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Keep it White


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2020

by Douglas Mercer

I’m simple, man, simple, with a simple view of things:

If it’s White it’s right.

You got that right.

All right?

Keep it White.

* * *

TOO LATE TO do any good, Winston Churchill realized that in World War 2 we “fought the wrong pig,” echoing Patton’s “we fought the wrong army.” Of course, the National Socialists weren’t pigs — they were a higher kind of man who came to save our world, who left their indelible mark, who live and evolve to this day, and who some day will return and rise again.

As a young man in the 1890s, Churchill shared the largely sound racial beliefs of his time and his social class. Over the course of the next sixty years, as his cohorts gradually shed their racial thinking and accommodated themselves to the Jew-pushed lies of “equality,” Churchill somehow didn’t budge an inch on that, despite his being corrupted by Jewish money and fighting an horrific war on the Jews’ behalf. On the day he died he remained as racially conscious as he’d ever been.

Once at a Conservative Party meeting in the 1950s, party leaders were kicking around ideas for a slogan for the upcoming election. When none of the suggestions seemed to work, Churchill finally piped up: “How about ‘Keep England White’,” he said. In the end he got no takers. (A few years later, things had gotten so bad that some proposed an even bolder slogan: “If you want a Nig for a neighbor, vote Labor.” It wasn’t used — officially, anyway.)

* * *

In addition to being a flat-out genius, Thomas Jefferson was a nincompoop who to his dying day thought the French Revolution was a milestone of human freedom and who had a fatal weakness for high-sounding rhetoric (“all men are created equal”) which we pay for dearly to this day.

But in the main the founders were a squared-away bunch and after tossing off bon mots to continental philosophes and dryly enumerating the Bill of Rights, the founders put on their jodhpurs and their jackboots and got down to the important business of the day, the practical business of living:

The Naturalization Act of 1790 (1 Stat. 103, enacted March 26, 1790 ) was a law of the United States Congress that set the first uniform rules for the granting of United States citizenship by naturalization. The law limited naturalization to free White persons of good character.

Whatever good graces they wanted to be in with the “right-thinking” people of their day, they also lived check by jowl with Congoids, and they never forgot the essential dictum of public affairs in such circumstances:

Keep it White.

You got that right.

All right?

* * *

Keep it White. It really is as simple as that.

Many of the early religions considered marriage outside the tribe a most heinous offense. It is evident that inbreeding alone produces national character. Biologists tell us that it takes at least ten generations with careful selection before characteristics become fixed. A very much longer time is necessary to fix a national character. Keen observers have recognized that nations and individuals of pure breed alone have character but that mongrels have none. No nation can exist and remain powerful that is not homogenous.

So says a prophet of our age, Alfred Schultz, in his work Race or Mongrel (1910).

Schultz writes that “racial integrity” is the end-all and be-all of successful societies. All else is froth on the sea; ideologies, economic plans, constitutions, laws — these are ephemera that sooner or later are gone with the wind. Race is all that matters, he says; race is greater than riches.

He says that a strong race can withstand a small amount of initial crossing but then needs to radically genetically isolate itself and begin to breed among its own exclusively. It needs to do two things:

Mate exclusively with its own kind.

Do its own work.

He said that there are two things that bring down a race and the civilization it created: lust and laziness.

He says lust because of crossing with the cheap laborers you imagine are making you rich. (Think South America and the plantation owners of the American South.)

He admonishes us to keep the race strong: Not only must we all absolutely abstain from sex with the help — but we must not have the help to begin with.

Plow your own fields, in every sense of the phrase.

Laziness, because if you have slaves, miscegenation is inevitable. The slaves in the end will swamp you. They will have greater numbers.

He advises against conquering in general. He says that if one must conquer, one must do it slowly and carefully. He says that the quest for world power almost always brings down the one who achieves it.

Don’t enslave, he says; exterminate or expel.

That is: If you must conquer, you must also drive the conquered off the land, or exterminate them. One or the other; if you intend to survive, there is no third option. He says that if you get greedy and make workers of the conquered, the conquerors will become the conquered. It’s an iron law.

The business class will always want cheap labor. They’ll want to employ the conquered — or, lacking that, they’ll call for mass immigration. All because they are greedy. The greedy bastards always have their greasy mitts outstretched for more money, the race be damned.

The bringing of Negroes to the New World was the greatest own goal of world history. In these virgin lands, the White man had a canvas on which he could write his own will. The Amerinidans had incredibly low population densities and could easily have been brushed aside or relegated to the periphery; most of the land was already empty. But greed made some, aided and encouraged by Jews, bring in Blacks for short-term gain. In the long term this was a disaster, possibly a fatal one.

The greedy bastards stretching out their greasy hands for more are traitors to our race.

Race is greater than riches.

It’s been said that the color line is the only thing that has ever kept anyone from savagery, but Schultz deems this not to be true. He says a color line never works; segregation never works; the races need to be so completely isolated from one another that no legal or cultural “line” is needed. If you need a such a line, all is already lost.

* * *

Some White men bought Negroes and then mixed with them (a horror in its own right), and they thought they could keep the offspring of such unholy unions on the other side of the color line. And at least initially, they did. But it did not take long for Mulattoes to use their European-derived intelligence — and their inevitable envy and hate — as weapons, as they clamored for “equal rights” and an end to the superior position of the White man.

In North America the White man meant to stay, and so we brought our women and populated the land with pure White children. Society flourished, liberty blossomed, and technological miracles flowed.

In Central and South America a different tune was sung. The Spanish Crown had no intention of making a new Iberia in these lands. It was just business and money, “Spain Incorporated,” all the way. (In Central and South America and the Caribbean, the British and the Dutch and the Portuguese followed this same pattern.) They wanted riches — and neglected race. Some White overlords had sex with just about anything that moved, and the offspring they left to their own devices. A more despicable case of bastardization had scarcely ever been. The result was despotic government and a stagnant (at best) society. Except in a few redoubts, the Whites became a tiny minority in a restless, degraded, rootless sea of brown. The “laborers” were nearly always the vast majority. And they were (and are) always ready to slit the throats of their superiors when sufficiently stirred and they think they can get away with it.

One small and lonely outpost in this hemisphere, however, kept itself relatively racially pure — much more so than the United States, for example — and showed what might have been.

