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Tucker Putin Interview - United States, China and Russia

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Putin here obviously paints the Kremlin as innocent in all this, but the exposure of inner workings of western politics and NATO bringing about corruption of European countries, expansion and NWO is chilling:

The part about Donbas is specially true, with NATO promoting jewish "neo-nazi" groups, in order to vilify pro-White people at the same time of using radicalized attacks to commit White genocide in the same way NATO did back in the war against Serbians, from promoting islamists from the former Yugoslavia, to literally bombing White Serbians by their own hands:

Donbas Genocide of Whites Promoted by Jew Poroshenko and Backed by Nato [warning, graphic]: https://www.bitchute.com/embed/xSq79JUqscg6

Christchurch shooter visited (((EU))) controlled Ukraine before committing the mass shooting: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christchurch_mosque_shootings#cite_note-time-42

The logic behind the Christchurch shootings (and other Jewo-"Nazi" violence),
Part 1:
Part 2:

The Kremlin isn't innocent either, as they have been working with ideological supervision the kabbalist jew Aleksandr Dugin who promotes the bolshevik subversion known as the "New Right" or "Alt-Rgiht" being the same as the above but for desperate Western White people, which as Richard Spencer says, is "akin to the Bolshevik movement", and blasphemies against Satanism/Paganism while promoting orthodox christianity and islam:

Archived version

What's your opinion on Putin? He is critical of the old soviet regime and even said that 85% Bolshevisks were jews some time ago. The way the jews of the west relentlessly attack him is also interesting. Maybe he's doing something right? He is really hard to understand to me, he's clearly extremely intelligent, maybe the situation is not as clear cut as one might think with him.

I do see he is playing both sides. He understands Russia must go forward and the Communism will ruin Russia as it done before. Communism almost destroyed Russia so he is running it in a new style of governance. He is of a lot of high intelligence and that cannot be understated. He is not crazy as the Western media keeps saying, he is sane, and he knows how to go after what he wants.

It is very dangerous and catastrophic to the West that he is in charge of Russia while we have a senile running the United States. Based on this performance alone we must change our courses in the West quickly.

He wanted pieces of Ukraine for a long time, but it was a Western mistake and he took this instantly as a very good cause to go after parts of Ukraine that he wanted to incorporate in Russia. He would not have done it if he knew there was a very powerful leader in the United States or that Europe was fully armed.

I think unfortunately what he says about NATO doing weird things with Zelensky on the borders is also real, and that he actually defended Russia in that example. However he also knew that this was the perfect excuse to attack Ukraine and used it as an excuse to proceed to annex cities and other territories.

He is super effective in leading and he knows how to use tyrannical power as a state leader and he knows how to control strictly his country, but he respects Russia only insofar he is in power. When it comes to treating people in Russia he is not caring that much.

The jews don't care about Putin, they control a lot of him. But they want to destabilize Russia and cause WW3, that's why they attack Russia. Not because Putin is really that much against them. Because Putin has this reality in front of him he is defending his position and himself, but not for the good reasons people sometimes assume he does. He is doing his best to just stay in power.

I believe if Trump was in power none of these issues would have occurred as they come from the Globalists, the jews and zionists who want to cause a large scale war to destroy everything.

Currently the real danger is China, not Russia. China is the rising new USSR and is far more adapted and dangerous than Russia. Russia is a secondary problem that could be kept in check only if we kept a firm position in Europe and the United States by ourselves. As China rises, their alliance with Russia can be dangerous but it still remains a secondary target.

China is what must be overcome and conquered, and not via war, but by improving our power so they cannot in anyway affect us. They have to be defeated on statistics, economy and global influence. But we are being systematically misdirected against Russia in the West because it's currently used as a target to avoid issues that are pressing such as China.

China's way of conducting war is not via the weaponry but via conquering you slowly financially, that's something they know for centuries since the time of Chinese emperors. In regards to what happens if that succeeds is that they will instate a brutal technology based Communism similar to how they run their own population. Only after the West is defeated they will initiate any form of war, and they are waiting for this to happen patiently.

The above groups I mentioned like the Zionists (who forced the US to fight worthless nonsense like "Hamas") or who push us into Ukraine via mistakes for no reason such as Ukraine (Zelensky also works for them), are just wasting our energy here.

The United States is being pushed and pulled in problems that don't reflect the real needs of the Western World. If the jews are a warmongering bunch of lizards, they must be left to perish in the region as they have responsibility for this, not anyone else. They constantly initiate wars and have their own agenda of genocide going. The United States is enforced via the jewish lobby to engage, losing energy and resources there.

Then Ukraine represents more bad advisory of targets towards the United States by other groups which are not interested in addressing real problems.

These groups HATE the United States and the Western world and have ill intent and want global war, use this as cheap propaganda inside the Western World to make the Western World waste our energy on Russia, while Russia essentially if we played fair game and kept a strong NATO, would not be much of a danger at this point. They push Biden to make monumental mistakes that opened two useless fronts; one in Europe and one in the Middle East, while China is moving from the backdoor largely unnoticed.

It's all deliberate to destabilize us and that's why they also force senile Presidents in the seat in order to weaken us. Ukraine has weakened the United States financially, and so does the Middle East being chaotic. That would be resolved by a strong and firm President, who would get down immediately to work to surpass China before it is too late.

They are trying to stall it with GBLTQAI and other worthless nonsense, until it's too late to stop China from having a strong global influence. Russia is a small game they play to that end at this point, which grew larger because they seduced the United States to focus on wrong targeting.

Putin is not stupid nor is Russia, and they use this weakness as the perfect opportunity to annex what they can during the chaos and based on present justifications of Western mistakes. He does his job to do whatever he can to extend his power.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Something else that shows how deep this goes:

All across America and Canada, in all the major cities, there are no "Russiatowns". But there are Chinatowns. They are deeply imbedded in each city and buying up all the land, they have gangs, and well-established businesses. Think about where this could lead.
Something else that shows how deep this goes:

All across America and Canada, in all the major cities, there are no "Russiatowns". But there are Chinatowns. They are deeply imbedded in each city and buying up all the land, they have gangs, and well-established businesses. Think about where this could lead.
I think it was last summer(?) , that at the Texas border they stopped a very large group of Chinese fighting age men who were trying to get in illegaly.
Remember, Putin is a former KGB agent and he loathes the Western World.
He is dead serious about "de-nazifying" Ukraine. There are many, MANY good National Socialist men serving in Ukraines army and not just their battalions.
Putin hates nationalism and has stamped out all traces of it in Russia. He is globohomo.

Pro-Russians in The West like to say that Putin is challenging the Liberal-Democratic post-war world order, and is therefore worth supporting.

However, what they seem to either forget or not understand is that Russia was fundamental in creating and enforcing this post-war order. The United Nations was founded during World War Two with the express goal of defeating Fascism and creating a leftist world order, whether it be liberalism in The West, or communism in the Soviet Union.

At its core, the goal of the United Nations was to defeat the concept of ethnic and racial identity as a foundation for national identity and nation-states.

Pro-Russians in the Anglosphere might attempt to refute this by noting the segregated nature of America and the American military in the 1930's and 40's, however that was a legacy that President Roosevelt was forced to deal with, not endorse. Roosevelt constantly did as much as he could to de-racialize America, and even had a so called "Black Cabinet" advising him and his government on supporting the black community, and by 1935 there were a previously unheard of 45 blacks working in federal executive departments and "New Deal" agencies.

The United Nations was not founded on April 25th, 1945, as some chronologies state. The United Nations was truly founded on January 1st, 1942, at the Arcadia Conference wherein China, The USSR, The United Kingdom, and The United States signed the Declaration by United Nations.

The final sentence of the Declaration by United Nations is as follows:

The foregoing declaration may be adhered to by other nations which are, or which may be, rendering material assistance and contributions in the struggle for victory over Hitlerism.

The Soviet Union, and then Russia, were founding members of this international order, and because of the prominence of their role in establishing it were granted a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council. To be clear, Russia has a permanent seat on the security council of the internationalist organization which was founded to defeat Ethno-Nationalism.

This is the country Anglosphere "Nationalists" claim is challenging the post-war order.

