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The Real Origin Of Hatred Towards Women: Rabbis Talk

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
SonOfFreya said:

The above should reveal the origins of the jewish psychopathic soul in regards to life in general, but specifically too, women. Feminism, a jewish movement, was built as a reaction to what we refer to as "Abrahamic norms", which "Abraham" is a jewish patriarch.

Among the cultural feces this race has given to everyone else, making them convinced that jewish psychopathy is "God's wisdom" and the "Way of God", they have also written extensive woman hating material to the point where one will see what their holy books relate about women in the above video.

Saints of the early Christian Church and Islam, of course, also followed this paradigm, with hatred of women reaching levels that would be mind boggling to most Gentile civilizations.

In Islam, the norms are essentially that women are pigs, to not go as far as that one is allowed to consumate a marriage with a female without her will at even 9 years old. This is taken as "normal".

The reality is in the overwhelming majority of Pagan civilizations, women were loved, treated in divine ways, and had their own ethical equality towards men. One just needs to observe the pantheon and art to understand this, where Female deities are equally present, or where every God from Shiva to Zeus always has had a wife, or a powerful daughter, mother, sister, the list goes.

Currently, this tendency for normal or good treatment towards women, is used viciously to promote indecency and foolishness in the extremes, and in the mind of jews that's a perfect opportunity to enforce the opposite end which is Abrahamism and other notions to revert us back into their own ilk.

By promoting lawlessness and indecency to the highest extents, jews try to make society reach a breaking point, where they activate another extreme situation, selling their own psychopathic behavior and "culture" as the "solution" again.

Yet, these perceptions led us here in the first place, from one extreme to another. This is antithetical to the ways and behaviours of our ancestors, and both are incompatible with the European spirit specifically, or the Asian spirit, or in general, the spirit of Gentiles.

The moment any equilibrium of respect and some nominal equality was "reached" in the West [we reached this recently], jewesses and other loonies started making monsters out of women, by a carefully sewn public promotion of behaviours and excessive disrespect and foolishness promoted to females as a "liberation".

When either of the energies of males or females goes outside of a balanced boundary, social chaos ensues. When there is equillibrium, social peace and unity is the result. The enemy does not want this to happen, as social unity brings family, personal fulfillment, recreation, and everyone eventually finds their individual path in life.

That's why currently in the West we have a pushing return of opinion to previous norms, as "new norms" were also created by repressed jewesses just whoring around and teaching Gentile women to do the same, locking them into the lowest levels of awareness and consciousness.

Like pendulums of extremes, the jews promoted false ideas like the "Virgin Mary" who watches dishes only all day and never had a life or any education, hardly existing, all the way to "The Queen of Harlots" which they constantly promote.

Unnatural extremes cause more unnatural extremes in the behaviour and reactions of a civilization.

Jews have tried like lunatics to dig into Pagan history to try to find anything that would be even remotely negative towards women, to pretend everyone hated women, while this is not the case. They have to create a narrative that women have been eternal victims in Gentile society, as in their own, which is a complete sham and lie.

As schizophrenic jews started writing about "Gentile History" and started trying to forcibly appropriate the position that everyone before them "hated women", they wrote extensive lies about anyone, starting from Romans, Ancient Greeks, to Aristotle, or anyone else imaginable, even Nietszche, who constantly writes innuendo and playful statements about how attractive women have been in his life.

For example, there are lies that Aristotle was a "woman hater". People read that dogshit in "Philosophy class" in university, but it is all false. There are endless epistles of Aristotle to his wife, where if one reads, they will understand what true bond between man and woman is, and how much love existed between his philosopher and his wife.

Leonidas, in the so called "woman hating Greece" went to die at the command of the Queen of Sparta in Thermopylai, who was his equal in Spartan society.

Women in Egypt were "so abused", that literally endless examples of grand personalities and worthwhile women are actually from Egypt and so on. Nowadays, a woman in Egypt, thanks to Abrahamism, will get stones on her head.

Other more atrocious lies is that every joke or even "insider joke" that men have about women, or women had about men, constitutes a "hate", such as has been the case of people for centuries. But now, the jews are pretending always to cause upset in Gentile society, that all of this requires "treatment".

"Treatments" are movements like MGTOW, or your local feminism bastion. Then these movements, give birth to more social problems, all of which have one thing in common: Fragmentation of society and male and female relations.

They just make up shit up like ADHD - so long the jew wants to confuse, they will keep inventing infections diseases that Gentiles have in a million things, to sell a hundred million fake cures, which then create a billion more problems, which require then 10 billion cures, that cause 100 billion problems.

Jewish analysis always tried to make it seem that their cultural norms are "God's word" and that every insanity of the jewish race is some sort of gospel everyone has to follow.

As jewish skanks and low garbage becomes psychopathic from the treatment they receive in the lizardine and alien non human incarnate race that they exist in, they go insane.

This progressive insanity is later one, like the schizo bullshit of "Jesus Christ" and his communism, promoted in Gentile society to unnerve and make Gentiles insane.

DisillusionedCitizen said:
Does their hatred extend towards to even their own women? I'm horrified of the implications.

Yes, their women are the first to receive this hate. Just go look into some documentaries on the Hasidic jews and what they do to their women, or the Orthodox jews.

Their women develop mental problems en masse, which they later express in Gentile society, as they oftentimes run to the Gentile society to help them or solve it.

Jewish women are hated by jewish men over the fact that lizards always hate one another, therefore jewish females are the first to receive that, that's why many of them turn into the dross of the earth. They also oftentimes try to run away or become the monsters of the earth, oftentimes victimizing Gentile women towards.

As jewesses go mad from the hate they receive from their own lizardine tribe, they develop all sorts of hate based systems both towards themselves, other women [Gentile women too, they experience deathly jealousy towards Gentile women], against men, or against society, or anything there is.

Jewesses are constantly put in this foolish society as instructors of Gentile women, and jewish fiends carry over their self hate that was instilled on a tribal level at them, causing all the disgusting reactions which later on Gentile women adopt as "behavior" or "way of life".

All of the complaints of jewish feminism for example are just a complaint about how jewish men treated jewish fiends of their own race, which later they adopted and tried to pretend was the universal treatment on all men.

Jews mix into Gentile civilization, and bring their psycho problems in the host civilizations, confusing the native people's always and to no end. For example, now that Islam comes in Europe, they try to use this to legalize pedophilia, a concept also legal from their own religious texts, same as Islam.

Numerous attempts to pretend pedophilia was "kind of" accepted have been fabricated in the past, while this was never the case.

Similarly, they create endless lies about women, to turn them insane, and in the process destroy their spirit and mind, upon which the destiny of a civilization rests. By hitting on this, they create rapid social degradation and collapse.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
They are so terrified of women's blood.Why is that?
I also have read about a Pagan woman who used to throw her used pad away in the muhammad's mosque to make fun of him and he killed her for that))))
Every single jew I met and seen has always been sexist af towards women/ see them as inferior. This goes for the Left/liberal ones as well on Twitter trying to be an "ally".

The meme, restart the clock is because of how many liberal men say they're leftists and come out as an abuser to women and many of these said "guys" have been blatant jews. So it's safe to say if a jew is saying they are a feminist or spew any anti masculinity nonsense then one can be sure they are just pretending. Although them being against true Gentile masculinity isn't much of a front to be fair but I digress.

Now imagine a jew who aligns with the Right but a stereotypical abrahamic masochist. They have no filter around other guys and it's ridiculous how low they see women that it's obvious they have mental problems and severe insecurities.
hailourtruegod said:
Every single jew I met and seen has always been sexist af towards women/ see them as inferior. This goes for the Left/liberal ones as well on Twitter trying to be an "ally".


A short description of the psychology of the Jewish Female inside the Gentile Society:

Many years ago, I was into a girl. She really liked me and all. However, she had a jewish female friend, who was inexorably jealous and hateful of her. When she remotely understood this was going to go somewhere, the jewish creature would go to her and fill her head with doubts.

As I was not a Satanist at the time, I ruled this out as regular hate and toxicity, yet with evolution of understanding as years went, and observing a recurring pattern everywhere I have seen a jewess, I now know better.

