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Why I Trust Only In Joy of Satan and Satan Himself, and the Gods, Brothers and Sisters

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings everyone in the Satanic Family,

As you will see with the passing time, or might have already experienced in life, many people in this world are simply sellouts, retarded, foolish, unreliable, and generally just lost creatures walking around aimlessly.

Oftentimes I am confronted with silly arguments about myself or even JoS and so on, which are byproducts of Social Justice Warrior nonsense and not borne out of the real hearts of real warriors. In other words, the warrior takes a few steps back and reflects, because the warrior has to understand the value of things.

In our fact paced world, we rarely sit back to think what is important, valuable, or of actual essence. We are made into creatures that only shout demand after demand, desire after desire, oftentimes aimlessly.

Sometimes, I too myself have unrealistic problems or expectations out of myself and so on, this is not only from "others". This happens. And it happens because as humans, we are in many respects liable to being ungrateful and blind. This comes from poor understanding.

The richer our understanding, the less we would have of these problems, and the more we would be in consciousness of the great blessing we have in our hands, which is this place. Many of you are conscious of this. I live by this very consciousness everyday.

Over the years it's important to understand what is really valuable in life. There is nothing in the whole world I have found more valuable than this place, a value that is indescribable by mere words, but I will try to talk about this. The Joy of Satan is the most valuable place to be or to exist in.

In this place you get the clear doorway towards the immortal Gods. Where has been the doorway, and where is it when so many need it? And for how many people does it merely remain closed? Well, not for us. You have freedom to say and to think everything that is "forbidden" to do otherwise.

At least, you can walk around this world having a soul, especially during times where the soulfulness of people becomes lower and lower, and we are increasingly becoming plastic. You are at the gate and window of really seeing towards something greater which are the Gods and Satan Himself.

Most have no idea this window even exists, shy from it, fear from it, or listen to the slave masters who tell them to never even remotely imagine any of this window, lest they become something "evil" from it. In their fake "goodness", they have become liars to themselves, who deny even the rights to humanity to seek something better or a higher existence for itself.

As a consequence, everyday, it appears that humanity internally falls lower and lower.

People in our world will be frequently disappointed by other people. In my other satirical post, I just explained how useless and stupid our "political" world is, for example. People spend their life believing in politics and this type of nonsense, only to find themselves betrayed at some point, or them betraying their politicians.

The political world reflects strongly the fact that there are no values in the world anymore, except of maybe corruption and nonsense. Humanity acts without any logic, and is blind and foolish. Gone are the days were honor, loyalty, and other beautiful values that cherish the human mind and soul, and fill humanity with vigor, are present.

Nowadays, people are told to live or even die to protect asinine things, or to literally serve the borg. As I have tried to look upwards for important values to follow, I have failed in the modern world. Everything that matters in this world, much of it is rust of a bygone era.

And I am a lover of that era, because this old era woman of dreams and aspirations is far more appealing that the plastic obscene valueless circus we are creating now as a world.

What is there to celebrate now, the latest movie of Avengers? And how is this in anyway something to die over, or to make you say "Now I will live life bravely", or "I truly want to live and to create", or activate in you the higher instincts of the soul? Basically nothing. We are at war as a society to really turn our very own souls down and shut off completely our wonder and inner human soul.

One thing also is that some people need to gain some perspective. It's better to have problems because you woke up, that are of a thought process, rather than be totally broken and not have "any".

What I mean by this is, it's better to know the Truth and have some adjustments to make or a war to fight, rather than be oblivious and wholly wrong, the victim of a war issued by the enemy machine on your head.

The joy of progressively starting to own more of yourself, getting to know that you have a soul, and understanding more, is irreplaceable. Most people will never feel any of this at the present time. They will just lose their life having known not even this.

As one advances, deprograms, and becomes a truly awakened person [this takes time] you will start seeing reality face to face. And in many ways, reality is not good nor as vibrant as claimed, but it can be made so. But before it can, it has to be confronted.

The more the mind opens up, you will start understanding that everything the Gods have told us is really correct, and is the absolute Truth in regards to teachings.

Because we are positioned on untruth as a species, we can only accept up to an extent. And therefore, we fear, because we think this Truth would do anything bad to us, but in fact, understanding this only leads to freedom and power, not the opposite.

We have been therefore falsely instructed to fear it, because it would truly "set us free". This is as stupid as saying that you will not listen to an advanced alien explaining to you the laws of aerodynamics, because you want to fly. But the reality is that you must learn these laws, so that you can fly.

The consequence that we seek, we are running away from by improper conduct, because we deny higher understanding to take place. Or simply because we lie and think this is great for us as a species, when it's not.

Only if we applied these, we could have a paradise on earth. But for reasons incumbent in the enemy abusing the unfinished design of humanity, many humans really want to only behave like blind bugs and vermin, only that bugs and vermin indeed act with greater consciousness.