And Vladimir Putin is very proud and cognizant of that fact, as he stated in a September 2015 interview with CBS' Charlie Rose when asked about his upcoming speech at the United Nations:

I do not think it reasonable to go into much detail about everything I am going to speak about, but, broadly, I will certainly mention some facts from the history of the United Nations. Now I can already tell you that the decision to establish the United Nations was taken in our country at the Yalta Conference. It was in the Soviet Union that this decision was made. The Soviet Union, and Russia as the successor state to the Soviet Union, is a founding member state of the United Nations and a permanent member of its Security Council.

Here are some quotes from his speech commemorating the 70th Session of the United Nations on September 28th, 2015:

"In 1945, the countries that defeated Nazism joined their efforts to lay solid foundations for the postwar world order."

"But I remind you that the key decisions on the principles guiding the cooperation among states, as well as on the establishment of the United Nations, were made in our country, in Yalta, at the meeting of the anti-Hitler coalition leaders."


"The United Nations is unique in its legitimacy, representation and universality."


"Russia stands ready to work together with its partners on the basis of full consensus, but we consider the attempts to undermine the legitimacy of the United Nations as extremely dangerous. They could lead to a collapse of the entire architecture of international organizations..."


"Similar to the anti-Hitler coalition, it could unite a broad range of forces that are resolutely resisting those who, just like the Nazis, sow evil and hatred of humankind."


"Everything that contravenes the U.N. Charter must be rejected."
Something else that shows how deep this goes:

All across America and Canada, in all the major cities, there are no "Russiatowns". But there are Chinatowns. They are deeply imbedded in each city and buying up all the land, they have gangs, and well-established businesses. Think about where this could lead.
They have 'police stations' operating in the USA, Canada, Australia, Spain and the UK, probably way more countries too, where they literally enforce Chinese laws and detain people based on the CCP's ruling.

The US is the only one supposedly 'cracking down' on it, but with Biden I doubt it's true.
Something else that shows how deep this goes:

All across America and Canada, in all the major cities, there are no "Russiatowns". But there are Chinatowns. They are deeply imbedded in each city and buying up all the land, they have gangs, and well-established businesses. Think about where this could lead.
It is also well-known that Chinese real estate companies or other Chinese Communist-party linked corporations have been, and are still purchasing land near United States military bases on mainland America and installing sophisticated and advanced surveillance and spying equipment on the purchased property with the intent of maintaining espionage of U.S military activities.

Paired with the fact that we now have at least tens of thousands of Chinese Intelligence operatives and likely also PLA special forces on U.S soil, prepared at any time to carry out activities of sabotage and terrorism, and the disastrous fentanyl crisis ultimately fueled by Communist party-affiliated Triad gangs, alongside the ever-growing Chinese market influence both domestically and globally, it is an exceedingly alarming situation. If the United States were to find itself at war with China, it would be without a doubt the greatest challenge America has ever faced and one which it is in no way prepared for at present. The only nation that has infiltrated the United States from within more thoroughly is the accursed state of Israel itself.
The Stage is set for a showdown with China. Unfortunately ,this doesn't end up well for either the West or the East.
I do see he is playing both sides. He understands Russia must go forward and the Communism will ruin Russia as it done before. Communism almost destroyed Russia so he is running it in a new style of governance. He is of a lot of high intelligence and that cannot be understated. He is not crazy as the Western media keeps saying, he is sane, and he knows how to go after what he wants.

It is very dangerous and catastrophic to the West that he is in charge of Russia while we have a senile running the United States. Based on this performance alone we must change our courses in the West quickly.

He wanted pieces of Ukraine for a long time, but it was a Western mistake and he took this instantly as a very good cause to go after parts of Ukraine that he wanted to incorporate in Russia. He would not have done it if he knew there was a very powerful leader in the United States or that Europe was fully armed.

I think unfortunately what he says about NATO doing weird things with Zelensky on the borders is also real, and that he actually defended Russia in that example. However he also knew that this was the perfect excuse to attack Ukraine and used it as an excuse to proceed to annex cities and other territories.

He is super effective in leading and he knows how to use tyrannical power as a state leader and he knows how to control strictly his country, but he respects Russia only insofar he is in power. When it comes to treating people in Russia he is not caring that much.

The jews don't care about Putin, they control a lot of him. But they want to destabilize Russia and cause WW3, that's why they attack Russia. Not because Putin is really that much against them. Because Putin has this reality in front of him he is defending his position and himself, but not for the good reasons people sometimes assume he does. He is doing his best to just stay in power.

I believe if Trump was in power none of these issues would have occurred as they come from the Globalists, the jews and zionists who want to cause a large scale war to destroy everything.

Currently the real danger is China, not Russia. China is the rising new USSR and is far more adapted and dangerous than Russia. Russia is a secondary problem that could be kept in check only if we kept a firm position in Europe and the United States by ourselves. As China rises, their alliance with Russia can be dangerous but it still remains a secondary target.

China is what must be overcome and conquered, and not via war, but by improving our power so they cannot in anyway affect us. They have to be defeated on statistics, economy and global influence. But we are being systematically misdirected against Russia in the West because it's currently used as a target to avoid issues that are pressing such as China.

China's way of conducting war is not via the weaponry but via conquering you slowly financially, that's something they know for centuries since the time of Chinese emperors. In regards to what happens if that succeeds is that they will instate a brutal technology based Communism similar to how they run their own population. Only after the West is defeated they will initiate any form of war, and they are waiting for this to happen patiently.

The above groups I mentioned like the Zionists (who forced the US to fight worthless nonsense like "Hamas") or who push us into Ukraine via mistakes for no reason such as Ukraine (Zelensky also works for them), are just wasting our energy here.

The United States is being pushed and pulled in problems that don't reflect the real needs of the Western World. If the jews are a warmongering bunch of lizards, they must be left to perish in the region as they have responsibility for this, not anyone else. They constantly initiate wars and have their own agenda of genocide going. The United States is enforced via the jewish lobby to engage, losing energy and resources there.

Then Ukraine represents more bad advisory of targets towards the United States by other groups which are not interested in addressing real problems.

These groups HATE the United States and the Western world and have ill intent and want global war, use this as cheap propaganda inside the Western World to make the Western World waste our energy on Russia, while Russia essentially if we played fair game and kept a strong NATO, would not be much of a danger at this point. They push Biden to make monumental mistakes that opened two useless fronts; one in Europe and one in the Middle East, while China is moving from the backdoor largely unnoticed.

It's all deliberate to destabilize us and that's why they also force senile Presidents in the seat in order to weaken us. Ukraine has weakened the United States financially, and so does the Middle East being chaotic. That would be resolved by a strong and firm President, who would get down immediately to work to surpass China before it is too late.

They are trying to stall it with GBLTQAI and other worthless nonsense, until it's too late to stop China from having a strong global influence. Russia is a small game they play to that end at this point, which grew larger because they seduced the United States to focus on wrong targeting.

Putin is not stupid nor is Russia, and they use this weakness as the perfect opportunity to annex what they can during the chaos and based on present justifications of Western mistakes. He does his job to do whatever he can to extend his power.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
A very good post, everything is said correctly about Russia and Putin, the only thing I would add is that Putin himself is a Jew and/ or a Jewish doll.

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is completely controlled by Jews (Putin and Zelensky, as well as their entourage, who are 100% Jews with the corresponding Jewish surnames (even this is not hidden).

In the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Jews are actively destroying the male population of white people (Slavs), mainly destroying nationalists and pagans who are fighting on both sides.

After the war (regardless of the result) there will be a shortage of white male population, Jews will take advantage of this to bring migrants from Africa and Asia.
Что-то еще, что показывает, насколько глубоко это идет:

По всей Америке и Канаде, во всех крупных городах, нет "Russiatowns". Но есть Китайгородки. Они глубоко встроены в каждый город и скупают всю землю, у них есть банды и хорошо зарекомендовавшие себя предприятия. Подумайте, к чему это может привести.
In the USA and Canada, there are Russian and Ukrainian communities that tend to get along with each other, they do not have any problems with both locals and each other.