It’s funny how White liberals sing the praises of Costa Rica, take vacations there, and even buy homes there for retirement or investment. What would they say if they knew the reason for this great place being great was because its founders struggled mightily, and largely succeeded, in keeping it pure European? Would the “guilt” stain their lily-white hands? — or the stucco walls of their immaculate villas?

Costa Rica was most fortunate in that it had relatively few Amerindians, and what Amerindians that were there were expelled or killed in battle. And Africans weren’t imported there, either. Thus, they were simply not around to ruin paradise. Thus no plantation economy. And thus no serfs or slaves. And so no serfs or slaves to mix with.

They kept true to true principles: Mate with your own kind. Do your own work. Keep it White.

For most of its history Costa Rica was relatively poor compared to its “get rich quick” cheap-labor-economy neighbors. But they had greater riches by far: race. Nothing is more valuable. Now they shine like a diamond compared to the rest of the region.

Other neighboring countries had rich White men who, from the porches of their haciendas, used to laugh at Costa Ricans for plowing their own fields. But who is laughing now?

With the advent of the modern world, Costa Rica was ready. Even more so than the US, they had an overwhelmingly non-mongrelized population that was able to adapt to and take advantage of new technologies.

During the 19th century, Costa Rica was a rural democracy that would have gladdened the heart of Thomas Jefferson. Today it is a thoroughly modern country.

It became paradise because they kept it White. Lesson learned, by the wise. (Though with the recent immigration there of rich but corrupted Westerners and their herders, wisdom might be overruled — and then overrun.)

Keep it White.

You got that right.

* * *

If you want to know how to name a policy think of Australia’s “White Australia Policy.” No ambiguity there. Everything you need to know is right there in the name.

In 1901 Australia began to forbid any non-European peoples from immigrating there. That is, they wanted to keep it White.

Hence the name.

As everything fell apart in the 1960s, and under who knows what influences (we all know, actually), the foolhardy leaders of that country began to dismantle this wonderful and effective policy.

As always, it was a “labor shortage” that led to the alleged “necessity.” But race is better than riches. It’s better to struggle eternally getting a potato out of the ground than to share your home with mongrels.

On the Pacific rim, the Asian coolies were willing to work themselves bone dead and live twenty to a flop house. No self-respecting White man would ever do that, or should have to. A White man’s wages should be equal to the worth of his work. Anything that destroys that must itself be destroyed, wannabe billionaires be damned. When the non-Whites want to come, be they day laborers or economic mercenary parasitic elites from east Asia — keep them all out. If you don’t do that, you don’t stand a Chinaman’s chance of survival.

A wise Aussie speaking of his homeland said at the turn of the 20th century:

This country shall remain forever the home of the descendants of those people who came here in peace in order to establish in the South Seas an outpost of the British race.

There it is. A clear and unapologetic statement of aims and goals. No hedging and no bones thrown to “equality.” Just keep it White. At all costs. Your descendants will thank you.

As far as England’s elite (it was cuck island even back then) were concerned, many did not like their colonial offshoot’s policy of maintaining racial integrity. And many also were paid, or otherwise rewarded by Jews, not to like it. They objected, they said, because British subjects who were not White (why have those in the first place?) would be “offended.” And their then-ally Japan, these elites claimed, would cry that it was hurtful to Yellow people if they weren’t allowed to take over Australia whenever they felt like it. So England bowed to its supposed commercial and geopolitical interests and neglected what really matters: race.

For imperial England, riches were greater than race. No wonder that now they have a squat mongrel Muslim race-alien as mayor of one of the cities that was the cradle of the White man. A mayor who, on December 31, 2020, emblazoned a “Black power” fist in the very sky above the city to celebrate the defeat of the British in their own capital, the former home of so many great White men.

The White Australia Policy worked miracles. But by the early 1970s, the government stipulated that race would not be taken into account in immigration law, and then passed the ominous-sounding “Racial Discrimination Act.”

The first nail was in the coffin: “Australia’s migration program allows people from any country to apply to migrate to Australia, regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, culture, religion, or language.” In other words, miscegenation is on the way. The last nail comes very soon.

Australians used to say: “It is of no use to shut our eyes to the fact that there is a great feeling all over Australia against the introduction of colored persons. It goes without saying that we do not like to talk about it, but it is so.”

Yes, no use to shut your eyes. But no reason to shut your mouth, either. Say it long and say it loud: I’m White and I’m proud.

Keep it White.

All right?

* * *

What made Alexander the Great so great? Seems to me he rushed off on a fool’s errand.

His claim to fame is that he “conquered” the world.

All who seek “world power” (unless they do it slowly, over vast stretches of time and keep an iron race law in the meantime) will be undone.

The Macedonians and all their Greek kindred are a great people. The headline is that under Alexander’s leadership they went to ends of the known Earth. My god, they made it all the way to India!

So what? What’s racially-mixed India to the Greeks or the Greeks to India?

Nothing, that’s what. And that’s what Alexander conquered: Nothing.

As far as India went, or any other place for that matter, the simple question should have occurred to him: Given the relative numbers, can we expel or get rid of them? No? Then avoid non-Whites totally — as the cliché goes, avoid them “like the plague” — because that is in fact what they are to the blood of your people.

Here’s the real headline, though court historians always bury the lede: In conquering the world, the world conquered Alexander. He was a cosmopolitan before his time, believing that Greeks were an “idea.” A proposition empire! He subjugated millions and made them speak Greek, write in Greek, learn in Greek, go through the motions of Greek culture — and guess what? At the end of that forced fatuous Greekness, in the vastness of his conquered territories there were soon no more Greeks. Some conqueror! True, his men temporarily formed the upper crust of an empire. But, being too few, over generations their blood was submerged. And the natives themselves? They changed not much more than a whit. Gone, gone, gone — all gone with the wind.

Alexander made the cardinal and fatal error: He didn’t keep it White.

So much for him.

* * *

Long before Alexander, when the Aryans first made it to India they found there vast numbers — far more than their own — of dark natives of totally alien and relatively primitive race. They did not expel or otherwise get rid of them, but ruled over them with the iron hand of caste. Varna for them meant “color,” White people high, dark people low. They truly had a remarkable record of resisting racial mixing, yeoman’s work it was. But in the end, they too were submerged. It may take millennia, but if you live with or near any racially alien group, and you have not evolved far enough from that group to make mixing impossible, in time you will disappear.

