is bound to work better than when they are all awake. Can't control 99% of awake individuals on this planet, better put them all to sleep.

It is also really dangerous for jews to do this but they have to do this all regardless as in accordance to their own writtings subjugation, assimilation, and ruin of all other races is somehow fundamental, given to them as an objective of their alien reptilian masters. No why's here, that's just what it is.

In other words, the jews are fighting to remain jews, whatever that is the prize to them or others. A lot of racial jews have betrayed their species over the centuries in repeat in order to safeguard a better deal with the nations they lived under, but then again, they maintained jewishness in private if they could. As far as the "Goyim" are concerned, many seem to be fighting only for their personal death and assimilation.

Some have a meltdown when they are told that "Uhm, you are White and you maybe need to not constantly work 24/7 to extinct yourself to please other species as this contradicts the claimed non existence of racism" This translates to: You are REPLACING yourself as a race, you recognize your own Whiteness, but you relinquish it, to PLEASE others. In this context, two truths are affirmed: that YOU ARE WHITE and that others are of ANOTHER RACE - ie, the validity of race exists in front of you, and the second fact is that there is a plot to remove you racially off of the face of the planet.

Ie, if you wanted to be a non-racist, you fell in the loop: You actually affirmed the ideals of race. You just appointed the racism of other people as superior to your own, that is all, and you died like a cuck. But you were a passively racist cuck.

The difference between this and the active racist chad is that the active racist chad has understood that race is undeniably a part of life. Racism is a symptom that arises out of healthy people as a lion is fond of lions when it is on it's prime. Active racist chad does say exactly the same words as you do, but he only rejects his own displacement and death, that is all. Active Racist Chad is actually sane and a better person, because he accepts realities of life. Chads of other races are more likely to respect or at least fear Active Racist Chad than Passive Racist Cuck. This ensures for continuity of life of both factions involved on this planet.

The cognitive dissonance in regards to race is something that is basically a White-Only exclusive mental illness produced by jews directly, through decades of constant brainwashing through the state machinery of the states of Whites that they have ironically hijacked. I wonder how many movies in Bollywood are about Hindus going extinct and glorifying Asians all day long. I am sure not that many. This is because Asians do not run bollywood, but in the case of Whites, Jews do actually run Hollywood.

Of course this is caused by the jews, in the heap of their own attempt for themselves to survive and do what their cultural religion says: "Kill the goyim and rule them with a rod of iron", and eventually destroy the goyim nations(That is their racial set purpose) other races in the process.

The bigger irony here is that the jews, who are basically the wombs through which all ideas of forced assimilation and "integration" got birthed from, at the same time, are getting some taste of their own medicine, and they are also being eventually mixed and bred out. The jews are on a silent and undeclared war in what they claim is the biggest factor killing them as jews: Intermarrying. This makes them violent and even extremist so they can defend their heritage and culture, which of course falls under a disclaimer again here.

Every so often in Israel you will have a jewish mob going around and beating some Arab senseless from hanging around with a jewish girl. In their view, he is polluting them and stealing a potential wife off of their midst, so they have to get what is coming to them.

Let us just put it like this: any nation that puts self righteous mudsharks, hairless soyboys, extreme cultural traitors that pose as reformers, twenty five gender confusion types of people who give not a single fuck about where their species will end up, those who throw their million upon million lineage into the brimstone, and those who literally suck, can't be a good people or a good nation and is headed for disaster.

This is understandable even in monkeys where the strongest monkeys are put forth to lead and instate the rules, rather than sickly, bald monkeys that are small brained and can't even secure the banana tree. The intelligence level of many has sunk below the level of monkeys as what a monkey understands, ie, territory and species as important, and natural hierarchy, is seen as wrong to them. Eventually these people's stupidity stacking up past an extent, creates an existential gutter which has no bottom, where a people or a civilization keeps sinking and sinking.

This gutter belongs to the miserable, the confused, and the ruined, and this has nothing to do with any species that cares for itself and looks out for it's preservation.

Whites need to understand that all "other" people are looking after their own preservation, with very few examples. The reality of a situation from a species standpoint is that one female screwed over by a foreigner, is essentially a woman that was taken over and put on the service of another people by mental subjugation. A rabbi would understand this, same as the stupidest jew out there. This is because the jews are race conscious where Whites in particular are racially placid.

The need to self preserve in these cases does take twisted turns.