Half of the families from Ukraine, Russia and Belarus do not want to communicate with people from the countries they left and settle down to live in ordinary American and Canadian areas (where the middle class lives).

Externally, Americans cannot distinguish Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians from themselves, because they look exactly the same.

The only difference is the mentality and habits, which change greatly towards assimilation with the locals, as a rule, children of Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians who have moved to live in the United States forget their languages if their parents stop communicating with them on them.
Remember, Putin is a former KGB agent and he loathes the Western World.
He is dead serious about "de-nazifying" Ukraine. There are many, MANY good National Socialist men serving in Ukraines army and not just their battalions.
Putin hates nationalism and has stamped out all traces of it in Russia. He is globohomo.

Pro-Russians in The West like to say that Putin is challenging the Liberal-Democratic post-war world order, and is therefore worth supporting.

However, what they seem to either forget or not understand is that Russia was fundamental in creating and enforcing this post-war order. The United Nations was founded during World War Two with the express goal of defeating Fascism and creating a leftist world order, whether it be liberalism in The West, or communism in the Soviet Union.

At its core, the goal of the United Nations was to defeat the concept of ethnic and racial identity as a foundation for national identity and nation-states.

Pro-Russians in the Anglosphere might attempt to refute this by noting the segregated nature of America and the American military in the 1930's and 40's, however that was a legacy that President Roosevelt was forced to deal with, not endorse. Roosevelt constantly did as much as he could to de-racialize America, and even had a so called "Black Cabinet" advising him and his government on supporting the black community, and by 1935 there were a previously unheard of 45 blacks working in federal executive departments and "New Deal" agencies.

The United Nations was not founded on April 25th, 1945, as some chronologies state. The United Nations was truly founded on January 1st, 1942, at the Arcadia Conference wherein China, The USSR, The United Kingdom, and The United States signed the Declaration by United Nations.

The final sentence of the Declaration by United Nations is as follows:

The foregoing declaration may be adhered to by other nations which are, or which may be, rendering material assistance and contributions in the struggle for victory over Hitlerism.

The Soviet Union, and then Russia, were founding members of this international order, and because of the prominence of their role in establishing it were granted a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council. To be clear, Russia has a permanent seat on the security council of the internationalist organization which was founded to defeat Ethno-Nationalism.

This is the country Anglosphere "Nationalists" claim is challenging the post-war order.

And Vladimir Putin is very proud and cognizant of that fact, as he stated in a September 2015 interview with CBS' Charlie Rose when asked about his upcoming speech at the United Nations:

I do not think it reasonable to go into much detail about everything I am going to speak about, but, broadly, I will certainly mention some facts from the history of the United Nations. Now I can already tell you that the decision to establish the United Nations was taken in our country at the Yalta Conference. It was in the Soviet Union that this decision was made. The Soviet Union, and Russia as the successor state to the Soviet Union, is a founding member state of the United Nations and a permanent member of its Security Council.

Here are some quotes from his speech commemorating the 70th Session of the United Nations on September 28th, 2015:

"In 1945, the countries that defeated Nazism joined their efforts to lay solid foundations for the postwar world order."

"Но напомню, что ключевые решения по принципам, направляющим сотрудничество между государствами, а также по созданию ООН, были приняты в нашей стране, в Ялте, на встрече лидеров антигитлеровской коалиции."


"Организация Объединенных Наций уникальна своей легитимностью, представительством и универсальностью."


"Россия готова работать вместе со своими партнерами на основе полного консенсуса, но мы считаем попытки подорвать легитимность ООН крайне опасными. Они могли бы привести к краху всей архитектуры международных организаций..."


"По аналогии с антигитлеровской коалицией, она могла бы объединить широкий спектр сил, которые решительно сопротивляются тем, кто так же, как нацисты, сеет зло и ненависть к человечеству."


"Все, что противоречит ООН. Устав должен быть отвергнут."
In general, everything is noted correctly.

I would add the following:
The Jews from the Verkhovna Rada actually control (or use in black) the Azov regiment, the Right Sector and other nationalist military organizations where the National Socialists serve.

I periodically review interviews with people from these units (all of whom speak Russian) and they are actually thrown into meat attacks, or they are in the most dangerous sectors of the front.
I have come to the conclusion that things are playing out in the same manner as in the 20th Century; We have an America choke-full of jews, a gigantic communist empire in Asia (Russia and China as one), and a confused but rising Europe in the centre.

The Joy of Satan has massive work to do, but even if it feels overwhelming, we must remember that Hitler went from homeless to almost destroying the global jewish forces once and for all.

So, our duty is to kick the jews out of Europe, which they are already leaving en masse, save America as much as possible (though it's closer to communism than it has ever been), checkmate Russia, and inflict a decisive blow on China.

This reminds me of what Hitler achieved. Apart from re-introducing Paganism, advancing science, and exposing the jews, he also inflicted a massive blow on the jewSSR, which would later on collapse, ruling out the nightmare of a communist Europe.
Something else that shows how deep this goes:

All across America and Canada, in all the major cities, there are no "Russiatowns". But there are Chinatowns. They are deeply imbedded in each city and buying up all the land, they have gangs, and well-established businesses. Think about where this could lead.
If one looks at how disciplined, trained and prepared the chinese are compared to modern european and american men it's scary. The goverment over there has extremely high standards for everything. While over here we are arguing about how many genders there are.
Sermons are very useful to align a confused mind and I admit the media work very hard to confuse, on those topics. Thanks.

What I noticed is, the jews are strongly pushing to grow the power of China to destabilize the west.
I rarely watch movies, rarely watch tv and jewish crap but I had to recently watch a movie about a western man (jew actor...) who emigrated to Saudi Arabia, then slowly subdued hself to the muslim/arab culture, while the few western people in there is depicted as idiots in perpetual frunk parties, then fell in love with an Arab woman. The final scene was the western man, surpassed by Chinese competitor with a better product at half the price to be sold to the Arab king. The downfall of the western white, assimilated by the arab costume, because western power is suppressed by Chine to enforce this shift.
This movie was also very rich in subliminal messages, like scenes below the water, a cancer removed from the spine of the white man by arab surgery (like kundalini removal), etc., I believe this is one of the movies where the jews project their goals and/or communicate them to the mass mind.

This is a bit off topic, I know, however Russia had no role in all of this. I wonder if, is it possible this is also a big distraction to divert attention to local war in Ukraine instead of observing the growing China ?
Remember, Putin is a former KGB agent and he loathes the Western World.
He is dead serious about "de-nazifying" Ukraine. There are many, MANY good National Socialist men serving in Ukraines army and not just their battalions.
Putin hates nationalism and has stamped out all traces of it in Russia. He is globohomo.

Pro-Russians in The West like to say that Putin is challenging the Liberal-Democratic post-war world order, and is therefore worth supporting.

However, what they seem to either forget or not understand is that Russia was fundamental in creating and enforcing this post-war order. The United Nations was founded during World War Two with the express goal of defeating Fascism and creating a leftist world order, whether it be liberalism in The West, or communism in the Soviet Union.

At its core, the goal of the United Nations was to defeat the concept of ethnic and racial identity as a foundation for national identity and nation-states.

Pro-Russians in the Anglosphere might attempt to refute this by noting the segregated nature of America and the American military in the 1930's and 40's, however that was a legacy that President Roosevelt was forced to deal with, not endorse. Roosevelt constantly did as much as he could to de-racialize America, and even had a so called "Black Cabinet" advising him and his government on supporting the black community, and by 1935 there were a previously unheard of 45 blacks working in federal executive departments and "New Deal" agencies.

The United Nations was not founded on April 25th, 1945, as some chronologies state. The United Nations was truly founded on January 1st, 1942, at the Arcadia Conference wherein China, The USSR, The United Kingdom, and The United States signed the Declaration by United Nations.

The final sentence of the Declaration by United Nations is as follows:

The foregoing declaration may be adhered to by other nations which are, or which may be, rendering material assistance and contributions in the struggle for victory over Hitlerism.

The Soviet Union, and then Russia, were founding members of this international order, and because of the prominence of their role in establishing it were granted a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council. To be clear, Russia has a permanent seat on the security council of the internationalist organization which was founded to defeat Ethno-Nationalism.