* * *

For some reason the government of Black South Africa is letting the White town of Orania exist — as an all-White town. The hope of all good souls is that Orania will keep growing and get stronger and stronger until such a time that the Blacks in power become so corrupt and so incompetent that they no longer pose a threat to this wonderful White outpost.

Everything built in Orania is built by Whites. They want it be White from the ground up. The temptation, of course, is that they could grow faster if they brought in cheap Black labor.

In the old days the saying was that an Afrikaner was one who would rather be killed in his bed than make it.

The Oranians will not make that mistake.

They will do their own work.

And the children there will be surrounded by decent White folk.

They will mate with their own kind.

It’s that simple, really: keep it White.

* * *

All past ages of this Earth pale before the greatness and progress and light that White people have brought into existence.

Yet our enemies’ film and television studios and printing presses and bought lawmakers bear down upon us, and force far too many of us to acquiesce as our nations are taken away from us. That means certain death.

But as the oppression and attempted genocide become more and more obvious, new possibilities emerge: Every day, thousands of White men and women finally come to see clearly what is being done to us. Every day, some of those men and women choose to acquiesce no longer.

* * *
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Aquarius said:
Pretty sure Churchill was a jew.
Hey may have been a crypto but he had the right mindset about race.
He had the right idea about race when he bombed tens of millions of innocent German women and children in small villages and hospital cities all across Germany? Have you ever heard of Dresden? This is only one example, many more.

Or when he bombed german ships full of many thousands of women and children who were trying to escape the war?

Or after the war, when he forced even more millions of German POWs to starve to death? Or when he forced tens of millions of Indians to starve to death?

Churchill was an evil drunk jew. His mother was full jew. Just look how he worked together with his best friend evil jew Stalin on creating communist revolutions all over the world. The 2 jews Stalin and Churchill drew a little map on a liquor stained napkin showing exactly how they would cut Europe in half and they each get to own a half.

It's hard to imagine many rats who were more evil than Rat Churchill and Rat Stalin.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
He had the right idea about race when he bombed tens of millions of innocent German women and children in small villages and hospital cities all across Germany? Have you ever heard of Dresden? This is only one example, many more.

I never said he was a good man idiot I know about all of that. Thoughts and action can be contradictory.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
He had the right idea about race when he bombed tens of millions of innocent German women and children in small villages and hospital cities all across Germany? Have you ever heard of Dresden? This is only one example, many more.

I never said he was a good man idiot I know about all of that. Thoughts and action can be contradictory.
You are saying that this jew has the right idea about race. While he killed tens of millions of our white people. Do you seriously think that both of these could be correct at the same time? What is the point of idolizing a communist jew who killed tens of millions of people? I think it is disgisting.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
He had the right idea about race when he bombed tens of millions of innocent German women and children in small villages and hospital cities all across Germany? Have you ever heard of Dresden? This is only one example, many more.

I never said he was a good man idiot I know about all of that. Thoughts and action can be contradictory.
Then he's not exactly one who's "thoughts" should be posted as if he was some kind of inspirational figure.
Its meant to appeal to normal people since they usually like Churchill. It’s the same thing when talking about ghandi or any other beloved figure being a racialist.
southern white gentilethe fact you quoted that bastard churchill totally discredits you
go wanking somewhere else
Ol argedco luciftias said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
He had the right idea about race when he bombed tens of millions of innocent German women and children in small villages and hospital cities all across Germany? Have you ever heard of Dresden? This is only one example, many more.

I never said he was a good man idiot I know about all of that. Thoughts and action can be contradictory.
You are saying that this jew has the right idea about race. While he killed tens of millions of our white people. Do you seriously think that both of these could be correct at the same time? What is the point of idolizing a communist jew who killed tens of millions of people? I think it is disgisting.

Churchill is a liar ,
Churchill wanted to make the ideal white race ,Aryans mixed with Jews, Asian and Afrikaners.
He succeeded take a look at Londoners .
Lets us not forget that 80% of British Army were Asiatics and Jews ,afrikans mixed with whites it was the ideal white race according to Churchill.

Only Hitler fought for white race , the others fought for degeneracy.
It'd be very significant if Churchhill of all people had said they'd fought the wrong enemy. Worth mentioning....
Um...Sonnenkraft where in the World did you get the idea that Afrikaners are not WHITE. They are very white, the Descendants of Dutch Farmers who founded South Africa and found the lands almost empty, the Black tribes came in latter for jobs and bred like rats (sorry Shannon, should I say fluffy bunnies this close to Spring Festival?). Afrikaans is a form of Dutch (Nederlands). People lump the White South Africans together but the English speakers and Dutch speakers are very different in Culture and Politics. Basically the Brits that moved in and took over were pricks and fucked up everything, this is the opposite from what most books will say, the victors write the books. The Brits made war on the Zulu and other tribes, the Dutch coexisted with them for 200 yrs, as long ago as founding of USA.
Shivachakra said:
Um...Sonnenkraft where in the World did you get the idea that Afrikaners are not WHITE. They are very white, the Descendants of Dutch Farmers who founded South Africa and found the lands almost empty, the Black tribes came in latter for jobs and bred like rats (sorry Shannon, should I say fluffy bunnies this close to Spring Festival?). Afrikaans is a form of Dutch (Nederlands). People lump the White South Africans together but the English speakers and Dutch speakers are very different in Culture and Politics. Basically the Brits that moved in and took over were pricks and fucked up everything, this is the opposite from what most books will say, the victors write the books. The Brits made war on the Zulu and other tribes, the Dutch coexisted with them for 200 yrs, as long ago as founding of USA.

I meant afrikans as a "black people " .
Auf Deutch, ja. But you post in English. I speak German, my mother's family is German. Mixing terms from other languages can cause confusion like this. Ja? I fully understand where you are coming from. My comment is not an attack. I do enjoy your posts.
Shivachakra said:
Um...Sonnenkraft where in the World did you get the idea that Afrikaners are not WHITE. They are very white, the Descendants of Dutch Farmers who founded South Africa and found the lands almost empty, the Black tribes came in latter for jobs and bred like rats (sorry Shannon, should I say fluffy bunnies this close to Spring Festival?). Afrikaans is a form of Dutch (Nederlands). People lump the White South Africans together but the English speakers and Dutch speakers are very different in Culture and Politics. Basically the Brits that moved in and took over were pricks and fucked up everything, this is the opposite from what most books will say, the victors write the books. The Brits made war on the Zulu and other tribes, the Dutch coexisted with them for 200 yrs, as long ago as founding of USA.

