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Nostradamus was a converso French Jew which means he was a crypto Jew he pretend to be Gentile in public this today is well known. The importance of this is Nostradamus's book "The Centuries" what he states of how he was able to obtain the psychic abilities are the exact same techniques recorded in the Kabbalistic system of Rabbi Tatzayah who was alive at the same time. Nostradamus was as a Jew using the occult knowledge of his fellow Jews. From historical claims the Jewish occult knowledge that Nostradamus learned he probably learned from French and Spanish Jews. Nostradamus disappeared for awhile and then when he returned he had obtained the psychic abilities he is famous for in history he left to be trained by Rabbi's in this in secret as Jewish authors have shown. Jewish authors have commented on the fact this is the reason Nostradamus wrote in such a cryptic manner to hide the source of his abilities and training in developing such abilities otherwise he would have been in trouble and be shown as converso.

The other thing the Jews such as Tatzayah were in Syria and further east where they also gained a lot of knowledge. Tatzayah made the number squares well known around this time he admitted they are in use in India and China but brought them into the west. Note this is the fact the Jews then corrupted this spiritual knowledge of the sqaures and converted it into Judaic occultism to tie into the thought forms or angels they have created for each planet and how this ties into certain letters in their Hebrew alphabet and Hebrew mantras which is toxic to Gentiles. This is what they have done with everything corrupted it.

Note the ancient Jewish teachings the ones passed down orally and in private books always had practical instructions on how to use these occult techniques with practices to develop them. Some of the texts will have stated in them parts are not permitted to be written down but only given orally. These books are only in Hebrew in select Jewish groups. Some of these texts also have incorrect information put into them that only the adept Rabbi's will be able to correct to any Jewish students they are training they are also encoded. This is to hide the actual occult information for only the Chosen for their criminal practices. Mention of the existence of many of these texts outside of that only exists in a foot note in Jewish books for other Jews. The Jews who are taught this are taught no more then two at a time by the Rabbi. The Jews also have curses placed on these texts for any who do not abide by their instructions. In Judaism there are daily prayers the Rabbi's recite as curses against any Jews who do not fall inline and this connects with the curses on such texts as well. They guard this knowledge drastically as its the total source of all their power.

Nostradamus shows the abilities the Jews have training to develop and how effective they can be. Also note Nostradamus prophecies are basically all negative these visons where given to him with his opened abilities by the enemy Extra Terrestrials the Seraphim which are a reptilian hive as Rabbi's who have developed these abilities and communicated with them directly have stated. Its based on their hatred and desire to destroy Gentile humanity.
So you're telling us a Jew, the hive mind, knew about Hitler 500 years prior to him ascending his throne?

StraitShot47 said:
So you're telling us a Jew, the hive mind, knew about Hitler 500 years prior to him ascending his throne?
There is a trap people get caught in with prophecy where they turn it into a self fulling one and the enemy knows this I have read everything ever attributed to Nostradamus predicted including what your favourite ice cream flavour is. Note the prophecies are always vague so they can be directed anyway the enemy wants for whatever reason to attempt to connect with the mass mind. That is the role of the Bible as well and many of Nostradamus prophecies are trying into the bible. The point is Nostradamus opened his psychic faculties up enough for the enemy to channel whatever they wanted.

The Jewish leaders know how powerful this is they worked to train their own Jews out of this uppity mentality and temper it with reason. The Jews got swept up in their own Messianic prophecies and launched the Bar Kokhba revolt against Rome in which Rabbi Simon Bar Kokhba was declared the Messiah the military leader of Judaism to destroy the Roman's. The reign of Bar Kokhba last around two and a half years and ended with Jerusalem surrounded and destroyed by the Roman army and the Jews put into exile. It nearly destroyed them. The second time the Jews freaked out with this was Sabatai Zevi and they are still trying to play it down.

At some time after the fall of Jerusalem the Jews designed the Jesus character to be the focus point for the energy of the mass mind needed to conqueror the Gentiles.
When i just readed from first letters that Nostradamus was a jew, i understood entire message :mrgreen: without reading entire
I have read half book of the Nostradamus's prophecy. I didn't understand anything. It is said that all of his prophesies are written in codewords. I don't know how others understood that mumbo-jumbo.
StraitShot47 said:
So you're telling us a Jew, the hive mind, knew about Hitler 500 years prior to him ascending his throne?
Haven't you ever read the bible?? :eek:
They have known it for more than 2000 years.
DarkShadow said:
StraitShot47 said:
So you're telling us a Jew, the hive mind, knew about Hitler 500 years prior to him ascending his throne?
Haven't you ever read the bible?? :eek:
They have known it for more than 2000 years.
Sorry, that quote and last two sentences are off topic. I tried to delete that post but I can't :(
For a long time I thought that Nostradamus is another invented character just like jewsus, only to promote the biblical nonsense, but it turns out that he was just another rabbi shit doing his trash.
This made me laugh. Lol. But I am not making fun of your question.
StraitShot47 said:
So you're telling us a Jew, the hive mind, knew about Hitler 500 years prior to him ascending his throne?
Stormblood said:
Rroco88 said:
What about Ragno Nero? He was a jew?
Ragno Nero in Italian means Black Spider
Lol.. I know. But now seriously.. does anybody know something about him?
I just want ur opinions about him and his predictions.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