We live in a world where people are literally brainwashed to extents never seen in history, with the ability to think being completely absent. If one opens the news, you see terrorism of the people and propaganda, or just mere insanity. Politicians are jews whom as you are awake, you might see that the overwhelming majority of them, something like 75% plus in a bad election time, only work to serve their own ass, and would sell their own Nation literally over a dime.

All of this has happened because we have not followed Father Satan's advice and knowledge for centuries and centuries now, and instead we have followed just a program of death that was created by the jews. The "Bible" is nothing but a literal pseudo-historical text that explains how jews hate everyone and how they must prevail over all human beings based on seas of blood and curses. Islam is yet another program of death and billions follow it.

Ask them why they follow it and they have no clue. "We just follow it". They never even flipped a page. However, everyone here is in full knowledge and awareness over why one is here and so on.

In this otherwise worthless life that we call a life in 2022 or a material life, with heights of hypocrisy and stupidity that has far exceeded the limits of the brain inside my skull, I was graced in life to find the Gods and discover something pure and real. Over the years, I have come to see this for myself.

This is a path of joy, and I am glad to have it. It has given me power to walk around and really be connected to the True source of wellspring and strength. At least even in the face of massive ignorance or retardation, it has put my inner soul at peace. I have been of the lucky ones to manage to get messages and connect with the higher powers, all of which are nothing like the dross of this world, and follow the path of the Cosmic Order beautifully and set in their course. I have seen this and witnessed this.

With great bitterness I have to say that our present day times are times of few things to anchor one's self to. In 1930's or 1850's, there were at least certain dreams to go after - Nation would grow, you had to care about the future of your Nation, electricity was the new thing, things were more real. Now, we are on a race to literal ignorance and oblivion, just comparing ourselves on who goes faster down socially.

It is important in this world to wake up and know that SOMEWHERE, SOMEONE, truly cares about you. And this is the Gods and the community here. You might sometimes not pay a lot of attention to all the good, because people are conditioned to make a lot out of the bad. Yet one must sit there and think for a while, that this is the case.

But the reality is that here we have a strong community of united seekers that has turned it's head against the tailwinds of destruction and human decay. We are not millions yet, but we might become in time. And in the end of the day, even if it was just 10 people of us, at least we would have one another and not be completely at the mercy of a decadent clown-world that keeps besieging human consciousness with less and less things to offer for this besieging it does daily.

The battle of life with it's beautiful flowers, it's traps, it's confusion, it's happiness, it's pursuits, it's "everything", still continues. Yet, you always can go to bed before night and pray "My Guardian Demon" or "Father Satan" and know that you are listened to, and cared for. And know that this care is for real. You know that there is something beyond the start and end of life, that is always there with you eternally. And this, no political party, no pseudo-philosophy, nothing can replace it. It is yours for all time.

As it is, I have explained to you the reason why my loves and convictions in this world are only three. First, the people here, our Spiritual Satanic Family.

Then, the Gods themselves and the culture they have left behind, which is eternal.

Lastly, Father Satan Himself which is the Greatest love of all, the gateway to the Truth that we seek and need in the innermost parts of our soul.

That is my life, my testament, my sole interest and adoration, my faith and trust.

Hail the Joy of Satan Community,
Hail the beautiful Demons,
Hail Father Satan Himself.

Be blessed and strong through anything.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This really hit home, and is in line exactly what’s been on my mind lately. I did an RTR right before this post, and was just thinking after, about how I don’t post in the forums but how the first thing I do after I get off work, even before I have started getting my crap together, I always get on the forums and read what everyone here has to say and what is on their mind. And I just realized that I do that daily, and how it is actually place of refuge mentally for me. Lots of very good people here, trying to help each other. And I should participate more.

I haven’t really posted in the forums, but I’ve been dedicated for about 10 years now, I found the JoS in 2009. After dedication, being honest with myself, I really did nothing with spirituality or with my life and just drifted. Bad decision after bad decision. And now that I’m in my early 30’s, I am suddenly persistently reminded of regrets, things I should done differently, the way I treated people, the way I let my emotions and insecurities ruin areas of my life by acting on said emotions. Just recently I’ve realized and thought about for the first time, my life and past. First 2 chapters, first two decades of my life, wasted and gone. And what did I live for, or accomplish? With the God’s I can avoid worrying about regretting my 30’s and beyond, knowing I’m helping my family, blood family and SS family.

So this has been a weight on me recently. Only sometimes participating in RTR rituals. This post really hits home the point, that this is where it’s at and where I should have been the whole time. With people who share our common interest and share my love of the Gods and and want the best for humanity. I found none of that, in my drifting about the last years. And it’s time to start fresh and really dedicate myself, not just in ritual but in actions, to Satan and the Gods. I do not want to wake up mentally a second time, at 70, and realize I did nothing, did no good for anyone, and have no time left to change that. I only just recently thought about the depressing thought of aging, and loved ones aging and, and actually considered its no longer “heck im 17, I got time” or “im only 20-something, gonna live forever!” If that makes sense.