Because Britain has always been an aggressor country by nature. The Aries sign rules over it and the jewish rulership has done nothing if manifest the worst and most immature parts of this sign. Colonialism, how they treated the Irish people after illegally invading and occupying Ireland. It's a pattern of abuse they applied to each country. On top of that, the arrogant feeling of being the best and brightest, which they share with the USA, despite little proof of being "best" and "brightest", as other European countries have contributed more to any field of life than these two countries combined. Germany, Italy, and so on...

Most of the Netherlands are ruled by Taurus, just like Ireland, so of course they would coexist peacefully. Other parts of it are ruled by Cancer, which support it even more.
chairmannsfm said:
Churchill was a habling, & quoting a jew Alfred Shultz, HE WAS ONLY TALKING FOR THE TRIBE! Even though the Laws of Genetics/Eugenics are universal. However this is one of the problems w jewanity! It's a perfect fit for JOOS, judaphiles & maranos, and a trap for cornnut Assitive 'CIVIC NATIONALISTS'! Theres loads of more reputable White Racially Aware Scientists who could be quoted! Instead of this guy, which subliminally 'underpins the wright wingNut supposition of JOOS BEING WHITE! Gag! In addition I find it interesting that Orania is a 'cretian' only REFUGE! nsm88.org nsfm1488.wixsite.com/home [email protected] (918)408-4150 Odinia.org nsmblogspotradio.com Hitler war brecht! Wir sind brecht! Heil Unser Gotten! Heil Hitler! 卐 HITLER WAS RIGHT! HITLER hatte Recht! 卐

Not to make a big deal out of this but people should be careful about any phone numbers or emails posted on the Web, as it's easy to impersonate figures online.
So going into a larger discussion about race/subrace here..

Stormblood said:
Because Britain has always been an aggressor country by nature. The Aries sign rules over it and the jewish rulership has done nothing if manifest the worst and most immature parts of this sign. Colonialism, how they treated the Irish people after illegally invading and occupying Ireland. It's a pattern of abuse they applied to each country. On top of that, the arrogant feeling of being the best and brightest, which they share with the USA, despite little proof of being "best" and "brightest", as other European countries have contributed more to any field of life than these two countries combined. Germany, Italy, and so on...
What do you think the real cause of this is? An astrological sign just isn’t good enough.

Let’s look at the the genetic makeup of a modern day white Briton. Anglo-Saxon. What does that mean? It’s 2 groups together the Saxons that migrated from Germania and Anglos (where did they come from?) the racial history of Britain is still unclear to me. At one point they were occupied by the Roman Empire, does this mean that they have Mediterranean admixture? If so that would explain the need for conquest and colonialism.

Speaking personally my ancestry is Anglo-Celtic with one great grandfather that was French and German but it’s so minuscule that it’s not worth including in the description of my racial makeup. My other GG knew the town in Ireland that they came from. I would like to talk to him in depth about our history and what his life was like but he’s very sick and not “there” as of recent. The other one died when I was a kid. The point is our elders knew about all of this.

Back to the main point, you put Americans and britons into the same category and I don’t think that’s correct. I wouldn’t even compare white Americans to eachother.

I don’t even consider myself an “American” in the most common sense. I don’t belong to the “United States”. I have nothing in common with a a Yankee from New York or the northwest that’s a Marxist or some other BS.

We talk different, act different, have a different culture and belief system, the list goes on. In any other standard but globalism we would be different people from different countries (We were at one point).But nope we are both considered brothers and “American” (whatever that means). There’s a reason Jews and their Media/Hollywood/Academia have endlessly slandered the confederacy and white southerners as inbreds and people that just want(ed) to own slaves and just sit around calling everyone that passes by a nigger or something. Some people genuinely believe this and have no idea what we are actually like. Even racially we are different than northerners but that’s an abstract discussion.

Like the above post it would be the same as saying that an Irishman and an English are the same and belong to the same country/volk. (Brits already got Scotland into this mindset.)
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
So going into a larger discussion about race/subrace here..

Stormblood said:
Because Britain has always been an aggressor country by nature. The Aries sign rules over it and the jewish rulership has done nothing if manifest the worst and most immature parts of this sign. Colonialism, how they treated the Irish people after illegally invading and occupying Ireland. It's a pattern of abuse they applied to each country. On top of that, the arrogant feeling of being the best and brightest, which they share with the USA, despite little proof of being "best" and "brightest", as other European countries have contributed more to any field of life than these two countries combined. Germany, Italy, and so on...
What do you think the real cause of this is? An astrological sign just isn’t good enough.

I highlighted the part for you, since it's not clear for you. Everything manifest starting from the spiritual. All we are is a manifestation of that.

Back to the main point, you put Americans and britons into the same category and I don’t think that’s correct. I wouldn’t even compare white Americans to eachother.

Re-read what I stated. I am talking about entire groups called "countries", not about ethnicities, which are smaller groups. A tree is known by its fruits and the history of these two countries is marked by a pattern of extreme, unnecessary aggression, subjugation and oppression of other countries.

Mercury is no longer retrograde, so let's not use it improperly to justify misunderstandings.
The Angles were another Germanic tribe like the Saxons. The Britons/English are almost entirely Germanic. Except for some Pictish blood? Much is made of the French Speaking Norman invasion as if that was infusion of French blood, it was not. They brought a French Culture but the Nor(th)man of Normandy were Germanic/ Viking/ Nordic in blood. The Scots, Welsh and Irish are mostly Celtic. Although the subject of whats Celtic is pretty complicated, the Gauls of Ancient "France" were Celtic, but the Romans so Latinized France that it became Mediterranean racially and culturally, at least in the southern part. The Romans described the Gauls as tall, blonde and blue eyed...duh...sounds Nordic. Some Scholars now believe there is a false division between Celtic and Germanic RACIALLY, only the languages are different.
Shivachakra said:
The Angles were another Germanic tribe like the Saxons. The Britons/English are almost entirely Germanic. Except for some Pictish blood? Much is made of the French Speaking Norman invasion as if that was infusion of French blood, it was not. They brought a French Culture but the Nor(th)man of Normandy were Germanic/ Viking/ Nordic in blood. The Scots, Welsh and Irish are mostly Celtic. Although the subject of whats Celtic is pretty complicated, the Gauls of Ancient "France" were Celtic, but the Romans so Latinized France that it became Mediterranean racially and culturally, at least in the southern part. The Romans described the Gauls as tall, blonde and blue eyed...duh...sounds Nordic. Some Scholars now believe there is a false division between Celtic and Germanic RACIALLY, only the languages are different.