After talking to the girl, I realized the jewess was actively planting in her head all sorts of negativity, insecurities, self hate, self destruction, and of course, would take it on her life mission to make sure she would never have any worthwhile man in her life, by perpetuating mental viruses like feminism, and how I was "certainly going to cheat on her" because I was "confident" and other nonsense.

However, everytime any dross of the earth went to her, she would whisper in her ear like Voldemort to "fuck him", and how every dross of the earth is actually "so cute" and "so sexy". Jewesses have also this other unconscious thing where they constantly elevate the foreigner and the jew in the eyes of unsuspecting Gentile women, who, in lacking awareness, oftentimes end up as mind-washed from the repetitive processes these jewesses do to them.

The woman was like sitting on a trance from where she exited only momentarily. I decided to move away and leave her with jew Voldemort, who ate away her soul, braincells and energy everyday.

Years later, she terraformed her into some form of communist feminist creature, that had lost all appeal, attractive energy, and many other things.

I also watched that in every company of let's say 5 or 6 women, if there is only a single jew, the jew pretends to be the "wise witch" while she's just the most crappy, cold and ugly on the inside than all. The business of this jew is to teach women to play endless mind games, corrupt their mind, make them mate with whatever most inferior they will find, jeopardize their love relationships, and if possible, fuck their boyfriends behind their backs.

This type of jewish lizard rarely has related to any man, but she knows everything about men as she read this in cosmopolitan. Her ultimate job in any female gathering is to "Humble men" and try to always cut their dick short, as she is the midget version of Marilyn Monroe.

Her most terrifying moment in existence is when she heard that one of her friends is in a successful relationship with a goy, to where they will make it their lives mission to collapse at thundering speed.

This woman's favorite food is men's hearts and her holy book is feminism. As her jewish father might have beat her ass [or her dad never did, but she invented this like the holocaust] she will give lengthy discourses on how all men without exception suck and are monsters.

A kid at school tried to bring her flowers on her days of innocence, but she saw this as a Nazi Holocaust Zyklon B box, and this created PTSD in her, therefore she declared to the principal that the kid was a Nazi terrorist who used a flower with Zyklon B to make her have the fate of Anne Frank.

Inherently, her jewish genetics still hate every male that passes by, but she has affinities for nice Gentiles whom if they make the mistake of trying to mate with her, will walk around mentally and in all ways scarred. Psychotic is her second name.

She is never wrong and sociopathic behavior is her constant state of being, with every male being THE enemy. Therefore, anything they do to them, is well deserved. If it's a goy, even better.

If it's a gypsy, an invading Somalian, or a child molester, she will always preach that these are sorry souls that must be given blowjobs by all the girls that are around her, to heal these poor souls and elevate them to a better state of being.

Hell, smoking a little crack pipe with them is actually good too, especially if this ruins her 20 year old "Looking as a goddess" friend, but she will not smoke it herself because she's allergic to it [as a jewess is always allergic and will never do anything she recommends to the goy].

The moment every male of Gentile descent and sound character displays any form of confidence, her internal alarm of "Goy must not procreate" will start signalling loud, like a siren inside their head. Her mission is to eliminate all dangers within 1000 yard radius from her friends, especially those who might reduce the false sense of entitlement and might soften their heart to love or anything of the related.

The source of this is an insidious Global Plan of World Domination by all males, this plan in where her diseased brain the male figure is associated with her Rabbi dad who beat her with a belt, but told her later that it wasn't really him and that it was Josef Megnele, the Nazi who was doing this to her.

She will have Marilyn Monroe tattooed on her excessively overweight forearm, that looks like oversized chicken legs in proportion to a young born little chicken.

She'll parade your neighborhood and mall, and after endless plastic surgeries to look like a Gentile woman, will find all your women to prosyletize insanity to them, as she must preach her insanity to them all. If no women friends of hers recreate with any worthwhile Gentile, her live's mission has succeeded.

Eventually she will find someone to have 3 kids with and settle down in a safe Jewish household, or with a victimized rich goy from which she will gobble up all his wealth, after spending a solid 30 years of speaking against marriage and anything related, but her friends will end up as crackheads and skanks who will still drink the kool aid.

The above is the lizardine psychology of the jewish female.

All very true and I'm not surprised by the jewess behaviour. I can't help but feel a little bad for the Gentile woman just because of her being Gentile but in no way I see you in the wrong from getting away from that toxic stuff and I'm sure I would had done the exact same.

Jewesses are all very strange indeed. They hate Gentile Femininity (as it resembles our beautiful Gods or at least with non-Whites how good the Gods are at making something that has the capability of coming out so breathtakingly beautiful) and at the same time hate men along their own. They're kind of in their own zone but at the same time because of their genetics having to stick to their own species. Sucks to be a jew in general to be honest lol. No harmony even among themselves.

The damage these legit scumbags has done to our women's mind will be paid back not just in full but 100 fold.
Missrainbow1 said:
They are so terrified of women's blood.Why is that?
I also have read about a Pagan woman who used to throw her used pad away in the muhammad's mosque to make fun of him and he killed her for that))))

That's because the jews are just retarded.

There is nothing "bad" or "dirty" or "sinful" or "wrong" about mensturation. It's the manifestation of lunar power inside a woman, and this also has to do with fertility, and is a process of regeneration.

Of course, this is not "liked" by many women, and even some men, yet the point is that this process is enlivening and positive, and a good thing for women. During menstruation, occult power also raises significantly, same as hormones and drives.

Menstruation in the Pagan context is actually the reverse and it's a very good occurrence that has to do with fertility, health and joy for a woman. The first menstruation of a girl is taken as an event or a right of passage, and is cause of celebration.

Abrahamic religions generally are built against utter hatred for the female element, as they are actually afraid of it. Weird as this might sound, this actually shows a strong fear for females, while they pretend it's the opposite.

hailourtruegod said:

All very true and I'm not surprised by the jewess behaviour. I can't help but feel a little bad for the Gentile woman just because of her being Gentile but in no way I see you in the wrong from getting away from that toxic stuff and I'm sure I would had done the exact same.

If one watches a documentary of the Hasidic and Orthodox jewish women, they will understand from where all the mental problems they later claimed were "women's problems" actually are sourced from.

HPS Maxine told me to see this to understand further on the origins of the jews, and it's all very revealing to say the least. It could only come from these imbalanced lunatics that feminine hate would become institutionalized.

They unfortunately succeeded to promote this to Gentiles, causing untold damage to females and males, and their relationships.

After having closely observed the jewish males and females, I have to say that their females, are drastically different than ANY other females on the planet, and I mean this in a very negative way.

It is no wonder the jewish Rabbis on the video are flipping out on them, as they are utterly disgusting both to themselves and to one another. Yet, they kind of created them to be that way, so that is just more insanity coming from them.

In a strange way, their women are that cursed as stated by these Rabbis because they are actually creating them like this by having a female hating religion, which makes the feedback loop that these manifest as evil, and adding the lizard aspects of their race makes it all for a toxic combination.
Notice this kike in the video, says bullshit like "women don't have intuition", that "they are always confused" and all that nonsense.

Meanwhile, the highest intuitive priestesses in Ancient Greece were called the "Pythias" or the "Daughers of the Serpent" and were exclusively females.

They were not the only ones as men served as High Priests, but this is enough evidence of how stupid these jews are.

Jews also invented the lies that women must not practice spirituality, to boggle them down to the level of the animal in which they are very easy to manipulate.

Madonna, a very famous jewess, was constantly attacked by the Rabbis in Jerusalem because she tried to practice "Kabbalah". They considered it for centuries and still consider it a large sin for any "female" to be "spiritual" or anything of the sort.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Missrainbow1 said:
They are so terrified of women's blood.Why is that?
I also have read about a Pagan woman who used to throw her used pad away in the muhammad's mosque to make fun of him and he killed her for that))))

That's because the jews are just retarded.

There is nothing "bad" or "dirty" or "sinful" or "wrong" about mensturation. It's the manifestation of lunar power inside a woman, and this also has to do with fertility, and is a process of regeneration.

Of course, this is not "liked" by many women, and even some men, yet the point is that this process is enlivening and positive, and a good thing for women. During menstruation, occult power also raises significantly, same as hormones and drives.