This is the country Anglosphere "Nationalists" claim is challenging the post-war order.

And Vladimir Putin is very proud and cognizant of that fact, as he stated in a September 2015 interview with CBS' Charlie Rose when asked about his upcoming speech at the United Nations:

I do not think it reasonable to go into much detail about everything I am going to speak about, but, broadly, I will certainly mention some facts from the history of the United Nations. Now I can already tell you that the decision to establish the United Nations was taken in our country at the Yalta Conference. It was in the Soviet Union that this decision was made. The Soviet Union, and Russia as the successor state to the Soviet Union, is a founding member state of the United Nations and a permanent member of its Security Council.

Here are some quotes from his speech commemorating the 70th Session of the United Nations on September 28th, 2015:

"In 1945, the countries that defeated Nazism joined their efforts to lay solid foundations for the postwar world order."

"But I remind you that the key decisions on the principles guiding the cooperation among states, as well as on the establishment of the United Nations, were made in our country, in Yalta, at the meeting of the anti-Hitler coalition leaders."


"The United Nations is unique in its legitimacy, representation and universality."


"Russia stands ready to work together with its partners on the basis of full consensus, but we consider the attempts to undermine the legitimacy of the United Nations as extremely dangerous. They could lead to a collapse of the entire architecture of international organizations..."


"Similar to the anti-Hitler coalition, it could unite a broad range of forces that are resolutely resisting those who, just like the Nazis, sow evil and hatred of humankind."


"Everything that contravenes the U.N. Charter must be rejected."

Can you please provide some link to info about the participation of the USSR at the arcadia conference?

While China has these geopolitical aspirations their house is in shambles in a much larger scale than US, for example. China is a developing country that wants us to think they are very advanced and so forth but there are social and infrastructural issues that no other nation has. That being said, they might just explode from the inside out if they expand too much.
Externally, Americans cannot distinguish Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians from themselves, because they look exactly the same.
This is not true at all. Russians look very different from the usual Americans. Most White Americans and Canadians are British Isles and Northern/Western European decent, these are very different subraces from Russian and Ukrainian.
This is not true at all. Russians look very different from the usual Americans. Most White Americans and Canadians are British Isles and Northern/Western European decent, these are very different subraces from Russian and Ukrainian.
Both Russia and Ukraine are interesting in their populace. You are certainly right, but there are also segments of people just like in north and central europe.
This is not true at all. Russians look very different from the usual Americans. Most White Americans and Canadians are British Isles and Northern/Western European decent, these are very different subraces from Russian and Ukrainian.
Lydia, what exactly is the external (visual) difference between white Slavs (Russians and Ukrainians) and white residents of Western Europe and the United States?

In fact, if you look at the settlement of Slavic peoples in ancient times (the period before the Middle Ages), many Slavic tribes mixed with native Germans (if you take the main territory of East Germany, and the border territories of Germany with Poland, especially during the wars, when villages moved from Slavic states to German states and vice versa), similar the situation with France (the border territories of France and Germany), when France, Italy and Germany had a common state - the Empire of Charlemagne (fr. L'Empire carolingian).

If we take the period of Nazi Germany, many generals and officers had, frankly speaking, Slavic surnames, some of which were not even Polish, but Russian, a vivid example is the surname Belov, which is currently found both in Russia and in Germany.

The example of the military personnel of Nazi Germany (native Germans) with Slavic surnames, one of whom was an aide-de-camp to Adolf Hitler and was born into an aristocratic family:

Georg Ludwig Heinrich Nicolaus von Below
Gerd-Paul Valerian Georg Heinrich von Below

The origin of the surname Belov/von Below, russian site:

Also on this site there is a link to archival Russian documents where this surname occurs, for example, a document from 1875:

In written sources, the surname Belaya appears in the XV century, and one of the earliest mentions of the form Belov derived from it dates back to the beginning of the XVII century. In the genealogical books there are references to the families of the Belov landowners from the Simbirsk and Kursk provinces, dating back to the middle of the XVII century.

The Belovs (German: "von Below") — noble russian families.There are many noble families, but only two families are approved in the ancient nobility.
The first one is descended from Nikita Belov and from his sons: Dmitry and Antipas, made up by the estate in 1629, and recorded in the VI part of the genealogy book of the Simbirsk province.
The second one is from Thomas Belov and his son Mikhail, who was laid out by the estate in 1642, and recorded in the VI part of the genealogical book of the Kursk province.


Translation on the genealogical map of Russia from Russian to English (what you see in the upper left corner of the map): "Belov. Places where the surname is mentioned before 1917.".

The German von Belov families originate from Pomerania, just from the territory where the Slavic tribes settled (border territories with Poland), which passed from hand to hand to the Slavic states, then to the German ones:

I took only one Slavic (general: Russian and German) surname, which is widespread in Germany and Russia, there are others with links to archival ancient russian documents and sources!

If I am wrong about something, I am ready to study this issue in more detail.

I am very good at working with both historical and legal sources from different countries.
Ok i know that though my info comes from jewtube i still have a question. Even with all the HP Cobra says about China aren't they in a pretty bad economic downturn right now? From what I've seen and heard many are finally revolting against the CCP. This would make the above issues hard to accomplish as their own people are getting close to a true revolt. Many of those crossing the boarder having been fleeing the massive loss of jobs in China.
I know we have a lot of problems in the usa and hopefully we can fix them before this whole thing blows up in our face.
Does anyone have any info on this massive economic downfall i've been hearing about?

Hail Father Satan
Lydia, what exactly is the external (visual) difference between white Slavs (Russians and Ukrainians) and white residents of Western Europe and the United States?
You can see it in the face (structure, features, etc), as well as the body in many cases but I always go by the face.

I've developed good talent for seeing Americans/Canadians of different subraces. I saw a Canadian man, thought "he looks Finish", looked him up online, and both sides of his family were from Finland.

There's a lot of Ukrainians in Canada, and I can tell them apart from Irish (for example) very easily. The faces are entirely different.

It gets tricky for me if people are mixed subraces or have some non-European blood, however.

Some members have posted pictures that show the different subraces with examples of males and females for each one.
You can see it in the face (structure, features, etc), as well as the body in many cases but I always go by the face.

I've developed good talent for seeing Americans/Canadians of different subraces. I saw a Canadian man, thought "he looks Finish", looked him up online, and both sides of his family were from Finland.

There's a lot of Ukrainians in Canada, and I can tell them apart from Irish (for example) very easily. The faces are entirely different.

It gets tricky for me if people are mixed subraces or have some non-European blood, however.

Some members have posted pictures that show the different subraces with examples of males and females for each one.
Lydia, I totally agree with you :love:
If there are links, can I look at the pictures that other members have published?
As a native speaker of the language, I enjoyed the play on words and references that are given as “arguments” for the destruction of the White population of Ukraine and Russia. Regarding military affairs, all this simply looks like a hush-up and a fake game. Waste of time. While you are listening and trying to decipher what this man is saying (“putin” is what?) - several thousand people are dying a month simply from useless saber-rattling. This is definitely one of the old USSR-KGB games of stalling and negotiation process. It is important for them to push through their decision not because the United States has internal problems (they created them) - but in order to control “both sides” while being confident that the goyim will not notice anything.

Being honest, I will say this: This war situation turned out to be so cruel, destructive, dangerous and unpredictable that the parties (NATO and BRICS) were horrified by the possible consequences. And now they are trying to throw this situation into a dark corner so that no one asks questions. Like with Covid. Some people like to think that the good guys always win, and the reality of the "good guys" is that they are on both sides of the propaganda clichés. No one should actually die in a war between two white states. In this case, the only winner is the side that does not directly participate in the war - globalistic capital. The concept of “negative growth” of the “Klaus” “Schwab” in its direct form is the destruction of the economy, people, cities, spending money on weapons rather than development. And now this “man” offers to leave the game so that he can keep all the ruins for himself. This is very beneficial for the globalists in terms of calculating losses. In this case, the other side will pay for the restoration (lol) of cities destroyed by the war.
As a native speaker of the language, I enjoyed the play on words and references that are given as “arguments” for the destruction of the White population of Ukraine and Russia. Regarding military affairs, all this simply looks like a hush-up and a fake game. Waste of time. While you are listening and trying to decipher what this man is saying (“putin” is what?) - several thousand people are dying a month simply from useless saber-rattling. This is definitely one of the old USSR-KGB games of stalling and negotiation process. It is important for them to push through their decision not because the United States has internal problems (they created them) - but in order to control “both sides” while being confident that the goyim will not notice anything.