Sorry for the rambling, to anyone reading. Just feel like a bag of bricks hit me upside the head just in the last year or so, and flipped my perspective on life and priorities upside down. Maybe some of you can relate.

Also HPHC, I just wanted to let you know I have read your sermons for years, and I read every one of them I can. They are great. I got chart readings from you, and numerology readings also when you these all available, and you even gave me advice at times through email when you weren’t too busy, good advice and advice to try to help me change my thinking on things, even if I didn’t see it at the time or agree, you were honest. I really appreciate you.

Again, long post, sorry people. :cool:

Hail Satan
The JoS is like none others. No hebrew pentagrams, qlippoth, solomon triangle BS. Or slavish worship, and telling people that Satan will throw 'em in a burning oven for eternity.

I never, ever liked hebrew to begin with, i hate seeing the letters, i hate hearing the language, everything about it. I hate seeing Gentile Christians giving their kids hebrew names. Mine shall have none of it. No Noahs, Noels, Josephs, Michael, Gabriel or any of that that!

It's been a pleasure (huge understatement) knowing the Gods, who they really are and what their intent for the World, and America. Greatest pleasure was knowing that the so-called gods that these Jews sacrifice children to aren't the real Gods.

It is through JoS that has restored my patriotism, because thanks to the tainted image of American patriotism due to the idiox Xian pogrom, I left and hated this nation, until Satan and the Gods woke me up and restored my love for this nation, when they made me realize that Xianity that NOTHING to do with this country's founding, other than the hatred for it.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What is there to celebrate now, the latest movie of Avengers? And how is this in anyway something to die over, or to make you say "Now I will live life bravely", or "I truly want to live and to create", or activate in you the higher instincts of the soul? Basically nothing. We are at war as a society to really turn our very own souls down and shut off completely our wonder and inner human soul.

Oh man, I can't stand this slavish worship of that type of shit. Not to mention, they make an Avengers movie almost every goddamned year, and the DVD will literally cost $5 later on and get tossed into the "clearance DVDs" pile of your local Walmart.

I had a co-workers who couldn't can it with that shit, always feeling the need to tell me, "DID YOU SEE THIS MOVIE!? DID YOU WATCH THAT MOVIE!?" Or post absolutely non-stop on on some jewish social media platform about the latest Avengers or Marvel movie.

Don't even get me started with the race-mixing BS they decided to add in LOTR: Rings of Power.

Yes, don't get me wrong, I have my favorite movies and movie series and video games as well, but I got other things to look foreword to as well! I don't slavishly live on a false hope that Scarlet Johansson will become my wife.

Anyways, may we stay strong!

In Satan We Trust!
HAIL SATAN!!!!❤🔥💯%
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Yes, don't get me wrong, I have my favorite movies and movie series and video games as well, but I got other things to look foreword to as well! I don't slavishly live on a false hope that Scarlet Johansson will become my wife.

There should be no difficulty with that "problem":

"Her mother, Melanie Sloan, a New Yorker, has worked as a producer; she comes from an Ashkenazi Jewish family from Poland and Russia, originally surnamed Schlamberg,[5] and Johansson describes herself as Jewish."
Vibrant sermon.

Yes Satan, his Gods, that is my joy in my life. Without JoS, I would not have had access to Them. So thank you, in every way.

I, whose heart was full of terrors and fears, have never had a panic attack since my Dedication. Goodbye anxiety attacks, goodbye nightmares! I sleep without dreams, abandoning myself deliciously to the protection of Father Satan. I know I did the right thing during the day, so at night I know that his benevolent and powerful protection will be upon me. And I can finally let go.

It's silly, but how many times I've imagined myself as a little baby laying at His feet, not daring to even consider laying in His arms, and finally feeling that sense of security and tranquility that I've always missed.

And even I am no longer afraid of death (its loneliness, its wandering, its darkness, terrified me). I live better the deaths of my loved ones (human and animal) because I know now that it is not really an end. But the beginning of something else.

I would never have dared to imagine such a confidence in life, a quietude even, more and more, as the months go by.
As for the joy of progress and accomplishment, what can I say, it is so intense.
Yes we have goals, we are not here "for nothing". Our tasks are immense: to raise, to rise, to fight, to love, to experiment.
How intense it is! A path that delights souls eager for Life
Whole my life I was searching for a Strong Father figure, needles to say since I was yoing and stupid I "found" it in viloent drug dealers, ex-criminals, old gamblers, and false gurus.

The first time I was concious that Father Satan helped me was when I was attacked by "angels"(they looked something like the dementors from harry potter), in the darkest time of the winter night he made my room so bright and warm that the Sun would look like a small child next to it.

After that I dedicated, but due to heavy programing I ran away from SS.