Menstruation in the Pagan context is actually the reverse and it's a very good occurrence that has to do with fertility, health and joy for a woman. The first menstruation of a girl is taken as an event or a right of passage, and is cause of celebration.

Abrahamic religions generally are built against utter hatred for the female element, as they are actually afraid of it. Weird as this might sound, this actually shows a strong fear for females, while they pretend it's the opposite.

I had an ex-partner who told me she went out with a jew and "he" would ignore her for a week every time she got her period and she said she felt uncomfortable with it, obviously. It told her itself that it didn't want to be around her during her menstruation and yes that it's because it's religion says a woman is dirty during these times. This lady is no way against the jews or was even aware of the jewish problem and just relayed this information on her own volition.

We are different races from different parts of this big world and yet we are having very similar experiences with these jews no matter where they're at. So no to anyone reading this and still doubting us, it IS NOT a location/biased experience we are having with these jews of both sexes.


I will look for that documentary for sure as it sounds interesting to me and I feel like anyone reading this who isn't convinced of the jewish problem yet to check it out as well.

The jews are all messed up as a species to put it very lightly. Complaints about their own women while creating them like so and after 2000+ years still not getting it.

An argument can be made that the jewish culture is legitimately retarded by definition and we're not just using ad hominems here. As much as we justifiably want to to just vent on them.