Being honest, I will say this: This war situation turned out to be so cruel, destructive, dangerous and unpredictable that the parties (NATO and BRICS) were horrified by the possible consequences. And now they are trying to throw this situation into a dark corner so that no one asks questions. Like with Covid. Some people like to think that the good guys always win, and the reality of the "good guys" is that they are on both sides of the propaganda clichés. No one should actually die in a war between two white states. In this case, the only winner is the side that does not directly participate in the war - globalistic capital. The concept of “negative growth” of the “Klaus” “Schwab” in its direct form is the destruction of the economy, people, cities, spending money on weapons rather than development. And now this “man” offers to leave the game so that he can keep all the ruins for himself. This is very beneficial for the globalists in terms of calculating losses. In this case, the other side will pay for the restoration (lol) of cities destroyed by the war.

When the rules of life will be imposed above the rules of States, then people will understand that we killing each other doesn't make any sense. Ukraine Russian war doesn't really make much sense historically, especially because of reasons Putin uses as justification for this war.

Until that time which is a long time from now, everyone will make up an argument to kill other people of their own tribe even for small time scales of differences.

Putin is very good at this, he is a master politician. He knows how to support his position through this reasoning. He has no real intentions of negotiation either. He likes the fact there is no negotiation. But so does Klaus Schwab and others, so they are letting the matter go and just throw money at it, instead of stopping it. Then they steal this money [Zelensky, Biden, even Putin benefit from this] and they keep it going without any real resolution.

The only winners from this are the vultures that wait to annex the ruins.
I do have to echo much of what Yurei said. Personally, I've always heavily erred on the side of what Maxine wrote about Putin and his regime, and almost all of what she wrote was scathing. Communism is not as distant a memory as it seems, despite his 'critique'. It's worth noting I like anyone here have no love for the US regime, NATO, and so on. Europe has had its floodgates open to a Muslim plague in the proceeding years as it still clambered back in a recovery from a millennia of Christian darkness. But in hating the establishment, it's not as if I have any support for something that's merely pretending to act as the contrary. Jewtin can't go five seconds without describing something as "Satanic".

I have absolutely no balms being quick to describe myself as paranoid, but a lot of what is happening stinks. America is currently helmed by a demented old fool, and there are vultures taking advantage of the occasion. So much of the American Right is quick to kiss Putin's ass, nevermind how much he kisses China's ass in turn. There's thousands of Russian state owned Twitter accounts all promoting the idea of a Texan secession and the fall of the United States. I can't help but see the potential writing on the wall here and see Trump, Putin, China, Tucker, Elon, all part of the same cabal to designed to take advantage of a weakened Europe and America, promoting the growth of radical Christianity as a means of further decaying Western power to the ends of China being able to sweep in and take ownership of the ruins. You don't hear much about it, but the Church has grown quite considerably in China in the last decade. It and Communism are just as married as they've ever been.

I'm a Satanist Pagan. I'm not stupid, but at the same time, I'm not gonna sit here and act like the above names all sitting and spouting how much they despise all things "Satanic" while promoting Christianity and act like they're on our side or are gonna "own the Jewish NWO". You can say the word "Satanic" is just being used as colloquial representation of Jewish occultism, but it's really not the case. Russian state actors have outright spoken ill of Paganism, Yoga, and so on pretty frequently, and state surveillance has only grown in recent years.

You always have to stop and wonder who is playing who here. No real shock that Trump and his ilk are all in on the genocide of Palestine. At least with regards to Israel, bipartisanship seems to be a complete myth.

Regardless, this is just my opinion. If someone makes a disparaging comment about the Jews, great, but I'm never going to ignore it being followed through with hours of insane Christian rambling and attacks against everything we're meant to stand for as a movement. Europe will never heal or be free so long as Christianity is still perpetuated.

Again, we're talking about a man who Maxine went on record to say is certainly Jewish by blood. Specifically an ex-KGB Jew who grew up in a Torah thumping household and has made it his life's work to stamp out what he calls "Nationalism" and "Nazism" and "Satanism" all while empowering a surveillance state with Communist trappings. There's no version of reality where I'm going to subscribe to someone like this being a wind of change for anything good. Walks like a kike, quacks like a kike.
I do have to echo much of what Yurei said. Personally, I've always heavily erred on the side of what Maxine wrote about Putin and his regime, and almost all of what she wrote was scathing. Communism is not as distant a memory as it seems, despite his 'critique'. It's worth noting I like anyone here have no love for the US regime, NATO, and so on. Europe has had its floodgates open to a Muslim plague in the proceeding years as it still clambered back in a recovery from a millennia of Christian darkness. But in hating the establishment, it's not as if I have any support for something that's merely pretending to act as the contrary. Jewtin can't go five seconds without describing something as "Satanic"....

You are not paranoid, it's the observation of a large conspiracy that is taking place. Most people out there are confused because they cannot understand the influence of the enemy in any level at all. So they are blind and therefore confused. They take sides all the time.

They all do this "Evil Satan" thing, it's sensational and it's very easy to use as an excuse. Evil Nazis and evil Satan are the memes of centuries now.

We are indeed, mercilessly used as a lighting rod for everything that these incarnations of evil want to do. The Gods and Satan in particular stand there as the aiming dummy for the lighting rod. However, the Gods, lately, have always been in this case. No matter who or what does something evil, "Satan" is the quickest response.

Meanwhile, as we know from firsthand experience, these forces are very good and they are verifiably good through all their followers who actually led them an ear. They don't promote any evil, on the contrary, they promote good.

The reason all of them hate the Gods and all of the defame them, is because, as one can see, is that these beings are arrogant and evil. Deflection of responsibility for their evil is their first go to. It's easy to be evil and to blame everything on an external source.

We must not fall on the trap of going into mere ideological disagreements which disapprove reality. One cannot rule out the United States or NATO or all these things, simply because they do evil things. Thinking Westerners are to the point of literally undermining their own systems all the time, as if, for example, unbridled power of other Nations would produce other results. Chances are, if this power Westerners so much hate, recoils, we are going to see the ultimate bloodbath or enslavement of humanity, many more times worse than now.

Does the above make matters better? No. The reality is we are having the enemy, but also evil and ignorance, at the rule of many people in charge. Not all of them, but many.

It's all part of the game. Despite of all these categories existing in the similar wavelength of evil, ignorance, and anti-Gods mentality, they are going to fight each other for the death as they usually do, to maintain more delusions of power. Then they will die off and the cycle repeats.

People, as they want to live, they have to sometimes go for the lesser evil in all of this. That's because evil is prevalent. Purism in real life cannot exist, because evil has overshadowed humanity due to ignorance. Therefore, what is at any given rate less ignorant, people have to flock to this. So they jump from side to side while eventually it's all around the same thing.

Fundamentally the enemy always preaches the same rules; bloodshed, disarmament, lack of ownership rights in anyway possible, belief in any hoax, struggle and warfare, enslavement of anyone and anything, but above all, ignorance for all in all levels, non-existence.

When one digs really deep these are the things they find, no matter if it comes from the CCP or Israel or whatever other source. Fundamentally they are the "Devil" they constantly accuse. The real source of evil in the world. They serve these forces which go by a thousand different sides, all about "coincidentally" bringing the same end. That's because they are on the destructive spiral of existence and not on the creative one.

The degree of goodness in society still goes on globally [in all Nations, states and in every of these above groups] because there are still forces of good through humans that activate and act for at least some benefit in all this. That's why society still exists. If it did not, everything would have died on the face of the planet. This spiral of creation is what rivals the spiral of destruction so the world does not fall completely apart.