I still continued to do void meditation, and each night I was praying, saying Father thank you for keeping me safe and teaching me about life. Deep in my subconciousnes I knew I was praying to Father Satan, but I was too afraid to acept him as my Father.

Years passed and the subconcious came to light and I called him proudly Father Satan again, since then I am blessed to have him, Mother Lilith, Bifrons and Haagenti at my side, helping me and teaching me how to live as a real Human.

But still, after almost 3 years on this path(that im practising) I have sometimes doubts, is this even real, am I perhaps a Joo, how come that I am this blessed to have them watch over me when there are so many people on this planet. Yet every time I doubt them or myself, I get back on the path, and my faith becomes a bit stronger each time.

The world would be a better place if everyone would accept Satan as their Father.

Great sermon HP!


Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Teacher Bifrons!
Hail Guardian Haagenti!
Hail The Gods of Orion!
I want to be in this path forever and ever.

Hail our beloved Father Satan
Thank you High Priest, for this amazing sermon full of truth and beauty!
JOS is the greatest gift one could ask for in this life. I still remember when I first prayed to Father Satan for answers and comfort in this life when I was in dark times, I clearly saw Him looking back at me with love and understanding.
Hail JOS for teaching us the wisdom and truth of Satan and the Gods!
For awakening our souls!
Hail Satan immeasurably great and high!
Thank you HP. HoodedCobra 666, I really needed to hear this message as I begin my journey with The Father Satan/Lucifer.
Beautifully said.

Hail Satan/Lucifer
Hail Joy of Satan
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As you will see with the passing time, or might have already experienced in life, many people in this world are simply sellouts, retarded, foolish, unreliable, and generally just lost creatures walking around aimlessly.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This reminds me of my mother's sister.https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=386785#p386785
I was a broken person inside before I got here. Without any goal or ambition, without any sense of the future or the past. So I am eternally grateful to this community and to the Gods. Had he not found them, he would have followed a path directly to suicide.

There was even a time when I felt a hole in the middle of my chest, but now I feel a nice pressure there when I think of Father Satan.

Salve Satán!

Yes JoS is the most important thing in this world. Without JoS I would just be a slave to the jews. Also as a world we are very well, what Humanity lacks is spirituality and connection with the Universe and the Gods.
There's really no better place.

I remember I'd follow " Correct Regions " cause i wanted answers but this is not only we've I've gained answered. I've gained a home, knowledge and protection.

How many can say thier have truth faith in the God they believe?

Father Satan is the only person I'd do anythin for. To honour him and show him the greatest respect.

And to my brothers and sisters I'm glad i have you.
Such a beautiful sermon, thank you Hpc666.

I, am glad I found father Satan and the gods 8 years ago my life is so much better now
Thing are going very strong for me. And yes the gods are always there to help or to listen I recognize
the good things they do, and I thank Satan And the gods for this place let's keep it up and that we all
grow stronger every day.

Hail the joy of Satan and all Bothers And Sisters
I enjoyed reading this. And I agree with you!! I feel a lot safer on this website.
I don't think there's any other place to go to learn about Satan. I don't think I can find any other website that is any better than this. ❤☕ I enjoy doing the RTR's and reading up on the news on what we are supposed to do! To keep ourselves going and to build ourselves up. Doing the exercises and the things that helps us with the things that we need to learn and things that are important to keep us going throughout the week. :D there are always good events going on and things that we can always do to help build ourselves up. Doing our daily routines on here? Whatever you choose whatever they may be? Yoga and meditation. And plenty to read and keep your mind busy! It is a bit like school on here! It is a bit like a club in some ways because we are here together as a team building each other up and encouraging each other to keep going! And to stay strong and positive in spite of all the crazy shit that goes on in this world.❤☕ and I like the fact that I never alone 🙂 and I never get bored! I never get tired of being on here! I think it's nice to sit down and read some of the content and the books! And have a conversation between people on here and learn new things and share ideas everyday :D it is nice to feel wanted and appreciated!❤ we have plenty to do and plenty to choose from on here! 🍎 and it's nice to know that I can wake up every morning and meditate , relax and enjoy a moment with Satan☕ before I take my shower and face a busy day! It is nice to know that there are a variety of things on here that we can do everything from videos! To whichever reading material you want to read and enjoy! And then to sit down and talk about it and help each other out with things! :) and find out how much people have progressed in life with the things that they have learned,and to hear about things that people want to share of Interest not only that! It encourages one another and it builds one another up! Giving people an idea on how to look at things and how to change their life and to turn their mind around and improve who and what they are and to be a better person. Mentally physically spiritually emotionally and sexually! Knowing that you can feel comfortable talking about whatever you want. Without any guilt trip: :D ❤ personally I think people would learn a hell of a lot more being on this website! Then they would on Facebook or wasting time on tick tock! Unless your trying to get more people interested in the JOS by talking about it and addressing it.? And doing things to help out the group. Getting the truth out there and letting people know the difference between what is real and what isn't :) and enlightening people with the spiritual knowledge they need. 🔥🍎 I definitely trust the JOS and for all that it's worth. And I DEFINITELY put my trust in Father Satan and His Gods and demons. HAIL SATAN!!⚡🙂❤ THANK YOU FOR SHARING THIS!!❤🔥
I love how you worded that!❤ HP HoodedCobra666 this place is PRICELESS!! And it's everything we need and looking for. It's like school to me and beyond!🍎☕ Hail Satan!!🖤
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In our fact paced world, we rarely sit back to think what is important, valuable, or of actual essence. We are made into creatures that only shout demand after demand, desire after desire, oftentimes aimlessly.