There really isn't no compromising with these creatures if this is how their genetic make up is and will always be so logically and rationally having them in our nation's influential areas is very detrimental to public safety and thus should be seen this way in the court of law or by any legal institution.
Hearing about this makes me feel more proud about being a woman! And more liberated! I am proud of being born and raised in america! :D I am proud of being born White. And brought up into a fairly intelligent family! I wasn't born wealthy and I certainly was not born poor! But I Was Born Blessed lucky to have whatever I had and whatever was needed and necessary! Was followed. And deeply respected and appreciated! However being brought up in an LDS family! Did it make things any easier!🤬🤬
Having to overcome obstacles of anger and confusion I grew up with as a small child! And having to break through a lot of walls and boundaries! Especially as a teenager! But on the other hand it just made me into a stronger person and I grew up learning to understand people more and more especially with the situations I grew up with in my family! All because of the hatred that was written in the Bible was also written in the book of mormon! And noticing how the teenage guys react and how they treat other women when they are sitting in their Church! It's sad and yet it's funny at the same time! Considering the Mormon Church the most retarded out of all christianity! A religion of people that need two books to read out of! Just to explain shit and to get these people to believe the mouth of the fucking enemy! Taking a bunch of numbskull people it doesn't matter if they're white or black but for the fact that they were dumb enough to allow themselves to turn their backs on their own ancient and sisters and their own family! A lot of these people do you even have the chance to even make a decision or look into it! A lot of them were forced into it because of the community of people that they were traveling with in the United States or just to get along with other people in a neighborhood that they had to change their religion or their beliefs just to be accepted in a more minute neighborhood! And the Discrimination that went on between these families was appalling enough as it is let alone considering how they treated their own children and how they raise them in these communities! Girls growing up thinking that they have to get married to a return missionary no more no less and to be accepted in some fucking Church! Having to accept a bunch of fucking rules to live by and the so-called Ten Commandments and the fucking God damn family rules! On top of that giving this false impression that the girl has to cover herself keep herself extra clean and the girl don't even have any idea what they're talking about other than saying prayers and reading the book of Mormon and when girls go through that right of passage especially being forced to go talk to the bishop! And to go sit in some young woman's class to talk about how a pure woman is supposed to be and with their example of what a pure woman is supposed to look like and how they're supposed to behave completely missing out on the fact that how important it is for a girl to take care of herself and how important it is for her to be educated and for her to feel welcome and accepted among her own kind and to at least allow some education on what to expect the minute she starts menstruation and other things completely making her feel like she's dirty! And automatically making it feel like she's got to repent and in the same sense she's told that she's okay that she's in good hands sort of a slap across the face and yet even it within the home of the girl the guys all sitting at the table and the mom having to wink at her from across the table coming up with some way to talk to her without the guys happen to overhear :D !
And other stupid things that girls have to put up with when it comes to religion and church! And how embarrassing it was for me to grow up among this! As a teenager and a young adult.... not much comfort when you're a small child! :( learning how to laugh and smile at things as of anything was in controversial enough! Kids literally being told to be quiet all the time this whole idea of children only to be seen and not to be heard! Thankfully for me I was born hyperactive! And I was the loud one of the family who laughed a lot and took things to heart! And it didn't matter how many times people got angry with me! Just because I was being myself! Or for any other reason like any other kid you're curious to learn things and you want to get out and try things out and then they would turn around and tell you that you had a one-track mind when are you going to get off the subject! And then that's when they started dragging you from one doctor to the next just to figure out what kind of problem you have and sit there and talk shit with the doctor and make a bullshit stories about their kids just to put a label on them and figure out what kind of problem they have so they have their own special way of controlling that unusual unique child! That has the right to laugh and smile and enjoy his or herself! And I have the pleasure to learn and study whatever they get their mind on and take their time to do things right! It's these kids that have that right to stand out because they're tired of the rules! And it's these kind of kids the question authority! That makes them stand out a child who has a voice and she knows it! And we'll speak when she is ready to and when she feels like it yes we are the ones that would break the rules! Being loud and defiant! Because a lot of his kids were just simply sick and tired of the rules growing up in various neighborhoods! Especially if a lot of these kids went to church! They had the right to lash out their anger and they had to go somewhere to do it! They would either fight among against themselves! Or go out and battle among other people! And when it come down to us individuals! They love to take it out on us! Just because we're not active in church or because we lost interest! Or simply because we're not of any religion! And how they love to sit and start fights with these individuals to unleash their anger and their hatred on! And I know the girls were always the ones that got into fights they were the ones that had to speak up and do whatever they could to protect themselves! Any way to build themselves up from being the typical Christian Mormon girl to something better! Bringing out that inner bitch and bringing out the foul language things that her mother would have a coronary fit over! And would probably have her ground it for life! And mind you it wasn't the girl who got chastised by her father the mother also got yelled at by the father and even his parents as well! That is how fucking pathetic the Mormon church is! And then of course the guys would gather and get together among the bishopric and sit and talk about their wife! I and I know that for a fact? Being brought up in a Mormon family myself! The backstabbing and the lies among these families and among these people! Especially with the way women use and abuse each other and gossip to one another! Always taking it out on the new girl or the want to be! Or taking it out on the girl who happens to have a little more open-mindedness just because she happens to know something afraid she's going to get herself into trouble or accused of something just because she's smart and has every right to be! This is just some of the things I wanted to let people know? About what goes on between the Mormon ladies in the Mormon church! Especially when people haven't paid any attention to obnoxious the Mormon churches! And how they expect their women to be and the little girls to be and how they expect their children to behave! Which explains why a lot of teenagers act out when they do! At least I was given the chance to get to know people! Simply with the way I was treated by my family at home! And I know that I had some happiness throughout my childhood whether I had to fight for it or not! And in a lot of cases it was a lot easier for me than it was for other children! I could at least sit down and talk to my dad and I could at least sit down and discuss things with my family and make a difference in things! And and to take the time to sit down and study and read and get my homework done when it was necessary and being able to hang out and talk with my father! And get to know him on a higher level and even get to learn about my mom it was nice to know that my dad loved her and he respected her and none of most of the things that he said about her was very kind and loving! And still even at that I kind of wonder? If he was just saying that to be nice to me? Because I was there being a little kid asking questions and then the fact that he was there he figured that he could just Patch It Up by being nice instead of being honest with me and telling it like it is! It's no wonder kids question everything! And it's no wonder that they have to question authority and take the risk!
And not taking the time to think things over! Before they even jump into anything! But then sometimes you have to do what you have to do just to get the truth out there and just to be seen and heard! That you are sick and tired of being treated with disrespect... and you're not stupid!.... and you should not be ashamed of yourself! Just because of some silly book! Or because of some silly religion! Whose people who believe in that crap are foolish enough as it is and they're the ones to consider! And maybe these people should judge themselves? Before they judge others and maybe that is something that the Jews should have done! Instead of looking to judge us all the time! I don't know why in the hell they would favor women to make fun of! It makes me wonder if some of the guys that were Jewish rabbis fantasized about being a girl and wanted to be a woman instead of a man!? If they hated women so much they probably hated themselves just because they were born guys! And probably wanted to find out what it was like to be in a woman's body and to be able to have the Panache that women have and that sexuality and that power! That some women have especially when they're loved and know that they're being loved and wanted and appreciated! And yet they didn't even think about that? When it come down to treating their wife and their girlfriends? And you would think that they would take a little more time with themselves? And try to be a better person! But Jews on the other hand don't even know how to treat themselves! When it comes down to things like that that's loving and spiritual? Considering the fact that they go after their own!... and I'd like to fuck things up for themselves and their family as well! They're not really what you call a passionate people when it comes down to love and spirituality! They show their passion towards blowing up buildings and destroying the human race and thinking of any bombastic thing that they can do to add more problems to the human race! To any kind of a race or specie who discriminates the human being just because they happened to know something or because they happen to have love and consideration! Because they love and they want to love and because they want to be love! And constantly being put down and destroyed because of that? And being put to shame because you have those attributes and because you have that right to express those feelings and emotions! That even when it comes down to a Jewish doctor the analyze you all because of that until you that you have more problems than you know what to do with! And use it as an excuse to get you in and out of the doctor's office just to feed you pills and lie to your face and suck your wallet dry and take all your money! Then how women Believe In A lot of these fucking doctors and become their slave throughout the years thinking that because they've got problems all of these housewives! Raising their children depressed and sexually deprived wanted someone to talk to they wanted a relationship but instead of that they wasted their time sitting in a psychiatrist office and taking pills that were destructive for the mind and the body! Making the woman cold and angry or adding to the problem whatever she had to begin with! And even trying to convince children little kids that they've got problems and so on and so forth when obviously they are perfectly fine but then just because the kid laughs he is told that he's got a fucking problem and the Jewish doctor or the teacher will call up the kids parents and make up a bunch of bullshit stories about the kid everybody knows that so-called teacher in school who bitches and complains about everything especially when the child is perfectly fine! They try to get as many of these kids into a doctor's office just because the child happens to know something or because he's kind and loving and playful! Or just because she's a pretty little girl that happens to have energy and self-worth! Taking beautiful children that are beautiful from the inside out and destroying them by telling them they've got problems and diseases and so on and so forth and putting pills into their hand and telling them to take them! Just stirring a lot of the minds of children throughout the years when it comes to religion and schools and how these teachers buy into these doctors and they're nonsense because of the things they say about the children keeping little kids in class and making them pay attention! Putting fear over their head and whatever excuse they can give their parents! Given them the talk! On how to handle their children! And getting the parents to bring their children in to be analyzed when it's not even necessary! So kids don't even know how to talk to their parents if they want to without being shot down! And afraid of expressing who and what they are and showing that desire and that interest to learn something and to really put their heart and soul into it without thinking that they're going to go to hell and burn! There are some people that know that they have to do it in order to get by in life and they know that even if they take the risk in doing so they don't even care if they get exiled from their neighborhood or disowned by their parents! Just because there's somebody in their family or one of their siblings! That knows what it's like to be open and defiant and to tell it like it is and to be able to step forth and do things right! Even if it's a slap across the face to the parents! And to the abuse that they were living under according to whatever church or religion they become a part of or whatever they were born into! If the girl was motivated and brave enough to speak up and talk to her parents about things and let them know what is going on! Even if she did get yelled at and cussed! It was worth going a whole another 50 years or until somebody crawls into their grave the Curiosity of knowing about their own children and feeling guilty because they never got to talk to them or get to know them or communicate with them on a higher level! And wondering if these parents even give a shit enough to even give themselves a chance to think about it? Whether or not they raise their children right? When they're laying on their Deathbed do they even feel bad for what they have done? Or what they have could have done to make things better for themselves and to get to know their own children? Without feeling like they have to hate themselves? Thinking that they're going to go the opposite instead of going where they're going to meet their God somewhere? And for the little boy who is bold enough and brave enough to confront his own father just because he's got a girlfriend and just because he wants to get married and just because she happens to be attractive and have some kind of intelligence! And the fact that he happens to give a shit about her! Just in case the father happens to disapprove and starts putting him down just because of his taste and girls! And the kid is doing whatever he can to stick up for her! Just so that he can get a chance to marry her and then of course there's the fabricated lies and the guilt trip the father comes up with or wherever he gets the information on the girl! Just because the couple to split up! And for whatever excuse? Whether to be for the church or because of the church? Or to be some pompous ass pig! Just because the old dude is a father! And wants control of his son!? Even the guys go through a lot of shit! It's not just women! And I know that a lot of these little kids grow up with that complex! Because of their parents and the way the parents behave around their children the type of rules they expect their children to live by! And keeping them scared all the time where the child has to watch his or her back all the time! Afraid of getting yelled at and punished for something just because he or she happens being the mood to do something pleasant and happy! And I have all of this negativity going through your mind every time you lay down to sleep at night? It's no wonder children have nightmares! And there's nothing more important than being closer to your family and to be accepted and loved and appreciated as a whole! Without feeling like you have to hide something or change something just to talk to your family! And that your home should be a place of comfort. And it doesn't matter if you're a girl or a boy! A woman should be loved and appreciated and it doesn't matter what she looks like or what condition she's in..
It is priceless to be loved and respected as a whole! Being a female at any age! Without being put down or having to go through worse! Just because you come home tired and stiff and sore! And that the man should have consideration to let her have her space without punishing her or feeling like he should yell at her and put her down! The thing I can't stand about christians! They think that the wife should be working 24/7 on her feet instead of allowing her a moment to have her space! She gets punished and put down instead! And it's no wonder these women grow old before their time and age so young! It's disgusting! And it's disturbing how these religions bring bad out and how they emphasize that! With Bibles and religion books written by religious leaders and such! And it doesn't matter what Christian branch and it doesn't matter what religion or what sector of this so-called religion or any other Christian or Muslim religion! And then of course you've got your modern way of looking at religions these days how they've modified their rules and shit! And how they amped up the power of the man giving him more authority over the female! And it doesn't matter if women these days have more rights! The fact that women shouldn't have to go out and fight for rights all the time! That she should just be flat out respected and appreciated! Even if some things were meant to be earned! Still the woman should be respected all the way around mentally physically spiritually emotionally and sexually! And children should learn to understand that and appreciate that as well! And at least have the chance to teach the children what they want to learn about love and sexuality the importance of a relationship! Their actions and their behavior of their parents and how they treat one another and when questions pop up! That parents should be able to sit down and talk to their children with no shame and tell them the truth and what is really going on instead of letting the kid grow up with ignorance and stupidity! A lot of this is all out of ignorance! Because the Jew loves ignorance more than anything! And they love the idea of playing with power and fucking with people all over! It seems to give them off! Second of all with the stupid Christian they don't know what to do with themselves! And they are fright little children all the time who are afraid of doing anything! And yet they sit there and judge you and put you down and come up with all kinds of excuses about their family and their neighbors! And it doesn't matter how pathetic they sound! And the Muslim all he can do is sit there with the dark look on his face booger hanging out of his nose! Looking for some excuse to go beat up on his wife or go beat up on the children? Or to go build a bomb somewhere! Making plans on destruction and what country they want to blow up! They sit there and they look at the world with that dark look on their face and then they have that Wicked grin! You don't know if the guys genuine or if he's sincere! A sincere pompous ass and a genuine terrorist! Who works with the enemy! Who has no idea what the hell is up against? And what kind of shit he's dealing with! And what he's about to get into from one minute to the next because of his evil mind! Not even know where to go or how to get there and you have these people think they know everything!? If women were given a chance to have a brain and have any kind of respect in those countries at all? Those men would not have to go as far as blowing up buildings! And throwing hatred all over the place! I believe that if the women were treated with respect in those countries they would be a hell of a lot stronger! Physically and emotionally! But when it comes to the spirituality that is something that you have to start out with when you're a little baby! Being born! And placed in the arms of your mother! Is where you learn about love the sound of her heartbeat! And where that child makes that special connection with his mother!
Women are so misunderstood and so unappreciated! If guys really have any idea what women go through day in and day out? And the pressure on children? And what little girls and boys have to deal with every day in this world when it comes to sex and sex abuse and what is normal and what is an! And to know the difference between a nice kind person and that of a fucking child pedophile! Who is radiating with Danger and has a criminal history! Children don't pay attention to or seem to pick up on because of their lack of knowledge and their lack of education! Due to the parents who are afraid of teaching their children? About vibrations and to pick up energy and to be able to read energy and to be able to read for themselves and to identify that of somebody who is evil and somebody who was good! And to take the time to teach these children properly! The dangers of some people! And to not take the time to teach their kids how to understand the good person and that they're still great and wonderful people out there! And to teach their children things that are positive and uplifting instead of giving them a guilt trip!
Women have been discriminated almost to the point that even when it comes down to it! Taking it out on herself and getting into arguments with other women? And then just sit there and look down her nose and discriminate and judge the world just because she's not getting the respect that she wants and needs and what it does to the female! When a woman should be just the opposite of this negative shit! A woman should be able to open up the window and smile and taking the beauty of the world especially if she's loved and no but she's loved and wanted! She feels good about herself she's got confidence she has a high self-esteem and she knows that she can still put on that sexy dress and that makeup! And be who and what she is and be proud of herself without being put down or made fun of or discriminated in any way! And to be able to get up and get things done without a problem and to be able to have the confidence that she gets in the confidence that she needs being told how beautiful she is and being told that she does a good job and give her the pleasure and the satisfaction with kind words and be of help and to give her the praise that she wants and needs that the woman will also give it to the man in return it just the same! People don't even understand the word of exchange of power! And what the meaning of it is... which explains why this world is lacking balance! And to add to the trauma of problems that we are dealing with right now as it is... because of the ignorance.. and it's sad what we ladies have to go threw. ❤️
THANK YOU FOR SHARING THIS!!! 🔥🙏 Hail Satan Hail Lilith !!!
I've beaten this subject to death in the past only to realize you had already said all of it many times. I have nothing new to add.