The job of the enemy and their agents is to increase the destructive spiral whenever they see it, no matter from where they are from. The mission of people who have a soul more aligned with the Gods, is to create the other spiral.
Thank you for the post.

Must say though, all planned very well, if can't control, destroy. Just as the past destroy the knowledge and financial.
So much chaos and honestly I try to avoid reading or listing outside the group.
It fires me up for the stupidity that is here.
My own family has the fire to promote communism and they do to a degree understand but yet still push it like it's okay.

All the money being sent out of country for nothing and then the border finally opening up from what I heard just this week or something from Mexico.

How do you fight the chaos that comes from every side... (General question, not needing true answer)

Russia forces the financial and China attacks the mentality. While being robbed of our own finance and mentality....
Reading your articles always teaches me new things. Yesterday was a bad day for me, but reading your articles does me good.

I'm glad you're here with us.

Even if one day something goes wrong, our hearts will always beat for Lord Satan.

Thank you for this.
I remember one video That I came across on youtube years ago hps maxine Was talking about what the jews have done Talking about Russia during World War 2. And the Astrosties committed by the Bolsheviks.
And I do remember her saying that putin is a jew But I do believe putin is butting heads with other jews I recently saw a video of Putin walking by a bunch of other global leaders. Then he shook everyone of their hands except Netanyahu's Maybe they're mad because Putin hasn't attacked the United States yet. I think they are purposely trying to provoke Russia into attacking the United States. And Putin hasnt done it yet....
Remarkable find HP! Thanks for sharing this pressing and current news and history. Russia has been an enigma to me throughout my youth considering all the TV, movies and such. I now see that it is not all too different to Canada, only with a long history of war and an often oppressed and impoverished nation.

I found it interesting how Putin went on about how Russia was founded on orthodoxy which is the reason (as he stated) that Russia has been open to Islam, Hinduism, Catholicism and Judaism; that these religions share more in common than otherwise.

He threw Pagans in there later and he talked about a welcoming of all backgrounds and religions as being one of Russia's greatest strengths. It seems a bit like a bait-and-switch concept to me though, that granted Paganism may have legal rights, it's still vilified just as Nazism is in mainstream news and entertainment (which we all know who controls). It's also obvious that they want to use 'Neo-nazism' to attack true Nazism, which they foolishly and arrogantly appear to think has been erased from the earth. Our side is gaining such traction in the world today and I'm hopeful that more people in the world continue questioning WW2, 9/11 and the role of religious institutions throughout history.

We are at a very tense time; a time of pushing for international crisis with more serious and direct questions being presented. It makes it challenging to surmise what the future will hold, yet I fully agree that China is and has been of greater concern than Russia for many years due to the West and their long history of outsourcing to 'cheaper' products and services from China. It's about the time the masses grow some common sense and abolish all this crap that we don't need, like Germany did in WW2.

Hope for the best and prepare for the worst I guess.
I do see he is playing both sides. He understands Russia must go forward and the Communism will ruin Russia as it done before. Communism almost destroyed Russia so he is running it in a new style of governance. He is of a lot of high intelligence and that cannot be understated. He is not crazy as the Western media keeps saying, he is sane, and he knows how to go after what he wants.

It is very dangerous and catastrophic to the West that he is in charge of Russia while we have a senile running the United States. Based on this performance alone we must change our courses in the West quickly.

He wanted pieces of Ukraine for a long time, but it was a Western mistake and he took this instantly as a very good cause to go after parts of Ukraine that he wanted to incorporate in Russia. He would not have done it if he knew there was a very powerful leader in the United States or that Europe was fully armed.

I think unfortunately what he says about NATO doing weird things with Zelensky on the borders is also real, and that he actually defended Russia in that example. However he also knew that this was the perfect excuse to attack Ukraine and used it as an excuse to proceed to annex cities and other territories.

He is super effective in leading and he knows how to use tyrannical power as a state leader and he knows how to control strictly his country, but he respects Russia only insofar he is in power. When it comes to treating people in Russia he is not caring that much.

The jews don't care about Putin, they control a lot of him. But they want to destabilize Russia and cause WW3, that's why they attack Russia. Not because Putin is really that much against them. Because Putin has this reality in front of him he is defending his position and himself, but not for the good reasons people sometimes assume he does. He is doing his best to just stay in power.

I believe if Trump was in power none of these issues would have occurred as they come from the Globalists, the jews and zionists who want to cause a large scale war to destroy everything.

Currently the real danger is China, not Russia. China is the rising new USSR and is far more adapted and dangerous than Russia. Russia is a secondary problem that could be kept in check only if we kept a firm position in Europe and the United States by ourselves. As China rises, their alliance with Russia can be dangerous but it still remains a secondary target.

China is what must be overcome and conquered, and not via war, but by improving our power so they cannot in anyway affect us. They have to be defeated on statistics, economy and global influence. But we are being systematically misdirected against Russia in the West because it's currently used as a target to avoid issues that are pressing such as China.

China's way of conducting war is not via the weaponry but via conquering you slowly financially, that's something they know for centuries since the time of Chinese emperors. In regards to what happens if that succeeds is that they will instate a brutal technology based Communism similar to how they run their own population. Only after the West is defeated they will initiate any form of war, and they are waiting for this to happen patiently.

The above groups I mentioned like the Zionists (who forced the US to fight worthless nonsense like "Hamas") or who push us into Ukraine via mistakes for no reason such as Ukraine (Zelensky also works for them), are just wasting our energy here.

The United States is being pushed and pulled in problems that don't reflect the real needs of the Western World. If the jews are a warmongering bunch of lizards, they must be left to perish in the region as they have responsibility for this, not anyone else. They constantly initiate wars and have their own agenda of genocide going. The United States is enforced via the jewish lobby to engage, losing energy and resources there.

Then Ukraine represents more bad advisory of targets towards the United States by other groups which are not interested in addressing real problems.

These groups HATE the United States and the Western world and have ill intent and want global war, use this as cheap propaganda inside the Western World to make the Western World waste our energy on Russia, while Russia essentially if we played fair game and kept a strong NATO, would not be much of a danger at this point. They push Biden to make monumental mistakes that opened two useless fronts; one in Europe and one in the Middle East, while China is moving from the backdoor largely unnoticed.

It's all deliberate to destabilize us and that's why they also force senile Presidents in the seat in order to weaken us. Ukraine has weakened the United States financially, and so does the Middle East being chaotic. That would be resolved by a strong and firm President, who would get down immediately to work to surpass China before it is too late.

They are trying to stall it with GBLTQAI and other worthless nonsense, until it's too late to stop China from having a strong global influence. Russia is a small game they play to that end at this point, which grew larger because they seduced the United States to focus on wrong targeting.

Putin is not stupid nor is Russia, and they use this weakness as the perfect opportunity to annex what they can during the chaos and based on present justifications of Western mistakes. He does his job to do whatever he can to extend his power.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I think one important thing that has to be mentioned about Putin is that he is one of the most corrupted politicians in the world, perhaps even in the whole history of humanity. The amount of money that he and his circle steals from Russian budget is unbelievable. We , as satanists, who stand for beautiful ideals cannot tolerate such a rat like person at all , even if he does something good
One small question. I recall Putin mentioning that Ukrainians are a mix of Russian and ...French? (Or Polish?)

I'm confused because comments here seem to describe Ukrainians as their own race with distinct features.

Is this another Palestine scenario? (i.e a pseudohistory manufactured by the Jews?) I'm just a bit confused and any clarification on that point would help me out a lot.

Thanks in advanced!
I think one important thing that has to be mentioned about Putin is that he is one of the most corrupted politicians in the world, perhaps even in the whole history of humanity. The amount of money that he and his circle steals from Russian budget is unbelievable. We , as satanists, who stand for beautiful ideals cannot tolerate such a rat like person at all , even if he does something good

A honest question after the fall of the USSR is where would Russia be without Putin at all. Would it be a superpower? Would Moscow be like it is today, which is a great city?

Political judgement overall is anything but emotional judgement. I understand where you are coming from, but most people tend to always give shit to people who play many pivotal roles. If there was a person less strong than he in their position, then where would the Russians be?