Ireland and Scotland have the highest rate of natural redheads in the world, just like most of the Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs. They might have come from Ancient Egypt before the Phaetonian flood. Some of these people also moved to Scythia and similar White places that originally had a higher concentration of natural redheads.
Shivachakra said:
The Angles were another Germanic tribe like the Saxons. The Britons/English are almost entirely Germanic. Except for some Pictish blood? Much is made of the French Speaking Norman invasion as if that was infusion of French blood, it was not. They brought a French Culture but the Nor(th)man of Normandy were Germanic/ Viking/ Nordic in blood. The Scots, Welsh and Irish are mostly Celtic. Although the subject of whats Celtic is pretty complicated, the Gauls of Ancient "France" were Celtic, but the Romans so Latinized France that it became Mediterranean racially and culturally, at least in the southern part. The Romans described the Gauls as tall, blonde and blue eyed...duh...sounds Nordic. Some Scholars now believe there is a false division between Celtic and Germanic RACIALLY, only the languages are different.

Thanks for the insight I knew most of this but it still confusing regardless since there is not a clear timeline.

Stormblood said:
Mercury is no longer retrograde, so let's not use it improperly to justify misunderstandings.
I don’t think it was a misunderstanding I was just using it as a Segway into a topic not something to get on your back about.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
He had the right idea about race when he bombed tens of millions of innocent German women and children in small villages and hospital cities all across Germany? Have you ever heard of Dresden? This is only one example, many more.

I never said he was a good man idiot I know about all of that. Thoughts and action can be contradictory.

So he was just a genocidal maniac supremacist Jew who has the Talmudic mindset of Jewish supremacy, such as enslaving many White Brits as inferior junk, but he somehow has "the right mindset about race" and we should care to mention his "thoughts" 'cause someone likes him or something (mostly evangelical inbelices who likely credited Patton's statement on fighting the wrong enemy on their maniac jewish celeb).

You goofed on quoting a jew then calls everyone else an idiot for pointing that out. Just admit you goofed and stop this, we do not need this in Satanic NS, that's borderline the level of immaturity you see in Stormfront edgy kiddos' comments.
Egon said:
You goofed on quoting a jew then calls everyone else an idiot for pointing that out. Just admit you goofed and stop this, we do not need this in Satanic NS, that's borderline the level of immaturity you see in Stormfront edgy kiddos' comments.

Trying to take the obstinacy out of him is like trying to take jewsus out of church. That's just how a lot of teenagers are. Don't worry, he'll grow out of it someday. Most do.
jrvan said:
Trying to take the obstinacy out of him is like trying to take jewsus out of church. That's just how a lot of teenagers are. Don't worry, he'll grow out of it someday. Most do.

Of course the great Socrates could not pass up an opportunity to come on the thread to throw some rocks at my feet. I suggest you stop making these snide remarks unless you want another battle.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
He had the right idea about race when he bombed tens of millions of innocent German women and children in small villages and hospital cities all across Germany? Have you ever heard of Dresden? This is only one example, many more.

I never said he was a good man idiot I know about all of that. Thoughts and action can be contradictory.
Cumon man can’t call him a idiot
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
So going into a larger discussion about race/subrace here..

Stormblood said:
Because Britain has always been an aggressor country by nature. The Aries sign rules over it and the jewish rulership has done nothing if manifest the worst and most immature parts of this sign. Colonialism, how they treated the Irish people after illegally invading and occupying Ireland. It's a pattern of abuse they applied to each country. On top of that, the arrogant feeling of being the best and brightest, which they share with the USA, despite little proof of being "best" and "brightest", as other European countries have contributed more to any field of life than these two countries combined. Germany, Italy, and so on...

Let’s look at the the genetic makeup of a modern day white Briton. Anglo-Saxon. What does that mean? It’s 2 groups together the Saxons that migrated from Germania and Anglos (where did they come from?) the racial history of Britain is still unclear to me. At one point they were occupied by the Roman Empire, does this mean that they have Mediterranean admixture? If so that would explain the need for conquest and colonialism.

The first people who settled in the British isles were Celts who all developed their culture separately from one another and very distinct. Their were something like 18 tribes in what is now England and Wales alone, and they were all spread out over the place. They were overall unified as Britons or Bretons, but they still had a lot of regional distinction. In Ireland they shared the same genetic background + culture and also in France at that point, whom the Celts there were called "Gauls".

An interesting figure to look into concerning this period of British history is Caratacus who was the leader of one of the bigger British tribes: The Catuvellauni who were located in and around where London is now and were the first to surrender to the Roman conquests. It seems pretty hopeless looking into it. Another in terms of the old kings but also the xianization of England would be Gildas. Early xianity in England when it was imposed by the Romans, took on its own form and is known as "insular" xianity which was at that point still removed from the organized Latin influence of it and a total idealization of our own race's making.

The first invasion on the British Isles was from the Romans which began around Rome's imperial period with Caesar, who conquered Gaul completely and first made headway in Britain. By the fall of the Roman empire (5th-6th century), much of England spare some parts around the Northwest and Wales which were still quite "Breton" in their identity, was Romanized and "Romano-British".

Hadrian's wall was built in the Northern parts of England to fend off the "Pictish" Celt tribes which were Scottish. These were basically the same makeup racially as the southern Bretons but were distinguished geographically and culturally. Rome didn't have enough resources to conquest their less richer lands and so reserved to the south of England, the furthest major cities were underneath Manchester which was only a Roman fort.

At the same point in time as the fall of Rome, 3 tribes from Northwestern Germania: the Saxon tribes from now Hamburg, the Angles just above them in Schleswig and the Jutes in Denmark all sailed across the North Sea to expand their land against the Roman Empire who had been fighting hard with their inland brother tribes in the south closer to the Rhine river. They wanted to provide relief I suppose. This culminated in them landing in this rough period in the 5th-6th century into East Anglia, Essex etc. and establishing settlements there. Over time these people conquered the rest of the Romano-British people who lived in all of England and by the 8th century and the time of Charlemagne, it was all under "Anglo-Saxon" rulers, but the peoples of Britain racially were still mostly of the other Celtic and Roman influences even if the new Anglo-Saxon culture had spread. The older influence has always been clung to, to some degree.