Great post :)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Missrainbow1 said:
They are so terrified of women's blood.Why is that?
I also have read about a Pagan woman who used to throw her used pad away in the muhammad's mosque to make fun of him and he killed her for that))))

That's because the jews are just retarded.

There is nothing "bad" or "dirty" or "sinful" or "wrong" about mensturation. It's the manifestation of lunar power inside a woman, and this also has to do with fertility, and is a process of regeneration.

Of course, this is not "liked" by many women, and even some men, yet the point is that this process is enlivening and positive, and a good thing for women. During menstruation, occult power also raises significantly, same as hormones and drives.

Menstruation in the Pagan context is actually the reverse and it's a very good occurrence that has to do with fertility, health and joy for a woman. The first menstruation of a girl is taken as an event or a right of passage, and is cause of celebration.

Abrahamic religions generally are built against utter hatred for the female element, as they are actually afraid of it. Weird as this might sound, this actually shows a strong fear for females, while they pretend it's the opposite.

hailourtruegod said:

All very true and I'm not surprised by the jewess behaviour. I can't help but feel a little bad for the Gentile woman just because of her being Gentile but in no way I see you in the wrong from getting away from that toxic stuff and I'm sure I would had done the exact same.

If one watches a documentary of the Hasidic and Orthodox jewish women, they will understand from where all the mental problems they later claimed were "women's problems" actually are sourced from.

HPS Maxine told me to see this to understand further on the origins of the jews, and it's all very revealing to say the least. It could only come from these imbalanced lunatics that feminine hate would become institutionalized.

They unfortunately succeeded to promote this to Gentiles, causing untold damage to females and males, and their relationships.

After having closely observed the jewish males and females, I have to say that their females, are drastically different than ANY other females on the planet, and I mean this in a very negative way.

It is no wonder the jewish Rabbis on the video are flipping out on them, as they are utterly disgusting both to themselves and to one another. Yet, they kind of created them to be that way, so that is just more insanity coming from them.

In a strange way, their women are that cursed as stated by these Rabbis because they are actually creating them like this by having a female hating religion, which makes the feedback loop that these manifest as evil, and adding the lizard aspects of their race makes it all for a toxic combination.

Wow thank you HP)We also celebrate it in our culture because that increases the chance of getting pregnant in the future.
I took one look at this filth for barely 20 seconds and immediately one would think this could be something some muslim pulls straight out of the koran....until one remembers where the muslims get it from and who really wrote the koran. Oh and don't forget paul from the jewish bible, I'm surprised they didn't at least give him a cameo in this clip :roll: or mu-ham-head for that matter. "Oy vey goy women must be silent and are filth".

This is actual misogyny. Not mansplaining on the train or preferring traditional roles or even walking up to a girl to talk to her simply because you find her attractive for fuck sake.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Missrainbow1 said:
They are so terrified of women's blood.Why is that?
I also have read about a Pagan woman who used to throw her used pad away in the muhammad's mosque to make fun of him and he killed her for that))))

That's because the jews are just retarded.

There is nothing "bad" or "dirty" or "sinful" or "wrong" about mensturation. It's the manifestation of lunar power inside a woman, and this also has to do with fertility, and is a process of regeneration.

Of course, this is not "liked" by many women, and even some men, yet the point is that this process is enlivening and positive, and a good thing for women. During menstruation, occult power also raises significantly, same as hormones and drives.

Menstruation in the Pagan context is actually the reverse and it's a very good occurrence that has to do with fertility, health and joy for a woman. The first menstruation of a girl is taken as an event or a right of passage, and is cause of celebration.

Abrahamic religions generally are built against utter hatred for the female element, as they are actually afraid of it. Weird as this might sound, this actually shows a strong fear for females, while they pretend it's the opposite.

hailourtruegod said:

All very true and I'm not surprised by the jewess behaviour. I can't help but feel a little bad for the Gentile woman just because of her being Gentile but in no way I see you in the wrong from getting away from that toxic stuff and I'm sure I would had done the exact same.

If one watches a documentary of the Hasidic and Orthodox jewish women, they will understand from where all the mental problems they later claimed were "women's problems" actually are sourced from.

HPS Maxine told me to see this to understand further on the origins of the jews, and it's all very revealing to say the least. It could only come from these imbalanced lunatics that feminine hate would become institutionalized.

They unfortunately succeeded to promote this to Gentiles, causing untold damage to females and males, and their relationships.

After having closely observed the jewish males and females, I have to say that their females, are drastically different than ANY other females on the planet, and I mean this in a very negative way.

It is no wonder the jewish Rabbis on the video are flipping out on them, as they are utterly disgusting both to themselves and to one another. Yet, they kind of created them to be that way, so that is just more insanity coming from them.

In a strange way, their women are that cursed as stated by these Rabbis because they are actually creating them like this by having a female hating religion, which makes the feedback loop that these manifest as evil, and adding the lizard aspects of their race makes it all for a toxic combination.

I am curious now that this is mentioned again but do you think there could be any spiritual or occult significance or indication of soul power from past lives if a woman or girl starts her period early? Some start as early as 9 or 10!. My first one was when I was 10 and right on my solar return.
Dragonheart666 said:
THANK YOU FOR SHARING THIS!!! 🔥🙏 Hail Satan Hail Lilith !!!

Yup..I'm in America too , Texas specifically. Nice to see other Americans here.

I am White as well
Shadowcat said:
I took one look at this filth for barely 20 seconds and immediately one would think this could be something some muslim pulls straight out of the koran....until one remembers where the muslims get it from and who really wrote the koran. Oh and don't forget paul from the jewish bible, I'm surprised they didn't at least give him a cameo in this clip :roll: or mu-ham-head for that matter. "Oy vey goy women must be silent and are filth".

This is actual misogyny. Not mansplaining on the train or preferring traditional roles or even walking up to a girl to talk to her simply because you find her attractive for fuck sake.

Correct, that is actual full blown misogyny.

These creatures say that if a woman has her hair out or on display this will burn her and all her descendants for a thousand years.