Sometimes, I too myself have unrealistic problems or expectations out of myself and so on, this is not only from "others". This happens. And it happens because as humans, we are in many respects liable to being ungrateful and blind. This comes from poor understanding.

Very well put. I found this part of the sermon to be particularly important for my own understanding.
I've always had the feeling that I lived "outside" the world, like I didn't quite belong no matter where I went. When I come here though it feels like home, like I'm supposed to be here. No place else in this world gives me that same feeling.

Under xanity, I was told to pray for this, pray for that, pray for everything, pray pray pray. At best someone could be using a very weak form of magick by doing that, like I was. Xian "prayer" is basically an inverted affirmation, considering most of the energy just gets sucked away by a massive tyrannical entity.

When I got here and learned that Jewhovah is the real "devil", I felt betrayed. It took a while to get a majority of the hebrew conditioning out of me, but the Gods and members of the Joy of Satan community have been a huge help.

I can't thank you all enough.
Yeah nice little post I'm back to mining work again now since the vax requirements have collapsed enough for me to go back to my good paying job Satan is the man I'm looking to get a lot more active make some proper brochures up that explain the religion does anyone know how to make social media accounts anonymously?
I must say that I am getting a better experience of what the JOY in the Joy of Satan is. I am happy how everything led me here, when I think of it, no human influenced it, it was all longing in my soul for truth and more.
I am grateful for all the journey with HP Maxine and now you, HP Hoodedcobra666 have done what I am so grateful for. Bringing the Gods to us.
Do you know when I came, I only heard about the Gods but could not reach out. So I decided to work on my meditations, never bothered about summoning cos I don't know how, summary, I felt [hmmm] on my own.
This is the changer for me, as a child I always felt strange power, special and that I was different from my family, when I dedicated to Satan, I began to grasp why. Now I have the opportunity to connect to the Gods they don't know and want to know about, I see my destiny is here.

HP Hoodedcobra666, I wish I could tell you something personally, but my country doesn't support a protonmail, I'm going to find a way around it.

Lastly because I yearned for the influence of the Demons like Bune years back, but did not know how to contact them, I made a promise to her [BUNE], I wish her rituals could be out so I can easily keep my promise.

I am Eternally grateful, I appreciate what I have here, I also want to give back and I am working on the how. I also want to be immensely connected to the Gods so I am putting efforts to immerse myself into the rituals. I prefer to be DIVINE than to be a celebrity. I prefer people come in contact with a superior, Godly experience from me than to do same casual shit as every other. I want the presence of the Gods in my soul. I want to show my dedication on this level and every other that I can.
I'm not a tech guy, but I can give money, so I'll move towards this too.

Thank you

I'm currently in tears of Joy for a journey worth the living. Thank you for bringing the Gods to me, I don't know how I would have been without these experience from them, I truly can't fix so much. Thank you HP Hoodedcobra666.
I must say that I am getting a better experience of what the JOY in the Joy of Satan is. I am happy how everything led me here, when I think of it, no human influenced it, it was all longing in my soul for truth and more.
I am grateful for all the journey with HP Maxine and now you, HP Hoodedcobra666 have done what I am so grateful for. Bringing the Gods to us.
Do you know when I came, I only heard about the Gods but could not reach out. So I decided to work on my meditations, never bothered about summoning cos I don't know how, summary, I felt [hmmm] on my own.
This is the changer for me, as a child I always felt strange power, special and that I was different from my family, when I dedicated to Satan, I began to grasp why. Now I have the opportunity to connect to the Gods they don't know and want to know about, I see my destiny is here.

HP Hoodedcobra666, I wish I could tell you something personally, but my country doesn't support a protonmail, I'm going to find a way around it.

Lastly because I yearned for the influence of the Demons like Bune years back, but did not know how to contact them, I made a promise to her [BUNE], I wish her rituals could be out so I can easily keep my promise.

I am Eternally grateful, I appreciate what I have here, I also want to give back and I am working on the how. I also want to be immensely connected to the Gods so I am putting efforts to immerse myself into the rituals. I prefer to be DIVINE than to be a celebrity. I prefer people come in contact with a superior, Godly experience from me than to do same casual shit as every other. I want the presence of the Gods in my soul. I want to show my dedication on this level and every other that I can.
I'm not a tech guy, but I can give money, so I'll move towards this too.