When Somalis and others overrun Europe and look after these "White women", illegally moving from a border this is an act of war and intrusion by normal standards. People that deceitfully come into your nation to engage in rape, criminality, and intermarry with the women of said nation, while at the same time runsacking resources given to them by "officials" from your own midst, is just top level warfare going, it doesn't get bigger of a war than that. Actually, the above is the conclusion of a war that one has lost: One is enslaved to work for foreign officials, works like a pig without a future, has to give all the products of labor and anything beautiful he produces to the "Effendi" and his chosen Somalian allies, and of course, self-beat themselves everytime they realize this is actually the case, all in fear from being destroyed by his "Effendi" which may find out about his thoughts or suspicions, which may cause a rebellion. It's during wars that women of other tribes are taken hostages and the beautiful or anyone is used to essentially give birth to another species, effectively taking out the species of the mother that existed before it. It's during war where your children are going to live unsafe and prostituted to foreigners for a quick buck, but now we call this "London Grooming Gangs" and tell ourselves we have peace. It's during wartime that you cannot speak your mind in fear of disappearing in your own "Sovereign nation" by foreign forces, but now we call this "Leftist oriented censorship".

We are at war. This war is here, we are living it. It is a very sly war that is in accordance to the nature of those who have initiated this in the first place. Why this war is that way and in this form is because the subduers could never take us at war straight forward, as they would all be destroyed. As such the nature of war has been reformed into a large scale mental, spiritual, and emotional war of subjugation based on resources and through the means of our very own civilizations, with the purpose to both enslave and replace us.

The reality of race mixing is very simple. A white woman who has a kid with a black guy, actually gives birth to a kid that is in many ways genetically distant from both. This "White Woman" at any given moment has more genetically in common with the kids of White strangers than her own progeny. The black guy also has more in common with a child he never even met that is from Africa, than his own so called "Progeny".

Being loosely resembled or reflected to your own progeny genetically is an absurdity. Ask a jew and he will tell you the same, if you can't hear it from a Gentile instead.

A jew in a recording not long ago had a tantrum and said that "Hitler was righteous" and that "Hitler's way was correct". How come a jew said this about Hitler, and he is not the first jew to say that? Because yes, what Hitler said was universal, truthful, correct, and straight up honest. There are some jews who would prefer Hitler kicked out all the jews and they went to Israel, rather than be in the diaspora and get race mixed out of existence, which strikes as an obvious irony, but this is the case.

Why would such absurdity have any substance? Because unlike Whites and their petty mental games, imposed by jews of course, the jew understands that racial preservation is rule number one in everything.

Despite of the fact that the enemy is sworn against Hitler and wants his people to die, the soundness of the concept of keeping your species alive, unique, and unadulterated, is universal. The enemy follows universal rules and laws that they criminalize for others to just reduce competition, that is all. Because it's in the benefit of many species who cannot survive on their own to enslave Whitey and have him with a yoke on the neck, jews included, to enjoy his nations, his women, his wealth, and whatever else imaginable, there is also in a sense a natural conspiracy: "Enemies" become friends, such as how beautifully Muslims do conspire with Jews to take over Europe.

After this is concluded, they hope, then they will just try to take down one another, the list goes. "Humans" may choose to deny this fact because they are on Benzos or dominated by their own brainwashing governments, which systematically brainwash them against all their living interests.

And who does this from within the governments? Specific "Families" and specific "Tribes". They just teach these amoralistic garbage values of self destruction to the masses in order to rule them better. This has been the case since the advent of jewish filth such as Christianity - preach the morality of destruction to those that you rule, so that you can rule them more efficiently. But this collapses races and nations at catapulting speeds.

Prostituting your land to foreign races, tribes and cultures, letting them rule you, assimilate you, and destroy you, is not a good evolutionary or survival tactic. Of course, thanks to Christianity, the big jewish hoax, we have to deal with inferior moralities that are anti-life and passed into the minds of people as normal, and not outright deadly or obscene. You have to explain for example why you even want to live and have your own people safe and your own space, and on the other hand, Hajis literally come in to Jihad you out of existence, telling you in videos they want to culturally destroy you.

Let us just say any Rabbi would understand me better here than many "Whites", in why it would be essential to kick these people out, and maintain one's culture. And when you have more in common with your enemies than your own species, the situation is really dire. We are talking really fucked up.

Whitey has to sit on a bench, have the moral finger of the system that wants to kill him, raise into his face, and repent and give word for everything he does believe in.