Then there were the Viking raids of Britain which occurred mostly in the 9th century and beyond, also France was raided and I think a lot more heavily because at some point, some Viking had conquered the north of France and established his own kingdom there at the behest of the church, but then he converted to xianity and they layed off. This became Normandy, and you can see the etymology of that right away: "Nor-man".
The Vikings also did a similar thing in Britain at the time in the Northeast where the modern city "York" was originally "Jorvik" which under the Romans, that region sort of got ignored in favour of the Northwest in terms of land development.

How the Anglo-Saxons became "English" was from William "the Bastard" Duke of Normandy in 1066, who had a mixture of the Scandinavian and French in his background. He invaded the Anglo-Saxons who were under Harold Godwinson who was a pure Anglo-Saxon ruler lording over the old Breton people. At the same time Harald Hardradr the king of Norway also invaded England in the northeast after the Jorvik settlement got driven out of their by the Anglos. The battle of Stamford Bridge (York) between the Vikings and the Anglo-Saxons was won by Godwinson, but the Battle of Hastings in the south after he marched his battered army all the way down to fight the Normans, was won by William who became the king of England as well as the Duke of Normandy. This goes into the later drama between England and France, and why a lot of wars occurred between them later, because technically because of William, the first "English king" of England had claims in France at that point even though most English people weren't even involved in France.

When the Normans conquered the Anglo-Saxons is when England became English, which is a mixture essentially of French/Frankish, Germanic, Roman/Latin, Scandinavian and old Celtic influences +Scottish and Irish, which were the first. England is a lot like America in that respect but without the non-white influence, only until jews like Churchill did that even become possible, lol.

But after all of that, in the main Medieval period then a lot of feudal exchanges occurred between Britain and France, hence why both lands have a lot of racial connection with one another when it's looked into. That relates to the wars but also other stuff to do with cultural and technological developments, trade and other things as well as the Norman thing.

Then there is also the Northern Egyptian connection to Ireland which I am unsure how far that goes back but I find it really interesting. It implies that Ireland and Northern Britain had a strong pagan element preserved by its isolation from the continental xian churches, along with also, a connection racially to Ancient Egypt and the near East.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
jrvan said:
Trying to take the obstinacy out of him is like trying to take jewsus out of church. That's just how a lot of teenagers are. Don't worry, he'll grow out of it someday. Most do.

Of course the great Socrates could not pass up an opportunity to come on the thread to throw some rocks at my feet. I suggest you stop making these snide remarks unless you want another battle.

Well, here's the thing: it takes two to tango. You would be waging that battle yourself, and I wouldn't be dignifying it with a response. I'll take this opportunity, however, to point out your hypocrisy. The beginning of our relationship was you doing the exact same thing I did now - that is, making a "snide remark" about you to someone else. Isn't it amusing that it has now come full circle?

Now, humor aside, I will use the power of the great Socrates vested in me by none other than yourself to impart my towering wisdom unto you, o little person. Here's how it is: successful propaganda doesn't include glorifying the words of your enemy. We're not trying to use Churchill as a prop to uplift our views in peoples' minds because that would be equivalent to utilizing jewsus scripture to preach the "right idea." The jews already take credit for everything good we do and say while blaming us for all of their crimes. Why do you think it would be a beneficial thing for our side to give credit for our views to a jew like Churchill? You may as well make everyone go back to reverse xianity because they'll say Churchill and jewsus were heroes of race while Hitler was the bad guy. If jewsus said "keep it white," would you be spreading his message and saying that jewsus had the "right idea?" That's not the right kind of propaganda, brother. You should examine this to try to understand why other very intelligent Satanists aren't in agreement with you instead of lashing out calling them idiots.

You're welcome ;)
Well done 13th wolf. This is the answer one was looking for.

One more thing this is about Langauge

So if we look modern day English it’s basically an amalgamation of all European tongues with Latin having the strongest influence being mostly reversed words.

But old and Middle English are very Germanic and almost Scandinavian in their sound and writing. So when did this change? Romans invaded and brought Latin a millennium before the latinized modern English was even a thing. Also did English get its Greek words and influence from the Bible?

What I’ve learned from all of this is that the A-S people are the most mixed of Europe speaking the mixed language. The British isles were where multiculturalism began it seems.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Well done 13th wolf. This is the answer one was looking for.

One more thing this is about Langauge

So if we look modern day English it’s basically an amalgamation of all European tongues with Latin having the strongest influence being mostly reversed words.

But old and Middle English are very Germanic and almost Scandinavian in their sound and writing. So when did this change? Romans invaded and brought Latin a millennium before the latinized modern English was even a thing. Also did English get its Greek words and influence from the Bible?

What I’ve learned from all of this is that the A-S people are the most mixed of Europe speaking the mixed language. The British isles were where multiculturalism began it seems.

Yeah that's probably also why it's one of the harder European languages to learn apparently, it's very odd for what it is.

The change would have happened from 1066 onwards, and by the 14th century it would have been pretty ratified. Henry VIII and the Tudor monarchs in the 15th century spoke pretty much regular English if you look into them, they dropped the sharp s' and other Germanic stuff so that by our standards its pretty legible. They are the one group of British monarchs historians know the most about.

William of Normandy and the Frankish rulers were also latinized which happened pretty much after Charlemagne and the main Frankish dynasties died off, and got replaced with a mix of the southern "Aquitaine" (Visigothic) peoples of what's now France. Then "French" came about instead of Frankish, which was a mixture of the Gauls, Franks, Visigoths (Eastern invaders of southern Gaul + Hispania themselves, in the fall of Rome) and the Romans themselves. The Latin influences even came back into England during William's invasion, as French culture came about also as a mixture of the Latin elements there too. All types of stuff was going around but ultimately it's just words past a certain point imo. We always seek unity and want to overcome war, all peoples, it was a mither for everyone to be constantly involved in because the next meme of some "great king".

But yeah the Franks themselves became a mixture among the Romans and Gauls they conquered too, hence it became "French".

I do think the Celtic influence permeates the entire English language in a very imprecise and hard to see manner, but its definitely there and why its one of the major languages today probably.

Yeah the King James bible was very influential in the English language and around its time you also had Shakespeare, Chaucer and some others which were another native influence that countered the xian one.