Thank you

I'm currently in tears of Joy for a journey worth the living. Thank you for bringing the Gods to me, I don't know how I would have been without these experience from them, I truly can't fix so much. Thank you HP Hoodedcobra666.
And he gives us the answers we need. For those on twitter, I type in Pastor John Hagee. and post Exposingchristianity.com . and articles like, https://satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Jewish_Ritual_Murder2.html . THEN I TYPE a word like, He. Hello, ( you can also use words like Fuck you ), I know many of us here want to do that. If I just post the link,, it will NOT post.. If of TYPE a word before or after the LINK is posted,,, then the post goes through. I target the people that post replies conveying skepticism and doubt concerning the preachers and their jew talk. This can be done with Pope Francis on Twitter, and other religious groups and people. (( Facebook is a bit harder. As they censor more strictly, but can still be done. )) . This just serves to get the JOS literature out there en masse,,,, for those of us that can still safely do so.
The last thing I saved was my dream yoga. I've seen the Jos members astrally many times as captains, but any and all protected in a huge building all under you know who. This has opened me to many powerfull beings that are e.ts and gods. It's obvious that this heirachy is working out divinely. Keep up the great work and please never put down your keyboard.
ForeverLearning said:
This really hit home, and is in line exactly what’s been on my mind lately. I did an RTR right before this post, and was just thinking after, about how I don’t post in the forums but how the first thing I do after I get off work, even before I have started getting my crap together, I always get on the forums and read what everyone here has to say and what is on their mind. And I just realized that I do that daily, and how it is actually place of refuge mentally for me. Lots of very good people here, trying to help each other. And I should participate more.

I haven’t really posted in the forums, but I’ve been dedicated for about 10 years now, I found the JoS in 2009. After dedication, being honest with myself, I really did nothing with spirituality or with my life and just drifted. Bad decision after bad decision. And now that I’m in my early 30’s, I am suddenly persistently reminded of regrets, things I should done differently, the way I treated people, the way I let my emotions and insecurities ruin areas of my life by acting on said emotions. Just recently I’ve realized and thought about for the first time, my life and past. First 2 chapters, first two decades of my life, wasted and gone. And what did I live for, or accomplish? With the God’s I can avoid worrying about regretting my 30’s and beyond, knowing I’m helping my family, blood family and SS family.

So this has been a weight on me recently. Only sometimes participating in RTR rituals. This post really hits home the point, that this is where it’s at and where I should have been the whole time. With people who share our common interest and share my love of the Gods and and want the best for humanity. I found none of that, in my drifting about the last years. And it’s time to start fresh and really dedicate myself, not just in ritual but in actions, to Satan and the Gods. I do not want to wake up mentally a second time, at 70, and realize I did nothing, did no good for anyone, and have no time left to change that. I only just recently thought about the depressing thought of aging, and loved ones aging and, and actually considered its no longer “heck im 17, I got time” or “im only 20-something, gonna live forever!” If that makes sense.

Sorry for the rambling, to anyone reading. Just feel like a bag of bricks hit me upside the head just in the last year or so, and flipped my perspective on life and priorities upside down. Maybe some of you can relate.

Also HPHC, I just wanted to let you know I have read your sermons for years, and I read every one of them I can. They are great. I got chart readings from you, and numerology readings also when you these all available, and you even gave me advice at times through email when you weren’t too busy, good advice and advice to try to help me change my thinking on things, even if I didn’t see it at the time or agree, you were honest. I really appreciate you.

Again, long post, sorry people. :cool:

Hail Satan

Don't regret your life before coming to satanism!
It all makes sense if u add things up !

This is a beautifull post , another one of HP, I m so glad to have you as our JOS Guardian HPHC!

I want to add, that we should write at the titles not only Gods but Goddesses as well!

also whatever happens good or bad it's to teach us things. We learn only from our experiences and that's it , so even if u had bad experiences (drug, porn abuse, people abuse and go figure) they also should teach you a lot.
F_For_Flamingo said:
Whole my life I was searching for a Strong Father figure, needles to say since I was yoing and stupid I "found" it in viloent drug dealers, ex-criminals, old gamblers, and false gurus.

The first time I was concious that Father Satan helped me was when I was attacked by "angels"(they looked something like the dementors from harry potter), in the darkest time of the winter night he made my room so bright and warm that the Sun would look like a small child next to it.

After that I dedicated, but due to heavy programing I ran away from SS.

I still continued to do void meditation, and each night I was praying, saying Father thank you for keeping me safe and teaching me about life. Deep in my subconciousnes I knew I was praying to Father Satan, but I was too afraid to acept him as my Father.