Let us also say this: If Whites are to survive, these mentalities have to be kept on the side, completely discarded and burned. It's through racial understanding that races survive and not by kissing Merkel's saggy granny communistic ass. Her saggy ass is going to win a momentary breath of air of a fart, in a system which is created to suffocate a people and destroy it from racial suffocation.

In other words going this way is a death sentence while actually resisting may actually come with an outcome of actually surviving and thriving. It's far more of a prospect oriented decision to turn one's back to this rotting mire, self humiliating system.

Find me also one nation in the world except a White nation where people are told they need to go extinct by their "Own" media, government infrastructure, education system, and where they can go to jail or be killed or imprisoned for merely having a "Nationalistic Sentiment" or just saying something trivial like "India belongs to the Hindus".

You will not find any, because only Whites are in that position now, solely. I don't believe Chinese, Japanese or Hindus, or Arabs go around and they say "Oh, we need to go extinct to make place for others on the planet", "Oh but we are the most sanitized country and we legit think we cause a lot of pollution while we don't do shit actually, but we must die anyway", or where they really think it's a shame to be who they are "Just because of the color of their skin".

It's time Whites move past this mental blockage which is a death spell unto life. And yes, other races who are truly allies and friends will be quite happy with it, as were Arabs, Asians, and everyone else basically when Hitler was in power. Everyone respected and loved Hitler, and why is that? Because Hitler was a honest person.

I find it hilarious and even disgusting that actually, Arabs and many other people can understand this way better than "Viking Swedes". I can talk about preservation of race with Asians or Arabs and we will entirely understand one another without any tears anywhere. But where the sensitive points are is where Whites are allowed to breathe and think for a future of themselves.

As anyone else deserves a future so do White people, that is point blank. Whomever is against this is not our friend, nor our ally, and is our enemy. When you love a friend of yours and they have a healthy kid, do you cry, or you tell them to put it down over trivial reasons? When they hand you a knife to kill it over trivial reasons about global warming, will you do it for your shitty moralities involved? If you wouldn't do this, why would one do this on a racial scale?

With "Friends" and "Rulers" like that, what is better, to have them as your "Friends", or to for them to be enemies?

Is it of any worth to lower the head more and more until what? Great capitals have been lost already, and what is the excuse? "We will run away". There is no running away this time, this isn't Rome, this isn't Egypt, this isn't Ancient Greece - we live in a global world right now. There won't be a rock for Whites to hide.

And the biggest irony of it all? It could all be solved very EASILY if people were ready to make the smallest sacrifices - but massively. A little dues paid by everyone, would make this existential debt erased very easily. Eventually what this would be is simple: Everyone would be a little bit criticized by a system that would instantly collapse under the weight of the powerful people under an awakening and under their moral revolt.

But because people like to skip meals and responsibilities about life, those of us who take the uphill road, have to make bigger and bigger sacrifices. And this is why I will look down at any traitor of my race, and not even utter a word to them - they will feel existentially the guilt of being a traitor to divine laws and thinning the people from where they belong.

A jew would also add here in the same situations to include capital punishment, but we don't work that way, but it makes you think, doesn't it?

The same dishonesty that is putting Whites under, is also absorbing and will eventually cause a universal assimilation and mass extinction of all people on the planet.

Lastly, this avoidance to do small sacrifices, such as people speaking their mind, doing activism, and going against what is rotten, comes with an ultimate cost when this is done by nations or races: While all could share a little drawback to instate what is right, cucking and systematic avoidance of living responsibility is becoming catastrophic.

You will see this catastrophe next time you walk in a street as a stranger into your own nation.

You will see the result of this catastrophe where the children of your race will live in lands of criminality, mass death, and torture.

When people will be rallied with yokes onto their necks, you will wish you have paid a debt earlier and accepted to be called mean things or get a few death threats or attempts on your own life. You will see that this was really for nothing.

You will wish you had infiltrated the system or tried to struggle it around.

You will want to repent when you saw a mudshark or allowed your own progeny make a wrong decision and did not open your mouth to stop this or do everything in your power to subvert this.

You will ask yourself, "Were the feelings of people that wanted to kill me all along and were replacing me, more worthwhile than the future of my own kids who have to live in a permanent detroit situation now?" but this question will be pointless and nihilistic - there will be nobody to answer it.

You will ask yourself as the jews or someone else rallies everyone as slaves: "Was it worthwhile that I didn't paint my red line and territory back then, and the only places in the world where any forms of rights were invented, suffocated under the weight of my own weakness to maintain these alive by doing what was necessary?".