Basically most women have no clue what real and actual misogyny is on the objective reality as they generally live in an aquarium condition in the United States and Europe (created by the society and people they try to victimize for boundless "misogyny", in fact to protect them from actual incidents of violence and misogyny, which involve violence, stoning and complete lack of any feminine expression).

If beliefs like the above take over it's over for "women", beauty will disappear from this world.

The same is attempted in the West but towards men now, because kikes always know how to play both sides. By censoring the female or male energy, a society will unavoidably get into a catastrophe or just exist on the pig level of consciousness.

One Rabbi in this kike video is this same top jew that said that "Jews are aliens from another planet sent to conquer earth".
I want to say in relation to Nietzsche, he brings up a lot of good points. The overall tendency of feminism, even in his day, was generally to weaken the influence, mystique and power of women, which in Nietzsche's mind is expressed by the highest-functioning and most ambitious of women that existed in the Classical world. For him the enemy project was dedicated to making women boring and exactly like their bovine male counterparts in any egalitarian movement. The road to the latter is weakness, irrelevance and death.

Nowadays there are more 'womens rights' than ever yet women who are individuals and of strong mind are categorically weaker, made depressed and more suppressed in every category compared with any point in history compared with mobs of female retards, vacuous morons and bullies led around by reptiles, who pretend they are the opposite to the video above but really believe the same thing.

For example, Napoleon's mother Letizia was not taught by legions of tutors and had a barebones upbringing yet her influence on history was massive. Napoleon said himself it was her ideas of discipline that cultivated his hard personality and the personalities of his brothers.
Yep. Don't forget that this is unfortunately not just a problem in the West, because what might be surprising to some people, is that there is still actually a lot of separation of "worth" and a whole bunch of expectations between males and females here in Japan.

This country isn't jew-free, either. Of course there are a lot less of them here than what I remember experiencing in the West, but these creatures ARE here too and creating all the same shit circumstances, including the current, massive rift between men and women.

- For example, at work, women are by default expected to do something for a male co-worker of equivalent status, like cleaning the desks and preparing the chairs, and often still get paid less than a male would.

- There's also a thing about standards where girls must weigh less than, like, 55 kg or they're automatically "fat".
We have women in sports who complain about developing lean muscle mass, because it can cause their weight to increase above that threshold, even though it's not actually fat. The standard revolves around the final number.

- Inquiring about age is taboo because women are expected to be married by age 25 here. There's even the term "xmas cake" for women like this, because after "25" they've "expired". Same expectation applies to guys but it's around age 30 for them.

- Did you know it's considered "unfeminine" for a woman to eat at a ramen or sutameshi place? She'll almost always be there by herself, as to not ruin her 'image' in front of her peers (unless they're already on the same page). With some exceptions like me and my friends, of course. Lmao.

One time I even asked a girl if she liked ramen, and she refused to answer, saying it was "sensitive".

Ah, but of course, we can't forget that the jew must also ruin the opposite side: masculinity! With the odious extents of social repression, most guys would rather turn to forms of escapism like VR, games, pachinko, pornography, etc. In fact, the endless amount of entertainment facilities excessively encourage such.

Jew makes problem, then offers "solution" to same problem they were responsible for to begin with.

Do you know how many advertisements for dating and meeting apps I see around all the time, that exist just to encourage these kinds of losers to even attempt human interaction? But then those apps themselves are scams for money, too. LOL

We live in a society where guys would rather prefer masturbating to fictional characters (I could write an entire book on that subject) over actually talking to a woman.

Shadowcat said:
I took one look at this filth for barely 20 seconds and immediately one would think this could be something some muslim pulls straight out of the koran....until one remembers where the muslims get it from and who really wrote the koran. Oh and don't forget paul from the jewish bible, I'm surprised they didn't at least give him a cameo in this clip :roll: or mu-ham-head for that matter. "Oy vey goy women must be silent and are filth".

This is actual misogyny. Not mansplaining on the train or preferring traditional roles or even walking up to a girl to talk to her simply because you find her attractive for fuck sake.

It also doesn't help that speaking to strangers outside is often automatically perceived as trying to pick them up, or selling/recruiting/wanting something, which then causes fear of reprehension or backlash in anyone who genuinely desires human interaction.

This applies to Korea too. Especially over there, actually, because they still have xians bible thumping your ass on the daily from what I know, and people instantly assume it's gonna be about that if you try to talk to them in public. And I'm not even gonna mention Southeast Asia (either extremely muslim or xtian; Maharlikan666 relayed on this very well) and how people treat women there.

The extent of repression and attack on both masculinity and femininity, is one of the many deliberate procedures forged specifically to bring about societal collapse. And who's to blame for this? A bunch of hook-nosed, mouse-eared, ugly ass fucking reptiles. Sons of bitches continue destroying civilizations all over the world to this day.

Slightly less formal tone than how I usually speak, and potentially a little off-topic, but I'm livid.

Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This remonds me of a theory I developed in my study of the zohar in an attempt to develop better defenses. Thetree of life seems to be a spell to curse/bindthe feminine aspect of God, as represented by "Malkuth." Malkuth is also associated with lilith, and portrayed in the zohar as "egoistic," which means it is everything their psychopathic soul is against. Whats more, according to the zohar, the entire thing isheld together by this malkuth element.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
I took one look at this filth for barely 20 seconds and immediately one would think this could be something some muslim pulls straight out of the koran....until one remembers where the muslims get it from and who really wrote the koran. Oh and don't forget paul from the jewish bible, I'm surprised they didn't at least give him a cameo in this clip :roll: or mu-ham-head for that matter. "Oy vey goy women must be silent and are filth".

This is actual misogyny. Not mansplaining on the train or preferring traditional roles or even walking up to a girl to talk to her simply because you find her attractive for fuck sake.

Correct, that is actual full blown misogyny.

These creatures say that if a woman has her hair out or on display this will burn her and all her descendants for a thousand years.

Basically most women have no clue what real and actual misogyny is on the objective reality as they generally live in an aquarium condition in the United States and Europe (created by the society and people they try to victimize for boundless "misogyny", in fact to protect them from actual incidents of violence and misogyny, which involve violence, stoning and complete lack of any feminine expression).

If beliefs like the above take over it's over for "women", beauty will disappear from this world.

The same is attempted in the West but towards men now, because kikes always know how to play both sides. By censoring the female or male energy, a society will unavoidably get into a catastrophe or just exist on the pig level of consciousness.

One Rabbi in this kike video is this same top jew that said that "Jews are aliens from another planet sent to conquer earth".

Yeah, theyre all very explicit arent they. Its just most of the language they use is heavily saturated in their own modes of thought, so that their supremist gibberish is literally baked into countless distribution.
The Zohar goes into explicit details as to how the destruction of peoples souls is arranged so as to facilitate the development of a "jewish soul" afterwards. According to it, their "creator"s effect on the physical world is derived from the hebrew letters, while the tree of lightis literally the power source, containing the "foundation" as of this meta-hex.
There are also occultists who believe that women are only good to absorb the man's harmful or destructive energy, allowing the man to become a God, but the women are not considered to become Goddesses. These same types think all Gods are male, and completely disregard females entirely. Julius Evola for example.

The division between the genders is just so strange. There are men who truly only think in terms of men, and think of women as an after-thought of insignificance. There are some women like that too, who disregard men.

Would Alexander the Great have been as great as he was, if it weren't for his deeply spiritual mother Olympias? As well, he inherited his bloodline lineage from her, not from his father. Not everything is about the man and the male lineage.

In Ancient Egypt, the women had just as much land rights and financial/business rights as men, and the mothers passed down their money and property to their daughters, while the men passed down to their sons. If no sons, then to the daughters, not to other male relatives. Daughters were just as much of a blessing as sons were, not a burden. And a husband had no control over his wife's money or property.
Shadowcat said:
I am curious now that this is mentioned again but do you think there could be any spiritual or occult significance or indication of soul power from past lives if a woman or girl starts her period early? Some start as early as 9 or 10!. My first one was when I was 10 and right on my solar return.

Well, no, because I was 14 (2 weeks before I turned 14 to be exact) and I certainly am not inept with spirituality. Lol. I've been practicing witchcraft since I was less than 5 years old, trancing from age less than 5, etc.
So well spoken. These "women" are indeed extremely toxic and I'm just starting to catch a glimpse of it IRL.