I wouldn't say "multiculturalism" in the jewish sense began, but definitely the melting pot thing happened in England but also like I put above it happened in France too. Russian culture for example was also a mixture of separate Slavic ones that coalesced as a result of the Asiatic invaders probably, also there was a viking kingdom set up in Russia called Konugardr, there was much raiding along the rivers in the Slavic lands like the Dnieper river, by the Norse as well. It was also through that connection where the Byzantines in now Turkey got their Varangian guard, the Varangians originally were Norse men who sailed through those rivers into the Black Sea and made contact with Byzantium, Greece etc.

The real word the jews need to use is "multiracialism" because that's what it is, they will probably start using that at some point to accelerate their meaning. Then we can say "racialism" as an alternative. Culture is different from race.
jrvan said:
Now, humor aside, I will use the power of the great Socrates vested in me by none other than yourself to impart my towering wisdom unto you, o little person. Here's how it is: successful propaganda doesn't include glorifying the words of your enemy. We're not trying to use Churchill as a prop to uplift our views in peoples' minds because that would be equivalent to utilizing jewsus scripture to preach the "right idea." The jews already take credit for everything good we do and say while blaming us for all of their crimes. Why do you think it would be a beneficial thing for our side to give credit for our views to a jew like Churchill? You may as well make everyone go back to reverse xianity because they'll say Churchill and jewsus were heroes of race while Hitler was the bad guy. If jewsus said "keep it white," would you be spreading his message and saying that jewsus had the "right idea?" That's not the right kind of propaganda, brother. You should examine this to try to understand why other very intelligent Satanists aren't in agreement with you instead of lashing out calling them idiots.
None of you understand pragmatism and how it is used to advance ideas and movements. This is not saying to sacrifice SS/NS values to be more “mainstream” but you need a way to reach a larger audience or the movement is not going anywhere.

As an example the political geniuses like Hitler or Rockwell could not just come out and make it explicit that they were anti-Christian or else they would have no following in those days. It’s a bait and switch. People learn the truth about these things once they are inside the movement and they have been conditioned over time to accept the Satanic/naturalist ideas and values, there is no mental resistance at this point compared to when someone is a full xtain.

Psychological warfare and manipulation is very useful and not a negative thing if you know how to use it properly.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
jrvan said:
None of you understand pragmatism and how it is used to advance ideas and movements. This is not saying to sacrifice SS/NS values to be more “mainstream” but you need a way to reach a larger audience or the movement is not going anywhere.

As an example the political geniuses like Hitler or Rockwell could not just come out and make it explicit that they were anti-Christian or else they would have no following in those days. It’s a bait and switch. People learn the truth about these things once they are inside the movement and they have been conditioned over time to accept the Satanic/naturalist ideas and values, there is no mental resistance at this point compared to when someone is a full xtain.

Psychological warfare and manipulation is very useful and not a negative thing if you know how to use it properly.

No point to this kind of method since :

1) we aren’t the enemy trying to run a cult to make people blindly follow an idea once they’re more “conditioned to accept other ideas”. We don’t brainwash followers.

2) there are far better ways to spread an idea without covering it up with a lie first. What’s the point in waking people up to the truth if you’re going to lie to them first then SURPRISE it was a trick to accept a totally different side of things. That’s how organisations crumble.

We want the world to openly and willingly by their choice accept the truth. Otherwise the enemy wins.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
None of you understand pragmatism and how it is used to advance ideas and movements. This is not saying to sacrifice SS/NS values to be more “mainstream” but you need a way to reach a larger audience or the movement is not going anywhere.

As an example the political geniuses like Hitler or Rockwell could not just come out and make it explicit that they were anti-Christian or else they would have no following in those days. It’s a bait and switch. People learn the truth about these things once they are inside the movement and they have been conditioned over time to accept the Satanic/naturalist ideas and values, there is no mental resistance at this point compared to when someone is a full xtain.

Psychological warfare and manipulation is very useful and not a negative thing if you know how to use it properly.

If one can't find better ways to achieve that then I would say it's a lack of imagination. Since we're in a time period where we can afford to be more imaginative, and it's easier for us to organize now, why stick with tricks like that? Only use methods like that if you absolutely have to. I also want to point out that we aren't suffering from dwindling numbers.
Finally, I want to add that those who are naturally in tune with truth will find it. We don't need to acknowledge Churchill or his ideas in order to sway those who are receptive to our message in the first place. There's plenty of other figures to choose from to promote the same ideas anyway. Pick someone the average person likes who hasn't been slandered endlessly by the enemy, and who isn't a jew or otherwise a war criminal.

That's my take on it. I hope we can continue to have peaceful conversation, and I thank you for not resorting to personal attacks.
tabby said:
there are far better ways to spread an idea without covering it up with a lie first. What’s the point in waking people up to the truth if you’re going to lie to them first then SURPRISE it was a trick to accept a totally different side of things. That’s how organisations crumble.
I get what you mean but it’s not like an extreme 180 when it’s comes to ideas with this. Remember NS is just the personified version of Satanism that was a made into a political program/lifestyle. The point is that if someone accepts these basic ideas then they will also accept Satanism. Everyones awakening is different. For some it’s a shock and others a slow burn.

jrvan said:
If one can't find better ways to achieve that then I would say it's a lack of imagination. Since we're in a time period where we can afford to be more imaginative, and it's easier for us to organize now, why stick with tricks like that? Only use methods like that if you absolutely have to. I also want to point out that we aren't suffering from dwindling numbers.
A way to win a war is to have more soldiers than the enemy. I don’t know how many Jews and rabbis are reading Torah and throwing their curses everyday but it will be a lot easier if there’s more of us than them.

Finally, I want to add that those who are naturally in tune with truth will find it. We don't need to acknowledge Churchill or his ideas in order to sway those who are receptive to our message in the first place. There's plenty of other figures to choose from to promote the same ideas anyway. Pick someone the average person likes who hasn't been slandered endlessly by the enemy, and who isn't a jew or otherwise a war criminal.
The reason why I mentioned psych warfare and manipulation is because that’s largely how the enemy took over in the first place. If it worked for them why couldn’t it work for us? Remember the average gentile is still very stupid and does not want to think for themselves, they rather have the TeeVee or some “scientist” tell them what to think and believe.