As for those who are on the IQ level of cattle and an animal, their life will merely consist of being a scared animal in the midst of other animals and being beaten over simply over reasons they hardly understand."I Killed yo cuz u whitey" will be heard before their death, and they will be like "Ah, at least I wasn't racist!".

Indeed many who fancy that now we are during "peacetime", may in the close by future demographically wake up to a devastating fact: That we will have lost most of our people during peacetime.

Not because of dangerous acts, but because of placidity.

Not because of war and missiles, but because of compliance.

Not because of being nuked for being bad boys, but for being good goys all the time and getting along with the unholy secret war of total destruction that is taking place towards our species.

This is the war of our time as a people: A unseen, yet ironically, most blatantly obvious war. A war that is creeping while wearing the mask of peace and friendliness for mankind, forcing itself and causing all the very same conditions that brutal wars of the past have created.

A war that nobody can afford to lose.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
In general always what comes to mind for me at least is wishing we could have some giant public service announcement on every screen, LIKE OUR RACE IS DYING WAKE UP! When it comes to race traitors the guilt is the worst. Race mixing is like a cancer that worms its way into someones brain. It sure did for me and it still has taken some time to deprogram and tear it out, its still difficult. But racial preservation is the ultimate goal here and that is absolutely what must be done. No other decisions, or race mixing.
We must perserve what the gods have gifted us.

People race mix for reasons and needs that can be extremely easily also be fulfilled by people of one's own race, many times over.

Race mixing is like a joke at this point, the reasons for such engagement only boil down to braindead and spiritually desolate brains who cannot process proper decisions. It's really about breaking conditioning and taming one's blind urges, and giving them eyes of sense to see. This is important of a step to become a God and enlightened, you cannot be a blind here.

Society being multicultural gives credence to this, so it's sensible to turn one's way against this decadence. Turning against this is empowering and rewarding, then one attains true freedom. True Power.

Congratulations to those who fight out of this conditioning and seek True Power. This is the most rewarding thing to do.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

What I mean all the time is ... We must not allow our people to make the wrong choices. We must spiritually (magically) influence our people to make the right choices. Control is sacred to me. Well said Commander, excellent sermon.
And this is why sometimes i hate whites more than jws nogs or hajis. The hate for a traitor is hundreds of times worse than the hate for an enemy. There is no excuse.

As you say HP all of this could end today if people would do a very small amount of critical thinking. They literally have the universal peace button in front of them and they refuse to push it. And this is why stupidity is the most painfull and most guilable phenomrnon that fills my heart with extreme hate.

I live in a country where the most obvious truth is laughable and a conspiracy. I cannot hide the hate for my own people sometimes... somehow i still hope... at least for the rest of whites.

When the awakening comes the fight back will be as nothing before in regards to the hate in our hearts.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Excellent as always. May the subverters and race traitors be removed from our ranks. The Strong of Aryan Blood must rise. Good bye soy Boys.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In just a few days. As for the second ritual it will be up when it will be up. Race Awakening Ritual is next up soon.
Cant wait, especially now that the summer vacation will come soon giving me plenty of time.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
When will we do the Race Awakening again, and when will we start the new Awakening ritual that removes the mental blocks?

From the post ´´13/May/2019``
By HPS Maxine Dietrich

The next group ritual will be destroying the psychic barriers placed upon this earth and humanity.

This will come within the next year.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In just a few days. As for the second ritual it will be up when it will be up. Race Awakening Ritual is next up soon.
What race awakening should an Arab do?
People these days are so focused on fighting for their "freedumb of choice" and "individuality". Having a sense of duty (towards one's own race, as a main example here) gives fulfilment, a sense of purpose in life, a sacred goal to strive towards, and inner contentment.


Great sermon btw.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
People race mix for reasons and needs that can be extremely easily also be fulfilled by people of one's own race, many times over.

Race mixing is like a joke at this point, the reasons for such engagement only boil down to braindead and spiritually desolate brains who cannot process proper decisions. It's really about breaking conditioning and taming one's blind urges, and giving them eyes of sense to see. This is important of a step to become a God and enlightened, you cannot be a blind here.

Society being multicultural gives credence to this, so it's sensible to turn one's way against this decadence. Turning against this is empowering and rewarding, then one attains true freedom. True Power.

Congratulations to those who fight out of this conditioning and seek True Power. This is the most rewarding thing to do.