Years passed and the subconcious came to light and I called him proudly Father Satan again, since then I am blessed to have him, Mother Lilith, Bifrons and Haagenti at my side, helping me and teaching me how to live as a real Human.

But still, after almost 3 years on this path(that im practising) I have sometimes doubts, is this even real, am I perhaps a Joo, how come that I am this blessed to have them watch over me when there are so many people on this planet. Yet every time I doubt them or myself, I get back on the path, and my faith becomes a bit stronger each time.

The world would be a better place if everyone would accept Satan as their Father.

Great sermon HP!


Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Teacher Bifrons!
Hail Guardian Haagenti!
Hail The Gods of Orion!

Don't doubt youself, you aren't a jew
Sunny said:
Yes JoS is the most important thing in this world. Without JoS I would just be a slave to the jews. Also as a world we are very well, what Humanity lacks is spirituality and connection with the Universe and the Gods.

I totally agree with you!

Hail JoS !
This Sermon really touched me deep; I see the JoS as a solid island where our souls can land, where they need a safe place to halt for a few seconds, and realize the Light of the Gods may count on this "material" representation of Satanic Power, the JoS vessel breaking the ice of ignorance.

There are many people writing, many people reading only. I can feel this wholeness in the Astral as a powerful source of the highest vibrations, from everyone.

I have few possibilities of material help on here, but I keep sending daily energies to support the JoS, as the Pillar I want (and try) to be as I can.
Here we are, gathered in the last bastion of Truth and Satanic might and glory, while we look upon the world, in the safety of the glorious city we are tirelessly building.

High Priest Hooded Cobra, your words ring true, like always.

May you, and all our brothers and sisters stay strong in our fight against the internal decay of our species, the vile rot that is the enemy.

I've also thought deeply alot lately about how a fast paced life, and world. Is seemingly at odds with the proper way civilizations and worlds develop. Only time and advancement will tell if that is true, or an incorrect observation on my part.

Manofsatan said:
I must say that I am getting a better experience of what the JOY in the Joy of Satan is. I am happy how everything led me here, when I think of it, no human influenced it, it was all longing in my soul for truth and more.
I am grateful for all the journey with HP Maxine and now you, HP Hoodedcobra666 have done what I am so grateful for. Bringing the Gods to us.
Do you know when I came, I only heard about the Gods but could not reach out. So I decided to work on my meditations, never bothered about summoning cos I don't know how, summary, I felt [hmmm] on my own.
This is the changer for me, as a child I always felt strange power, special and that I was different from my family, when I dedicated to Satan, I began to grasp why. Now I have the opportunity to connect to the Gods they don't know and want to know about, I see my destiny is here.

HP Hoodedcobra666, I wish I could tell you something personally, but my country doesn't support a protonmail, I'm going to find a way around it.

Lastly because I yearned for the influence of the Demons like Bune years back, but did not know how to contact them, I made a promise to her [BUNE], I wish her rituals could be out so I can easily keep my promise.

I am Eternally grateful, I appreciate what I have here, I also want to give back and I am working on the how. I also want to be immensely connected to the Gods so I am putting efforts to immerse myself into the rituals. I prefer to be DIVINE than to be a celebrity. I prefer people come in contact with a superior, Godly experience from me than to do same casual shit as every other. I want the presence of the Gods in my soul. I want to show my dedication on this level and every other that I can.
I'm not a tech guy, but I can give money, so I'll move towards this too.

Thank you

I'm currently in tears of Joy for a journey worth the living. Thank you for bringing the Gods to me, I don't know how I would have been without these experience from them, I truly can't fix so much. Thank you HP Hoodedcobra666.

Visualize her sigil in your mind, and charge it up, illuminate it with your purest brightest energy.

This is the way to get in contact with them, if you want to honour her you should practice making speeches.
Improve your eloquence with words. Become cultured and focus on sophistication, reading, dining, chivalry, music, dancing art, proper gentleman kind of behaviors and such. Smile and be kind and welcoming and warm and mature in your life, learn to dress well take care of your skin and hair and teeth. Being godly is firstly taking good care of yourself and being proud of your appearance and your impression.