Generally people constantly attack these politicians, and I am not fond of what they do either. But imagining myself in their shoes I cannot say one shouldn't bite or be very firm in their directions. Because then the country can fall apart.

Putin has overall, despite of being unethical, not started any wars, or perceived world destruction like Stalin. He wanted to be an emperor and to be left be. That's a better deal than what Stalin offered to humanity. Therefore, many Russians are fond of him. The standards aren't Western standards here.

Nobody speaks about the comedian jew Zelensky who has pocketed 20 billion or more from direct payouts of US Taxpayer free money. Zelensky literally is the most dangerous of them all. Because he is the little victim and evil Putin threw bombs on him because he was making labs on the literal shores of the border of Russia. I would throw bombs and napalm on him as well if he did that and I was in Putin's position, without hesitation. 10 months later they could have thrown some virus on the region via the biolabs and then people would be dead.

In regards to why we would even go there and do these things, that's still a mystery to me. I guess, someone in the vibes of Klaus Schwab gave a phonecall to his goonies and told them "Hey that's a nice day, let's go put some biolabs 10 miles from the Russian Border. That will certainly spark another war so our homeboy Zelensky can bring some money to us :) OH and likely trigger some WW3 in the process". And then some other immoral worthless soul was like "Yes, definitely, let's go :)".

Politics and corruption go hand in hand, but what the Goyim is told of "Corruption" is not always the case. Biden and many other Presidents have done great crimes, started pointless wars, done financial crimes on the back of the people, but the "Goyim" only cares if somehow it's student loan for Gender Studies will be paid out, not if they will be left without descendants and live. Trump is meanwhile crucified by the media and slapped from all sides while having done not even 5% of what the "Good Guys" have done.

Biden has printed 80 billion for feed Zelensky, meanwhile, the Goyim are told to declare anything above 500$ to the IRS or they will do prison time. So we have to think of the reality of matters a lot here. Just writing this to show that one must look not only through the lenses of ethics when they try to understand political reality.

Remarkable find HP! Thanks for sharing this pressing and current news and history. Russia has been an enigma to me throughout my youth considering all the TV, movies and such. I now see that it is not all too different to Canada, only with a long history of war and an often oppressed and impoverished nation.

I found it interesting how Putin went on about how Russia was founded on orthodoxy which is the reason (as he stated) that Russia has been open to Islam, Hinduism, Catholicism and Judaism; that these religions share more in common than otherwise.

He threw Pagans in there later and he talked about a welcoming of all backgrounds and religions as being one of Russia's greatest strengths. It seems a bit like a bait-and-switch concept to me though, that granted Paganism may have legal rights, it's still vilified just as Nazism is in mainstream news and entertainment (which we all know who controls). It's also obvious that they want to use 'Neo-nazism' to attack true Nazism, which they foolishly and arrogantly appear to think has been erased from the earth. Our side is gaining such traction in the world today and I'm hopeful that more people in the world continue questioning WW2, 9/11 and the role of religious institutions throughout history.

Putin as with any other politician has to deal with a lot of complex realities in his country. He tried to bring Russia in par with the rest of the world, that's better than nothing. Moscow is not the shit-hole that the Communists left it. How much more evolution has to be made? Like in all places, a lot.

Does that make him a very good person or beneficial to us specifically? No. Have these steps evolved the lives of the Russian people by a long margin compared to what was their reality under Stalin? Yes. Are they far from becoming "Free", in the way defined in the "Western Values", which are now collapsing in the twilight of insanity as well? Well, not.

In order for him to start wars and things like this, what does he do? Use buzzwords like Nazis, Satanists, Satan this, evil that. That's the go to of the current culture. But Putin is not making decisions based on some sort of Ancient Truth or anything, but because of what he has in front of him.

Every country and every politician has to be studied on it's own scope and it's own reality. Communist Russia had borderline outlawed religion, and people needed God to believe in. So Putin restored the idea of "God", albeit with what was more handy to him.

I am not saying anything above to say "they are good", I am just saying the above to show more practical political thought process. This type of thinking is very specific in dealing with Politics and it has not got to do with facts or Truth most of the time, let alone the ethical morals that most "would accept".
Back when I was in college I had a beautiful white pet rat named Erzsébet. She was the smartest animal I had the pleasure of spending time with. I won't go into details as it's beside the point but please do not make these grave insults to any animal comparing them to kikes. I had to deprogram myself from using animal names for such purposes and recommended everyone does. It is not a big deal, still it reflects abrahamic mental poisoning that we ought to distance ourselves from.

Other than that, you're right about Putin.
Back when I was in college I had a beautiful white pet rat named Erzsébet. She was the smartest animal I had the pleasure of spending time with. I won't go into details as it's beside the point but please do not make these grave insults to any animal comparing them to kikes. I had to deprogram myself from using animal names for such purposes and recommended everyone does. It is not a big deal, still it reflects abrahamic mental poisoning that we ought to distance ourselves from.

Other than that, you're right about Putin.

I don't remember a time where rats claimed 6 million of them died in the Holocau$t, while their population was lower than that number. I guess they all died 3-4 times over in the gas cookie chambers. Truly, rats are a highly superior and more honest people than them. I agree.

Some rats also dwell in sewers but they do this without child mattresses below New York. They also don't have institutionalized tenets to cut baby penises and everything else. Pigs and rats are indeed nobler creatures in their own ways.
I do see he is playing both sides. He understands Russia must go forward and the Communism will ruin Russia as it done before. Communism almost destroyed Russia so he is running it in a new style of governance. He is of a lot of high intelligence and that cannot be understated. He is not crazy as the Western media keeps saying, he is sane, and he knows how to go after what he wants.

It is very dangerous and catastrophic to the West that he is in charge of Russia while we have a senile running the United States. Based on this performance alone we must change our courses in the West quickly.

He wanted pieces of Ukraine for a long time, but it was a Western mistake and he took this instantly as a very good cause to go after parts of Ukraine that he wanted to incorporate in Russia. He would not have done it if he knew there was a very powerful leader in the United States or that Europe was fully armed.

I think unfortunately what he says about NATO doing weird things with Zelensky on the borders is also real, and that he actually defended Russia in that example. However he also knew that this was the perfect excuse to attack Ukraine and used it as an excuse to proceed to annex cities and other territories.

He is super effective in leading and he knows how to use tyrannical power as a state leader and he knows how to control strictly his country, but he respects Russia only insofar he is in power. When it comes to treating people in Russia he is not caring that much.

The jews don't care about Putin, they control a lot of him. But they want to destabilize Russia and cause WW3, that's why they attack Russia. Not because Putin is really that much against them. Because Putin has this reality in front of him he is defending his position and himself, but not for the good reasons people sometimes assume he does. He is doing his best to just stay in power.

I believe if Trump was in power none of these issues would have occurred as they come from the Globalists, the jews and zionists who want to cause a large scale war to destroy everything.

Currently the real danger is China, not Russia. China is the rising new USSR and is far more adapted and dangerous than Russia. Russia is a secondary problem that could be kept in check only if we kept a firm position in Europe and the United States by ourselves. As China rises, their alliance with Russia can be dangerous but it still remains a secondary target.

China is what must be overcome and conquered, and not via war, but by improving our power so they cannot in anyway affect us. They have to be defeated on statistics, economy and global influence. But we are being systematically misdirected against Russia in the West because it's currently used as a target to avoid issues that are pressing such as China.

China's way of conducting war is not via the weaponry but via conquering you slowly financially, that's something they know for centuries since the time of Chinese emperors. In regards to what happens if that succeeds is that they will instate a brutal technology based Communism similar to how they run their own population. Only after the West is defeated they will initiate any form of war, and they are waiting for this to happen patiently.

The above groups I mentioned like the Zionists (who forced the US to fight worthless nonsense like "Hamas") or who push us into Ukraine via mistakes for no reason such as Ukraine (Zelensky also works for them), are just wasting our energy here.

The United States is being pushed and pulled in problems that don't reflect the real needs of the Western World. If the jews are a warmongering bunch of lizards, they must be left to perish in the region as they have responsibility for this, not anyone else. They constantly initiate wars and have their own agenda of genocide going. The United States is enforced via the jewish lobby to engage, losing energy and resources there.