I never knew one race mixing couple who actually got along and was happy with eachother fully in my entire life. Even if the person would be compatable astrologically completely it doesnt produce an understanding or connection.

What I said above probably is the biggest argument against it because it wastes both peoples time. You would have more in common on a metaphysical level with a random stranger of your own race than your mate.

There would never be a two become one souls kind of thing either for those that are deeper plutonian types as it would not be possible.

These are just some other arguements you can use for non racially conscious people.
Artanis said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
When will we do the Race Awakening again, and when will we start the new Awakening ritual that removes the mental blocks?

From the post ´´13/May/2019``
By HPS Maxine Dietrich

The next group ritual will be destroying the psychic barriers placed upon this earth and humanity.

This will come within the next year.
Yes that's the one I'm talking about. But "within the next year" doesn't really say much of when we will do it.
Nikolas said:
I often see white girls with black and ESPECIALLY with arabs when im in France.In Romania im glad we didn't surrender our land " yet" . I think 5 out of 10 couples are white girl -arab man. And when i see a beautiful french girl with an arab ...... And what bothers me the most is how they smile so bright, they seem so happy. Its like the whites are not good enough for them. They laugh and enjoy life together while lill french booois masturbate to porn..... O my ****** God .
Well, i dont wonder why anymore. If the white bois are like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpjVARLli30
or this

Then no wonder women go for others.... Can you see how weak, pathethic, not confident they are . How they dress and their hairstyle. And then look at the black guys. Women want real men and we whiteys have been brainwashed to be lill pussyes.
This pisses me off so much but what the f can I do.
We were like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1SlBlB5pzU and now......
Or the ones who tame...... I respect the tamed Gods ( Vapula, Amdusias, Set ...) but They are naturally like that. If one is not naturally and tries to force it , it doesnt look good and its not the way its supposed to be. I am really white and my family tells me its " unhealthy" to be so white ,that I look TOO white.Yes, the words of a lot of mature people from my family. " You look too white, you need to stay under the Sun more" . Please Universe give them some brain. I told them to fck off and they be like : whoah what the f u want to do ? Do you actually like looking white? Why? Are you kiddig me? Are cool people have dark skin, wtf kid we thought u mature.
What will the people say when they see u returned from the sea even whiter than before. :lol:
I've had a lot of arguments/conflicts with them when because of my ugly unhealthy white skin. How can I dare to be white :?:
I don't give a damn I do what I decide to. ;)
If I have the chance to move off Earth, i would. I gave up un humanity. Just get me and the close to me out of here. I can live 20 more years doing some Rtrs . Not sure if he Gods would agree though.

In my opinion this is a nonsensical, anti-White perspective on race-mixing. No, race-mixing is not primarily cause by a lack of masculinity in Whites, and women who race-mix are not simply rational actors responding to a deficiency of masculinity in certain men.

First, many White men are carrying out their social function of being providers by working (which, in my opinion, is a more important part of being a man than just confidence and low inhibition), but a portion of this work is re-appropriated and given to women and children with which the man has no connection. I do not keep the full benefits of my work and then share them with a wife and children, some of these benefits are taken from me and given to the spouses and children of others to support them. The welfare state basically forces men to carry out the masculine social role and provide for women and children, with none of the benefits. In fact, many of the people I help support with my labor hate people like me and want me dead.

Women still overwhelmingly prefer to date White men, and the women who choose to race-mix are often dysfunctional people who are attracted to abusive men. No, multiracial couples do not go and "laugh and enjoy life together", they have very high rates of domestic abuse, and (in America} the second best predictor of a marriage failing, per the Center for Disease Control, is being interracial.

Is is not the fault of White men that women race-mix (for the most part), nor the fault of White women that men do it. It is an unnatural thing that cannot be explained by a rational response to changing incentives. If people are walking around society eating garbage, I don't need a complex cultural narrative to explain why it actually makes sense for them to eat garbage. I just need to find the group who brainwashed them into eating garbage and stop them.

(I hope this doesn't seem like a personal attack, I like a lot of your posts but I disagree with this one).
Is disgusting how people are brainwashed with racial mixture, in the gym they called me racist and neo-Nazi for saying that everyone should only date with people of their same race.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Artanis said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
When will we do the Race Awakening again, and when will we start the new Awakening ritual that removes the mental blocks?

From the post ´´13/May/2019``
By HPS Maxine Dietrich

The next group ritual will be destroying the psychic barriers placed upon this earth and humanity.