Become versed in all manners of good taste if you want bune to Smile when she thinks of you.
You can go here and learn her culture. Good luck 🍀
I have a question. With the Queen of England 🇬🇧 now Dead. ? How is this going to affect This world. And the food business? Especially? When we have now look up to King Charles and The ugly cow CAMILLA!!? and the others in that reptilian royal family ? Wondering how things are going to be now? And what we are about to face in the future? Because of this? And now that Queen Elizabeth II is now out of the scene? And I can see that the Americans have taken it pretty well? There were a few that have mentioned the queen and have talked about her and there are a lot of people out there who have grieved of her passing throughout the day! I have seen pictures of her and I've watched the news!.. and there has been talk of all different kinds? About world problems and shit coming up? And whether or not Camilla is going to take care of it and whether she's got the intelligence of thereof to take care of it let alone understand what is going on due to the fact that she's nothing but a fucking bimbo? Not even a member of the Royals but she's definitely a reptile or a prince trials would have been interested in her in the first place? And just how things are going to be in the future and what they have got planned? And just what the hell are we going to be dealing with and looking at in the near future? When it comes down to this Royal deck of cards.. the royal Jewish reptilian??
All of us who have reached the JOS, however it may have been, are truly blessed. We have such great power in our hands: the power of truth, which gives us the path to transcend, but at the same time the responsibility to put it into practice for a greater good...
Beautiful sermon dear High Priest Hooded Cobra, as usual you come here with the right words I need in my life.
Thanks to my brothers in Satan, the Gods and Father Satan!
Salve Satanás!
I would have lived the rest of my life in a crowded jail or in a mental hospital if it weren't for you guys. I just hope the world can be just like us sooner, not anymore a spiritually hostile and chaotic world.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
People spend their life believing in politics and this type of nonsense, only to find themselves betrayed at some point, or them betraying their politicians.

The political world reflects strongly the fact that there are no values in the world anymore, except of maybe corruption and nonsense. Humanity acts without any logic, and is blind and foolish.

I believe many people are a lot more woke in varying levels about the jews that they might display. We see people walking on the streets, sitting in the metro/train/bus, walking in the shops/malls/supermarkets but nobody can tell what is in their heads, what opinions they have about politics and religion and so on. However obviously I don't know to tell how many they are compared to the people who are completely oblivious and clueless about what is happening.

I think the main problem is that those people who are decently woke and want to change something at this world are afraid of the consequences they might suffer if they attempt to do anything like protesting or getting involved in politics or in various activism groups. For example afraid of being arrested, fined, fired from job, publicly ridiculed or slandered, betrayed by family or friends for their beliefs of actions etc. In my country in theory is not illegal to protest but if one protests, the police will use the cameras around to identify them and then send them a huge fine at their home adress that will completely discourage them to ever protest again. This is the "law" there apparently.

Jews also deliberately created a very fragile system where the vast majority of people are highly dependant, dependant on their job, on their house, on their various providers, on their banks, on their supermarkets etc. Is so easy to just cut a person access to such dependencies and their life is already threatened. For example cut access of people who are not vaxxed to the supermarkets and they cannot buy food anymore, because of course most people who refused the covid vaccine were smart enough to figure out that this is a medical scam and an agenda being carried out, therefore these people are undesirable for the system and the system (the jews) finds ways to threaten their existence in this way of cutting them access to services they have been made highly dependant on.

Another thing I noticed is that all institutions where power and decision is being implemented in a country is in the major cities of any country, mainly in the capital which is the biggest city in most countries. I don't know if deliberately or not, but most very big cities and capitals have become very appealing to people who accept the current systems and values the most. The most brainwashed and clueless people are always willing to live in big cities where they can go to the mall and shopping all day and to the clubs all night, where they live in a house or flat where they have no control over any of the suply and completely depend on their providers (jewish owned corporations for the most part), where they can see plastic skyscrappers and eventually take themselves selfies with these and put them on facebook and tiktok on a daily basis and so on. Of course I am not generalizing, not most people who live in a capital or big city are this stereotypical goyim type of people, but the majority of them people are.

The point of this is, if you fill up the capitals, where political decisions are being taken and implemented on a national scale, with this type of people, then one can have no expectations from these people to ever wake up or do something about the corruption and anti-human values that are surrounding them. I don't know if jews deliberately attracted this type of people in the capitals but they are a lot more safeguarded when they are surrounded by sheep and not by wolves, when they are surrounded by prey and not by predators who might easily unite to take them down. Anyway is young and unwise people mostly (probably very young souls who are living their first life now) who put so much value into and see this "modern lifestyle" as a goal of their existence. A modern lifestyle where their life depends on anything else but barely on themselves. I don't think they will ever understand the truth about the jews to the point where they will decide to take physical or even online/anonymous/non-physical action against these obvious agendas.

This can easily be proven when you see that in capitals of millions, or even over 10 million people, some thousands or tens of thousands might decide to unite and protest in the rare occasions when they had enough of the jewish bulshitting, only to be brutalized or arrested by the police if they attempt to take the protests further and try to physically reach the politicians in their country, or as of more recently in qvasi-communist places like Canada they will be blocked access to their own bank accounts, which points out to the ever-present and perhaps subconscious fear that many people have, that will always prevent them from fighting the current values and systems.
It's only making me see everything for what it is..
Father Satan will always be the best.

aMillionPairOfEyes said:
All of you people are sick in the head.

We humans are better than all of you.

You are nothing more than a bunch of murderers if you ask me.

You talk a lot of crap from someone who has a name resembling a biblically accurate angel. You’re the murderer here who projects being a human with many eyes. Okay pineapple, please get the fuck out.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