They act all knowing and any voice of confidence/self-assurance is always challenged by their opinion, even if it's petty and hypothetical.

It's a crazy world. I'll certainly look into those keywords for documentaries to gain better understanding therein. Thank you HP!!

I have a question for you guys. Does anyone know if it's actually possible for black people to be racially jewish? I've been hearing/seeing a bit of this lately.

There was this video that gave me chills (length 3:56) of some thing called Tiffany Haddish.

Warning, it's very hard to watch, the veneration of this filthy reptilian heritage. I had to clean my aura and do an RTR right after as it made me feel gross. :?


I randomly found this site one day by searching to see if 'Jewtube' would come up as slang. Nope, you've gotta put 'slang' next to 'jewtube'. :roll:
I've got so much to say to this bs in society. Being on the receiving end of how men are getting treated like shit by women.

As Cobra put elsewhere the skankdom. When a woman waste a man's time in getting friend zoned or "friends first" bs while getting spoiled, free meals, free rides and blowing up his bank account. I recently been in dating scene awhile and that's exactly what Ive encountered. Most of these women act horrible, self entitled, narcissistic, and "victims". One time some woman got so mad at me when I told her I wasnt a big drinker and she wanted to go to a club. Their way or the high way. And then you got women who are obese, and missing teeth. 🤢 Most of the gentile women are supporting interracial relationships, like on dating apps they say they want black men only. Or I get loads of black women wanting to go out with me. I think the enemy agenda is to deprive us real live and connection with our own that we will eventually give in. It hurts me right now as I wrote this due to loneliness I feel for a life time partner. To the point I'm in tears.

Nope I wouldn't do it. I've encountered nothing but these issues.

How the fuck am I supposed to treat women now days in the West. I'm so pissed off it has been tempting to treat them with misogyny because I'm tired of the bs BUT I know better. I just can't go that direction of hatred. Yes I'm angry, and hurt but I never been a hateful person.

So. Cobra, would you have any advice on relations for men I'm a society of women that get their advice from jewess women? I did read of your support of Andrew Tate but I've seen some of his videos so I don't know. Any advice on relations with women etc or even maybe communication to attract a soulmate would be helpful I'm sure not only to me but other men as well.
Shadowcat said:
I took one look at this filth for barely 20 seconds and immediately one would think this could be something some muslim pulls straight out of the koran....until one remembers where the muslims get it from and who really wrote the koran. Oh and don't forget paul from the jewish bible, I'm surprised they didn't at least give him a cameo in this clip :roll: or mu-ham-head for that matter. "Oy vey goy women must be silent and are filth".

This is actual misogyny. Not mansplaining on the train or preferring traditional roles or even walking up to a girl to talk to her simply because you find her attractive for fuck sake.
It came to thought also how they want us to relate women to the most lowest form, I mean sexually. That's why the porn industry is there. Abusive! It's so bad that some women have even accepted these programing for no reason or for any reason ( maybe money).
One needs to step back and look at this aspect very well and recondition for better.
Dragonheart666 said:
THANK YOU FOR SHARING THIS!!! 🔥🙏 Hail Satan Hail Lilith !!!

Please learn how to properly structure your posts, this is a nightmare to read. Thank you in advance.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

An Islamic cult leader allowed his daughter to marry at the age of 6, and the man is Jewish. I thought how could he do such a thing to someone of his own blood, and now I understand better.
FatalStrategies said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This remonds me of a theory I developed in my study of the zohar in an attempt to develop better defenses. Thetree of life seems to be a spell to curse/bindthe feminine aspect of God, as represented by "Malkuth." Malkuth is also associated with lilith, and portrayed in the zohar as "egoistic," which means it is everything their psychopathic soul is against. Whats more, according to the zohar, the entire thing isheld together by this malkuth element.

There is nothing really spiritual in Judaism, it's just an expression of the kikes on how everyone else sucks but them, and how the evil dudes are blonde and blue eyed who try to holocaust them, and how they must kill every Gentile race they ever had a beef with, and how this is "God's plan", then enslave the rest.

Then a lot of insanity and audacity on why this is the case and nobody can argue that because they are "Amalek, Esau, Satanic".

Accumulated complexes and insanity of the kikes over a couple thousand years, some based on actual history and some on invented history, and just a bloodthirst to turn other people into a pile of shit or enslave them.

Every symbol and God of their enemies is the "Demon", and their bullshit which is stolen verbatim from the people they learned to have a religion because they never had one, is hated because of the hate of the thief towards his victims.

That's Judaism. And some stupid goy believed it as they made three versions, one wrapped with Solar Paganism [Christianity], another with Arabic Paganism [Islam] and they keep the main excrement version.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=408902 time=1671872366 user_id=57]
Shadowcat said:
I am curious now that this is mentioned again but do you think there could be any spiritual or occult significance or indication of soul power from past lives if a woman or girl starts her period early? Some start as early as 9 or 10!. My first one was when I was 10 and right on my solar return.

Well, no, because I was 14 (2 weeks before I turned 14 to be exact) and I certainly am not inept with spirituality. Lol. I've been practicing witchcraft since I was less than 5 years old, trancing from age less than 5, etc.

Thanks, I just thought it might have some significance or give a hint towards maybe a certain sensitivity.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=408898 time=1671871094 user_id=57]Would Alexander the Great have been as great as he was, if it weren't for his deeply spiritual mother Olympias? As well, he inherited his bloodline lineage from her, not from his father. Not everything is about the man and the male lineage.

In Ancient Egypt, the women had just as much land rights and financial/business rights as men, and the mothers passed down their money and property to their daughters, while the men passed down to their sons. If no sons, then to the daughters, not to other male relatives. Daughters were just as much of a blessing as sons were, not a burden. And a husband had no control over his wife's money or property.

There is a story that tells that the real father of Alexander the Great was an Egyptian pharaoh who was the lover of Olympias, I do not know if this was true or just a legend, but it has always been very interesting to me.
Larissa666 Thank you. ❤️ I probably got a little carried away because of the anger that I was feeling after watching those videos! I just figured that I had to get out whatever I had to say! And yes I took the time to look at my post and read through it! And it is most definitely a mess! Thank you for pointing that out to me.... I appreciate that. And I apologize! 🙂

This reminds me of the time when I was watching some rabbi named Amnon Yitchzak and his sermons, claimed that women shouldn't drive. The guy was a Yemenite Jew...at that point, I couldn't even distinguish whether I was listening to a rabbi or an imam (same difference anyway) and his accent sounded Arabic too, so I wouldn't doubt he probably puts on an Islamic turban when he's done playing rabbi and preaches the same bullshit hatred against the Free World (just rebranded obviously), wouldn't doubt if he secretly works with his buddies in Saudi/Jewish Arabia or Iran.

One of the most common complaints I've seen in society among Gentile world, is from men who have crushes on pretty Muslim girls - I myself was one. An Arab Muslim girl I had a crush on had a very social and radiating personality, we got along, one may say we may have even ended up together, however her parents AND her brothers literally cage her in the house, while they men all go out, drinking, partying, smoking hookah and having sex with "evil blonde women" that they so-speak about murdering in their dumb religion, race-mixing bullshit. I couldn't be anymore disgusted.

However, a friend of mine actually got lucky - and was able to date an Arab Christian girl from Syria, who was Greek Orthodox (energies of jealousy spike up lol!) I gotta say, the "Christians" of the Arab World have quite decent personalities, they're actually quite Gnostic and Secular in their mentality. Plus, the reason I sympathize with the "Arab Christians" and "Christians of the Arab World" (not the same thing in terms of race) is they're a lot of more defensive of Ancient pre-garbage/Abrahamic culture - THAT is the real reason why the Mudslimes wanna kill Arab Christians or Arabic-speaking Christians, not because "Christianity is good" - but because Arab Christians are more preservative of Ancient culture. Unlike the dumbfuckery I'm about to describe below.

It obviously isn't any better in CHristianinsanity. Fucking people like the retard moron below wanna be the "face" of American patriotism!? And yes....unfortunately, I've actually stumbled and met these types of people in church (back when I used to go).