This will come within the next year.
Yes that's the one I'm talking about. But "within the next year" doesn't really say much of when we will do it.

Sooo... You just wanna give the Enemy a headsup so they can prepare in time and toughen those barriers so that our attack is weakened down like 99.9%? :? :lol: :lol:

The Clergy doesnt give out ´´Top Secret`` Information just like that, because the Enemy is also on our Forums in the hundreds, propably even thousands, spying on Us.
Nikolas said:
I often see white girls with black and ESPECIALLY with arabs when im in France.In Romania im glad we didn't surrender our land " yet" . I think 5 out of 10 couples are white girl -arab man. And when i see a beautiful french girl with an arab ...... And what bothers me the most is how they smile so bright, they seem so happy. Its like the whites are not good enough for them. They laugh and enjoy life together while lill french booois masturbate to porn..... O my ****** God .
Well, i dont wonder why anymore. If the white bois are like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpjVARLli30
or this

Then no wonder women go for others.... Can you see how weak, pathethic, not confident they are . How they dress and their hairstyle. And then look at the black guys. Women want real men and we whiteys have been brainwashed to be lill pussyes.
This pisses me off so much but what the f can I do.
We were like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1SlBlB5pzU and now......
Or the ones who tame...... I respect the tamed Gods ( Vapula, Amdusias, Set ...) but They are naturally like that. If one is not naturally and tries to force it , it doesnt look good and its not the way its supposed to be. I am really white and my family tells me its " unhealthy" to be so white ,that I look TOO white.Yes, the words of a lot of mature people from my family. " You look too white, you need to stay under the Sun more" . Please Universe give them some brain. I told them to fck off and they be like : whoah what the f u want to do ? Do you actually like looking white? Why? Are you kiddig me? Are cool people have dark skin, wtf kid we thought u mature.
What will the people say when they see u returned from the sea even whiter than before. :lol:
I've had a lot of arguments/conflicts with them when because of my ugly unhealthy white skin. How can I dare to be white :?:
I don't give a damn I do what I decide to. ;)
If I have the chance to move off Earth, i would. I gave up un humanity. Just get me and the close to me out of here. I can live 20 more years doing some Rtrs . Not sure if he Gods would agree though.
Those are fake staged videos.
Wotanwarrior said:
Is disgusting how people are brainwashed with racial mixture, in the gym they called me racist and neo-Nazi for saying that everyone should only date with people of their same race.

Only whites who are brainwashed or some pencil necks will come up with calling you a "Nazi" for merely caring about your own kind with superficial sentiments. Arabs, Asians, and pretty much anyone else does that without any restraints.

Like any Arab that I have ever met will understand this thoroughly, it's only whites and some soy people that object to this reality. This is just the best for everyone. Then I guess every non-white person is also a Nazi with very few exceptions, we are living in Nazi world or something but we dindu know it yet.

The cognition errors here are extreme and that is obvious.

Race mixing is a transient trend now, after people will reap the effects of it, it will just cease. It is this taboo thing of the century right now, people feel edgy while doing this. When the buzz of this being something important will die off so will die off these fashions that are about "Going black" to attract attention etc.

This is literally a fashion trend, most people do not even think about it indepth or have any aims. It's like if you buy the new iPhone you also need to have a person from another race for decorative purposes that you cheat on as well, or like, if you got to college, got to get blacked and do weed. These norms do come and go after their destructive presuppositions backfire.
The only white women I ever see in a relationship with a black guy are always around 300 pounds and with a disgusting face too. Or 50 years old with really obvious juuwish features in a heavily juuwish area, with a young black guy. So that second example doesn't really count as white since it's a juuw, but to a dumb goy it might look like the woman is white. The first example is what it is like 99.9% of the time.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Wotanwarrior said:
Is disgusting how people are brainwashed with racial mixture, in the gym they called me racist and neo-Nazi for saying that everyone should only date with people of their same race.

Only whites who are brainwashed or some pencil necks will come up with calling you a "Nazi" for merely caring about your own kind with superficial sentiments. Arabs, Asians, and pretty much anyone else does that without any restraints.

Like any Arab that I have ever met will understand this thoroughly, it's only whites and some soy people that object to this reality. This is just the best for everyone. Then I guess every non-white person is also a Nazi with very few exceptions, we are living in Nazi world or something but we dindu know it yet.

The cognition errors here are extreme and that is obvious.