Originally it was the church that served this role but whenever radio became big the enemy jumped on it, and so did our side with goebbels doing his broadcasts and Germany having a propaganda machine.

Look what they have done in the past year with the “pandemic” there are lots of people that seriously believe that everyone is dying and that if you don’t walk around with a face diaper on you are a terrorist that wants to kill granny. My point is that this method works very well for the enemy and could hypothetically be used by us.
Shivachakra said:
Um...Sonnenkraft where in the World did you get the idea that Afrikaners are not WHITE. They are very white, the Descendants of Dutch Farmers who founded South Africa and found the lands almost empty, the Black tribes came in latter for jobs and bred like rats (sorry Shannon, should I say fluffy bunnies this close to Spring Festival?). Afrikaans is a form of Dutch (Nederlands). People lump the White South Africans together but the English speakers and Dutch speakers are very different in Culture and Politics. Basically the Brits that moved in and took over were pricks and fucked up everything, this is the opposite from what most books will say, the victors write the books. The Brits made war on the Zulu and other tribes, the Dutch coexisted with them for 200 yrs, as long ago as founding of USA.

I am a white Afrikaner and this is true!
Thank you
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
jrvan said:
Now, humor aside, I will use the power of the great Socrates vested in me by none other than yourself to impart my towering wisdom unto you, o little person. Here's how it is: successful propaganda doesn't include glorifying the words of your enemy. We're not trying to use Churchill as a prop to uplift our views in peoples' minds because that would be equivalent to utilizing jewsus scripture to preach the "right idea." The jews already take credit for everything good we do and say while blaming us for all of their crimes. Why do you think it would be a beneficial thing for our side to give credit for our views to a jew like Churchill? You may as well make everyone go back to reverse xianity because they'll say Churchill and jewsus were heroes of race while Hitler was the bad guy. If jewsus said "keep it white," would you be spreading his message and saying that jewsus had the "right idea?" That's not the right kind of propaganda, brother. You should examine this to try to understand why other very intelligent Satanists aren't in agreement with you instead of lashing out calling them idiots.
None of you understand pragmatism and how it is used to advance ideas and movements. This is not saying to sacrifice SS/NS values to be more “mainstream” but you need a way to reach a larger audience or the movement is not going anywhere.

As an example the political geniuses like Hitler or Rockwell could not just come out and make it explicit that they were anti-Christian or else they would have no following in those days. It’s a bait and switch. People learn the truth about these things once they are inside the movement and they have been conditioned over time to accept the Satanic/naturalist ideas and values, there is no mental resistance at this point compared to when someone is a full xtain.

Psychological warfare and manipulation is very useful and not a negative thing if you know how to use it properly.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
None of you understand pragmatism and how it is used to advance ideas and movements. This is not saying to sacrifice SS/NS values to be more “mainstream” but you need a way to reach a larger audience or the movement is not going anywhere.

As an example the political geniuses like Hitler or Rockwell could not just come out and make it explicit that they were anti-Christian or else they would have no following in those days. It’s a bait and switch. People learn the truth about these things once they are inside the movement and they have been conditioned over time to accept the Satanic/naturalist ideas and values, there is no mental resistance at this point compared to when someone is a full xtain.

You shouldn't think in terms of they had to do this to "get a larger audience" but rather that this is something they had to put up with from the lack of advancement of all these people and the state of which had and has been imposed for so long onto people's consciousness. They didn't give a shit about audiences, audiences didn't exist before hollywood and 1920's vignette and glamour culture in America. They were instead the sound of true and just authority of their time, which regardless of anything subscribing to ideas and xianity because "oh well it's a tool", reaches somewhere far more deeper and eternal in people than xianity even exists in, or anything you can subscribe to "to get an audience" or fame or some crap. You need to see it for what it is.

Xianity is basically a tacked on thing, xians today especially aren't really xian and never have been. Things are upside down, like their jew cross they use. Most xians aren't Charlemagne and/or absolute terrorist types and most of them never will be which is the reality and Truth of differing strength of character, only some people can do that. Most genuine and full on xians are weak and are like robots speaking in Newspeak and you can just push your authority anyway while pushing them aside, which is basically what the National Socialists did in most cases.

Satan i.e the Truth permeates everything so much so you don't "choose to believe" in this but you simply are seeing and experiencing it or are rejecting it like this parasitic thing is telling you to do. It's not a whim. You don't "subscribe" to Satanism, it's a part of who you are intrinsically and something in this day and age especially where we have no political influence- is 99 to 1 chance marked on your soul in a supernal way. You don't choose to see the truth, you are seeing it and you're either accepting it or rejecting it. It's not a dogma or something I'm forcing on you in this either, it's basically me shaking you and telling you to just open your eyes! lol. There is no belief or subscribing in the organization and supposed "religious system" of this group of people who throw apples up in the air and know they are going to fall. Oh no, you also can believe in this other opposing organization of people who would throw an apple and make up some strange theory about how it's not actually falling and also some other not real stuff like the Earth is flat. Is that even a real choice to anyone with a brain? Therefore understand the National Socialists didn't think in terms of "influencing" and "convincing", "getting a large audience" etc. but waking people that there is a bigger Truth in the whole thing which influenced everyone in that generation, the Greatest generation and continues to influence us.

People here understand pragmatism, but the root of pragmatism is not "ideology" it is a basis on which you are getting to the most True state of what your proposed system is pragmatically pushing forward. You need to understand that True pragmatism is not for "an audience" but simply to get to the final goal of the furthering of the Truth. That's all pragmatism and deference is to be used for. You don't humour anything else of the enemy (outside of what is detached and deferential) or fiddle around with it you push past it and get away and onto a higher level from it. Keep the truth close, which it always is anyway as it is in all. Everything else will follow afterwards and no need to worry about validation from trash. The masses currently humour trash, but they must also have an example like Hitler soon and they will start to want to see this in themselves and naturally move past the low level to where acknowledging this shit won't even matter anymore. It also seems very easy nowadays too, now that everyone can read and learn not going to lie.
13th_Wolf said:
Well done 13th wolf. This is the answer one was looking for.

One thing I realised is you're giving me unnecessary validation here. I don't need validation I need you to talk on this with me here and be interested about important things :D throwing in what you know.

I would die for anything, but I am here and would die over and over for this. I need you to get to the end of this with me, not humouring me myself. I don't care for it, I don't mind validation or chastisement it's all the trivial game to the ends of things, which for me are more important.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