Which is quite frankly, why I can't take conservative Christians seriously when they go bitch and whine about Islam's treatment of women - as if their religions views women any better (as a matter of fact, I've seen many Muslim apologetics even boasting about how the bibLIE actually supports and condones Islam, and on that part i'll agree - it does 'cuz like all else, the Quran was purposely created from torah teachings), and then curse themselves even more by supporting Zionist Pissrael, the literal source of it ALL in a complete act of dumbfuckery hypocrisy. Just dumbfuck jewish corporation lambasting another dumbfuck jewish corporation.

I recall a memory from my Xian days when I was trying to search for Christian music, I stumbled one of those random "home-made" music videos - it was literally nothing more but a stereotypical wannabe country video, guy treating his wife and his crying kid like shit, leaving the house all pissed off to go drive his humongous ultra-expensive lifted truck (that quite frankly, farmers and ranchers don't even drive). Guy signing sounded like a typical spoiled mansion urbanite faking a country accent in the name of the failed pathetic rabbi - an insult to real true country people. (...on a rather short note, "country culture" is different everywhere, so I don't know what's the deal when foreign nations import "American country music [Xian BS hollywood jewish BS]" and try to have their ppl dressing in flannels and driving pickup trucks...)

And about Aristotle yep, time and time again, back in college when we'd talk about his so-called "views on women" - as always, it turned out to be an allegory and not literal, as the memory popped when I read your post about sex and rape in mythology. Followers of "feces religions" as you refer it took it for a literal sense, corrupted it and that's how we get the status of women in these religions from the kosher shitter.
Wotanwarrior said:
There is a story that tells that the real father of Alexander the Great was an Egyptian pharaoh who was the lover of Olympias, I do not know if this was true or just a legend, but it has always been very interesting to me.

Thank you, I didn't know that.

Beautiful profile picture, btw :)
Indeed, for every action there is an equal opposite reaction. The "war of the sexes" has all of my life seemed ubiquitous and pointless. It is the most unproductive and needlessly divisive aspect that one encounters in so many circles. Either way, whether misogynist or misandrist, it is such an ugly and useless thing. Naturally, when left to run its course, people generally have fewer conflicts with members of the opposite sex and more conflicts with members of their same sex. There are some exceptions, there are going to be some problematic relationships either way, but all in all most people are more likely to have some sort of conflict with a member of their same sex and less likely to have some sort of conflict with a member of the opposite sex. I have always noticed that only very weak men really have consistent conflicts with women in general. As for the women, most of the women I have ever known seem to naturally be in opposition to other women unless it is a friend of hers or similar relationship. They tend to be comparatively "clannish" as it were. I am reminded of how weak it made someone like Tommy Sotomayor seem when he got his foot bashed in that fight with that gap-tooth hooker on the Fruity & Fugly podcast earlier this year. The whole fight broke out because of some stupid drama over who was or was not interested in having sex with this or that person. Tommy started getting very vocal despite claiming men to be so "even-tempered" and "rational" compared to women. One thing led to another, she got physical, and Tommy soon found himself in a boot-cast. At the time the whole thing seemed very stupid, but when a female Youtuber did her take on what happened it really occurred to me precisely what I thought was "off" about the whole incident: a belligerent, highly-emotionally-charged man arguing with and ultimately physically fighting with some woman over something really stupid and pointless. I feel that these guys need to practice what they preach and keep to the whole "strong and aloof" man if they want to avoid those kinds of situations. Women seem to have no respect for men that behave like some hot-blooded out-of-control "gal-pal" of hers. I have known of women to refer to such hot-blooded men as "chicks with dicks". Ultimately, whenever I see some huge argument between a bunch of men and usually just one woman in some comments section or on some forum somewhere, I am reminded of the phrase "chick with a dick". These guys literally act like what they criticize women for. Then, naturally, for every action there is an equal opposite reaction, and we get plenty of utterly ridiculous behavior from many of the women in response to this nonsense, and round and round we go until everyone has wasted a lot of time and accomplished nothing from the fighting. They all just find themselves exhausted and frustrated, with nothing at all to show for it.
This may be slightly off topic, but why did Friedrich Nietzsche in his "Antichrsit" talk highly about the "original" Jesus and Christianity? Even though the spirit of his entire book is antithesis to Jesus, who preached everything the Jews preach.
I just can't not share this because this will be deleted:

Right from the horsemouth - the Haaretz, main jewish internet journal:

Orthodox Judaism Treats Women Like Filthy Little Things

If a man and a woman are drowning in a river, first they'll save the man, 'who is obligated to perform more commandments,' whereas a woman's 'wisdom is only in the spindle.' In fact, 'words of Torah should be burned rather than being given to women.'
Yossi SaridDec 30, 2011

If you would like to know the source from which your brothers derive their brazen behavior, go over to the study hall and open a page of Talmud. It's true that the Torah has 70 faces, but the trend of these faces is clear: The source of the pollution is in halakha (Jewish law ) itself. What is happening in Beit Shemesh and its satellites is not "contrary to halakha," it is mandated by halakha. And the rest will be told to the grandmothers, daughters and granddaughters.

Anyone ignoramus knows that the Torah's "ways are ways of pleasantness," that "the honor of a king's daughter is within," and that "proper behavior comes before the Torah," but it's worth knowing more. It's worth knowing that a woman is unfit to be a judge, and is also unfit to give testimony. She is unfit for any public position with authority. "Thou shalt appoint a king over thee" - a king and not a queen.

A daughter, commanded the sages, must not be taught Torah, because "the mind of woman is not suited to be taught, but [only] to words of nonsense." Women are light-minded and have little knowledge.

And if a man and a woman are drowning in a river, first they'll save the man, "who is obligated to perform more commandments," whereas a woman's "wisdom is only in the spindle." In fact, "words of Torah should be burned rather than being given to women."

A man must say three blessings every day during morning prayers: He thanks God "that He didn't make me a gentile, that He didn't make me a woman, that He didn't make me an ignoramus." And it's not proper to speak to a woman too much, since "all her conversation is nothing but words of adultery," and whoever talks to her too much "causes evil to himself and will end up inheriting hell." And let's not even talk about the fate of someone "who looks even at a woman's little finger."

The extremists who spit at women, who call themselves Sikarikim, learned their lesson 101 times and learned it well: A husband would do well not to let his wife go outside, into the street, and should restrict her outings "to once or twice a month, as necessary, since a woman has no beauty except by sitting in the corner of her house."

Because inside the house - very deep inside - her glorious honor awaits her: "Every woman washes her husband's face and feet and pours him a cup and prepares his bed and stands and serves her husband. And any woman who refrains from doing any of these tasks that she is obligated to perform - is forced to do them." Some recommend forcing her with a whip or by starvation "until she gives in."

And needless to say, she is at her husband's disposal whenever he is overcome by a desire "to satisfy his urges with her." And if she continues to rebel, he always has the right "to divorce her without her consent."

And there are many similar halakhot, only a few of which we have collected here. Nor have we cited everything in the name of the ones who said them, for lack of space. The readers are invited to find the references on Shabbat - and to browse around - on their own; this is a good opportunity for study. We will direct your attention to Tractate Shabbat, which does a good job of summing up halakha's attitude toward women: "a sack full of excrement" with a bleeding hole.

Some people will seek to console themselves: It's true that this is the halakha both m'doraita (from the Torah ) and m'drabanan (from the rabbis ), but that is not what is taught nowadays. But it suffices to listen to the sermon the sage Rabbi Ovadia Yosef delivered five years ago, based on the well-known halakhic work "Kitzur Shulchan Aruch": "A man must take care not to walk between two women or between two dogs or two pigs, and men should also not allow a woman or a dog or a pig to walk between them."

Treating women as impure and filthy begins with halakha and continues with actions. As long as the religious and ultra-Orthodox parties - Shas, United Torah Judaism, Habayit Hayehudi and National Union, none of which have any women in the Knesset - are not disqualified, their nakedness will continue to sing out and the nakedness of the land will be revealed.

Source https://www.haaretz.com/2011-12-30/ty-article/orthodox-judaism-treats-women-like-filthy-little-things/0000017f-f0c8-dc28-a17f-fcfff69b0000

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