Race mixing is a transient trend now, after people will reap the effects of it, it will just cease. It is this taboo thing of the century right now, people feel edgy while doing this. When the buzz of this being something important will die off so will die off these fashions that are about "Going black" to attract attention etc.

This is literally a fashion trend, most people do not even think about it indepth or have any aims. It's like if you buy the new iPhone you also need to have a person from another race for decorative purposes that you cheat on as well, or like, if you got to college, got to get blacked and do weed. These norms do come and go after their destructive presuppositions backfire.

The only ones who told me I was right was a chinese boy and the owner of the gym who is an older man with conservative ideals.
Great post. Let's choose to win today, guys. Let's free our family members from the spell of christianity with the final RTR, and choose happiness for ourselves.
Highly topical sermon. Couldn't agree more.

Even papers demonstrating the negative consequences of race mixing are not at all hard to find. Here, if anyone needs these then please pass them around to your friends, family, whoever, if they don't believe you/think you're racist for deploring miscegenation, and that they seem to need something of written supporting substance to convince them of this otherwise highly obvious and self-evident truth about the nature of life, not to mention some of the basic core mechanics of Satan's invention - DNA - which is designed for much of the life he has propagated intentionally on this planet.

Health And Behaviour Risks of Adolescents With Mixed-Race Identity.

Smoking Trajectories Among Monoracial and Biracial Black Adolescents and Young Adults.

Developmental trajectories of alcohol use among monoracial and biracial Black adolescents and adults.


And there is also the growing awareness to the difficulty of finding organ or bone marrow donors for people of race-mixed heritage. If you look to the other forms of life on the Earth, miscegenation only happens seemingly unnaturally and with the inclusion of diliberate human intervention.

Great sermon. Highly important area which can potentially empower every gentile racial group rapidly if an ear is simply given to reason and fear of racist accusation and blind relentless 'altruistic' brain damage is permanently alleviated. Also if we smash RTR spiritual warfare Hellfire into the enemy pukes.

Quick reminder and a great point to aid arguements with the unitiated, is that the reason we have male and female genders for sexual reproduction (according to non-occult biology) is to mix genes from the mum and dad and then to take a stab at winning a sort of genetic lotto! If the gene pool is good, then the random draw of 'numbers' stands a better chance of being a winning ticket! The jackpot baby has luckily gotten all the best genes from the parents and become even more advanced than they are, for he/she is the best of two combined and contained in one! The race/society/nation surely benefits from this! If the offspring is drawn from inferior and incopatible genes, then obviously only degredation and suffering can occur.


Ol argedco luciftias said:
The only white women I ever see in a relationship with a black guy are always around 300 pounds and with a disgusting face too. Or 50 years old with really obvious juuwish features in a heavily juuwish area, with a young black guy. So that second example doesn't really count as white since it's a juuw, but to a dumb goy it might look like the woman is white. The first example is what it is like 99.9% of the time.

I see quite a few jewesses sicced on black men, whom black men think they are white falsely. These are also some really fucked up jewesses, who use this as proxy to convince other white girls that they need to get assimilated, too. They do this in such a way as the relationship is 90% advertising.
mercury_wisdom said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In just a few days. As for the second ritual it will be up when it will be up. Race Awakening Ritual is next up soon.
What race awakening should an Arab do?

As far as I can see, Arabs do not experience a problem of racial identity or dissonance, the jew couldn't make that one happen.

Nor do people from India or Asians. This is primarily because there hasn't been a deliberate brainwashing propaganda on them yet.

The ones who have serious problems with self acceptance on a racial basis are black and white people. Others have normal self pride or at least very few and irrelevant irregularities that do not threaten their very existence.

The major problem of Arabs is Islam. This is what is keeping them back and stuck.

Islam is a byproduct of Judaism so the final RTR will just drag the whole system down. Islam will also collapse aside the enemy. Islam is a jewish spell for Arab people. It is based off of jewish crap.

The RTR should be enough here. Arabs have always been racially conscious in history. What the RTR will also do is take all jewish infiltrators out from the East which should loosen up things even further.

Many Arab countries were developing just fine until the 80s on par with all the rest of the world. Then the jews ramped up war in the Middle East and of course caused Islamic brutal revival, as it was giving in to secular values aka it was dying. Its the jews fault Arabs are not free and it will always be since day one.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
mercury_wisdom said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In just a few days. As for the second ritual it will be up when it will be up. Race Awakening Ritual is next up soon.
What race awakening should an Arab do?