Then Ukraine represents more bad advisory of targets towards the United States by other groups which are not interested in addressing real problems.

These groups HATE the United States and the Western world and have ill intent and want global war, use this as cheap propaganda inside the Western World to make the Western World waste our energy on Russia, while Russia essentially if we played fair game and kept a strong NATO, would not be much of a danger at this point. They push Biden to make monumental mistakes that opened two useless fronts; one in Europe and one in the Middle East, while China is moving from the backdoor largely unnoticed.

It's all deliberate to destabilize us and that's why they also force senile Presidents in the seat in order to weaken us. Ukraine has weakened the United States financially, and so does the Middle East being chaotic. That would be resolved by a strong and firm President, who would get down immediately to work to surpass China before it is too late.

They are trying to stall it with GBLTQAI and other worthless nonsense, until it's too late to stop China from having a strong global influence. Russia is a small game they play to that end at this point, which grew larger because they seduced the United States to focus on wrong targeting.

Putin is not stupid nor is Russia, and they use this weakness as the perfect opportunity to annex what they can during the chaos and based on present justifications of Western mistakes. He does his job to do whatever he can to extend his power.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I kind of disagree here i think china has a very limited window to make war if they don't they are looking at revolution in their own country let me explain my point of view they have 35 million extra males below the age of 35 due to their one child policy since males can carry the family name females were aborted if you think feminism is bad in the west well you should have a look at china but even so these are 35 million individuals who will never breed in their life time this is a problem a major problem they cant get a house due to inflation of house price they cant get a real high paying job and they cant really escape their own country this is going to lead to china's destruction so china will have to go to war and they MUST do it soon otherwise their fighting population will become too old and then they are on a massive downward spiral these men like every other Chinese dynasty that fell in the past (Please don't go saying that the government is not a imperial Dynasty lets be real here Poo bear is the King of china) always when reproduction becomes too difficult this will lead to revolution too much cost for living standard the people will revolt they either need a huge war or they will have a lot of angry men to deal with China's average age keeps going higher older people don't work for nothing and cant produce as much goods like a younger population would if China was wise i predict they will likely enter a war with India over Taiwan why is that well India loves to sit on the fence about a lot of things they are not officially anyone's ally or adversary the USA has made a guarantee that Taiwan will be safe i doubt that the paper tiger that is china would want a direct war with the USA and considering all the weapons the USA has which it does not openly display mostly that of rail gun and laser weapons technology which they progressively get better and better at every year this would be an idiots move no its much better attacking India and getting their ally Pakistan to join the war against India both countries china and India have massive over population issues and both of them have major land disputes i predict either a revolution in china or an all out war between them and India but the more concerning threat to me personally is not China or AI its Islam the enemy that is in everyone's back yards due to woke idiot liberals this is a true evil that needs to be eradicated as soon as possible our religious enemy's are the real threat of course the Chinese government is evil as shit but they cant sit back idle any longer they don't have time on their side for an economic victory over the west they will enter an age of massive decline over the next 50 years they must act before 2030 if they don't their society as it is will fail i predict the American stock market will boom once trump is reelected and that he will pick up where he left off with pushing europe to be more war ready and making even more pronounced ties with his allys especially that of Australia and Britian i see a lot of big change starting to spur up and trump is likely to push the world over the edge in the right direction.

An even bigger reason for china to war with india is that a lot of countries are turning to india to become the new production hub of the world to essentially replace china its already happening i see heaps of steel and other products coming out of india look at the sales charts with major iron ore giants like BHP and Rio tinto they are starting to sell a lot more of Australia's iron ore to india and Australia is buying up India's steel made products the Australian Government have alrady been doing a lot to distance themselves from china in favour of other asian trade partners.
A honest question after the fall of the USSR is where would Russia be without Putin at all. Would it be a superpower? Would Moscow be like it is today, which is a great city?

Political judgement overall is anything but emotional judgement. I understand where you are coming from, but most people tend to always give shit to people who play many pivotal roles. If there was a person less strong than he in their position, then where would the Russians be?

Generally people constantly attack these politicians, and I am not fond of what they do either. But imagining myself in their shoes I cannot say one shouldn't bite or be very firm in their directions. Because then the country can fall apart.

Putin has overall, despite of being unethical, not started any wars, or perceived world destruction like Stalin. He wanted to be an emperor and to be left be. That's a better deal than what Stalin offered to humanity. Therefore, many Russians are fond of him. The standards aren't Western standards here.

Nobody speaks about the comedian jew Zelensky who has pocketed 20 billion or more from direct payouts of US Taxpayer free money. Zelensky literally is the most dangerous of them all. Because he is the little victim and evil Putin threw bombs on him because he was making labs on the literal shores of the border of Russia. I would throw bombs and napalm on him as well if he did that and I was in Putin's position, without hesitation. 10 months later they could have thrown some virus on the region via the biolabs and then people would be dead.

In regards to why we would even go there and do these things, that's still a mystery to me. I guess, someone in the vibes of Klaus Schwab gave a phonecall to his goonies and told them "Hey that's a nice day, let's go put some biolabs 10 miles from the Russian Border. That will certainly spark another war so our homeboy Zelensky can bring some money to us :) OH and likely trigger some WW3 in the process". And then some other immoral worthless soul was like "Yes, definitely, let's go :)".

Politics and corruption go hand in hand, but what the Goyim is told of "Corruption" is not always the case. Biden and many other Presidents have done great crimes, started pointless wars, done financial crimes on the back of the people, but the "Goyim" only cares if somehow it's student loan for Gender Studies will be paid out, not if they will be left without descendants and live. Trump is meanwhile crucified by the media and slapped from all sides while having done not even 5% of what the "Good Guys" have done.

Biden has printed 80 billion for feed Zelensky, meanwhile, the Goyim are told to declare anything above 500$ to the IRS or they will do prison time. So we have to think of the reality of matters a lot here. Just writing this to show that one must look not only through the lenses of ethics when they try to understand political reality.

Putin as with any other politician has to deal with a lot of complex realities in his country. He tried to bring Russia in par with the rest of the world, that's better than nothing. Moscow is not the shit-hole that the Communists left it. How much more evolution has to be made? Like in all places, a lot.

Does that make him a very good person or beneficial to us specifically? No. Have these steps evolved the lives of the Russian people by a long margin compared to what was their reality under Stalin? Yes. Are they far from becoming "Free", in the way defined in the "Western Values", which are now collapsing in the twilight of insanity as well? Well, not.

In order for him to start wars and things like this, what does he do? Use buzzwords like Nazis, Satanists, Satan this, evil that. That's the go to of the current culture. But Putin is not making decisions based on some sort of Ancient Truth or anything, but because of what he has in front of him.

Every country and every politician has to be studied on it's own scope and it's own reality. Communist Russia had borderline outlawed religion, and people needed God to believe in. So Putin restored the idea of "God", albeit with what was more handy to him.

I am not saying anything above to say "they are good", I am just saying the above to show more practical political thought process. This type of thinking is very specific in dealing with Politics and it has not got to do with facts or Truth most of the time, let alone the ethical morals that most "would accept".
"Therefore, many Russians are fond of him."

I'm not sure this is correct. I've talked to many Russians in my life and one thing that I've noticed is that those of them who are young and intelligent don't like Putin . It's mainly those who are older than 40 and pensioners with Soviet (zombie) style of thinking who are truly fond of him.

I personally neither like him nor dislike him and I don't think he is the worst ruler in Russia's history but again there are many things about him that I regard as very ugly. As I said before he is very corrupted and the whole Russian political system is also corrupted due to him being corrupted cause the fish rots from its head.

And the second thing that I don't like about him is he's a former KGB agent. But as it's said there's no such thing as "a former KGB agent"... once you become a KGB agent you'll always be a KGB agent . KGB is a child of "Jesuits" and "illuminati" and their "modus operandi" are the same, which include such things as apartment - building bombings ( in 1999) , political persecution of opposition, political intrigues and torturing of those who exposes their crimes.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