As far as I can see, Arabs do not experience a problem of racial identity or dissonance, the jew couldn't make that one happen.

Nor do people from India or Asians. This is primarily because there hasn't been a deliberate brainwashing propaganda on them yet.

The ones who have serious problems with self acceptance on a racial basis are black and white people. Others have normal self pride or at least very few and irrelevant irregularities that do not threaten their very existence.

The major problem of Arabs is Islam. This is what is keeping them back and stuck.

Islam is a byproduct of Judaism so the final RTR will just drag the whole system down. Islam will also collapse aside the enemy. Islam is a jewish spell for Arab people. It is based off of jewish crap.

The RTR should be enough here. Arabs have always been racially conscious in history. What the RTR will also do is take all jewish infiltrators out from the East which should loosen up things even further.

Many Arab countries were developing just fine until the 80s on par with all the rest of the world. Then the jews ramped up war in the Middle East and of course caused Islamic brutal revival, as it was giving in to secular values aka it was dying. Its the jews fault Arabs are not free and it will always be since day one.
That's surprised me when i looked up Iran and Iraq in the 1970s I saw a modern world,close to USA and then after Islam everthing crumbled,you barely believe it was once civilized
Iran and Iraq and all these places were going as good as any other nation of the time, improving rapidly, cars, production, information, press, all sorts of things.

But the jews wanted Greater Israel so the whole region had to become a hyper-islamic brutality infested place, filled with war and poverty. So they started procuring terrorism in the region to find causes of intervention.

So right now we are in approximately 2020 and many of these regions are stuck in 1960's, thanks to the dreams of the yids.
Men and women do racemix in similar numbers and for quite similar reasons.

It's not the White woman with the Black guy that is the biological problem, it's also the White man who gets an Asian Waifu and upholds her for 40 years financially to have children that do not even resemble her. It's also the Asian waifu that chases white men cause whatever.

Race mixing is going through all sides towards all sides. None is better than the other.

Interracial marriages do break before they last a couple years. This is because they are mostly founded on whimsical reasons such as Muh Dik and Muh Sex. This is why the rates of broken households and divorces from these are like 70%. Then people have mental problems from this and the other and next partner has to eat all of that in the face.

Race mixing is overrated because people fall in love, have sex, and generally exist in a very superficial way, without any form of culture. When your culture is doing weed and 420 yaaaaas biaatttch!! to race mix at least to a certain extent is the only thing you can expect from a civilization.

Those who want a fulfilling life, they should find decent partners from their own kind. This ensures better understanding.

Interracial relationships have existed since the 60's or 70's. These people who engaged are old now. Why I never see any old couples holding hands which are interracial, always is a good question to make. It's only some deranged forms of coupling such as a 60 year old lady and her 30 year old sugar boy black lover, or some 60 year old white guy with a 25 year old Asian waifu that does him all the things he could never have at the expense of a pension.

When it's not this we also have True Love such as for example I love His Wallet which is a typical love that some women exhibit towards 70 year old men. We also have another healthy and totally normal relationship of things like NFL player and white slut for a quick buck, cause I am a disposable bag.

When we do not have any of these types of unions we also happen to have things like "Oy vey, I got to put dis on twitter to convince all my gurls to go blacked as my oversize whale ass" and the couples that are like "Oy oy, we got to Youtube to talk about the beauties of interracial marriage and how we spent 10 years trying to understand why each other smells like shit to each other, but Dr Goldberg prescribed us some nasal blocker so we do not feel like each other smells. We love each other but we were dying from the odor, but yea, praise dr Goldberg for this. He beats me twice a day but I also take Morphine and we are very good, then we do 420 and everything is fine until the next 420. Truly a rewarding relationship, thank Jehovah and the jews for this, I couldn't imagine my life any worse! He cheated on me around 10 times now with other gurls of his race, and has around 10 illegitimate children, but at least he gave me (and many others) some little angels that do not even resemble me, so my life is really happy *Takes two Prozac*, so yea, praise Rabbi Yeshua and remember we are all human beings, one love! Baby if you watch this from Congo just know I do not hate you for leaving me, it's only natural, Dr Goldberg told me the Superior male from Congo is supposed to do this, at least I thank the heavens I do not have a White Cuck *takes another prozac*, Cursed be the white race, and I'm so thankful for breeding more African Master Race cause I am not a Nazi and that would upset my beloved Dr Goldberg. k Thx! "

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
